Western Civ 1

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Which of the following did Aristotle favor as the best government for most people in his Politics?


Cleisthenes' reforms established the Athenian government as


The hoplite phalanx relied for its success on

discipline and teamwork

Many scholars today

doubt that the early books of the Hebrew Bible reflects the true history of the Israelites.

All of the following are prominent features of Greece's topography EXCEPT

extensive open plains

Unlike the rivers in Mesopotamia, the Nile River

floods predictably at the same time every year

Sumerian kings derived their authority from


The term "civilization" refers to human societies which, amongst other features,

have an urban focus and a distinct religious structure

The mystery cults and religions of the Hellenistic world

helped pave the way for the success of Christianity

The Greek Parthenon

is considered the greatest example of classical Greek temple architecture.

The Assyrian army was able to conquer and maintain an empire due to

its ability to use diversified military tactics


maintained that people could gain inner peace by seeking virtue and living according to nature.

Growing appreciation of astronomy among European peoples after 4000 B.C.E. is best seen in

megalithic observatories.

Mesopotamian religion was

one in which no one god reigned supreme and deities were closely related to cities.

Plato, in The Republic, imagines a perfect society ruled by

philosopher kings

In his Philippics, Demosthenes

portrayed Philip II as a looming threat to Greek freedom.

Which one of the following is NOT considered part of the Judeo-Christian heritage in West Civilization?


Improvements in trade and commerce in the Hellenistic world were greatly aided by all of the following EXCEPT

revolutionary innovations in agriculture

Unlike the women of most other Greek cities, Spartan women were expected to

stay physically fit to bear healthy children.

The Lycurgan reforms resulted in

the establishment of a permanent military state in Sparta

Gilgamesh was

the hero of a Sumerian epic poem.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the Assyrian government?

the king's power was absolute; they were vicars of the Assyrian god Ashur

All of the following are believed to be developments of the Paleolithic Age EXCEPT

the regular production of food through agriculture.

Alexander's military success against the Persians was in part attributable to

the role of Alexander's cavalry as a strike force

Originally the Osiris cult was reserved for

the wealthy who could afford preservation of the body

The Hittites played an important role in the history of the Middle East because they

transmitted Mesopotamian culture to the west, especially to the Mycenaean Greeks

Hellenistic sculpture

was more emotional and realistic than classical Greek sculpture.

The destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.E. and the Babylonian Captivity of the people of Judah occurred at the hands of the


Darius accomplished all of the following EXCEPT

Conquering Egypt

Who maintained that the only things that exist are atoms moving through the void?


One of the few female pharaohs was


What were the chief characteristics of the Greek Dark Age?

It was a period of migrations and declining food production.

The term wanax refers to Mycenaean


The Antigonid kingdom was located in


The neighbors of the Spartans who were free inhabitants and required to pay taxes and perform military service but who were not citizens of Sparta were


Pairing Token: 9171-3cfc


The Greek general who took Egypt after Alexander's death and converted it into the longest-lasting Hellenistic kingdom was


What was the greatest difference between education during the Hellenistic period and education during the classical period?

Rather than being a private enterprise, Hellenistic education became a duty of cities and their governments.

In the first century B.C.E., Egypt became a province of


Invasions in the twelfth century by which of the following people ended Egyptian power in Canaan?

Sea Peoples

Which of the following Hellenistic kingdoms was the largest and controlled much of the old Persian Empire?


Which of the following is true of Greece from c. 750 to c. 500 B.C.E.?

The polis evolved into the central institution in Greek life.

The original Indo-Europeans possibly came from

The steppe region north of the Black Sea

Ahuramazda was the supreme Persian god.


Cyrus the Great permitted the Jews to return to Jerusalem after his capture of Babylon.


Historians relying on the same source material provide vastly different pictures of Alexander the Great in their assessments of his life and legacy.


The Greeks and the Romans, Indo-European speakers, derived their alphabet from the Semitic-speaking Phoenicians.


The Greeks halted the Persian attempt to attack mainland Greece during the reign of Darius at the Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C.E.


The most prominent structure in a Sumerian city was a temple called a ziggurat.


The vast majority of scholars do believe that Homer's Iliad has a basis in fact.


Which of the following phrases best describes the social situation of most Greek women?

Women were kept under strict control, cut off from formal education, and were always assigned a male guardian.

In general, during the imperialistic New Kingdom, Egyptian government changed by

a gradual lessening in the power of pharaohs over their neighbors.

Tyranny in the Greek polis arose as

a reaction to aristocratic power and a widening gulf between the rich and the poor.

The Persian Empire's system of satrapies allowed for

a sensible system of collecting tribute based on an area's productive capacity.

The economic life of the Hellenistic world was characterized by

a significant shift in industry and manufacturing from Greece to the east.

The Phoenicians' contributions to the ancient Near East included

a simplified alphabet and system of writing

Assyrian society was well known for its

assimilation of other cultures and development of a polyglot society.

The Delian League

became an instrument of Athenian imperialism.

The Hellenistic states in the centuries after Alexander the Great

became despotic monarchies

What was the primary difference between the philosophy of the Greek classical period and philosophy during the Hellenistic period?

Hellenistic philosophy dealt more with human happiness disassociated from the life of the polis.

Which of the following was NOT true of Greek religion?

Myths served no particular social function

The first of the great writers of tragedy whose plays survived was Aeschylus.


Philip II planned to defeat the Greek cities by

breaking up their hoplite formations with cavalry

In ancient civilizations, bronze would replace copper because

bronze was harder and more durable

The Sumerian government

came to view kings as agents of their gods.

According to the biblical account, Solomon's most revered contribution to the Hebrew society was to

construct the Temple, the symbolic center of the Hebrew religion and society.

The Assyrians are important in history for their innovations in

empire building

The Hebrew Bible

focuses on the basic theme of the necessity of the Hebrews to obey their God.

The board of ten officials known as strategoi in Athens consisted of


The surviving works of the Greek historian Polybius demonstrate

his following of Thucydides in seeking rational motives for historical events.

The Epic of Gilgamesh teaches that

human life is difficult and immortality is only for the gods

All of the following are true of the Hebrew conception of God EXCEPT

there was no room for personal relationships with him, as his word was law.

The most famous of the megalithic constructions of Europe is


The Persian Royal Road stretched from Sardis to the capital at


An especially important cultural center with the largest library in ancient times was


The Battle of Marathon was a victory for

Athenian hoplites

The Ishtar Gate sat outside the city of


Which of the following is NOT an Indo-European language?


After the death of Alexander the Great, his lead general, Ptolemy, ruled for fifteen years in Alexander's name from Bactria to Macedonia.


Alexander of Macedonia personally killed the Persian king Darius III soon after the Battle of Guagamela.


Like most other empires in the ancient world, the Assyrians refused to mix their conquered peoples with native Assyrians and instead kept those who were conquered isolated and separated from each other and from the Assyrian rulers.


Most biblical scholars claim that most of the early books of the Hebrew Bible accurately reflect the historical events of the Israelites.


Nebuchadnezzar rebuilt the city of Nineveh, making it the Persian capital, and there he erected the Ishtar Gate, which opened on to the Triumphal Way.


Outside of Judea, the vast majority of Diaspora Jews completely assimilated themselves into Hellenistic society, becoming participating citizens in the various urban activities.


The Medes and the Persians were both Semitic speakers.


The first hominid to leave Africa and move into Europe and Asia was Homo sapiens.


The word "theocracy" means "rule by the strongest."


Unlike the Epicureans, the Stoics believed that complete withdrawal from the public world of politics and society was necessary in the quest for a passive and unattached life.


The greatest trade product in the Hellenistic world was


Which of the following was NOT one of Philip II's military reforms?

He abandoned the phalanx formation as too ineffective and inefficient.

Hominids existed as long as 3 to 4 million years ago in

In Africa

Alexander the Great's troops rebelled when he made the decision to invade and capture


After the death of Solomon, tensions between the northern and southern tribes led to the establishment of two kingdoms, the kingdom of ____ and the kingdom of ____.

Israel and Judah

All of the following are correct about Byblos EXCEPT:

It was an Egyptian commercial center

"The unexamined life is not worth living" is a cornerstone of the philosophy of


One of the chief causes of the Peloponnesian War was

Sparta's fear of the power of Athens and its maritime empire

The Greek historian Thucydides differed from Herodotus in that the former

was unconcerned with spiritual forces as a factor in history

The Hittites

were an Indo-European speaking people.

Spartan helots

were conscripted to fight in the city's phalanx

Punishments for crimes under the Code of Hammurabi

were more severe for the lower classes.

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