western civilization: semester 1 final

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ancient egyptian history is divided into...major periods


alliance of greek city states

Delian League

the hoplite phalynx was

a greek military orginization of heavily armed infantry

the physical environment of the Mesopotamians generally led to..

a pessimistic outlook with an emphasis on satisfying their angry gods

the tradition of the hebrews states that they were descendant of the partiarch _____ who had migrated from mesopotamia to the land of palestine


the words of hebrew prophets..

advocated social justice by condemning the rich for mistreating the poor

in zoroastrianism the evil spritit was known as...


an especially imprtant cultural center with the largest library in ancient times was


the nile river provided ancient egyptians with

an excellent artery of transportation

the continues pursuit of excellence


ankenaten wanted egyptians to focus soleley on the worship of which destiny?


the immediate cause of the persian war was...

athenian support of a revolt of the ionian greek colonies

all of the following are themses represented in hellenistic mystery religions that may have paved the way for all except

broad exceptance of all peoples regardless of gender or social class

the destruction of jereusalem in 586BC and the babylonian captivity of the hebrews occured at the hands of the....


the Mesopotamian government..

came to view their kings as absolute representatives of their god

egyptians famously had a high instance of toteism or animal worship. One animal in particular was mummified and honored more than other. what animal was this?


the cave in southern france, discovered in 1994, and that 300 hundred paintings of animals is known as the...

chauvet cave

what were the first and second great inventions of the southern mesopotamia?

cities and writing

the cynic diogenes used his unique and crude behavior to mock..

civilizations and societies values and institutions

the egyptian pyramids were..

conceived and built as tombs for a city of the dead

Soloman's most revered contribution to the Hebrew society was to

construct the temple, the symbolic center of the hebrew religion and society

socrates was condemned for death for

corrupting the youth of athens

ancient mesopotamian written language is known as..


which jewish king is reponsible for conquering the city of jerusalem making it the hebrew capitol city


the plilllipics were a series of orations in which

demosthenes attempted to convince the athenians to fight against philip

the first domesticated animal was the...


the early neolithic revolution saw all of the following technical developments except the..

domestication of animals

Why was Egypt more politically stable, confident, and self-sufficient than Mesopotamia?

egypts geography left it isolated and protected from frequent turmoil

the assyrian and babylolian attacks makred the beginning of the diaspora or

emigration of hebrews from isreal to other lands

five leaders of ancient sparta who shared power with the two spartan kings


the philisophocal school that stresses happiness through freeing oneself from political life to persue please and happiness was


which of the following statements concerning zoroastrianism is false?

eventually it regress into a type of polytheism

Egypt's Old Kingdom ended for all of the following except

foreign invasion

what was the primary and most significant differance between the philosphy of the greek classical period and the philiosphy during the hellenistic period?

hellenistic philospy dealth with more human happiness dissasociated with the issues of the rulers of the polis

agricultural slaves in ancient sparta made military based society possible


the original egyptian script is known as ...


alexander kept two items under his pillow, what were they?

his dagger and the iliad

mosain law due to all its excompasing nature can be cahrecterized as a ____ law code


dark age poet responsible for the iliad and the oddysey, tmeplate for greek values


a heavily armed foot soldier of ancient greece


the epic of gilgamesh teaches that..

human life is difficult and immortality is only for the gods

all of the following helped make assyria an efffeciant military machine accept for..

humane treatment of prisoners

Ultimately, alexander's expansion ended when he encountered heavy resistance fighting in...


hellenisitic scientist were able to accomplish all of the following except

invent a crude telescope

After the death of Solomon, tensions between the northern and southern tribes led to the establishment of two kingdoms, the kingdom of ____ and the kingdom of ____.

isreal and judah

what was the major impact of the hyskos conquest and rule on egyptian history?

it prompted the rulers of egypts new kingdom to create an empire

which of the following best explains the porpose of an acropolis

it was a fortified hill in an acient greek city state, oftentimes people would retreat her during an attack, also housed the temple to the patron god of the polis

All of the following are correct about babylos except...

it was a persian commercial center

which of the following statements best charecterizes the "Lost tribes of Isreal"

jews held in babylonian captivity

the largest and so-called "great pyramid" of Egypt was named for the king it was built for. who is it?


temple structure in archain crete which housed evidenve of a wealthy trading society


which of the following was not a part of the hebrew mosaic law?

kosher law

in sparta

life resembled that of military camp


maintained that people could gain inner peace by seeking virtue and living according to nature.

which of the following egyptian gods was most closely associated with the mummification of the dead


temporary banishment by popular vote of a citizen considered dangerous to the state


which of these would be charecterized as the closest to gender qualtiy during this time period?

paleolithic era

the neighborhoods of the spartans who were free inhabitants and required to pay taxes and perform military services but who were not citizens of sparta were called


the most religiosly tolerant and effeciant in the near eastern empires was the ...


a body of troops standing or moving in close formation


the hillside upon which the ancient athenians practiced direct democracy


a city state in ancient greece considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes


the early egyptian pharaohs ruled and derived their authority from the..

principle of Ma'at

most historians and egyptologists beleive that the spyinxs purpose was to...

protect the dead in giza from evil sprits and gods

the Egyptians believed that the sun was protected by the god..


which of the following were not contained in the ark of the covenant

sacred wine


stressed free will and the power of humans to choose between good and evil

The Alexandrian scholar Euclid's most famous achievement was

sytematizing the study of geometry

at the battle of gaugamela

the Greeks under Alexander were able to break the center of the Persian line and with boldness turn the battle into a rout.

according to lefors the most indexial or central idea(most importatn) in judiasm next to monotheism is the concept of....

the covenant

the hellenistic era describes an age that saw

the extension and imitation of Greek culture throughout the ancient Near East.

syncretism in the hellenistic world can be best described as

the grouping or unifying of different essentially as the same

the exodus in the old testament refers to...

the hebrews flight from egypt under the guidance of moses

all of the following are beleived to be developements of the paleolithic age except...

the regular production of food through agriculture

phillip of macedonia developed his love from greek culture while being held hostage in


the phonecians contributions to the ancient near east included all but...

their defeat and destruction of the hebrews twelve tribes

The narrow pass where 9000 Greek hoplites under the leadership of Spartan king Leonidas held a Persian army


which of the following best describes why spartans feared contact with other cultures

they beleived that this contact would lead to new ideas that would weaken their culture and government

Why did the Hebrew civilization endure and remain largely immune to assimilation, unlike the other civilizations of the early ancient world?

they developed a singular religios identity and core beleifs

athens superior naval vessel enhanced by a third set of rower


the neolithic period connotes the move to what kind of society?


the most famous scientist of his era archimededs of syracuse was responsible for all but

using vivesection to better understand human anatomy

hellenistic sculpture

was more emotional and realistic than classical Greek sculpture.

In general, separate early Greek communities

were isolated and became fierce rivals fighting so often as to threaten Greek civilization itself

The scientific foundations of medicine made by Alexandrian physicians

were made possible thorugh the use of disection and vivesection

Punishments for crimes under the Code of Hammurabi

were more severe for the lower classes

all of the following are prominent features of greeces topography except..

wide open plains throughout the peninsula

Prehistory is normally thought of as that period before the invention of


rememberance of the maccabean revolt is celabrated during the jewish holida y of


upon the death of alexander

He left his empire to "the best"

the greatest interantional sea traders(merchants) of the ancient near east were the


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