Western Civilization Unit 7 Terms

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Greek Revolt

1821 - 1830; Greece. Led by Alex Ypsilanti and it was an uprising against the Ottoman Turks. The revolution was successful, as Greece won their independence in 1830.

Monroe Doctrine

1823 United States policy to prevent European nations from reestablishing colonies in South America. Its objective was to free the Latin American countries from European intervention. Led to the independence of 21 Latin American nations (Mexico, Peru, Etc.)

Revolutions of 1830

1830 - A wave of revolutions in Europe, including those in France, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, and Poland. They were a challenge to the congress system. These revolutions were followed by another wave in 1848.

Corn Laws

tariffs during 1815-1846 to protect corn prices in the United Kingdom and Ireland from cheap foreign imports. The repeal of these laws in 1846 was one of the reasons why England did not have a revolution in 1848.

Richard Arkwright

(1732-1792) British man considered the father of the modern industrial factory system and his inventions (water frame) were a catalyst for the Industrial Revolution. Also owner of the first factory.

James Watt

Born January 19, 1736 in Scotland. He was an inventor whose steam engine contributed substantially to the Industrial Revolution.June days in June 23-28, 1848 a uprising of workers in response to the plans to close the national workshops in France. National guard was called to put down the protest and 10,000 people were killed or injured in the process.

Holy Alliance

Czar Alexander I of Russia, King Frederick William III of Prussia, and Emperor Francis I of Austria signed this agreement in 1815. They pledged to base their relations with other nations on Christian principles in order to combat the forces of revolution.

National Workshops

Factories seized by the socialist program of Louis Blanc provided employment for the unemployed by the French second Republic after the 1848 Revolution. Led to higher taxes on property owners. The closure of this sparked the June riots of 1848.

Louis Napoleon

First President of France's Second Republic and nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte. He declared himself emperor of the French and ruled from December 2, 1852 to September 4, 1870. As emperor he had many railroads built, promoted industrialization, and support public works and as a result the French experience prosperity and had a decrease in unemployment rates.

Louis Blanc

French politician who was forced to flee France during the Revolution of 1848 after his advocacy for Socialism failed and factory workers went on strike. His ideas helped bring socialist ideas to France

Rotten Boroughs

existed prior to the Reform Act 1832 and were voting districts in England. The term "______" was used to mean a parliamentary borough with a tiny electorate. It is significant because it led to the Reform Act of 1832.


He was in power in the Austrian government from 1815 until forced out of power during the Revolution of 1848. He created the Congress System which was an alliance between Austria, Russia, Prussia, France and Britain (until 1823) which stopped revolts in Europe

Louise Philippe

He was the king of the French from 1830 to 1848; basing his rule on the support of the upper bourgeoisie, during his reign they experienced drastic industrial growth

Charles X

King of France; Brother of Louis XVIII took over after his death in 1824; Ruled as an absolute monarch in France, shut down newspapers and dissolved the Chamber (French Parliament) which sparked the Revolt in 1830 - he was exiled in the July Revolution of 1830; replaced with Louis-Philippe

Irish Potato Famine

Lasted from 1845-1850, Blight disease ruined most of the Potato crops in Ireland and caused a wide spread starvation. Nearly a million people died and many others fled to the United States and to Canada to escape the epidemic.

Karlsbad Decrees

List of resolutions issued by a conference of ministers of the major German states who met in Karlsbad in August of 1819. They met to put down student revolt groups in the German universities. Spies were used to find out about revolutionaries on university campus. Resulted in an end of student protests until 1848.

Factory Act 1833

Passed in England in 1833, it limited the number hours children could work in factories to sixty hours each week. First of a series of laws in England to improve the lives of the working class.

Reform Bill of 1832

Reform enacted in 1832 by the English Parliament to reform the voting and electoral systems. This act fixed "rotten boroughs" and gave enfranchisement to all landowners that owned land worth ten pounds or more.

Act of Union

enacted in 1801. It abolished the Irish Parliament and gave the British Parliament power over Ireland. It is important because it ended the independence of Ireland.

Second Republic

The result of the Revolution of 1848 in France. Republican government of France between 1848 and 1851. Louis Napoleon was the president of the _________.

Revolt in Spain and Italy

These took place in 1820 by wealthy liberals in order to get a new constitution. The revolts were crushed by the Holy Alliance.

The French Revolution of 1830

This revolution created a constitutional monarchy in 1830. Also Charles X and his son had to give up the right to the throne and leave France. Resulted in the reign of Louis -Philippe, the bourgeoisie monarch.

Decembrist revolt

Took place in Russia in 1825. It was caused by Alexander I death and it was to protect AGAINST Nicholas I becoming Czar (they did not want one). The revolt failed and Nicholas I took the throne.

Chartist Movement

a movement in England from 1838 until 1858 of working class male citizens. The main goal of the movement was to grant universal male suffrage. It helped to prevent an English revolt in 1848.

Enclosure Movement

a series of laws passed in the 1800's in England to sell the lands that had been shared in common by villagers. Led to farmers moving to cities for new factory jobs.


a social and economic system aimed to serve the entirety of a community by promoting economic equality and common ownership. An example of socialist was Louis Blanc who attempted to reform France following the revolt of 1848

George Stephenson

an English civil engineer who constructed the first inter-city railroad in the world for steam locomotives. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway line opened in 1830. He is known as the "Father of Railways." The invention of railroads helped tremendously with the Industrial Revolution.


the belief that people's greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. Developed in early 1800's and led to the Greek and Belgian revolts.

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