Westward Expansion Test

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Bonanza Farms.

10,00 acre farms, Wheat boom of the 1880's, population in Dakotas tripled, Overproduction in high investments, cost droughts and reliance.

Helen Hunt Jackson.

1830-1885. She wrote a century of DIshonor. Also, exposes the shameful way of the government.


A plan for Native Americans to give up their beliefs and way of life and become part of white culture.

Why were farmers in favor of monetary inflation during the Populist movement?

A- Farmers were facing deflation because of a lack of money in circulation so they called for inflation. C- Farmers wanted more greenbacks in circulation E- The farmers supported the idea of the government using free silver to print money

Does the good of Westward Expansion outweigh the bad?

A- No the good of the Westward Expansion does not outweigh the negative. The Farmers and Native Americans struggled from this. The farmers struggled with overproduction

How did Technological advancements impact the farming and the cattle industry

A- The technological advancements in the late 1800s increased farming productivity and hurt the cattle industry C- The steel plow allowed farmers to plow more land with less work and plant more crops E- The barbed wire was used by farmers to enclose their fields and limited their open range

What are Instances of social political or economic antagonism between cultural and ethnic groups that arose from Westward Expansion?

A-During westward expansion there were several issues between Native Americans C- The Dawes Act assimilated Native Americans into American culture which took away Native Americans culture and US citizens did not like this E- The Battle of Wounded Knee is a social conflict between Native American and American Citizens where at least 300 innocent Native Americans were killed.

How did advancements in technology impact the economy of the West?

Advancements in technology like railroads would impact the economy of the West by creating new jobs. C This can be seen with the Transcontinental Railroad which cuts down shipping times and travel times. E The Transcontinental Railroad allowed farmers to ship their crops back east to markets.

Farmers Alliance (The grange movement becomes the farmers alliance.)

Alliance of farmers in the mid-1870's. Called for federal regulation of railroads, more money, and creation of a state department of agriculture.

Steel plow.

Allowed farmers to cut through tough prairie sod to plant crops.

Barbed Wire.

Allowed farmers to enclose their fields with less wood for fences to keep cattle out.


Allowed water to be pumped from underground so crops could be irrigated.

American Cowboy.

American cowboys borrowed many customs from Mexican vaquero. Cattle industry helped encourage settlement out west. Cattle boom ended because of barbed wire and eventually the railroads.


Amount of money in circulation decreased.

Long Horns.

Background: 1866-1886. When the Spanish settled Mexico and Texas, they brought a tough breed of cattle with them called the LongHorn.

Gold standard

Backing currency with gold only (gold bugs= bankers/businessmen)

Dawes Act.

Broke up large reservations and gave the land to individual Native Americans. This is like the homestead act for the Natives Americans, but reduces their freedom. Native Americans were forced to become "Americanized."

Economic problems from plain farmers.

Cash crops prices began to drop and deflation occurred and a lack of money. Mortgages high interest. Deflation produces more.

Fetterman's Massacre.

Dec. 21,1866. Crazy horse and Sioux ambushed william Fettermna's troops and killed them all.

Battle of Wounded Knee.

December 29, 1890, the seventh Cavalry and rounded up 350 Sioux at wounded knee South Dakota. Quickly killed 350 unarmed Natives and this is the last major conflict with the Native American tribes.

Hardships of the Great Plains.

Droughts, floods, Fires, blizzards, Locust plaques, outlaw raids, Indian raids, and Disease.

Populist Party Platform/Omaha

Economic Reforms: Increase money in circulation(greenbacks) through free silver. So people would have money to buy goods and services. Graduated Income tax and a federal loan program. Political Reform: The election of US senators by a popular vote. Single terms for presidents and vice presidents. Single term for president and vice president. Secret voting ballot. 8 hour work day. Immigration reforms/restrictions


Exodusters were black farmers who moved West to escapeSouthern crop aliens and Jim Crow Laws.

Pacific RxR Act.

Granted government loans and huge blocks of land to RxR companies.

Settlers meet challenges of the plains.

Homes- Dugout. Clothes- women had to shear sheep and card wool to make clothes.

The 2nd Treaty of Fort Laramie.

In 1868, several Sioux tribes agreed to give up the nomadic life of the buffalo hunt and move to the "Great Sioux reservation."

The Ghost Dance.

Lakota had finally relented in 1877 and settled on a reservation under chief sitting bull. Next, they began to perform the Ghost dance ritual to removed white settlers and the government feared this due to possible Native American unification.

Cattle Boom.

Long Drive-Moving cattle from distant ranges to busy railroad centers that shipped the cattle to market.


Movement seeking to advance the interests of laborers and farmers that gave rise to the populist party(peoples party)

Massacre at Sand Creek.

Nov. 29 1864. Cheyenne massacred by militia, 200 killed. Most who were killed were innocent women and children.

Homestead Act.

Offered 160 acres of free land to anyone who would cultivate it for 5 years. This includes women and African Americams and would last from 1862-1900.

The Battle of the Little Bighorn.

On 25th June 1879 a US army regiment of 600 men was defeated by a combined 2,000 strong force of Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho. It was the worst defeat of the US army by Indians.

William Jennings Bryan

Populist party candidate who delivered the "Cross of gold speech", which attacked the gold standard.He said the gold standard would kill the farmer or laborer in the cross of gold. Using the cross of gold would kill off the farmer/ laborer Cross of gold speech is against gold not for it

The Panic of 1893

Railroads expanded faster than markets. Some went bankrupt. Governments gold supply became depleted. Led to rush on banks. Businesses, banks collapse. Panic became depression

The Grange

Set up to help farmers, many joined during economic hardships, it gave a social outlet and education form for isolated farmers. After the railroad industry for overcharging farmers.

The Transcontinental Railroad.

The Transcontinental Railroad started in 1863 and opened in 1869. The railroad created many jobs for people after the Civil War. People were able to travel a lot faster and shipping goods was much easier and quicker. Travel cut from 6 months to 7 days.

What did advocates of manifest destiny believe in?

The advocates of Manifest Destiny believed that the US should spread its history from coast to coast. This happened because of the Homestead Act which gave 160 acres of land for free if cultivated for 5 years. This also gave opportunities for both women and African Americans.

Manifest Destiny.

The belief that the US should spread its territory from coast to coast Americans believed it was their given right.

Election of 1892

The populist party is growing in popularity as their candidate weaver wins 4 states and part of 2. Plus 1 million of the 12 million popular votes

End of the long drive.

There were several factors that hurt the cattle industry. They were falling pieces, barbed wire, and harsh winters.

Red River War.

U.S army crushes Comanche resistance on the Southern plains. In 1868, the Kiowa and Comanche began a six year raiding spree that led to the RedRiver War of 1874-1875.


Using gold and silver to back currency (free silverites= farmer laborers)


Value of each dollar falls because of more money in circulation.

Election of 1896

William Jennings Bryan a Populist party member runs as a democrat and loses in a close election. This is the closes a third party candidate ever got to winning an election. After this the populist party disappears BUT its platform/ideas/reforms do not

The cattle Bonanza.

½ of all cowboys were black and ¼ were Mexican. By 1880, the "open range" was ending: Wheat Growers, homesteaders, and barbed wire blocked the range.

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