WGU 072

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

An individual who values a team-oriented work environment and the individual's relationships with a large group of peers is seeking employment that will be a good fit. Which position should this individual pursue?

A position that offers a friendly workplace

How can a speaker overcome issues pertaining to semantics to ensure effective communication?

Be direct and clearly state what is intended

Which characteristics are seen in employees who use an assertive communication style?

Calm and relaxed posture

An experienced supervisor tells an employee that if the employee is late one more time during the next quarter that the employee will be terminated immediately. The employee is concerned about the pending consequence and assures the manager that the employee will change the behavior. Which type of power produced the change in this employee?


Which function is performed by the information technology department of an organization?

Computer installation

Does payroll and training, recruitment benefits, internal relations, safety and maintenance


Which organizational culture is best suited for an individual who is high in conscientiousness?


What is a positive outcome of employees working under a manager with a participative leadership style?

High levels of motivation

Which organizational department is responsible for maintaining compliance with labor laws?

Human resources

A supervisor assigns an employee to work on a small project that is directly related to a corporate goal, and the employee's skill set makes them the ideal person to accomplish the task. What is this employee's managerial designation?


New employees recently attended orientation at their workplace where they received a large amount of data specific to their new roles. This resulted in the employees becoming overwhelmed rather than excited about the new job. Which communication barrier occurred?

Information overload

Which barrier reduces effective communication?

Information overload

Which tactic involves leaders garnering support by engaging values, emotions, and beliefs?

Inspirational appeal

Variations in attitudes, values, goals that vary across global regions

International business culture

Individual authors wrote books about the negative environmental impacts of some industries, including the coal industry. Which benefit did the authors' work have on society?

It drew the public's attention to the targeted issue.

Employees are encouraged to write down the actions they have taken during their day and then reflect on why they made those choices. They are told that if they undertake this approach on a daily basis, they can improve their emotional intelligence. Which self-improvement strategy is being encouraged?


A project team is working on developing a schedule of events where each person is responsible for one component of the project; however, the team members are not meeting deadlines. Which type of leadership style contributed to this lack of cohesion and productivity?


Which style of leadership carries a risk of non-cooperation among team members?


What are characteristics of someone who is Machiavellian in nature?

Lower emotional intelligence and higher emotional detachment

Externally focused on competition and profits and less flexible (ex. security company)


A staff member seems to delay her ability to accomplish tasks because she is worrying more about the impact of the plan than she is about actually seeing the plan through. This has a significant effect on fellow coworkers because they desire to stay in the present moment and work through the issues that are being uncovered. Which strategy does the staff member need to work on?


A supervisor conducts a 90-day evaluation with a new employee. It is recommended that the new employee take more initiative to complete tasks and to persevere, even on the most challenging days. Which technique is the new employee being encouraged to display?


A U.S. company hires a new employee from Germany. The new employee is being trained by other employees on the company's conflict resolution practices in alignment with the company's mission and ethical standards. As part of the training, the employee identifies how the ethical values of the company are consistent with the employee's values. Which aspect of the company is the employee learning?

Organizational culture

A manager regularly listens to the team and encourages team innovation and contribution to the company. Which type of leadership style is the manager displaying?


Which style of leadership is being used when a leader solicits input from the team, considers the information, and then makes the best decision to achieve an organization's goal?


During a meeting to decide the venue for the annual office picnic, a manager says that the location is fine for the event but adds that others will likely be opposed to the choice. Which style of communication is being used by this manager?


Team Member A shares their perspective of a recent project, and Team Member B suggests that there might be a better way to approach the same objective. Team Member A responds by saying, "Well, that's fine with me, but don't be surprised if other people are upset by your opinion." Which communication style is Team Member A using for this response?


Which communication style is being used when someone appears agreeable in a workplace conversation and concedes to the other party but later makes snide side comments about that individual or the issue at hand?


Evaluated cultures based on the dimensions of individualism collectivism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance

The Hofstede

A new manager in a restaurant decides to cut costs by purchasing sub-standard materials. What are the implications of this manager's actions?

The customer base of the restaurant will decrease.

An employee transfers from one department to another department in an organization. Which reality will the employee experience in relation to this change?

The department sub-cultures may differ.

A young, unmarried employee who is an only child has a conversation with an older, married employee with siblings about the corporate decision to enter into a lucrative contract with a firm that legally supplies substandard medications to developing countries. The two employees disagree as to whether the company's decision was ethical. What is the primary demographic trait that influences the values of these employees?


Which communication style is being used by someone who regularly dismisses others' feedback, displays a rigid posture when speaking, and tries to dominate the business decision-making process?


Which result occurs when there is a person-culture misalignment?


Spends time collecting, gathering, and analyzing data in order to disseminate the info across the company


Rules and guidelines for how employees behave in a company setting. They describe expectations the business has for its employees.

internal policies

An individual has the ability to guide others due to her knowledge base about a product. Her personality attracts admiration from others who are anxious to work for her due to these personality characteristics. Which profile exhibits this type of behavior?


Act that is permissible or in conformity with the law of the land


An organization plans to close its local factory and shift manufacturing operations overseas. This brings opposition from employees. Which terms describes this organizational move?


An employee who has worked at the company for 15 years was recently appointed as chief executive officer (CEO). Which type of power has the employee gained?


Responsible for a group of people, a department, or specific task within a company


Who is responsible for setting the ethical tone for a business?


Which type of organizational culture in the Competing Values Framework focuses on accountability to shareholders, competitiveness, and productivity?


Serves as the 'face' of the business


Morals, values, etc for a company to deal with each other and with people outside the company

organizational ethics

Management initiative to design, work processes so that they align with the business' strategic goals

process management

Involves strategies that govern how a company maintains relationships with an audience

relationship management

The accountant of a company was asked to change the current quarterly sales results by adding sales that were set to occur next quarter. Which stakeholder group is directly impacted by this action?


Factors that influence a population not just a company or the employees working there. These issues may affect a company and its business practices but they wont affect just a small group of employees.


A meeting of the company's chief financial officer, chief information officer, and all three of the executive vice presidents must occur early next week. Which group of managers will be present at this meeting?


An employee is involved in providing vision and direction for an organization and developing broad goals designed to move the organization towards that vision. What is this employee's management role in the organization?


One who publicize instances of fraud, corruption, or other wrong doing in the company


Which style of leadership is appropriate for followers who have high competence but low commitment?


A sales director rewards employees who regularly exceed standards with coffee shop gift cards. Employees who are not meeting standards are subject to additional tasks, such as paperwork filing. Which leadership style does the sales director embody?


Program to help guide employees in decision-making and defines expectations for accepting gifts from clients

compliance and ethics

A team member wants to start implementing meditation to reprogram unconscious behavior. The goal is to learn to listen first and speak second. Which time period after beginning this approach will be the most challenging for this team member?

1-21 days

Which action promotes effective listening in the workplace?

Paraphrasing the phrases a speaker shares

Which force is defined as the natural proficiency at doing something and complements emotional intelligence in helping individuals collaborate effectively in the workplace?


Tends to be more family oriented and flexible, and less structured, and has a more extensive hierarchy (ex. small start up)


Guidelines to help marketing managers and others employees make better decisions

code of ethics

Exists in societies in which group goals and harmony are prioritized over self-interest and achievement


Type of international private business self-regulation that aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in or supporting volunteering

corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Variety of cultures in the same work area

cultural diversity

A manager has met with each of her direct reports to understand their thoughts and feelings about day-to-day processes. The manager now needs to clearly state those needs and problems in order to move forward. Which step of the design process is the manager experiencing?


A manager is taking extra care to craft a message to ensure that it is interpreted by an employee, the receiver, in the way that it was intended. This action includes making sure the message is presented through the right channel and uses the appropriate language. Which form of communication is the manager ensuring during this interaction?


A manager is working to create a more effective and streamlined sales process. The manager meets with each of their direct reports to discuss how daily time is spent and the various tools needed to complete a sale. Which stage of the design thinking process is the manager performing?


When companies are motivated to adopt CSR policies b/c they recognize it can actually help improve their financial well being

enlightened self-interest

A senior manager asks an employee to omit a key section from a financial report to hide some distressing data. Which aspect of the organization is being violated by the manager's behavior?


Boss asks worker to omit key section from financial report to hide bad news. What is being violated?


An individual understands a project's goal, selects a group of employees who can work on the task, and encourages the team to begin work towards the desired result. The individual has the knowledge and personality to get the work accomplished successfully. Which behavior does this individual exemplify?


An employee is involved directly with each of the individuals tasked with working on actionable items designed to pursue goals that will move the organization towards its vision statement. What is this employee's management role in the organization?

front line

A company advertises that it uses environmentally safe practices in all business processes; however, the chief financial officer (CFO) has blocked the adoption of many environmentally safe practices because of the additional costs to the company .Which controversial business practice is this company using?


Uses their skills to contribute to a team

individual contributor

A nonprofit organization wants to fill an executive director position and is interested in seeking a candidate that is concerned about social welfare. Which criterion should the organization prioritize in making this decision?

Dedication to community service

Which competency is the basis for developing effective business relationships, including teamwork, empathy, and trust?

Emotional intelligence

An individual who is a great performer has been working in a department in a company for over ten years and is moved to a new department and given a new set of job responsibilities. The individual is unhappy in the new location and has started to underperform. Which issue has emerged for this employee?

Person-job fit

Which set of attributes reflects a hierarchy culture within the Competing Values Framework?

Process-oriented and highly structured

New product development

R and D dept

Which individual characteristic should a company search for in new hires in order to avoid an additional screening process to prevent potential person-culture mismatch?

Recommended by current employees

A manger was promoted to a new position the previous year but had never been fully accepted by the staff in the department. Over time, the manager made decisions that gained the respect of the employees and was finally accepted as the leader of the department. Which type of power did this manager gain after a period of time in this department?


Which behavior would an individual who is Machiavellian in nature display in the workplace?

Sabotaging others' work for personal gain

Company is obligated o provide proof of accurate, data-secured financial reporting

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

Objects that promote ethics and standards

Specific and measurable

A corporation's code of ethics endorses a green work place. Which employee activity models this code?

Starting an office recycling program

Internally focused on internal processes and procedures and less flexible (ex. government)


A team has been struggling to find success. To improve the situation, the manager asks the team to determine the factors that they feel are standing in their way and then challenge those assumptions. Which stage of the design thinking process is the team experiencing?


Which organizational department is responsible for managing receivables and payables for a company?

Accounting and finance

Which pair of attributes captures the focus of an adhocracy culture within the competing values framework?

Adjustable and entrepreneurial

Plans and manages records and info related to a business' finances

accounting and finance

System of openness, communication and accountability

internal transparency

Which type of leadership style is being depicted when managers clarify role expectations and set schedules for employees?


During the quarterly business review, the regional sales directors presented their performance results to the department. The chief executive officer (CEO) is frustrated with the sales department and tells the director of that department that the director will be replaced if the sales department does not meet their quarterly quota. Which form of power is the CEO using?


Influencing others to work toward a goal


A manager in a company is trying to resolve a heated discussion between two team leaders and decides to reconvene the meeting with the two individuals one week later to discuss the problem. Which barrier to communication is this manager trying to avoid?

Emotional disconnect

An employee overhears an office manager telling a prospective client that the company does not work with people from a particular ethnicity even though the company has a nondiscrimination policy. Which element is violated by the actions of this office manager?

Employee handbook guidelines

A person that is high in sociability and friendliness is required for a sales job. Which component of personality should be high in the ideal candidate?


What is a characteristic of people with strong moral identity?

They are more considerate of others' feelings and viewpoints.

What is the ultimate goal for leaders when supporting employees in their development of emotional intelligence?

To encourage employees to regularly think about issues relating to emotional intelligence

A leader is trying to improve staff's emotional intelligence and decides to support the use of incident debriefs. Why did the leader decide to use this technique?

To provide feedback to employees

A leader with high emotional intelligence is looking to capitalize on this trait while working with social media. How would the leader do so?

Use social media as a tool to connect multiple stakeholders

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