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West African or Nubian Empires (PostCP)

3 successive empires centered in the wealthy city of Timbuktu: Ghana, Mali, songhai

punic wars

3 wars fought in the 200s and 100s BCE bet/ Carthage, in North Africa, and Rome; Rome eventually won, but not before the great general, Hannibal, nearly conquered them

Tang and Song Dynasties (PostCP)

618-979 CE and 979-1280, a Golden Age that saw China unchallenged in Asia; a period of artistic and technological brilliance; the great poet Li Po in the 700s; Confucian merit exams returned to favor, although trade along the Silk Roads was often disrupted in Central Asia-- About 1000 CE, the Abacus (a calculating device of wood and beads), Magnetic Compass, moveable-type printing, paper money, etc.; foot-binding began among upper classes

Umayyad Caliphate (PostCP)

661-750, marks the start of a religious split b/t Shi'ite and Sunni; they continued to expand, but allowed non-Muslims to follow their own faith as long as they paid a tax, the jizya; as Muhammad was a merchant, trade and commerce are seen as honorable activities

Umayyad Caliphate

661-750, marks the start of a religious split between the Shi'ite and Sunni; they continued to expand, but allowed non-Muslims to follow their own faith as long as they paid a tax, the jizya; as Muhammad was a merchant, trade and commerce are seen as honorable activities

Kush Civilization (CP)

900 BCE to 200 CE, a strong empire in southern Egypt/northern Ethiopia centered on the trade city of Meroe; traded iron products with Egypt, Africa, and the Middle East

Kush Civilization

900 BCE to 200 CE; a strong empire in southern Egypt/northern Ethiopia centered on the trade city of Meroe, traded iron products with Egypt, Africa, the Middle East

Great Zimbabwe

(1000s to 1400s) had another Bantu-speaking empire in the South with trade through the port city of Sofala. This powerful empire had impressive structures that were not discovered by Euros until 1871 and still stand; specialized in gold until the mines began to dry up and the land had been overused by grazing and farming. It was mysteriously abandoned in about 1450.

Yuan Dynasty

(1280-1368), established by Kublai Khan who conquered China about 1279, overthrown by Hongwu who created the Ming Dynasty

Umkonto We Sizwe

ANC went underground after the Sharpeville Massacre, became convinced non-violence would not work, developed a militant wing, 'Spear of the Nation', Mandela was active with this group and operated like a guerrilla fighter

Baghdad (PostCP)

Abbasid Caliphate (750-1250s) centered in this capital city


Abbasid caliphate scientists developed the world's first chemical labs in their efforts to artificially create gold

Koran (PostCP)

Abu-bakr ordered the writing of this Islamic holy book

invisible hand (LNC)

Adam SMith, natural laws govern economics, should not be interfered with by the government, laissez-faire

on the wealth of nations (1776)

Adam Smith, 1776, laissez-faire, invisible hand

new imperialism (LNC)

After 1850, Europe began to build empires across the globe, A world-wide land-grab 'race' began, In every little corner of the globe, In 1815, Europe controlled 35% of the world, By 1914, 85%, Driven by industrialization, Involves machine-made good, Mass-production of goods on a HUGE scale

Stephen Biko

After Soweto Riots, 1977, ANC activist, arrested and beaten to death, became a world-wide martyr, political activist arrested and beaten severely by police, transported 700 miles before receiving medical attention, died before reaching prison

Columbian Exchange (EMP)

Age of Discovery/Explo; products traded; continents affected; ideas, diseases, etc. exchanged

treaty of tordesillas (EMP)

Age of Discovery/Exploration; a 1494 agreement, set up by the Pope, that divided the newly discovered areas of the globe b/t Spain and Portugal; eventually, other nations such as England and France ignored it and claimed colonies of their own

abolishing serfdom (LNC)

Alexander II of Russia, in 1861, peasants remained poor and powerless, The final end of it--> last Euro country that had it, No organized work system, didn't get better for peasants

aftermath of the war

10-15 M dead, 20 M maimed or wounded, generation of leaders destroyed, 1918-19 Spanish Flu Epidemic killed 20 M more, Europe in shambles, governments weak, massive debt, everyone bitter, blamed other side


100 BCE-750 CE, had pyramids, sophisticated farming with irrigation, near Mexico City, from Olmec culture

East Africa (EMP)

1000-1500, Swahili city-states conducted trade in the Indian Ocean system with the ME and India; traded ivory, gold, animal skins, and slaves; the slave trade in this area was strong even before Euros

swahili city-states (EMP)

1000-1500, conducted trade in the Indian Ocean system with the ME and India; traded ivory, gold, animal skins, and slaves; the slave trade in this area was strong even before Euros

Swahili city-states

1000-1500, conducted trade in the Indian Ocean system with the ME and India; traded ivory, gold, animal skins, and slaves; the slave trade in this arena was strong even before Euros, East Africa

Great Zimbabwe (PostCP)

1000s-1400s had another Bantu-speaking empire in the South with trade thru the port city of Sofala. Powerful emp had impressive structures that were not discovered by Euros until 1871 and still stand; specialized in gold until mines began to dry up and land had been over-used by grazing and farming. Mysteriously abandoned about 1450.


1400s-1600, 3rd West African/Nubian Empire, Sunni Ali (r. 1464-92) was the first great ruler building a great army on land and on the rivers (canoes); an army from Morocco, armed with modern guns and cannons, defeated this empire in 1591 and brought an end to a nearly 1000-year period of powerful empires in West Africa

Fall of Constantinople (PostCP)

1453, Ottomans conquered city with cannon, renamed it, spurred European efforts to find a sea route to India, as the Turks cut off all land trade from the Far East by charging exorbitant prices; also signaled the beginning of the decline of the Islamic world in relation to Europe. After 1498, goods and ideas from the Far East bypassed the ME, were carried around Africa

Istanbul (PostCP)

1453, sultan Mehmed/Muhammad II conquered Constantinople with cannon, city renamed this, Greek for "into the city", this conquest spurred European efforts to find a sea route to India, as the Turks cut off all land trade from the Far East by charging exorbitant prices

Mehmed/Muhammad II (PostCP)

1453, sultan conquered Constantinople with cannon; city was renamed Istanbul (Greek for "into the city")-- this conquest also spurred European efforts to find a sea route to India, as the Turks cut off all land trade from the Far East by charging exorbitant prices; the Fall of Constantinople also signaled the beginning of the decline of the Islamic world in relation to Europe. After 1498, goods and ideas from the Far East bypassed the ME, were carried around Africa

Age of the Country at War (PostCP)

1467-1568, Ashikaga Shogunate began in 1333 but was marked by continuous civil war and a lack of centralized control

"Age of the Country at War" (EMP)

1467-1568, no central control in Japan; three unifying daimyo; Battle of Sekigahara, 1600, won by Tokugawa Ieyasu, led to Tokugawa Shogunate

Vasco da Gama (EMP)

1498, arrived in India; like China, Indians expect silver or gold, not inferior Euro goods for Indian cotton cloth, precious stones, spices such as pepper; later Euros will use force to change this policy; 1600, Elizabeth I grants a monopoly for all Asian trade to they British East India Company; they gradually take over areas of India using an army of Sepoys led by British officers; the Portuguese were content to set up trade posts along the coast from which they bought jewels, spices, and cotton fabrics such as Madras, calico, cashmere, and blue denim cloth called Dungaree from a section of Bombay; Calicut, on the western coast, was also known for trading black pepper, which was the most desired spice in Europe

imbalance of wealth

1500: all nations about equal in standard of living, pretty much everyone farmed; 1900: Western nations about 25 times higher than the rest of the world, industrial revolution; since 1980, some shifts occurring where some non-Western areas are developing industry and economies and breaking Western control

Phoenicians (PreCP)

1500s BCE to 300s BCE; built a trading empire in the Mediterranean Sea with over 300 colonies (including Carthage); the main contributions were a purple dye from snails ("Royal Blue of Purple") and an alphabet of 24 letters for record-keeping; this alphabet was adjusted by the Greeks and evolved into our own


1500s BCE to 300s BCE; built a trading empire in the Mediterranean Sea with over 300 colonies (including Carthage); the main contributors were a purple dye from snails and an alphabet of 24 letters for record-keeping, this alphabet was adjusted by the Greeks and evolved into our own

Reformation (EMP)

1517-1550, Luther, 95 Theses; reasons, results; religious wars of Catholics (led by the Pope, Charles V and Philip II of Spain) vs. Protestants-- especially in the bloody 30 Years' War, 1618-48, results; Calvinism; Christianity was permanently split in Europe b/t Catholic and many Protestant branches, began 1517 with Martin Luther 95 Theses, created a permanent rift in Christian Europe


1517-1550, Luther, 95 Theses; reasons, results; religious wars of Catholics (led by the Pope, Charles V and Philip II of Spain) vs. Protestants-- especially in the bloody 30 Years' War, 1618-48, results; Calvinism; Christianity was permanently split in Europe between Catholic and many Protestant branches

Mughal Dynasty

1526-1760, established by Babur the Muslim Turk who invaded India with cannon and defeated an army 10 times his size, another Islamic ruler in a predominantly Hindu region, firm control with a strong army and efficient government bureacracy

Fall of the Incas (EMP)

1532-40; Pizarro vs. Atahualpa; weapons, disease and luck led to this

Scientific Revolution (EMP)

1540-1640, began with Copernicus, new theories that challenged basic ideas, developed scientific method, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton; scientific method

Scientific Revolution

1540-1640, development of new thinking in science: Copernicus, Galileo, Newton; scientific method

Catholic or Counter-Reformation (EMP)

1540-60, Jesuits, reforms; Council of Trent; period of Catholic resurgence initiated in response to the Protestant Reformation, beginning with the Council of Trent (1545-1563) and ending at the close of the Thirty Years' War

the irish question (LNC)

17-1800s, areas that they don't know quite what to do with, part of England that didn't want to be part of england

Enlightenment (EMP)

1700-1800; philosophes, Voltaire, Adam Smith, laissez-faire economics, new political theories, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, challenging old ideas and looking for new ones, reason, everything should be questioned and analyzed, progress-society should be able to be perfected, very idealistic


1700-1800; philosophes, Voltaire, Adam Smith, laissez-faire economics, new political theories, John Locke, thomas Jefferson

2nd agricultural revolution (EMP)

1700s; created by new food products from the Americas (corn, potato) and application of scientific method to farming and livestock; great increase of food production brought better health (varied diets) extended life spans, and increased population to Europe

2nd agricultural revolution (LNC)

1700s; created by new food products from the Americas (corn, potato) and application of scientific method to farming and livestock; great increase of food production brought better health (varied diets) extended life spans, and increased population to Europe

french/indian war (LNC)

1754-1763, aka 7 years' war, great war for empire, a kind of world war, England won and gained new territory from France (Canada and East of the Mississippi River), a turning point, new areas added to strip of colonies along coast, Parliament and King George III reasonably expected the colonies to contribute to their own defense, way they went about it was unreasonable

new zealand (LNC)

1769, Captain James Cook claimed it for GB, missionaries followed in 1814 to convert the natives, maoris

us constitution (LNC)

1787, passed in Philadelphia, Federalist Papers tried to convince, democratic-republic divided power between fed gov and states, three branches, checks and balances, revolutionary form of government

declaration of rights of man (LNC)

1789, equivalent of the Declaration of Independence for France, statement of Englightenment, everyone has certain natural rights: equality, freedom, and natural rights, huge changes, equality of the law

lord mcCartney (LNC)

1793, sent by England to try to end all trade restrictions from China, Great Britain wants to try to exchange cloth for silk and porcelain, immediate cultural dispute

reign of terror (LNC)

1793-94, Robespierre tried to eliminate all opposition, 40,000 people executed or died in prison until Robespierre himself was executed

early settlement, aust. (LNC)

1800s, free settlers set up sheep ranches and wheat farms

spheres of influence (LNC)

1800s, never became colonies of anyone, but has a special case, an area where only one nation can trade, areas where 1 nation has exclusive trading rights

mexican independence (LNC)

1810, 2 priests united mestizos and natives in fight for freedom: Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Morales, they were killed but creoles won independence in 1821, became an independent republic in 1821

invasion of russia (LNC)

1812, France tried to invade Russia with largest army yet assembled, winter caught him, Russian fought very smart, forced to retreat, disastrous, started with 600,000 soldiers, ended with 30,000

congress of vienna (LNC)

1814-15, to end Napoleonic War and preserve future peace, conservatives determined to stop new ideas of the ENlightenment and revolutionary era, restored 'legitimite' monarchies and set up a 'balance of power' so no single nation could get too strong

jamaica letter (LNC)

1815, By Simon Bolivar, a statement of reasons for revolt and goals

Principles of Geology

1830, Charles Lyell, By studying rocks and the formation of the surface of the Earth, they realized that Earth's surface was raised up, slow erosion, Surface of the earth not formed briefly, but over millions of years

texas war for independence (LNC)

1835-36, the Alamo, Texas fought against the Mexican government to continue slavery, only state that has ever been an independent country, kept out of US until 1845

great trek (LNC)

1835-36: Boers fled British control, wanted 'proper relations' between the races, British let them go, Boers operated as if they were an independent nation for about the next 20 years

opium wars (LNC)

1839, China attacked British ships, destroyed cargo, British won naval war easily, negotiated a peace treaty that was NOT favorable to China

photography and impact on painting (LNC)

1839, liberated painters, no longer tied to reality

tanzimat reforms (LNC)

1839-76, series of reforms, put in place over 30 year period, trying to modernize and catch up to Europeans and industrialization, not a success, Ottoman

change in US immigration (LNC)

1840-1880, people came from NW Europe (Germany, Ireland), 1880-1920, from SE Europe, Russia, Italy, Greece, Poland, modern Czechoslovakia

mexican-american war (LNC)

1846-48, US won, took land ALL THE WAY WEST, Mexico claimed land in Texas, US fought them over it, added AZ, NM, CO, NV, CA, and UT to US

communist manifesto (LNC)

1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, wrote that they saw revolutions as history speaking to them

2nd Industrial Revolution (LNC)

1850-1900, huge map up in scale of what has already happened, huge increase in slave, new products, energy sources, and business organizations--> RUBBER, new competing nations had natural resources (US, Germany), avoided trial-and-error methods of British, by 1900: 1) US, 2) Germany, 3) England, 4) France, 5) Belgium

taiping rebellion (LNC)

1850-64, religious group led by a somewhat wacky teacher who thought he was Jesus' brother, spread into a general revolt, 20 million died

nursing (LNC)

1850s, Florence Nightingale made this a respectable profession for women

florence nightingale (LNC)

1850s, made nursing a respectable profession for women Before, they couldn't go--> protecting women because they can't protect themselves

Bessemer Process (LNC)

1856-- made cheap steel, twice as good as iron, doesn't break as easily, applied to everything

banana republics

1900 to 1930s, US corporations owned many Latin American companies producing cash crops, given this nickname to indicate they are not real countries, US businesses also dominated mining and oil in the region, using force to get what they wanted out of these countries, especially with the Panama Canal, big stick/gunboat diplomacies, ruthless caudillos ruled by force on behalf of the wealthy, like fascism, alliance b/t business and military and leader of the country, supported by US b/c they protected US businesses, Peons (peasants) getting angry, doing all the work, threatening revolt, caused great resentment, communists gained support

boxer rebellion (LNC)

1900, "The Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists" thought they were impervious to bullets, quelled by Western armies

Korean War

1900-45, Japan occupied Korean peninsula (took over after Sino-Japanese War), 1945: divided at the 38th parallel; the US and USSR held joint control, temporary division that becomes permanent; 1948: 2 separate nations created, NK and SK (realized they wouldn't be able to unite it, UN created them, supposedly US and USSR left), NK communist, SK "democratic" (dictator supported by US, very little democracy though), backed by US; June 25, 1950: NK invaded SK, supported by the USSR, moved quickly into SK in a few days, very quickly almost took over all of SK; as part of containment policy, US stepped in with UN support, primarily a US effort headed by Douglas MacArthur, technically UN army but in reality mostly American, front lines moved back and forth for 1st year, then 2 years of stalemate along 38th parallel, cease fire finally signed in June 1953; 54,000 americans ddied; possibbly 5 M on both sides from war and starvation

contemporary era


contemporary era


white australian policy (LNC)

1901, barred non-whites from Australia

mexican revolution (LNC)

1910-20, happened after Porfirio Diaz overthrown in 1911, although the goals of the revolutionaries were varied, middle-class liberals sought political and constitutional reforms, while peasant leaders wanted land reform so all of the wealth did not go to the rich land-owners

Gamal Abdel Nasser

1956, Egyptian leader, nationalized the Suez Canal, the Suez Crisis, US and USSR sided with him, so he became a national hero because he was able to make England and France back down, Pan-Arabism, United Arab Republic, tried to unify all Arab nations, kind of a

Suez Crisis

1956, Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egyptian leader) nationalized the Suez Canal, said it now belonged to Egypt, but Britain had controlling interest and France had a lot of shares, wanted to build a dam so that Egypt could have electricity; England, France, and Israel all decided they would attack Egypt and seize it back from Egyptian control; US and USSR sided with Nasser, one of the few times in the Cold War that they ended up on the same side; really shows how far England had France had fallen when a small country like Egypt could make them back down, so Nasser became a national hero

hungary revolts

1956, satellite tried to assert independence, would've remained communist, but indicated that they didn't want to take orders from moscow anymore--> wanted to do things their own way, Red Army was sent in and crushed the revolts, discontent with communism continued to grow

common market

1957, 6 WE nations formed this: France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, to enhance trade eliminate tariffs, prevent wars


1957, Gold Coast (British) won independence from GB, negotiated peace, Brits didn't try too desperately to hold on; democracy, renamed; Kwame Nkrumah, prime minister, 1961 declared "President for Life", 1963: helped found Organization of African Unity (OAU) for "Pan-Africanism", overthrown in 1966, what started out as a strong democracy ends up taking a civil war in order to get him out of office


1957, USSR launched it, the first satellite, US landed on the moon in 1969

great leap forward

1958-61, Red China, this 2nd 5-Year Plan focused on agriculture, trying to use sheer numbers of China to make them economically independent, created mass collective farms of 25,000 people, they were also supposed to help industry by producing iron in home furnaces, it was a total disaster leading to widespread resentment, repeated crop failures, and widespread famine that caused 25 M people to starve to death, even industrial production fell, gov gave up this plan in 1961

Copper in Chile

1960s: Chile's economy dependent on this, start making cash crops b/c they think they can import their food and completely depend on the profit from this resource, prices dropped sharply= food shortages, have an election and elect Salvatore Allende, he nationalized mines to keep wealth in the country

cuban missile crisis

1962, two-week crisis in which NK started installing nuclear weapons in Cuba, which was Russia's ally, those missiles were capable of flying 3000 miles with a nuclear warhead on the end, could hit any city in the US except Seattle, US vs. USSR with Cuba in the middle, nearly destroyed the world in a nuclear war, made both sides more willing to negotiate, Nuclear Limitation Treaty= don't test nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, one of JFK's biggest accomplishments

Lyndon Baines Johnson

1963-9, hard to evaluate him, one of the best we've ever had in terms of domestic policy, but he brought us into the war, got reelected in 1964 after he replaced Kennedy after assassination, accused of being soft of Communism, looking for an excuse to send troops to Vietnam and end Communist threat

Yasir Arafat

1964, Palestine, started the Palestinian Liberation Organization, said their goal was to stop at nothing to drive Jews out of the ME, became in large part a terrorist group, would hijack planes to get money, this is what happened when the Israeli athletes were held hostage and murdered at the Munich Olympics

Mobutu Sese Seko

1965, US won Congo civil war, established a dictatorship with him at the head, he would 'fight communism' 1971, this is what he changed his name to, his 'reign of terror' lasted from 1965-97, 1967: one-party dictatorship, changed name of river and country to Zaire, controlled all media, enemies executed and tortured, now has COMPLETE control, all done with approval of US, also financial assistance so he can stay in power and fight against communists because he wasn't one, economy deteriorated, he started stealing profits from businesses, government called a "Kleptocracy" (government by theft), built palaces and bank accounts, corrupt elections, US stopped funding him in 1991 when the Cold War ended, he grew weaker, ousted in 1997, country renamed Dem Rep Congo, ethnic fighting continues

cultural revolution

1966-9, by 1965 the economy had recovered, but Mao did not like the changes it brought, he wanted complete equality, in 1966 he formed units of young people called "Red Guards", "The Little Red Book" (The quotations of Mao Zedong), the goal was to rejuvenate the revolution by eliminating all opposition to Mao, they attacked professors, writers, scholars, musicians, and scientists, thousands were killed or imprisoned, the entire economy was disrupted by the ensuing chaos, enemies of the state put on trial, finally ended in 1969, meanwhile Taiwan had become extremely successful economically and increasingly democratic in its politics

Six-Day War

1967, Egypt invaded Israel, didn't realize that Israel had been pouring money into the military, had one of the top 5 militaries in the world, destroyed Egypt's air force from the ground; Israel won, expanded borders, occupied right up to the Suez Canal, trying to create a buffer zone between them and their enemies; USSR supported Egypt, so US supported Israel; US has been an ally ever since, hatred for Israel=hatred for US, turning point, hatred to the point of obsession, Cold War sucks us into still another battle

post-industrial age

1970s, Japan and WG became economic powers, US finally had competition again, oil embargo; US entered recession, many factories moved to Latin America and Asia, weakened economy, a lot of people lost their jobs, national debt became a problem in 1980s; continues today, budget deficit, national debt, women: women's movement in the West, greater opportunities and options for careers; media: TV, computers helped bring in an Information Revolution, materialism and mass consumerism has greatly expanded, began to influence the rest of the world, decolonization, OPEC, NGOs, concern for environment, balance of wealth starting to shift


1970s, President Nixon tried to improve relations with USSR, mutual policy called this, both basically agreed to back off, designed to ease Cold War tensions, increased trade and limited nuclear weapons, Russia in severe drought, not enough wheat and bread, we sold it to them, Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, you can only have so many nuclear weapons, we became more sensible


1971, Idi Amin, military coup, takes over the government, repressive rule for 8 years, 'iron fist', does not like dissent or political enemies, tortures or kills many, becomes known as the "Butcher of _______"; 300K killed in his reign, overthrown in 1979, 200K of Amin's followers killed b/c his enemies are now in charge, now starts a cycle of murder

Idi Amin

1971, military coup, takes over the government of Uganda, repressive rule for 8 years, 'iron fist', does not like dissent or political enemies, tortures or kills many, becomes known as the "Butcher of Uganda"; 300K killed in his reign, overthrown in 1979, 200K of Amin's followers killed b/c his enemies are now in charge, now starts a cycle of murder


1971: East Pakistan tried to break away largely b/c all of the power, money, and new industry was in West Pakistan, declared independence, believed all industry, positions of power going to West, India sided with East (b/c they don't like West) and they won independence in a nasty war, republic of ______ formed, ethnic group= Bengalis, still predominantly Muslim today

Oil Embargo

1973, after the October War, an angry OPEC placed an embargo on US, cut oil production, drove up prices, US eventually able to negotiate a return of oil, BUT OPEC decided to cut the amount of oil that they're pumping out of the ground-- prices go up; in US, prices quadrupled overnight, serious gas shortages, ME became much more powerful with this one move, now it showed that the countries that controlled oil would be at the negotiating table for every important issue

October War

1973, aka Yom Kippur War; Israel vs. Egypt; a draw, aka Oil Embargo, very bloody, no one wins, US supported Israel, so an angry OPEC placed an embargo on US, cut oil production, drove up prices

putting out system/cottage industry/domestic system (LNC)

All mean same thing, Bring raw cotton or wool to people's houses, people spin and weave cloth, Then businessman would come back, collect finished product and pay them for as much as they produced, Farmers had a little extra money, Spinster--> when you were an unmarried woman who spun at home, if you still kind of live at home and are older

george washington (LNC)

America's advantage, even though they didn't have money or supplies, a GREAT general

Saddam Hussein

1978, military dictator who seized power in Iraq, wanted to unite ME under his rule, kind of a murderer and a thug, military dictator, his control would not have been democratic--> dictatorship, he would've had control of all the oil in the world, not religious in the least, but called for jihads at times whenever anyone attacked, used religion to his advantage, hated by fundamentalists (Khomeini, Osama bin Laden)


Apartheid, near cities, local slums where blacks had to live in crowded, poverty-stricken conditions, so they could work as servants in nearby cities, horrible slums developed

juan peron

Argentina, 1946, wife= Evita, built his following by trying to pass laws that benefited this WC, Evita started a lot of things that benefited the poor, descamisados= the shirtless ones, working class people working in factory/mines, took off shirts b/c it was hot, also became a dictator

getulio vargas

Brazil, ruled 1930-45, started building factories in big cities, diversified economy, not just based on agriculture--> factory goods, especially steel, but also became a brutal fascist dictator, some politicians appealed to the new WC of factory workers

New YOrk

British easily defeated Dutch in New Amsterdam, took over and renamed the city this, after the king's brother

reginald dyer

British general who led the British army in the Amritsar Massacre, keeps firing into the crowd until they ran out of ammunition, "I was going to punish them... teach them a 'lesson'", he receives a reprimand, English conservatives in England were looking to him as a hero

divide and rule (LNC)

British strategy to keep Indians hating eachother more than they hated the British, encouraged the caste system


British, 1607

utopian communities (LNC)

Model communities, Everyone works together and shares in profits, Robert Owen; Scottish factory owner, Had a conscience- getting wealthy, saw workers weren't getting anything in return, Built New Lanark mills, Scotland, Provided good housing, education for his workers, Workers even shared in the profits, Socialism, Most owners aren't this generous


North America, these people 700-1500 built multi-stories housing out of stone and timber into cliffs; Ariz, New Mex. Today; about 1200 CE, probably because of a drought, most of these pueblos were abandoned;

Great spirit

North American natives all animistic, but believed in this supreme god as well


Nov 11, 1918, both sides exhausted and agreed to stop fighting and negotiate peace, US president wilson promised fair treatment to Germany

lawrence of arabia

British, led Arab revolt against the Ottoman empire, Britain trying desperately to start a revolution against the Ottoman Empire in order to weaken them b/c they are helping the central powers, he is great at it, Arabs treated badly, about 1/2 of the empire, they need someone to stir them up enough to fight against the Turks

henry stanley (LNC)

British-American journalist/writer found Dr. David Livingstone in Africa in 1871, mapped the area, wrote a bestseller about his adventures, hired by Leopold in 1879 to claim Congo for Leopold (Belgium), tricky man, started the race for African colonies

ON the Origin of Species

Charles Darwin, 1859, process of development of plants and animals, natural selection, religious controversy, but most accepted

marcel duchamp

Dadaism, makes everyday things art, calls a urinal a fountain, poking fun at the pretentious ways of the art society, French

realism literature (LNC)

Charles Dickens, England; Oliver Twist, David copperfield-- poor people,, victor hugo, france; Les miserables, the hunchback of notre dame, very involved with social movements

mandate of heaven

Chinese belief that emperors were not deities but were chosen by the gods to rule, signs such as civil wars, famines, natural disasters were indications that the dynasty had lost this, started in the Shang or Zhou Dynasty, about 1200 BCE

mandate of heaven (PreCP)

Chinese belief that emperors were not deities but were chosen by the gods to rule; signs such as civil wars, famines, natural disasters were indications that the dynasty had lost it; started in the Shang or Zhou Dynasty, about 1200 BCE

middle kingdom (PreCP)

Chinese belief that they were the center of the universe, superior to outside "barbarians"

middle kingdom

Chinese belief that they were the center of the universe, superior to outside 'barbarians'

Indian Ocean Trade--Swahili Coast to ME, India, and even SE and E Asia--1100-1500

City-states of E Coast of Afr, such as Mogadishu, Zilwa, Zanzibar, Mombasa, and Sofala developed a hybrid language (Swahili borrows from Bantu-African, Arabic, and Farsi-Persian) to help trade with disparate peoples of the Indian Ocean; this trade was dominated by Muslims and Muslim converts, African gold, ivory, slaves, and animal skins exchanged for various goods, but especially spices; silk and porcelain were available in India and the ME b/c of connections to the Silk ROads, southern African port of Sofala, connected the inland empire of Zimbabwe and their gold mines with this trade, after 1500s, the Europeans with superior military strength began to take over and eventually dominate this trade


Common Market renamed this in 1994, in '90s they really go out of their way to make it operate almost like the US, with a parliament, common currency, and a central bank by 1999, economics united Europe

merchants and confucius

Confucianism frowned on merchants and trade because they were interested in personal profit and not the greater good of the community; China always had trade, but always looked down on merchants

civil service exams (CP)

Confucianism: for government, officials should prove they deserve positions by passing rigorous tests


Confucius's ideas collected by his students in this


Constantinople renamed by Mehmed/Muhammad II after he conquered it in 1453, Greek for 'into the city'

republican form of government, 12 Tables of Law, Greco-Roman traditions, engineering

Contributions of the Roman Republic/Empire

pollution (LNC)

Crowded cities; coal smoke; waste products dumped into rivers, new chemicals with toxic waste

geometry (CP)

Euclid, 300s CE, another contribution of the Greeks

scholasticism (PostCP)

Euro Revival, cities became centers of trade/learning

Hanseatic League (PostCP)

Euro revival, trade alliance b/t areas in Northern Europe in 1100s-1200s

ethnic rivalries (LNC)

Europeans played groups against each other so they hated each other more than they hated Europeans

trade imbalance, China (LNC)

Europeans wanted Chinese goods like porcelain and silk and tea, Chinese required silver, saw European goods as inferior, Europeans wanted to change the situation


Germany had to pay for all sides of the war--> $33 billion to France, US, and England, they (except US) wanted to make the Germans pay for the war (figuratively and literally)

guilt clause

Germany had to sign this and accept ALL blame for the war, caused lingering resentment among the Germans, who honestly didn't believe they had done anything wrong


Germany in a terrible depression, printed more money as a solution, caused this, people burned money instead of wood because it was cheaper, paper money became worthless

treaty of versailles

Germany lost alsace-lorraine, polish corridor, all colonies, New Poland created with parts of Germany and Russia, kept Rhineland, but no soldiers allowed there, army limited to 100,000, no navy, reparations, guilt clause, A-H broken up along ethnic lines, ottoman empire broken into mandates

schlieffen plan

Germany's strategy, had been planning since the 1890s, for the 2-front war they would sweep through Belgium and defeat France first by capturing Paris and forcing France to surrender, then they would take all of their troops to Russia and fight them separately, nearly worked, got 20 miles from Paris until they were stopped in the 1st battle of the marne

axis powers

Germany, Italy, and Japan (sort of) but Germany+Italy and Japan were fighting two different wars really on opposite sides of the world, which made US victory so amazing, Rome-Berlin Axis= formal alliance signedd in Oct 1936, Japan joined about 1940

silent trade (EMP)

Ghana (700s to 1200s) and Mali (1200s to 1400s) grew rich from this gold-for-salt trade, method by which traders who cannot speak each other's language can trade without talking

trans-Saharan trade (PostCP)

Ghana Emp (700s-1200s) grew rich as the middlemen in THIS

gold-for-salt trade (PostCP)

Ghana emp, 700s to 1200s, trans-Saharan trade, from Medit in North came cloth, weapons, tools, but primarily salt, which was lacking in South. Gold was most desirable item from forests of the south. Kings grew wealthy by taxing all exchanges and other traders who passed through their region, also provided protection for merchants

gold-for-salt trade

Ghana empire, salt from the Mediterranean in the north, gold came from the forests of the south, often a silent trade, the kings grew wealthy by taxing all exchanges and other traders who passed thru their region and providing protection for merchants

trans-Saharan trade

Ghana grew rich as middlemen of this

improvements for workers after 1850 (LNC)

Gradually better for workers 1880-1914, Once they got the right to vote, Expansion of voting to WC brought new laws and reforms (in favor of WC), Legalized unions, Enabled workers to band together and demand things, WC able to improve wages, hours, conditions

Sofala (PostCP)

Great Zimbabwe had another Bantu-spekaing empire in Southeast Africa with trade thru this port city

eunuchs (PostCP)

Hongwu used them extensively in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), undercutting the power of the Mandarin and leading to a power struggle which the Mandarin won in the mid-1400s, ended all exploration, bringing in a period of relative isolation

Yongle (PostCP)

Hongwu's son, r. 1402-1424, encouraged trade and exploration; 7 great voyages led by the great Zheng He from 1405-1433; China dominated the Indian Ocean, sailing as far as India, Africa and the ME


Hongwu's son, ruled 1402-1424, encouraged trade and exploration


Indonesian people resented previous ruler's authoritarian rule so much that he was overthrown in 1967 by the army and conservative Muslims in civil war that killed 500K people in 1965-7, succeeded by another military dictator, supported by US despite human-rights abuses b/c of anti-communist stance, ruled until 1998

Abacus, Magnetic Compass, moveable-type printing, paper money (PostCP)

Invented 1000 CE in the Tang and Song Dynasties in China

abacus, magnetic compass, moveable-type printing, paper money

Invented in the Tang and Song dynasties

james joyce

Irish, stream of consciousness, Ulysses in 1922, said that one day in a person's life is like a heroic saga or tale

Jihad (PostCP)

Islam, means to struggle-- against sin, temptation, etc., but also against the enemies of Islam. In this sense it has sometimes been interpreted as "Holy War" and used as a justification for war

devshirme (EMP)

Janissaries system in Ottoman Empire

Japanese Business Growth

Japan able to build new, modern facilities, by 1970s: caught up to the West especially in autos, steel, and electronics; got up to one of the 3 best economies in the world (US, WG, and Japan), much growth came from US market due to the oil embargo when Americans tried to look for more fuel-efficient cars, Japan had always made small cars; a small number of large companies subsidized by the government (zaibatsus), other companies sacrifice to help the success of the big ones-- a matter of national pride; Japanese work ethic: "It is an honor to work hard", group more important than the individual: Sheishin

Russian Orthodoxy (PostCP)

Kiev/Russia prospered along with this until rivalries made it vulnerable to invasion

mongkut (LNC)

King of Siam


LON divided Ottoman Empire into these until they were ready for self-rule, social Darwinism says they can never rule, religious aspect b/c they are Muslims, history of animosity b/t Euro Christians and Arab Muslims, some not given independence right away, one area not given independence at all, Brit took control of Palestine in 1920 through this system

Daoism (CP)

Lao-tzu, about 500 BCE; stay in harmony with nature; don't interrupt the natural flow; avoid too much government b/c it would corrupt the natural way of things

French Indochina

Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, 1887-1945, officially until 1945, tried to break away from France in 1945, while independent it would be broken into 4 nations (Geneva Accords, 1954)

french indochina (LNC)

Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, British are worried about French encroaching on their territory

red armies

Lenin's communist group that fought off former allies and US and former nobles who fought them when they were in poewr

liberalism (LNC)

MC direct challenge to tradition and conservatism, basic ideas come from Enlightenment: civil liberties, equality before the law, republicanism, economic freedom, most wanted voting restrictions though as they didn't trust the WC to vote

separate spheres ideology (LNC)

MC women, A home sphere, and a work sphere, Very little overlap- women in home and men in work

cult of domesticity (LNC)

MC women, women on a pedestal, Women were pure, the workplace would corrupt them, Ambition encouraged for men, not for women, Job of a woman was to produce children, Sex for men to enjoy, not women

Sonni Ali (EMP)

Mali empire faded in the 1400s and was overthrown by HIM who seized the throne and started the Songhai Empire about 1460

Mansa Musa (PostCP)

Mali's most famous ruler, r. 1307-32, made Timbuktu fabulously wealthy city, also recognized as a center of Islamic scholarship and learning; made famous pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 w/ 500 slaves and 4 tons of gold. Outside world intrigued w/ wealth of interior of Africa


Mansa Musa made a famous one to Mecca in 1324 with 500 slaves and carrying 4 tons of gold, the outside world became intrigued with the wealth of the interior of AFrica

pilgrimage (PostCP)

Mansa Musa, to Mecca in 1324 w/500 slaves and 4 tons gold. Outside world intrigued w/ wealth of interior of Africa


March 1936, Hitler took this, Germany couldn't have armies there--> buffer zone for France so they could fight on German soil, LON issued harsh statement but did nothing

annexation of austria

March 1938, forced to join German Empire, this is when Germany really gained the definition of an empire, this country didn't want to, but Hitler hasn't fired a shot, hasn't added anything by explicit force just yet, next--> edge of Czechoslovakia, he demands Sudetenland


Nov 1938, Night of broken glass, a government-sponsored riot directed at Jewish people, gave them permission to go into the Jewish neighborhoods, break windows, beat up Jews, burn synagogues, Gestapo and SS joined in rather than trying to stop it, a clear message now that it is very dangerous to be Jewish, people trying to get out of the country but couldn't, the start of the Nazi search for a 'final solution'

battle of el alamein

November 1942, North Africa, turning point #2, Brits defeated Germans in Egypt and began pushing them back

Cuban Missile Crisis

October 1962, Castro asked Khrushchev for help, nuclear missiles installed in Cuba, two-week crisis, nearly led to nuclear war; results: USSR backed down, removed missiles, US used embargo but agreed to leave Castro alone

ritual ball games (PreCP)

Olmec, losing team was sacrificed to the gods

jizya (PostCP)

Ottoman, Non-Muslims (mostly Christians and Jews) were permitted to continue to practice their faith if they paid a tax

devshirme (PostCP)

Ottoman, under this system, soldiers called Janissaries were recruited from Christian or conquered areas and converted to Islam; the Janissaries served as both capable soldiers and administrators of the empire. they became skilled in the new technology of war, such as cannons and muskets

Suleiman the Magnificent

Ottomans hit their peak under him, r. 1520-66, stretching deep into Austria and dominating the eastern end of the Mediterranean. They rivaled China and the Incas in wealth, had a powerful army and navy, an efficient bureaucracy, and a fair legal system. He also encouraged the arts, using Arabic and Persian models.

partition of poland (LNC)

POland is a kingdom, Prussia, Russia, and Austria all had rulers who claimed to be enlightened absolutists, took parts of Poland in 1772, 1793, 1795 until it ceased to exist


Polish mathematician/astronomer, proposed that the sun was the center of the universe instead of the earth, heliocentric

interchangeable parts (LNC)

Samuel Colt and Whitney started this in US for making goods, assembly lines, don't have to throw things away when they are broken- can replace parts

Vikings--Baltic Sea to Constantinople--800-1000

Scandinavians followed the Dnieper River system to the Black Sea, to Constantinople; thus connected the Byzantine Empire and the Silk Roads; used the Rus city of Kiev as a trade post

Newton (EMP)

Scientific Revolution, built on earlier findings and discovered the 3 rules for all motion, natural laws, clockwork universe, wrote Principia, everyone rejected his ideas, deism

scientific method (EMP)

Scientific Revolution, development of this systematic way of conducting experimentation and solving problems

Galileo (EMP)

Scientific Revolution, used math and experiments to challenge Aristotle's laws of motion, used scientific method, not accepting old truths, but looking for new ones that he could prove with science

robert owen (LNC)

Scottish factory owner, Had a conscience- getting wealthy, saw workers weren't getting anything in return, Built New Lanark mills, Scotland, Provided good housing, education for his workers, Workers even shared in the profits, Socialism, Most owners aren't this generous

dr. david livingstone (LNC)

Scottish missionary, fought slave trade, disappeared 1865, arguing that slave trade still going on, brought medicines to interior of Africa, Christianizing people, disappeared into interior of Africa 1865 until 1871

women's issues

Politically active, even before voting, Could have an impact before voting rights, Worked for temperance, child labor laws, public education, Had the most success in getting required public schools, South had no public schools until after Civil War when forced to by the federal government, Helped bring mass education, Suffragists/Suffragettes: Emmaline Pankhurst, England, Susan B. Anthony, Us; late 1800s

Canton (EMP)

Portuguese arrive in 1514, Chinese limited Euro trade to here; will only trade silk and porcelain for silver


Prince of Kiev, about 980, converted his kingdom to Eastern Orthodoxy, impressed by the splendor of Constantinople

franco-prussian war (1870-71)

Prussia won this pretty easily, ending treaty favored Germany, France is bitter

Lord McCartney (EMP)

Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912; Kangxi and Qianlong resisted efforts of Europeans to force them to trade, like THIS GUY in the 1790s

sun yixian/yat-sen (LNC)

Republic of China, led by him, 1912, new form of government, faced impossible problems


Roman poet, proclaimed, "Captive Greece enslaved her fierce captor"


Romans known for this with great roads that lasted 100 years, aqueducts, the coliseum, etc.

Pax Romana (CP)

Rome's Empire period hit its peak in the 100s CE (under reign of Julius Caesar), called this b/c of the stability, prosperity, and scientific developments; Virgil and Ovid, great poets; Ptolemy, scientist, astronomer, and map-maker

engineering (CP)

Rome, feats such as great roads that lasted 100 years, aqueducts, coliseum, etc.

12 Tables of Law (CP)

Rome, innocent until proven guilty, etc.; developed by Greek aristocrats, Draco and Solon in 600s BCE

Julius Caesar (CP)

Rome, seized power and ruled as a dictator/emperor until his assassination in 44 BCE; this started the Empire period which hit its peak in the 100s CE, a period called the Pax Romana b/c of the stability, prosperity, and artistic and scientific developments; Virgil and Ovid, great poets; Ptolemy, scientist, astronomer, and map-maker

results Mongols (PostCP)

Russia isolated from W Eur and had little access to new ideas and tech

Ivan III (EMP)

Russia, under him, broke away from mongol control about 1480 and established a growing nation centered in Moscow; after the brutal Ivan the Terrible died in 1584 without heir, a period of civil war called "The Time of Troubles" lasted for 30 years, until the nobles elected Michael Romanov as Czar in 1613


Russian secret police

Tartars (PostCP)

Russian world for Mongols, "people of hell"

Mongol Yoke

Russians did not break free from this until the late 1400s with Ivan III the Great


Rwanda, known as dumb, usually as exploited peasants, forced to work hard and pay heavy taxes, 1959, in majority, revolted and destroyed monarchy, also killed hundreds, they had to flee Burundi b/c other group seized control in 1965, 1973: General Juvenal Habyarimana (one of this group) seized power in Rwanda, setting up milit dictatorship, privileged elite opposed him b/c he started peace negotiations w/ other group and indicated he would share pwr with them, this group ordered mass killings of other group, first killed moderates of this group then a WHOLE BUNCH of other group, killed about 800K in about 2 months, overthrown in July 1994 b/c neglected military, 2M fled to Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, and Zaire, but continued to raid across the border, majority still this group in Rwanda, president placed them in majority of government positions


Rwanda, minority group, Euros saw them as being "less" African and taller and smarter, myth of them being superior "white Africans", received all preferred positions as civil servants, businessmen, and landlords, nearly all education opportunities went to them, monarchy destroyed by other majority, many of this group killed (1959), seized control of Burundi government in 1965 and killed thousands of other group, this group was the target of the Rwandan genocide, exiled troops invaded and defeated government in July 1994, 2M other group fled

Little Tigers

SK, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Singapore, along Pacific Rim, fast-growing industrial economies

Kublai Khan (PostCP)

conquered China about 1279 and established the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368); twice tried and failed to conquer Japan (1274 and 1281)

responses to the depression

no one expected or understood this, governments followed Adam Smith's advice from 1776: no government interference, economy will fix itself, raised taxes, cut spending, raised tariffs to balance budgets, governments did the worst possible things, other nations raised tariffs in retaliation, international trade nearly stopped, in US, Hooversvilles, selling apples, blamed the president

colonial grievances (LNC)

no taxation without representation, independence


nobles followed this code in the feudal system

daimyo (PostCP)

nobles in the Kamakura Shogunate

Champa Rice (PostCP)

during the era of the Three Kingdoms, China obtained this from Vietnam, which enabled them to feed more people, leading to population growth

water power (LNC)

early factories had to be on rivers, near fall lines, moving water turns wheel hooked up to machines

including Russia, Byzantine Empire

east europe

russia, byzantine empire

east europe


eastern half of the Roman Empire had this capital city and this civilization continued many Roman traditions for nearly 1000 years

emigres (LNC)

nobles who fled the country, tried to end the Revolution, threatening, trying to faire an army to attack France and overthrow the government

Berber (PostCP)

nomadic merchants in camel caravans traveled the Sahara desert b4 the birth of Christ, Muslim ones conducted trade across Sahara, b/t Mediterranean coast and strong emps to the south


nomadic merchants in camel caravans who traveled the Sahara desert before the birth of Christ. conducted trade across the Sahara, between the Mediterranean coast and strong empires to the south


nomadic merchants who could cross the Sahara and conduct trade between the Mediterranean and the interior

Berber (PreCP)

nomadic merchants who were able to cross the Sahara desert and conduct trade between the Mediterranean and the interior


non-Muslims allowed to follow their own faith as long as they pay this tax

New Agreements with Cuba

normalized relations under Obama, helped US reputation


north american natives used medicine men to conduct rituals and connect them to the gods

Confucianism (CP)

not a religion, but a code of behavior based on the filial piety, the 5 relationships, and respect for authority figures; Kung fu-Tzu or Confucius, about 500 BCE; ideas collected by his students in the Analects; for government, officials should prove they deserve positions by passing rigorous civil service exams; ruler and authority figures should lead by setting a good moral example, not with punishment


not a religion, but a code of behavior based on the filial piety, the 5 relationships, and respect for authority figures; Kung-fu-Tzu or Confucius, about 500 BCE; ideas collected by his students in the Analects; for government, officials should prove they deserve positions by passing rigorous civil service exams; ruler and authority figures should lead by setting a good moral example, not with punishment


not interested in converting natives, focused on trade, especially of sugar in the Carib, bought Manhattan Island in 1624, started the colony of New Amsterdam, easily defeated by the British in a was in 1664; the English took over and renamed the city New York, after the king's brother, the Duke of York

Netherlands (EMP)

not interested in converting natives, focused on trade, especially of sugar in the Caribbean; in 1624, they bought Manhattan Island and started the colony of New Amsterdam; easily defeated by the British in a was in 1664; the English took over and renamed the city New York, after the king's brother, the Duke of York


not really a weapon at the beginning, very new invention, used it to spy on the enemy

quipu (PreCP)

not writing, but what the Andean cultures had

siam (LNC)

now Thailand, modernized somewhat, stayed independent by playing England and France against each other

leopold II (LNC)

of Belgium, claimed Congo for himself instead of Belgium, wants to be regarded as a powerful monarch like some of those in Europe, ambitious, wanted an empire like European powers, used propaganda to convince people they should go into Africa

alexander II (LNC)

of Russia ended serfdom in 1861, but peasants remained poor and powerless, The final end of serfdom--> last Euro country that had it, No organized work system, didn't get better for peasants

irish potato famine (LNC)

of the 8.5 million Irish, 1.5 million died and another million fled to the US and Canada, i.e. Great Hunger

byzantine difference from West Europe

used Greek language, the Cyrillic Alphabet, and the culture was closer to Persian and ME; they Christianized much of E Eur, but under a separate branch of the faith: Orthodox Christianity or Eastern Orthodoxy; Greece and Russia followed their lead

australia (LNC)

used as a prison camp by Great Britian, claimed by Cook in 1770


used extensively in the Ming Dynasty, undercutting the power of the Mandarin and leading to a power struggle

FDR and the New Deal

used government spending to create jobs and eased the worst suffering of the poor. The Wagner Act also legalized labor unions, which allowed workers to negotiate for higher wages and eventually allowed them to join the middle class—as they became consumers, the economy benefitted greatly. It also put restrictions on risky banking practices—a policy that stayed in place for nearly 70 years and helped the US avoid any serious economic downturns. Most historians argue that the New Deal programs saved confidence in democracy and capitalism by expanding the role of government.

shang dynasty (PreCP)

~1500 BCE-~1027 BCE, first historical dynasty in Chinese history; oracle bones and tortoise shells indicate that their written language existed then

Shang Dynasty

~1500 BCE~1027 BCE, first historical dynasty in Chinese history, oracle bones and tortoise shells indicate that their written language existed then

cradles of civilization

~3000 BCE, four original civilizations that developed along river valleys--> Indus River Valley (India), Nile River Valley (Egypt), Tigris and Euphrates River Valley (Mesopotamia), Yellow River Valley (China

Mauryan Dynasty (CP)

~323-185 BCE--the first great dynasty in Indian history united much of the northern part, including the 2 river valleys; Chandragupta Maurya started the line, taking advantage of a power void created when Alexander and the Greeks invade, conquered, but then left India in 323 BCE

Greek Civilization (CP)

~750-100s BCE-- centered in the cultural and political capital of Athens; a collection of polis (city-states), rather than a centralized empire; unified in a defensive alliance about 500 BCE to defeat the Persians in the Persian Wars

ritual ball games

olmec, losing team sacrificed to gods

US prosperity

partially a result of the Marshall Plan, which put Americans to work, 1945: many feared a return to depression, instead, US entered a 25-year period of unparalleled economic growth, war years led to a pent-up desire to spend, Marshall Plan; Cold War spending, baby boom, labor unions helped factory workers join MC

serfdom (LNC)

peasants were bonded to the land on which they worked

cecil rhodes (LNC)

exemplified the belief that an empire was a reflection of national greatness, British businessman and imperialist, 1877 quote: "I contend that we Britons are the first race in the world, and the more of the world that we inhabit, the better it is for the human race. I believe it is my duty to God, my Queen, and my country to color the whole map of Africa red, red from the Cape of Good Hope to Cairo."

1001 Arabian nights

folk tales collected in the abbasid caliphate

five year plan

for a five year period, the country is going to focus all of their energy and resources on improving one aspect of the country, 1st one in 1928-33, tried to improve heavy industry (railroads, steel, and mines), WILDLY successful, production quadrupled in first ten years after 1928, success in industrial output came at a tremendous price w/ collectivization

republican (CP)

form of government established by the Romans


form of government from rome

new republics (LNC)

form of most new nations' governments, creoles replaced Peninsulars, nothing changed for the poor, caudillos put in power most places, creoles wanted to keep power, did not industrialize, remained largely agricultural


form of record-keeping developed in sumerian civilization


formed in 1967 to promote economic growth and defense in case of attack. Fairly effective in economics, includes Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Philippines

white armies

former nobles who wanted a return to the Romanov monarchy, fought Lenin and the Red Army when he was in power


formerly French region given to Germany in the treaty that ended the Franco-Prussian war, France is bitter and wants revenge

Carthage (CP)

fought Punic Wars with Romans in 200s and 100s BCE, in North Africa, their great general Hannibal nearly conquered them

100 years' war (PostCP)

fought b/t England and France over control of the French throne brought disaster to Northern France, 13-1400s

100 Years' War

fought between England and France over the control of the French throne, brought disaster to Northern France in the 13-1400s

suffragettes (LNC)

fought for women's suffrage, Emmaline Pankhurst, England, Susan B. Anthony, Us; late 1800s

Persian Empire (CP)

founded by Cyrus the Great about 500 BCE, Zoroastrianism, satraps


founded by Yasir Arafat in 1964, Palestine, said their goal was to stop at nothing to drive Jews out of the ME, became in large part a terrorist group, would hijack planes to get money, this is what happened when the Israeli athletes were held hostage and murdered at the Munich Olympics

persian empire

founded by cyprus the great about 500 BCE


founder of Confucianism


founder of daoism


free Roman men

laissez-faire (LNC)

free market economy, markets will fix themselves, doesn't account for greed, WC squeezed out

Plebians (CP)

free-men during the Roman Republic


french word for enlightenment thinkers

12 tables of law

from Rome, innocent until proven guilty, etc; developed by Greek aristocrats, Draco and Solon in 600s BCE

Philip II

from Spain, led religious war of Catholics against Protestants

Egyptian Civilization

from about 3100 BCE to 500 BCE, a great civilization developed along the predictable Nile River; Pharaohs were the god-kings who ruled through many dynasties and were buried in incredible pyramids; they developed a writing system of pictographs known as hieroglyphics

Egyptian Civilization (PreCP)

from about 3100 BCE to 500 BCE, a great civilization developed along the predictable Nile River; Pharaohs were the god-kings who ruled through many dynasties and were buried in incredible pyramids; they developed a writing system of pictographs known as hieroglyphics

Hopewell and Mississippian

from about 800 to 1500, along the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys, these mound-building cultures developed; people built huge mounds as tombs or religious sites; they were both farmers and hunters, but we know little else about them

resource extraction (LNC)

from mines and fields, Nothing to stop topsoil from washing away when it rains, Erosion, Leaving mining holes in the ground--> sinkholes

Philip of Macedon (CP)

from north of Athens, invaded Greece in the 300s BCE and conquered the Greeks but adopted their culture; his son, Alexander the Great spread new Greek Empire and culture to Egypt and as far as the Indus Valley

PHilip of Macedon

from north of athens, invaded in the 300s and conquered the Greeks but adopted their culture; his son, Alexander the Great, spread the new Greek empire to Egypt and as far as the indus valley; he also spread Greek culture, or hellenism, until his death in 323 BCE

purple dye

from snails, main part of the Phoenician empire, royal blue or purple

Douglas MacArthur

he was in charge in the US occupation of Japan from 1945-52, in charge as they set up democracy and economy, general who led the US effort in the Korean War


held the real power, emperor as a figurehead in the Kamakura Shogunate

guru nanak (EMP)

him and some Indians formed a new religion that combined elements of the other two: Sikhism (Mughal dynasty time-ish??)

guru nanak

him and some Indians formed a new religion that combined elements of the other two: Sikhissm

Sophocles (CP)

his dramatic plays developed and explained ideas of Greek philosophy around 500 BCE (especially the idea of Hubris)

Zheng He (EMP)

his explorations in China during Ming Dynasty 1368-1644


his plays developed and explained rationalism or reason and Golden Mean

Aesop (CP)

his simple fables helped develop and explain ideas of Greek Philosophy developed about 500 BCE

south and southeast asia

historical India, SE Asia, Philippines, Indonesia

south and southeast asia

historical India, SE Asia, philippines, indonesia

Bible (CP)

holy book of Christianity, New Testament details the life and ideas of Christ

Ottoman Turks (PostCP)

in 1300s, ME area gradually taken over by them led by Osman; except for a brief period about 1400, when Tamerlane and the Mongols had a last success; they ruled until WWI

Osman (PostCP)

in 1300s, ME gradually taken over by Ottoman Turks led by him; except for a brief period about 1400, when Tamerlane and the Mongols had a last success; the Turks ruled until WWI

Tamerlane (PostCP)

in 1398, Mongols under him invaded India and conquered; he died in 1405; sultans still ruled, but with no real control or unity


people from Mesopotamia, led by Abraham, who started the first monotheistic religion about 2000 BCE (became Judaism), Christianity and Islam grew out of Judaism with many similar ideas; holy book was the Torah and the guide for conduct is found in the Ten Commandments; about 1000 BCE, they again settled in the area of Palestine/Canaan and started a kingdom, Israel, that lasted for about a century, driven out of Palestine by the Assyrians in 700s BCE


in Indonesia, became a center of the spice trade and muslim culture, through trade, the Mughals spread Islam into SE Asia and INdonesia (the largest muslim nation in the world today)

atlantic revolutions (LNC)

in Latin America, another wave, a spate of revolutions in Latin America 1810-1830 as those nations worked for independence from Europe

Ho Chi Minh

in North Vietnam, popular dictator, had been at Versailles in 1919 and was ignored= anger, built hundreds of miles of underground tunnels to fight French and later US, promising people they will have own plot of land, actually genuinely popular, fought guerrilla war, supported by USSR and China

Safavid Empire (EMP)

in Persia, started by Shah Ismail in 1501; revived Persian culture; a Gunpowder Empire distinct from its neighbors in India and the ME; Europeans traded with them b/c of the desire for their ceramic tiles and Persian carpets

Safavid Empire

in Persia, started by Shah Ismail in 1501; revived Persian culture; a Gunpowder Empire distinct from its neighbors, in India and the ME; Europeans traded with them because of the desire for their ceramic tiles and Persian carpets

elizabeth cady stanton (LNC)

in US, called the first women's rights meeting in 1848 in Seneca Falls, NY, Fighting against slavery, then moved to women as well, Issued the Declaration of Sentiments written at Seneca Falls, Uses Jefferson's words, has even more power, First step towards women's rights

bill of rights

in england, limited the power of the monarch, gave much more power to Parliament

ganges/gunga river

in northern India, regarded as a sacred place in Hinduism

Ganges or Gunga River (PreCP)

in northern India; regarded as a sacred place in Hinduism

chemical production (LNC)

in paint, fertilizers, new colors, brighter, stayed longer, all waste products being dumped in drinking water

impact of slavery on Africa (LNC)

increased polygamy, had to protect selves, ethnic rivalries

pyramids (PreCP)

incredible places where Egyptian pharaohs were buried

oracle bones (PreCP)

indicated that written language existed in the Pre-Classical Period in China during the Shang Dynasty

us bill of rights (LNC)

individual freedoms, 10 amendments, protected smaller states and individual rights, now 28 amendments


industrialization and global interaction

salvatore dali

inspired by Freud, Spain, surrealist, used nightmare images from the unconscious mind

Che Guevara

involved in about 5 or 6 revolutions in Lat Amer during the cold war, wanted to try to help people in poverty, helping communists fight, led socialist revolution with Fidel Castro against Fulgencia Batista in late 1950s

Great Wall

its pieces were connected during the Qin Dynasty


japanese national seclusion policy

Sakoku (EMP)

japanese national seclusion policy during the Tokugawa Shogunate, 1603-1868

bastille day (LNC)

july 14th, a mob stormed the Bastille, it was being used as an armory and prison- stormed it for weapons

invasion of russia

june 1941, Hitler broke non-aggression pact, US began sending aid to Russia as well as England, the USSR, led by Joseph Stalin, was pushed steadily back, losing hundreds of miles of territory and millions of people, but they also wore Germany down

sharecropping (LNC)

just like debt peonage, gave them house and property and food, require half crop and increase every year, never improves

spanish flu epidemic

killed 20 M more people after the war, 1918-19, no cure, you would likely die if you caught it

Montezuma (EMP)

king of Aztecs when Hernan Cortez and conquistadores arrived in 1519, let them in to Tenochtitlan and they destroyed the Aztec Empire using superior steel swords, gunpowder weapons, Mexican allies who hated the Aztecs, and, especially, diseases such as smallpox


king of the Aztecs, let Hernan Cortez and the Spanish conquistadores into Tenochtitlan and they destroyed the Aztec Empire


kingdoms such as this one became powerful by fighting wars with European weapons against their neighbors for slaves

Asante (EMP)

kingdoms such as this one became powerful by fighting wars with European weapons against their neighbors for slaves during the slave trade

columbian exchange

know the products traded, continents affected, ideas, diseases, etc. exchanged

Belgian Congo

known as this from 1908-1960, people pushing for independence, Belgium didn't want to give it up b/c they had lucrative businesses there and many other European countries and US had businesses here too, 1960: Belgian government just left (abruptly)-- gave Congo independence, started a democracy, but gave people NO preparation for self-government, but businesses and military stayed, so almost like it's a military-occupied country, and a lot of money flows out, no prep for self-rule, had never been allowed any positions in government or voting rights, 16 million people, 16 college grads, NO education, 1st republic, 1960-65, first stage of Congo as an independent country, first year pretty peaceful, after that it is a period of chaos and civil war, Patrice Lumumba elected first Prime Minister, but had no money, it all went to Western nations, 1961, Us supported a coup d'etat, US feared communist takeover, civil war continued until November 1965, US won, we established a dictatorship with Mobutu as dictator, Mobutu's reign of terror, 1965-97

Sanskrit (PreCP)

language brought into India by Aryan Invaders


language in India brought by aryan invaders

central asia (LNC)

largely muslim region, lost importance with decline fo Silk Roads trade and Chinese expansion, Russia took control of parts through expansion, England took Afghanistan

Ivan III/The Great (PostCP)

late 1400ss, took title "czar" and vowed to make Moscow the Third Rome. 1480, defied Mongols and refused to pay tribute, thus starting an independent empire

Decline of the Mughals (EMP)

late 1600s and 1700s, India, continuous wars and expensive building projects required heavy taxes that led to growing discontent toward Shah Jahan and his son; also resumed persecuting Hindus and reinstated jizya; this helped to create lasting animosity b/t Muslims and Hindus

Carolingian Era (PostCP)

late 700s, Charlemagne (r. 768-814) became king of the Franks and friends w/ RCC by defeating many of their enemies. He led a Euro revival by encouraging education and trying to re-establish a Euro unity that had been missing since the fall of Rome. Soon after his death, though, schools he started and stability he established were gone

excludes US and Canada

latin America

mao zedong

leader of the Chinese Communist Party, wanted to get his people to safety in the Long March, led 90,000 followers on a 6000 mile retreat, developed a new theory of guerrilla war: retreat when attacked, attack when the enemy rests, important, used in many important future wars, slowly built a new group of followers, stopped and actually thought about a strategy for the future, barely educated peasant, people who still believe in him and CCP or just hate Chiang Kai Shek start to trickle into the mountains, developed a new radical take on Marxism, late 1930s, gained more support by fighting hard against the Japanese


leader of the Delian League around 400s BCE, ushered in a golden age with his magnificent building projects in Athens, but tried to use the DL to finance this, creating anger and triggering the Peloponnesian war

Pericles (CP)

leader of the Delian League in the 400s, ushered in a golden age with his magnificent building projects in Athens, but tried to use the DL to finance this, creating anger and triggering the Peloponnesian War


leader of the Incas when the the empire fell to the Spanish


leader of the roman Catholic Church

Leif Ericson

led Vikings in setting up settlements in Iceland, Greenland, and North America about 1000 CE

ottoman turks

led by osman, gradually took over the middle east in the 1300s after the abbasid caliphate; except for a brief period about 1400, when Tamerlane and the Mongols had a last success; the Turks ruled until WWI

Zheng He (PostCP)

led the 7 great voyages from 1405-1433 under Yongle in the Ming Dynasty; China dominated the Indian Ocean, sailing as far as India, Africa, and the ME

abraham (PreCP)

led the Hebrews

Pol Pot

led the Khmer Rouge party, when the US helped to overthrow Sihanouk in Cambodia in 1970, disrupted the nation so much that the communist group led by him was able to seize control, brutal totalitarian dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands and forced people to leave the cities and work on collective farms-- an estimated 2M out of 8M people died under his rule from executions and starvation, overthrown in 1979

Hernan Cortez

led the Spanish conquistadores in taking over the Aztecs, mistaken for Quetzalcoatl


led the hebrews, started Judaism, the first monotheistic religion

leopold senghor

led the negritude movement of the 1930s from Senegal, inspired by the Harlem Renaissance in the US, celebrated African pride, used his poetry as a weapon, using metaphors and stuff to be openly critical of Euro control in Africa


led the new government after the March revolution, liberal reforms such as freedoms, insisted on staying in the war so as to keep their alliances down the road, why they were largely unpopular because the main reason people wanted a new government was to get out of the war


led the ottoman turks in gradually taking over the middle east in the 1300s after the Abbasid caliphate

brazil and argentina

led the way in industrialization in Lat Amer

hitler youth

like the girl/boy scouts of Hitler's era, encouraged to go to music clubs and find anyone playing jazz music (the music of blacks and Jews) and beat up everyone, taught them to obey the government without question, younger verions of thugs


mighty city, capital of the Aztec empire, built in 1325 on the present site of Mexico City; 3 causeways led to a well-planned island city, in 1500 CE a pop of 300,000 (bigger than any in Europe) and temples the size of those in Egypt. Perhaps 30 M tottal in the empire, had writing


militaristic in Greece, won the Peloponnesian War, Athens never really recovered

Sparta (CP)

militaristic vs artsy Athens, won the Peloponnesian War, Athens never really recovered, and the entire civilization began to decline b/c of this war

caudillos (LNC)

military dictator, put in power most places South America, ruled on behalf of wealthy landowners, helped creoles keep power

francisco franco

military general who led the fascists against the loyalists in the Spanish Civil War 1936-9, helped by Germany and Italy

state shintoism

military government, started this, also taps into traditional religious beliefs, now linked with government, it is the fiction that the government creates in order to get total obedience from all people, emperor is divine, military dictatorship ruled in his name, because of the historical isolation, they were a pure race, better than all other people

agustin iturbide (LNC)

military leader, named emperor of Mexico by creoles after they won independence from Spain for they feared larger revolution, feared that the unification of all peasants regardless of color would lead to a larger revolution


millions drafted into armies, left factories and fields just when they were needed the most at home, new opportunities for women and minorities, government expanded control, some virtual dictatorships, no civil liberties especially in US, socialism and welfare gained acceptance, wage and price controls, rationing

modernization without westernization (reforms) (LNC)

modernization to compete with the West in Japan and prevent from becoming a colony, scrutinized and borrowed ideas, but adapted them to Japan's culture

William and Mary

monarchs of England who agreed to make it a constitutional monarchy

monasticism (PostCP)

monasteries evolved from places for extremely pius monks to separate from the world to rich centers of trade and learning when ppl began donating valuables to RCC to avoid Purgatory

Islam (PostCP)

monotheistic faith with belief in a Judgement Day, heaven and hell; Muhammad is seen as the last of a long line of prophets that began with Abraham and included Jesus; relatively tolerant at first, seeing Christians and Jews as "People of the Book" as the Koran is similar to the Bible and Torah; during the Crusades (1100-1300) the many invasions by European Christians led to strong enmity toward non-Muslims; the term Jihad means to struggle--against sin, temptation, etc., but also against the enemies of Islam. In this sense it has sometimes been interpreted as "Holy War" and used as a justification for war

Zoroastrianism (CP)

monotheistic religion, classical period of Persia; Zarathustra started this monotheistic religion about 500 BCE that was based on the idea that the universe and all people are in a constant struggle b/t good and evil; Avesta-- the Holy Book; written down about 500 BCE, although passed down orally before that


monotheistic religion, classical period of Persia; Zarathustra started this monotheistic religion about 500 BCE that was based on the idea that the universe and all people are in a constant struggle between good and evil, Avesta is the Holy Book, written down about 500 BCE, though passed down orally before that


more this than the Middle Ages, as people began to enjoy life, rather than waiting for Heaven

pepper (EMP)

most desired spice in Europe, Calicut, on the western coast, was known for trading it

council of the indies

most important administrative organ of the Spanish crown with regards to Americas and Asia

emergence of globalized networks of communication and exchange

most important development of the early modern era

social control

motivation for the use of the caste system


movement in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 1930s, led by Leopold Senghor (Senegal), inspired by the Harlem Renaissance in the US, celebrated African pride, they were told for centuries that they were inferior, but then they said you should embrace your African heritage, used his poetry as a weapon

self-strengthening movement (LNC)

movement in the 1870s, some modernization, but mandarin in control, sticking to traditional ways, economic and military reforms, a reaction to the threat of the West, but it was too late and incomplete, CHINA


movement of Jews to Palestine in the hopes of making that area their homeland, no one really cared until 1900

poison gas

much more deadly than airplanes, gas mask invented during the war to avoid this


much of Sub-Saharan Africa was originally settled by an ethnic group that spoke this language, spread from Nigeria about 1500 BCE, across Sub-Saharan AFrica by 500 CE bringing agriculture and ironworking with them

muslim league (LNC)

muslim group that broke away from the Indian National Congress, same goals but working against each other, 1906


muslim practice adopted by some Hindus in the Delhi Sultanate to protect their women


muslims tried to outlaw this in the Delhi sultanate, but without success


mustafa kemal's nickname, means father Turk

origins of cold war

mutual distrust since 1917, US did not 'recognize' USSR as a country until 1934, Tensions during WWII--> 2nd front, Stalin grew to believe that US and GB wanted them to bleed to death, 1945 US dismantled army, Europe vulnerable to Soviet expansion


my own goofy mathematical formula to explain that Western Civilization grew out of Greco-Roman traditions and those of Judeo-Christianity


name was designed to sound silly--> poking fun at the pretentious ways of the art society, "anti-art", anything can be art, everything is art, nothing is art, everyday items or trash of life can also be seen as art

Yin and Yang (PreCP)

natural forces of light and dark, good and evil, etc


natural laws, scientific revolution

Four Noble Truths

need to understand these in Buddhism to master the Eight-fold Path

coal (LNC)

needed for both iron and textiles to run steam engine, very lucrative business to own mines

New Agreements with Iran

negotiated end to Iran building nuclear weapons and stopped an embargo, helped US reputation

hebrews (PreCP)

people from Mesopotamia, led by Abraham, who started the first monotheistic religion about 2000 BCE (became Judaism); Christianity and Islam grew out of Judaism with many similar ideas; holy book was the Torah and the guide for conduct is found in the Ten Commandments; about 1000 BCE, they again settled in the area of Palestine/Canaan and started a kingdom, Israel, that lasted for about a century; driven out of Palestine by the Assyrians in 700s BCE

indentured servants (LNC)

people paid for people to come to Americas, would work for them for however long


people that lived in Kampuchea

preservation Greco-Roman classics (PostCP)

perhaps greatest contribution of the Byzantine Emp, they admired learning and used the classic books as texts; Muslims would later learn these things from the Byzantines; best known for their mosaics; often they depicted religious items

dark ages (PostCP)

period 500-800 in Western Europe sometimes called this, decline of cities after fall of Rome b/c of disease and b/c cities=targets for invaders, trade diminished, Europe became much more insular

dark ages

period 500-800 in Western Europe, cities abandoned, trade diminished, Europe much more insular


period in which many cultures develop philosophies that will affect their people for the rest of history

Pax Romana

period of Caesar's rule and time of the Roman Empire, stability, prosperity, artistic and scientific developments

enlightened absolutism (LNC)

philosophes distrusted democracy, wanted an enlightened monarch who would rule justly and introduce reforms that benefitted all, e.g. Catherine the Great of Russia

Archimedes (CP)

physics and more math, another contribution of the Greeks

Great Wall (CP)

pieces of this connected during the Qin Dynasty, defense mechanism

Horace (CP)

poet in Rome, proclaimed, "Captive Greece enslaved her fierce captor."


policy Nehru pursued in India after 1947, they would not take sides in the Cold War, believed India would have more power by doing this, so they don't become one of many allies, especially in the UN-- this country had a lot of power in casting the deciding votes on issues b/t communists and democracies, Nehru emerged as the leader of "Third World"

locked in hierarchy, peninsulars with power, creoles restricted control, natives slaves and mixed-race people angry at low status

political situation in lat. amer, 1800

passenger pigeons (LNC)

popular bird that went extinct from over-hunting

English Bill of Rights (EMP)

result of the Glorious Revolution (1688-89), passed in 1989 by Parliament working with William and Mary (who basically had not choice but to agree to it) creates separation of powers, limits the powers of the king and queen, enhances the democratic election and bolsters freedom of speech

Greco-Roman traditions

resulted from Romans continuing and improving Greek ideas

fall of byzantine

resulted from the fall of constantinople in 1453 after dominating EE for 1000 years; Greek language, Cyrillic alphabet, and Eastern Orthodoxy continue in their region

relative isolation

resulted from the mandarin winning the eunuch vs. mandarin power struggle

defeated on all fronts, universal male suffrage in France, serfdom abolished in all but Russia, end to era of MC

results of 1848 revs

pop stagnant 400 years, never industrialized, increased warfare b/t tribes

results of the slave trade

vladimir lenin

returned from exile and led the bolsheviks in the November revolution, led Red Army in fighting against anti-Communists, held of all opposition outside the country, now had to consolidate within

1848 revolutions (LNC)

revolts everywhere but England and Russia


riots in 1976, township near Johannesburg; 1 million blacks, peaceful protest against making Afrikaans official language, police cracked down ruthlessly to show they would tolerate no protests or dissent of any kind, young people responded with violence, believed it was the only way to fight back, 575 killed in weeks of violence. After, government began arbitrary arrests, torture of prisoners, 1977: Stephen Biko, ANC activist, arrested and beaten to death

central asia

ripple effect going on around here around time of fall of Rome because of the Mongols

sati (LNC)

ritual suicide of widows, outlawed by BEIC in 1829, but still goes on


rivalries over this especially had almost led to war before


roman scientist, astronomer, and map-maker during the pax romana

Time of the Warring States (CP)

roughly 700s to 200 BCE in China; period of discord and a lack of centralized control; chaos led to the "100 Schools" of thought or philosophy in which many different thinkers tried to come up with ways to reform China and end the turmoil; Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism all came from that era

time of the warring states

roughly 700s to 200 BCE in China; period of discord and a lack of centralized control; chaos led to the "100 schools" of thought in which many different thinkers tried to come up with ways to reform China and end the turmoil; Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism all came from that era


ruled 273-232 BCE in the Mauryan Dynasty in India, expanded the empire with bloody wars, but came to reject violence, embrace Buddhism, rock and pillar edicts

Ashoka (CP)

ruled 273-232 BCE-- expanded the Maurya empire with bloody wars, but came to reject violence, embrace Buddhism

porfirio diaz (LNC)

ruled Mexico from 1876-1910, a caudillo who stayed in power by cooperating with the rich landowners, business men, and Western investors, his government benefited only wealthy elite, overthrown in 1911= complex civil war

Peter the Great (EMP)

ruled Russia 1682-1725, "Westernized" Russia by copying everything from West Europe and building a modern capital at St. Petersburg; made Russia a powerful nation, one of the "Great Powers" of Europe

Atahualpa (EMP)

ruler of Incas when Pizarro and conquistadores defeated them in 1532-40, killed by Pizarro and his crew


ruthless leaders rule by force on behalf of the wealthy in Latin America, like fascism, alliance between business and military and leader of the country, supported by the US b/c they protected US businesses, caused great resentment, communists gained support

Vedas (PreCP)

sacred hymns that spelled out the legends and rules of conduct for Hinduism


sacred hymns that spelled out the legends and rules of conduct of Hinduism


saved Virginia from starvation and the South focused on cash crops (cotton after 1800, invention of the cotton gin); labor shortages led first to the extensive use of indentured servants and then AFrican slaves

Tobacco (EMP)

saved Virginia from starvation and the South focused on cash crops (cotton after 1800, invention of the cotton gin); labor shortages led to the first extensive use of indentured servants and then African slaves

invasion of poland

September 1, 1939: WWII began, Poland resists= first fighting in Europe, but Poland still has a cavalry, Stalin takes over Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Eastern Poland (Baltic countries), buys Hitler some times, GB and France declared war, there was no stopping Hitler unless you did it forcefully, about 5 years behind Germany, first part of the war is very one-sided, US still turning back

fall of france

Spring 1940, Schlieffen Plan revisited, Germany went around the Maginot Line, through Belgium, France fell in a few weeks, Hitler filmed taking a victory dance, then took over North Africa, Norway, Holland, etc., soon Germany held most of Western Europe

women in ME/Ottoman Empire (LNC)

Tanzimat Reforms (1830s-1870s) gave women access to education, but opposed by traditionalists

MC pop culture

The Jazz Singer= first movie with words, MC grew in the 1920s, had more leisure time and disposable income, enjoyed new mass entertainments: film, radio, advertising, US culture spread through films and pop music, especially Jazz music, many found fulfillment through consuming some of the latest products--> not religion


Tokugawa capital here

Quetzalcoatl (PostCP)

Toltecs worshipped this god, The Feathered Serpent, legend developed that he would return in year 1519 (on Euro Calendars) with light skin, feathers on his face, and riding on the clouds

push/pull factors (LNC)

Two reasons people leave their home for another place: push and pull factors, Push: something bad happening at home, "Pull factors" of greater economic chances

matthew perry (LNC)

US Commodore, forced Japan to trade in 1853, other countries soon followed the US and forced unfair trade agreements

island hopping

US began this strategy in which they attacked key islands and ignored unimportant ones, cutting off supplies and starving them out, as they drew closer to Japan, the fighting became more deadly, again, the legacy of the samurai was never to surrender, US planned to invade eventually, but anticipated a tremendous loss of life

containment policy

US developed a new policy to deal with the Cold War in 1947, they vowed to try to contain communism wherever it threatened to expand, added the domino theory in 1954

War on Terror

US fighting anyone who seems to maybe be a threat, military campaign after 9/11, 2001-2, US destroyed al-Q HQ in Afghanistan, did not get Osama, 2003: Bush shifted focus from Osama and al-Qaeda to war against Saddam Hussein and Iraq, Bush Doctrine (attack terrorists b4 they attack us)


US promised independence during the war and they received it peacefully in 1946, while India and ___ were given independence by their colonial rulers, most of the other SE Asia nations had to fight for freedom

Ngo Dinh Diem

US puppet in SVN, he is a dictator too, but anti-communist, very Westernized, corrupt and repressive, tried to convert buddhists to Catholicism, dramatic protests (self-immolation), killed November 2, 1963 by his own generals, planned by CIA

open door policy (LNC)

US signed this with Europeans in 1900, gets each of these individual sphere countries to sign this policty with them so they could get into all spheres of influence, all ports open to trade for all nations, not negotiable with Chinese

susan b. anthony (LNC)

US, suffragette, actually did go and vote disguised as a man--> put on trial, Seen as radical, But laid groundwork for later success, Got people's attention

growth of welfare state

Ultimately, governments were forced to take more responsibility for restricting the greed of businessmen and taking care of those who could not help themselves. People demanded programs such as social security, pensions, and unemployment insurance and governments responded to those demands by turning to more socialist reforms—including the US (the Social Security System).

jizya (PostCP)

Umayyad Caliphate, non-Muslims allowed to follow their own faith as long as their paid this tax


Union of Soviet Socialists Republic, what Russia became when the communist party came to power

laws against unions (LNC)

Unions and strikes made illegal; crushed by governments in early 1800s, Government would send army in to break up strikes if they occurred-- violence

simon bolivar (LNC)

Venezuelan Creole aristocrat, led northern nations of South America in revolutions, "The Liberator"; 1815 Jamaica Letter, first victory in Venezuela was short-lived, decided he had to drive Spain completely out of South America to achieve lasting success, wanted unity, united states of latin America, rivalries and civil wars made that idea elusive, 'liberator' of Columbia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru

Mali (PostCP)

West Afr/Nubian Emp, 1200-1400s, rose up as Ghana faded, also built on gold-for-salt trade. A mansa, or emperor, named Sundiata defeated an unpop ruler and expanded emp, bringing period of peace and prosperity. Most famous ruler, Mansa Musa (r. 1307-32), made Timbuktu fabulously wealthy city; also recognized as a center of Islamic scholarship and learning; made famous pilgrimage to mecca in 1324 w/ 500 slaves and 4 tons of gold. Outside world became intrigued w/ wealth of interior of Africa, internal rivalries weakened kingdom; gold mines exhausted; replaced by Songhai

Ghana (PostCP)

West Afr/Nubian Emp, 700s-1200s, grew rich as middlemen in trans-Saharan trade. From Medit in N came cloth, weapons, and tools, but primarily salt, which was lacking in S. Gold was most desirable item from forests of S. Gold-for-salt trade often silent trade; kings grew wealthy by taxing all exchanges and other traders who passed thru their region; they also provided protection for merchants. By 800s, Ghana had large army and expanded their territ, allowing self-gov to other chiefs in exchange for taxes and tribute; Polytheistic ppl who believed that their leader was divine, rulers adopted Islam as their religion about 1100, possibly for commercial benefits to be gained from trading w/ Muslim world; many other ordinary ppl never fully converted, retained hybrid set of beliefs that combines Islam and animism

Songhai (PostCP)

West Afr/Nubian Emp, replaced Mali, 1400s-1600, Sunni Ali (r. 1464-92) was first great ruler building a great army on land and on rivers (canoes); an army from Morocco, armed w/ modern guns and cannons, defeated them in 1591 and brought an end to a nearly 1000-year period of powerful empires in West Africa (Euros began arriving after 1600)

Habsburgs, Ottomans, German reich, Russia

What 4 empires ended at the end of WWI?

Third Rome (PostCP)

What Czar Ivan III/The Great vowed to make Moscow

Rock and Pillar Edicts (CP)

When Asoka became Buddhist in the 200s BCE, he encouraged his people in India to do the same, so he had Buddhist principles such as the Four Noble Truths carved onto rocks and pillars around the country; he also sent missionaries to SE Asia and China to spread these ideas, which is why those areas are Buddhist

Byzantine Empire (CP)

When Diocletian split the Roman Empire in 284 CE, he set the Eastern Capital in the Greek city of Byzantium (later Constantinople, later Istanbul); after the fall of Rome, a powerful empire arose from that center and lasted from about 500 to 1453, when the empire was ended by the Ottoman Turks; they followed Orthodox Christianity and spread it to East Europe and Russia

Iran-Hostage Crisis

When Jimmy Carter decided to let in Shah of Iran to the US for medical treatment, Iranians erupted in anger, Iranian students rioted in November 1979, stormed US embassy, seized 52 US diplomats, held them hostage for 444 days until January 1981, President Carter negotiated release

Cradles of Civilization (PreCP)

Yellow River Civilization, Indus Valley Civilization, Sumerian Civilization, Andean Civilization, around 3000 BCE, developed along river valleys, agricultural revolution took place here

armenian genocide

Young Turks blamed this group for Ottoman losses in the war, 1915, they were pushing for their own countries, 2nd genocide of 20th century after Herrero by Germany in Africa, over 1M killed, still bad feelings over this in the ME

united fruit company (LNC)

a US company in Latin America, built a monopoly by 1900, Pretty much all fruit consumed in US produced by them, You can charge anything you want-- no competition


a byzantine emperor in the 500s; tried to restore the greatness of Rome by unifying all of Europe; preserved Roman law of the 12 Tables with Justinian's Code; rebuilt Constantinople into a great city, marked especially by the Santa Sophia church (later Hagia Sophia)

Abacus (PostCP)

a calculating device of wood and beads, created about 1000 CE in the Tang and Song Dynasties in China

ban zhou

a chinese female who wrote Lessons for Women about 100 CE as advice for women, she encouraged women to be submissive to their husbands, but to get a good education so they could be more helpful to their husbands


a city (named after the emperor) in Ethiopia (Axum Empire); in about 1200, built underground Christian Churches into solid rock in order to avoid detection by invading Muslims


a city-state in Central America that began about 100 CE, by the 500s, it had over 150,000 people and 20 pyramids, including the Pyramid of the Sun; became the center of wide-spread trade network; obsidian, used for weapons and sharp tools, was in great demand-- by 750, the city was abandoned


a city-state on the Dnieper River in the south set up by the Rus people, an important link in the trade network between Scandinavia (the Vikings), along the rivers, to the Black Sea and Constantinople, this contact also connected these people to the Silk Roads trade


a kingdom centered at the mouth of the Congo River; the Portuguese arrived in 1483 and gradually forced them into a partnership; they supplied slaves in exchange for modern weapons; their kingdom was able to expand with this help and eventually push the Portuguese out in the 1600s

Kongo (EMP)

a kingdom centered at the mouth of the Congo River; the Portuguese arrived in 1483 and gradually forced them into a partnership; they supplied slaves in exchange for modern weapons; their kingdom was able to expand with this help and eventually push the Portuguese out in the 1600s

zaibatsu (LNC)

a large family-owned business, supported by the government to make sure they can't fail, a handful of powerful families held a lot of industrial power, head of one of these might sit in the oligarchical cabinet


a large, nomadic group from North-central Asia; their armies conquered the Roman and Gupta Empires around 500 CE and attacked China's Han Dynasty before being defeated; the Han were so weakened though, that they fell about 220 CE

Jesuits (EMP)

a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of priests founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, and others in 1534, to do missionary work. The order was zealous in opposing the Reformation. Despite periodic persecution it has retained an important influence in Catholic thought and education


a new religion started by Jesus of Nazareth, about year 0; based on the idea of forgiveness of sins, second chances; true believers can reach salvation, or eteral life in "Heaven"; sinners are punished with eternity in "Hell"; Jesus adopted many ideas from his original religion, Judaism, but added the idea of a Judgement Day; the New Testament of the Bible details the life and ideas of Christ; at first just a sect of Judaism, but spread by his apostles and other followers, it became centered in Rome and developed into Roman Catholicism with Peter seen as the first Pope or leader of the Roman Catholic Church

Quetzalcoatl (EMP)

a winged, serpent god in Aztec mythology; he was said to have ruled the Azteccs long ago and would return to lead them again in 1519, the exact year that Hernan Cortez and the Spanish conquistadores showed up looking just like the description of the god (light skin; feathers--hair--on their faces, etc.)

Summa Theologica

a work written by Thomas Aquinas in the 1200s in which he attempted to prove the existence of GOd by using rationalism and logical arguments; shows that reason was returning to Europe after the Dark AGes, but that those ideas were still limited to religion in the Euro Revival

Teotihuacan (PostCP)

about 100 CE, a city-state began; by 500s, had over 150K ppl and 20 pyramids, including Pyramid of the Sun; became center of a wide-spread trade network; obsidian, used for weapons and sharp tools, was in great demand--by 750, the city was abandoned

Kamakura Shogunate (PostCP)

about 1200, (1200-1333) began; emperor became a figurehead, with actual power held by the Shogun; the daimyo (nobles) and samurai (warriors) lived by the code of Bushido and expertly defended Japan against an invasion from China in the 1200s, aided by a Kamikaze; samurai would rule Japan until 1868

Shogun (PostCP)

about 1200, Kamakura Shogunate (1200-1333) began; emperor became a figurehead, with actual power held by him

The Age of Discovery/Exploration

about 1440-1600; starts with Henry the Navigator; Columbus, Vasco da Gama, motives and reasons (3 Gs, technology); results; American colonies for Spain, Portugal, France, Holland, England

Age of Discovery/Exploration

about 1449-1600; starts w/ Henry the Navigator; Columbus, da Gama, motives and reasons, results; American colonies for Spain, Portugal, France, Holland, England; caravel-- merchant ships developed by the Portuguese in the 1400s under the leadership of Henry the Navigator; they enabled Euros to go around the world

millet (PostCP)

an administrative unit of the Ottoman Empire ruled by a bey, each could establish their own gov and laws, giving religious minorities considerable autonomy. All Muslims were expected to adhere to traditional Islamic law, the Sharia. Non-Muslims (mostly Orthodox Christians and Jews) were permitted to continue to practice their faith if they paid a tax (the jizya)

Sati/Suttee (CP)

an ancient Hindu practice in which the widow would throw herself onto the dead husband's funeral pyre; shows the inferiority of women, since there is no reason for her to stay alive; many attempts to outlaw the practice (by Mughal rules in 1600s, by the Brits in 1829), but still occurs at times today


an ancient Hindu practice in which the widow would throw herself onto the dead husband's funeral pyre; shows the inferiority of women, since there is no reason for her to stay alive; many attempts to outlaw the practice (by Mughals in 1600s, by the Brits in 1829) but still occurs at times today

I Ching (PreCP)

an ancient guide for rulers in China; it gives advice on how to read the signs of Yin and Yang and rule accordingly


an early name of Cambodia; the home of the Khmer people and the most powerful state in SE Asia began as Hindu kingdom in the 600s, but eventually Buddhism replaced Hinduism as the dominant religion. The Hindu temple at Angkor War (built around 1100) once was the center of a huge city (Angkor) of 1 M people. this monument to a dead king, however, required heavy taxes and weakened the kingdom; by the 1400s the city was abandoned.

Kampuchea (PostCP)

an early name of Cambodia; the home of the Khmer people and the most powerful state in SE Asia began as a Hindu kingdom in the 600s, but eventually Buddhism replaced Hinduism as the dominant religion. The Hindu temple at Angkor Wat (built around 1100) once was the center of a huge city (Angkor) of 1 M people. This monument to a dead king, however, required heavy taxes and weakened the kingdom; by the 1400s the city was abandoned

enlightened reforms (LNC)

an enlightened leader would rule justly--> religious toleration, legal system, practical education

Heian Period (PostCP)

an era in Japanese history (about 800-1200 CE) when the capital was at Heian (later called Kyoto); an elaborate court life surrounded the emperor in this time period and the arts, especially literature flourished; the first novel ever, Murasaki Shikibu's Tale of Genji emerged was written about 1000 CE ; noble men and women powdered their faces and blackened their teeth as sign of wealth and beauty; the period ended when the samurai set up the first shogunate in about 1200; Kana-- a simplified form of Chinese writing developed by female poets in Japan about 1000 CE, during the Heian Era; it enabled them to better create poetry and shows the Japanese manner of borrowing and adapting


august 9, 1945, army and propaganda still refused to surrender, people didn't know what was happening, thought it was just another bombing raid, 3 days later-> probably pretty premature, if people really knew what was happening then they probably would've surrendered, similar death numbers, but we don't know for sure, 'mushroom cloud'

adam smith/on the wealth of nations (LNC)

author/book, 1776, Scottish economist, laissez-faire, invisible hand

charles lyell/principles of geology (LNC)

author/book, 1830, By studying rocks and the formation of the surface of the Earth, they realized that Earth's surface was raised up, slow erosion, Surface of the earth not formed briefly, but over millions of years

herbert spencer/Principles of Biology (LNC)

author/book, 1864, Basically Darwin + Adam Smith (laissez-faire), Government should not interfere with human societies, Pretty twisted use of Darwin, Other people take his ideas and apply them in different ways as well, Coined the term "Survival of the Fittest", Main application, Only the fittest human beings should be allowed to survive, Strong are entitled to dominate the weak and exploit them

Julius Caesar

seized power and ruled as a dictator/emperor until his assassination in 44 BCE; this started the Empire period which hit its peak in the 100s CE, a period called the Pax Romana because of the stability, prosperity, and artistic and scientific developments, Virgil and Ovid, great poets; Ptolemy, scientist, astronomer, map-maker

Sonni Ali

seized the throne of the Mali Empire in the 1400s and started the Songhai Empire, about 1460

alfred thayer mahan/sea power (LNC)

author/book, US, 1890, American, History and sort of CURRENT event, Argues that in the industrialized age of the 1890s, the countries with the best navies dominate the world, Sets off a naval arms race, People want to build more, bigger, and better ships now, Causes some tension that eventually leads to WWI, England has upper hand, best navy in the world until end of WWII

john locke/two treatises (LNC)

author/book, book in 1689, england, natural laws, big focus is what Newton discovered for science, people are born with certain natural rights: life liberty, and property, governments can only rule with consent of the governed, people should revolt if power is abused

Adam Smith/Laissez-faire economics (EMP)

author/idea, belief that the economy will fix itself without the 'invisible hand' of government interference, the government should just leave the economy alone

theodore herzl/The Jewish State/Zionism (LNC)

author/pamphlet/ideal Austrian journalist, wrote a pamphlet in 1896, argued the idea that Jews are never going to be safe/secure anywhere in Europe, only way to survive is to form own country, logical place=Palestine (Israel), need their own homeland

intellectual impact of the great war

sense of disillusionment replaced confidence, the belief in progress begins to crumble, relativism replaced certainty

Omar Khayyam/Rubaiyat (PostCP)

author/title long Persian poem written in about 1100 as part of the Abbasid Golden Age of Islam; a world famous love poem that made Persian (Farsi) the language of choice for many Islamic poets

Thomas Aquinas/Summa Theologica (PostCP)

author/title, 1200s Euro Revival, he attempted to prove existence of God by using rationalism and logical arguments; shows that reason was returning to Europe after the Dark Ages, but those ideas still limited to religion

Dante/Divine Comedy (PostCP)

author/title, 1300s, vernacular in Italy

estates-general (LNC)

basically like Congress, nobles all meet and get one vote, clergy all get one vote, commoners all get one vote, nobles and clergy side together on every vote, nothing ever changes to benefit the people


became the national religion of Japan around 500 CE, similar to Daoism as it focuses on harmony with nature

1st battle of the marne

september 1914, Brits and French stopped Germany on the Marne River, foiled the Schlieffen plan, probably the decisive battle of the war, fact that Germans couldn't defeat them quickly meant it was going to be a long war

dharma (PreCP)

set of duties that guides each life in Hinduism, if you fulfill these you move up in caste for the next life

balance of power (LNC)

set up at Congress of Vienna so that no single nation could get too strong in the future- complicated system of shifty alliances that worked for a century

Ibn Battuta

some of the info of this period came from him, who explored the entire Muslim world, including East Africa in 1331 and Mali in 1352, writing down details of what he found

adopted Islam (PostCP)

something Ghana rulers did about 1100, possibly for the commercial benefits to be gained from trading w/ the Muslim world' many ordinary ppl never fully converted, retaining hybrid set of beliefs that combines Islam and animism

balkan powder keg (LNC)

something that could explode at any moment, would in 1914, area of the Balkans of particular concern because three empires and multiple ethnic groups meet here

Alexander the Great

son of Philip of Macedon, spread the new Greek empire to Egypt and as far as the Indus valley

historical India, SE Asia, Philippines, Indonesia

south and southeast asia

historical india, se asia, philippines, indonesia

south and southeast asia


started 1944, divine wind, called on Gods again, needed another 'divine storm' to save them from losing, Shi-shin--> individual lives were not as important as those of a country--> planes suicide bombed into American ships

Siddhartha Gautama (CP)

started Buddhism about 500 BCE as a reaction against the divisive Caste System; he encouraged meditation that would help people understand the Four Noble Truths and master the Eight-fold Path, which would lead to a state of complete understanding called Nirvana; urged followers to avoid extremes of passion by pursuing the Middle Way or Path of moderation

Siddhartha Gautama

started Buddhism about 500 BCE in India

Jesus of Nazareth (CP)

started Christianity around year 0; adopted many ideas from his original religion, Judaism, but added the idea of a Judgement Day; the New Testament of the Bible details his life and ideas, his apostles and other followers spread it

Jesus of Nazareth

started Christianity, originally a Jew

Zarathustra (CP)

started Zoroastrianism about 500 BCE


started Zoroastrianism around 500 BCE

caste system

started about 1500 BCE in India as a way of separating people; some social mobility at first, but it became more rigid later, used as a social control mechanism by setting up strict rules on how people should treat their superiors; this later created a stagnant society that stifled ambition, since people could not move up or down in their lifetimes; 4 major castes with hundreds of sub-castes or jatis that were tied to occupations; outside the caste system were the lowest of all, the untouchables


submarines, this was a new weapon with which Germany tried to break Britain's naval blockade


succeeded to the throne in 1438 and became ruler; he greatly expanded the empire, conquering some, persuading others to join because of the advantages they offered in trade and protection; allowed defeated enemies to keep their customs in exchange for tribute

Battle of Tours

the Franks defeated Muslim Moor armies who had taken over Spain and Sicily and invaded Europe in the 700s here in 732, insuring that Europe would stay christian


the big trouble area today; China, India, and Pakistan all claim parts of it; it's a hot spot: Pakistan wants it (75% Muslim), India won't give it up, China also claims part; Pakistan thought it should have been given to them in the Partition, both now have nuclear weapons, threaten to use them on each other constantly, very tense

Taika Reforms

the borrowing of many ideas from China in order to improve Japan (writing, pagoda-style buildings, artistic styles, Confuciansism), everything but Confucian scholars remained part of Japanese culture when they were made official in the 600s CE


the code by which the daimyo and samurai lived by

people's republic of china

the communists (600 million people) set this up, with Chiang and his followers setting up a rival government in Taiwan

neolithic/agricultural revolution

the development about 10,000 to 8,000 BCE in which various groups independently discovered farming and were able to settle in one place without hunting and gathering; allowed villages, cities, and civilizations to develop, but disease also increased with population densities


the feathered serpent, a god worshipped by the Toltecs, a legend developed that this god would return in the year 1519 (on Euro calendars) with light skin, feathers on his facce and riding on the clouds

first hominids (PreCP)

the first "Human-like" creatures walked upright in East Africa before wandering and spreading to other areas in search of food sources

Land Bridge (PreCP)

the first Americans crossed over from Asia about 30,000 years ago during an Ice Age when the Bering Strait was frozen between Russia and Alaska

first hominids

the first human-like creatures walked upright in East Africa before wandering and spreading to other areas in search of food sources


the first monotheistic religion, started about 2000 BCE

Epic of Gilgamesh (PreCP)

the first work of literature, in the oral tradition first, but later written down- Sumerian/Mesopotamian area, emphasis on positive traits of culture to pass on to children

Epic of Gilgamesh

the first work of literature, in the oral traditions first, but later written down- Sumerian/Mesopotamian area, emphasis on positive traits of culture to pass on to children


the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE, that date marks the start of the muslim religion and calendar

Cyrus the Great (CP)

the founder of the Persian Empire about 500 BCE

cyprus the great

the founder of the Persian Empire about 500 BCE

laissez-faire economics

the government should not interfere with economics, Adam Smith

Li Po

the great poet during the Tang and Song Dynasties in China in the 700s


the greatest of the Han emperors (140-87 BCE); he started using Confucianism as his ruling philosophy, including exams for government officials, the first to do so

Shakuntala (CP)

the greatest play written by Kalidasa during the Golden Age of the Gupta dynasty in 400s CE; the first to allow female actors


the greatest play written by Kalidasa during the Golden Age of the Gupta dynasty in the 400s CE; the first to allow female actors


the holy book of Islam, its writing ordered by Muhammad's successor, Abu-bakr


the idea of bringing in more gold than you sent out through trade, exporting more than importing, became dominant economic theory until Adam Smith in 1776

mercantilism (EMP)

the idea of bringing in more gold than you sent out, became prevalent in the Columbian Exchange, competition

final solution

the idea that Hitler was going to eliminate all Jews from Europe, started with Kristallnacht

Africa, general, pre-classical period

the interior was protected from outsiders because of the tsetse fly (deadly to pack animals) and the fact that much of Africa is on an elevated plateau; the Sahara on the north also isolated Sub-Saharan Africa; Berber merchants (nomadic), however, were able to cross the desert and conduct trade between the Mediterranean and the interior, griots were the storytellers/historians of traditional societies

Africa, general (PreCP)

the interior was protected from outsiders because of the tsetse fly (deadly to pack animals) and the fact that much of Africa is on an elevated plateau; the Sahara on the north also isolated Sub-Saharan Africa; Berber merchants (nomadic), however, were able to cross the desert and conduct trade between the Mediterranean and the interior; griots were the storytellers/historians of traditional societies


the name given to the original land mass of teh Earth before it broke into separate continents

pangaea (PreCP)

the name given to the original land mass of the Earth before it broke into separate continents

napoleon bonaparte (LNC)

the one guy who could unite everyone in France, November 1799 a group of conspirators asked him to organize a coup d'etat, in power, military genius, national hero

northern ireland (LNC)

the one northern Protestant county in Ireland, stayed with Great Britain while the rest of Catholic Ireland became independent

paris conference

the overarching name for the event where the Treaty of Versailles was negotiated, 1919, Germany surrendered because of promise of fair treatment, Woodrow Wilson pushed for his 14 points, 4 empires ended, France and Clemenceau wanted to make Germany pay, Wilson compromised, small nations snubbed, even Italy, no self-determination for dark-skinned ppl, just Europeans, Germany humiliated

natural selection (LNC)

the process--> various species of living things retain the traits or develop new traits that allow them to survive as they encounter difficulties, die off if they don't make those adaptation, Charles Darwin

little red book

the quotations of mao zedong, part of the cultural revolution

roman contributions

the republican form of government, the 12 tables of law, continued and improved Greek ideas, creating the Greco-Roman traditions; kown for engineering feats such as great roads that lasted 100 years, aqueducts, the coliseum, etc.

Shi or Mandarin

the resulting special class of scholar-officials from starting the merit exams in the han Dynasty


the ruthless secret police that killed thousands in the repressive autocratic USSR government

Yang-ti (PostCP)

the second and last emperor of the Sui Dynasty (589-618); famous for improving and extending the Great Wall and building the Grand Canal which connected the Yellow to the Yangtze Rivers (and north to south China); his forced labor and high taxes led to his murder


the second and last emperor of the Sui Dynasty, famous for improving and extending the Great Wall and building the Grand Canal which connected the Yellow to the Yangtze Rivers (and north to South China); his forced labor and high taxes led to his murder

1453, Constantinople fell

to the ottoman turks, 1000-year empire came to an end, this had served as the end point of some branches of the Silk Roads, thus serving as the source of ASian goods for Italian merchants and Vikings


took a bloody war to free them from France (1954-62), it was their most valuable colony, held on as long as they could, but showed how weak they had become, had just lost French Indochina as well

William and Mary (EMP)

took over in England after the Glorious Revolution in 1688-89, had to work with Parliament and give up a lot of power usually reserved for the monarch with the English Bill of Rights instated, switch to constitutional monarchy in England

women in India (LNC)

tradition still reigned; Sati, dowries, Caste System, Many scholars of the caste system believed that women were the same caste as their husbands, when husbands died they moved up a caste, when women died they born into same caste but as a man

filial piety (PreCP)

traditional cultural basis of Chinese society; teaches respect for elders, ancestors, and authority figures; these ideas form the essence of the "Five Relationships" later adopted by Confucius

filial piety

traditional cultural basis of Chinese society; teaches respect for elders, ancestors, and authority figures; these ideas from the essence of the 'Five Relationships' later adopted by Confucius

telegraph, telephone, light bulb, automobile, airplane, radio (LNC)

transportation and communication, especially in Japan indust rev, HUGE IMPROVEMENTS

Us and economic imperialism (LNC)

treated Lat Amer like a colony, Never take over these countries, but we are really controlling them

Woodland (PostCP)

tribes along East N Amer coast and in N, little cooperation, so vulnerable when Euros arrived


tribes along the east coast and in the north, little cooperation, so they were vulnerable when Europeans arrived

Council of Trent

trying to get Catholicism back together in the Catholic reformation

Kangxi and Qianlong

two Qing rulers, each ruled for about 60 years; brought stability

Hutus and Tutsis

two ethnic groups in Rwanda and Burundi, pitted against each other by Europeans, played up differences b/t groups to keep them from uniting against Euros, created hatred b/t these groups that did not exist beforehand

arms race

building for 25 years, each wanted the biggest and best military as a deterrent to the others, "if you want peace, prepare for war", industrialization allows for more and better things to be mass produced, people convince themselves they are invincible, social darwinism, survival of the fittest, Mahan's book Influence of Sea Power Upon History, said that whoever ruled the seas ruled the world

terra cotta warriors

built by Qin Shih Huang-ti during the Qin Dynasty

Grand Canal

built by Yang-ti, the second and last emperor of the Sui Dynasty, connected the Yellow to the Yangtze Rivers (and north to South China)

stone heads

built by olmecs of their leaders

terra cotta warriors (CP)

built in the tomb of the emperor during the Qin Dynasty


built large farms in Cape colony and came into conflict with the Bantu-speaking tribes like the Khoikhoi, Xhosa, and the Zulus; strict Calvinists-- believed they were selected by God for salvation, thus superior to everyone else; this justified their harsh treatment of Blacks

Genghis Khan

built the largest empire in history (1200s-1400s)

slavery (LNC)

buying and selling people to work

Moors (PostCP)

by 1100, most in Europe were Catholic, with small pockets of Jews and THEM dominating Spain and southern Italy in the 700s to 900s

baby boom

certainly starts by like 1946, till about the 1960s, part of US prosperity, housing shortages, then people need baby stuff and schools--> positive impact on economy, creating jobs


"the Land between the Rivers"; part of the "Fertile Crescent" of the Middle East where the first civilization, Sumer, developed

Han Dynasty

(206 BCE-220 CE) ended the rule by Legalism and used Confucianism; started the merit exams, thus creating a special class of scholar-officials known as Shi or Mandarin; started trade along the Silk Roads with porcelain, silk, and paper developed and exchanged with other cultures; fell in the 200s CE because of corruption, disease that came in along the Silk Roads, and invasions by Huns from Central Asia; a long period of local, rather than centralized control (sometimes called the 3 kingdoms) followed

louis pasteur (LNC)

(France, 1822-95); germ theory of disease, led to:Big breakthrough in science


1100-1300, the many invasions by European Christians led to strong enmity toward non-Muslims

catholic or counter-reformation

1540-60, Jesuits, reforms; Council of Trent

Council of Trent (EMP)

1545-63, Prompted by the Protestant Reformation, it has been described as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation, kicked off the Counter-Reformation, Catholics

industrialization and global interaction


english voting reform (LNC)

1832, 67, and 82 extended the vote to virtually all males gradually, helped england avoid 1848 revs

france in mexico (LNC)

1860s, France tried to establish Mexico as a colony of sorts by putting Maximilian von Hapsburg in the presidency, eventually defeated, but outside intervention continued-- especially by US


1959 policy (divide and conquer): all blacks had to live on 10 of these set up by white people, terrible land far from cities and jobs, 70% crowded onto 13% of the land, later started "Townships" near cities (local slums where blacks had to live in crowded, poverty-stricken conditions, so they could work as servants in nearby cities, horrible slums developed

Sharpeville Massacre

1960: an ANC protest against pass laws, peaceful demonstration, police intervened with violence, opened fire, led to rioting, angered blacks around the country, 69 blacks killed, 200 wounded, 18,000 arrested, aftermath= harsh laws imposed: jail without trial, ANC outlawed, ANC went underground, became convinced that non-violence would not work, developed a militant wing

czech revolts

1968, satellite tried to assert independence, would've remained communist, but indicated that they didn't want to take orders from moscow anymore--> wanted to do things their own way, Red Army was sent in and crushed the revolts, discontent with communism continued to grow

Richard Nixon

1969-74, promised to end the war quickly, January 1969, had reasonable peace offer: pull out US troops; communists would not attack for an agreed upon period of time, but offer refused; he wanted to try new strategy of Vietnamization

Salvatore Allende

1970, elected in Chile, kind of a leftist, wants to keep business profits in Chile, tried to turn Chile toward socialism, nationalized copper mines, angering US businesses, argued "US has already taken too much wealth out of Chile", also nationalized land (so it is really beginning to look like a communist government), angered wealthy elite (so he angered everyone important), killed in military takeover fighting in the coup d'etat that replaced him with Augusto Pinochet, military dictator


1979, USSR invaded Afghanistan, tried to repress religion, some Muslims saw it as a war against Islam, flocked to the area to fight the Soviets, given military training and weapons when they went there, but also indoctrinated with very ultra-conservative religious beliefs, defending religion and proselytizing, base for a fight against the enemies of religion, also a base from which they could build very conservative religion and spread it to all Muslims around the world, financing from Osama bin Laden, b/c of Cold War, US gave them covert aid, CIA helped train them to use terrorism against the Soviets, USSR withdrew from Afghanistan, they debated what to do with the skills and resources they had acquired instead of disbanding, Muslims all over the world were sending money, decided to use it to fight for a pure form of Islam: Shar'ia and fundamentalism, to get all Muslims to live like it was in the days of Muhammad, at first targets were Muslim countries who were cooperating too closely with the West: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Gulf War angered them, started to attack Americans: World Trade Center, US embassy in Kenya, US military base, linked up with new Afghan government: The Taliban, shared extremism, huge headquarters there, linked to numerous attacks in 1990s, American battleship in Yemen (USS Cole), 9/11 aiming for symbols of US power, most Muslims condemn both their religious views and their terrorist methods, 2001-2, US destroyed their HQ in Afghanistan, did not get Osama bin Laden, 2003: Bush shifted focus from them to war against Saddam Hussein and Iraq

2nd Russian Revolution

1985, Mikhail Gorbachev, USSR head, knew that reforms were necessary, satellites and arms race becoming so expensive, all economies being propped up by the government b/c they are so inefficient, before this, a climate of fear, since the purges of the 30s, Russia is no longer moving forward, just trying to stay afloat, Government made every economic decision, produced only basic goods, even those were scarce, shortages common, few consumer goods, encouraged satellites to try new methods to lessen their dependence, even allowed free elections, one EE nation after another won freedom through elections, demonstrations, or violence, by fall 1989, revolution was clearly in the air, November 1989: East German leader opened the Berlin Wall, gets in a bind when many ethnic groups and separate republics inside the Soviet Union sought their own freedom, resigned December 25, 1991, USSR had ceased to exist, before leaving office, he had launched one of the most dramatic revolutions of the 20th century

tiananmen square massacre

1989, during the 1980s, new reforms of Deng Xiaoping lifted the standard of living and made more material goods available, but new capitalist ideas clashed with traditional communist values and led to demands for greater political freedoms (speech and press, more democracy), in april and may 1989, hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered here in Beijing, soldiers broke up the crowd with gunfire and tanks, killing hundreds and wounding thousands, across the country, those who had spoken out were shot, imprisoned, or tortured

Gulf War, 1991

1990-91, after war w/ Iran, 1980-88, Saddam needed money, August 1990, using US weapons, took over oil-rich Kuwait, Saddam Hussein owns 1/5 of the oil in the war, President Bush 1 intervened b/c US needed Kuwait's oil, Operation desert storm= liberation of Kuwait, US led a coalition of 28 nations, even ME nations helped (b/c they don't wanna get taken over too), US set up military base in Saudi Arabia from wich they are going to launch their attack into Iraq, sends some people over the edge, angered many extremists (like Osama bin Laden) b/c US is using the Muslim holy land as a base from whicch to attack and kill Muslim people, Feb. 1991, US won easily (in 3-4 days) 200 Americans killed, 200,000 Iraqis killed, very one-sided war, 1991-98, all of Hussein's weapons and factories found and destroyed, no longer a threat

sick man of europe (LNC)

19th century Ottoman empire, turks like russians in that they are part of two continents, weak

textiles, iron (LNC)

2 products, led the Industrial Revolution, coal needed for both of those to run the steam engine

republic of china

20 million people, Chiang and his followers set up a rival government on Taiwan, recognized this as "China", admitted into international organizations such as the UN, Olympics, etc.

Arab Spring

2011-14, looked like 1989 again, a lot of Arabic/Muslim countries in North Africa and ME went through mass demonstrations to try to get rid of autocratic leaders and start democracies, led to violent gov crackdown, especially in Syria, Russia backs one faction, US backs another, ISIS deeply involved in trying to take over

Qin Dynasty (CP)

221 BCE-206 BCE, legalism philosophy guided this dynasty; their emperor, Qin Shih Huang-ti, united China, ending the TOTWS; also standardized roads, weights and measures, connected pieces of the Great Wall and built the Terra Cotta Warriors

Qin Dynasty

221 BCE-206 BCE; their emperor, Qin Shih Huang-ti, united China, ending teh TOTWS; also standardized roads, weights and measures, connected the pieces of the Great Wall and built the Terra Cotta Warriors, legalism guided this dynasty

Mali (EMP)

2nd West African empire, 1200s to 1400s, grew rich from the gold-for-salt "silent trade" across the Sahara; Timbuktu became a cultural and religious center of great wealth (Mansa Musa's pilgrimage, 1324); faded in the 1400s and was overthrown by Sonni Ali who seized the throne and started the Songhai Empire, about 1460

Punic Wars (CP)

3 Wars fought in the 200s and 100s BCE b/t Carthage, in North Africa, and Rome; Rome eventually won, but not before the great general, Hannibal, nearly conquered them

Timbuktu (PostCP)

3 successive empires (West African/Nubian Empires) centered in this wealthy city: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, Mansa Musa under Mali made it a fabulously wealthy city and a center of Islamic scholarship and learning

Mauryan Dynasty

323-185 BCE, the first great dynasty in Indian history united much of the northern part, including the 2 river valleys; Chandragupta Maurya started the line, taking advantage of a power void created when Alexander and the Greeks invaded, conquered, but then left India in 323 BCE

songhai empire (EMP)

3rd West African empire, Mali empire faded in 1400s and was overthrown by Sonni Ali who seized the throne and started this about 1460; their greatest ruler was immortalized in the classic oral-history story, the Epic of Askia Mohammad; internal wars weakened the kingdom just as Euros began to arrive

Delian League

400s BCE, formed as a trade alliance between many small kingdoms and islands that made up the Greek Empire; Pericles, the leader in the 400s, ushered in a golden age with his magnificent building projects in Athens, but tried to use this to finance this, creating anger and triggering the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) against the militaristic Spartans; Sparta won, Athens never really recovered, and the entire civilization began to decline because of this war


431-404 BCE, Athens vs. Sparta, because Pericles tried to use Delian League to fund his architecture, Sparta won, Athens never really recovered, this war caused the entire civilization to begin to decline

Peloponnesian War (CP)

431-404 BCE, b/t Athens and militaristic Spartans, triggered by Pericles trying to use the Delian League to finance his fancy building projects; Sparta won, Athens never fully recovered, and the entire civilization began to decline b/c of this war

Roman Empire (CP)

44 BCE to 476 CE, grew out of Etruscan influences and, especially Greek Civ.; conquered Greece in 100s BCE, but adopted most of their culture as their own, leading the poet Horace to proclaim, "Captive Greece enslaved her fierce captor."

results of WWII

50 M died, majority civilians, Hitler defeated by British determination, Russian blood, and US industrial might... a new, bi-polar world, only two countries left standing--> US and USSR


570-632 CE, a Bedouin merchant in Arabia, started Islam in Mecca in 622; Hejira- the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE; that date marks the start of the Muslim religion and calendar; the most important event in Islamic history; he returned to Mecca with an army in 630 and started an Islamic theocracy; he died in 632, but his successor, Abu-bakr, ordered the writing of the Koran and began aggressively spreading the religion through the ME and across North Africa

classical era

600 BCE-600 CE

Puebloan/Anasazi (PostCP)

700-1500, North America, ppl built multi-story housing out of stone and timber into cliffs; Ariz, New Mex today; about 1200 E, probably b/c of a drought, most of these pueblos were abandoned

greek civilization

750-100s BCE, centered in cultural and political capital of Athens; a collection of polis (city-states) rather than a centralized empire; unified in a defensive alliance about 500 BCE to defeat the Persians in the Persian Wars

origins and early civilizations

8000 BCE-600 BCE

Pass Laws

Apartheid, blacks had to carry a pass book at all times, had to have a 'pass' or set of papers that said where they could travel in south Africa, regulated travel, Sharpeville Massacre was protesting these

jose san martin (LNC)

Argentine, led in South for revolutions


Battle in 1600, won by Tokugawa Ieyasu

The Middle Way or Path

Buddhism urged followers to avoid extremes of passion by pursuing this, moderation

Middle Way/Path (CP)

Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama urged followers to avoid extremes of passion by pursuing this, moderation

Nirvana (CP)

Buddhism, a state of complete understanding that can be reached by following the Eight-Fold Path

Justinian's Code (PostCP)

Byzantine Emp, based on Roman law and traditions, including the notion that a person is innocent until proven guilty; preserved Roman ideas that might have been lost

Orthodox Christianity/Eastern Orthodoxy

Byzantine christianized much of East Eur under this separate branch of the faith

Justinian (CP)

Byzantine emperor in the 500s; tried to restore the greatness of Rome by unifying all of Europe; preserved Roman law of the 12 Tables with Justianian's Code; rebuilt Constantinople into a great city, marked especially by the Santa Sophia church (later Hagia Sophia)

Orthodox Christianity/Eastern Orthodoxy (PostCP)

Byzantines Christianized much of E Eur, but under separate branch of the faith, Greece and Russia followed their lead, in 1054, the Great Schism (first one) permanently divided the two branches of Christianity: Pope and Patriarch excommunicated e/o over use of rlgs icons; after this, __ influenced EE, and RCC, WE


Carthage leader, great general, nearly conquered Rome


Catholic missionaries trying to solve the problems of the reformation

Ainu (CP)

Caucasians from Northern Asia were the first people in this island group (Japan)


China limited European trade to here, they will trade silk and porcelain for silver onlly

Champa Rice

China obtained this from vietnam during the era of the Three Kingdoms, which enabled them to feed more people, leading to population growth

Roman Catholicism

Christianity developed into this after it was spread by Jesus' apostles and other followers and became centered in Rome with Peter seen as the first Pope

merchants and Confucius (CP)

Confucianism frowned on merchants and trade because they were interested in personal profit and not the greater good of the community; China always had trade, but always looked down on merchants

purdah (PostCP)

Delhi Sultanate, 1200-1526, some Hindus adopted the Muslim practice of this and veiling to protect their women

Cape Colony (EMP)

Dutch started this in South Africa around the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 when Jan van Riebeeck started a settlement to supply ships sailing to the East

hieroglyphics (PreCP)

Egypt, developed a writing system of pictographs

quebec (LNC)

French-speaking part of Canada


Hebrews settled in the area of Palestine/Canaan about 1000 BCE and started this century-long kingdom


Japanese nobles


Japanese warriors

romantic poetry (LNC)

Lord George Byron, English, William wordsworth,english, force of nature

proletariat (LNC)

Marx's name for the WC

Hongwu (EMP)

Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644, peasant who overthrew Mongols

louisiana purchase (LNC)

Napoleon needed money, 1803, major shift in global power, US would now dominate West Hemisphere

women's rights, Aust., NZ (LNC)

New Zealand= first to give women right to vote, a recruiting tool to get women to come over

invasion of ethiopia

October 1935, by Italy, Mussolini starts acting on the claim that this was once part of the Roman Empire, therefore it belongs to them, before (in 1896) they had tried to take it over in the Battle of Adowa but the Ethiopians had had modern weapons and won, now Ethiopians fought with 1800s guns and sticks and stones, really hopeless, Haile Selassie (king of Ethiopia) chided LON: "It is us today. It will be you tomorrow.", begged for help, they wouldn't

stone heads (PreCP)

Olmec, built these of their leaders

german unification (LNC)

Otto von Bismarck; trying to unite areas into one nation, unified into one nation by 1871, had assembly, but emperor, chancellor, military, and industrialists can veto anything the MC passes in the assembly and retained most poewr, strong, industriaalized nation by 1900

Suleiman the Magnificent (EMP)

Ottoman Empire hit its peak under him, r. 1520-66, stretching deep into Austria and dominating the eastern end of the Mediterranean. They rivaled China and the Incas in wealth, had a powerful army and navy, an efficient bureaucracy, and a fair legal system. He also encouraged the arts, using Arabic and Persian models.

janissaries (EMP)

Ottoman Empire, recruited from Christian or conquered areas and converted to Islam (the devshirme system); served as both capable soldiers and administrators of the empire. they became skilled in the new technology of war, such as cannon and muskets


Phoenicians developed a 24 letter one for record keeping which the Greeks adjusted and evolved into ours today

Henry the Navigator (EMP)

Portugal , starts the Age of Discovery/Exploration, caravels developed by the Portuguese in the 1400s under his leadership

new lanark mills (LNC)

Robert Owen, Scottish factory owner, Had a conscience- getting wealthy, saw workers weren't getting anything in return, Built this, Scotland, Provided good housing, education for his workers, Workers even shared in the profits, Socialism, Most owners aren't this generous

Mongol Yoke (PostCP)

Russians did not break free of this until late 1400s

Copernicus (EMP)

Scientific Revolution, Polish clergyman and mathematician, came up with the heliocentric theory that the sun is the center of the universe, revolutionary

pagoda (PostCP)

Shotoku Taishi began borrowing many ideas from China in order to improve Japan, this style of buildings

Warsaw pact

Soviet response to NATO, 1955

Pizarro (EMP)

Spanish conquistador who led an expedition that conquered the Inca Empire 1532-40. He captured and killed Incan emperor Atahualpa and claimed the lands for Spain

Philip II (EMP)

Spanish person who led a religious war of Catholics against Protestants

hacienda system (LNC)

Spanish plantation and mine owners switched to this system after encomienda was outlawed, workers tied into debt peonage, a system that was much like slavery

Henry the Navigator, Columbus, Vasco da Gama

The age of exploration started with these three explorers

Ghana, Mali, Songhai (PostCP)

What are the 3 West African/Nubian Empires?

standardized roads, weights and measures, connected Great Wall, Terra Cotta warriors

What did the Qin Dynasty do?

porcelain, silk, and paper

What were China's main trading products on the silk roads (during the Han dynasty)?

Ban Zhou (CP)

a Chinese female who wrote Lessons for Women about 100 CE as advice for women; she encouraged them to be submissive to their husbands, but to get a good education so that they could be more helpful to their husbands

Tang (618-979 CE) and Song (979-1280 CE) Dynasties

a Golden Age that saw China unchallenged in Asia; a period of artistic and technological brilliance; the great poet Li Po in the 700s; Confucian merit exams returned to favor, although trade along the Silk Roads was often disrupted in Central Asia-- About 1000 CE, the Abacus, Magnetic Compass, moveable-type printing, paper money, etc. foot-binding began among upper classes


a calculating device of wood and beads invented in the Tang and Song dynasties


a mansa, or emperor, of teh Mali empire defeated an unpopular ruler and expanded the empire, bringing in a period of peace and prosperity

Beys (PostCP)

a sultan ruled the Ottoman Empire from Istanbul, but local administration was primarily left to a tribal system and THESE LOCAL CHIEFTAINS guided by bureaucrats from Istanbul

Israel (PreCP)

about 1000 BCE, Hebrews again settled in the area of Palestine/Canaan and started this kingdom, lasted for about a century; driven out of Palestine by the Assyrians in 700s BCE

Indus Valley Civilization (PreCP)

about 2500-1500 BCE, another of the 4 original Cradles of Civilization in India

Lao-tzu (CP)

about 500 BCE, founded Daoism

legalism (CP)

about 500 BCE; people are naturally evil and lazy, so they need strict rules and harsh punishments in order to get them to behave; this philosophy guided the Qin Dynasty (221 BCE-206 BCE)

Hapsburgs (EMP)

absolute monarchy ruling family, married their way to power in Austria

domino theory

added this to the containment policy in 1954, an incredibly simplistic idea that argued if one nation 'fell' to communism, all other countries in the region would soon fall

triple entente

aka Allies, France, Russia, and Great Britain (and later US), formed by August 1914

Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism (CP)

all came from the Time of the Warring States, schools of thought from the "100 Schools)

I Ching

an ancient guide for rulers in China (ancient, no date); it gives advice on how to read the signs of Yin and Yang and rule accordingly


another word for Viking

the jewish state

argued that Jews are never going to be safe/secure anywhere in Europe, only way to urvive is to form own country, logical place= Palestine (Israel), pamphlet by Theodore Herzl 1896

non-aggression pact

august 1939, Germany getting ready to invade Poland, secret deal with Stalin about Poland, says Germans will just invade the Western half of Poland, USSR can invade the Eastern half and take it over, bargaining this country away

Charles Darwin/On the Origin of Species (LNC)

author/book, 1859, Process of development of plants and animals, All life evolved slowly-- "Natural selection", Religious controversy, but most accepted

Geoffrey Chaucer/Canterbury Tales (PostCP)

author/title, 1300s, vernacular in England

Christine de Pisan/Book of the City of Ladies (PostCP)

author/title, 1405, vernacular in France

Baldassare Castiglione/The Courtier

author/title, an Italian advice book (1528) for kings or princes encouraging them to be well-rounded in history, literature, poetry, the arts, and all fighting skills; thus we get the term "Renaissance Man" from his ideas

Niccolo Machiavelli/The Prince

author/title, another advice book for leaders (1513); he studied history and determined that the way powerful rulers obtained and held power was by being ruthless and stopping at nothing (the ends justify the means-- it is better to be feared than to be loved); he was not saying that this was how it should be-- this was his analysis of what worked, w/o moral judgement

Murasaki Shikibu/Tale of Genji (PostCP)

author/title, first novel ever during the Heian Period emerged was written about 1000 CE

Luther/95 Theses (EMP)

author/title, started the Reformation, spread of this wouldn't have been possible w/o printing press

Geoffrey Chaucer/Canterbury Tales

author/work in 1300s in England vernacular

Dante/Divine Comedy

author/work in 1300s in Italy vernacular

Christine de Pisan/The Book of the city of Ladies

author/work in 1405 in French vernacular

Golden Mean (CP)

avoid extremes, seek moderation, promoted by Greek philosophers about 500 BCE (Plato, Aristotle, Socrates)

US support of caudillos

b/c this protected US businesses, as long as they promised to continue cooperating, peons getting angry, doing all the work, threatening revolt, peon rebellion might disrupt our businesses, so we sent money to help subdue them, caused great resentment

Swahili City States (PostCP)

b/t 1100 and 1500; powerful city-states such as Kilwa, Zanzibar, and Mogadishu on the East Coast developed a hybrid language from Farsi (Persian), Bantu (African), and Arabic to help different people trade; traded b/t East AFr, ME, Persia, and India; began decline in 1500s when Euros first arrived; Dhous--well-built trading ships that helped trade, much of gold and ivory shipped on dhous came from further south on the coast

thugee (LNC)

banned Hindu custom by BEIC, a cult that was supposedly one of the manifestations of an Indian god, believed she needed blood sacrifice, started as a religious thing, turned into attacking people on the streets

Justinian's Code

based on Roman law and traditions, including the notion that a person is innocent until proven guilty

Greek Mythology (CP)

based on an array of anthropomorphic gods and had great influence on the entire Mediterranean region

greek mythology

based on an array of anthropomorphic gods and had great influence on the entire Mediterranean region

Printing Press (EMP)

based on ideas from China by way of the ME, emerged in Germany in 1455 and started a revolution of ideas; broke the RCC monopoly on ideas and written materials; also led to books being written for a growing MC and an expansion of schools and literacy; Luther's 95 Theses could not have spread w/o it

Shinto (CP)

became the national religion of Japan, similar to Daoism as it focuses on harmony with nature

romanticism (LNC)

between about 1780 and 1850, a new art movement, a reaction to cold rationalism of enlightenment, stressed emotions, imagination, and spontaneity, very individualistic, artist lived with emotional intensity, loved nature


beyond realism, using nightmare images from the unconscious mind

coal, iron, steel, rubber (LNC)

big products in 2nd industrial revolution, US and Germany had a lot

the Iliad and the Odyssey

by Homer about 800 BCE, the classics of Greek oral tradition, celebrated the most-desired traits of Greek civilization, such as heroism and courage

600 BCE to 600 CE

classical era

salt tax (LNC)

crazy tax in India on peasants- they would either smuggle this or make their own, becomes illegal, say you have to buy it from the BEIC, British concerned about smuggling and loss of tax revenue

Greco-Roman traditions (CP)

created by Romans continuing and improving Greek ideas

Bushido (PostCP)

daimyo and nobles lived by this code in the Kamakura Shogunate (1200-1333), expertly defended Japan against an invasion from China in the 1200s, aided by a kamikaze; samurai would rule Japan until 1868

US in the war

declared war April 1917, their ships eventually won the naval war, turned the tide of the battle, won in American factories more so than on the battlefield, 2M US troops turned the tide, their supplies were what really helped, the tank ended trench warfare, both sides exhausted except US, president wilson promised fair treatment if Germany surrendered

napoleonic code and women (LNC)

deprived women of many basic rights, Kind of a step backward, Deprived of property rights once they are married; once they are married everything they own belongs to husband


desert on the north of Africa that isolated Sub-Saharan Africa

trench warfare

each side dug long trenches, new technology made this war an abominable bloodbath, still using the same tactics as they did in te Napoleonic War, just new technology


early modern era


economic restructuring, second of the 1986 reforms in the 2nd Russian Revolution, people could sell surplus for a profit, trading more open, trying to make it more capitalist--> like what they did in China with great success, businesses and farms inefficient; could not function w/o government support, economy grew weaker, this came too late


economy rebounded in 1980s with computer industry, intellectual property, computer technology

brit attitudes (LNC)

encouraged english language and schools in India, Indians saw their culture being destroyed, British saw Indians as inferior

buffalo extinction (LNC)

endangered, natives used every part, Amers wasted for hides

anti-semitism (LNC)

exposed in Europe in 1894 through Dreyfus Affair

jewel in the crown (LNC)

expression that India was GB's most valuable colony

black plague

first arrived in the late 1340s and returned periodically for many years, killing 1/4 to 1/2 of the population of EUrope in the first wave

Augusto Pinochet

general backed by CIA/US, leader of the army, led a military takeover of Chile, Allende killed in fighting, set up military dictatorship, definitely NOT a democrat, used violence to enforce everything, no political parties, constitution, freedoms; thousands of Allende supporters arrested, tortured, or murdered, also restored copper mines to US corporations (profits restored), returned land to the wealthy (so got all power-brokers on his side), so US supported him until his overthrow in 1990, he fled the country, died awaiting trial for human rights abuses in 2006


germany and italy are two new countries in Europe, propaganda fueled super-patriotism (newspapers preached superiority), germany had very militarized culture, believed they were better than everyone else, france bitter, wanted revenge on Germany, balkan powder keg ready to explode with ethnic tensions, 2 wars in 1912-13


great greek architecture example

Epic of Askia Mohammad (EMP)

greatest Songhai ruler immortalized in the classic oral-history story

Epic of Askia Mohammad

greatest Songhai ruler immortalized in this classic oral-history story

Muhammed Ture/Askia Mohammad

greatest Songhai ruler, immortalized in the classic oral-history, internal wars weakened the kingdom just as the Euros began to arrive


greek culture


greek pride, especially shown in Sophocles' plays

cash crops, monoculture (LNC)

grown in colonies by coeerced labor, encouraged, more cash -efficient

hatred of the west

growth of fundamental extremism, shar'ia, anti-modern, anti-US, people agreed that Westernization hadn't helped in many cases, hatred of US unified people, US and West got involved in way too many places they shouldn't have, led to lasting resentment in the hearts of many people

Ten Commandments (PreCP)

guide for conduct in Judaism


guru nanak and some indians formed new religion that combined elements of the other two

realism painting (LNC)

gustave courbet: The Stonebreakers, ordinary people, not solely rich people, Changes nature of thinking of what who we believe to be worthy subject

debt peonage (EMP)

hacienda system, workers were tied into this, a system that was much like slavery

janissaries, 1800s (LNC)

had great influence, managed to block out most Ottoman reforms, replaced by a Euro-style military in the 1820s

john d. rockefeller (LNC)

had ruthless US monopoly on oil

andrew carnegie (LNC)

had ruthless US monopoly on steel

nationalism (2 types) (LNC)

had two types: people who wanted to make cultural unity a political reality/their own country, or people who did not want to belong to someone's empire/independence

hammurabi's code

hammurabi, king of Babylon, created the first legal code about 1750 BCE, eye for an eye

checks and balances (LNC)

having multiple branches of the government that prevent each other from making rash decision or becoming too powerful

assembly line (1908)

henry ford


holy book of Christianity, new testament details life and ideas of Christ

Torah (PreCP)

holy book of Judaism

treaty of brest-litovsk

how Russia ended the war, March 1918, harsh terms, but popular (peace), gave Germany about 1/3 of Russia (including Finland)

civil service exams

how officials should prove they deserve positions in Chinese bureaucracy by passing these

Dutch East India Company (EMP)

how the Dutch claimed Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), their trade company

jatis (PreCP)

hundreds of sub-castes tied to occupations

rationalism/reason (CP)

idea promoted by Greek Philosophers Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates as Greek Philosophy developed about 500 BCE

humanistic (EMP)

ideal of the Renaissance, they looked back to the Greek and Roman classical models in the arts, philosophy, drama and literature in order to understand human nature (started by Francisco Petrarch from Italy in the early 1300s)

Five Relationships (PreCP)

ideas of filial piety form the essence of this idea later adopted by Confucius

the americas

if called this, includes North America


illiterate/barely literate, passes himself as a religious man, he was able to stop Alexei Romanov's bleeding when no other European doctors could, gained power when Czar Nicholas II left Czarina Alexandra ni charge, murdered in december 1916

creoles replaced peninsulars in power, no change for poor

impact of lat. amer revolutions


in 1960, 6 nations formed this to control oil prices, other nations soon joined, by 1970, all had nationalized the oil industry to keep profits, a few got rich; most sstayed poor, for a while, they aren't really using this newfound power, but they have it, and begin looking for a chance to use it; Oil Embargo in 1973

red guards

in 1966 Mao Zedong formed units of young people as part of the cultural revolution


in North Africa, fought punic wars with Rome

middle east

including North Africa after 700

environmental movement

international development after the Cold War, some find US opposition to these efforts real annoying, especially with denial that we make no impact on environment with factories


invented by Euclid, 300s CE

eli whitney (LNC)

invented cotton gin in 1793, separates seed from raw cotton, started idea of interchangeable parts for making guns with Samuel Colt


invented geometry, 300s CE

henry ford/assembly line (LNC)

inventor/invention 1908, for cars, but later applied to literally everything else and changed factory system

james watt/steam engine (LNC)

inventor/invention, between 1710 and 1782, inventer, Scottish, the first to develop an efficient invention, don't really need coal, cheap enough, worked enough, could spin machines and get hooked up, liberated-- could build factories anywhere- save on transportation costs, change the ball game, slowly improved, not tied to rivers, applied to locomotives, greatly increased speed of production and transportation

mangal pandey (LNC)

led sepoys in 1857 in the Sepoy Mutiny/Indian Revolt

giuseppe garibaldi

military leader of the "Red Shirts" in Italy, decent guy, kind of like George Washington, stepped aside when reached unification


older generation in Japan, working yourself to death, millennials began to worry about them

otto von bismarck (LNC)

prussian chancellor, 1862-90; series of brief wars brought German nationalism, trying to unite areas into one nation, sparks patriotism

US Land of Opportunity (LNC)

pull factor, greater economic chances here

irish famine (LNC)

push factor, caused many irish to migrate from ireland, the last throes of the little ice age's period of disaster

canada, 19th century (LNC)

pushed natives aside as they moved steadily westward, industrialized, waves of European immigrants in CANADA

Louis XIV

r. France, 1643-1715, Versailles, absolute monarch

republicanism (LNC)

representative assemblies with a vote for the people


runners, carried messages on colored, knotted strings called kipus

Ivan III

russia broke away from Mongol control about 1480 under him and established a growing nation centered in Mocsow; after the brutal Ivan the Terrible died in 1584 without heir, a period of civil war called 'The Time of Troubles' lasted for 30 years, until the nobles elected Michael Romanov as Czar in 1613

russian orthodoxy

russia flourished along with this until rivalries made it vulnerable to invasion

Ptolemy (CP)

scientist, astronomer, and map-maker during the Pax Romana

marie curie

she and her husband worked with X-rays in France, experimented on them because they didn't really understand them

Fall of Constantinople

signaled the beginning of teh decline of the Islamic world in relation to Europe

triangular trade (EMP)

slave trade, after 1500 to 1800ish, usually tools, cloth, liquor, or guns went to West Africa; slaves went to South America or the Caribbean; sugar went to New England or Europe to be processed into rum or molasses: slaves carried on the notorious "Middle Passage", in the age of the slave trade, about 1500 to 1900, ships often developed a triangular pattern, taking rum, guns, and finished goods from Europe (or later New England) to Africa, trading them for slaves, carrying them on the dreaded "Middle Passage" across the Atlantic to the Caribbean, where they were exchanged for sugar or molasses; many different versions of this, but these are the most common

middle passage

slaves carried on this dreaded trip across the Atlantic to the Caribbean from West Africa to Americas where they were exchanged for sugar or molasses

peninsulars, creoles, mestizos, mulattoes

social structure from Spanish in Americas

Peninsulars (from Iberian peninsula, white Europeans, government officials), creoles (white Europeans, but born in Latin America; rich landowners), mestizos (white and native mix), mulattoes (mixed African and European whites)

social structure under Spanish rule of the Americas


soldiers recruited from Christian or conquered areas and converted to Islam; served as both capable soldiers and administrators of the empire, became skilled in the new tech of war, such as cannons and muskets

IR in Colonies (esp India) (LNC)

some empires purposely prevented industry here, GB especially

Ibn Battuta (PostCP)

some info from PostCP on Africa and ME came from him, who explored the entire Muslim world, including E Afr in 1331 and Mali in 1352, writing down details of what he found

Shi/Mandarin (CP)

special class of scholar-officials created due to the start of the merit exams in the Han Dynasty

evolution (LNC)

species adapted over time and weaker died out, Darwin

japan and imperialism (LNC)

started to industrialize in 1868, LATE, By 1890s, fighting wars against weak countries (like Russia) and winning, industrialized because they were afraid of being colonized themselves by Europe

printing press

technology based on ideas from China by the way o the ME, emerged in Germany in 1455 and started a revolution of ideas; broke the RCC monopoly on ideas and written materials; also led to books being written for a growing MC and an expansion of literacy, Luther's 95 theses could not have spread without it


the first civilization, in mesopotamia

civilization traits (PreCP)

the list is different with every book, but generally includes such things as: cities as trade centers, specialized workers, complex institutions, advanced technology, writing or sophisticated record-keeping (cuneiform, but also quipu)


these fierce Viking raiders came on these that held up to 300 warriors and attacked the seacoasts and cities across Europe from 800 to 1000


these languages emerged despite the problems in the 13-1400s, in Italy, England, and France

vernacular (PostCP)

these languages emerged in Italy (Dante/Divine Comedy, 1300s), England (Geoffrey Chaucer/Canterbury Tales, 1300s), and France (Christine de Pisan, The Book of the City of Ladies, 1405)

core values of Western Civilization

these separate WEst from other cultures: Progress, reason or rationalism, individuality, self-improvement (materialism would be added during the Renaissance, giving us the pneumonic device of PRISM)

dahomey (LNC)

these warriors were females who defended their kingdom in modern-day benin

electricity (LNC)

this and oil power developed in second indust rev


this form of theater replaces noh plays in Japan


this group of Viking invaders settled along the rivers of western Russia and built two important cities in the 800s: Novgorod in the north, and Kiev, a city-state on the Dnieper River in the south


this is where Chiang and his followers set up a rival government, The Republic of China


this type of movement started in Italian city-states such as Venice, Genoa, and Milan that thrived on trade by sea

muhammad ali (LNC)

took control of Egypt in 1805, semi-independent part of Ottoman Empire, started modernizing military, education modelled on European schools, and industry European factories on European models, died in 1849, reforms did not last except for cash crops (cotton) because Egypt didn't have the financial ability to keep them going

french in north AFrica (LNC)

took over Algeria in 1830, then the rest of North Africa, a large chunk of the Ottoman Empire, dominates North Africa from this point on

Ivan III The Great

took the title Czar and vowed to make Moscow the Third Rome; defied Mongols in 1480 and refused to pay tribute, thus starting an independent emprie

chivalry (PostCP)

under feudal system W Eur 1000-1500, nobles followed this code

janissaries (PostCP)

under the Ottoman devshirme system, THESE soldiers were recruited from Christian or conquered areas and converted to Islam; served as both capable soldiers and administrators of the empire. They became skilled in the new technology of war, such as cannon and muskets.


under this system, soldiers called Janissaries were recruited from Christian or conquered areas and converted to Islam; the Janissaries served as both capable soldiers and administrators of the empire. They became skilled in the new technology of war, such as cannon and muskets

Persian Wars

unified Greek polis in a defensive alliance about 500 BCE to defeat the Persians

discontent with the qing (LNC)

uprisings grew from Chinese efforts to resist foreign influence, resentment grew toward ineffective qing dynasty and constant humiliations from foreigners


wealthy Roman nobles

including US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand after 1600

west europe

Murasaki Shikibu

wrote Tale of Genji in 1000 CE

impressionism (LNC)

○ Invention of photography (1839) liberated painters; no longer tied to reality § Free to explore what they feel now rather than just what they see ○ Used light and color to create 'impressions' ○ Allowed eye to mix colors ○ Claude Monet, Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge

early modern era


fall of the Incas

1532, Pizarro vs. Atahualpa; weapons, disease and luck

Qing Dynasty (EMP)

1644-1912; Kangxi and Qianlong-- each ruled about 60 years; brought stability; resisted efforts of Euros to force them to trade (Lord McCartney, 1790s)

king menelik II (LNC)

1896, of Ethiopia, won Battle of Adowa vs. Italy, Europeans surprised, Mussolini comes back here in 1930s when looking for an empire to build


1922, James Joyce, said that one day in a person's life is like a heroic saga or tale, makes no sense

nuremburg laws

1935, puts Hitler's messages into action, completely deprived Jews of any civil rights

Desmond Tutu

1984, Reverend won the Nobel Peace Prize for non-violent fight against Apartheid, non-violent efforts to achieve equality

West African/Nubian Empires

3 successive empires centered in the wealthy city of Timbuktu: Ghana, Mali, Songhai

post-classical era


unify Latin American nations

Bolivar's goal

Chinese exclusion act (LNC)

Chinese can't immigrate to US

extraterritorial rights (LNC)

Chinese laws don't apply to British citizens, only British law applies, Chinese can't do anything to stop British from doing terrible things

Analects (CP)

Confucius's ideas collected by his students in these

New Amsterdam

Dutch started this colony when they bought Manhattan Island in 1624, easily defeated by the British in an war in 1664

Dutch at Nagasaki

Euro trade in Japan except here

herero wars (LNC)

German, 1904-07-- near genocide, almost wiped out all of the herero people


Great Zimbabwe in the South had trade through this port city

Justinian's Code (CP)

Justinian preserved Roman law of the 12 Tables with this


Louis XIV's palace

Genghis Khan (PostCP)

Mongol Empire began about 1200 as he built the largest empire in history (1200s-1400s)


Mongols under him invaded and conquered; he died in 1405; sultans still ruled, but with no real control or unity

kuomintang (LNC)

Nationalist People's Party, overthrew the Qing Dynasty, set up a republic

17-Point Constitution

Shotoku Taishi encouraged the embrace of Confucianism and Buddhism through this

Li Po (PostCP)

Tang and Song Dynasties, in the 700s, great poet

Edo (EMP)

Tokugawa capital


When did the Germans agree to an armistice?

five relationships

a mentality later adopted by Confucius that was used to show who should show respect to each other in ancient China

gavrilo princip

a serbian nationalist who wanted a nation for all serbs, independent from A-H, assassinated Franz Ferdinand

Norsemen (PostCP)

aka Vikings

brit improvements (LNC)

built railroads, telegraph lines, irrigation, schools in India

east asia

china, korea, japan

wheel, ziggurats, cuneiform (PreCP)

developed in Sumerian Civilization


drove Hebrews out of Palestine in 700s BCE

china, korea, japan

east asia

women in Japan (LNC)

even with Meiji reforms, role of women changed little, Only tweaked women's role, didn't really improve, Went from being agricultural to factory workers

woodblock paintings

form of art in Japan Tokugawa

marriage law, 1950

in Red China, declared spousal equality, outlawed dowries and foot-binding

east europe

including Russia, Byzantine Empire


june 6, 1944, Allied invasion in Normandy beaches, decisive event


led the Spanish conquistadores in defeating the INcas

Women in China (LNC)

little change, foot-binding, etc.

machine gun

most deadly weapon in WWI

Yin and Yang

natural forces of light and dark, good and evil, etc

alphabet (PreCP)

one of the main contributions from the Phoenicians, 24 letters for record-keeping; this was adjusted by the Greeks and evolved into our own


post-classical era

US industrial growth (LNC)

produces more than Ger, Eng, and Fr combined by 1900


r. 1566-1605, grandson of Babur and one of the greatest leaders in the history of India, treated Hindus fairly in order to win their support, eliminated the jizya, married a Hindu, put Hindus in positions of power in the government, started his own religion that combined elements of others

spread of industrialization (LNC)

started GB, 1870, then Europe and US 1815, unevenly rest of world

Ten Commandments

the Jewish guide for conduct


the holy book of Judaism


this meant Incans had to contribute labor for a certain number of days each year, much of the building of the empire was done by ordinary citizens who paid tribute in this form

Meroe (CP)

trade city, center of the Kush Civilization

including US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand after 1600

west Europe/"The West"

"war socialism"

everything for the state, unifying totalitarian government

Parthenon (CP)

example of the great Greek architecture

religion, govt

examples of complex institutions, PreCP

cuneiform, but also quipu

examples of writing or sophisticated record-keeping, PreCP

thomas jefferson (LNC)

wrote the Declaration of Independence, Enlightenment thinker

dutch east indies/indonesia (LNC)

Dutch took this in 1800s, 10,000 islands, oil is there and becomes huge in the 20th century

manifest destiny (LNC)

"It is our destiny to control this land from sea to shining sea," "we are god's chosen people to control this land," what motivated US imperialism and expansion West

secular (EMP)

Renaissance, more ___ than the Middle Ages as people began to enjoy life, rather that waiting for Heaven

19th century migrations (LNC)

"Push factors" at home (German revs, Irish famine), MIGRATION, Two reasons people leave their home for another place: push and pull factors, Push: something bad happening at home, "Pull factors" of greater economic chances, US became the "Land of Opportunity"; attracted millions, Canada, Argentine, Chile, drew migrants from Europe and Asia, Really mixed populations in these places, Diasporic communities: (a culture that is transported somewhere else), Asians in Australia, apanese in Hawaii, US and Canadian West, Peru, Chinese in West Coast of both Americas, SE Asia, Indians and South Asians in South and East Africa (Gandhi), Newcomers usually DEROGATED in new homes, Anti-immigrant movements, religious and racial prejudice, white Australia Policy, Chinese Exclusion Act

Mesopotamia (PreCP)

"The Land Bet/ the Rivers"; part of the "Fertile Crescent" of the Middle East where the first civilization, Sumer, developed

british empire (LNC)

"The sun never sets on the _________", It will always be the daytime somewhere, The sun is always shining on some of their territory all the time, Controlled 25% of the globe: Canada, Africa, Guiana, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Part of Saudi Arabia, India, Australia

mein kampf

"my struggle", Hitler wrote it while in prison 1923-4, no one took it seriously, but he later made everyone read it, explained his whole plan: race and space, germans= master race, Tov= outrage, will regain lost lands

Hejira (PostCP)

"the flight" of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE; that date marks the start of the Muslim religion and calendar; the most important event in Islamic history


"the shirtless ones", WC, people working in factory/mines in Argentina, took off shirts b/c it was hot

georges clemenceau

"the tiger", every bit as cynical as Wilson is idealistic, French, says they have to weaken Germany to such a state that they can never wage war again, says Wilson's idealistic ideas are nonsense, wanted to punish Germany, blame them for the war, and make them pay for it, France was in a LOT of debt

Ming Dynasty (PostCP)

(1368-1644), started by peasant Hongwu, who overthrew the Yuan Dynasty in 1368; used eunuchs extensively, undercutting the power of the Mandarin and leading to a power struggle; his son Yongle (r. 1402-1424) encouraged trade and exploration; 7 great voyages led by the great Zheng He from 1405 to 1433; China dominated the Indian Ocean, sailing as far as India, Africa and the ME; in the mid-1400s, the Mandarin won the power struggle and ended all exploration, bringing in a period of relative isolation

joseph lister (LNC)

(England) applied germ theory to medicine and began sanitizing hospitals, Antiseptics, Hospitals were a place where you would catch diseases, If you got wounded in battle, you were sure to either die of lose a limb

Diasporic Communities (LNC)

(a culture that is transported somewhere else), Asians in Australia, apanese in Hawaii, US and Canadian West, Peru, Chinese in West Coast of both Americas, SE Asia, Indians and South Asians in South and East Africa (Gandhi)

Indus Valley Civilization

(about 2500-1500 BCE)-- another of the 4 original cradles of civilization in India

Akbar (EMP)

(r. 1556-1605, Mughal Dynasty in India) grandson of Babur and one of the greatest leaders in the history of India, treated Hindus fairly in order to win their support, eliminated the jizya, married a Hindu, put Hindus in positions of power in the government, and started his own religion that combined elements of others, his grandson is Shah Jahan

Neolithic or Agricultural Revolution (PreCP)

**the development about 10,000 to 8,000 BCE in which various groups independently discovered farming and were able to settle in one place without hunting and gathering; allowed villages, cities, and civilizations to develop, but disease also increased with population densities

Purgatory (PostCP)

1100, RCC started idea of this as a half-way point b/t Heaven and Hell; ppl began donating valuable lands to the Church to avoid it; thus monasteries evolved from places for extremely pius monks to separate from the world (monasticism) to rich centers of trade and learning


1200-1400s, second of the West African/Nubian Empires, rose up as Ghana faded; also built on the gold-for-salt trade. A mansa, or emperor, named Sundiata defeated an unpopular ruler andd expanded the empire, bringing in a period of peace and prosperity. Its most famous ruler, Mansa Musa (r. 1307-32), made Timbuktu a fabulously wealthy city; also recognized as a center of Islamic scholarship and learning; made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 with 500 slaves and carrying 4 tons of gold. the outside world became intrigued with the wealth of the interior of Africa, internal rivalries weakened the kingdom; gold mines exhausted

Delhi Sultanate

1200-1526, After many invasions through the Khyber Pass from central Asia and the ME, a group of Muslims conquered India and ruled for 3 centuries; capital at Delhi, controlled the Indus and Ganges Valleys; some Hindus adopted the Muslim practice of purdah and veiling to protect their women; Muslims tried to outlaw suttee, but without success; in 1398, Mongols under Tamerlane invaded and conquered; he died in 1405; sultans still ruled, but with no real control or unity

Delhi Sultanate (PostCP)

1200-1526, after many invasions through the Khyber Pass from Central Asia and the Middle East, a group of Muslims conquered India and ruled for 3 centuries; capital at Delhi, controlled the Indus and Ganges Valleys; some Hindus adopted the Muslim practice of purdah and veiling to protect their women; Muslims tried to outlaw suttee, but w/o success; in 1398, Mongols under Tamerlane invaded and conquered; he died in 1405; sultans still ruled, but with no real control or unity

Yuan Dynasty (PostCP)

1280-1368, Kublai Khan conquered China about 1279 and established this; twice tried and failed to conquer Japan (1274-1281), overthrown by Hongwu and the Ming Dynasty


1300-1500s, established an empire over much of central and southern Mexico; a military culture of conquest and constant warfare; tehy ruled by fear and intimidation, demanding tribute from conquered neighbors, leading to growing hostility; built a good system of roads that enhanced trade in all directions; powerful priests and the top ex-warriors were at the top of society and supported the emperor who had semi-divine status; most were poor peasants, serfs, or slaves, capital was Tenochtitlan, practiced human sacrifice

Ottoman Empire

1300-1918, a Gunpowder Empire, kept expanding after conquering Constantinople in 1453 (Muhammad II); as they raised prices on trade from Asia, however, Europeans found other routes by sea, which led to trade bypassing the region and started a long, slow decline and new ideas and technology stopped arriving; by the 1400s, their powerful sultan controlled parts of Europe (Balkans) and dominated the ME. They also controlled Egypt and North AFrica, thus imbedding Islam in those areas. they tended to tolerate other religions, but also regarded Islamic Arabs, as inferior to Turks. Twice (in 1529 and 1683) laid siege to Vienna and threatened to push deeper into SE Europe, but were defeated both times

Ottoman Empire (EMP)

1300-1918, a Gunpowder Empire, kept expanding after conquering Constantinople in 1453 (Muhammad II); as they raised prices on trade from Asia, however, Euros found other routes by sea, which led to trade bypassing the region and started a long, slow decline and new ideas and technology stopped arriving; by the 1400s, their powerful sultan controlled parts of Europe (Balkans) and dominated the ME. They also controlled Egypt and North Africa, thus embedding Islam in those areas. They tended to tolerate other religions, but also regarded Islamic Arabs as inferior to Turks. Soldiers called Janissaries were recruited from Christian or conquered areas and converted to Islam (the devshirme system); they served as both capable soldiers and administrators of the empire. Became skilled in the new technology of war, such as cannon and muskets. Hit its peak under Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520-66), stretching deep into Austria and dominating the eastern end of the Mediterranean. They rivaled China and the Incas in wealth, had a powerful army and navy, an efficient bureaucracy, and a fair legal system. He also encouraged the arts, using Arabic and Persian models.

Aztecs (PostCP)

1300s-1500s, established an empire over much of central and southern Mexico; a military culture of conquest and constant warfare; they ruled by fear and intimidation, demanding tribute from conquered neighbors, leading to growing hostility; built a good system of roads that enhanced trade in all directions, powerful priests and top ex-warriors were at the top of society and supported the emperor who had semi-divine status; most were poor peasants, serfs, or slaves, capital was a might city called Tenochtitlan build in 1325 on the present site of Mexico City; 3 causeways led to a well-planned, island city; in 1500 CE a pop of 300,000 (bigger than any in Europe) and temples the size of those in Egypt. Perhaps 30 M total in the empire; had writing, practice human sacrifice of an unprecedented scale (believed sun needed blood to stay alive)-- usually of captured enemies, often waged war to get more victims for sacrifice

Little Ice Age (PostCP)

1315-1850 brought colder wetter weather for 5 centuries in Europe, leading to frequent famines and malnutrition

Little ice Age

1315-1850, brought colder wetter weather for 5 centuries, leading to frequent famines and malnutrition

ming dynasty

1368-1644; Hongwu, peasant who overthrew Mongols

Ming Dynasty (EMP)

1368-1644; Hongwu, peasant who overthrew Mongols, China

2nd Great Schism (PostCP)

1378-1414, RCC had probs like polit struggles like having multiple popes, one in Rome and on in Avignon

British East India Company (EMP)

1600, Elizabeth I grants a monopoly for all Asian trade to THIS; they gradually take over areas of India using an army of Sepoys led by British officers

british east india company

1600-1857, taking away parts of India after Mughal Dynasty collapsed, had virtually completed conquest of indian subcontinent by 1850, becomes a colony, expanded control

Tokugawa Shogunate

1603-1868, sakoku is national seclusion policy; capital at Edo; banning of Christianity; Euro trade except the Duth at Nagasaki; rise of MC as internal trade accelerates because daimyo need a new source of income during long period of peace (250 years); development of art for the MC (Kabuki Theater replaces Noh plays, woodblock paintings)

Tokugawa Shogunate (EMP)

1603-1868: three unifying daimyo from Age of the Country at War (1467-1568) fought at Battle of Sekigahara, 1600, Tokugawa Ieyasu won, established this; Sakoku= national seclusion policy; capital at Edo; banning of Christianity and Euro trade except the Dutch at Nagasaki; rise of MC as internal trade accelerates b/c daimyo need a new source of income during long period of peace (250 years); development of art for the MC (Kabuki theater replaces Noh plays, woodblock painting, etc.)

English Civil War (EMP)

1642-47, a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians and Royalists over, principally, the manner of England's government, resulted in Parliamentarian victory w/ the execution of Charles I

English Civil War

1642-47, fought in England over the type of government

qing dynasty

1644-1912, Kangxi and Qianlong, each ruled for about 60 years; brought stability; resisted efforts of Euros to form them to trade (Lord McCartney)

Glorious Revolution

1688-89, bloodless expulsion of the king of England, replaced with William and Mary and constitutional monarchy

Glorious Revolution (EMP)

1688-89, the overthrow of King James II of England (James VII of Scotland) by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder William III, Prince of Orange, bloodless, James fled to France, resulted in William and Mary in power, constitutional monarchy in England, Bill of Rights

sigmund freud

1856-1939, Austria, psychoanalysis, 1880s, main argument: human behavior is also irrational, people driven sometimes by sub-conscious urges, no real control on how they are going to act, societies try to shape behavior through laws, customs, religion, destroyed the idea that there is one absolute right or wrong, once again, 'proper' behavior is relative-- it depends on a particular culture, 'morality' is open for interpretation

sepoy mutiny/rebellion/indian revolt (LNC)

1857, sepoys led by Mangal Pandey revolted, started from a cultural clash over animal fat used in rifles, millions joined the rebellion, 14 months of heavy fighting to end it, after rebellion, British took over direct control of India--> British colony

us civil war (LNC)

1861-65, by 1860, no longer able to avoid slave issue, Lincoln fought to preserve the union, South fought to preserve 'states' rights', but ultimately it was about slavery, 600,000 killed on both sides, 4 million slaves emancipated in 1865 but replaced by sharecropping

meiji restoration (LNC)

1868-1912, some feared being a colony of the West, restored power of the emperor, 1868 group of samurai overthrew the shogun and ended feudalism, controlled 15-year-old emperor but promoted him as a leader, disarmed the samurai

custer's last stand (LNC)

1876, US army wiped out by natives, similar to Xhosa cattle killing

albert einstein

1879-1955, Austrian, theory of relativity, 1905: redefined what we thought we knew about space, time, matter, energy, light with three scientific papers, challenged pretty much everything Newton said, simplified versions popularized in the '20s, universe is not constant or absolute or rational, always changing; perceptions depend on many factors, e=mc^2

berlin conference (LNC)

1884-5, Otto von Bismarck calls meeting to agree on land without starting a war, divided Africa without regard for existing kingdoms, borders, or ethnic groups, played ethnic groups against each other, technology made the takeover easy

indian national congress (LNC)

1885, MC educated people in India got together and formed this, about 20% of the group began to feel they were being discriminated against in here themselves, break off and form own group of Muslims, trying to organize protests, get petitions to end discrimination

adolf hitler

1889-1945, Wrote Mein Kampf while in prison 1923-4, Racce and Space, it explained his whole plan, Race: Germans were the master race; all others were inferior, space: TOV an outrage, he vowed to regain lost land, Der Fuhrer (the leader) 1924, tried to rebuild the Nazi Party, but prosperous times kept numbers of the Nazi party small, the Depression gave him an opportunity, frightened and confused, Germans began to listen to Hitler and communists, encouraged "Brown Shirts" to silence anyone who disagreed with him, MC, business owners, and wealthy feared communism and supported him, Reichstag burned in 1933, held a coup and named dictator, the gestapo and SS murdered his enemies, ruled by terrror

ghost dances/wounded knee massacre (LNC)

1890, desperate Indians performed, Native American way of life is ending, Resorted to magic to try to bring back old way of life, Performed ceremonies to try to make buffalo come back and make white settlers go away/ended all resistance, a definite end to Native American way of life in 1890, Americans massacred so many people because they thought it were the start of a rebellion

wounded knee massacre

1890, ended all resistance, a definite end to Native American way of life in 1890, Americans massacred so many people because they thought the ghost dances were the start of a rebellion

sino-japanese war (LNC)

1894, China vs. Japanese, Chinese were CREAMED by Japanese, further eroded confidence in the Qing government to provide any sort of effective leadership

battle of omdurman (LNC)

1898, Sudan, Brings in best general Horatio Kitchener, so one-sided, hard to really call it a battle since SO MANY more Sudanese died, thought it would be a lesson so no one else did it

spanish-american war (LNC)

1898, US fought against Spain in Cuba, won easily, US fought to 'help win Cuban freedom,' but kept control after victory, gained Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines

boer war (LNC)

1899-1902, brutal guerilla war, Boers finally surrendered 1902, British then helped South AFrica rebuild, gave them self-government in 1910, indpendent in 1931

philippine insurrection (LNC)

1899-1902, led by Emiliano Aguinaldo, Filipinos fought to gain independence from US, Emiliano Aguinaldo seen as a national hero

Sui (PostCP)

Dynasty that finally unified China after the era of the Three Kingdoms, yang-ti was the second and last emperor

balfour declaration

1917, Brit foreign minister wanted the Jews to fight against the Ottoman Turks, wanted both Jews and Arabs to rise up and keep Ottomans so occupied that they can't send troops to France, wanted Jews and Arabs to help against OT, has to give them an incentive to fight, in 1917 issued this, said GB "favored a Jewish homeland in Palestine, but not at the expense of the Arabs", each group only hears the part of the statement they want to hear: that they are getting Palestine, also promised independence from Turks, both groups saw this as a promise of a new nation for them, in 1920, Britain took control of Palestine as a mandate, both Arabs and Jews began pushing for their own country in Palestine, Arabs angered by the steady influx of Jews moving b/c they believe they will get their own homeland, violence beginning to emerge b/t these groups, 1930s= almost constant fighting b/t groups as Jews move into places Arabs are, by 1939, about 1/4 of the population were Jews, scary prospect for Arabs when it had been 10% around WWI, Brits stayed, primarily to prevent escalating violence between the two groups, it was the only country that did not gain independence by WWII

amritsar massacre

1919, religious celebration in an enclosed soccer field, kind of a Hindu picnic, didn't realize the British had just passed a new law against gatherings in which politics are discussed, religious celebration, but they are angry they didn't get swaraj (what Brits promised), several thousand people there, unknown to them, the Brit army shows up (includes Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus), General Reginald Dyer and the Brits keep firing into the crowd until they ran out of ammunition, 379 killed and 1200 wounded, India exploded in anger and became unified over swaraj, violent attacks on Brits, everyone now had a common enemy, Gandhi pleaded with the country for non-violence

reza shah khan pahlavi

1920s: freed his country from foreign influence (Eng and USSR--> Eng interested b/c of oil reserves), modern schools and industry, Iran was very modern for a long time, also ended veiling for women and secularized government, after WWII there was a reaction against this of people who wanted to do away with these changes, kept all power in his own hands though as a dictatorship, didn't go quite as far as Turkey, not nearly as democratic, didn't even try to pretend that this was a republic, but some steps forward, renamed nation "Iran" in 1935= "land of Aryans"

new economic policy

1921, facing famine and disaster, Lenin started this, introduced elements of capitalism to a communist country--> big farms in Russia were taken by the government and distributed tiny plots to the peasants, but it wasn't working, THIS allowed some private ownership of businesses, small-scale capitalism, farmers can sell surplus, there is now an incentive to work hard, this works, people are now making a little extra money, able to get ahead, a retreat from true communism, but it worked and the economy began to grow, despite being ostracized from the West

beer hall putsch

1923, attempted coup d'etat from the Nazi Party, failed, Hitler and others imprisoned

chiang kai-shek

1925, became the new head of the kuomintang, Sun Yat-sen's hand-picked successor, wanted him there, teamed with the new Chinese Communist Party to defeat warlords and unify China, wanted complete control of the country, asked for help from anyone who could give it, KMT and CCP don't like e/o, but they teamed up b/c they knew that whoever ran the country had to get rid of the warlords, almost immediately after this he turns on them and wipes them out, convinced he has rid himself of the CCP forever, increasingly corrupt and unpopular, helped cities but not rural areas, 10% people owned 70% of land, angry peasants turned to Mao Zedong and CCP

salt march

1930, organized a large-scale march to the coast to get sea-salt to protest the British salt tax and laws against Indians making own salt, 240 miles, only goes 10 miles a day b/c he knows if he goes slowly it will attract more attention, 24 days, anyone could do this, except it's illegal, attracted international attention, few when he started, but grew to soooo many, picked up salt and said, "With this salt I defy the power of the British Empire", got arrested by the british, expected it, but now millions start doing this--> they can't imprison that many people, made him a world-wide celebrity and brought sympathy for the cause

the great purge

1930s: Millions killed or sent to work camps in Siberia, including many former Bolsheviks, a kind of extended version of the Night of the Long Knives that Hitler used, many lined up and murdered into mass graves b/c there were still whispers of criticism, wanted to ELIMINATE all opposition, some of the original Bolsheviks exterminated b/c they fell behind Stalin and weren't radical enough

course of WWII

1931: Japan invaded Manchuria March 1935: Germany started military buildup Oct 1935: Italy invaded Ethiopia March 1936: Hitler took Rhineland October 1936: Rome-Berlin Axis 1936-9: Spanish Civil War 1937: Japan Invaded China March 1938: Austria forced to join German Empire sept 1938: Munich Appeasement March 1939: Germany seized rest of Czechoslovakia august 1939: non-aggression pact Sept 1 1939--> Invasion of Poland, WWII began Winter 1939-40= Phony War Spring 1940: Germany soon held most of Western Europe (France, North Africa, Norway, Holand, etc) Summer 1940: Battle of Britain June 1941: Invasion of russia, Battle of Stalingrad sept 1941: FDR and Churchill met and agreed to the atlantic charter Dec 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor June 1942: Battle of Midway Nov 1942: Battle of El Alamein Feb 1943: German army surrenders in russia June 6, 1944: d-day April 30, 1945: Hitler's suicide May 9, 1945: V-E Day Aug 6, 1945: hiroshima aug 9, 1945: nagasaki Aug 15/sept 2 1945: V-J Day


1931: Japan took over, rich in raw materials, really the first fighting of WWII, they wanted this so Japan could keep growing and expanding, once they have this, spend about 6 years building factories, getting weapons, building up supplies

lazaro cardenas

1934, Mexico, popular, re-distributed some of the land form the rich to the poor, 1938 nationalized the oil fields, kind of stood up to the US by preventing them from simply renting the land and drilling all the oil out of the ground--> so Mexico could keep some of the money, FDR let him do this so he compensated US companies in return, he is kind of a hero in Mexico/ Lat Amer for standing up to the US

the long march

1934-5, epic trek from a place the CCP were surrounded, 6000 miles, takes about 1 1/2 years, Mao Zedong wants to get his people to safety, Mao led 90000 followers on a 6000 mile retreat, developed a new theory of guerrilla war, only 10,000 survived

good neighbor policy

1935, an effort to increase trade during the Great Depression, FDR is desperate to get people back to work, improve relations, and get on better terms with Lat Amer, he removed gunboat diplomacy, removed the last of the US troops from Haiti and Nicaragua, stopped interfering with Lat Amer politics, finally gave Cuba true independence... but not really, didn't work, b/c LA was also in a depression, but payed long-term dividends by keeping the Americas loyal to the US during WWII

Shooting an Elephant

1936 story by George Orwell, points out the bad of both sides of imperialism--> colonists do things they don't want to in order to save face in front of the natives

spanish civil war

1936-9, Francisco Franco (milit general) and Fascists vs. Loyalists, US didn't want to get involved, Franco helped by Germany and Italy, "dress rehearsal for war", used a mechanized army to strike terror and take over places--> blitzkrieg (bombed them almost to surrender, then tanks come in, then ground troops)

rape of nanking

1937, Japanese take over most of Eastern China, they were in many ways just as bad as the Nazis, experimented on humans, brutal occupation, killed soldiers who had surrendered, 80,000 women raped and murdered after, killing for entertainment, temporary alt of civil war, Chiang Kai Shek and Mao Zedong decided that Japan was a bigger problem

battle of stalingrad

1942-43, the best troops of the German army surrounded Stalingrad and tried to starve the city into submission, when winter arrived and the Germans were ill-equipped for Russian weather, Hitler issued a "No Retreat" order, February 1943--> the German army, frozen and starving, was forced to surrender, a huge turning point, as now Russia pushed them steadily back toward Germany

nuremberg trials

1946, for the first time in history, the people who caused the war are put on trial in Germany, held here for symbolic reasons, the place where Hitler held largest rally ever, several executed, "crimes against humanity"

marshall plan

1947, European Recovery Program, gave billions to Europe and Japan to rebuild, USSR satellites forced to turn it down, Europe still in a post-war depression in 1947, US feared West Europe would become communist out of desperation, so to help Europe recover and prevent communism from gaining ground, the US offered massive financial aid, some $14 billion given to Europe and Japan by 1952, those under Stalin's control refused, but the rest accepted and recovered quickly

truman doctrine

1947, Greece and Turkey, US would send military aid to nations resisting communism

Marshall Plan

1947-52, all Western countries and Japan benefited from the generosity of this, catch was that they had to spend the money on US goods, putting Americans to work , triggered prosperity and economic growth, Communist Bloc refused to accept help, we bent over backwards to make sure France did not cross over into communism


1948: Dutch descendants who gradually took over political control from British descendants in South Africa were the political majority, elected Daniel Malan as president, government set up a strict policy of racial segregation, designed to preserve a "pure white race", wrote new laws that made decades of racist customs a permanent part of the government, a "pigmentocracy"; entire population classified by skin color, whites were only 17% but had all power, new laws: Black (70%), "colored" (mixed race, 10%), and Asian (3%), no personal freedoms, no vote, could not work, travel, or live where they wished, pass laws, no personal freedoms or political rights

Daniel Malan

1948: Dutch descendants who gradually took over political control from British descendants in South Africa were the political majority, elected him as president, government set up a strict policy of racial segregation: Apartheid, designed to preserve a "pure white race", wrote new laws that made decades of racist customs a permanent part of the government, a "pigmentocracy"; entire population classified by skin color


1949, US, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, US defensive alliance

Fidel Castro

1950s, he and Che Guevara led a socialist revolution against Fulgencia Batista, jan 1959: dictator Batista fled, socialists won; he improved education, economic equality: very popular at first, literacy went up like crazy, no huge disparity b/t wealthy and poor; nationalized businesses to keep profits in Cuba, made US nervous, indicates he is at least socialist, leaning towards communist, US put pressure on him; 1960: turned to USSR, declared Cuba a communist nation, TERRIFIES US; overthrow attempts: uS determined to get rid of him, CIA secretly trains an army of exiles to fight him, april 1961: CIA invasion plan failed, "Bay of Pigs" was a disaster, "Operation Mongoose" also failed, he asked Khrushchev for help, nuclear missiles installed in Cuba, US agreed to leave him alone after Cuban Missile Crisis, died last year, brother now in power

Shah of Iran

1953, CIA overthrew popular popular socialist leader in Iran due to Cold War fears (Reza Shah Pahlavi's son took over when he retired, had an election in 1953 and elected a new guy, afraid he would become communist, CIA put Reza Shah Pahlavi's son BACK in office secretly, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi returned to power, had to make sure he was going to support the US, especially oil, US Puppet/Repressive dictator, kinda lets US run all over the country, laws of the country don't seem to apply to them, a hated leader; created long-term resentment toward the US, overthrown by a revolution and coup in 1978, no other country would let him into their country b/c they were afraid of losing their oil privileges, also dying of cancer and needed medical help

Geneva Accords

1953, French Indochina (while independent) is going to be broken into 4 nations, Laos, Cambodia, North Vietnam and South Vietnam (divided at the 17th Parallel b/c Vietnam couldn't agree on what kind of government they were going to have, US promised free elections to unify nation (they think they know that b/t communism and democracy they would vote for democracy, US is supposed to be some impartial outsider so that they would make sure everything would go well; later cancelled elections (WRONG CHOICE), b/c they realized communists would win (b/c the guy who fought Japs all through WWII was their hero, who they wanted, but he was a communist), so they would have to decide it some other way-- civil war, "domino theory" started, Vietnam= "the First Domino"


1979, USSR invaded Afghanistan (Muslim nation), first real act of aggression in a long time, tries to repress religion, some Muslims saw it as a war against Islam, flocked to the area to fight the Soviets, given military training and weapons when they went there, but also indoctrinated with very ultra-conservative religious beliefs, b/c of Cold War, US gave al-Qaeda covert aid, CIA helped train them to use terrorism against the Soviets, USSR withdrew from Afghanistan, they debated what to do with the skills and resources they had acquired instead of disbanding, Muslims all over the world were sending money, decided to use it to fight for a pure form of Islam: Shar'ia and fundamentalism, to get all Muslims to live like it was in the days of Muhammad

USSR in Afghanistan

1979, USSR invaded here, has lots of repercussions later on, b/c Russia is fighting against Afghanistan, we help Muslim Afghani people fight against Russia, we trained terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden, to fight against Russia, when Russia finally pulls out in 1989, allows the Taliban to take over (radical Muslim government)

Iran-Iraq War

1980-88, year when hostages being held, Iran doesn't know if US will invade, on edge, not paying attention to what's going on around them, Iraq invaded to try to take over oil lands, touches off a terrible war, over 1 M killed, US (President Reagan) aided Saddam as an enemy of Iran, sold him a powerful arsenal, he can start a nuclear program, tanks, all that; war ended in 1988; both sides weakened, over 1 M died, Saddam Hussein losing popularity, hasn't won the war, lost 1/2 M people in the war, bankrupt

reagan and cold war

1980s, new president became more confrontational w/ USSR, former actor, "Star Wars" Program, we would shoot off defensive missiles, build an invisible shield over US, hit missiles before they could reach us, we poured billions into it before it considered worthless; called Russia the "Evil Empire", a lot of his metaphors and references came out of motion pictures, aggressive conservative, started arms race again, Cold War again became urgent

Mikhail Gorbachev

1985, USSR head in the 2nd Russian Revolution, knew that reforms were necessary, satellites and arms race becoming so expensive, all economies being propped up by the government b/c they are so inefficient, before this, a climate of fear, since the purges of the 30s, Russia is no longer moving forward, just trying to stay afloat, Government made every economic decision, produced only basic goods, even those were scarce, shortages common, few consumer goods, encouraged satellites to try new methods to lessen their dependence, even allowed free elections, gets in a bind when many ethnic groups and separate republics inside the Soviet Union sought their own freedom, resigned December 25, 1991, USSR had ceased to exist, before leaving office, he had launched one of the most dramatic revolutions of the 20th century

End of Apartheid

1989: Frederik W. DeKlerk elected president, realized that something had to change, vowed to end Apartheid despite opposition from many whites, 1990: lifted ban on ANC, released Mandela, gave blacks more freedom, 1992: majority of whites voted to end Apartheid, 1993: Nobel Peace Prize to him and Mandela, 1994: Mandela elected president, voting on racial lines, ANC won 62% of vote, credited with peaceful transition of power to Blacks, never sought revenge, never reacted with hatred-- simply pursued a peaceful solution to racial problems in his nation, Mandela left office 1999, still many problems (especially AIDS), but making progress

Han Dynasty (CP)

206 BCE-220 CE-- ended the rule by Legalism and Confucianism; started the merit exams, thus creating a special class of scholar-officials known as Shi or Mandarin; started trade along the Silk Roads, with porcelain, silk, and paper developed and exchanged with other cultures; fell in the 200s CE b/c of corruption, disease that came in along the Silk Roads, and invasions by Huns from Central Asia; a long period of local, rather than centralized control (Sometimes called the 3 Kingdoms) followed

end of slavery/emancipation in US (LNC)

4 million slaves emancipated in 1865, How do you provide opportunities for them to get economic equality-- not educated no skills, plantation owners have to find solution to labor problems, But sharecropping soon replaced slavery, Just like debt peonage, Give them house and some property and food, Manipulation, Require half crop, increase every year, Never going to improve, children inherit debt when you die-- sharecroppers stay sharecroppers, Also poor whites

Muhammad (PostCP)

570-632 CE, a Bedouin merchant in Arabia, starts Islam in mecca in 622; Hejira-- "the flight" of him from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE; that date marks the start of the Muslim religion and calendar; the most important event in Islamic history; he returned to Mecca with an army in 630 and started an Islamic theocracy; he died in 632, but his successor, Abu-bakr, ordered the writing of the Koran and began aggressively spreading the religion through the ME and across North Africa

Zheng He

7 great voyages led by him from 1405-1433


700-1200s, first West African/Nubian Empire, grew rich as middlemen in the trans-Saharan trade, from the Mediterranean in the north came cloth, weapons, and tools, but primarily salt, which was lacking in the south. Gold was the most desirable item from the forests of the south. This gold-for-salt-trade was often a silent trade; the kings grew wealthy by taxing all exchanges and other traders who passed thru their region; they also provided protection for merchants. By the 800s, had a large army and expanded their territory, allowing self-government to other chiefs in exchange for taxes and tribute; Polytheistic people who believed that their leader was divine, the rulers adopted Islam as their religion about 1100, possibly for the commercial benefits to be gained from trading with the Muslim world; many of the ordinary people never fully converted, retaining a hybrid set of beliefs that combines Islam and animism.

Abbasid Caliphate

750-1250s, marks a Golden Age of Islam, centered in teh capital city of Baghdad, this period is marked by great advances and a sophisticated civilization; Al-jabr, Dome of the Rock, Chemistry, Rubaiyat of OMar Khayyam, the 1001 Arabian Nights, science, medicine, and astronomy thrived. the mongols invaded in 1255 destroying Baghdad; they never recovered

Abbasid Caliphate (PostCP)

750-1250s, marks a Golden Age of Islam, centered in the capital city of Baghdad; this period is marked by great advances and a sophisticated civilization; Al-jabr--Muslim inventor of Algebra about 800 CE; Dome of the Rock--the best example of Islamic architecture; built in the 600s in Jerusalem over the rock from which it is believed that Muhammad rose to heaven; still regarded as a holy site by Muslims; Chemistry--their scientists developed the world's first chemical labs in their efforts to artificially create gold; Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam--Omar K wrote this long Persian poem in about 1100; a world famous love poem that made Persian (Farsi) the language of choice for many Islamic poets; also during this time, folk tales were collected as The 1001 Arabian Nights; science, medicine, and astronomy thrived. The Mongols invaded in 1255 and destroyed Baghdad; this dynasty never recovered

Vikings (PostCP)

800-1000, Scandinavia, land so cold that people often resorted to raiding other places to steal food and valuables, Germanic ppl, known as Norsemen as well, came on "longboats" that held up to 300 warriors and attacked seacoasts and cities across Europe from 800 to 1000. Settlements in Iceland, Greenland, and N Amer under Leif Ericson about 1000 CE. They also traveled by river and portage down the rivers of E Eur all the way to Constantinople, with whom they traded. After about 1000, a warming trend made such invasions unnecessary and many converted from animism to Roman Catholicism


800-1000, Scandinavia, these people resorted to raiding other places to steal food and valuables, Germanic people, set up settlements in Iceland, Greenland, and North America under Leif Ericson about 1000 CE. They also traveled by river and portage down the rivers of Eastern Europe all the way to Constantinople with whom they traded. After about 1000, a warming trend made such invasions unnecessary and many Vikings converted from animism to Roman Catholicism

Hopewell and Mississippian (PostCP)

800-1500, along Ohio and Mississippi River valleys, mound-building cultures developed; people built huge mounds as tombs or religious sites; they were both farmers and hunters, but we know little else about them

Russia (PostCP)

800s, group Viking invaders (Rus) settled along rivers of W and built 2 imprnt cities, Novgorod in N, and Kiev, a city-state on the Dnieper River in the S. Slavic and Viking cultures eventually blended together. About 980, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, converted his kingdom to E Orthodoxy, impressed by splendor of Constant. From abt 800-1100, Kiev was imprtnt link in the trade network b/t Scandinavia (the Vikings), along rivers, to Black Sea and Constant. This contact also connected these ppl to the Silk Roads trade. Kingdom prospered along w/ Russian Orthodoxy until rivalries made it vulnerable to invasion. 1100s, new city of Moscow began to expand into pwrful kingdom taken over by Mongols in 1200s; Mongols allowed autonomy as long as they paid tribute; did not break free of the "Mongol Yoke" until late 1400s; Ivan III (the Great) took the title "Czar" and vowed to make Moscow the Third Rome. In 1480, he defied Mongols and refused to pay tribute, thus starting an indpndnt emp. Tartars (Russian word for Mongols, aka "ppl of hell") results: b/c long period Mongol rule, isolated from W Eur and little access to new ideas and tech

Rus (PostCP)

800s, group of Viking invaders settled along rivers of Western Russia and built two important cities: Novgorod (North) and Kiev (city-state on Dnieper River in South). Slavic and Viking cultures eventually blended togther.

social diversification and IR (LNC)

As industrialization spread, society became more MULTIFARIOUS than the former 2-class society; changes: 1)Nobles were losing importance, Land not as important, No longer had a monopoly of voting 2)The number of peasants and farmers declined 3)MC or Bourgeoisie, This French name used by Marx, Grew in numbers, status, and wealth, Exponentially, Doctors, lawyers, engineers, bankers, Now people can pay these people, Also new owners and managers of factories and mines, if they get rich enough, hire people to run factories for them, New layers of the MC, Often led liberal revolutions, 1789-1848, Once they obtained the vote and political power, No longer a revolutionary force; grew more conservative in the late 1800s 4)Working Class or PROLETARIAT, Emerged in IR; dependent on wages, During economic slumps, starved, Now dependent on wage because don't live on farm and have to buy all food- can't just take some off your own land, Children worked cheaply, Part of the work force, As soon as they are old enough, Get hurt all the time, Sent to factories or mines at an early age

coolies (LNC)

Asia, (often presented as indentured servitude, but more like debt peonage), often Japanese, Philippine, etc. workers who are recruited but treated as indentured servants, When you finished servitude you would get pulled back into it, Used in Latin America, Hawaii, US and Canada (railroads), These workers would come, A main reason for Asian population in these places

polynesian migrations (LNC)

Asians to Australia 40,000 years ago, to Polynesia from Asia 4000 BCE to 1st century CE, from Polynesia to Hawaii (600), Easter Island (700), New Zealand (1300)

Jawaharlal Nehru

August 1947, when two separate nations created from India, he headed India, ruled as prime minister until he died in 1964 , pursued policy of "non-alignment", they would not take sides in the Cold War, believed India would have more power by doing this, especially in the UN--> the non-aligned country had a lot of power in casting the deciding votes on issues between communists and democracies, emerged as leader of "Third World", also constant battles with China and Pakistan over northern borders (still an issue today)

Gulf of tonkin

August 1964, body of water off of North Vietnam, US lied about 'attack", ___ ___ resolution passed by Congress, start of active role in the war: US began bombing raids around NVN, sent first ground troops to SVN a week or two later

Sun Tzu/The Art of War (CP)

Author/Title book written about 500 BCE, during the TOTWS in China; it is advice to generals and leaders on how to win wars, but is still read by businessmen and politicians today

Homor/Iliad and Odyssey (CP)

Author/Titles about 800 BCE, this possibly fictional writer created the classics of Greek oral tradition; these stories celebrated the most-desired traits of Greek Civ, such as heroism and courage

human sacrifice (PostCP)

Aztecs practiced this of an unprecedented scale (they believed the sun needed to survive)-- usually of captured enemies; often waged war to get more victims for sacrifice

human sacrifice

Aztecs practiced this on an unprecedented scale, they believed the sun needed blood to survive, usually of captured enemies; often waged war to get more victims

hacienda system (EMP)

Bartolome de las Casas was appalled by the treatment of Native American under the encomienda system; appealed to the Spanish Crown in the mid-1500s and got a new law that outlawed encomienda slavery; however, Spanish plantation and mine owners simply switched to a new system in which workers were tied into debt peonage (became peons), a system that was much like slavery

Sekigahara (EMP)

Battle won by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1600, b/t three unifying daimyo from Age of the Country at War, led to the establishment of Tokugawa Shogunate

nationalist motives (LNC)

Belief that an empire was a reflection of national greatness, This attitude was exemplified by Cecil Rhodes, British businessman and imperialist, 1877 quote: "I contend that we Britons are the first race in the world, and the more of the world that we inhabit, the better it is for the human race. I believe it is my duty to God, my Queen, and my country to color the whole map of Africa red, red from the Cape of Good Hope to Cairo.", Let's have England take over all of Africa, Encapsulates attitude of why we have to take over everyone

white man's burden (LNC)

Belief that it was the duty of Europeans to spread their culture and take over inferiors for their own good, that this will help people in the long run

Iraq War, 2003-2011

Bush Doctrine, argued that there were 2 reasons to attack Iraq: 1. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, 2. Saddam aided al-Q on 9/11 (but they hate e/o, so neither of these is really true), UN inspections found no WMD in Iraq, CIA unable to find WMD or links to 9/11, Bush admin looked at evidence selectively, UN and NATO opposed invasion, US ignored them; decided to invade with few allies; March 2003, US launched preemptive, Iraq military was largely destroyed in 1991, so US won easily and quickly, but a much bigger job remained, had to set up a democracy government in a country that has never had a free democracy AND had US soldiers occupying this country against their will, multiple religions, none of these people wants to be under the control of any other people, descends into a terrible civil war while we are occupying it, US stuck in a lengthy war 2003-2011, a lot of Americans and Iraqis die, BUT IRAQ WAS NEVER THE ENEMY--> bin Laden was, US withdrew in 2011, never found WMDs or links to al-Q, but 9-year occupation was expensive, 4500 Amers killed, 32K wounded, 172K Iraqis killed (mostly civilians), created power void, civil war; Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) formed in Iraq, all groups started vying for power


Calicut, on the western coast, was also known for trading this, which was most desired spice in Europe

pearl harbor

December 1, 1941, Reasons: 1. US relations with Japan had been in decline since the 1920s (immigration restrictions, the Washington Conference), Japan also obtained most of their oil, scrap metal for steel, and other industrial materials from the US, so they remained on good terms out of necessity 2. Japanese aggression--> the US protested but did nothing when Japan took over Manchuria invaded China, the plan, then, was to launch a surprise attack against the US base in Hawaii, where most of the Pacific Fleet of the US navy was stationed they knew that they could not defeat the US in a war, but they thought that they could buy time by destroying the US fleet estimates were that it would take the US 2 full years to rebuild the fleet and come after Japan, during those 2 years, Japan planned to grab everything in the Pacific and East Asia, including India and Australia, then, when the US was ready to fight, they would negotiate and offer to give back the Philippines, Australia, etc. so that they could keep the areas they really wanted--> Manchuria, China, Indochina the plan almost worked, pretty successful, about 2400 Americans were killed in the surprise attack and 20 US ships were sunk or damaged, Japan seized an enormous empire, that included parts of Alaska and Asia along with most of the Pacific Islands, 18 of the ships, however, were repaired and ready for action in a few months, also, 3 of 4 US aircraft carriers were out at sea and undamaged, US able to rebuild in 6 months instead--> quicker than anticipated, all had done was to "awaken the sleeping giant"

olympe de gouges (LNC)

Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizeness (1791), Argued that women deserved the same rights as men, Sounded incredibly radical at this time


During which dynasty did India experience a golden age in the classical era?

feminism/women's rights movement (LNC)

Early feminism focused on equality before the law, property rights, and the right to divorce, Early on it was not about the vote, Women not recognized as people in the court, You could be elected to office but not actually vote, Only later, women's suffrage (the vote), For the first time they start to talk about it in 1870s, 1880s, Doesn't really catch on until WWI--> women prove they can do anything men can do, they relax this law, Largely unsuccessful in 19th century

Axum Empire

East AFrica, an area of Ethiopia settled by Arabic peoples (peak 300-600 CE). This served as a trading center for East Africa, the Nile, and southern Araabia; by the 4th c., CE, it had adopted Christianity. AFter 600, with the expansion of Islam, many Christians in the area converted to Islam

Axum Empire (PostCP)

East Africa, area of Ethiopia settled by Arabic peoples (peak 300-600 CE). Served as a trading center for East Afr, Nile, and southern Arabia; by 4th c, CE, it had adopted Christianity. After 600, with expansion of Islam, many Christians in the area converted to Islam, Lalibela city named after emperor in Ethiopia about 1200 built underground Christian Churches into solid rock in order to avoid detection by invading Muslims

pharaohs (PreCP)

Egyptian god-kings who ruled through many dynasties and were buried in incredible pyramids


Egyptian writing system of pictographs

theory of relativity

Einstein's thing, 1905: pretty much redefined what we thought we knew about space, time, matter, energy, light with three scientific papers, challenged pretty much everything Newton said, simplified versions popularized in the '20s, universe is not constant or absolute or rational, always changing; perceptions depend on many factors

mary wollstonecraft (LNC)

England (but during the French rev), A Vindication of the Rights of Women, 1792, An essay, Insisted that the revolutionary idea of equality should also include women, Largely ignored

british racial attitudes and self- government (LNC)

England eventually gave white settlers the right to govern themselves, racial attitudes told the British that white-skinned Europeans were capable of ruling themselves

the great game (LNC)

England wanted to protect Indian colony and stop Russia from getting down there, used Afghanistan as a buffer

emmaline pankhurst (LNC)

England, suffragette, constantly protesting in very dramatic forms, Seen as radical, But laid groundwork for later success, Got people's attention

Virginia (EMP)

English here starting 1607, tobacco saved this colony from starvation and the South focused on cash crops (cotton after 1800, invention of the cotton gin); labor shortages led to the first extensive use of indentured servants and then African slaves

New England (EMP)

English in Massachusetts Bay, 1630

stamp act (LNC)

English tried to tax Americans to assert their authority and americans resisted, colonies erupted and refused to pay tax, colonists resisted English efforts to assert authority through taxation

philosophes (EMP)

Enlightenment, French for philosopher, Primarily French, popularized reformist thought with writing, voltaire

Voltaire (EMP)

Enlightenment, brilliant and influential French, argued for tolerance, reason, legal justice and free speech, wrote a lot, thought organized religion caused fanaticism and intolerance

Partition of India

February 1947, GB announced they would grant Indian independence, great moment of celebration but short lived b/c almost immediately people began to push for not one but TWO separate countries, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Muslims refused to be part of a Hindu-dominated nation, didn't want to be the minority again, wanted "Pakistan"="Land of the Pure", wanted a country of Muslims ruled by Muslims, heartbreaking to Gandhi b/c he had been trying to bring people together for so long and it didn't seem to be working, violence broke out, Hindu vs. Muslim, two separate nations created in August 1947, India headed by Jawaharlal Nehru, Pakistan divided in 2 parts 1000 miles apart, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, question of how they fairly divide it, as Hindus moved to India (from Pakistan) and Muslims moved to Pakistan (from India), centuries of anger erupted, mass violence resulted, mass violence resulted for the better part of a year, over 500K died, both sides unstoppable, even Gandhi unable to stop hatred and violence

maginot line

France spent 20 years building a wall b/t France and Germany, strong fortifications low down, really intense, France not all that worried about Germans, but Germany invaded France through Belgium (did the Schlieffen plan again), wasted billions of dollars on this

Black Robes (EMP)

France used missionaries, not soldiers, to convert the natives; tried to understand their culture and relate Christianity to them, especially with THESE Jesuit priests

crimean war (LNC)

French and English helped the Turks against Russia

wars of liberation (LNC)

French made the war a war to 'liberate' the people of Europe, realize that if they don't spread the revolution to the outside people, they will get crushed

william faulkner

From Oxford, Mississippi, still recognized as the greatest writer in the south, stream of consciousness, The Sound and the Fury, 1927/9

neville chamberlain

GB prime minister, went to negotiate the Munich Appeasement w/ Hitler, believed they had avoided war by giving him what he wants

henry david thoreau

Gandhi read his pacifist writings like the essay "On Civil Disobedience" from 1848, about Mexico, believes that this war is being fought just to extend the slave states, doesn't wanna pay taxes to support the war, gets arrested, goes to prison, writes the essay--> argues that it is the duty of every citizen of every country to purposely break bad laws in order to prove their injustice


Gandhi's new philosophy developed during his time in South Africa, 'seeking the truth', passive or non-violent resistance, RESIST the oppressors, but without violence, returned to India in 1915 and began to apply these principles, WWI going on


German living space, Hitler thought they needed more land to expand their population, would expand east and kill everyone already living there and populate it on their own

immanuel kant (LNC)

German writer, started romanticism, 1781: Critique of Pure Reason, argued: rationalism over-emphasized, criticizing the idea that everything should be reduced to rationalism, feelings, experience, imagination, intuition also important sources of knowledge

max planck

German, quantum physics, starts us looking at science in a different way, pointed out that nature is not always predictable or rational


Germans used a mechanized army to strike terror and take over places, bombed them almost to surrender, then tanks came in, then ground troops

berlin wall

Germany divided into West and East--> free and communist, Berlin also divided in half, very talented people that could add a lot to the country are trying to get out of there b/c of the lack of freedoms, in 1961, NK orders the building of this, stood as a reminder and symbol of the Iron Curtain, kind of a test to see what JFK will do, people were doing everything they could to escape to the free half, JFK knows that if he does anything too dramatic to stop this it would lead to war--> nuclear weapons--> end of the world

Delian League (CP)

Greece, 400s BCE, formed as a trade alliance b/t the many small kingdoms and islands that made up the empire; Pericles, the leader in the 400s, ushered in a golden age with his magnificent building projects in Athens, but tried to use this to finance this, creating anger and triggering the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) against the militaristic Spartans; Sparta won, Athens never really recovered, and the entire civilization began to decline b/c of this war

Draco and Solon (CP)

Greek aristocrats, developed 12 Tables of Law (Rome) in 600s BCE

Draco and Solon

Greek aristocrats, developed 12 Tables of Law in 600s BCE

Hellenism (CP)

Greek culture, spread by Alexander the Great until his death in 323 BCE

Golden Mean

Greek philosophy, avoiding extremes, seeking moderation

Persian Wars (CP)

Greek polis unified in a defensive alliance about 500 BCE to defeat the Persians in this

democracy (CP)

Greeks introduced this political form of government

Invasion of Kuwait

Gulf War, 1990-91, after war w/ Iran, 1980-88, Saddam needed money, August 1990, using US weapons, took over oil-rich Kuwait, Saddam Hussein owns 1/5 of the oil in the war, President Bush 1 intervened b/c US needed Kuwait's oil

Golden Age (CP)

Gupta Dynasty seen as this b/c of their secure borders, prosperity, and flowering of the arts and science (inoculations, surgery, astronomy)

Sikhism (EMP)

Guru Nanak and some Indians formed a new religion that combined elements of the other two

education (LNC)

Had the most success in getting required public schools, South had no public schools until after Civil War when forced to by the federal government, Helped bring mass education

Hammurabi's Code (PreCP)

Hammurabi, king of Babylon, created the 1st legal code about 1750 BCE; ("eye for an eye")

Silk Roads (CP)

Han Dynasty started trade here, with porcelain, silk, and paper developed and exchanged with other cultures (disease that came in through here contributed to the end of the Han Dynasty)

takeover of the congo (LNC)

Henry Stanley Claimed entire Congo Not for Belgium, but for Leopold (his personal colony), 80 times the size of Belgium, tricks, contracts in English, So that native people couldn't understand, tricked them all, Don't know what they're signing, Don't even have concept of ownership of land, Horrible, Some natives thought he was a god- shocked people with electricity, Would shoot native next to chief with rifle, hand rifle to chief and tell him to shoot him, didn't die, Started the race for African colonies, Belgium claimed whole center part of this continent, Often almost leads to war

principles of biology

Herbert Spencer in 1864, Basically Darwin + Adam Smith (laissez-faire), Government should not interfere with human societies, Pretty twisted use of Darwin, Other people take his ideas and apply them in different ways as well, Coined the term "Survival of the Fittest", Main application, Only the fittest human beings should be allowed to survive, Strong are entitled to dominate the weak and exploit them

Angkor Wat

Hindu temple built around 1100, once the center of a huge city (Angkor) of 1 M people, a monument to a dead king, required heavy taxes and weakened the kingdom of Kampuchea

Angkor Wat (PostCP)

Hindu temple in Kampuchea/Cambodia, built around 1100, once the center of a huge city (Angkor) of 1 M people. This monument to a dead king, however, required heavy taxes and weakened the kingdom; by the 1400s the city was abandoned


Hitler demands this at the edge of Czechoslovakia after annexing Austria, Munich Appeasement gives him this in the hopes that he won't ask for anything more

race and space

Hitler's main points in "mein Kampf", Germans were the master race; all others, especially Jews, Slavs, and gypsies were inferior, TOV was an outrage, he vowed to regain the lost lands

brown shirts

Hitler's thugs, encouraged to silence anyone who disagreed with him

master race theories

Hitler, German= master race; all others, especially Jews, Slavs, and gypsies, inferior--> blonde hair blue eyes

Avesta (CP)

Holy Book of Zoroastrianism; written down about 500 BCE, although passed down orally before that

hours, wages, conditions in factories and mines (LNC)

Hours: long- 12-16 hours a day, Wages: low, Owners feel like they have to keep buying latest machinery in order to compete, Continue to lower wages in order to do this, Conditions: dangerous, No government laws, Have no interest in buying equipment that protects the workers, Don't understand chemicals vs. cancer, Black or white lung disease; no safety devices or benefits, No unemployment insurance or pensions 20th century inventions

Greek language, Cyrillic alphabet, culture closer to persia and ME, Orthodox Christianity (PostCP)

How did the Byzantine Empire differ from West Europe?

Domino Theory

Idea that if one part becomes communist, then all surrounding countries would become communist too, started about Vietnam, worried that if the south became communist as well as the north, then that would start the effect

1 child/family law

In 1979, growing population concerns led to this policy, family planning, birth control advice, and abortions are readily available

expansion of slavery in Africa (Zanzibar) (LNC)

In East Africa (especially Zanzibar), slavery increased after MANUMISSION, Kind of ironic, Plantations of cash crops (coffee, tea, cotton), Missionaries and military efforts finally ended it by 1900, Dr. Livingstone was a missionary

mita (PostCP)

Inca, much of the building in this empire was done by ordinary citizens who paid tribute in this form, this meant they had to contribute labor for a certain number of days each year


Incan empire centered around here, on a plateau 11,000 ft above sea level

Cuzco (PostCP)

Incan empire expanded about 1200 until they ruled an area centered around here, on a plateau 11,000 feet above sea level

chasquis (PostCP)

Incan runners who carried messages on colored, knotted strings called kipus, so they did have a form of record-keeping


Islamic merchants of North Africa traded salt to the West African empires of Ghana (700-1200), Mali (1200-1400s) and Songhai (1400s-1600), who mined gold; Berber caravans of camels crossed the Sahara to trade with the empires centered in Timbuktu; in the 1100s or 1200s, the West Africans converted to Islam, largely b/c they thought it would increase trade with Muslim Berbers; slaves and ivory also traded for Muslim or Euro goods, Desert trade slowly dried up after 1500 as the gold mines became depleted and when Europeans began to take the faster route by sea to the coast near the mouth of the Niger River

Francisco Petrarch

Italian man who, in the 1300s, encouraged others to re-discover the artistic and literary classics of ancient Greece and Rome; he wrote poetry and esssays in the old styles and is regarded as the father of the Renaissance

Francisco Petrarch (PostCP)

Italian man who, in the 1300s, encouraged others to re-discover the artistic and literary classics of ancient Greece and Rome; wrote poetry and essays in old styles and is regarded as the father of the Renaissance

camillo cavour and giuseppe garibaldi (LNC)

Italian political genius, Able to negotiate, manipulate people, get them to come around to his way of thinking, convince people that Italy is better than little things AND military leader of the "Red Shirts" in Italy, decent guy, kind of like George Washington, stepped aside when reached unification

Third Rome

Ivan III the Great promised to make Moscow this


Ivan III the Great took this title

Czar (PostCP)

Ivan III/The Great took this title, ruler of Russia

Tet Offensive

Jan 31, 1968, turning point, VC and NVN attacked every city in SVN at the same time, US military victory, but US public turned against the war b/c it was clear we weren't going to be winning any time soon, end of US heightening war, start of taking US soldiers out

japanese strategy

Japan wanted to take over Indonesia for the oil fields they had, but the Philippines (owned by the US) were nearby and they knew that the US would respond the plan, then, was to launch a surprise attack against the US base in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor), where most of the Pacific Fleet of the US navy was stationed they knew that they could not defeat the US in a war, but they thought that they could buy time by destroying the US fleet estimates were that it would take the US 2 full years to rebuild the fleet and come after Japan, during those 2 years, Japan planned to grab everything in the Pacific and East Asia, including India and Australia, then, when the US was ready to fight, they would negotiate and offer to give back the Philippines, Australia, etc. so that they could keep the areas they really wanted--> Manchuria, China, Indochina the plan almost worked, Pearl Harbor pretty successful, about 2400 Americans were killed in the surprise attack and 20 US ships were sunk or damaged, Japan seized an enormous empire, that included parts of Alaska and Asia along with most of the Pacific Islands, 18 of the ships, however, were repaired and ready for action in a few months, also, 3 of 4 US aircraft carriers were out at sea and undamaged, US able to rebuild in 6 months instead--> quicker than anticipated, all Pearl Harbor had done was to "awaken the sleeping giant"


Japanese ideal that the group is more important than the individual, everyone has to work hard, workers are expected to sacrifice, taught in schools, CRAZY work ethic

fascism in japan

Japanese military leaders took control and teamed with the Zaibatsu, extremists convinced desperate people in the 1929 depression that they could solve all problems if they had all power, handing government over to the control of the military, government promised they would get rich if they were given all the power, would get rid of unions, control work force, crushed all opposition and ended democracy, anyone who spoke out would be murdered or disappear, there isn't really one person running it all--> about 12 guys, young emperor (Hirohito) unable to control government, militarism becomes the guiding philosophy, when the LON objected to aggression, Japan withdrew, military government, started a state-controlled form of Shintoism, emperor is divine, military dictatorship ruled in his name, because of historical isolation, they were a pure race, better than all other people

Black robes

Jesuit French priests who went to the new world and especially tried to understand the natives' culture and relate Christianity to them

declaration of independence (LNC)

July 1776, by Thomas Jefferson, aimed at a whole bunch of different audiences, relatively brief statement on why they were going to fight, Enlightenment ideas, no turning back

robespierre (LNC)

July 1793, ruled as dictator, period of his rule gives France its gory reputation, tried to get rid of all opposition through execution until he himself was executed

night of the long knives

June 1934, Hitler ruling by terror, had intimidated a lot of people but now wanted to send a clear message that it was dangerous to oppose the fuhrer, sent the SS and Gestapo out to murder anyone who disagreed with him, particularly people of the Nazi Party who questioned him, over 400 people died, shocked the nation into total obedience

battle of midway

June 1942, Pacific theater, turning point #1, huge battle fought b/t airplanes and ships near Midway Island, the US surprisingly won and destroyed the ability of Japan to fight an offensive war, from that point on, Japan was pushed steadily back rather than taking over new lands

berlin airlift

June 1948-May 1949, Stalin tried to close off West Berlin from all supplies on the ground, for over a year, the allies flew in flood and fuel until blockade ended, increased tensions

Santa/Hagia Sophia (PostCP)

Justinian rebuilt a great church that is still admired today; once a Christian church, it later became a Muslim Mosque

Santa/Hagia Sophia

Justinian rebuilt this great church that is still admired today; once a Christian church, it later became a Muslim mosque

justinian's code

Justinian tried to preserve Roman law of the 12 Tables with this

Khmer (PostCP)

Kampuchea/Cambodia= home to these people

das kapital (1867) (LNC)

Karl Marx again, Workers of the world, unite!

bourgeoisie (LNC)

Karl Marx's French name for the MC

vladimir lenin

Marx never designed a system of government, this guy had to create one, soon learned that there were problems with communism--> no reward system, people are greedy and lazy; repressive government, Gulag system of prisons/work camps in Siberia, needing allies, set up the Comintern in 1919: communist international, goal= to spread communism, 1921, facing famine and disaster, started the "New Economic Policy", some private ownership of businesses, small-scale capitalism, a retreat from true communism, but it worked and the economy began to grow, despite being ostracized from the west, died in 1924, kind of sudden, now sure who will lead the country

New England

Massachusetts Bay, 1630, British


May 1915, German U-boats sank this, had 100+ US passengers, US had been split on where they wanted to join or if they wanted to, this was a deciding factor

popul vuh

Mayan codex containing their creation myth

calendar (CP)

Mayan double, one religious, one solar; interlocked like gears, ended in 2012

concept of zero (CP)

Mayans developed this with advanced mathematics from religious beliefs


Mayans grew this, required some genetic engineering

maize (CP)

Mayans grew this, required some genetic engineering

Shah Jahan (EMP)

Mughal Dynasty, r. 1628-58, grandson of Akbar, extended the empire and built the Red Fort at Agra as a palace and to keep the royal treasury; also a spectacular tomb for his favorite wife: the Taj Mahal, decline of the Mughals due to continuous wars and expensive building projects required heavy taxes that led to growing discontent toward him and his son; also resumed persecuting Hindus and reinstated the jizya; this helped create lasting animosity b/t Muslims and Hindus


Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Muslims refused to be part of a Hindu-dominated nation, didn't want to be the minority again, wanted "_______"="Land of the Pure", wanted a country of Muslims ruled by Muslims, violence broke out, Hindu vs. Muslims, two separate nations created in August 1947, ______ headed by Jinnah, divided in 2 parts, 1000 miles apart= East and West, 1000 miles of INDIA in between, same problem as Palestine in how they fairly divide it, figured out which regions are dominated by which religion, 1971: East tried to break away largely b/c all of the power, money, and new industry was in West, declared independence, believed all industry, positions of power going to West, India sided with East (b/c they don't like West_ and they won independence in a nasty war, republic of Bangladesh formed

Abu-bakr (PostCP)

Muhammad's successor, ordered the writing of the Koran and began aggressively spreading the religion through the ME and across N Afr


Muhammad's successor, ordered the writing of the Koran and began aggressively spreading the religion through the ME and across North Africa


Muslim inventor of Algebra about 800 CE in the Abbasid Caliphate

Battle of Tours (PostCP)

Muslims called Moors (dark-skinned Muslims) took over Spain and Sicily and invaded Europe in the 700s; the Franks defeated Muslim armies here in 732, insuring that Europe would stay Christian

suttee (PostCP)

Muslims tried to outlaw it without success during the Delhi Sultanate, 1200-1526

black shirts

Mussolini's thugs he used to intimidate his opposition, especially communists

Kim Family Rulers

NK ruled by Kim Il Sung (1948-94), son Kim Jong Il (1994-2011), and grandson Kim Jong-un as communist dictators (crazy, crazier, and craziest), volatile Kim has nuclear weapons, threatens to use them, makes China and Japan very nervous

joseph bonaparte (LNC)

Napoleon's grandson?, placed on Spanish throne, 1808, Creoles no longer felt loyalty to Spain and this French King, took advantage of the war in Europe that distracted Spain to fight for independence, all of their American colonies fought for independence

Great Spirit (PostCP)

Native Amers all animistic, but believed in supreme god as well (sim to Afr)

shamen (PostCP)

Native Amers used medicine men to conduct rituals and connect them to the gods

Indira Gandhi

Nehru's daughter, when he died, she became prime minister of India (nepotism), PM off and on from 1966 to 1984, first woman to rule a democracy, forceful leader, b/c she was a woman, she had to be tougher than even a man would be just so that people respect her (much like Margaret Thatcher), Sikhs wanted their own nation in Punjab; she used brutal force to control rebels, this is her main problem, 1984: killed by Sikh bodyguards, her son later became prime minister and was assassinated too

England (EMP)

New England (Massachusetts Bay, 1630) and Virginia (1607); sometimes cooperated with natives, but usually just drove them further West to unwanted land; "Settler colonies" that attracted many British immigrants; far outnumbered natives after disease had thinned the population; little racial mixing; not very interested in converting natives; most grew what they needed and a little more for trade; successful, prosperous colonies with many of the "middling sort" and few of the class distinctions found in Europe; some self-gov and freedom in all colonies; tobacco saved Virginia from starvation and the South focused on cash crops (cotton after 1800, invention of the cotton gin); labor shortages led to the first extensive use of indentured servants and then African slaves

settler colonies

New England, Virginia, attracted many British immigrants; far outnumbered natives after disease had thinned the population; little racial mixing; not very interested in converting natives; most grew what they needed and a little more for trade; successful, prosperous colonies with many of the 'middling sort' and few of the class distinctions found in Europe; some self-government and freedom in all colonies

communism/marxism (LNC)

New theory of history and economics: 1)All history is determined by economics, If you dig deep enough they all come from economic concerns 2)Eventually, WC will rise up and overthrow the elite MC 3)Will set up a classless society; government would own all "means of production", Everyone equal, People will own all land, factories, no private property, becomes a very important philosophy, scared teh MC and US for losing business and land, made sense to a lotof people, some tried to speed up history by starting revolts

Social darwinism (LNC)

People start to apply Darwin's ideas not just to biology but to society, Some used Darwin's theory to justify RAPACIOUS business practices, exploitation of the workers, and colonialism, Monopolies, Strong should dominate the weak, Also in countries, People or nations are successful because they are further evolved-- they deserve it, Poverty caused by laziness, sin, or backwardness, For government: Low or no taxes on the wealthy; no help for the poor; let them die off or you will weaken society, Foreign policy: the West should dominate world; take over weak nations for their own good, enhanced racial theories of white supremacy, used as a justification for selfish attitudes

golden age (CP)

Pericles ushered in a this as leader of the Delian League in the 400s with his magnificent building projects in Athens


Peru, 1200-1500s, high in the Andes, Using irrigation and terrace farmin, they grew staple crops such as the potato and maize. They also had an accurate calendar for regulating the planting season and cities. An animistic people, they also used a small amount of human sacrifice, they mummified their high-ranking dead; about 1200, expanded until they ruled an area centered around Cuzco, on a plateau 11000 ft above sea level, much of the building in this empire was done by ordinary citizens who paid tribute in the form of mita, complex political sytem in which they used a common language called Quechua; a vast network of paved roads that held together many tribes of different peoples; never developed a written language, though; runners carried messages on kipus; so they did have a form of record-keeping, in 1438 Pachacuti succeeded to the throne and became ruler, he greatly expanded the empire, conquering some, persuading others to join them because of the advantages they offered in trade and protection; allowed defeated enemies to keep their customs in exhcnage for tribute; in the late 1400s, created a powerful empire of perhaps 6-16 M people over 2500 miles

Incas (PostCP)

Peru, 1200-1500s; high in the Andes. Using irrigation and terrace farming, they grew staple crops such as the potato and maize. They also had an accurate calendar for regulating the planting season and cities. An animistic people, they also used a small amount of human sacrifice; they mummified their high-ranking dead. About 1200, the Incas expanded until they ruled an area centered around Cuzco, on a plateau 11,000 ft above sea level; much of the building in this empire was done by ordinary citizens who paid tribute in the form of mita-- this meant they had to contribute labor for a certain number of days each year. Complex political system in which they used a common language called Quechua; a vast network of paved roads that held together many tribes of different peoples; never developed a written language, though; runners (chasquis) carried messages on colored, knotted string called kipus; so they did have a form of record-keeping. In 1438, Pachacuti succeeded to the throne and became ruler; he greatly expanded the empire, conquering some, persuading others to join b/c of the advantages they offered in trade and protection; allowed defeated enemies to keep their customs in exchange for tribute, in late 1400s, created a powerful empire of perhaps 6-16 M people stretching for 2500 miles

Pope (CP)

Peter seen as the first one, leader of the RCC

St. Petersburg (EMP)

Peter the Great (r. Russia 1682-1725) "Westernized" Russia by copying everything from West Europe and building a modern capital HERE

Alexander the Great (CP)

Philip of Macedon's son, spread the new Greek Empire to Egypt and as far as the Indus Valley; he also spread Greek culture, or Hellenism, until his death in 323 BCE

urban (EMP)

Renaissance was this type of movement that started in the Italian city-states such as Venice, Genoa, and Milan that thrived on trade by sea (bringing goods from Constantinople to the Mediterranean)

Fall of the Aztecs (EMP)

Quetzalcoatl-- a winged, serpent god in Aztec mythology; he was said to have ruled the Azteccs long ago and would return to lead them again in 1519, the exact year that Hernan Cortez and the Spanish conquistadores showed up looking just like the description of the god (light skin; feathers--hair--on their faces, etc.); King Montezuma let them in to Tenochtitlan and they destroyed the Aztec Empire using superior steel swords, gunpowder weapons, Mexican allies who hated the Aztecs, and, especially, diseases such as smallpox


RCC started this idea in the 1100s as a half-way point between Heaven and Hell; people began donating valuable lands to the Church to avoid it

1st 5-Year Plan

Red China, 1953-8 Mao instituted a Soviet-style plan for industry that focused all national efforts on improving factory output, a remarkable success, but it led to one of his biggest disasters

30 Years' War (EMP)

Reformation, religious wars of Catholics (led by the Pope, Charles V and Philip II of Spain) vs. Protestants-- especially in this bloody war, 1618-48

individualistic (EMP)

Renaissance idea, celebrating the special nature of each individual, particularly if they were touched by the "divine spark" of genius


Renaissance people looked back to the Greek and Roman classical models in the arts, philosophy, drama, and literature in order to understnad human nature (tarted by Francisco Petrarch from Italy in the early 1300s)

munich appeasement

September 1938: Hitler demands the Sudetenland, now England and France are worried about this, they have to step in and stop him, he gets stronger by every area he invades--> can force them to make weapons, force people to work in factories, England and France meet him in Munich, try to negotiate this, he says there won't be war if they give him the Sudetenland, Neville Chamberlain (GB prime minister) believed they had avoided war by giving him what he wants, "lessons of Munich", ppl talk about this from this point on, people look back to this and say you have to stand up to aggressive dictators--> have to show them force or else they'll never be satisfied

atlantic charter

September 1941, FDR and Churchill met and agreed to this, months before Pearl Harbor, they were planning how to win the war and what would happen afterward, set up a strategy: 1. defeat Germany first, then Japan, as Hitler was a greater threat 2. keep Stalin fighting hard so that the Nazis would be spread thin--> this was difficult b/c the USSR was losing millions of ppl, Stalin desperately wanted a 2nd front in Western Europe still FDR waited before declaring war, many in the US were "isolationist" meaning that they thought WWI was a mistake that they had to prevent from happening again at any price, he knew that if England and Russia fell to Hitler, Germany could not be stopped, yet he waited, hoping that some dramatic event would unite all Americans behind a declaration of war

Taj Mahal (EMP)

Shah Jahan's spectacular tomb he built for his favorite wife, Mughal Dynasty (1526-1760)

Taika Reforms (PostCP)

Shotoku Taishi began borrowing many ideas from China in order to improve Japan, the nobles rejected the idea of confucian scholars, rest of these things remained part of Japanese culture when they were made official as this in 600s CE

17-Point Constitution (PostCP)

Shotoku Taishi encourage the embrace of Confucianism and Buddhism through this (600s CE?)

Eight-fold Path (CP)

Siddhartha Gautama encouraged meditation that would help people master this, which would lead to a state of complete understanding called Nirvana

Four Noble Truths (CP)

Siddhartha Gautama encouraged meditation that would help people understand this


Sigmund Freud, 1880s, by talking to their therapist, people can come to grips with some of the things that are troubling them, we all have things in our subconscious that we have blocked out or don't have on a conscious level in our memory, but by talking through and having conversations we can come to grips with these problems

socialism (LNC)

Some saw laissez-faire capitalism as unfair to most, As industrialism advances, Some benefit more than others, MC owners getting wealthy, But WC doing all the work for almost nothing--> getting nothing for it, Getting crushed by new industrial machine, Basic ideas (trying to make things more fair): 1)Economic Planning 2)Some government regulation on business To avoid monopolies We have large elements of this in our government since Great Depression (1930s)

Boers/Afrikaners (EMP)

South Africa, Dutch for peasant or farmer, built large farms and came into conflict with the Bantu-speaking tribes like the Khoikhoi, Xhosa, and the Zulus; strict Calvinists-- believed they were selected by God for salvation, thus superior to everyone else; this justified their harsh treatment of Blacks

Cape Colony

South Africa, Dutch started this around the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 when Jan van Riebeeck started a settlement to supply sailing ships sailing to the East

chavin, nazca, moche

South American civilizaitons developed in the same general area as Norte Chico, not much known except they all grew potatoes, corn, beans, and squash and used ceramic pottery

ussr satellites

Soviet Union set these up in East Europe, countries controlled by Russia, Russia bullied european nations into becoming communist throughout Eastern Europe, by 1948, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia were all communist controlled by Moscow, they used the threat of their armies which were already there to simply take over the governments of these countries and set up puppet governments

pablo picasso

Spain, cubism, put 5 or 6 different angles of a model onto a 2D canvas

Columbus (EMP)

Spanish, he "discovered" America but that's like FAKE NEWS


Sudetenland is here, Hitler got that in September 1938, seized the rest in March 1939, this is the one area that was not taken from him in the TOV, anything he takes after this point is just pure aggression, England and France begin to build up for war--> not enough time

Wu-ti (CP)

The greatest of the Han emperors (140-87 BCE); he started using Confucianism as his ruling philosophy, including exams for government officials, the first to do so

Hubris (CP)

excess pride, especially promoted in dramatic plays of Sophocles in the Greek Civ around 500 BCE

Leif Ericson (PostCP)

Vikings set up settlements in Iceland, Greenland, and North America under him about 1000 CE

Constantinople (PostCP)

W half of Roman Emp collapsed in wake of Germanic invaders in 400s Ce. Meanwhile, eastern half had THIS capital city and this civ continued many Roman traditions for nearly 1000 years, served as end point of some branches Silk Roads, thus serving as the source of Asian good for Italian merchants and Vikings; in 1453, it fell to the Ottoman Turks, and a 1000-year emp came to an end


WWI in India, Indians fought with England, English implied that they would get this if they helped in the war, English will say anything to anyone during the war to keep people on their side, don't follow through, movement for self-rule began as early as 1885, not independence, but more like Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, but Indians were dark-skinned

young turks

WWI, searched for scapegoats for Ottoman losses in war, modernizers, during the war they are allies with Germany, supposed to be fighting against British and French, didn't do a very good job of it--> weak and inferior weapons, were in charge, lost key battles, blamed a minority group: 1915, Armenian genocide

fall of ottoman empire

WWI: TE Lawrence (GB) led Arab revolt against Ottoman Empire to keep Turks from helping Germany, promised Arabs would receive independence after the war, but in 1920 GB and France went back on this promise, ended up dividing the empire between mostly France and England, Lawrence is horrified that they didn't keep their promise, LON divided the region into mandates until they were "ready for self-rule", social Darwinism says they can never rule, they are Muslims--> religious aspect, history of animosity b/t Euro Christians and Arab Muslims, GB and France controlled ME for most of the inter-war period

Rwandan Genocide

When US Cold War money began to run out, President Habyarimana began to change from a military gov to civilian, multi-party one; a privileged elite of Hutus opposed this, especially when he entered peace negotiations with the Tutsis and indicated he would share power with them, the hard-liners and army started a propaganda campagin that demonized the Tutsis as foreigners (using colonial myth), evil outsiders who planned to return to take over the country; extremists began to call for the killing of ALL Tutsis, trigger event= April 6, 1994, plan carrying Habyarimana and the President of Burundi was shot down, probably by Hutu extremists, both died, as if this was a signal, they first killed any moderate Hutus who would oppose a mass slaughter, then set out to kill all remaining Tutsis (there were about 1 M out of 7.5 M people), about 800K killed in 2 months-- 3 times faster than the Nazis and with machetes, most of the rest fled, the killing slowed to a halt only because there was no one left to murder, UN peacekeepers in Rwanda took no action, exiled Tutsi troops, many of them veterans of civ war in Uganda, invaded and defeated the Hutu gov in July 1994

resistant to Euro and tropical disease, no cattle so did not usually eat meat, used to hard work, familiar with tropical farming methods, most slaves in West Indies work to death- non-perpetuating pop

Why AFricans for slaves?

resistant to Euro and tropical diseases (sickle), cheaper to feed (no cattle in West Africa, usually did not eat meat), used to hard work, familiar with farming methods, perpetuating pop (whereas most West Indies slaves were worked to death)

Why Africans for slaves?

philosophies, religions, and cultural traditions might disappear but will come back later

Why is the classical period called that?

the sound and the fury

William Faulkner, 1927/9, the same story told from 4 different perspectives, no indication when the story changes perspectives, cubism in novel form

14 points

Wilson came up with this and pushed for it but ended up compromising greatly with the Treaty of Versailles, self-determination, league of nations, fair treatment for Germany

league of nations

Wilson compromised on everything else of his 14 points as long as he could get this, an apparatus through which to negotiate differences instead of fighting wars over them, kind of like the UN, voted instead of fighting over issues, US senate rejected this and stayed out, it was unworkable because it was missing three of the most important countries of the world: US, USSR, and Germany, also couldn't use force

phony war

Winter 1939-40, nothing happens, this is what the journalists label it, no fighting happening 6-8 months, France not all that worried, spent 20 years building a wall b/t France and Germany= Maginot Line, strong fortifications low down, But Germany invaded France through Belgium--> did the Schlieffen plan again, billions of dollars wasted on an unused wall

abolitionism/anti-slavery movement (LNC)

World-wide process; grew out of Enlightenment, Gains steam in early 1800s, Success of free labor showed that slavery and serfdom were not economically necessary, Became harder to argue that slavery was cheaper/more effective, Slaves or serfs had no incentive to work hard, started in England in early 1800s, then spread everywhere, Slavery ended in GB colonies in 1834, US in 1865, Cuba and Brazil late 1800s (1880), In East Africa (especially Zanzibar), slavery increased after MANUMISSION, Kind of ironic, Plantations of cash crops (coffee, tea, cotton), Missionaries and military efforts finally ended it by 1900, Dr. Livingstone was a missionary

Grand Canal (PostCP)

Yang-ti famous for building this in the Sui Dynasty, connected the Yellow to the Yangtze Rivers (and north to south China)


Yucatan Peninsula and Central America; at peak 300-900 CE; influenced by earlier Olmec culture; at least 80 city-states, all ruled by same emperor and linked by trade, ritual ball game; ruled by a hereditary king and an elite of priests and warriors; most people were poor peasants or slaves; warfare conducted to capture slaves for building projects, used writing system with hundreds of glyphs with which they recorded historical events in a codex, or bark-paper book. Cities mysteriously abandoned about 900 and Toltec ppl from north moved into area, changing culture

The Mayans

Yucatan Peninsula and Central America; at their peak 300-900 CE; influenced by the earlier Olmec culture, at least 80 city-states, but all were ruled by the same emperor and linked by trade (sometimes used cacao beans as money); well-planned cities such as Tikal had tens of thousands of peopole; impressive architecture, especially the pyramids; they grew maize, beans and squash, played a ritual ball game with political and religious importance, losing team was sometimes sacrificed; ruled by a hereditary king and an elite of priests and warriors; most people were poor peasants or slaves; warfare conducted to capture slaves for building projects; they worshipped a number of gods, some good, some evil, some both; their behavior could be predicted with elaborate calendars; made offerings, sometimes blood, and used some human sacrifice to appease gods; religious beliefs also led to the development of advanced mathematics with the concept of zero, astronomy, and an amazingly accurate double calendar; they also used a writing system with hundreds of glyphs with which they recorded historical events in a codex, or bark-paper book, cities mysteriously abandoned about 900 and the Toltec people from the north moved into the area, changing the culture

battle of islandwana (LNC)

Zulu wiped out a British unit in 1879, British have a lot of trouble subduing te Zulu, similar to Custer's last stand

Treaty of Tordesillas

a 1494 agreement, set up by the Pope, that divided the newly discovered areas of the globe between Spain and Portugal; eventually, other nations such as England and France ignored it and claimed colonies of their own

edict of milan (CP)

a 313 CE statement issued by Roman emperor Constantine that the Empire would now officially tolerate Christianity; by 400, Rome was officially a Christian Empire

edict of milan

a 313 CE statement issued by Roman emperor Constantine that the Empire would now officially tolerate Christianity; by 400, Rome was officially a Christian Emprie


a Korean monk who brought cha (tea) and Zen (a sect of Buddhism) to Japan in the 1100s; both became distinctive elements of Japanese culture

Eisai (PostCP)

a Korean monk who brought cha (tea) and Zen (a sect of Buddhism) to Japan in the 1100s; both became distinctive elements of Japanese culture

Bartolome de las Casas (EMP)

a Spanish Jesuit missionary who was appalled by the treatment of Native American under the encomienda system; he appealed to the Spanish Crown in the mid-1500s and got a new law that outlawed encomienda slavery; however, Spanish plantation and mine owners simply switched to a new system called the "hacienda system" in which workers were tied into debt peonage (became peons), a system that was much like slavery

Bartolome de las Casas

a Spanish Jesuit missionary who was appalled by the treatment of Native Americans under the encomienda system; he appealed to the Spanish crown in the mid-1500s and got a new law that outlawed encomienda slavery; howeverr, Spanish plantation and mine owners simply switched to a new system called the "hacienda system"

Christianity (CP)

a new religion started by Jesus of Nazareth, about year 0; based on the idea of forgiveness of sins, second chances; true believers can reach salvation, or eternal life in "Heaven"; sinners are punished with eternity in "Hell"; Jesus adopted many ideas from his original religion, Judaism, but added the idea of a Judgement Day; the New Testament of the Bible details the life and ideas of Christ; at first just a sect of Judaism, but spread by his apostles and other followers, it became centered in Rome and developed into Roman Catholicism with Peter seen as the first Pope or leader of the RCC


a peasant who overthrew the Yuan Dynasty in 1368

Olmec (PreCP)

a pre-Columbian society in Central America from about 1500 to 400 BCE; built huge stone heads of their leaders and played ritual ball games in which the losing team was sacrificed to the gods


a pre-Columbian society in Central America from about 1500 to 400 BCE; built huge stone heads of their leaders and played ritual ball games in which the losing team was sacrificed to the gods


a region that today includes Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, a cold land with a short growing season, its people often resorted to raiding other places to steal food and valuables

Hinduism (PreCP)

a religion that developed from the mixing of the beliefs of Aryan invaders to the Indus Valley and indigenous Dravidian people; many gods, but all believed to be manifestations of the supreme god, Brahma, so seen as both monotheistic and polytheistic by scholars; difficult to pin down a starting point, but probably by 1500 BCE, though the Vedas were not written down until much later


a religion that developed from the mixing of the beliefs of Aryan invaders to the indus valley and indigenous Dravidian people; many gods, but all believed to be manifestations of the supreme god, Brahma, so seen as both monotheistic and polytheistic by scholars; difficult to pin down a starting point, but probably by 1500 BCE, though the Vedas were not written down until much later

sussex pledge

a result of the sinking of the lusitania, said they would not sink any American or passenger ships, but in Dec 1916 they announced unrestricted submarine warfare and hoped to starve England before US entered war, US declared war April 1917, U-boats sank many ships but US eventually won the naval war

Potosi Silver Mines (EMP)

a rich lode of silver in the Spanish province of Peru that produced an enormous amount of silver from 1500 to 1800; by the way, most of this silver ended up in China to purchase silk and porcelain; the second-most amount of this ended up in India for the same reason: trade

Potosi silver mines

a rich lode of silver in the Spanish province of Peru that produced an enormous amount of silver from 1500 to 1800; by the way, most of this silver ended up in China to purchase silk and porcelain; the second-most amount of this ended up in India for the same reason: trade


a set of duties that guards each life in Hinduism


a simplified form of Chinese writing developed by female poets in Japan about 1000 CE, during the Heian era; it enabled them to create better poetry and shows the Japanese manner of borrowing and adapting


a small group of people able to gain more and more people to their side led by Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, took over easily in the November Revolution, wanted to establish a new government unlike any anyone had ever seen, inspired by the ideas of Karl Marx, communist party ruled, called the USSR, promised Peace, bread, and land to peasants

Taj Mahal

a spectacular tomb for Shah Jahan's favorite wife


a state of complete understanding in Buddhism


a style of building that Shotoku Taishi borrowed from China in the Taika Reforms

modernization theory

a theory used to explain the process of modernization that a nation goes through as it transitions from a traditional society to a modern one. The theory has not been attributed to any one person; instead, its development has been linked to American social scientists in the 1950s

hanseatic league

a trade alliance between areas in Northern Europe in the 1100s-1200s in the Euro revival


a type of pyramid developed in sumerian civilization

joint stock company (EMP)

a way that explorers would fund their trips--> this way many people could invest in something and therefore not lose as much money if it didn't succeed, but still also share the wealth if there was success


a winged, serpent god in Aztec mythology, he was said to have ruled the Aztecs long ago and would return to lead them again in 1519, the exact year that Hernan Cortez and the Spanish conquistadores showed up looking just like the description of the god (light skin, feathers/hair on their faces, etc)

Sept 11, 2001

about 3000 killed, Pearl Harbor was always the biggest sneak attack in our history (2400 killed), carefully calculated attacks planned for a long time, played out really well, aiming for symbols of US power: World Trade Center (business), Pentagon (military), White House (political, but this one never made it there), wanted a united Muslim world sharing his fundamentalist version of Islam, saw the US and Western culture as impediments to achieving this goal, can't keep out internet and cable TV, Most Muslims condemn both al-Q's religious views and their terrorist methods

Gupta Dynasty

about 320-600 CE, started by Chandra Gupta; seen as a Golden Age because of their secure borders, prosperity, and flowering of the arts and science (inoculations, surgery, astronomy); declined about 500 CE because of corruption, introduction to new diseases, and an invasion by "White Huns' from Central Asia

Gupta Dynasty (CP)

about 320-600 CE-- Started by Chandra Gupta; seen as a Golden Age because of their secure borders, prosperity, and flowering of the arts and science (inoculations, surgery, astronomy); declined about 500 CE b/c of corruption, the introduction of new diseases, and an invasion by "White Huns" from Central Asia

Roman Republic (CP)

about 500 BCE to 44 BCE, grew out of Etruscan influences and, especially Greek Civ.; conquered Greece in 100s BCE, but adopted most of their culture as their own, leading the poet Horace to proclaim, "Captive Greece enslaved her fierce captor." During this (no monarch, all citizens voted for representatives for the Senate), Patricians were the wealthy nobles, Plebians the free-men, but about 1/3 of the population were slaves; like the Greeks, they believed slavery was necessary to free the most talented people for artistic and scientific developments

roman republic; roman empire

about 500 BCE to 44 BCE; 44 BCE to 476 CE; grew out of Etruscan influences and especially Greek Civ, conquered Greece in 100s BCE but adopted most of their culture as their own, leading the poet Horace to proclaim, "Captive Greece enslaved her fierce captor" During the Republic (no monarch, all vitizens voted for representatives for the Senate), Patricians were the wealthy nobles, Plebians the free-men, but about 1/3 of the population were slaves; like the Greeks, tehy believed slavery was necessary to free the most talented people for artistic and scientific developments

Plato, Aristotle, Socrates

about 500 BCE, Greek philosophers, great thinkers who promoted the idea of rationalism or reason and the Golden mean


about 500 BCE, Lao-tzu, stay in harmony with nature; don't interrupt the natural flow; avoid too much government because it would corrupt the natural way of things

Kung-fu Tzu/Confucius (CP)

about 500 BCE, founded Confucianism, his ideas collected by his students in the Analects


about 500 BCE; people are naturally evil and lazy, so they need strict rules and harsh punishments in order to get them to behave; this philosophy guided the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE); their emperor, Qin Shih Huang-ti, united China, ending tht TOTWS; also standardized roads, weights and measures, connected the pieces of the Great Wall and built the Terra Cotta Warriors

fall of rome

about 500 CE, created a huge power void in Western Europe; Germanic tribes gradually converted when the RCC combined pagan festivals and Christian Holy Days; by 1100, most in Europe were Catholic, with small pockets of Jews and Moors dominating Spain and southern Italy in the 700s to 900s

Fall of Rome (PostCP)

about 500 CE, created a huge power void in Western Europe; Germanic tribes gradually when the RCC combined pagan festivals and Christian Holy Days; by 1100, most in Europe were Catholic, with small pockets of Jews and Moors dominating Spain and southern Italy in the 700s to 900s


about 800 BCE, this fictional writer created the classics of Greek oral tradition; these stories celebrated the most-desired traits of Greek Civilization, such as heroism, courage


about 900, these war-like people built an empire by conquering neighbors; they slowly declined and disappeared completely by 1200; they worshipped a god named Quetzalcoatl (The Feathered Serpent); a legend developed that this god would return in the year 1519 (on Euro calendars) with light skin, feathers on his face, and riding on the clouds

Toltecs (PostCP)

about 900, war-like ppl built emp by conquering neighbors; slowly declined and disappeared completely by 1200; worshiped god named Quetzalcoatl (The Feathered Serpent); a legend developed that this god would return in year 1519 (on Euro calendars) with light skin, feathers on his face, and riding on the clouds

Prince Vladimir of Kiev (PostCP)

about 980 in Russia, converted his kingdom to Eastern Orthodoxy, impressed by splendor of Constantinople

Aryans, Huns, White Huns, Goths, Vandals, Saxons, Mongols, Turks (CP)

about the time of the Fall of Rome, a powerful group in Central Asia was expanding and forcing other groups in the area to migrate into China, India and Europe, starting a ripple effect as one group moved, forcing another group to move further out; these migrating invaders were known by various names from about 400 to 1400

Louis XIV (EMP)

absolute ruler, r. France 1643-1715, Versailles (AMAZING castle he built for himself), sun king, got France into CRAZY debt b/c he waged war on basically everyone


administrative unit of the Ottoman empire, each of these could establish their own government and laws, giving religious minorities considerable autonomy. All Muslims were expected to adhere to traditional Islamic law, the Sharia. Non-Muslims (mostly Orthodox Christians and Jews) were permitted to continue to practice their faith if they paid the jizya

Council of Nicaea

an RCC meeting called in 325 CE by Constantine which attempted to sort out the many versions of Christianity and the Bible and determine which ones became the 'official' versions

state of israel

after 1945, world sympathy for Jews; more moved to Palestine, lots of conflict, British in control (bankrupt, trying to recover after the war, finding it harder and harder to justify sending soldiers to Palestine), Brits decided to had it over to the UN, 1947 UN planned for division based on the majority in an area, a really weird plan, but Jews reluctantly agreed, Arabs said they would fight to prevent it, May 14, 1948: Jews declared the new nation of Israel and 6 Arab nations attacked within hours (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon), war ended in 1949, this won, but a center of controversy ever since, talented immigrants, prosperous nation, 1948: this formed, named after the ancient biblical kingdom of David, most Arab nations hated them and their allies, 1949, new borders, uneasy truce

declaration of war

after Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939--> by GB and France, there was no stopping Hitler unless you did it forcefully, about 5 yrs behind Germany, first part of the war is very one-sided, US still turning back

Decline of cities (PostCP)

after fall of Rome, people abandon huge cities in Eur (Paris, London, Rome) b/c of disease and b/c cities were targets for invaders. Trade diminished, and Eur became much more insular; the period 500-800 sometimes called the "Dark Ages"

conservatism (LNC)

after the REvolutionary Era (1790-1815), nobles feared losing power, a political ideology that dominated until 1850, nobles and kings are the ones who are born to their rank and should rightfully be ruling Europe, had all the advantages; did not want to share poewr of wealth

Decline of Cities

after the fall of Rome, people abandon the huge cities in Europe because of disease and because cities were targets for invaders, trade diminished, and Europe became much more insular; the period 500-800 sometimes called the Dark ages

Three Kingdoms (PostCP)

after the fall of the Han about 220 CE, there was no central control in China (sometimes called era of this); during this era, China obtained Champa Rice from Vietnam, which enabled them to feed more people, leading to population growth; finally unified by the Sui

Three Kingdoms

after the fall of the Han about 220 CE, there was no central control in China; during this era, China obtained Champa Rice from Vietnam, which enabled them to feed more people, leading to the population growth; finally unified by the Sui

Constantinople (CP)

aka Byzantium aka Istanbul, Diocletian set the "Eastern" Byzantine capital here in 284 CE, powerful empire arose from here after the fall of Rome and lasted from about 500 to 1453


al-Qaeda decided to use their skills and resources left over from fighting USSR in Afghanistan to fight for a pure form of Islam, this and fundamentalism, to get all Muslims to live like it was in the days of Muhammad

sea power

alfred thayer mahan, (US, 1890), American, History and sort of CURRENT event, Argues that in the industrialized age of the 1890s, the countries with the best navies dominate the world, Sets off a naval arms race, People want to build more, bigger, and better ships now, Causes some tension that eventually leads to WWI, England has upper hand, best navy in the world until end of WWII

theory of History (LNC)

all history determined by economics, eventually WC will rise up and overthrow the elite MC, will set up a classless society; gov would own all 'means of production', communism


all variations on the belief in many gods, usually associated with nature

animism/paganism/polytheism (PreCP)

all variations on the belief in many gods, usually associated with nature

leon trotsky

along with Lenin, he led the Bolsheviks in the November Revolution


along with SS, murdered Hitler's enemies, operated like terrorists, against the people of Germany, secret police force, will drag people out of their beds at night to prison for writing critical articles about Hitler


alphabet of the Byzantine empire

cyrillic (PostCP)

alphabet the Byzantines used


also a new art form in the 20's, relativity, relative position of the artist changes the perspective, put many different angles of a model onto one canvas

Huns (CP)

also known by many other names-- a large, nomadic group from North-Central Asia; their armies conquered the Roman and Gupta Empires around 500 CE and attacked China's Han Dynasty before being defeated; the Han were so weakened, though, that they fell about 220 CE

space race

also related to the arms race, as missiles with atomic bombs could be directed or launched from space

the Courtier

an Italian advice book by Baldassare Castiglione in 1528, for kings or princes encouraging them to be well-rounded in history, literature, poetry, the arts, and all fighting skills; thus we get the term "Renaissance Man" from his ideas

Council of Nicaea (CP)

an RCC meeting called in 325 CE by Constantine which attempted to sort out the many versions of Christianity and the Bible and determine which ones became the "official" versions

Heian Period

an era in Japanese history (about 800-1200 CE) when the capital was at Heian (later called Kyoto); an elaborate court life surrounded the emperor in this time period and the arts, especially literature flourished; the first novel ever, Murasaki Shikubu's Tale of Genji emerged was written about 1000 CE; noble men and women powdered their faces and blackened their teeth as a sign of wealth and beauty; the period ended when the samurai set up the first shogunate in about 1200; Kana, during the Heian Era; it enable them to beetter create poetry and shows the Japanese manner of borrowing and adaptign

xhosa cattle killing (LNC)

an example of millenarielism (end of a world beginning of a new world Magic ceremonies designed to bring back an old way of life) in South Africa, desperation to a point of resorting to magic

Operation Mongoose

another assassination attempt on Fidel Castro, failed, CIA worked like crazy to get rid of him

young turks (LNC)

another reform group in Ottoman, about 1900, wanted more modernization, always still elements of conservatism if not the janissaries than religious leaders, kind of change things half-way, don't really commit

Central Asia (CP)

area where the Mongols were expanding and forcing other groups in the area to migrate into China, India, and Europe


argued for religious tolerance in the enlightenment

sepoys (EMP)

armies of Indian people (mostly Sikhs) led by British officers


army led by British officers used to help british east india company gradually take over areas of India

European revival

around 1200s, trade increased, kings and governments grew stronger, protected merchants, people wove back to cities, which become centers of trade/learning, Summa Theologica shows that reason was returning to Europe after the Dark Ages, but that those ideas were still limited to religion; the Hanseatic League was a trade alliance between areas in N Eur in the 1100s-1200s

Euro Revival (PostCP)

around 1200s, trade increased, kings and govs grew stronger, protected merchants; ppl moved back to cities, which became centers of trade/learning (scholasticism); Summa Theologica--a work written by Thomas Aquinas in the 1200s in which he attempted to prove the existence of God by using rationalism and logical arguments, shows that reason was returning to Europe after the Dark Ages, but that those ideas were still limited to religion; the Hanseatic League was a trade alliance b/t areas in Northern Europe in the 1100s-1200s

Vasco de Gama

arrived in India in 1498; like China, they expect silver or gold, not inferior Euro goods for Indian cotton cloth, precious stones, spices such as pepper; later Euros will use force to change this policy; 1600, Elizabeth I grants a monopoly for all Asian trade to the British East India Company ,they gradually take over ares of India using an army of Sepoys led by British officers

rivera, orozco, siqueiros

artistic nationalism, especially in Mexico, use art to celebrate Mexicans, working people, Aztec and Native American legacy, 1920s and 30s these artists all used their art much like the Negritude movement in Africa and the Harlem Renaissance, celebrated the Mexican people, Aztec-Indian heritage, in huge public murals

collapse of USSR

as communist governments fell in EE, many of the 100 ethnic groups and 14 separate republics inside the Soviet Union sought their own freedom, now Gorbachev is in a bind, some revolts turned violent, resulted in a bloody government crackdown, ultimately a lot of them were able to win their freedom, December 25, 1991, Gorbachev resigned, USSR had ceased to exist, but before leaving office, he had launched one of the most dramatic revolutions of the 20th century, but it really was Gorbachev's credit of ending the Cold War, the fact that he was willing to meet people half-way on these reforms ultimately led to the collapse of this, and Russia was Russia once more

little tigers

as the cultural revolution was going on in China, Taiwan had become extremely successful economically and increasingly democratic in its politics, considered one of these along with Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea, China has always regarded it as part of its territory and wants it back officially, causing great tension in the region

Bay of Pigs

assassination attempt on Fidel Castro, disaster on every front

polygamy (LNC)

at first, slaves were cheap and mostly male, brought over and worked to death on Caribbean sugar plantation, helped African pops from disappearing in early years; they broadened the practie of males having more than one wife

polygamy (EMP)

at first, slaves were cheap and mostly male, brought over and worked to death on Caribbean sugar plantations, this helped African pops from disappearing in early years; broadened the practice of males having more than one wife

Pax Mongolica (PostCP)

at the Mongol height, trade increased on the Silk Roads and other routes, under the protection of the Mongol armies; when the empire weakened in the 1400s, invaders from Central Asia ceased to be a threat

Pax Mongolica

at the height of the Mongol Empire, trade increased on the Silk Roads and other routes, under the protection of the Mongol armies; when the empire weakened in the 1400s, invaders from Central Asia ceased to be a threat

Bush Doctrine

attack terrorists before they attack us, argued that there were 2 reasons to attack Iraq: 1. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, 2. Saddam aided al-Q on 9/11 (but they hate e/o, so neither of these is really true)


august 6, 1945--> airplane= Enola Gay, ineffable horror, 200K killed, 100K initially, another 100K in next two weeks, it hadn't been bombed before, a lot of factories here, crazy winds, a lot of damage from heat, burns were terrible, continued to kill years later

latin America

excludes US and Canada

Mongol Empire (PostCP)

began about 1200 as Genghis Khan built the largest empire in history (1200s to 1400s); they came from the Steppes of Central Asia, but their empire stretched from Eastern Europe and the Middle East to the Pacific; cared little about religion, so generally tolerant, as long as the conquered people paid tribute; Pax Mongolica at their height, *trade increased on the Silk Roads and other routes under the protection of the Mongol armies; when the empire weakened in the 1400s, invaders from Central Asia ceased to be a threat

mongol empire

began about 1200 as Genghis Khan built the largest empire in history (1200s-1400s); came from the Steppes of Central Asia, but their empire stretched from Eastern Europe and the Middle East to the Pacific; cared little about religion, so generally tolerant, as long as the conquered people paid tribute; Pax Mongolica-- at their height, trade increased on the Silk Roads and other routes, under the protection of the Mongol armies; when the empire weakened in the 1400s, invaders from Central Asia ceased to be a threat

Kamakura Shogunate

began about 1200, until 1333, emperor became a figurehead with actual power held by the shogun; the daimyo and samurai lived by the code of Bushido and expertly defended Japan against an invasion from China in the 1200s, aided by a Kamikaze; samurai would rule Japan until 1868; the Ashikaga Shogunate began in 1333, but was marked by continuous civil war and a lack of centralized control

foot-binding (PostCP)

began among upper classes in the Tang and Song dynasties around 1000 CE in China

Ashikaga Shogunate

began in 1333 in Japan, but was marked by continuous civil war and a lack of centralized control

Ashikaga Shogunate (PostCP)

began in 1333, but was marked by continuous civil war (The Age of the Country at War, 1467-1568) and a lack of centralized control


began in 1950s in the third world, began in 1947 as colonies won independence from a weakened Europe, civil wars broke out between different factions, different groups wanted


began in the upper class during the Tang and Song dynasties

Dome of the Rock

best example of Islamic architecture; built in the 600s in Jerusalem over the rock from which it is believed that Muhammad rose to heaven; still reagarded as a holy site by Muslims, in the Abbasid Caliphate

james watt

between 1710 and 1782, inventer, Scottish, the first to develop an efficient steam engine, don't really need coal

Decolonization in Africa

between 1950s and 1980s, all African nations won independence, a dismal history followed, dictators and constant internal warfare made worse by the Cold War: surrogate wars, Russia and US choosing sides constantly and fighting through other people; almost no peaceful transfers of power: usually takes a civil war, murder, assassination, violence to change leadership in a country; AIDS also a huge problem; the process started w/ Egypt in 1952, most of North Africa soon followed by negotiating or fighting for their independence, it took a bloody war to free Algeria from France, more complicated in Sub-Saharan area

Swahili City States

between about 1100 to 1500; powerful city-states such as Kilwa, Zanzibar, and Mogadisu on the East Coast developed a hybrid language from Farsi (Persian), Bantu (African), and Arabic to help different people trade; traded between East Africa, the Middle East, Persia, and India; began to decline in 1500s when the Europeans first arrived; Dhous

rise of Europe as a vigorous and important region

biggest cause of the emergence of globalized networks of communication and exchange in the early modern era

African National Congress

black resistance to Apartheid led by this, founded by Gandhi in 1912, protests: marches, petitions, boycotts, 1950s, a new leader emerged: Nelson Mandela, Sharpeville Massacre was a protest by this group against pass laws, peaceful demonstration but police intervened with violence, this was outlawed after Sharpeville, when underground, became convinced non-violence would not work, developed a militant wing: Umkonto We Sizwe= spear of the nation

30 Years' War

bloody, 1618-48, Reformation

two treatises

book by john locke in 1689

sati and thugee

both Hindu customs attempted to be outlawed by British but they still went on

serbian, greek independence (LNC)

both broke away with help from Western powers, successful, lot of Europeans fought alongside Greeks

england in egypt (LNC)

bought shares until had 50% of Suez Canal, now very concerned about Egypt, helped subdue Egyptian nationalist revolts, said they would leave but didn't, not quite a colony but under British control about 70 years

fundamentalism (LNC)

branches of Christianity emerged, literal interpretation of Bible

navigation acts (LNC)

british america, after 1651 attempted to regulate colonial trade, hat act and iron act, Parliament tried to make sure the colonies were a part of mercantilism, restrictions, had to provide markets and raw materials, enforced mercantilism with series of law

british south africa (LNC)

british took over, drove Dutch out, abolished slavery, passed other laws, Gold rush, diamonds

natural rights (LNC)

certain things that people are born with, echoing what's going on by Newton in the Scientific Revolution, life, liberty, and property

secret alliances

by 1914 no one knows who is allied with who, Bismarck (chancellor of Germany) skillfully worked for "balance of power" 1860s-90, kept France isolated, Germany allied with Russia, friends with England, doesn't want a two-point war so they align themselves with Russia, 1890 Kaiser Wilhelm II fired Bismarck, broke with Russia, decided that Germany didn't need anyone, Russia was afraid of war and allied with France, France signed another secret alliance with England

Feudal System (PostCP)

by 900s, Carolingian Empire was disintegrating as invaders such as the Vikings, Muslims, and Magyars (Huns--Hungarians) attacked. Cities were abandoned and trade virtually ceased for fear of attack. As ppl fled citis, more and more ppl wound up in small, rural villages owned by a wealthy lord. Local hereditary landlords, called "dukes" or "counts" began raising armies to protect their huge estates from invaders and robbers. They offered to protect the peasants, in exchange for ownership of the peasant's land. Kings (just the strongest lord in an area), then Nobles or Lords, Knights, peasants (which included merchants, craftsmen, and farmers); this system dominated Europe from about 1000 to 1500, Nobles followed the Code of Chivalry

the general theory

by John Keynes, guy who came up with Keynesian economics, trying to revolutionize economics and how people dealt with the Great Depression, probably a better way of doing it

The Prince

by Niccolo Machiavelli, another advice book for leaders written in 1513, the ends justify the means, it is better to be feared than to be loved)

Feudal system

by the 900s, the Carolingian Empire was disintegrating as invaders such as the Vikings, Muslims and Magyars (Huns--Hungarians) attacked. Cities were abandoned and trade virtually ceased for fear of attack. As people fled the cities, more and more people wound up in small, rural villages owned by a wealthy lord. Local hereditary landlords, called 'dukes' or 'counts' began raising armies to protect their huge estates from the invaders and robbers. They offered to protect the peasants, in exchange for ownership of the peasant's land. Kings (just the strongest lord in an area), then Nobles or Lords, Knights, peasants, which included merchants, craftsmen, and farmers; This system dominated Europe from about 1000 to 1500, Nobles followed the Code of Chivalry

Mayans (CP)

came from Olmec culture (~1500 BCE-400 BCE) on the Yucatan Peninsula, had at least 80 city-states, but all were ruled by the same emperor and linked by trade (sometimes used cacao beans as money); well-planned cities such as Tikal had tens of thousands of people; impressive architecture, especially the pyramids; they grew maize, which required some genetic engineering, beans and squash by using terrace farming. Ruled by a hereditary king and an elite of priests and warriors; most people were poor peasants or slaves; warfare conducted to capture slaves for building projects; worshipped many gods, some good, some evil, some both; made offerings, sometimes with blood, and used some human sacrifice to appease the gods. Religious beliefs also led o the development of advanced mathematics (with the concept of zero), astronomy, and an amazingly accurate double calendar (one religious, one solar; interlocked like gears; ended in 2012). They also used a writing system with which they recorded historical events in a codex, or bark-paper book. One such codex, the Popul Vuh, contains their creation myth


came from Olmec culture (~1500 BCE-400 BCE) ~100 BCE to 750 CE, had pyramids, sophisticated farming with irrigation, near Mexico City

renaissance man

came from the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione, encouraged kings and princes to be well-rounded in history, literature, poetry, the arts, and all fighting skills; thus we get this term

Aryan Invaders (PreCP)

came into the Indus Valley about 1500 BCE from Central Asia; their culture blended with native Indians, creating Hinduism and the caste system; brought iron weapons, horses, and teh Sanskrit language

aryan invaders

came into the Indus valley about 1500 BCE from Central Asia; their culture blended with native Indians, creating Hinduism and the caste system, brought iron weapons, horses, and the Sanskrit language

Adam Smith

came up with laissez-faire economics, pushed aside mercantilism


capital city of the Abbasid Caliphate

Tenochtitlan (PostCP)

capital of Aztecs, mighty city built in 1325 on the present site of Mexico City; 3 causeways led to a well-planned, island city; in 1500 CE a population of 300,000 (bigger than any in Europe) and temples the size of those in Egypt. Perhaps 30 M total in the empire; had writing

romantic painting (LNC)

caspar friedrich, germany, power of nature


caucasians from northern Asia were the first people in this island group in Japan around 500 CE

german revolutions (LNC)

caused many germans to migrate from Germany, push factor

middle class wanted change, national assembly formed, no bread, high prices, unemployment, inspired by US

causes for french revolution

nationalism, economic rivalries, colonialism, arms race, secret alliances

causes of the great war


celebrating the special nature of each individual, particularly if they were touched by the 'divine spark' of genius


center of Byzantine empire with many names

MC no longer a revolutionary force after 1850 (LNC)

change, Grew in numbers, status, and wealth, Exponentially, Doctors, lawyers, engineers, bankers, Now people can pay these people, Also new owners and managers of factories and mines, If they get rich enough, hire people to run factories for them, New layers of the MC, Often led liberal revolutions, 1789-1848, Once they obtained the vote and political power, No longer a revolutionary force; grew more conservative in the late 1800s

"100 Schools" (CP)

chaos of the Time of the Warring States led to this of thought or philosophy in which many different thinkers tried to come up with ways to reform China and end the turmoil

shaka zulu (LNC)

chief 1787-1828 had built a powerful African empire, unifies all of the Zulu people into one very strong empire, built a powerful AFrican empire

Santa/Hagia Sophia

church built by Justinian in Constantinople


cities become centers of trade/learning in the Euro Revival


citizens here surprised everyone in 1989 by voting for someone who advocated a change for democracy, elected union leader Lech Walesa president, used the labor union Solidarity as his political party

Lalibela (PostCP)

city (named after emperor) in Ethiopia (Axum Emp); in about 1200, built underground Christian Churches into solid rock in order to avoid detection by invading Muslims

Kiev (PostCP)

city-state on the Dnieper River in South set up by Rus ppl in 800s, Prince Vladimir in 980 converted kingdom to E orthodoxy

Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa

city-states in the INdus Valley; sophisticated cities with strong construction and sewage systems; traded with each other and Mesopotamia through the Khyber Pass until they disappeared around 1900 BCE

mohenjo-daro and harappa

city-states in the Indus Valley; sophisticated cities with strong construction and sewage systems; traded with eachother and Mesopotamia through the Khyber Pass until they disappeared about 1900 BCE

cities as trade centers, specialized workers, complex institutions (religion, government), advanced technology, writing or sophisticated record-keeping

civilization traits

cities as trade centers, specialized workers, complex institutions, advanced technology, writing or sophisticated record-keeping

civilization traits, PreCP

Chavin, Nazca, Moche (CP)

civilizations developed in the same general area as the Norte Chico. Not much is known about any of these except that they grew potatoes, corn, beans, and squash and used ceramic pottery

600 BCE-600 CE

classical era


cloth boycott, Gandhi encouraged burning British cloth and home production of this, taking raw cotton, spinning it into thread, and weaving it on machines Indians had been using for thousands of years, circulated sheets teaching people how to make spinning wheels and sewing machines in a very basic way, a kind of crude white cotton cloth, Gandhi would spend an hour making this every day

Popul Vuh (CP)

codex (bark-paper book in which they recorded historical events) that contains Mayan creation myth

code napoleon (LNC)

codified French law- legal system, spells out the laws, there is a negative side to it, used by other places

survival of the fittest (LNC)

coined by Herbert Spencer in Principles of Biology in 1864, Only the fittest human beings should be allowed to survive, Strong are entitled to dominate the weak and exploit them

kipus (PostCP)

colored, knotted strings, chasquis carried messages on these, so they did have a form of record-keeping


colored, knotted strings; Incans did have a form of record-keeping

afrikaans (LNC)

combines Dutch, English, and AFrican words, Boers started a new language so that the english couldn't understand what they were saying


communist international, Lenin set it up in 1919 from need of Allies, realized they won't survive unless they have people who share their viewpoint and will trade with them, West refused to trade, no embassies, goal was to spread communism, met every year, everyone invited, to encourage communism in every country, this scared the West, who wanted to sustain capitalism, focused early efforts on colonial nationalists, but little success before WWII, main focus was to encourage nationalists to break away from their mother country, not very successful UNTIL WWII

transcontinental railroad (LNC)

completed in 1869, unifies country together

salutary neglect (LNC)

decided that they were making enough money, not to worry about it, English don't care that Americans are doing a lot to bypass laws, americans enjoyed economic social, and political freedom, more so than england

Kublai Khan

conquered China about 1279 and established the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368); twice tried and failed to conquer Japan (1274-1281); the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was started by a peasant, Hongwu who overthrew the Yuan Dynsaty in 1368; used eunuchs extensively, undercutting the power of the Mandarin and leading to a power struggle; his son Yongle (r. 1402-1414) encouraged trade and exploration; 7 great voyages led by the great Zheng He from 1405 to 1433; China dominated the Indian Ocean, sailing as far as India, Africa and the ME; in the mid-1400s, the Mandarin who won the power struggle and ended all exploration, bringing in a period of relative isolation

brazilian monarchy (LNC)

constitutional monarchy, only freed Latin American nation that was not a republic, included many liberal reforms, republican form of government, equality, civil liberties, Dom Pedro ruled harshly


contemporary era


contemporary era

social changes of WWI

continued decline of traditional aristocracy, ones who ran Europe for 500 years had started to lose their authority because of the industrial revolution--> these changes accelerated during times of war

Decline of the Mughals

continuous wars and expensive building projects required heavy taxes that led to growing discontent toward Shah Jahan and his son; also resumed persecuting Hindus and reinstated the jizya; this helped to create lasting animosity between Muslims and Hindus


contributed to physics and more math in Greek philosophy around 500 BCE

progress, reason or rationalism, individuality, self-improvement (materialism added during Renaissance)

core values of WC classical period that separate them from other cultures

limited liability (LNC)

corporation, insurance, How they got people to buy stocks, If a company lost money and owed someone money, they could come and take your house away to pay other person back, you are only responsible for the shares you bought- could lose that money, but nothing more, made people comfortable with buying stocks, Insurance= new

Luther's 95 Theses (EMP)

could not have spread w/o the printing press, about why the RCC is terrible

Luther's 95 theses

could not have spread without the printing press

first Americans (PreCP)

crossed over from Asia about 30,000 years ago on a land bridge during an Ice Age when the Bering Strait was frozen between Russia and Alaska

1st americans

crossed over from asia about 30,000 years ago into the Americas

nicholas II

czar of Russia during WWI, forced to make concessions after the Russian Revolution, allowed a representative assembly called the Duma but then he disbanded it and continued to rule as an absolutist, badly mishandled the war after early victories, he went to the front and left his wife in charge, downhill from there, abdicated March 15 and executed


dark-skinned muslims, took over Spain and Sicily and invaded Europe in the 700s, defeated, small pockets of them dominated Spain and southern Italy in the 700s to 900s

tithe (PostCP)

everyone in Europe was Catholic and paid this to the RCC, 1/10 their income

Greek philosophy

developed about 500 BCE, great thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates promoted the idea of rationalism or reason, as well as the Golden Mean; these ideas developed and explained in the dramatic plays of Sophocles and in the simple fables of Aesop; other contributions of the Greeks include geometry (Euclid, 300s CE), physics and more math from Archimedes, and great architecture, such as the Parthenon; Greek mythology was based on an array of anthropomorphic gods and had a great influence on the entire Mediterranean region; introduced the political form of democracy

Greek philosophy (CP)

developed about 500 BCE, great thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates promoted the idea of rationalism or reason, as well as the Golden Mean; these ideas developed and explained in the dramatic plays of Sophocles and others (especially the idea of Hubris), and in the simple fables of Aesop; other contributions of the Greeks include geometry (Euclid, 300s CE), physics and more math from Archimedes, and great architecture, such as the Parthenon; Greek Mythology was based on an array of anthropomorphic gods and had a great influence on the entire Mediterranean region; introduced the political form of democracy

keynesian economics

developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s. He recognized that laissez-faire no longer worked in an industrial, consumer-driven economy and that governments had to change their policies. He argued that, during economic depressions or recessions, governments should borrow money, increase spending to create jobs and put more money in the hands of consumers—go into temporary debt (this is called deficit financing). Keynesianism was largely ignored or misunderstood in the 1930s, but many nations did what he suggested on a small scale; as nations spent heavily to prepare for WWII, though, economies recovered from the Depression quickly, thus proving him correct. His ideas have dominated since then, replacing Smith, although some (especially the extremely wealthy) still believe in Smith's theories.


developed in sumerian civilization

Kabuki (EMP)

development of art for the MC in Tokugawa Shogunate, this replaces Noh plays, very theatrical and over the top

woodblock paintings (EMP)

development of art for the MC in the Tokugawa Shogunate, a new form of visual art


did not develop in the Classical era until much later after China, about 500 CE they borrowed writing from China and their historical period begins at that time, the Ainu, Caucasians from northern Asia were the first people in this island group; Shinto became the national religion: Shinto is similar to Daoism as it focuses on harmony with nature

Japan (CP)

did not develop until much later; about 500 CE they borrowed writing from China and their historical period begins at that time; the Ainu, Caucasians from northern Asia were the first people in this island group; Shinto became the national religion, similar to Daoism as it focuses on harmony with nature

RCC (PostCP)

did not really rule Europe, but had tremendous influence in selecting/approving kings and pwrful nobles; everyone in Europe was Catholic and paid tithe to the RCC (1/10 of their income); in the 1100, the RCC started the idea of Purgatory as a half-way point b/t Heaven and hell; ppl began donating valuable lands to the Church to avoid Purgatory; thus monasteries evolved from places for extremely pius monks to separate from the world (monasticism) to rich centers of trade and learning


didn't really rule Eur, but they had tremendous influence in selecting or approving kings and powerful nobles; everyone in Europe was Catholic and paid a tithe, in the 1100, started the idea of Purgatory, people began donating valuable lands to avoid it, thus monasteries evolved from places for extremely pius monks to separate from the world, to rich centers of trade and learning

italian unification (LNC)

divided since the fall of Rome, Camillo Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi, by 1870, all of Italy unified, Constitutional monarchy, liberal reforms, industrialized by early 1900s, becoming powerful

toussaint l'ouverture (LNC)

drove French out by 1795, then invaded Dominican REpublic, self-educated former slave, drove French from island and led Haiti to winning independenc efrom France in 1804

Assyrians (PreCP)

drove Hebrews out of Palestine/Israel in 700s BCE

1001 Arabian Nights (PostCP)

during Abbasid Golden Age of Islam, folk tales were collected as this


during Vietnam War, the VC used Cambodian land to transport supplies along the Ho Chi Minh trail; US pressured king/ruler to stop the supplies, but he was unable to do so; the US helped to overthrow him in 1970, but disrupted the nation so much that the communist group, the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, was able to seize control


during Vietnam War, the VC used this land to transport supplies along the Ho Chi Minh trail; US pressured king/ruler Norodom Sihanouk to stop the supplies, but he was unable to do so; the US helped to overthrow him in 1970, but disrupted the nation so much that the communist group, the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, was able to seize control. Pol Pot was a brutal totalitarian dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands and forced people to leave the cities and work on collective farms-- an estimated 2M out of 8M people died under his rule from executions and starvation, overthrown in 1979

Patrice Lumumba

elected first Prime minister of the 1st republic (1960-65) of Congo, first stage of Congo as an independent country, first year pretty peaceful, aftter this is a period of chaos and civil war, popular, people like him, popular leader, but leftist, recommends nationalizing the government, worked to help the common people (scools, hostpitals), but had not money; all went to Western nations, which is why he keeps talking about nationalizing the government, other problem= Belgium is in control of part of the country and wants to make sure they can control the wealth that is there, encouraging the people there to break away, giving them money to fight a civil war against him, Belgian army helped rebel groups so they can fight against the Congo army, equipped and trained them, he asked UN and US for help-- they did little, Belgian troops remained, so he turned to the USSR, angered US from Cold War fears, Domino theory in AFrica, 1961, US supported a coup d'etat, CIA actively involved in overthrowing him, helping a military group led by Mobutu, ____ imprisoned, finally executed in secret, US feared communist takeover, civil war continued until November 1965 when US won and we established a dictatorship with Mobutu at the head

abraham lincoln (LNC)

elected president in 1860, leader of the Union, wanted to preserve it in the Civil War

Frederik W. DeKlerk

elected president in 1989, realized that something had to change, vowed to end Apartheid despite opposition from many whites, 1990: lifted ban on ANC, released Mandela, gave blacks more freedom, 1992: majority of whites voted to end Apartheid, 1993: Nobel Peace Prize to him and Mandela

Prussia (EMP)

emerged as a growing power in Germany with its army which was very strong, very tough, absolute monarchy


emerged as a growing power in Germany with its army which was very tough, absolute monarchy

Nelson Mandela

emerged as a new leader of the ANC in the '50s, was an active guerrilla fighter with Umkonto We Sizwe, became an outlaw hero to many, a guerrilla fighter, lived on the run, 1962: arrested with other leaders, found guilty 1964 but not executed, sentence to a life in prison on Robbin Island, became a hero and symbol in the 80s, especially to youjng people, also had a spiritual shift: rejected violence, forgave his enemies, released 1990, given Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, elected president 1994, credited with peaceful transition of power to Blacks, never sought revenge, never reacted with hatred--- simply pursued a peaceful solution to racial problems in his nation, left office in 1999; still many problems but making progress, died in 2013, an international hero and symbol, celebrated as one of the great men of the 20th century

qianlong (LNC)

emperor for whom lord mccartney refused to perform the kowtow

Qin Shih Huang-ti (CP)

emperor of the Qin Dynasty, united China, ending the TOTWS; also standardized roads, weights and measures, connected the pieces of the Great Wall and built the Terra Cotta Warriors

qin shih huang-ti

emperor of the Qin dynasty, united China, ending the TOTWS, also standardized roads, weights and measures, connected the pieces of the Great Wall and built the Terra Cotta Warriors

Kangxi and Qianlong (EMP)

emperors of the Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912, each ruled about 60 years; brought stability; resisted efforts of Euros to force them to trade (Lord McCartney, 1790s)

Gunpowder Empires (EMP)

empires that owed much of their military success to cannons and new military technology (Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal)

Gunpowder empires

empires that used cannons to defeat armies and establish themselves (Mughal, Ottoman)

Little Ice Age (1315-1850) (LNC)

ended about 1850; Irish famine the last THROES of this period's disasters

economic rivalries

especially Great Britain and Germany, industrial revolution, colonies, imperialism

monopolies (LNC)

especially in US, Rockefeller Oil, Carnegie Steel, started pushing opponents out of business, could sell at really low prices for a while to force everyone out of business, then take out those companies as well, no national income taxes

US indian policy (LNC)

establishes the relationship between the United States Government and the Indian Tribes within its borders. The Constitution gives the federal government primary responsibility for dealing with tribes.

Bantu (CP)

ethnic group that originally settled in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, word used to describe both the people and the language, which was not a written one; spread from Nigeria about 1500 BCE, across Sub-Saharan Africa by 500 CE bringing agriculture and ironworking with them


ethnic groups don't have to belong to someone else if they don't want to, should be able to have their own country if they want, Wilson was racist and said that this only applied to Europeans, not dark-skinned people

nikita krushchev

eventually succeeded Stalin after he died in 1953 and a power struggle, he wanted to "test" new president JFK, tries to see what Kennedy would do, orders the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961, then in 1962 started installing nuclear weapons in Cuba, Cuban Missile Crisis, pushed out of office after this--> Russian Repression


everyone in Europe was Catholic and paid 1/10 of their income to the RCC

wall comes down

expense of controlling satellites became more than Russia could bear anymore, Gorbachev encouraged satellites to try new methods to lessen their dependence, even allowed free elections, thought that if he gave the communist countries a choice, they would elect a communist government and still be a solid ally, in 1989, citizens of Poland surprised everyone by voting for someone who advocated a change for democracy--> elected union leader Lech Walesa president, one EE nation after another won freedom through elections, demonstrations, or violence, by fall 1989, revolution was clearly in the air, November 1989, this happened, East German leader opened Berlin Wall, thousands streamed through into the West, joyous celebration

traits of fascism

extreme nationalism, fiercely conservative, anti-union, anti-liberal, feared workers, dynamic dictator with thugs, cult of personality, leader like a deity, glorification of war and the military, promise of a return to greatness


extremely pius monks separating themselves from the world (what the RCC was before)

causes of the great depression

factories over-producing and laying off workers, buying on margin and speculation made things a little too risky, stock market crash, banks closed

winston churchill

failed politician who became Prime Minister and turned out to be the perfect man for that time, gave inspirational radio speeches that kept up the spirits of the Brits, referred to the Brit resistance to Hitler as "Their Finest Hour", said of the RAF, "Never have so many owed so much to so few"

Byzantine Empire (EMP)

fall of Constantinople in 1453 also means the end of this after dominating EE for 1000 years; Greek language, Cyrillic alphabet, and Eastern Orthodoxy continue in the region

maoris (LNC)

farmers from Polynesia, resistance led to wars with the British, only 50,000 left by 1870s due to huge British advantages

Dahomey warriors (EMP)

females who defended their kingdom in modern-day Benin, but as traders go deeper into Africa, the price of slaves rose in 1700s, and it became cheaper to bring over females as well to create self-sustaining pops


finally unified China after the era of the Three Kingdoms, 589-618 CE

Osama bin Laden

financed al-Qaeda, came from one of the richest families of the world, one of many heirs to a huge fortune, but not radicalized until the Gulf War when the US began stationing troops in Saudi Arabia, this really sends him over the edge, becomes pretty radical in the 70s, mid-90s, he was in Afghanistan, linked up with new government: the Taliban, Afghan gov shared his extremism, help e/o, wanted a united Muslim world sharing his fundamentalist version of Islam, saw the US and Western culture as impediments to achieving this goal, can't keep out internet and cable TV, killed May 2011 in Pakistan, but war in Afghanistan continues

haitian rebellion (LNC)

first Atlantic Revolution, slaves rose up against France in St. Dominique, civil war as wealthy whites, free blacks and slaves fought for control, former slaves in control 1804

Ghana (EMP)

first West African Empire, 700s to 1200s, grew rich from the gold-for-salt "silent trade" across the Sahara, Timbuktu became a cultural and religious center of great wealth

Black Plague (PostCP)

first arrived in Europe in late 1340s and returned periodically for many years, killing 1/4 to 1/2 of the population of Europe in the first wave

sumer (PreCP)

first civilization

articles of confederation (LNC)

first constitution of the US, 1781-1789, ineffective and worthless, 13 reps in congress, no leader, needed unanimous vote to change anything, did nothing, every state had own money and tariffs against other states

scientific method

first developed during the scientific revolution

benito mussolini

first fascist dictator, 1883-1944, Il Duce (the leader) of Italy, Italy had hoped to gain territory from the A-H empire at Treaty of Versailles, he was a newspaper editor at the time, came to power in 1922, gradually took away other's power until he was firmly in control and became an absolute dictator in 1926, "Black Shirts" were the thugs he used to intimidate his opposition, especially communists, came to power so quickly b/c it was right after the Russian Rev, people were afraid of communism spreading and he promised to get rid of it

united nations

first meeting in 1945, w/ authority to intervene in trouble spots, but most countries very reluctant to do this

Tale of Genji

first novel ever, written by Murasaki Shikibu in 1000 CE

seneca falls meeting (LNC)

first women's rights meeting in 1848, called by Elizabeth Cady Stanton in NY, US, first step

Ayatollah Khomeini

fundamentalist Muslim, returned from exile after the Shah of Iran was overthrown, believes that all this modernization has hurt Iran, wants to take them back to the days of Muhammad, becomes the new leader of the country, people wanted him back, people agreed that Westernization hadn't helped, had lost traditional ways and path to righteousness, set up a theocracy based on Shar'ia, anti-modern, anti-US, pro-traditional ways, hatred of US also unified them, allowed no dissent, killed hundreds, totalitarian dictator, cult of personality, usually public executions as a message to other people, women now required to cover themselves completely, country changed overnight, Iranian students rioted in November 1979 when US decided to let in Shah of Iran for medical treatment, seized 52 US diplomats, stormed US embassy, held them hostage for 444 days, until January 1981, President Carter negotiated release

women's suffrage

gained the right to vote in Western nations either during the war or just after, proved all the things they were able to do in the war, it was hard for people to deny them the right to vote, though Wilson was opposed, EXCEPT France, Italy, and Switzerland, who all came later

central powers

germany, A-H, ottoman empire, formed by august 1914

collective bargaining (LNC)

getting a better position with large numbers

women's roles

given the chance to show what they can do in factories and fields, recruited through propaganda, this is what finally gets them the right to vote


god-kings who ruled through many dynasties and were buried in incredible pyramids, Egypt


government officials/bureaucrats of Persian Empire; primarily served as spies for the emperor

satraps (CP)

government officials/bureaucrats of the Persian Empire; primarily served as spies for the emperor

pogroms (EMP)

government-approved programs of persecution against Jews; those in Western Europe in the Middle Ages drove many Jews to move to Poland; many occurred later in Russia; Kristallnacht was a type (in Nazi Germany, 1938)


government-approved programs of persecution against Jews; those in Western Europe in the Middle Ages drove many Jews to move to Poland; many occurred later in Russia; Kristallnacht was a type of this

Hannibal (CP)

great Carthaginian general, nearly conquered the Romans in the Punic Wars

Virgil and Ovid (CP)

great poets during the Pax Romana

virgil and ovid

great roman poets during Pax romana

Plato, Aristotle, Socrates (CP)

great thinkers of Greek Philosophy developed about 500 BCE, promoted the idea of rationalism or reason, as well as the Golden Mean

Justinian (r. 527-65)

greatest Byzantine ruler, re-claimed many former Roman lands by force, including North Africa, Italy, and part of Spain, thus unifying much of the old empire under one emperor, Justinian's code, preserved Roman ideas that might have been lost, rebuilt the city's fortifications, making it an invincible city that would stymie invaders for a millenium; slavs, Persians, Muslims, and Russians tried to take the city over the centuries; the empire lost land, especially to the aggressive Muslims, but the city stood strong; he rebuilt a great church called the Santa/Hagia Sophia that is still admired today; once a Christian church, it later became a Muslim Mosque

Hernan Cortez (EMP)

he and Spanish conquistadores showed up in 1519 at Aztec Empire looking just like the description of Quetzalcoatl; King Montezuma let them in to Tenochtitlan and they destroyed the Aztec Empire using superior steel swords, gunpowder weapons, Mexican allies who hated the Aztecs, and, especially, diseases such as smallpox

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

he and the Muslims refused to be part of a Hindu-dominated nation, didn't want to be the minority again, wanted "Pakistan"="Land of the pure", wanted a country of Muslims ruled by Muslims, heartbreaking to Gandhi b/c he had been trying to bring people together for so long and it didn't seem to be working, violence broke out, Hindu vs. Muslim, led Pakistan when it was divided in 2 parts 1000 miles apart (East and West)

including north africa after 700

middle east

Slave Trade (EMP)

in 1440s, the Portuguese began to systematically explore and set up trade posts along the African coast. Among the products they took from Africa were human beings who served as slaves in the homes of European nobles. Before this, Euro slaves came from East Euro Slavic people; Fall of Constantinople ended this source of labor. After 1500, when the demand for cheap labor on American sugar plantations rose, the use of African slaves grew quickly; the Triangular trade-- usually tools, cloth, liquor, or guns went to West Africa; slaves went to South America or the Caribbean; sugar went to New England or Europe to be processed into rum or molasses: slaves carried on the notorious "Middle Passage", to the American settlements it began in earnest about 1500; slavery had existed in Africa for 1000 years; Africans and Islamic traders involved across Sahara and Red Sea; but economic demand greatly increased trade. Eventually, about 13 million were forcefully removed to over 400 years. Tribes began trading slaves for guns for defense and to capture more slaves for trade; kingdoms such as the Asante of Ashanti became powerful by fighting wars with Euro weapons against their neighbors for slaves

Mughal Dynasty (EMP)

in 1526, Babur, a Muslim Turk, invaded India with cannon (1 of the "Gunpowder Empires") and defeated an army 10 times his size; established this 1526-1760, another Islamic ruler in a predominantly Hindu region (Muslims 20%, Hindus 80%); firm control with a strong army and efficient government bureaucracy; Akbar (r. 1556-1605) grandson of Babur and one of the greatest leaders in the history of India, treated Hindus fairly in order to win their support, eliminated the jizya, married a Hindu, put Hindus in positions of power in the government, and started his own religion that combined elements of others; Shah Jahan (r. 1628-58), grandson of Akbar, extended the empire and built the Red Fort at Agra as a palace and to keep the royal treasury; also a spectacular tomb for his favorite wife: the Taj Mahal; Decline-- Continuous wars and expensive building projects required heavy taxes that led to growing discontent toward Shah Jahan and his son; also resumed persecuting Hindus and reinstated the jizya; thiss helped to create lasting animosity b/t Muslims and Hindus; through trade, they spread Islam into SE Asia and Indonesia (largest in the world today) Malacca in Indonesia became a center of the spice trade and Muslim culture


in 1526, a Muslim Turk, invaded India with cannon (1 of the Gunpowder Empires) and defeated an army 10 times his size; established the Mughal Dynasty (1526-1760), another Islamic ruler in a predominantly Hindu region (Muslims 20%, Hindus 80%); firm control with a strong army and efficient government bureaucracy

Babur (EMP)

in 1526, he, a Muslim Turk, invaded India with cannon (1 of the "Gunpowder Empires") and defeated an army 10 times his size; established the Mughal Dynasty (1526-1760), another Islamic ruler in a predominantly Hindu region (Muslims 20%, Hindus 80%); firm control with a strong army and efficient government bureaucracy, grandson=Akbar, Akbar's grandson=Shah Jahan

British East India Company (LNC)

in 1600, Elizabeth I grants a monopoly for all Asian trade to here; they gradually take over areas using an army of sepoys led by british officers

New Amsterdam (EMP)

in 1624, the Dutch bought Manhattan Island and started THIS colony; easily defeated by the British in a was in 1664; the English took over and renamed the city New York, after the king's brother, the Duke of York

New York (EMP)

in 1624, the Dutch bought Manhattan Island and started the colony of New Amsterdam; easily defeated by the British in a was in 1664; the English took over and renamed the city THIS, after the king's brother, the Duke of York

monroe doctrine (LNC)

in 1820s, Latin America newly independent but weak, US said that no European nation would be allowed to interfere with Latin America, US no way strong enough to back it up, US concerned European power would move in and take over Latin America- this stopped that from happening

panama canal (LNC)

in 1903, US 'stole' Panama from Colombia, completed canal in 1914, but created a simmering resentment in Latin America towards US

republic of china

in 1912, Qing Dynasty overthrown by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Kuomintang, a period of civil war started, no firm leader, Sun Yat-sen was never really able to establish control over the entire country, warlords controlled local areas, turmoil, 1919: nationalist protests erupted, Versailles peace treaty happening, China expects to be treated as equal but are ignored and snubbed, May 4th movement; Tiananmen Square, people gathered in protest of the new government, upset that Westerners still have so much influence over China, opposed imperialists, snubs at Versailles, communist party formed in 1921

fulgencia batista

in 1934, US put in a puppet ruler to Cuba after they finally gave Cuba true independence, brutal dictator, so that he would protect trade relations and US companies, bad guy, overthrown by Castro in 1959, US would help him in the 50's as long as he protected American businesses

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

in 1940, Japan announced plans for this, an Asian empire led by the 'racially superior' Japanese, as part of this plan, they invaded French Indochina a month later, the US negotiated and tried to get them to pull out, finally, the US declared an embargo of goods to Japan, desperate for oil, Japan, in true samurai tradition, came up with a bold plan that would catch their opponents off balance

lech walesa

in 1989, citizens of Poland surprised everyone by voting for someone who advocated a change for democracy, union leader, solidarity was the labor union he used as his political party, actually arrested by Russians when he tried to lead a strike with Solidarity

enclosure movement (LNC)

in England, especially 1750-1850, farm land becomes more valuable, Big owner Farmers stopped renting out to smaller farmers or enclosing the common areas where people could graze their animals

dreyfus affair (LNC)

in France, Jewish general named Dreyfus moving up in the ranks in France, accused and found guilty of treason against the country, exposed anti-semitism in Europe in 1894

Buddhism forced out (PostCP)

in India, the fall of the Gupta Dynasty about 600 brought in a long period of de-centralized control in which local Rajahs ruled by the precepts of Hinduism and most traditions continued; about 1000 CE, Hindu priests convinced most Indians that the Buddha was merely another incarnation of the Hindu god

fertile crescent

middle east, where the first civilization, sumer, developed


in the 1100s, this new city began to expand into a powerful kingdom that was taken over by the Mongols in the 1200s; MOngols allowed autonomy as long as they paid tribute; did not break free of the Mongol yoke until the late 1400s; Ivan III (the Great) took the title Czar and vowed to make Moscow the Third Rome. In 1480, he defied the Mongols and refused to pay tribute, thus starting an independent empire, because of this long period of Mongol rule, Russia was isolated from Western Europe and had little access to new ideas and technology

Slave Trade

in the 1440s, the Portuguese began to systematically explore and set up trade posts along the African coast. Among the products they took from AFrica were human beings who served as slaves in the homes of european nobles. Before this, Euro slaves came from Eastern European Slavic people; Fall of Constantinople ended this source of labor. After 1500, when the demand for cheap labor on American sugar plantations rose, the us of African slaves grew quickly, to the American settlements began in earnest about 1500; slavery had existed in Africa for 1000 years; Africans and Islamic traders involved across the Sahara and the Red Sea, economic demand greatly increased it, eventually about 13 million were forcefully removed to over 400 years. Tribes began trading slaves for guns for defense and to capture more slaves for trade

Fall of Rome (CP)

in the 400s CE, Rome was weakened by corrupt and incompetent rulers, disease that came in on the trade routes, and invaders from Central Asia and Germany (*about this time, a powerful group in Central Asia was expanding and forcing other groups in the area to migrate into China, India and Europe, starting a ripple effect as one group moved, forcing another group to move further out; these migrating invaders were known by various names from about 400 to 1400: Aryans, Huns, White Huns, Goths, Vandals, Saxons, Mongols, Turks) Rome itself fell in 476 CE and Europe has never again unified

fall of rome

in the 400s CE, Rome was weakened by corrupt and incompetent rulers, disease that came in on the trade routes, and invaders from Central Asia and Germany (about this time, a powerful group in Central Asia was expanding and forcing other groups in the area to migrate to China, india and Europe, starting a ripple effect as one group moved, forcing another group to move further out; these migrating invaders were known by various names from about 400 to 1400: Aryans, Huns, White Huns, Goths, Vandals, Saxons, Mongols, Turks); Rome itself fell in 476 CE and Europe has never again unified


in the 800s, a group of Viking invaders called the Rus people settled along the rivers of western and built two important cities, Novgorod in the north, and Kiev, a city-state on the Dnieper River in the south. Slavic and Viking cultures eventually blended together. About 980, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, converted his kingdom to Eastern Orthodoxy, impressed by the splendor of Constantinople

andean cultures

in the Andes of South America, the Norte Chico people developed what historians now believe was a full-fledged civilization about 3000 BCE; no writing, but used quipu; lasted from about 3000 to 1800 BCE and passed elements of their culture to future civs: Chavin, Mocho, Nazca, and Inca

andean cultures (PreCP)

in the Andes of South America, the Norte Chico people developed what historians now believe was a full-fledged civilization about 3000 BCE; no writing, but used quipu; lasted from about 3000 to 1800 BCE and passed elements of their culture to future civs: Chavin, Mocho, Nazca, and Inca

ibn saud

in the Arabian Peninsula, he united the Bedouin clans into a nation in the 1920s, nation named for his family, poverty was mitigated in the 1930s when US oil companies poured money into the hands of the royal family, this family becomes one of the richest families in the world, controlled all wealth and power, didn't filter down to the rest of the population, remained a theocracy with strict controls on women (veiling, etc.)

triangular trade

in the age of slave trade, about 1500 to 1900, ships often developed a triangular pattern, taking rum, guns, and finished goods from Europe (or later New England) to AFrica, trading them for slaves, carrying them on the dreaded "Middle Passage" across the atlantic to the caribbean, where they were exchanged for sugar or molasses

Carolingian Era

in the late 700s, Charlemagne (r. 768-814) became king of the Franks and friends with the RCC by defeating many of their enemies. He led a European revival by encouraging education and trying to re-establish a European unity that had been missing since the fall of Rome. But soon after his death, the schools he started and the stability he established were gone.

west africa

in the triangular trade, received tools, cloth, liquor, or guns, sent slaves to S Amer or Carib

West Africa (EMP)

in triangular trade, tools, cloths, liquor, or guns went HERE from Europe, slaves went to South America from HERE, sugar to New England or Europe to be processed into rum or molasses: slaves carried on the notorious "Middle Passage", cycle of trade

total war

in which everyone in the country is expected to do something to contribute to the war effort, WWI was the first of these

Joint stock companies

included british east india company, dutch east india company

west Europe/"The West"

including US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand after 1600

west europe

including US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand after 1600

middle east

including north africa after 700

east europe

including russia, byzantine empire

joseph stalin

lived 1879-1953, took over Russia in 1927 after a power struggle after the death of Lenin in 1924, absolute power by 1929 through eliminating all of his key opponents, repressed religion, wants blind obedience from everyone in the country, Churches shut down, filled the gulags and built many more, used agitprop (agitating propaganda) designed to stir people up, "Great Purge" of 1930s: Millions killed or sent to work camps in Siberia, including many former Bolsheviks, started "Five Year Plans", Spectacular success, then collectivization made it all go downhill


local chieftains in the Ottoman empire from a tribal system where local administration was left to them guided by bureaucrats from Istanbul

fertile crescent (PreCP)

location of Mesopotamia


long Persian poem by Omar Khayyam in 1100 in the Abbasid Caliphate, a world famous love poem that made Persian (Farsi) the language of choice for many Islamic poets

bustles (LNC)

looks like a big butt under the dress, women's fashion


lowest of all, outside the caste system

romantic music (LNC)

ludwig von beethoven, germany, 5th symphony, giacchino rossini, Italy, william tell (1829), death knocking on the door

cotton gin and slavery (LNC)

made cotton plantations practical again, ended decline of slave use and rocketed up, made picking cotton faster, more efficient, cost-effecctive, expanded slavery institution

difference between fascism and communism

main difference: fascist government allied with powerful businesses, communist did not


main way Aztecs were defeated, such as smallpox

diseases (EMP)

main way Hernan Cortez and the conquistadores destroyed the Aztec Empire, smallpox especialy

gold, ivory, animal skins, slaves (after 1500 to America)

major products from Africa

tea, silk, porcelain

major products from China

woolen goods, wine, tools, guns

major products from Europe

jewels, cotton cloth, spices (black pepper)

major products from India

carpets, some opium and spices

major products from ME and Persia

exotic spices

major products from SE Asia

woodrow wilson

many believe he allowed the US to declare war largely because he wanted to be part of the peace process afterwards, 14 points, compromised on everything else in the Treaty of Versailles as long as he could get the League of Nations, racist, democratic president, republicans resented him, etc etc etc

rise of fundamentalism

many people retreated to these types of religions, look to the holy text for all answers, no teaching of evolution in science classes, catches on among a lot of people in the Middle East who turn into radical groups, people wanted something that was more comfortable and easier to understand than relativity

march revolution

march 1917, women in Petrograd rioted for food, army sent in but they ended up joining the riot because they were hungry too, Nicholas II abdicated march 15, established new government headed by Alexander Kerensky: Provisional government

Santa/Hagia Sophia (CP)

marked the greatness of the rebuilt Constantinople


married their way to power and absolutism in Austria, absolute monarchs, undercut the power of nobles and gave high positions to MC men, insuring their loyalty

gothic literature (LNC)

mary shelley: english, 1818, Frankenstein, edgar allen poe, us, poems and stories, scary

Eight-fold Path

mastery of this would lead to Nirvana in Buddhism


mathematical formula--> Western Civilization grew out of Greco-Roman traditions and those of Judeo-Christianity

concept of zero

mayan religious beliefs also led to the development of advanced mathematics, including this


mayan religious beliefs led to the development of this


mayans had an extremely accurate double on, one religious, one solar; interlocked like gears, ended in 2012


means to struggle-- against sin, temptation, etc., but also against the enemies of Islam. In this sense it has sometimes been interpreted as "holy War" and used as a justification for war

social control (PreCP)

mechanism caste system was used for

information revolution

media: TV, computers helped bring this, materialism and mass consumerism has greatly expandedd


merchant ships developed by the Portuguese in the 1400s under the leadership of Henry the Navigator; they enabled Euros to go around the world in the Age of Discovery

caravel (EMP)

merchant ships developed by the Portuguese in the 1400s under the leadership of Henry the Navigator; they enabled Euros to go around the world in the Age of Discovery

realism (LNC)

mid-late 19th c., artists growing concerned with social issues, used art to push for reforms, some saw beauty in the ordinary, realistic side of life

including North Africa after 700

middle east

mustafa kemal

new Turkish leader after the war, "Ataturk", he was the one successful general during the war, defeated sultans, the Greeks, and Western military forces, wants to let go of the Ottoman Empire and form a country for Turks, very successful, 1923: Declared the Turkish Republic, heavily influenced by Europe, more than rest of ME b/c Istanbul is in Europe, from 1923-38, completely secularized the government and made it republican, no more Islam elements ruling over the empire, removed Muslim laws (Shar'ia), forced people to wear western clothes through laws (like Peter the Great), set up secular schools, factories, and railroads, starting to catch up to Europe industrially, b/c they are far behind, women received vote, right to enter professions, an end to veiling and polygamy, even ahead of Europe in some ways, a republic but autocratic government, not afraid to operate like a dictator when he feels the need to


new attitudes help break dominance of RCC and lead to Age of Discovery; an urban movement that started in the Italian city-states such as Venice, Genoa, and Milan that thrived on trade by sea (bringing goods from Constantinople to the Mediterranean), more secular than the Mid Ages as people began to enjoy life, rather than waiting for Heaven, individualistic (celebrating the special nature of each individual, particularly if they were touched by the 'divine spark' of genius), and humanistic in that they looked back to the Greek and Roman classical models in the arts, philosophy, drama, and literature in order to understand human nature (started by Francisco Petrarch from Italy in the early 1300s); trade increased as the growing middle class demanded more material goods; wealthy men served as patrons of the arts allowing Da Vinci and Michelangelo and many more to thrive

Renaissance (EMP)

new attitudes help break dominance of RCC, lead to Age of Discovery; an urban movement that started in the Italian city-states such as Venice, Genoa, and Milan that thrived on trade by sea (bringing goods from Constantinople to the Mediterranean), more secular than the Middle Ages as people began to enjoy life, rather than waiting for Heaven, individualistic (celebrating the special nature of each individual, particularly if they were touched by the "divine spark" of genius), and humanistic in that they looked back to the Greek and Roman classical models in the arts, philosophy, drama, and literature in order to understand human nature (started by Francisco Petrarch from Italy in the early 1300s); trade increased as the growing middle class demanded more material goods; wealthy men served as patrons of the arts allowing Da Vinci and Michelangelo and many more to thrive


new branch of Christianity resulting from the reformation

industrial revolution (LNC)

new energy sources brought: machine production, not by hand, a shift from agricultural to industrial society, 1st GB, 1780, 2nd Eur and US, 1815, unevenly rest of the world, environmental impact still with us


new england and Virginia; sometimes cooperated with natives, but usually just drove them further WEst to unwanted land

republic of china (LNC)

new form of government led by Dr. Sun Yixian in 1912, new government but old problems with civil war and disunity


new government in mid-1990s in Afghanistan, linked up with al-Qaeda, shared his extremism, help e/o, al-Q sets up a huge HQ there, they don't believe women are good for anything except having babies, pass whole series of new laws, destroyed in 2001-2 when US destroyed al-Q HQ in Afghanistan

racist motives (LNC)

new imperialism, Believed in inferiority of dark-skinned people-- "Social Darwinism", 'it is our duty to change them' or 'we should just let them die off', New justification: "White Man's Burden", Belief that it was the duty of Europeans to spread their culture and take over inferiors for their own good, that this will help people in the long run, To care for those too weak to care for themselves

military motives (LNC)

new imperialism, Huge advantage with new, mass-produced weapons, Over undeveloped areas, To protect trade routes, Getting from Britain to India by the Suez Canal in Egypt completed in 1869, Cut off huge amount of miles to go there, Also transcontinental railroad in US, Colonies as coaling stations (Guam, steam ships) or at strategic points (Suez Canal), Keep coal in certain colonies so ships can make it the rest of the way across the ocean, Strategic points- making sure they are open to your ships and maybe not your enemies, Attitude- "We must grab them before a rival does", Getting stuff that has no value at all just so that others can't, Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (US, 1890), By American, History and sort of CURRENT event, Argues that in the industrialized age of the 1890s, the countries with the best navies dominate the world, Sets off a naval arms race, People want to build more, bigger, and better ships now, Causes some tension that eventually leads to WWI, England has upper hand, best navy in the world until end of WWII

religious motives (LNC)

new imperialism, To convert the 'heathens', To Christianity, Heathens= non-believers, non-Christians, By force, if necessary, Also some genuine ALTRUISM, Really are trying to help, French called it their "civilizing mission", La mission civilisatrice

economic motives (LNC)

new imperialism, Want more raw materials, Have depleted a lot of their own raw materials, Also want foreign markets, Because of the industrial revolution, Europeans needed 2 things: New markets-- places to sell a PROFUSION of factory products, Producing more than they can sell in their own nation, have to sell to other places, Not to US because they are now in the industrial revolution themselves, New raw materials, Running out of old things, want new things also that can be processed into a new type of product, Solution: take over a weak, undeveloped area as a colony, Have the weaponry to hold them up because of industrialization too


new political form introduced by the Greeks


new president of Indonesia when they won their independence in 1949, like Nehru he pursued a policy of Non-Alignment until 60s, when he became friendlier with the communist party, authoritarian rule resented so much that he overthrown (in 1967) by the army and conservative Muslims in a civil war that killed 500K people in 1965-7

urbanization (LNC)

new transportation, Canals, roads and railroads-- all altered the landscape in some way, Will change course of rivers in order to feed these canals

Chemistry (PostCP)

part of the Abbasid Golden Age of Islam, their scientists developed the world's first chemical labs in their efforts to artificially create gold


on the Yucatan Peninsula, from the Olmec Culture, had at least 80 city-states, but all were ruled by the same emperor and linked by trade (sometimes used cacao beans as money); well-planned cities such as Tikal had tens of thousands of people; impressive architecture, especially the pyramids; they grew maize, which required some genetic engineering, beans and squash by using terrace farming. Ruled by a hereditary king and an elite of priests and warriors; most people were poor peasants of slaves; warfare conducted to capture slaves for building projects; worshiped many gods, some good, some evil, some both; made offerings, sometimes with blood, and used some human sacrifice to appease the gods. Regligious beliefs also led to the development of advanced mathematics (with the concept of zero), astronomy, and an amazingly accurate double calendar (one religious, one solar; interlocked like gears; ended in 2012). They also used a writing system with which they recorded historical events in a codex, or bark-paper book. one such codex, the popul vuh, contains their creation myth.

Sahara (PreCP)

on the north, isolated Sub-Saharan Africa

Japanese internment camps

one black eye for US, 110,000 Americans of Japanese descent lost homes and jobs and were forced to move from the West Coast to prison camps in the desert


one god

monotheistic (PreCP)

one god, first of these religions is Judaism

Avignon (PostCP)

one of RCC's political squabbles, multiple Popes, one in Rome, one here during the 2nd Great Schism (1378-1414)

purple dye (PreCP)

one of main contributions from the Phoenicians, from snails, "royal blue of Purple"

Yellow River (Hwang He) Civilization (PreCP)

one of the four original "Cradles of Civ" that developed along river valleys; Agricultural Revolution took place here as well as in other places, in China

yellow river (hwang he) civilization

one of the four original "Cradles of Civilization" (around 3000 BCE) that developed along river valleys, Agricultural Revolution took place here as well as in other places

Shotoku Taishi (PostCP)

one of the most influential Japanese leaders, prince, 500s CE, began borrowing many ideas from China in order to improve Japan (writing, pagoda-style buildings, artistic styles, Confucianism) the nobles rejected the idea of Confucian scholars, but the rest of these things remained part of Japanese culture when they were made official as the Taika Reforms in the 600s CE; he also encouraged the embrace of Confucianism and Buddhism through the 17-Point Constitution

Shotoku Taishi/Prince Shotoku

one of the most influential japanese leaders, 500s CE, began borrowing many ideas from China in order to improve Japan (writing, pagoda-style buildings, artistic styles, Confucianism) the nobles rejected the idea of Confucian scholars but the rest of these things remained part of Japanese culture when they were made official as the Taika Reforms in the 600s CE; he also encouraged the embrace of Confucianism and Buddhism through the 17-Point Constitution

Tokugawa Ieyasu (EMP)

one of the three unifying daimyo from the Age of the Country at War, won the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and established Tokugawa Shogunate, 1603-1868

Tokugawa Ieyasu

one of the three unifying daimyo, won the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600

Dutch at Nagasaki (EMP)

only people from Europe who were allowed to trade, and where they were allowed to trade during the Tokugawa Shogunate


openness, one of the reforms of 1986 in the 2nd Russian revolution, telling Russia and the satellites that they can now say anything they want, freedom of speech and press, hoping this would affect economy, hoping that once they were introduced to new ideas, competition would start and companies would start innovating, but people weren't sure if this was a trap, very hesitant to criticize the government

treaty of nanking (LNC)

opium war peace treaty, 1842, China had to pay for opium cargo they destroyed, more ports forced open, extraterritorial rights for british, long-term lease for hong kong granted to British

8000 BCE-600 BCE

origins and early civilizations

~8000 BCE to 600 BCE

origins and early civilizations

untouchables (PreCP)

outside of the caste system, lowest of all

dr. sun yat-sen

overthrew the Qing Dynasty in 1912 to form the Republic of China with the kuomintang, educated in the US, a physician, established the nationalist party, first president of the republic of China, never really able to establish control over the entire country, died in 1925, Chiang Kai Shek was the new head of the KMT

Al-jabr (PostCP)

part of Abbasid Golden Age of Islam, Muslim inventor of Algebra about 800 CE

Council of the Indies (EMP)

part of Spanish rule of South America, set up strict rules, especially in economics, set up rules for what happens in colonies, told them what they could grow and with whom they could trade, angers people, don't like restrictions

Dome of the Rock (PostCP)

part of the Abbasid Golden Age of Islam, the best example of Islamic architecture; built in the 600s in Jerusalem over the rock from which it is believed that Muhammad rose to heaven; still regarded as a holy site by Muslims

economic problems, '20s

post-war decade called the 'roaring 20s', most did not share in this prosperity, about 2/3 people living below the poverty level, non-union workers can't afford products, by late 20s factories still making products but not selling cuz people couldn't afford to buy in the first place, then lay off their workers, starts a cycle, speculation in risky investments made the prosperity fragile, debts of WWI kept economic growth slow

Occupation of Japan

post-war, US occupied Japan from 1945-52, Douglas MacArthur was in charge as they set up democracy and economy; new constitution (parliamentary government with Diet), by team of people from US, Japs had to sign it, democracy, assembly=diet (instead of Congress); US rebuilt and defended Japan in the Cold War b/c we didn't want them to have a military, but at great expense; Japan could spend its money on research, industry, and tech b/c they didn't have to spend anything on their own protection, could close the gap at a rapid pace on the US

Eunuchs vs. Mandarins (EMP)

power struggle in Ming Dynasty 1368-1644

Aryans, Huns, White Huns, GOths, Vandals, Saxons, Mongols, Turks

powerful group of migrating invaders known by various names from about 400 to 1400 in Central Asia, was expanding and forcing other groups in the area to migrate into China, India and Europe, starting a ripple effect as one group moved, forcing another group to move further out

rationalism or reason

promoted by Greek philosophers around 500 BCE

new emphasis on literacy and education in WE

protestants believed everyone should read the Bible for themselves, Catholic schools started by the Jesuits stressed learning, and without control of RCC, more 'social mobility' was possible, so MC people of all religions wanted their children educated

westward expansion, US and Canada (LNC)

pushed natives aside as they moved westward, some of same nomadic tribes, put on reservations

fall of the aztecs

quetzalcoatl expected to return to lead them again in 1519, the exact year that Hernan Cortez and the SPanish conquistadors showed up looking just like the description of the god, king Montezuma let them in to Tenochtitlan and they destroyed the Aztec Empire using superior steel swords, gunpowder weapons, Mexican allies who hated the Aztecs, and especially, diseases such as smallpox

Mansa Musa

r. 1307-32, Mali Empire's most famous ruler, made Timbuktu a fabulously wealthy city; also recognized as a center of Islamic scholarship and learning; made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 with 500 slaves and carrying 4 tons of gold

Sunni ali (PostCP)

r. 1464-92 in Songhai emp, first great ruler building a great army on land and on rivers (canoes)

SHah Jahan

r. 1628-58, Grandson of Akbar, extended the empire and built the Red Fort at Agra as a palace and to keep the royal treasury; also a spectacular tomb for his favorite wife: the Taj Mahal

Justinian (PostCP)

r. 527-65, greatest Byzantine ruler, re-claimed many former Roman lands by force, including N Afr, Italy, and part of Spain, thus unifying much of the old emp under 1 emperor; Justinian's Code based on Roman law and tradits, including notion that a person is innocent until proven guilty; preserved Roman ideas that might have been lost; also rebuilt city's fortifications, making it an invincible city that would stymie invaders for a millennium; Slavs, Persians, Muslims, and Russians tried to take the city over the centuries; empire lost land, especially to the aggressive Muslims, but the city stood strong; he rebuilt a great church called the Santa/Hagia Sophia that is still admired today; once a Christian church, it later became a Muslim Mosque

Peter the Great

r. Russia, 1682-1725, 'Westernized' russia by copying everything from West Europe and building a modern capital at St. Petersburg; made Russia a powerful nation, one of the "great powers" of Europe

jared diamond, guns germs and steel

recent scientist who wrote a book about the theory that some areas (the West in particular) came to dominate the world because of geographic luck and an enormous head start on the rest of the world in terms of developing civilizations; areas such as Mesopotamia had many more types of plants and animals (wheat, cows, pigs, horse, sheep, etc) that could be domesticated than other areas (IE: the Americas had only llamas and turkeys); because they lived closely with animals, Afro-Eurasians developed immunities to disease that Americans did not have

jared diamond; guns, germs, and steel (PreCP)

recent scientist; his book who developed the theory that some areas (the West in particular) came to dominate the world because of geographic luck and an enormous head start on the rest of the world in terms of developing civilizations; areas such as Mesopotamia had many more types of plants and animals (wheat, cows, pigs, horses, sheep, etc) that could be domesticated that other areas (IE: the Americas had only llamas and turkeys); because they lived closely with animals, Afro-Eurasians developed immunities to disease that Americans did not have

Silk Roads--Starting in Eastern China, ending in Constantinople--100 CE to 1500s

refers to multiple trade routes that reached into every corner of Asia--SE Asia, Central Asia, and India as well as the ME and China; China had a monopoly on silk and porcelain for this entire period, so these goods were in high demand, trade along this route was extremely hazardous as various tribal lords, kings, or just thieves would prey on the merchants; from 1000 to 1200s, trade declined b/c of this; from 1200 to about 1400s, the Mongol Emp (The "Pax Mongolica") protected this route and commerce flourished once again; when a strong empire, such as the Mongols was in firm control, trade would be protected and safe places to stop (called caravansaries) were established along the way, after 1500 or so, increased trade by sea, coupled with Chinese annexation of Central Asia, caused this trade to slowly diminish; by 1600s, most major trade went by sea, around Africa; by 1700s, Europeans had developed ways of making silk and porcelain, but they still wanted access to Chinese markets b/c of their huge population

the eastern question (LNC)

refers to the weakness of the Ottomans, generated concern when one European nation threatened to take over the area because anyone could, afraid it would upset balance of power, resolved by propping up the empire when about to collapse, on life support

Lord McCartney

refused to perform the kowtow for a Qing emperor

sub-saharan Africa

region of Africa not including North Africa after 700

Scandinavia (PostCP)

region that today includes Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. Cold land w/ short growing season= ppl often resorted to raiding other places to steal food and valuables=vikings

african interior (LNC)

relatively unexplored until much later, protected by tsetse fly, plateau, Sahara, pretty isolated until imperialism

orthodox christianity

religion of Byzantine empire, spread it to East Europe and Russia

Orthodox Christianity (CP)

religion of the Byzantine Empire, they spread it to East Europe and Russia

Judaism (PreCP)

religion started by Hebrews and Abraham, first monotheistic religion

Anti-Immigrant feelings (LNC)

religious and racial prejudice, chinese exclusion act, white australia policy

civilizing mission (LNC)

religious aspect of new imperialism, la mission civilisatrice, converting the 'heathens' by force if necessary, french expresssion

astronomy (CP)

religious beliefs of Mayans led to development of this


replaced certainty, new attitude about the universe, applied to everything, comes from Einstein

corporations (LNC)

replaced family-owned businesses , sold stock shares, families couldn't compete, Sell shares to general public- those people are part owners in the company

us colonization (LNC)

resisted imperialism until 1800s, Resisted idea of taking overseas colonies, Still expanding to the west; moral opposition to empires, idea that we knew what it felt like to be a colony, we don't want to do that to someone else

IR in East Europe (LNC)

resisted industrialization (nobles wanted to keep serfdom), saw serfdom as their power to to control human beings

pop stagnant for 400 years, never industrialized, increased warfare between tribes

result of slave trade


sub-castes tied to occupations

caste system (PreCP)

started about 1500 BCE in India as a way of separating people; some social mobility at first, but it became more rigid later; used as a social control mechanism by setting up strict rules on how people should treat their superiors; this later created a stagnant society that stifled ambition, since people could not move up or down in their lifetimes; 4 major castes with hundreds of sub-castes or jatis that were tied to occupations; outside of the caste system were the lowest of all, the untouchables

sumerian civilization

started about 3000 BCE in Mesopotamia; developed the wheel, siggurats, cuneiform

sumerian civilization (PreCP)

started about 3000 BCE in Mesopotamia; developed the wheel, ziggurats, cuneiform

provisional government

started after the March REvolution by Alexander Kerensky, liberal reforms, freedoms, but insisted on staying in the war and was overthrown by the Bolsheviks in the November revolution

british colony in India (1858-1947) (LNC)

started after the Sepoy mutiny or rebellion, BEIC out, part under British control called "The Raj", often ruled through local rajahs

suez canal (LNC)

started by France in 1854, finished 1869, Frnce has half shares, Egypt has half shares, very important advancement, between Mesopotamia and Egypt, crucial to GB, started buying shares of stock until had over 50% of shares, now very concerned about what happens


started by Siddhartha Gautama about 500 BCE as a reaction against teh divisive Caste System; he encouraged meditation that would help people understand the Four Noble Truths and master the Eight-fold Path, which would lead to a state of complete understanding called Nirvana; urged followers to avoid extremes of passion by pursuing the Middle Way or Path of moderation

Buddhism (CP)

started by Siddhartha Gautama about 500 BCE as a reaction against the divisive Caste System; he encouraged meditation that would help people understand the Four Noble Truths and master the Eight-fold Path, which would lead to a state of complete understanding called Nirvana; urged followers to avoid extremes of passion by pursuing the Middle Way or Path of moderation

merit exams (CP)

started during the Han Dynasty, thus creating a special class of scholar-officials known as Shi or Mandarin

nazi party

started in early 1920s, beer hall putsch, Hitler came back, tried to rebuild it in 1924, but prosperous times kept numbers small, depression gave him an opportunity, fightened and confused, Germans began to listen to Hitler and communists, the party held a coup in 1933 after the burning of the Reichstag (blamed on communists but it was really the nazis)

universal male suffrage (LNC)

started in france, began to gradually spread, all males in Europe have right to vote almost by 1900

merit exams

started in the Han Dynasty

Hongwu (PostCP)

started the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), overthrew the Yuan Dynasty in 1368; used eunuchs extensively, undercutting the power of the Mandarin and leading to a power struggle; his son Yongle (r. 1402-1424) encouraged trade and exploration; 7 great voyages led by the great Zheng He from 1405 to 1433; China dominated the Indian Ocean, sailing as far as India, Africa and the ME; in the mid-1400s, the Mandarin won the power struggle and ended all exploration, bringing in a period of relative isolation

germ theory of disease (LNC)

states that some diseases are caused by microorganisms. These small organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, animals, and other living hosts. Their growth and reproduction within their hosts can cause a disease, Louis Psteur came up with it 1822-95

locomotives and steam ships (LNC)

steam engine applied to these, EVERY industry going to be affected, greatly increased speed of production and transportation

russo-japanese war (LNC)

step 2 of imperialism, 1904-5, lasts longer because Russia was a much more formidable opponent than China, destroyed Russian fleet in one of the early battles and won the war, sent shock waves through Europe, increased influence in Manchuria

griots (PreCP)

storytellers/historians of traditional African societies


storytellers/historians of traditional african societies

rise of fascism

strength in numbers, nationalism, if we unify and trust our leader we will be unbreakable, hard economic times also gave rise to extremists, offered easy to complex problems, some were communist, others supported a new type of government

region of Africa not including North Africa after 700

sub-saharan Africa


success in industrial output came at a tremendous price, turned individual farms into large, collective farms worked by hundreds of families, angry peasants destroyed crops and killed animals in protest, millions starved, killed, or sent to Siberia, Stalin withheld food from those who resisted, 10 M died--> no one was getting enough food, government takes it from farmers to give to industrial people, but it isn't even enough

corsets (LNC)

suck in organs, bad for women

Mehmed/Muhammad II

sultan who conquered Constantinople with cannon in 1453, city renamed Istanbul-- this conquest also spurred European efforts to find a sea route to India, as the Turks cut off all land trade from the Far East by charging exorbitant prices; the Fall of Constantinople also signaled the beginning of the decline of the Islamic world in relation to Europe. After 1498, goods and ideas from the Far East bypassed the ME, were caried around Africa

battle of britain

summer 1940, fought in the skies over England, Hitler wanted to soften England up with air attacks to prepare for an invasion, the German Luftwaffe outnumbered the Royal Air Force 10-1, but the Brits had invented radar and knew where to go to meet the latest attack, they also had Winston Churchill, a failed politician who became Prime Minister and turned out to be the perfect man for that time, by fall, the RAF had fought the Luftwaffe to a standstill and Hitler had to postpone invasion plans, he turned his attentions east, USA started assisting GB with money and weapons

Dhous (PostCP)

swahili city-states, well-built trading ships that helped trade, much of gold and ivory shipped on these came from futher south on the coast


swahili city-states, well-built trading sips that helped the trade, much of the gold and ivory that was shipped on these came from further south on the coast

Renaissance Man (EMP)

term we get from the ideas of Baldassare Castiglione in his 1528 Italian advice book The Courtier for kings or princes encouraging them to be well-rounded in history, literature, poetry, the arts, and all fighting skills


the "final solution" to the "Jewish Problem", after a long time of forcing Jews to dig mass graves and then machine gunning them down, they decided this was too inefficient, so the idea of death camps came along, almost a factory system of killing, designed to eliminate massive numbers of people, anyone who is deemed unhealthy (sick, crippled, pregnant) killed, Germans were meticulous record-keepers, we know that it happened, 6 out of 8 million European Jews killed in the Holocaust, another 6 million people killed as well= gypsies, slavs, homosexuals, traitors

land bridge

the 1st americans crossed over from asia about 30,000 years ago during an Ice Age when the Bering Strait was frozen between Russia and Alaska

2nd battle of the marne

the Allies stopped the Germans, they almost made it to Paris, once they were stopped they knew it was just a matter of time before they lost the war


the Dutch East Indies were occupied by Japan from 1942-45, 1945: declared independence, won in 1949 with Sukarno as new president; a difficult country to unify, had 18K islands and dozens of languages and ethnic groups; today it is 80% Muslim, the largest Muslim nation in the world, like Nehru he pursued a policy of Non-Alignment until 60s, when he became friendlier with the communist party, authoritarian rule resented so much that he overthrown (in 1967) by the army and conservative Muslims in a civil war that killed 500K people in 1965-7, succeeded by another military dictator: Suharto, supported by US despite human-rights abuses b/c of anti-communist stance, ruled until 1998

South Africa (EMP)

the Dutch started Cape Colony around the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 when Jan van Riebeeck started a settlement to supply ships sailing to East; the Boers (Dutch for peasant or farmer) or Afrikaners built large farms and came into conflict with the Bantu-speaking tribes like the Khoikhoi, Xhosa, and the Zulus; strict Calvinists-- believed they were selected by God for salvation, thus superior to everyone else; this justified their harsh treatment of Blacks

West Africa (EMP)

the Ghana Empire (700 to 1200s) and the Mali Empire (1200s to 1400s) grew rich from the gold-for-salt, "silent trade" across the Sahara; Timbuktu became a cultural and religious center of great wealth (Mansa Musa's pilgrimage, 1324). The Mali empire faded in the 1400s and was overthrown by Sonni Ali who seized the throne and started the Songhai Empire, about 1460; their greatest ruler was immortalized in the classic oral-history story, the Epic of Askia Mohammad; internal wars weakened the kingdom just as the Euros arrived

karma (PreCP)

the Hindu concept of cause & effect; good actions produce good fortune, bad produces bad fortune


the Hindu concept of cause and effect; good actions produce good fortune, bad produces bad fortune


the Holy book of zoroastrianism, written down about 500 BCE, although passed down orally before that

Calvinism (EMP)

the Protestant theological system of John Calvin and his successors, which develops Luther's doctrine of justification by faith alone and emphasizes the grace of God and the doctrine of predestination


the Russian word for the Mongols; means "People of Hell"

polish corridor

the Treaty of Versailles actually divided Germany so that Poland could get a sea port and be successful

if called this, includes North America

the americas

mohandas gandhi

the son of one of the MC businessmen in India, educated in England, MC lawyer, discriminated against at every turn b/c of his race/religion/etc, fled the country to South Africa (1893-1915) b/c he was humiliated, helped form the African National Congress (ANC) in 1912, the group to fight discrimination in South Africa, saw even more intense racism than he had ever faced, discovered that violence was not practical in facing racism/discrimination/oppression--> the seed, LEARNS all he can on how to fight oppression, reads Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim texts, Asoka and Akbar, also turns to the Bible and pacifist writings of Henry David Thoreau, new philosophy= satyagraha, returned to India in 1915 and began to apply these principles, pleaded for non-violence with country after the amritsar massacre, got the nickname mahatma= "great soul", emerged as the most important leader of this movement by early 1920s, fought injustice on several levels--> political (self-rule), racial (equal treatment for all), religious (keeps Hindus and Muslims together), social (eliminates caste system), gender equality, keeps broadening his definition of oppression and injustice, explained everything in simple terms that peasants could grasp, petitions, boycotts, marches, strikes, non-cooperation, repeatedly arrested and imprisoned, would use hunger strikes as a brilliant political tactic, most effective were his mass protests, cloth boycott, encouraged home production of dhoti, spun cotton 1-hour each day, salt march, made him a world-wide celebrity and brought sympathy for the cause

assassination of franz ferdinand

the trigger event of the Great War, he was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, touring the new empire with his new wife, June 28, 1914, Sarajevo, Bosnia, he was assassinated, by August, alliances fell into place and war began


the ultimate goal of Hindus, each life is guided by a set of duties; if you fulfill these, you move up in caste for the next life; after a series of good lives you can reach the state of perfect understanding and enlightenment

moksha (PreCP)

the ultimate goal of Hindus; each life is guided by a set of duties (your dharma); if you fulfill these, you move up in caste for the next life; after a series of good lives you can reach this state of perfect understanding and enlightenment

red china government

their new government established totalitarian control of schools, media, and even "thought control", destroyed ancient traditions such as Confucianism and filial loyalty, all allegiance was to the state, indoctrination, some positive reforms, including better sanitation, health, education, new law in 1950 took land away from the rich landlords and gave small farms to the peasants, this was wildly popular among the peasants and gave Mao support among the poor, Marriage Law of 1950, with Soviet help, they worked on modernizing the nation, China made some progress, but in the late 50s and early 60s, China broke with the USSR over territorial and ideological differences, 5-Year Plan, etc

porcelain, silk, paper (CP)

these were developed and exchanged with other cultures on the Silk Roads during the Han Dynasty

"third world"

these were the non-aligned countries during the Cold War, with First World being democracies, and second world being communists, Jawaharlal Nehru emerged as the leader of these countries

communist party

this ruled after the November Revolution, called the USSR, first communist government in history, no one knew what it was going to look like


this was forced out around 1000 CE of India after the fall of the Gupta and a long period around 600 of de-centralized control in which local Rajahs ruled by the precepts of Hinduism and most traditions continued; Hindu priests convincing most Indians that Buddha was merely another incarnation of the Hindu god

preservation of Greco-Roman classics

this was perhaps the greatest Byzantine contribution, they admired learning and used the classic books as texts; Muslims would later learn these things from the Byzantines; best known for their mosaics; often they depicted religious items

Malacca (EMP)

through trade, the Mughals spread Islam into SE Asia and Indonesia (largest in the world today). THIS CITY in Indonesia became a center of the spice trade and Muslim culture

Age of the Country at War

time period under the Ashikaga Shogunate marked by continuous civil war and lack of centralized control (1467-1568), three unifying daimyo

Sundiata (PostCP)

~1200, Mali, a mansa/emperor defeated an unpop ruler and expanded emp, bringing in a period of peace and prosperity

France (EMP)

used missionaries, not soldiers, to convert the natives; tried to understand their culture and relate Christianity to them (esp. Jesuit priests, the Black Robes); a moderate success, both commercially and culturally, the northern part of the New World (Canada) was claimed for France by 1530s, b/c it did not develop farming to a great extent, New France focused on the fur trade; Euro diseases killed many natives in the Great Lakes region; the creation of tribal rivalries over deer and beaver skins killed more


used missionaries, not soldiers, to convert the natives; tried to understand their culture and relate Christianity to them (especially Jesuit priests, The "Black Robes"); a moderate success, both commercially and culturally, the northern part of the New World (Canada) claimed for this country by 1530s, New France focused on the fur trade because it didn't really develop farming, Euro diseases killed many natives in the great lakes region; the creation of tribal rivalries over deer and beaver skins killed more

Triangular Trade

usually tools, cloth, liquor, or guns went to West Africa; slaves went to south America or the Caribbean; sugar went to New England or europe to be processed into rum or molasses: slaves carried on the notorious 'middle passage'

aborigines/kooris (LNC)

very dark-skinned, lived in Australia for many centuries, not as settled or developed as the Maoris, Brits didn't want them

Longboats (PostCP)

vikings on these that held up to 300 warriors and attacked seacoasts and cities across Europe from 800 to 1000

Kwame Nkrumah

voted prime minister of the newly independent and democratic Ghana in 1957, good leader at first, country was improving, operating in democratic framework, well educated, unifying his people, on Time magazine, 1961=four-year terms, is going to have to leave office, so he rethinks democracy, declared himself "President for Life" in 1961, like a dictator, becomes more repressive, 1963: helped found Organization of African Unity (OAU) for "Pan-Africanism", start of this movement, understand that they are poor individual countries, but they would have much more power if they teamed up as a group, never really catches on--> ethnic and religious differences, no country has a stable government, not really successful, overthrown in 1966, what started out as a strong democracy ends up taking a civil war in order to get him out of office, he was respected, but fell victim to thirst for power

battle of adowa (LNC)

war between Ethiopia and Italy- Ethiopia won, 1896, King Menelik II

morality of a-bomb

war crime or saved lives? within US and rest of world, even scientists were not sure what effects would be, intended to intimidate USSR? had the cold War already begun? definitely ended the war and started the Nuclear Age

samurai (PostCP)

warriors in the Kamakura Shogunate, would rule Japan until 1868


was Canaan in biblical times, later Judea as part of the Roman Empire, became Palestine as part of the Ottoman Empire, Zionist Movement began in the early 20th C w/ Theodore Herzl and his pamphlet The Jewish State calling for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, some Jews moved to Palestine (very small numbers), still part of the Ottoman Empire, populated largely by Arabic Muslims (90%)

100 schools

way of thinking or philosophy in which many different thinkers tried to come up with ways to reform China and end the turmoil


we would turn it back over to the Vietnamese to fight, but we would give them help like no one has ever given help before, reduce # of troops to appease protesters, greatly increase bombing, also used agent orange to kill forests so we can see where the North Vietnam people are

Patricians (CP)

wealthy nobles during the Roman Republic


well-planned Mayan city with tens of thousands of people

Tikal (CP)

well-planned Mayan city, had tens of thousands of people

Roman Catholicism (CP)

what Christianity developed into when it became centered in Rome after Jesus's apostles and other followers spread it, Peter sen as the first Pope or leader of the Church

adopted Islam

what Ghana rulers did about 1100, possibly for the comercial benefits to be gained from trading with the Muslim world, many of the ordinary people never fully converted, retaining a hybrid set of beliefs that combines Islam and animism


what the olmecs used instead of writing

byzantine empire

when Diocletian split the Roman Empire in 284 CE, he set the Eastern Capital in the Greek city of Byzantium (later Constantinople, later Istanbul); after the fall of Rome, a powerful empire arose from that center and lasted from about 500 to 1453 when the empire was ended by the Ottoman Turks; they followed Orthodox Christianity and spread it to East Europe and Russia


young emperor of Japan in 1926-89, unable to control government, there for a long time, came into power right after the depression, becomes a puppet ruler controlled by the military b/c he couldn't control them

Arab-Israeli Conflict

when Jews declared the new nation of Israel in 1948, 6 Arab nations attacked within hours, Israel won but a center of controversy ever since, uneasy truce, lots of conflict between Jews and people who lived there already, worried they would become a minority in their own country, anger and violence increasingly grew, Arabs said they would fight to prevent the UN's plan, most Arab nations hated Israel AND their allies

Rock and pillar edicts

when asoka became Buddhist in the 200s BCE, he encouraged his people in India to do the same, so he had Buddhist principles such as the four noble truths carved onto rocks and pillars around the country; he also sent missionaries to SE Asia and China to spread these ideas, which is why those areas are buddhist

2nd great schism

when there was a second pope in avignon along with the one in rome, 1378-1414


where Pharaohs were buried

Silk Roads

where did Chinese start trade during the Han Dynasty?

middle passage

where slaves carried across the Atlantic to the Caribbean in the triangular trade


where the Kush Civiliziation was centered, trade city


where the West African/Nubian empires were centered, wealthy city, made fabulously wealthy under Mansa Musa, also recognized as a center of Islamic scholarship and learning

waterloo (LNC)

where the final defeat came, in Belgium, symbol for final defeat, Napoleon's downfall


where there was a second Pope in the 13-1400s during the 2nd great schism


whole new name for the country of congo under the rule of Mobutu

karl marx (LNC)

with Friedrich Engels: Communist Manifesto, 1848, saw revolutions as history speaking to them, then Das Kapital, 1867

friedrich engels (LNC)

with Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto, 1848, saw revolutions as history speaking to them

reaction to the treaty

with no choice, Germany signed it, but resentment simmered for years, US Senate rejected it and the League of Nations, US became isolated, England refused alliance with France, wanted to stay out of these things and go it alone, France left alone next to an angry Germany, LON unworkable... seeds for WWII planted at Versailles...

child labor (LNC)

women fought for laws to regulate this, women's issue

temperance (LNC)

women's issue, prohibiting the sale of alcohol, fought for this

russia in the war

won early victories because the German armies were split up between French and Russian fronts, but then Germany made a huge advance into Russia, they weren't industrialized, just terrible at the war, Alexander Kerensky started a new government but insistedon staying in the war, but then Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky led the Bolsheviks in taking over and then they pulled out of the war

debt peonage (LNC)

workers tied into this in the hacienda system, much like slavery


worried about older generation, millennials, younger generation, beginning to question their parents' desire for work ethic

stream of consciousness

writing, the mind does not operate in a linear fashion, James Joyce & Ulysses, William Faulkner & The Sound and the Fury, drawing on the unconscious part of the mind, more realistic display of the way the mind works

declaration of sentiments (LNC)

written at Seneca Falls, Uses Jefferson's words, has even more power, First step towards women's rights

Lessons for Women

written by Ban Zhou about 100 CE as advice for women

Lessons for Women (CP)

written by Chinese female Ban Zhou about 100 CE as advice for women; she encouraged them to be submissive to their husbands, but to get a good education so that they could be more helpful to their husbands

The Art of War

written by Sun Tzu about 500 BCE, it is advice to generals and leaders on how to win wars, but is still read by businessmen and politicians today

oracle bones

written on by the Chinese in the Shang Dynasty time, evidence

Kalidasa (CP)

wrote Shakuntala during the Golden Age of the Gupta dynasty in the 400s CE


wrote Shakuntala during the golden age of the gupta dynasty in the 400s CE

Thomas Aquinas

wrote Summa Theologica in the 1200s in the Euro revival

Sun Tzu

wrote The Art of War about 500 BCE, during the TOTWS in China; it is advice to generals and leaders on how to win wars, but is still read by businessmen and politicians today

Baldassare Castiglione

wrote The Courtier in 1528

Niccolo Machiavelli

wrote The Prince in 1513; he studied history and determined that they way powerful rulers obtained and held power was by being ruthless and stopping at nothing (the ends justify the means-- it is better to be feared than to be loved); he was not saying that this was how it should be-- this was his analysis of what worked, without moral judgement

Omar Khayyam

wrote a long Persian poem in 1100 in the Abbasid Caliphate


wrote fables that demonstrated Greek philosophy

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