When Science Fails Literature 108

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Perhaps the verse in Job refers to fingerprints when it says, "__________________________________________."

He sealeth up the hand of every man that all men may know his work

The "clock that runs but doesn't keep good time" is the _________ method of dating.


The strange fish Miss Latimer tried to preserve in 1938 was a ___________, exactly like those thought to have become extinct millions of years earlier.


Science will not ______ the Bible.


The real problems of space flight were ___________ ___ ___________ ___________ and ___________ ___ ___________.

cooling the combustion chamber, steering the rocket

Scientists did not believe Solomon's workmen had the skill to refine ___________ by a blast furnace in action three thousand years ago.


In a lab experiment fifty years ago, Alexander Fleming discovered a mold that seemed to kill _________ _________.

disease bacteria

The strange animal in Australia that W.H. Caldwell did research on was the ___________ ___________.

duckbilled platypus

Lindbergh cut back to one ___________, one ___________, and one _____.

engine, wing, seat

Scientists work by trial and _____


Certainly that would be the opposite of what is taught by _____________.


It was still _________ years before it was tried on a patient.


This was one more case here an old ____ ___________ seemed to work.

folk remedy

The accuracy of the Bible comes from the fact that God _________ what they wrote; they wrote what God told them to say.


Some scientists have the bad habit of thinking that science--especially the science they learned as students-- ___ ___ ___ _______

has all the answers

Impossible ideas have a way of becoming ___________.


While scientists have usually concluded that the Bible was wrong if it didn't agree with their current knowledge, the fact that "the Lord is a God of ___________."


The astronomer Pickering said, "There is no hope of competing for racing speed with either our ___________ or our ___________.

locomotives, automobiles

Another pitfall is that some words have ____ __________.

many meanings

A "shooting star" is called a ___________ while still in space, a ___________ when slamming into earth's atmosphere, and a ___________ when and if it reaches the ground.

meteoroid, meteor, meteorite

The ____________ was invented and developed by a man who was not a professional scientist-- Anton van Leeuwenhoek.


Having seen that which was thought impossible happen again and again, should it be difficult to believe in the ___________ of the Bible?


Gutenberg worked for twenty years to be able to use ___________ ____ to print a Bible.

movable type

Of all drugs, ___ ____ come from plants and herbs.

one half

A basic law of physical science states that things naturally change from a state of ______________ to _______________.

organization, disorganization

To save weight he flew without lights or gas gauges or ___________ or ________.

parachute, radio

Simon Newcomb said it was out of the question that their plane might carry ____________ or ___________.

passengers, cargo

He developed the ________________ of milk which keeps it fresh longer.


The key sentence in the Introduction is a question: How many scientific "facts" have _____ _____

proven false

His vaccinations made smallpox a ______ disease, but his fellow doctors refused to believe it and refused to elect him to the Royal College of Physicians.


Some are made of (granite) _____ and others of ____.

rock, iron

English factories were needed to produce other goods, so Floret and the English scientists decided to tell the _______ to American drug manufacturers.


Instead of sealing the wound of an amputation with a hot iron, Pare tied the blood vessel with _________ _________.

silk thread

Fraunhofer was not known as a scientist, but he discovered that a _____________ (a prism fitted onto a telescope) provided an individual pattern of lines or "fingerprint" for each substance.


Only one word in every ___ thousand words will be seriously questioned by scholars.


The Bible is not intended to be a ________ about science, but it is _________ when it does talk about scientific matters.

textbook, accurate

If one must choose between the Bible and science, he is far better off, according to the records of this book, to trust _____________.

the Bible

As indicated by the pattern so far, Mendel's lecture was misunderstood and forgotten for years, ___________ to be exact.


Inaccurate information is mixed in with true discoveries, and ____ is required to separate them.


Van Leeuwenhoek found tiny moving creatures, never seen before, in a drop of _________.


One pitfall between science and the Bible is that the Bible, written before the beginning f science, does not use scientific _____.


Though he never went to medical school, Pasteur came to be known as the greatest doctor of all time, with his findings on smallpox, _________ _________, _________ _________, and _________.

yellow fever, anthrax bacteria, rabies

An amateur archaeologist named ______ ______ ______ finally uncovered the Biblical city of Ninevah, with prof it was exactly as described by the Bible!

Paul Emile Botta

___________ dating is not very accurate and not very useful.


_________________________________ was called "moon mad" because of his fascination with rockets.

Robert Hutchings Goddard

___________ made discoveries f a thermometer and pulse pendulum, but it was more than a hundred years before either of these was accepted and used.


Young doctor _____________ believed the doctors were spreading the infections that took the lives of so many mothers and babies.


The prayer he read on his space walk was: "___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________."

The light of God surrounds me; the love of God enfolds me; the power of God protects me; the presence of God watches over me; wherever I am, God is

Though the German ___________ was based on many of Goddard's 214 patents, his own U.S.A. showed no interest until years later.

V-2 rocket

Johann Klein, the head of the hospital, opposed Semmelweis and Semmelweis was finally driven from his hospital post in _________.


A musician named ___________ ___________ discovered a new planet, Uranus, with a telescope he made himself.

William Herschel

The scientists showed just how closed their minds were and how little they knew when they ridiculed the ___________ ___________ attempts to build a practical flying machine.

Wright brothers'

The New York Times said "Man will not fly for _ ___________ ______."

a thousand years

Jesus said, "With God, _________________________________."

all things are possible

He had made an important discovery--_________.


In the time of Ambroise Pare, it was _________, not doctors, who did surgery, pulled teeth, and closed cuts.


The strong belief in evolution is a hard one for some scientists to give up; moreover, it resulted in the paintings of the ___________ cave being rejected ad ancient.


Two doctors, _________ (who studied the human skeleton) and _________ (who studied blood circulation), helped modern medicine when they refused to accept every principle of Galen.

Andreas Vesalius, William Harvey

The story of Noah and the flood closes with the ark landing on Mt. _________ in Turkey.


Goddard was almost defeated when Lindbergh obtained ___________ for him.


Lindbergh had saved only $2,000 but he knew others planning to fly New York to Paris non stop had planes costing ___________ and ___________

$90,000; $100,000

Until then, only 2 ounces of penicillin had been produced; in ____ more than six tons were produced.


___________ dating, on the other hand, is much more satisfying but often impossible.


The _____ is an accurate description of the universe.


The findings of the 2,000-year-old _____ ______ _________ brought amazing proof that there were no important errors in the trusted translations of the Bible.

Dead Sea Scrolls

_________ _________ traced down the way a case of cowpox could convey immunity from the deadly smallpox.

Edward Jenner

___________ ___________ found what he is sure is Noah's ark and he brought back a piece of old timber from it.

Fernand Navarra

Dr. Sylvius thought _________ books were all a doctor needed to know.


During the reawakening of learning in the middle of the 1500's in Europe, _________ _________ was foremost of a new breed of scientists willing to experiment.

Galileo Galilei

Pare was noted for the staement "I dressed him. ___ _________ ___."

God healed him

Little was known about meteorites and they were neglected by scientists until ______________________ began to collect and study them in the 1920's.

Harvey H. Nininger

___________, ___________, and the Bible come together in archaeology, the study of the lives and times of people that lived in the past.

History, science

One group of people mentioned in the Bible, the ___________, were verified by archaeological findings until the last few years.


Due to the great need for controlling infections in World War 2, _________ _________ continued work on bread mold which produced _________ .

Howard Florey, penicillin

While scientists were still saying a whale could not swallow a man and that a man couldn't live in a whale's belly, _______ _________, sailor on a whaling vessel, did survive 18 hours in a whale's belly.

James Bartley

A man named ___________ ___________ discovered how important fingerprints were for establishing identity.

James Herschel

The mystery of heredity challenged ___________ ___________ and he studied sixteen generations of pea plants.

Johann Mendel

_________ _________, a Scottish surgeon, fought infections by practicing cleanliness in hospitals, and finally it was recognized he was right.

Joseph Lister

Buzz Aldrin had communion on the moon on ______________________.

July 20, 1969

The Piltdown man, announced by Dawson, who found the first bone, and Woodword and Keith who publicized it, was shown to be a hoax by ______________________.

Kenneth P. Oakley

The Old Testament rules for cleanliness, as given in _________, are to combat disease.


A chemist named _________ _________ began the study of bacteria with the theory that they could cause disease.

Louis Pasteur

The discovery of the planet ___________ followed because of the influence it exerted on Uranus.


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