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The British imported approximately how many slaves to their colonies

2.1 million

When was the fall of the Western Roman Empire

476 AD

Which of these events during the Age of Exploration was a cause of the other three

Advances in navigational technology made long ocean voyages possible

Frederick the Great of Prussia

Aggresively pursued war with his neighbors

Which type of government is shown in the cartoon

An absolute monarchy in France

What was the Protestant Reformation

An attempt to reform the Catholic Church

All of the following contributed o the spread of the Black Death EXCEPT

Aqueducts that carried the water born illness to large populations

The ideas of the Renaissance spread to northern Europe in all of the following ways EXCEPT

Arab traders stopped in Italian ports before sailing to Britain and the Low COuntries to sell their goods

All of the following are characteristics of a nation EXCEPT


Why did Columbus sail West in 1492

Because trade routes to Asia were controlled by Muslims

The Fronde caused Louis XIV to do all of the following EXCEPT

Build a royal palace called the Louvre

What was reborn during the Renaissance

Classical Culture

Which of the following was not an important Renaissance city


The expeditions of Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro resluted in the

Destruction of the Aztec and Incan empires

Which of the following has the most important influence on culture:


Why was absolutism difficult to achieve in England

England had democratic traditions that limited the power of the king

All of the following were effects of the 100 Years' War EXCEPT

England won

Which was an immediate result of the Age of Exploration

Europeanization of many places around the world

Which of the following best describes the food exchange between Europe and the Americas

Europeans brought wheat, sugar, and sheep to the Americas, and took corn, potatoes, and tobacco to Europe

Which of the following was a conquistador

Francisco Pizarro

Which of the following best describes the three G's

God, Gold, Glory

What was one reason the Renaissance was born in the northern cities of Italy in the 14th century

Growing prosperity from trade and business brought wealth to the cities

Which of the following is NOT true of Charlemagne's rule

He developed strong alliances with the people he conquored by allowing them to maintain their own religious beliefs

Henry II did all of the following EXCEPT

He formed a representative assembly called the Great Council

Which of the following was NOT part of Louis XIV's typical day


Catherine the Great changed Russia by

Introducing Western ideas and capturing a warm water port

The manorial system is described by all of the following statements EXCEPT

It created a large trade network between manors in Europe

The Magna Carta was important for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

It made all Englishmen equal

The feudal system is described by all of the following statements EXCEPT

It was a system of centralized government based upon mutual obligation (It wasn't centralized)

All of the following are true of Versailles EXCEPT

It was originally designed as a fortress for the French military

The Ottoman Empire made its greatest military impression on Europe in 1683 by

Laying siege to Vienna

Why was the invention of moveable type so important

Literacy rates increased throughout Europe

Renaissance painting was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

New emphasis on religious subjects

Which of the following statements about joint stock companies is FALSE

Only the Dutch set up joint stock companies

Africans were caputured and sold to European slavers by

Other africans

Martin Luther believed in all of the following ideas EXCEPT

Participation in the seven sacraments is necessary for salvation

Which European coutnry was the first to send out exploreres


Who established a school in Portugal for sailing, mapmaking, and navigation

Prince Henry the Navigator

Elizabeth I's religious reforms in the Anglican Church can best be described as

Protestant doctrine and traditional Catholic ritual

The Pragmatic Sanction

Provided a legal basis for the inheritance of Maria Theresa to the Hapsburgh throne

The Pope made the call for the Crusades in AD 1095 in order to

Reunited the Christian world and to recapture the Holy Lands

The Hohenzollerns subdued the power of the nobles by requiring them to

Serve in the military

Why was Mary, Queen of Scots, a challenge for Elizabeth

She had a legitimate claim to the throne

The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588

Shifted power to England and France

The Crusades indirectly contributed to the discovery of the New World by

Stimulating European demand for goods from the East

All of the following were effects of the Catholic Reformation EXCEPT

The Bible was tranlsated into vernacular languages

Which Church did Henry VIII establish

The Church of England

All of the following are true of Louis XIV's wars EXCEPT

The Hapsburg became the dominant power in Europe

Why was the Battle of hastings important

The Normans conquered England

All of the following happened when the government of the Western Roman Empire fell EXCEPT

The Pope, who needed protection, sent envoys to convert the Visigoths to Christianity

Which of the following was one result of the Treaty of Tordesillas

The Spanish Empire was large than the Portuguese Empire

All of the following were trends during the Renaissance EXCEPT

The feudal system reached its highpoint as many feudal lords fought with each other

How did the northern humanists differ from those in the south

The northern humanists resisted ideas that were critical of the Church

Which of the following was NOT true of the Italian city-states during the Middle-Ages

The popes controlled nearly all of the city-states

What did Martin Luther criticize the Catholic Church for in his 95 theses

The sale of indulgences

Where were most slave forts located

The west coast of Africa

The Christian Church along with monasteries and convents helped preserve European culture in each of the following ways EXCEPT

They asked the leaders of the Orthodox Church to help them fight the Germans

How did the Anabaptist differ from other Protestants

They baptized only adults

Why did the Calvinists emphasize right behaviour and hard work

They believed right behaviour was a clue as to who was destined for salvation

What did Machiavelli give to rulers in The Prince

To do whatever it took to maintain the stability of the state

What was the goal of the Spanish Inquisition

To eliminate non-Catholics from Spanish society

What was the goal of the Puritans

To purify the Anglican Church from all Catholic influence

Why did Peter the Great travel around Europe in 1697-98

To study Western models of government, military structure, and culture

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Black Death

Warfare changed as firearms were used

The Babylonian Captivity and Great Schism

Weakened the reputation of the papacy

Sailors could calculate their location based on the position of the sun and stars in relation to the horizon with the


Planters in the Americas began to use African slaves for labour because

disease had killed millions of Native Americans

Peter the Great accomplished all of the following except

he assured continuity by naming his son Alexis to be the nest tsar

Leonardo da Vinci is considered the ideal Renaissance Man because

he was able to do so many things well

Absolutism is a political system

in which the monarch has complete power based upon divine right theory

According to the theory of mercantilism, nations should

increase their supply of bullion

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