wiley plus test 3 anatomy

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The stationary attachment of a muscle is termed the ______ while the attachment to a movable bone is called the _____.

Origin; insertion

Most of the muscles that move the femur originate on the

Pelvic girdle

Which muscles are involved in flexing your arm?

Biceps brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis

Why does muscle strength decrease with aging?

The relative number of slow oxidative fibers increases with age.

Why do you think that a healthy 30-year-old can lift a 25-pound weight much more comfortably than a healthy 80-year-old?

There is a loss in muscle mass as a person ages. There is a decrease in maximum strength as the person ages. The number of slow oxidative fibers increases with age.

Whole muscles that control precise movements consist of:

a large number of small motor units

Which of the following muscles would be involved in writing and serve primarily as flexors?

a) Flexor carpi radialis b) Palmaris longus

When your physician asks you to open your mouth, stick out your tongue and say "ahh", which of the following muscles do you contract?

a) Lateral pterygoid b) Extrinsic tongue muscles c) Digastric

Which term best applies to a muscle that acts to move a bone away from the midline of the body?


Which of the following is directly responsible for transmitting an action potential from a motor neuron to a skeletal muscle fiber?


The motor end plate differs from the rest of the sarcolemma in that it contains large numbers of _________.

acetylcholine receptors

Muscle relaxation requires which enzyme in order to clear the action potential?


A runner nearing the end of a marathon race would produce most ATP by:

aerobic respiration.

Muscles within a group can share

attachments to bones actions at joints nerve innervations

Skeletal and smooth muscle differ in all of the following EXCEPT:

contraction mechanism.

The agonist contracts to cause an action while the antagonist stretches and yields to the effects of the prime mover. Synergists contract to stabilize intermediate joints during a movement. Fixators stabilize the origin of the prime mover so that the prime mover can act more efficiently.


Muscle fibers produce ATP using:

creatine phosphate, anaerobic cellular respiration, aerobic cellular respiration

On the first day of summer vacation, Preston hiked four miles up a steep mountain trail. The following day his calf muscles were sore. What type of contraction did walking up the mountain trail involve?

eccentric isotonic

Which of the following is an example of a uniaxial joint


The properties of muscle tissue include:

excitability, extensibility, elasticity, contractility

A concentric isotonic contraction differs from and eccentric isotonic contraction in that the muscle lengthens in the concentric contraction.


Increasing the sarcomere length so that the actin and myosin do NOT touch results in an increase of tension during muscle contraction.


The extrinsic muscles of the hand produce crude but weak movements.


The pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi are called axial muscles because they originate on the scapula.


The superior and inferior extensor retinaculum are ligaments that divide the muscles of the thigh into two compartments.


The sheet or broad band of fibrous connective tissue that supports and surrounds muscles and other organs of the body is called


A muscle that acts as a __________ stabilizes the origin of the prime mover so that the prime mover may act more efficiently.


Which of the following contribute to muscle fatigue?

inadequate release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum depletion of creatine phosphate insufficient oxygen, nutrient depletion, lactic acid and ADP build up

Piriformis - Comblike


The antagonist contracts to cause an action while the agonist stretches and yields to the effects of the prime mover.


The foramen ovale is a passageway through the diaphragm for the inferior vena cava.


On a cellular level, what causes muscle hypertrophy?

increased synthesis of thick and thin filaments

Which of the following is the strongest muscle of mastication?


From which type of embryonic tissue do the three types of muscle develop?


Which of the following molecules found in skeletal muscle cells binds oxygen that can later be used during aerobic metabolism to help generate ATP?


The site where a somatic motor neuron releases acetylcholine to stimulate a skeletal muscle fiber is called the

neuromuscular junction

What would happen if you lost tone in the masseter and temporalis muscle?

no chewing

Visceral and multiunit smooth muscle differ in:

number of gap junctions present.

Skeletal muscle is covered, surrounded and protected by various layers of connective tissue. Which layer of connective tissue would surround a bundle of muscle fibers (muscle cells)?


In which of the following do skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle differ?

presence of intercalated disks number and size of mitochondria length of contraction time presence of autorhythmic fibers

The general functions of muscle tissue include:

production of body movement. stabilization of body positions. storage and movement of substances through the body. heat generation.

Which of the following correctly pairs the muscle with the action

raise shoulder: levator scapulae, rhomboid major/minor lower shoulder: subclavius join hands behind back: trapezius, rhomboid join hands in front of chest: pectoralis minor, serratus anterior

exercise can produce a fashionable "six pack" of toned muscles. Which of the following muscles is involved in giving the appearance of this defined pack of muscles?

rectus abdominis

The muscle cell's contracting unit is known as the


Glycogen reserves can release glucose for cellular respiration. Glycogen reserves are typically found in

skeletal muscle and the liver.

If you are an endurance athlete, you especially rely on which type of skeletal muscle fiber to perform your sport?

slow oxidative fibers

As Marie rounded the corner, she saw that people were already boarding her bus. Worried that she would miss her ride to campus, she sprinted to the bus stop. In what order were skeletal muscles recruited during her sprint?

slow oxidative, fast-oxidative glycolytic, fast glycolytic

Which type of muscular tissue has the highest capacity for regeneration?


Which type of muscle tissue is involuntary (can't be consciously controlled)?

smooth and cardiac muscle

Muscles require a rich blood supply in order to

supply oxygen and nutrients. remove heat. remove waste products of metabolism

Because it is an immovable joint, the sagittal suture, which joins the two parietal bones of the skull, is classified as a


Most of the freely movable joints of the body could be classified both structurally and functionally as

synovial and diarthroses

Skeletal muscle fibers are classified as "fast" or "slow" based upon what factor?

the speed of the myosin ATPase

Thick filaments differ from thin filaments in that thin filaments possess:

thin filaments contain actin and thick filaments contain myosin.

Which protein does Calcium bind to?


Because they originate in fascia or the bones of the skull and insert into the skin, the muscles of facial expression move the skin rather than a joint when they contract.


Fascia is a sheet or band of irregular connective tissue


In motor unit recruitment, the number of active motor units increases


Muscle tone keeps muscles firm but does not produce enough force to cause movement.


Recovery oxygen uptake better describes the elevated use of oxygen after exercise than the term oxygen debt.


The anterior urogenital triangle contains the external genitals and the posterior anal triangle contains the anus.


The intrinsic muscles of the hand are specialized for precise movement while the intrinsic muscles of the foot are limited to support and locomotion.


The lateral and medial rectus contract and relax as you look to your left without moving your head.


Biceps femoris - Anterior compartment of the thigh


Which structure occurs at the border between two adjacent sarcomeres?

z disc

Which ion is required for exocytosis of ACh?


The sarcoplasmic reticulum contains


How are binding sites on actin exposed?

Calcium ions attach to troponin which slides tropomyosin off binding sites on actin.

released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum bind to troponin to trigger exposure of binding sites on actin and begin the contraction cycle. ______ supplies energy to detach the myosin head from actin.

Calcium ions; ATP

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT

Contractile proteins include titin, and nebulin which convert the chemical energy of ATP into mechanical energy

Muscular tissue has several important properties, such as electrical excitability. Another property of muscular tissue is that it is able to stretch, and return to its original size and shape. Which property of muscular tissue is this?


What is the largest muscle group of the back?

Erector spinae

Which muscle do you contract when you compress the anterior abdominal wall?

External oblique Internal oblique Transversus abdominis Rectus abdominus

which is mismatched matched

First class lever - Elbow joint Second-class lever - Standing up on your toes Third class lever - Biceps brachii muscle

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

Isometric contractions result in lengthening or shortening of the muscle and moving a load E large motor unit.

Which muscles are strengthened by Kegel exercises?

Levator b) Ischiococcygeus

Which of the following muscles would be involved in chewing?

Masseter Lateral and medial pterygoid Genioglossus, styloglossus and hyoglossus

What muscles do you contract to signify yes and no?

Sternocleidomastoid Semispinalis capitis Splenius capitis Longissimus capitis

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