Wiseman final quiz and test

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If a given production combination is known to be attainable, then it:

could be either an inefficient or efficient point

In the long run, in a perfectly competitive industry:

economic profit and loss are driven to zero by entry and exit

In a market with barriers to entry:

economic profit will not fall to zero in the long run

What is an assumption of perfectly competitive markets

established firms have no advantage over new firms, there are many buyers and many sellers, there is no restriction on entry

the marginal benefit of an activity is the

extra benefit associated with an extra unit of the activity

if the price of crude oil falls, the equilibrium price of gasoline__ and the equilibrium quantity___

falls: decreases

for a perfectly competitive firm, no matter how much the firm produces, price ALWAYS equals

marginal revenue

a shortage occurs when:

quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied

if the demand for a good is elastic when the price increases the

quantity demanded will decrease by a greateer percentage than the price increased

the role that prices play in distributing scarce goods and services to those consumers who value then the most highly is known as the ___ function of price


suppose colin brews beer and makes cheese. If colin can increase his production of beer without decreasing his production of cheese, then he is producing at an

ineffieicent point

if a consumer is relatively insensitive to changes in the price of a good, then the consumers demand for the good is


if the price elasticity of demand for airline travel is .52 in the short run and 1.46 in the long run, then the demand for airline travel is___ in the short run and ____ in the long run

inelastic and elastic

the law of demand states that other things remaining the same, the quantity demanded of any good is

inversely related to its price

copper that has not been mined falls into which factor of production


production possibilities curves for large economies are generally bow-shaped because

opportunity costs tend to increase with increases in production

if the quantity demanded changes by an infinitely large amount for a given change in price, then demand is

perfectly elastic

in a perfectly competitive industry, the demand for a single firm's product is

perfectly elastic

If the price of a good increases from 3-4 and the quantity demanded reamins unchanged, then the deman is

perfectly inelastic

if marginal utlity is positive but diminishing, then total utility must be ___ as consumption of the good increases

positive and rising at a decreasing rate

Which of the following are necessary conditions for successful price discrimination

an imperfectly competitive market structure; at least tow different markets with different price elasticities of demand

An oligopolistic industry is characterized by all of the following except

firsms pursuing aggressive business strategies, independent of rival's strategies

marginal cost___ as the quantity produced is increased

first decreases and then increases

a society that is on its production possibilities frontier is

fully utilizing its productive resources

a dominant strategy

is one that is best for a firm no matter what strategies other firms use

the cost benefit principle indicates that an action should be taken if:

its total benefits exceed its total costs

what are the four categories into which four economic resources are grouped

land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship

according to the law of diminishing returns, when some factors of production are fixed, in order to increase production by a given amount, a firm will eventually need to add successively

larger and larger quantities of the variable factors of production

If Les can produce two pairs of pants per hour while eva can produce one pair per hour, then it must be true that

les has an absolute advantage in producing pants

if the demand fora good decreases as income decreases it is a

normal good

sellers tend to offer___ for sale as price increases, and so the supply curve is ___sloping

more; upward

suppose that at a firm's profit-maximizing level of output, its total revenue is $1,250 the total cost of its variable factors of production is $1000 and its total fixed cost is $500. This firm will ____ in the short run and will___ in the long run.

not shut down: exit the industry

interdependence of firms is most common in

oligopolistic industries

when looking at a graph producer surplus is ___ and consumer is ____

on bottom; on top

if the US surgeon general announced that increased grapefruit juice consumption could help prevent heart attacks, what would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of grapefruit juice?

price and quantity wououlf both increase

if a firm charges different consumers different prices for the same product and the difference cannot be attributed to cost variations, then it is engaging in

price discrimination

what is the long run in monopolistic competition

price exceeds marginal cost, marginal revenue equals marginal cost, the firms economic profit equals zero

____ can prevent the efficient allocation of resource

price floors

suppose all firms in a perfectly competitive industry are earning a normal profit. One would expect that, over time, the number of firms in the industry will___ and the market price will___.

rise; fall

when supply decreases, the equilibrium price___ and the eq. quantity___

rises; decreases

If the quantity of textbooks supplied is 10,000 per year and the quantity of textbooks demanded is 12,000 per year, there is a ___ in the market and the price will___

shortage; rise

the short run is defined as

the period of time during which some factors of production used by the firm are fixed in size

If individuals are rational, they should choose actions that yield

the largest economic surplus

If the price elasticity of demand for a good is 0.08 then a

1 percent rise in the price leads to a 0.8 percent decrease in the quantity demanded

a perfectly competitive firm can ___ in the short run

determine what quantity to produce

subsidies are most likely to

reduce total economic surlpus

refer to the graph below. if the market for donuts is perfectly competitive then assuming this firm earn enough revenue to cover its variable cost, it should produce

the quantity of doughnuts at which marginal cost equals the market price

If lumber is used to make sawdust and the price of lumber rises, then, in the market for sawdust,

the supply curve of sawdust shifts righward

the marketing people for AT&T believe that id they lower the price of long-distance phone calls by 5 percent, their quantity demanded will increase by 15 percent. If they are correct in their belief then

the total revenue from long distance calls will increase if they lower the price

if all firms in a perfectly competitive industry are earning a normal profit then:

there is no incentive for firms to enter or exit the industry

one reason that variable factors of production tend to show diminishing returns in the short run is that

there is only so much that can be produced using additional variable inputs when some factors of production are fixed

why might a producer practice price discrimination

to maximize profits

economic growth can result from

increase in the amount of productive resources

If an individual consumer is willing to pay $11 for one unit of a good but is able to purchase it for $7 then his or her consumer surplus from the purchase of that unit is


if the price of a burger decreases by 5 percent and as a result the quantity of burgers demanded increases by 8 percent the price elasticity of demand equals


Suppose it takes Dan 5 minutes to make a sandwich and 15 minutes to make a smoothie, and it takes Tracy 6 minutes to mae a sandwich and 12 minutes to make a smoothie. What is the opportunity cost of Dan making a sandwich

1/3 of a smoothie

the difference between a firm's total revenue and its tital economic cost (as distinguished from the accounting cost ) is the firms

economic profit

total revenue minus both explicit and implicit costs defines a firms

economic profit

a firm is producing the profit-maximizing amount of output when it is producing where its ___ curve intersects its ____ curve.


what would a decrease in the equalibrium price cause for producer surplus

a decrease in producer surplus

which of the following best describes how a perfectly competitive industry would respond to a sudden increase in popularity of the product? The market demand curve would shift to the right, leading to:

a higher equilibrium price in the short run and entry into the market in the long run

which of the following is not a barrier to entry

a perfectly elastic demand curve

the short run is best defined as

a period of time sufficiently short that at least one factor of production is fixed

which of the following makes demand less elastic

a short time elapsing since the products price changed

a price ceiling that is set below the equilibrium price will result in:

a shortage of the good

a member of a cartel like OPEC has an incentive to

agree to a low cartel prodiction level and then produce more than its quota

which of the following is a defining characteristic of all perfectly competitive markets?

all firms sell the same standardized product

which of the following shifts the demand curve for hot dogs leftwards?

an increase in the rice of a hot dog bun

economic growth is shown in the production possibilities frontier as

an outward shift in the PPF

the study of economics

arises from the fact that our wants exceed available resources

a market comprised of a demand curve that intersects a supply curve is said to be stable because

at any price other than equilibrium, forces in the market move price towards the equilibrium

a perfectly competitive firms shutdown decision point occurs when the firms

average revenue just equal its average variable cost

when marginal cost is greater than average total cost, the

average total cost increases as output increases

a perfectly competitive firm's supply curve is the portion of its ___ cost curve that lies above its __ cost curve

average total; marginal

which of the following statements is true for both microsoft and a locally owned restaurant?

both seek to max profits

bobby consumes only chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream. He is spending ll of his income. His marginal utility of chocolate is 200 and his marginal utility of vanilla is 200, and the price of chocolate is 1 per scoop vs vanilla at 2 per scoop. to max utility bobby should?

buy more chocolate and less vanilla

marginal utility is the

change in satisfaction that results from a one-unit increase in the quantity of a good consumed

the marginal cost of an activity is the

change in the total cost of the activity that results from carrying out an additional unit of the activity

If a firm shuts down in the short run, then its

economic loss will equal its fixed costs

an agreement among firms to charge the same price or otherwise not to compete is called


In general, individuals and nations should specialize in producing those goods for which they have a

comparative advantage

to decide whether to go to the beach for spring break, you should

compare the marginal cost to the marginal benefit of taking the trip

a firm that can effectively price discriminate will charge a higher price to

customers who have the more inelastic demand for the product

if pete enjoys his first pancake of the morning much more than his fifth pancake of the morning, he is exhibiting

diminishing marginal utility

when long-run average cost increases as plant size increases there are

diseconomies of scale

in a perfectly competitive market

each firm takes the good's price as given to it by the market

Gertie saw a pair of jeans that she was willing to buy for 35. The price tag though said they were 29.99 therefore

gertie should buy the jeans because the price is less than her reservation price

the most important challenge facing a firm in a perfectly competitive market is deciding

how much to produce

an increase the expected future price of a good

increases its deman today

at first, as more of a good is cinsumed, total utility ____ amarginal utility____

increases; decreases

a firm's total product curve shows that at first it has

increasing marginal returns and then diminishing marginal returns

If it is possible to make a change that will help some people without harming others, then the situtation is


what are the characteristics of monopolistic competition

many firms, product differentiation, advertising

the profit maximizing condition for a firm in monopolistic competition is to produce so that

marginal cost equals marginal revenue

In general, perfectly competitive firms maximize profit if they produce a level of output at which

marginal costs equal marginal revenue

the buyer's reservation price of a particular good or service is the

max amount the buyer would be willing to pay for it

implicit costs

measure the forgone opportunities of the firms owners

Price discrimination is possible in which of the following market structures

monopoly, oligopoly, monopolsitc ompetition

Consumer surplus is the cumalative difference between

the amount consumers are willing to pay and the price they actually pay

marginal cost is calculated as

the change in total costs divided by the change in output

the economi surplus of an action is:

the difference between the benefits and the cost of taking an action

opportunity cost is defined as

the highest valued alternative given up

If the market supply curve does not capture all of the costs to society of producing an additional unit of good then:

the market equilibrum will not be efficient

in a perfectly competitive market, if supply and demand fully reflect all of the costs and benefits associated with production and consumption, then total economic surplus is maximized when:

the market is in equilibrium

The production possibilies curve shows

the max production of 1 good for every possible production level of the other good

the production possibilities frontier represents

the maximum levels of production that can be attained

in the long run, perfectly competitive firms earn zero economic profit. This result is due mainly due to which of the following assumptions

unrestricted entry and exit

increasing opportunity costs suggests that

various types of labor are not perfect substitutes for another one

Joe wants to allocate his income between pizza and movies. To maximize his utility he will choose

where marginal utility per dollar of both goods is equal

If you have a comparative advantage in a particular task then:

you give up less to accomplish that task than do others

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