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In humans, alkaptonuria is a metabolic disorder in which affected persons produce black urine. Alkaptonuria results from an allele (a) that is recessive to the allele for normal metabolism (A). Sally has normal metabolism but her brother has alkaptonuria. Sally's father has alkaptonuria and her mother has normal metabolism. If Sally's parents have another child, what is the probability that the child will be a son with alkaptonuria? (Answer as a decimal)


In humans, alkaptonuria is a metabolic disorder in which affected persons produce black urine. Alkaptonuria results from an allele (a) that is recessive to the allele for normal metabolism (A). Sally has normal metabolism but her brother has alkaptonuria. Sally's father has alkaptonuria and her mother has normal metabolism. If Sally marries a man with alkaptonuria, what is the probability that their first child will have alkaptonuria? (Answer as a decimal)


The following two genotypes are crossed: Aa Bb Cc dd Ee x Aa bb Cc Dd Ee What will the proportion of the genotype " Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee " be among the progeny from the cross above? (Answer as a fraction)


The following two genotypes are crossed: Aa Bb Cc dd Ee x Aa bb Cc Dd Ee What will the proportion of the genotype " Aa bb Cc dd ee " be among the progeny from the cross above? (Answer as a fraction)


In watermelons, bitter fruit (B) is dominant over sweet fruit (b) and yellow spots (S) are dominant over no spots (s). The genes for these two traits assort independently. A homozygous plant that has bitter fruit and yellow spots is crossed with a homozygous plant that has sweet fruit and and no spots. The F1 progeny are intercrossed to produce the F2 . Given the watermelon cross above, how many progeny out of 1,000 in the F2 would you expect to be Bitter with No Spots.


Assume that allele A is dominant to a, and B is dominant to b. The following cross has what expected phenotypic ratio? AaBb x aabb


____________ is a signature ratio for the Codominant Mode of Inheritance


Assume that a species of plant has a haploid number of 8. A total number of _____ chromatids would be present during prophase I of meiosis?


Assume that allele A is dominant to a, and B is dominant to b. The following cross has what expected phenotypic ratio? Aabb x AaBb


A human cell with a haploiid number of 23 undergoes Meiosis. How many chromatids are present in each cell formed at the end of Meiosis I?


Assume that allele A is dominant to a, and B is dominant to b. The following cross has what expected phenotypic ratio? AaBb x AaBb


A poultry farmer buys a registered tom turkey and turns him out with the hens of his flock. Being a careful breeder, the farmer knows that all of his hens have the same genotype. After some months, he reviews the breeding data from his flock. He becomes concerned because one-fourth (1/4) of all eggs fail to hatch. In addition, he notes that about two-thirds (2/3) of the progeny are males. If the data from repeated matings of the tom turkey and one original hen are analyzed and 100 living progeny are observed, how many of the progeny females will be heterozygous carriers of the lethal allele? A. 0 (Zero) B. 12.5 C. 25 D. 30

A. 0 (Zero)

Unlike the single point mutation that causes the common form of Sickle Cell disease, it turns out that the mutation responsible for Mendel's Wrinkled Peas is a ___ A. 0.8kb (800 bp) insertion B. 0.8kb (800 bp) deletion C. a Pericentric Inversion D. a Paracentric Inversion

A. 0.8kb (800 bp) insertion

A somatic cell of a normal human female exhibits _____ Barr bodies? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 0 (zero)

A. 1

The symbol (◘) represents the centromere. A-B-C-◘-D-E-F-G-H-I Normal Chromosome 1. A-B-C-◘-D-G-H-I 2. A-B-C-◘-D-E-F-E-F-G-H-I 3. C-◘-D-E-F-G-H-I 4. A-B-C-◘-D-H-G-F-E-I Which of the above diagrams best represents an Intercalary Deletion? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. None of them

A. 1

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 127 + w + 130 y + + 440 + w c 416 y w c 97 + + + 90 The map distance between Yellow (y) and White (w) is approximately ____ mu A. 14.4 B. 19.7 C. 34.1 D. > 50 mu

A. 14.4

Fruitflies have a haploid number of 4. How many chromatids would be present in a fruitfly cell during late prophase? A. 16 B. 4 C. 8 D. 2

A. 16

In silkmoths, red eyes (r) are recessive to wild (+) and banded wings (b) are recessive to wild (+). A moth homozygous for red eyes and banded wings is crossed with a moth homozygous for the wild-type phenotypes. The F1 are all wild for both traits. When the F1 are testcrossed with red eyed, banded moths, the following F2 results occur: wild eye, wild wings 459 red eye, wild wings 38 wild eye, banded wings 40 red eye, banded wings 463 If you were to test the F1 progeny by Chi-squared to the Mendelian expected assortment ratio, what ratio would you use? A. 1:1:1:1 B. 3:1:1:3 C. 12:1:1:12 D. 3:1

A. 1:1:1:1

In Prophase 1 of Meiosis, how many tetrads are found in human cells? A. 23 B. 46 C. 92 D. Tetrads do not form in Meiosis

A. 23

A double-stranded DNA molecule contains 560 nucleotides. How many complete turns would be found in this double helix? A. 28 B. 56 C. 112 D. 224

A. 28

Poly (A) - tails are added to the ____ end of mRNA A. 3' B. 5' C. carboxyl D. amino

A. 3'

A colony of fruit flies (the ones you worked with in lab) are karyotyped and several chromosomal anomalies are identified. For each condition, indicate how many total chromosomes you would expect to observe in a somatic cell of a fly Haploid = ? A. 4 B. 8 C. 9 D. 12 E. 17

A. 4

Again consider the Fruit Fly. How many chromatids are present in each daughter cell After Meiosis 2 is complete? A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. None of these

A. 4

Consider your old favorite the Fruit Fly. How many tetrads are present at Metaphase 1 of Meiosis? A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. None of these 2n=8

A. 4

Select the complimentary strand of DNA for the DNA template 5'-ACTTGACT-3'. A. 5'-AGTCAAGT-3' B. 5'-AGUCAAGU-3' C. 5'-TGAACTGA-3' D. 5'-TCAGTTCA-3'


Based on the original Cot curve experiments we discussed in lecture, Unique DNA is hypothesized to account for approximately _____ percent of the Human genome A. 5 - 10% B. 20- 30 % C. 40 - 50% D. >75%

A. 5-10%

Immediately following replication, how many DNA molecules would be present in somatic cell of a human who was a 14/21 translocation carrier? A. 90 B. 91 C. 92 D. none of these

A. 90

While mutations are commonly found in many genes, they are rare in histones. This suggests that histones _____________________________________. A. Are important, highly conserved biomolecules B. Are unimportant and thus not changed by natural selection C. Are important but buffered by the core particle from mutation D. Statement is false. Histone genes are frequently mutated

A. Are important, highly conserved biomolecules

9 : 3 : 4 is a classic Phenotypic ___________________ Ratio that is associated with the ______________________________ Mode of Inheritance A. Assortment / Epistasis B. Segregation / Epistasis C. Assortment / Sex Linkage D. Segregation / Sex Linkage

A. Assortment / Epistasis

Ribozymes are associated with which cellular function A. Autocatalytic splicing B. t-RNA charging C. Ribosome subunit formation D. poly-A tail formation

A. Autocatalytic splicing

The polyploid condition which is formed from the addition of one or more extra sets of chromosomes identical to the normal haploid complement of the same species is ____ A. Autopolyploidy B. Autosomy C. Allopolyploidy D. Allosomy

A. Autopolyploidy

An example of specific DNA regions found "upstream" from a gene which functions to control the RATE of Translation are termed: A. CCAAT Box B. TATA Box C. Enhancer D. Black Box


Specific DNA regions found "upstream" from a gene which control the RATE of transcription are collectively termed: A. CCAAT Box B. TATA Box C. Enhancer D. Black Box


Specific DNA regions found "upstream" from a gene which control the RATE of transcription are termed: A. CCAAT Box B. TATA Box C. Enhancer D. Black Box


For each of the following examples of genetic Modes of Inheritance in humans, indicate if the statement is Correct or can be Incorrect. Assume that each trait is controlled by a single locus (i.e. no epistasis etc). Example: A genetic disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive. Statement: Two unaffected individuals could never have an affected child Answer: Incorrect - Aa x Aa parents could have an affected child (aa) A genetic disease is inherited as a X-linked dominant. Statement: All daughters of an affected male will inherit the disease A. Correct B. Incorrect

A. Correct

For each of the following examples of genetic Modes of Inheritance in humans, indicate if the statement is Correct or can be Incorrect. Assume that each trait is controlled by a single locus (i.e. no epistasis etc). Example: A genetic disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive. Statement: Two unaffected individuals could never have an affected child Answer: Incorrect - Aa x Aa parents could have an affected child (aa) A genetic disease is inherited as a X-linked recessive Statement: Sons of affected mothers will always inherit the disease A. Correct B. Incorrect

A. Correct

In silkmoths, red eyes (r) are recessive to wild (+) and banded wings (b) are recessive to wild (+). A moth homozygous for red eyes and banded wings is crossed with a moth homozygous for the wild-type phenotypes. The F1 are all wild for both traits. When the F1 are testcrossed with red eyed, banded moths, the following F2 results occur: wild eye, wild wings 459 red eye, wild wings 38 wild eye, banded wings 40 red eye, banded wings 463 If the two loci are linked, what was the Configuration of the wild F1 moths? A. Coupled B. Repulsed C. they are not on the same chromosome - cannot tell

A. Coupled

Your neighbor is an avid grower of heirloom tomatoes. Knowing that you are now a genetics scholar, she asks for your assistance with a new tomato variety that she has just acquired. She received 128 seeds, all produced from matings involving the same two parents. When planted, these seeds produced 18 plants with yellow fruits and hairless stems, 6 plants with yellow stems and short haired stems, 8 plants with yellow fruits and very hairy stems, 54 plants with red fruits and hairless stems, 18 plants with red fruits and short haired stems, and 24 plants with red fruits and very hairy stems. What is the most probable Mode of Inheritance for the Fruit Color trait? A. Dominant / Recessive B. Co-dominant C. Epistatic

A. Dominant/Recessive

A chromosome has the following segments, where ● represents the centromere. A B ● C D E F G The chromosomal change to A B B ● C D E F G would be? A. Duplication B. Deletion C. Paracentric Inversion D. Pericentric Inversion

A. Duplication

The first posttranscriptional modification during the maturation of mRNA in eukaryotes is: A. G-capping B. Poly(A) tail addition C. splicing D. folding

A. G-capping

In normal cells, the most active period for Transcription is during A. G1 B. S/R C. G2 D. Mitosis/Meiosis

A. G1

In normal cells, the most active period for Transcription is during A. G1 B. S/R C. G2 D. Mitosis/Meiosis

A. G1

HDAC is an enzyme that De-acetylates histone tails.This activity most commonly results in? A. Gene silencing B. Replication eye formation C. Gene activation D. Chromatid crossover

A. Gene silencing

During the very early stages of Transcription, ______ proteins act to open chromatin by acetylating histone "tails". A. HAT B. HDAC C. Helicase D. Aminoacyl Synthase


The name of the protein that appears at the G2/M boundary and assists in the final condensation of chromosomes is A. Lamin B. Foldasel C. Helicase D. Gyrase

A. Lamin

The term Endopolyploidy explains variation frequently found in _____ cells of vertebrates. A. Liver B. Lung C. Skin D. Muscle

A. Liver

Assume that you start with a fruit fly (Drosophila) that has the genotype Aa. Some of the following events may occur during mitosis, during meiosis or during both. Or the event may not be directly associated with either process. Daughter cells with Aa genotype form: A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Both D. Neither

A. Mitosis

Bob has Klinefelter's syndrome and is color-blind. His mother and father have normal color vision but his maternal grandfather is color-blind. Assume that Bob's abnormality arose from a nondisjunction in meiosis. In which of Bob's parents did the nondisjunction most likely occur? A. Mother B. Father

A. Mother

Replication begins at specific sequences called _______ A. Origins B. Repli-sites C. Centromeres D. Telomeres

A. Origins

The Model of Heredity summarized by Charles Darwin which stated that small body parts moved around the blood stream and collected in the reproductive organs was termed: A. Pangenesis B. Epigenesis C. Genesis D. Achrogenesis

A. Pangenesis

The ________ Rule can be used to combine two or more _____ Ratios to form _____ Ratios. A. Product / Segregation / Assortment B. Product / Assortment / Segregation C. Mendelian / Segregation / Assortment D. Mendelian / Assortment / Segregation

A. Product / Segregation / Assortment

Synaptonemal complexes form during ____________ of _________________ A. Prophase I / Meiosis B. Prophase / Mitosis C. Telophase II / Meiosis D. Telophase / Mitosis

A. Prophase I / Meiosis

Formation of a large complex of proteins (PIC) required for RNA Polymerase II to bind and then binding of the TATA Binding Protein (TBP) to the promotor region (TATA Box) is considered to be part of what stage of Transcription? A. Recognition B. Initiation C. Elongation D. Termination

A. Recognition

In silkmoths, red eyes (r) are recessive to wild (+) and banded wings (b) are recessive to wild (+). A moth homozygous for red eyes and banded wings is crossed with a moth homozygous for the wild-type phenotypes. The F1 are all wild for both traits. When the F1 are testcrossed with red eyed, banded moths, the following F2 results occur: wild eye, wild wings 459 red eye, wild wings 38 wild eye, banded wings 40 red eye, banded wings 463 Based on the F2 progeny numbers would you Reject or Fail to Reject the hypothesis that the loci controlling these two traits located on separate chromosomes? A. Reject B. Fail to Reject C. Data are inconclusive

A. Reject

Ligase is active during: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

A. Replication

Telomerase is active during: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

A. Replication

A researcher studying hemoglobin predicts that a histidine within the protein is important for binding oxygen. She uses a laboratory mutation technique to change a codon for histidine (CAU) to one for lysine (AAA). However, the mutant hemoglobin still binds oxygen just as well as the wild-type and has no other apparent changes. This type of mutation is called ? A. Silent B. Missense C. Nonsense D. Frameshift

A. Silent Mutations are named based on their ultimate effect on phenotype

Non-dysjunction can occur during both Mitosis and Meiosis. If it occurs during Mitosis, what fails to separate? A. Sister Chromatids B. Homologs C. Could be either depending on stage

A. Sister Chromatids

Under the Folded Fiber model of DNA condensation, the next step in folding after formation of "Beads on a String = 11nm fiber" is? A. Solenoid B. Rosette C. Coils D. Loops

A. Solenoid

Depurination and Deamination are mutations that can be caused by normal chemical reactions within cells. Such mutations are most precisely described as ___ mutations. A. Spontaneous B. Genetic C. Induced D. Gametic

A. Spontaneous

The genetic code is said to be "degenerate" because A. There are more codons than amino acids. B. There are more amino acids than codons. C. Different organisms use different codons to encode the same amino acid. D. Some codons specify more than one amino acid.

A. There are more codons than amino acids.

A 1: 2:1 phenotypic ratio is a classic signature for a co-dominant trait. A. True B. False

A. True

A pericentric inversion includes the centromere A. True B. False

A. True

Barr Bodies, a common characteristic of Turner's Syndrome, are considered to be examples of Facultative Heterochromatin. A. True B. False

A. True

Human Barr bodies are one example of facultative heterochromatin A. True B. False

A. True

In contrast to heterochromatin, euchromatin contains more genes and is less dense A. True B. False

A. True

The person in Question 20 (above) would be a ____________ with ____________ A. Turner's female with Down's syndrome B. Turner's female with Edward's syndrome C. Klinefelter's male with Down's syndrome D. Klinefelter's male with Edward's syndrome

A. Turner's female with Down's syndrome

The anti-codon of the first tRNA used in translation is always: A. UAC B. UUU C. AUG D. ACU


Each codon is thought to be unique for one and only one amino acid. The term associated with this property of the genetic code is: A. Unambiguous B. Universal C. Non-overlapping D. Degenerate

A. Unambiguous

Each codon is thought to be unique for one and only one amino acid. The term associated with this property of the genetic code is: A. Unambiguous B. Universal C. Non-overlapping D. Degenerate

A. Unambiguous

Deamination of Cytosine converts this base to _________ which unless repaired can result in a ________ mutation occurring during Replication. A. Uracil / Transition B. Uracil / Transversion C. Adenine / Transition D. Adenine / Transversion

A. Uracil / Transition

A somatic cell from a fruitfly is karyotyped and found to have 9 chromosomes. Indicate which of the following would (YES) or would not (NO) be correct terms to describe this condition. Aneuploid: A. Yes B. No

A. Yes

A somatic cell from a fruitfly is karyotyped and found to have 9 chromosomes. Indicate which of the following would (YES) or would not (NO) be correct terms to describe this condition. Trisomy: A. Yes B. No

A. Yes

While mutations are commonly found in many genes, they are rare in histones. This suggests that histones _____________________________________. A. Are important, highly conserved biomolecules B. Are unimportant and thus not changed by natural selection C. Are important but buffered by the core particle from mutation D. Statement is false. Histone genes are frequently mutated

A. are important, highly conserved biomolecules

Some common varieties of Commercial Bananas are good examples of _____ A. autopolyploidy B. non-reciprocal translocations C. allopolyploidy D. reciprocal translocations

A. autopolyploidy

G and C are present in _____________ A. both DNA and RNA B. DNA only C. RNA only

A. both DNA and RNA

G and C are present in _____________ A. both DNA and RNA B. DNA only C. RNA only

A. both DNA and RNA

Cot Curves provide information about the size and ______ of genomes A. complexity B. diploid number C. shape D. replication speed

A. complexity

Centromeres and Telomeres are frequently used as examples of _____ A. constitutive heterochromatin B. constitutive euchromatin C. facultative heterochromatin D. facultative euchromatin

A. constitutive heterochromatin

For each of the following examples of genetic Modes of Inheritance in humans, indicate if the statement is Correct or can be Incorrect. Assume that each trait is controlled by a single locus (i.e. no epistasis etc). Example: A genetic disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive. Statement: Two unaffected individuals could never have an affected child Answer: Incorrect - Aa x Aa parents could have an affected child (aa) A genetic disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant Statement: If a child has the disease, one of his or her grandparents also had the disease. A. Correct B. Incorrect

A. correct

The third position of many codons can vary, yet still code for the same amino acid. This observation results in the genetic code being termed _________________ A. degenerate B. unambiguous C. mutated D. ambiguous

A. degenerate

The condition known as cri-du-chat syndrome in humans results from a _________ A. deletion on chromosome 5 B. deletion on chromosome 18 C. duplication on chromosome 5 D. monosomy of chromosome pair 13

A. deletion on chromosome 5

In the ABO blood group, the Mode of inheritance between B and O alleles is? A. dominant / recessive B. epistasis C. codominant D. sex linked

A. dominant / recessive

Replication results in: A. doubling of the genetic material and formation of sister chromatids B. doubling of the genetic material and formation of homologous chromosomes C. tripling of the genetic material and formation of homologous chromosomes D. reduction of the genetic material and separation of chromatids

A. doubling of the genetic material and formation of sister chromatids

The word "Conditional" applied to a Mode of Inheritance, such as in Conditional Lethal, implies that _____________ plays in important role in determining the phenotype. A. environment B. genotype C. gender D. loci copy number

A. environment

The theory that includes the idea that new organs and tissues arise de novo each generation is termed? A. epigenesis B. Darwinism C. pangenesis D. somatogenesis

A. epigenesis

An individual with Turner's syndrome is likely to be _____ and have ___ chromosomes A. female / 2N-1 B. either gender / 2N+1 C. male / 2N-1 D. either gender / 2N-1

A. female / 2N-1

In cats, an X-linked locus determines the color of the fur. The allele B for yellow is co-dominantover b for black so that Bb individuals are tortoise-shell, a splotchy mixture of yellow and black patches. A yellow cat has a litter of 1 tortoise-shell and 2 yellow kittens. The most probable sex of the tortoise-shell kitten is? A. female because males are hemizygous B. male because females are hemizygous C. female because males are homogametic D. male because females are homogametic

A. female because males are hemizygous

DNA Microsatellite regions are effective for molecular genotyping because they are ______ and their Mode of Inheritance is ______________ A. highly variable / co-dominance B. invariable / co-dominance C. highly variable / dominance D. invariable / dominance

A. highly variable / co-dominance

DNA Microsatellite regions are effective for molecular genotyping because they are ______ and their Mode of Inheritance is ______________ A. highly variable / co-dominance B. invariable / co-dominance C. highly variable / dominance D. invariable / dominance

A. highly variable / co-dominance

In most species of birds, the male is the ____________________ sex. A. homogametic B. haplogametic C. heterogametic D. transgametic

A. homogametic

An alignment of the complete set of chromosomes possessed by an organism is called a(n)? A. idiogram B. genogram C. genome D. haplotype

A. idiogram

The protein that is important for the final condensation of chromosomes and that appears at the G2/M boundary of the cell cycle is: A. lamin B. foldase C. histone R1 D. chromin

A. lamin

The protein that is important for the final condensation of chromosomes and that appears at the G2/M boundary of the cell cycle is: A. lamin B. foldase C. histone R1 D. chromin

A. lamin

An allele is best described as: A. one of several possible variants of a gene B. another name for a locus C. a homozygous genotype D. a heterozygous genotype

A. one of several possible variants of a gene

Replication begins at specific sequences called ________ A. origins B. repli-sites C. centromeres D. telomeres

A. origins

Replication begins at specific sequences called ________ A. origins B. repli-sites C. centromeres D. telomeres

A. origins

miRNA regulation of gene expression occurs _______ in the _______ of the cell. A. post transcriptionally / cytoplasm B. post transcriptionally / nucleus C. post translationally / cytoplasm D. post translationally / nucleus

A. post transcriptionally / cytoplasm

miRNA Regulation of gene expression occurs ______ in the ______ of a cell. A. post-transcriptional / cytoplasm B. post-translational / cytoplasm C. post-transcriptional / nucleus D. post-translational / nucleus

A. post-transcriptional / cytoplasm

If in the Hershey / Chase experiment, S35 (radioactive sulfur) had appeared in the progeny, they would have concluded that ________________________ was the actual genetic material A. protein B. DNA C. chromatin D. RNA

A. protein

The most common aneuploidy seen in living humans has to do with ___________. A. sex chromosomes B. chromosome 21 C. autosomes D. chromosome 13

A. sex chromosomes

Reciprocal crosses are made and the results of both the F1 and F2 generations differ. These results are consider a classic "signature" for which Mode of Inheritance? A. sex linked B. codominant C. sex limited D. incomplete dominant

A. sex linked

_______ traits are encoded by autosomal loci but only expressed in one sex. A. sex-limited B. sex-influenced C. sex-linked D. holandric

A. sex-limited

Pleiotrophy is a genetic term best illustrated by which of the following: A. two traits affected by one locus B. one phenotype determined by two traits C. male pattern baldness D. the human ABO blood system

A. two traits affected by one locus

The genetic code is fairly consistent among all organisms. The term often used to describe such consistency in the code is A. universal B. nondegenerate C. overlapping D. reconserved

A. universal

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 127 + w + 130 y + + 440 + w c 416 y w c 97 + + + 90 Based on these data the order of the loci would be ________ A. y—w—c B. w—y—c C. y—c—w

A. y--w--c

In cats, an X-linked locus determines the color of the fur. The allele B for yellow is co-dominantover b for black so that Bb individuals are tortoise-shell, a splotchy mixture of yellow and black patches. A tortoise-shell female has a litter of 7 kittens ( 2 yellow females, 2 tortoise-shell females, 1 black male and 2 yellow males ). What was the most probable phenotype of the father of this litter? A. yellow B. black C. tortoise-shell D. can not be determined

A. yellow

If you observe a progeny ratio of 9 : 3 : 3: 1, it is probable that the genotypes of the two parents that produced these progeny were ______________ x_______________

AaBb x AaBb

In a standard cross design, a Dihybrid Recessive Backcross would involved individuals with the genotypes ___________ x ___________

AaBb x aabb

Name the primary activity that occurs during the following steps in Translation: Activation Initiation Elongation Termination

Activation: tRNA charging Initiation: small ribosomal subunit binds to the mRNA Elongation: sequential movement of tRNAs into A site Termination: UAA codon encountered

Segregation of alleles occurs during ___________ of _____________

Anaphase / Meiosis I

9 : 3 : 4 is a classic Phenotypic ______________ Ratio that is associated with the ____________ Mode of Inheritance

Assortment / Single Recessive Epistasis

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 127 + w + 130 y + + 440 + w c 416 y w c 97 + + + 90 One pair of progeny is missing. The Genotypes of this group would be ____ and ____. A. + + + and + w c B. + + c and y w + C. y + + and + w c D. + c + and y + +

B. + + c and y w +

Which of the following terms should not be used to describe a human with three copies of chromosome 12? 1= Polyploid 2 = Triploid 3 = Aneuploid 4 = Euploid 5 = Trisomy A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 2, 4 C. 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 3, 5

B. 1, 2, 4

In humans, alkaptonuria is a metabolic disorder in which affected persons produce black urine. Alkaptonuria results from an allele (a) that is recessive to the allele for normal metabolism (A). Sally has normal metabolism, but her brother has alkaptonuria. Sally's father has alkaptonuria, and her mother has normal metabolism. If Sally marries a man with alkaptonuria, what is the probability that their first child will be a son with normal metabolism? A. 0 (zero) B. 1/4 C. 1/2 D. none of these

B. 1/4 1/2 (son) x 1/2 Aa = 1/4

Width of entire solenoid is approximately: A. 20 Å B. 100 Å C. 300 Å D. 7000 Å

B. 100 Å

Using the rules established in the Watson-Crick model, a dsDNA fragment that contains 500 base pairs would be ____________ nm long. A. 20 B. 169.7 C. 339.3 D. 1,700

B. 169.7

Using the rules established in the Watson-Crick model, a dsDNA fragment that contains 500 base pairs would be ____________ nm long. A. 20 B. 169.7 C. 339.3 D. 1,700

B. 169.7

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 127 + w + 130 y + + 440 + w c 416 y w c 97 + + + 90 The map distance between White (w) and Cut (c) is approximately ______ mu A. 14.4 B. 19.7 C. 34.1 D. > 50 mu

B. 19.7

If a polypeptide contains 200 amino acids, what is the minimum number of codons needed for efficient translation? A. 200 B. 201 C. 301 D. 21

B. 201

If the cytosine content of a representative double stranded DNA is 22%, what is the thymine content percentage? A. 22% B. 28% C. 44% D. 56%

B. 28%

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 280 130 dd pp 290 128 dd Pp 200 179 Dd pp 202 183 Which Mendelian Principle(s) was / were violated in these crosses? A. 1st = Segregation B. 2nd = Independent Assortment C. Both 1st and 2nd D. Not linked = No violated Principle

B. 2nd = Independent Assortment

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 122 2 Dd pp 6 82 dd Pp 4 82 dd pp 124 4 Which Mendelian Principle(s) was / were violated in these crosses? A. 1st = Segregation B. 2nd = Independent Assortment C. Both 1st and 2nd D. Not linked = No violated Principle

B. 2nd = Independent Assortment

Your neighbor is an avid grower of heirloom tomatoes. Knowing that you are now a genetics scholar, she asks for your assistance with a new tomato variety that she has just acquired. She received 128 seeds, all produced from matings involving the same two parents. When planted, these seeds produced 18 plants with yellow fruits and hairless stems, 6 plants with yellow stems and short haired stems, 8 plants with yellow fruits and very hairy stems, 54 plants with red fruits and hairless stems, 18 plants with red fruits and short haired stems, and 24 plants with red fruits and very hairy stems. Which Phenotypic ratio best fits the data given for the Fruit Color progeny? A. 1 Red : 1 Yellow B. 3 Red : 1 Yellow C. 9 Red : 7 Yellow D. 3 Yellow : 1 Red

B. 3 Red : 1 Yellow

An mRNA has the codon 5' UAC 3'. What tRNA anticodon will bind to it? A. 5' AUG 3' B. 3' AUG 5' C. 5' ATC 3' D. 3' ATC 5'

B. 3' AUG 5'

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 122 2 Dd pp 6 82 dd Pp 4 82 dd pp 124 4 Based on the progeny from Plant B, what is the approximate map distance between the two loci? A. 0.6 B. 3.5 C. 8.2 D. Not Linked or >50 mu

B. 3.5

Two traits are examined simultaneously in a cross of two pure-breeding pea plant varieties. Pod shape can either be swollen or pinched. Seed color can be either green or yellow. A plant with the phenotypes pinched and green is crossed with a plant that is swollen and yellow. The resulting F1 plants are self-crossed to produce the F2. A total of 320 F2 progeny are phenotypically categorized as: 180 swollen, yellow 60 swollen, green 60 pinched, yellow 20 pinched, green Based on the results above, what phenotypic ratio is observed for pod shape in the F2? A. 1:1 B. 3:1 C. 1:2:1 D. none of these

B. 3:1

An individual with the genotype AABbCcDD could produce how many unique gametes? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E. 12

B. 4

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 280 130 dd pp 290 128 dd Pp 200 179 Dd pp 202 183 Based on the progeny from Plant B, what is the approximate map distance between the two loci? A. 58.3 B. 41.6 C. 50.5 D. Not Linked

B. 41.6

Bob has Klinefelter's syndrome and is color-blind. His mother and father have normal color vision but his maternal grandfather is color-blind. Assume that Bob's abnormality arose from a nondisjunction in meiosis. Bob's somatic cells contain a total of ___ autosomes? A. 23 B. 44 C. 45 D. 46 E. 47

B. 44

Bill and Betty have had two children with Down's syndrome. Bill's brother has Down's syndrome and his sister has two children with Down's. On the basis of these observations, answer the following questions. From the textbook --- think carefully before you answer If Bill is karyotyped, how many chromosomes will most likely be observed? A. 44 B. 45 C. 46 D. 47 E. 48

B. 45

A human cell with a haploid number of 23 undergoes Meiosis. How many chromatids are present in each cell formed at the end of Meiosis I? A. 23 B. 46 C. 92 D. Depends on the tissue type

B. 46

A person is born with one X chromosome, zero Y chromosomes, trisomy 21 and two copies of all other chromosomes. How many total chromosomes would a somatic cell of this person contain in G1? A. 45 B. 46 C. 47 D. 49

B. 46

A fruit fly is found to be a Monosomy 3, how many autosomes will a somatic cell contain? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

B. 5

If a dsDNA molecule were to contain 10,000 base pairs, approximately how many nucleosomes would be required to condense the molecule? A. 5 B. 50 C. 500 D. 5000

B. 50

If a gene were to contain 12,000 base pairs, approximately how many nucleosomes be present in this DNA region? A. 40 B. 60 C. 400 D. 600

B. 60

A colony of fruit flies (the ones you worked with in lab) are karyotyped and several chromosomal anomalies are identified. For each condition, indicate how many total chromosomes you would expect to observe in a somatic cell of a fly Monosomy = ? A. 4 B. 7 C. 8 D. 16 E. 17

B. 7

In silkmoths, red eyes (r) are recessive to wild (+) and banded wings (b) are recessive to wild (+). A moth homozygous for red eyes and banded wings is crossed with a moth homozygous for the wild-type phenotypes. The F1 are all wild for both traits. When the F1 are testcrossed with red eyed, banded moths, the following F2 results occur: wild eye, wild wings 459 red eye, wild wings 38 wild eye, banded wings 40 red eye, banded wings 463 Assume that the two loci are linked. If this were true, how far apart would the two loci be? A. 3.9mu B. 7.8mu C. 15.6mu D. greater than 50 map units

B. 7.8mu

A fruitfly is found to have the genotype AaBBCcDdEE. How many different gamete genotypes could this fly produce? A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. 64 E. More than 64

B. 8

A somatic cell of a fruit fly contains how many total chromosomes? A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. 46

B. 8

Two traits are examined simultaneously in a cross of two pure-breeding pea plant varieties. Pod shape can either be swollen or pinched. Seed color can be either green or yellow. A plant with the phenotypes pinched and green is crossed with a plant that is swollen and yellow. The resulting F1 plants are self-crossed to produce the F2. A total of 320 F2 progeny are phenotypically categorized as: 180 swollen, yellow 60 swollen, green 60 pinched, yellow 20 pinched, green Which of the following is the most probably Genotype of the F2 swollen, green progeny? A. AA BB B. AA bb or Aa bb C. aa BB or aa bb D. AA Bb

B. AA bb or Aa bb

In humans, alkaptonuria is a metabolic disorder in which affected persons produce black urine. Alkaptonuria results from an allele (a) that is recessive to the allele for normal metabolism (A). Sally has normal metabolism, but her brother has alkaptonuria. Sally's father has alkaptonuria, and her mother has normal metabolism. What is Sally's genotype? A. AA B. Aa C. aa D. unable to tell from the data provided

B. Aa

In humans, alkaptonuria is a metabolic disorder in which affected persons produce black urine. Alkaptonuria results from an allele (a) that is recessive to the allele for normal metabolism (A). Sally has normal metabolism, but her brother has alkaptonuria. Sally's father has alkaptonuria, and her mother has normal metabolism. What is Sally's mother's genotype? A. AA B. Aa C. aa D. unable to tell from the data provided

B. Aa

Amino acids are attached to tRNAs by which enzyme: A. RNA polymerase B. Aminoacyl synthetase C. Peptidyl transferase

B. Aminoacyl synthetase

An allele is: A. One of the bases of DNA B. An alternate form (mutation) of a gene C. Another term for epistasis D. An alternate locus producing the same protein

B. An alternate form (mutation) of a gene

Ribozymes are involved in _______________? A. Replication B. Autocatalytic Splicing C. DNA Condensation D. Spliceosomes

B. Autocatalytic Splicing

The form of DNA described in the Watson-Crick model was the _____ form A. Alpha B. Beta C. Binary D. Zeta

B. Beta

A species of fish is found to have 10X more DNA than a closely related species. This finding would best represent an example of the ________________ A. universal nature of DNA B. C-value paradox C. degenerate nature of DNA D. Duplication hypothesis

B. C-value paradox

A chromosome has the following segments, where ● represents the centromere. A B ● C D E F G The chromosomal change to A B ● C D E would be? A. Duplication B. Deletion C. Paracentric Inversion D. Pericentric Inversion

B. Deletion

Fragile X syndrome is associated with a _______ involving the X chromosome A. Duplication B. Deletion C. Translocation D. Inversion

B. Deletion

A modified nucleotide that is critical for DNA sequencing A. Beta-nucleotide B. Di-deoxynucleotide C. Sequenco-tide D. Tri-deoxynucleotide

B. Di-deoxynucleotide

Humans exhibit the Protenor mode of sex determination. A. True B. False

B. False

Introns are highly conserved, their size and number rarely vary among genes. A. True B. False

B. False

Pleiotropy (or Pleiotrophy) occurs when 2 or more loci interact to control a single trait. A. True B. False

B. False

Retrotransposons differ from DNA transposons by the fact that DNA transposition involves a RNA intermediate. A. True B. False

B. False

Spliceosomes are found in the cytoplasm and help to coil DNA A. True B. False

B. False

In fish, males are: A. Heterogametic B. Homogametic

B. Homogametic

For each of the following examples of genetic Modes of Inheritance in humans, indicate if the statement is Correct or can be Incorrect. Assume that each trait is controlled by a single locus (i.e. no epistasis etc). Example: A genetic disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive. Statement: Two unaffected individuals could never have an affected child Answer: Incorrect - Aa x Aa parents could have an affected child (aa) A genetic disease is inherited as a X-linked dominant Statement: Daughters will inherit the disease only if their fathers have it A. Correct B. Incorrect

B. Incorrect

For each of the following examples of genetic Modes of Inheritance in humans, indicate if the statement is Correct or can be Incorrect. Assume that each trait is controlled by a single locus (i.e. no epistasis etc). Example: A genetic disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive. Statement: Two unaffected individuals could never have an affected child Answer: Incorrect - Aa x Aa parents could have an affected child (aa) A genetic disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant. Statement: If both parents are affected, all of their offspring have the disease A. Correct B: Incorrect

B. Incorrect

Crickets exhibit the Protenor mode of sex determination. If you discover that your pet cricket, Sparky, has 17 chromosomes in its somatic cells, it is most likely that your pet is: A. Female B. Male

B. Male

For unknown reasons, the nondisjunctional event that produces Down's syndrome occurs more frequently during oogenesis in women above 35 years of age. This observation is known as _______________________ A. Mater dolorosa de novo B. Maternal age effect C. Fragile Down's D. Pre-menopause effect

B. Maternal age effect

For unknown reasons, the nondisjunctional event that produces Down's syndrome occurs more frequently during oogenesis in women above 35 years of age. This observation is known as _______________________ A. Pre-menopause effect B. Maternal age effect C. Post-puberty effect D. Penrose's law

B. Maternal age effect

Assume that you start with a fruit fly (Drosophila) that has the genotype Aa. Some of the following events may occur during mitosis, during meiosis or during both. Or the event may not be directly associated with either process. Segregation of Homologs: A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Both D. Neither

B. Meiosis

Assume that you start with a fruit fly (Drosophila) that has the genotype Aa. Some of the following events may occur during mitosis, during meiosis or during both. Or the event may not be directly associated with either process. Tetrads form: A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Both D. Neither

B. Meiosis

Which of the following mutations will NOT be likely to affect the length of a protein? A. Nonsense B. Missense C. Frameshift D. all of these affect the length

B. Missense

A somatic cell from a fruitfly is karyotyped and found to have 9 chromosomes. Indicate which of the following would (YES) or would not (NO) be correct terms to describe this condition. Euploid: A. Yes B. No

B. No

A somatic cell from a fruitfly is karyotyped and found to have 9 chromosomes. Indicate which of the following would (YES) or would not (NO) be correct terms to describe this condition. Monosomy: A. Yes B. No

B. No

A somatic cell from a fruitfly is karyotyped and found to have 9 chromosomes. Indicate which of the following would (YES) or would not (NO) be correct terms to describe this condition. Triploid: A. Yes B. No

B. No

In ribose, the 2` C has a(n) ____ attached to it. A. H B. OH C. base D. nitrogen


Degradation of a eukaryotic mRNA is generally preceded by shortening of the ___ A. G-cap B. Poly(A) tail C. Intron D. TATA box

B. Poly(A) tail

Degradation of a eukaryotic mRNA is generally preceded by shortening of the ___ A. G-cap B. Poly(A) tail C. Introns D. Exons

B. Poly(A) tail

The second posttranscriptional modification during the maturation of mRNA in eukaryotes is: A. G-capping B. Poly(A) tail addition C. splicing D. folding

B. Poly(A) tail addition

An intron is a section of A. protein which is clipped out posttranslationally. B. RNA which is removed during RNA processing. C. DNA which is removed during DNA processing.

B. RNA which is removed during RNA processing

Beta Turns, Beta Sheets, and Alpha Helix are formed at which level of protein structure? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Quarternary

B. Secondary

A poultry farmer buys a registered tom turkey and turns him out with the hens of his flock. Being a careful breeder, the farmer knows that all of his hens have the same genotype. After some months, he reviews the breeding data from his flock. He becomes concerned because one-fourth (1/4) of all eggs fail to hatch. In addition, he notes that about two-thirds (2/3) of the progeny are males. Based on ALL the information above, the most probable Mode of Inheritance responsible for the observed progeny ratios is _______________ lethal A. Autosomal dominant B. Sex linked recessive C. Sex limited D. Sex linked dominant

B. Sex linked recessive

_____________ traits are encoded by autosomal loci but only expressed in one sex. A. Sex-linked B. Sex-Limited C. Sex-Controlled D. Holandric

B. Sex-Limited

Red-green colorblindness is a human X-linked recessive disorder. Jill has normal vision, but her father was color-blind. Jill marries Tom, who also has normal vision. Jill and Tom have a daughter who has Turner's syndrome and is color blind. The nondysjunction that produced the Turner's syndrome most likely occurred in ___ A. Jill B. Tom C. could have been either

B. Tom

Introns are removed immediately after: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

B. Transcription

RNA polymerase produces long strings of RNA during: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

B. Transcription

rRNA is produced by: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

B. Transcription

The uniting of two complete genomes from different species is termed ______ and represents an ______________ event A. autopolyploidy / euploidy B. allopolyploidy / euploidy C. autopolyploidy / aneuploidy D. allopolyploidy / aneuploidy

B. allopolyploidy / euploidy

Probabilities are calculated using the multiplication (product) rule when they ___. A. are equally likely B. are independent C. are mutually exclusive D. occur disproportionately

B. are independent mutually exclusive = cannot occur at the same time

The 5' and 3' numbers that were mentioned often in lecture are related to the _____ A. length of the DNA strand B. carbon number in the sugar C. the number of phosphates D. the base pairing rule

B. carbon number in the sugar

Enhancers that control genes located close by are part of what is termed _____ regulation while Enhancers that effect genes at greater distances represent _____ regulation. A. trans / cis B. cis / trans C. local / distal D. distal / local

B. cis / trans

Centromeres are general considered to be examples of : A. facultative heterochromatin B. constitutive heterochromatin C. euchromatin

B. constitutive heterochromatin

The Regulation of Glucose Metabolism involves at least 3 major elements and a cascade of cellular responses. In this cascade, where does the Homodimer form? A. cell surface B. cytoplasm C. nucleus D. adrenal gland

B. cytoplasm

When historians look at Genetics, there is general agreement that the study of Genetics started with? A. human migration B. domestication C. empire building D. Watson and Crick

B. domestication

The Principle of Segregation describes activities that occur when? A. during Prophase of Mitosis B. during Anaphase I of Meiosis C. during Anaphase II of Meiosis D. during Anaphase of Mitosis

B. during Anaphase I of Meiosis

The term "Conditional" (as in conditional lethal) implies that the phenotype is influenced by: A. allele copy number B. environmental factors C. loci copy number D. gender of the individual

B. environmental factors

Regions of DNA that comprise what are traditionally called genes are most commonly associated with which type of chromosome region? A. heterochromatin B. euchromatin C. centromeres D. telomeres

B. euchromatin

Individuals with Turner's syndrome are phenotypically ____________ with a karyotype having ___________ A. female / an extra autosome B. female / a missing sex chromosome C. female / an extra sex chromosome D. male / a missing autosome E. male / an extra sex chromosome

B. female / a missing sex chromosome

In RNA, there are: A. five bases, three purines (adenine, guanine, thymine) and two pyrimidines (uracil, cytosine) B. four bases, two purines (guanine, adenine) and two pyrimidines (cytosine, uracil) C. four bases, two purines (guanine, uracil) and two pyrimidines (cytosine, adenine) D. five bases, two purines (guanine, adenine) and three pyrimidines (cytosine, uracil, thymine)

B. four bases, two purines (guanine and adenine) and two pyrimidines (cytosine and uracil)

The C-value Paradox suggests that higher organisms: A. have less DNA than needed to encode all essential genes B. have more DNA than needed to encode all essential genes C. synthesize too little RNA to account for all proteins found in cells D. have a nucleus that is too small for the concentration of DNA observed

B. have more DNA than needed to encode all essential genes

The C-value Paradox suggests that higher organisms: A. synthesize too little RNA to account for all proteins found in cells B. have more DNA than needed to encode all essential genes C. have less DNA than needed to encode all essential genes D. have more genes than the DNA available to encode them

B. have more DNA than needed to encode all essential genes

A poultry farmer buys a registered tom turkey and turns him out with the hens of his flock. Being a careful breeder, the farmer knows that all of his hens have the same genotype. After some months, he reviews the breeding data from his flock. He becomes concerned because one-fourth (1/4) of all eggs fail to hatch. In addition, he notes that about two-thirds (2/3) of the progeny are males. The skewed sex ratio in the progeny is most probably the result of the ________________ A. hens being homogametic and thus likely to express the lethal allele B. hens being heterogametic and thus likely to express the lethal allele C. hens exhibiting the Protenor mode of sex determination D. hens being twice as likely to inherit the lethal allele

B. hens being heterogametic and thus likely to express the lethal allele

Complementarity in DNA structure describes _______ A. hydrogen bonding between sugars and bases B. hydrogen bonding between bases C. aminoacyl bonds between DNA strands D. phosphodiester bonding between sugars

B. hydrogen bonding between bases

An alignment of the complete set of chromosomes possessed by an organism is called a(n)? A. chromatin complement B. idiogram C. genome D. haplotype

B. idiogram

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 122 2 Dd pp 6 82 dd Pp 4 82 dd pp 124 4 Based on the progeny from Plant A, it is clear that the height and fruit loci are _______ because the observed Chi-squared value is __________ which is much greater the expected value of 7.8 A. not linked / 217.6 B. linked / 217.6 C. not linked / 60.7 D. linked / 60.7

B. linked / 217.6

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 280 130 dd pp 290 128 dd Pp 200 179 Dd pp 202 183 Based on the progeny from Plant A, it is clear that the height and fruit loci are _______ because the observed Chi-squared value is approximately __________ (Table Chi-squared = 7.8) A. not linked / 29.3 B. linked / 29.3 C. not linked / 60.7 D. linked / 60.7

B. linked / 29.3

Which of the following mutations will NOT be likely to affect the length of a protein? A. nonsense mutation B. missense mutation C. frameshift mutation D. all of these affect the length

B. missense mutation

When in an electrical field, DNA will travel toward the ____ charged electrode because DNA is ________ charged. A. negatively / negatively B. positively / negatively C. positively / positively D. negatively / positively

B. positively / negatively

A "Crisscross" inheritance pattern is one classic signature of the ________ mode of inheritance. A. dominant/recessive B. sex-linked C. incomplete dominance D. sex-limited

B. sex-linked

Lariat structures are often associated with _________ during _________ A. nucleosomes / meiosis B. spliceosomes / splicing C. nucleosomes / G1 D. solenoids / condensation

B. spliceosomes / splicing

The promoter region of a gene is used specifically to _______. A. start translation B. start transcription C. start replication

B. start transcription

The lagging strand produced during DNA replication is caused by? A. topoisomerases cutting the DNA in a random fashion B. the 5' to 3' polarity restriction of DNA polymerase C. the 3' to 5' polarity restriction of DNA polymerase D. the location of 5' OH groups on the RNA primer

B. the 5' to 3' polarity restriction of DNA polymerase

The lagging strand produced during DNA replication is caused by? A. topoisomerases cutting the DNA in a random fashion B. the 5' to 3' polarity restriction of DNA polymerase Per Chapter 9 of Text C. the 3' to 5' polarity restriction of DNA polymerase D. the location of 5' OH groups on the RNA primer

B. the 5' to 3' polarity restriction of DNA polymerase (per chapter 9 of text)

Hydrophobic amino acids tend to be found more often where in a protein? A. the exterior B. the interior C. equally spread across both areas

B. the interior

Nondisjunction during Anaphase I of Meiosis produces gametes that when fertilized by a normal haploid gamete generally produces ______ and _____ progeny A. normal / trisomy B. trisomy / monosomy C. normal / monosomy D. triploidy / monoploidy

B. trisomy / monosomy

Nondisjunction during Anaphase I of Meiosis produces gametes that when fertilized by a normal haploid gamete generally produces ______ and _____ progeny A. normal / trisomy B. trisomy / monosomy C. normal / monosomy D. triploidy / monoploidy

B. trisomy / monosomy

If the sequence of a nontemplate strand of DNA is 5'-ACCGCATCCGAGTCAC-3', what is the sequence of the primary product of transcription? A.. 3'-UGGCGUAGGCUCACUG-5' B. 3'-TGGCGTAGGCTCACTG-5' C . 5'-ACCGCAUCCGAGUCAC-3' D. 5'-ACCGCATCCGAGTCAC-3'


In humans, alkaptonuria is a metabolic disorder in which affected persons produce black urine. Alkaptonuria results from an allele (a) that is recessive to the allele for normal metabolism (A). Sally has normal metabolism, but her brother has alkaptonuria. Sally's father has alkaptonuria, and her mother has normal metabolism. If Sally's parents have another child, what is the probability that this child will have alkaptonuria? A. 0 (zero) B. 1/4 C. 1/2 D. 1 (100%)

C. 1/2

A human couple has the following genotypes: AB Rh+ rh- MN x AB Rh+ rh- MN What is the probability that their second child will have the phenotype: A rh- MN A. 1/2 B. 1/16 C. 1/32 D. 1/128

C. 1/32

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 324 + w + 376 + + c 9 y w + 6 y w c 80 + + + 85 If your partner had made a mistake in selecting traits such that all three loci were actually on separate chromosomes, how many Yellow, White, Cut progeny would you have expected? A. zero (0) B. 88 C. 110 D. none of these

C. 110

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 324 + w + 376 + + c 9 y w + 6 y w c 80 + + + 85 The map distance between White (w) and Cut (c) is approximately ______ mu A. 1.7 B. 6.5 C. 18.8 D. none of these

C. 18.8

Assume that one homolog of a cell carries the allele A and the other homolog carries allele a, how many copies of A would exist in the cell at Prophase I of meiosis? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4

C. 2

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 324 + w + 376 + + c 9 y w + 6 y w c 80 + + + 85 The map distance between Yellow (y) and White (w) is approximately ____ mu A. 1.7 B. 18.8 C. 20.5 D. none of these

C. 20.5

The symbol (◘) represents the centromere. A-B-C-◘-D-E-F-G-H-I Normal Chromosome 1. A-B-C-◘-D-G-H-I 2. A-B-C-◘-D-E-F-E-F-G-H-I 3. C-◘-D-E-F-G-H-I 4. A-B-C-◘-D-H-G-F-E-I Which of the above diagrams best represents a Terminal Deletion? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. None of them

C. 3

Two traits are examined simultaneously in a cross of two pure-breeding pea plant varieties. Pod shape can either be swollen or pinched. Seed color can be either green or yellow. A plant with the phenotypes pinched and green is crossed with a plant that is swollen and yellow. The resulting F1 plants are self-crossed to produce the F2. A total of 320 F2 progeny are phenotypically categorized as: 180 swollen, yellow 60 swollen, green 60 pinched, yellow 20 pinched, green If one of the pinched, green F2 progeny were backcrossed to an F1 plant, how many progeny out of 144 would you expect to be pinched, yellow? Pick the closest number A. 18 B. 27 C. 36 D. 54

C. 36

Bill and Betty have had two children with Down's syndrome. Bill's brother has Down's syndrome and his sister has two children with Down's. On the basis of these observations, answer the following questions. From the textbook --- think carefully before you answer If Bill's brother is karyotyped, how many chromosomes will most likely be observed? A. 44 B. 45 C. 46 D. 47 E. 48

C. 46

Individuals with Klinefelter's syndrome are males with ___ chromosomes A. 45 B. 46 C. 47 D. 69

C. 47

A somatic cell from an individual with Klinefelter's Syndrome would contain ___ chromosomes and ____ Barr Bodies A. 45 / 0 B. 46 / 1 C. 47 / 1 D. 48 / 2

C. 47 / 1

Current estimates indicate that approximately ______ % of the Human Genome may be derived from Retrotransposons. A, 10 B. 25 C. 50 D. 75

C. 50

Current estimates indicated that approximately __________ % of the Human Genome may be derived from Retrotransposons A. 10 B. 25 C. 50 D. 75

C. 50

If a polypeptide contains 200 amino acids, how many nucleotides would be required for efficient translation? A. 200 B. 204 C. 604 D. 1204

C. 604

A colony of fruit flies (the ones you worked with in lab) are karyotyped and several chromosomal anomalies are identified. For each condition, indicate how many total chromosomes you would expect to observe in a somatic cell of a fly Terminal Deletion = ? A. 5 B. 7 C. 8 D. 16 E. 17

C. 8

A pea plant is found to have the genotype RrSSTTUuVvWW. How many different gamete genotypes could this plant produce? A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16 E. 32

C. 8

A colony of fruit flies (the ones you worked with in lab) are karyotyped and several chromosomal anomalies are identified. For each condition, indicate how many total chromosomes you would expect to observe in a somatic cell of a fly Trisomy = ? A. 4 B. 8 C. 9 D. 16 E. 17

C. 9

Your neighbor is an avid grower of heirloom tomatoes. Knowing that you are now a genetics scholar, she asks for your assistance with a new tomato variety that she has just acquired. She received 128 seeds, all produced from matings involving the same two parents. When planted, these seeds produced 18 plants with yellow fruits and hairless stems, 6 plants with yellow stems and short haired stems, 8 plants with yellow fruits and very hairy stems, 54 plants with red fruits and hairless stems, 18 plants with red fruits and short haired stems, and 24 plants with red fruits and very hairy stems. Which Phenotypic ratio best fits the data given for Stem Hairs progeny? A. 1 Short : 2 Hairless : 1 Very Hairy B. 12 Hairless : 3 Very Hairy : 1 Short C. 9 Hairless : 3 Short : 4 Very Hairy D. None of these are the correct ratio for this trait

C. 9 Hairless : 3 Short : 4 Very Hairy

A locus to code for a protein of 300 amino acids. What is the minimum number of nucleotides that would be needed to ensure efficient translation of this peptide? A. 300 B. 304 C. 904 D. 1204

C. 904

Two traits are examined simultaneously in a cross of two pure-breeding pea plant varieties. Pod shape can either be swollen or pinched. Seed color can be either green or yellow. A plant with the phenotypes pinched and green is crossed with a plant that is swollen and yellow. The resulting F1 plants are self-crossed to produce the F2. A total of 320 F2 progeny are phenotypically categorized as: 180 swollen, yellow 60 swollen, green 60 pinched, yellow 20 pinched, green What is the Final Phenotypic Assortment Ratio observed in the F2 ? A. 1:1:1:1 B. 3:1:3:1 C. 9:3:3:1 D. none of these

C. 9:3:3:1

Given the following anti-sense strand of DNA, what mRNA sequence would you expect 5' - AAATGCATCGGACGAGG - 3' A. CCTCGTCCGATGCATTT B. CCUCGUCCGAUGCAUUU C. AAAUGCAUCGGACGAGG D. UUUACGAUGCCUGCUCC


__ chromatids have no centromeres and frequently arise when inversion loops form during __ A. Acentric / mitosis B. Duplicated / meiosis C. Acentric / meiosis D. Dicentric / meiosis

C. Acentric / meiosis

___ chromatids have no centromere and frequently arise when inversion loops form during ____ A. Acentric / mitosis B. Duplicated / meiosis C. Acentric / meiosis D. Dicentric / meiosis

C. Acentric / meiosis

Segregation of Alleles occurs during _____ of _____ A. Metaphase / Mitosis B. Anaphase / Mitosis C. Anaphase / Meiosis I D. Anaphase / Meiosis II

C. Anaphase / Meiosis I

The basic structure of a nucleotide includes the following components: A. Amino acids B. Tryptophan and leucine C. Base, sugar, phosphate D. Phosphorus and sulfur

C. Base, sugar, phosphate

Assume that you start with a fruit fly (Drosophila) that has the genotype Aa. Some of the following events may occur during mitosis, during meiosis or during both. Or the event may not be directly associated with either process. Separation of sister chromatids: A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Both D. Neither

C. Both

The bases G and C are present in _____________ A. DNA only B. RNA only C. Both DNA and RNA

C. Both DNA and RNA

Eukaryote genomes frequently contain far more DNA than is essential to the development or functioning of the organism. This observation is termed the ________ A. Genetic Black Hole B. Evolutionary Expansion Model C. C-value Paradox D. Mendelian Paradox

C. C-value paradox

In rabbits, an allelic series determines coat color Full color (C) -> chinchilla (c^ch) -> Himalayan (c^h) -> albino (c) What is the genotype of the full color parent in the following cross? Parents: Full Color x Albino = Offspring: ½ full color : ½ albino A. CC B. Cc^h C. Cc D. cc E. Cc^ch

C. Cc

In rabbits, an allelic series determines coat color Full color (C) -> chinchilla (c^ch) -> Himalayan (c^h) -> albino (c) What is the genotype of the full color parent in the following cross? Parents: Full Color x Himalayan = Offspring: ½ full color : ¼ Himalayan : ¼ albino A. CC B. Cc^h C. Cc D. cc E. Cc^ch

C. Cc

Which statement about the genetic code is not true? A. Coding sequences are read in groups of three adjacent nucleotides. B. No codon normally specifies more than one amino acid. C. Each species of organisms has its own unique genetic code. D. Some amino acids are specified by more than one codon.

C. Each species of organisms has its own unique genetic code.

Which statement about the genetic code is not true? A. Coding sequences are read in groups of three adjacent nucleotides. B. No codon normally specifies more than one amino acid. C. Each species of organisms has its own unique genetic dictionary D. Some amino acids are specified by more than one codon.

C. Each species of organisms has its own unique genetic dictionary

Specific DNA regions shared by multiple genes to which proteins bind to COORDINATE gene activity are termed the: A. Poly-A box B. TATA Box C. Enhancer D. Black Box

C. Enhancer

Barr Bodies are considered to be examples of ____ A. Constitutive Heterochromatin B. Constitutive Euchromatin C. Facultative Heterochromatin D. Facultative Euchromatin

C. Facultative Heterochromatin

The model hypothesized to explain the condensation of DNA into chromosomes is termed the __________________ model A. Chromatin Fiber B. Watson / Crick C. Folded Fiber D. Nucleotide Packing

C. Folded Fiber

In mammals, the Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) exhibits the characteristic that only the allele from the father is active while the mother's allele is inactivated. This characteristic is termed ____ A. Genetic Embedding B. Paternal Dominance C. Genetic Imprinting D. Lyon Hypothesis

C. Genetic Imprinting

The enzyme complex that helps break dsDNA into the ssDNA form needed for replication is referred to as ________ A. DNA Pol B. Primase C. Helicase D. Gyrase

C. Helicase

In eukaryotic cells, replication only occurs once at each replication start site because ___ attach to the DNA early in the cell cycle. A. Primase B. DNA polymerase (DNA Pol) C. Licensing Factors D. Transcription Factors

C. Licensing factors

For unknown reasons, the nondisjunctional event that produces Down's syndrome occurs more frequently during oogenesis in women above 35 years of age. This observation is known as _______________________ A. Mater dolorosa de novo B. Turner's syndrome C. Maternal age effect D. Fragile Down's

C. Maternal age effect

The embryologist Casper Wolff was instrumental in disproving the Theory of ________ which held that entire miniature humans were contained in gametes. A. Spontaneous Generation B. Preformationism C. Pangenesis D. Epigenesis

C. Pangenesis

Tetrads form during _____ of ________ A. Prophase / Mitosis B. Metaphase / Mitosis C. Prophase / Meiosis I D. Prophase / Meiosis II

C. Prophase / Meiosis I

Your pet cricket is completely normal and is found to have a diploid chromosome count of 2N=17. These results are most consistent with the _____ Mode of Sex Determination and your cricket is most likely a _____________ A. Protenor / female B. Lygaeus / female C. Protenor / male D. Lygaeus / male

C. Protenor / male

You are asked to review a set of nucleotide data provide by NASA. Data from one sample seems particularly interesting. From these results you hypothesize that the genetic material of this organism is ________ and it is _______ stranded. Data: 26% A 24% C 26% G 0% T 24% U A. DNA/single B. DNA/double C. RNA/single D.RNA/double

C. RNA/single

The observation that progeny from an F1 cross occur in a 2:1 ratio is most consistent with the ______________ Mode of Inheritance A. Simple Mendelian B. Incomplete Dominance C. Recessive Lethal D. Single Recessive Epistasis

C. Recessive Lethal

Mendel's 1st Principle results from: A. Separation of sister chromatids during Anaphase I B. Separation of sister chromatids during Anaphase II C. Separation of Homologs during Anaphase I D. Separation of Homologs during Anaphase II

C. Separation of Homologs during Anaphase I

If a word problem contains the statement: "Trait X is dominant in males but recessive in females", the most likely Mode of Inheritance for this trait is: A. Simple Mendelian B. Co-dominance C. Sex Influenced D. Sex Linked

C. Sex Influenced

The formation of RNA into Lariat structures is a feature often associated with _________ A. Nucleosomes B. tRNA charging C. Spliceosomes D. Ribosomes

C. Spliceosomes

The region of DNA that comprises what is traditionally called a gene is known as the A. Loci B. Allele C. Transcriptional Unit D. Translational Unit

C. Transcriptional Unit

Activity occurs in the cytoplasm: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

C. Translation

Aminoacyl synthetase is active during A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

C. Translation

Aminoacyl synthetase is active during: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

C. Translation

Large and small subunits join during the initiation step: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

C. Translation

Peptidyl transferase is active during: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

C. Translation

Ribosomes are formed during: A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation

C. Translation

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 324 + w + 376 + + c 9 y w + 6 y w c 80 + + + 85 One pair of progeny is missing. The Phenotypes of this group would be ____ and ____. A. Yellow, White / Cut B. Wild / Cut C. Yellow / White, Cut D. Wild / Yellow, Cut

C. Yellow / White, Cut

Griffith's experiment injecting a mixture of dead and live bacteria into mice demonstrated that A. DNA is double stranded B. RNA of eukaryotes differs from RNA of prokaryotes C. a factor was capable of transforming one bacterial cell type to another D. bacteria can recover from heat treatment if live helper cells are present

C. a factor was capable of transforming one bacterial cell type to another

The Male phenotype in fruitflies (XY) are the product of ___________ producing ___________ resulting in a _________ Tra protein A. retrotransposons / a frameshift / non-functioning B. two genes / a dimeric protein / over-expressing C. alternate splicing / a premature stop codon / non-functioning D. alternate splicing / a hybrid polypeptide / over-expressing

C. alternate splicing / a premature stop codon / non-functioning

The human tropomyosin, calcitonin hormone, and fruit fly Dscam genes all share a common characteristic. This characteristic is ___________ A. identical enhancer regions B. same number of introns C. alternate splicing of their mRNAs D. same length (number of nucleotides)

C. alternate splicing of their mRNAs

When considering the structure of dsDNA, we would say that the strands are ___ A. parallel B. co-linear C. anti-parallel D. co-dominant

C. anti-parallel

When considering the structure of dsDNA, we would say that the strands are ___ A. parallel B. co-linear C. anti-parallel D. co-dominant

C. anti-parallel

Widow's peak is a dominant phenotype in humans. If a child is heterozygous for widow's peak, we are certain that ______? A. both parents had Widow's peaks B. both parents were heterozygous C. at least one parent had Widow's peak D. at least one parent did not have Widow's peak

C. at least one parent had Widow's peak

The function of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is to A. transcribe tRNA genes B. match tRNA anticodons and mRNA codons at the ribosome C. attach amino acids to tRNAs (charging) D. form the peptide bond between amino acids at the ribosome.

C. attach amino acids to tRNAs (charging)

Cot Curves provide information about the___ and_____ of genomes A. complexity / gene number B. diploid / haploid number C. complexity / size D. replication points / replication speed

C. complexity / size

If you were asked to describe how "genes" are distributed on chromosomes, the best answer would be: Genes are __________________________ A. evenly distributed approximately 200 bases apart B. evenly distributed approximately 2000 bases apart C. concentrated in random, separated areas D. concentrated near centromeres and telomeres

C. concentrated in random, separated areas

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 280 130 dd pp 290 128 dd Pp 200 179 Dd pp 202 183 The configuration of Plant A is _____ while Plant B is ________ A. repulsed / coupled B. heterozygous / homozygous C. coupled / repulsed D. Not Linked = cannot determine

C. coupled / repulsed

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 122 2 Dd pp 6 82 dd Pp 4 82 dd pp 124 4 The configuration of Plant A is _____ while Plant B is ________ A. repulsed / coupled B. heterozygous / homozygous C. coupled / repulsed D. Not Linked = cannot determine

C. coupled / repulsed

Regulation of the production of male and female phenotypes in fruit flies involves both _______ and _________ A. gene activation / disulfide bonds B. insulators / poly-A tails C. gene activation / alternate splicing D. repressors / poly-A tails

C. gene activation / alternate splicing

Both _______ and _______ are likely to arise from unequal crossingover A. terminal deletions and duplications B. translocations and deletions C.intercalary deletions and duplications D. translocations and duplications

C. intercalary deletions and duplications

A change at the nucleotide level that results in a change in an amino acid is termed a _____ A. silent mutation B. non-sense mutation C. mis-sense mutation D. frameshift mutation

C. mis-sense mutation

In addition to highly repetitive and unique DNA sequences, a third category of DNA sequences exists. What is it called? A. composite DNA B. dominant DNA C. moderately repetitive DNA D. permissive DNA

C. moderately repetitive DNA

Most cases of Down's syndrome arise from: A. inversions B. deletions C. nondysjunction D. unequal crossing over

C. nondysjunction

In a diploid organism, the two alleles of a given gene (locus) will be found on A. two non-homologous chromosomes B. two non-homologous chromatids C. one paternal chromosome and its maternal homolog D. two paternal chromosomes

C. one paternal chromosome and its maternal homolog

DNA binds to nucleosomes because the outside histones are ___________ A. negatively charged B. iron rich C. positively charged D. sulfur rich

C. positively charged

Bill and Betty have had two children with Down's syndrome. Bill's brother has Down's syndrome and his sister has two children with Down's. On the basis of these observations, answer the following questions. From the textbook --- think carefully before you answer The most probably cause of the high occurrence of Down's individuals in Bill's family pedigree is _________________________ A. nondisjunction of the 21st chromosomes B. dual replication of the 21st chromosomes C. presence of a 14/21 translocation D. presence of a pericentric inversion within the 21st chromosome

C. presence of a 14/21 translocation

If you were asked to describe how "genes" are distributed on chromosomes, the best answer would be _____________ A. evenly distributed roughly 200 bases apart B. evenly distributed roughly 2000 bases apart C. random distances, often grouped in separated areas and sometimes overlap D. concentrated near centromeres and telomeres

C. random distances, often grouped in separated areas and sometimes overlap

Autocatalytic splicing is most associated with ________________ A. messenger RNA (mRNA) B. heterogeneous RNA (hrRNA) C. ribosomal RNA (rRNA) D. transfer RNA (tRNA)

C. ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

The most common aneuploidy seen in living humans has to do with ___________. A. autosomes B. chromosome 21 C. sex chromosomes D. chromosome 13

C. sex chromosomes

Hemizygosity is associated with which of the following: A. codominance B. incomplete dominance C. sex-linked inheritance D. monohybrid crosses

C. sex-linked inheritance

Degradation of a eukaryotic mRNA is generally proceeded by ___________ A. lengthening of the poly-A tail B. addition of a C-cap C. shortening of the poly-A tail D. deletion of the C-cap

C. shortening of the poly-A tail

To determine if an organism with a dominant phenotype is heterozygous, one can perform a ___. A. reciprocal cross B. dihybrid cross C. test cross D. dominant backcross

C. test cross

Meiotic nondisjunction usually occurs during Meiosis I. What is not separating properly? A. sister chromatids B. autosomes C. tetrads D. centromeres

C. tetrads

Suppose you explore a distant planet and discover a novel form of double-stranded nucleic acid. When you expose this nucleic acid to DNA polymerases, replication takes place continuously on both strands. That conclusion would you make about the structure of this novel nucleic acid? A. normal DNA Pol appears to be working backwards on this nucleic acid B. Primase has apparently placed primers in a 3' to 5' orientation C. the nucleic acid strands are parallel D. the nucleic acid strands are antiparallel

C. the nucleic acid strands are parallel

A somatic cell from male house cat with tortoiseshell coat color would most likely exhibit ___ A. monosomy B. monoploidy C. trisomy D. triploidy

C. trisomy

The gain of a single chromosome is called: A. monosomy B. monoploidy C. trisomy D. triploidy

C. trisomy

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 324 + w + 376 + + c 9 y w + 6 y w c 80 + + + 85 Based on these data the order of the loci would be ________ A. y—w—c B. w—y—c C. y—c—w

C. y--c--w

Histone modifying complex aids in what?

Chromatin remodeling

A locus in the mitochondria of a fruit fly is found to code for a protein of 400 amino acids. What is the minimum number of nucleotides that would be needed to efficiently code for this peptide? A. 400 B. 404 C. 1200 D. 1204

D. 1204

A colony of fruit flies (the ones you worked with in lab) are karyotyped and several chromosomal anomalies are identified. For each condition, indicate how many total chromosomes you would expect to observe in a somatic cell of a fly Tetraploid fly = ? A. 4 B. 7 C. 8 D. 16 E. 17

D. 16

In a fruit-fly, how many chromatids would be present at Metaphase I of Meiosis? A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16

D. 16

In a fruit-fly, how many chromatids would be present at Metaphase I of Meiosis? A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16

D. 16 2N=8

You and your lab partner are given the assignment to map a new recessive mutant in fruit flies = Cut Wing (c). You set up standard mapping crosses using the recessive traits Yellow body (y ) and White-eye (w) as markers. Results from the crosses are shown below: y + c 127 + w + 130 y + + 440 + w c 416 y w c 97 + + + 90 If it turned out that the three loci were actually on three separate chromosomes, how many Yellow, White, Cut progeny would you have expected? A. zero (0) B. 20.3 C. 81.25 D. 162.5

D. 162.5

Assume that A is dominant to a. Individuals with the genotypes Aa x aa are mated and produce 65 Aa progeny and 23 aa progeny. The Observed Chi-Squared value for this result would be closest to: A. 0.05 B. 3.84 C. 10.0 D. 20.0

D. 20.0

Assume that A is dominant to a. Individuals with the genotypes Aa x aa are mated and produce 65 Aa progeny and 23 aa progeny. The Observed Chi-Squared value for this result would be closest to: A. 0.05 B. 3.84 C. 10.0 D. 20.0

D. 20.0 1:1 ratio expected

In the same transcriptional unit, how many complete turns of 2nm dsDNA would you predict to be present ? A. 10 B. 100 C. 20 D. 200

D. 200

A transcriptional unit of a particular gene is found to contain 10 nucleosomes. This transcriptional unit is therefore approximately _____ base pairs (bp) long. A. 100 B. 1000 C. 200 D. 2000

D. 2000

Using the rules established in the Watson-Crick model, a dsDNA fragment that contains 1000 base pairs would be approximately ____________ nm long. A. 20 B. 170 C. 294 D. 340

D. 340

If a DNA molecule of 50 base pairs contains 15 Cytosines (C), how many Thymines (T) will it have? A. 10 B. 15 C. 30 D. 35

D. 35

If a DNA molecule of 50 base pairs contains 15 cytosines (C), how many Thymines (T) will it have? A. 10 B. 15 C. 30 D. 35

D. 35

Your neighbor is an avid grower of heirloom tomatoes. Knowing that you are now a genetics scholar, she asks for your assistance with a new tomato variety that she has just acquired. She received 128 seeds, all produced from matings involving the same two parents. When planted, these seeds produced 18 plants with yellow fruits and hairless stems, 6 plants with yellow stems and short haired stems, 8 plants with yellow fruits and very hairy stems, 54 plants with red fruits and hairless stems, 18 plants with red fruits and short haired stems, and 24 plants with red fruits and very hairy stems. How many different Genotypes would produce Red fruit, short haired stem plants A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

D. 4

If a DNA molecule of 70 base pairs contains 25 cytosines (C), how many Thymines (T) will it have? A. 15 B. 20 C. 35 D. 45

D. 45 140-50=90/2

In watermelons, bitter fruit (B) is dominant over sweet fruit (b) and yellow spots (S) are dominant over no spots (s). The genes for these two traits assort independently. A homozygous plant that has bitter fruit and yellow spots is crossed with a homozygous plant that has sweet fruit and and no spots. The F1 progeny are intercrossed to produce the F2 . Given the watermelon cross above, what Final Assortment Ratio would you expect in the F2 progeny? A. 3:1 B. 1:1:1:1 C. 3:1:3:1 D. 9:3:3:1

D. 9:3:3:1

A homozygous strain of yellow corn is crossed with a homozygous strain of purple corn. The F1 are intercrossed, producing an ear of corn with 119 purple kernels and 89 yellow kernels (the F2 progeny). The phenotypic ratio that best fits the data from the F2 progeny is? A. 3:1 B. 1:1 C. 2:1 D. 9:7

D. 9:7

A homozygous strain of yellow corn is crossed with a homozygous strain of purple corn. The F1 are intercrossed, producing an ear of corn with 119 purple kernels and 89 yellow kernels (the F2 progeny). The phenotypic assortment ratio that best fits the data from the F2 progeny is? A. 3:1 B. 1:1 C. 2:1 D. 9:7

D. 9:7

Autopolyploidy has been important in production of some common varieties of Commercial plants because: A. larger fruits are often produced B. fewer seeds or seedless fruits may be produced C. the plants are often insect resistant D. A and B are both correct E. B and C are both correct

D. A and B are both correct

Which of the following would be the best example of Endopolyploidy? A. A diploid hybrid between a domestic cat and a tiger B. A diploid hybrid between a tomato plant and a pea plant C. A tetraploid hybrid between a horse and a donkey D. A group of tetraploid cells found in a duck liver

D. A group of tetraploid cells found in a duck liver

(pic of different colored wines) What combination of mutational effects in the VvmybA1 gene is illustrated in the photo above? A. A missense mutation and partial editing by DNA pol B. A nonsense mutation and partial editing by DNA pol C. Alternate splicing of the mRNA D. A retrotransposon insertion and then partial deletion

D. A retrotransposon insertion and then partial deletion

What combination of mutational effects in the VvmybA1 gene are seen in the different colors of wine? A. A missense mutation and partial editing by DNA pol B. A nonsense mutation and partial editing by DNA pol C. Alternate splicing of the mRNA D. A retrotransposon insertion and then partial deletion

D. A retrotransposon insertion and then partial deletion

If you observe a progeny ratio of 9 : 3 : 3: 1, it is probable that the genotypes of the two parents that produced these progeny were ________________ x ________________ A. AABB x aabb B. AAbb x aaBB C. AaBb x aabb D. AaBb x AaBb

D. AaBb x AaBb

Poly(A) Polymerase adds multiple (up to 200) adenine ribonucleotides to the 3' end of mRNAs. These Poly-A "tails" function to _______________ A. Enhance the stability of the RNA molecule B. Regulate transport to the cytoplasm C. Be important in the Translation process D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Linkage results in a violation of Mendel's Principle of ________ but not his Principle of _______ A. Dominance / Assortment B. Segregation / Assortment C. Assortment / Dominance D. Assortment / Segregation

D. Assortment / Segregation

In a Consensus Model of a Eukaryotic Gene, specific regions found upstream of a gene which control the RATE and COPY NUMBER of transcription are termed _____ A. Enhancers B. TATA Box C. Insulators D. CCAAT Box


The phrase "High Fidelity" when applied to Genetic Material means? A. Highly Mutable B. Capable of storing large amounts of information C. Capable of encoding phenotypes accurately D. Capable of replicating faithfully

D. Capable of replicating faithfully

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 280 130 dd pp 290 128 dd Pp 200 179 Dd pp 202 183 The genotype of Plant A must be _______________ A. DDPP B. DdPP C. DDPp D. DdPp

D. DdPp

In tomatoes, tall (D) is dominant over dwarf (d) and smooth fruit (P) is dominant over pubescent fruit (p). A farmer has two tall and smooth plants, which we will call plant A and plant B. The farmer crosses plants A and B with the same dwarf and pubescent plant and obtains the following progeny: Progeny Plant A Plant B Dd Pp 122 2 Dd pp 6 82 dd Pp 4 82 dd pp 124 4 The genotype of Plant A must be _______________ A. DDPP B. DdPP C. DDPp D. DdPp

D. DdPp

The model hypothesized to explain the condensation of DNA into chromosomes is termed the __________________ model A. Watson/Crick B. Chromatin Fiber C. Nucleotide Packing D. Folded Fiber

D. Folded Fiber

A terminal deletion associated with a region of trinucleotide repeats (CGG) on the X-chromosome of humans is thought to be one cause of _______________ A. Down's syndrome B. Crit-du-chat syndrome C. Turner's syndrome D. Fragile X Syndrome

D. Fragile X Syndrome

A terminal deletion associated with a region of trinucleotide repeats (CGG) on the X-chromosome of humans is thought to be one cause of _______________ A. Down's syndrome B. Crit-du-chat syndrome C. Turner's syndrome D. Fragile X Syndrome

D. Fragile X syndrome

The enzyme complex that helps relax the DNA and prevents supercoiling is referred to as _________ A. DNA Pol B. Primase C. Helicase D. Gyrase

D. Gyrase

Genetics is the study of which of the following? A. Mutation and Replication B. Replication and Recombination C. Diploid and Haploid Organisms D. Heredity and the Expression of Traits

D. Heredity and the Expression of Traits

Dicentric chromatids are one common outcome of crossover in a ______ loop. A. Duplication B. Deletion C. Translocation D. Inversion

D. Inversion

In eukaryotic cells, replication only occurs once at each replication start site because ___ attach to the DNA early in the cell cycle. A. Primase B. DNA Pol C. Lygase D. Licensing factors

D. Licensing factors

A temperature-sensitive mutant cell line is produced from human somatic cells. In one cell line, Okazaki fragments accumulate, and DNA synthesis is never complete. What enzyme is most likely being affected by this mutation? A. Helicase B. DNA Pol C. Primase D. Lygase

D. Lygase

Recombination occurs during ____________ A. Mitosis / Anaphase B. Meiosis / Anaphase I C. Mitosis / Prophase D. Meiosis / Prophase I

D. Meiosis / Prophase I

A Post-translational modification that can regulate protein function and involves attachment of lipid chains required for membrane localization is _______________. A. Proteolytic Cleavage B. Acetylation C. Phosphorylation D. Myristoylation

D. Myristoylation

Assume that you start with a fruit fly (Drosophila) that has the genotype Aa. Some of the following events may occur during mitosis, during meiosis or during both. Or the event may not be directly associated with either process. Homologs replicate: A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Both D. Neither

D. Neither

A newly produced peptide is found to contain 180 amino acids. How many total codons were required to produce this peptide? A. 30 B. 180 C. 540 D. None of these is correct

D. Non of these is correct it's 181

The ___ form of DNA is a left handed double helix containing ~10 bases per turn. A. A B. B C. Z D. None

D. None -- DNA is right handed

Replication occurs during which phase of Meiosis? A. Prophase 1 B. Prophase 2 C. Metaphase 1 D. None of these

D. None of these occurs during interphase before nuclear division begins

A chromosome has the following segments, where ● represents the centromere. A B ● C D E F G The chromosomal change to A F E D C ● B G would be? A. Duplication B. Deletion C. Paracentric Inversion D. Pericentric Inversion

D. Pericentric Inversion

In DNA, linkage between the 5' carbon to the next 3' carbon involves what type of bond? A. Aminoacyl B. Peptide C. Hydrogen D. Phosphodiester

D. Phosphodiester

Modifications made to the protein product (lipid, sugar, methyl) which determine the localization and function of the protein in the cell characterizes the _____ level of gene regulation A. Transcriptional B. Post-Transcriptional C. Translational D. Post-Translational

D. Post-Translational

Phosphorylation is most often associated with which stage of Genetic Regulation? A. Transcriptional B. RNA processing C. Translational D. Post-translational

D. Post-translational

The Homodimer mentioned in the Question above (14) is an example of which level of protein structure? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Quaternary

D. Quaternary

DNA transponsons are common in bacteria while Retrotransposons are more common in eukaryotes. A major difference between these two categories of transposons that we discussed in lecture is that Retrotransposons require ____ while DNA transposons do not. A. terminal repeats B. DNA intermediate C. flanking repeats D. RNA intermediate

D. RNA intermediate

The Histone Code Hypothesis is a theoretical model associated with _____________ A. Replication B. Translation C. Splicing D. Regulation

D. Regulation

A "crisscross" pattern of inheritance is a signature of which mode of inheritance? A. Dominant/Recessive B. Incomplete Dominance C. Epistasis D. Sex Linkage

D. Sex Linkage

A region of DNA that binds to Repressor Proteins to prevent binding of RNA Pol II to the promoter is an example of a(n) ________________ A. Enhancer B. Modulator C. Insulator D. Silencer

D. Silencer

The ends of human chromosomes have extended repeats of the sequence TTAGGG. These Ends are replicated by a special process involving the enzyme _____ that results in the Chromosome becoming _____ after each replication A. Tagase / longer B. Telomerase / longer C. Tagase / shorter D. Telomerase / shorter

D. Telomerase / shorter Telomeres become shorter each replication despite telomerase activity

The region of DNA that comprises what is traditionally called a gene is known as the: A. Loci B. Allele C. Translational Unit D. Transcriptional Unit

D. Transcriptional Unit

The anti-codon sequence on the first tRNA used in translation is: A. AUG B. GUA C. UGA D. UAC


While the most frequent forms of Down's syndrome are caused by a random error, Down's Syndrome occasionally runs in families. The cause of this form of familial Down's Synodrome is __________________ A. an inversion involving chromosome #21 B. a duplication involving chromosome #1 C. too many X chromosomes D. a translocation involving chromosomes #21 and #14

D. a translocation involving chromosomes #21 and #14

If a genetics problem contains the statement " The trait is dominant in males and recessive in females", the most probable Mode of Inheritance being described is ? A. Y linkage - Dominant B. X-linkage - Recessive C. autosomal - codominant D. autosomal - sex influenced

D. autosomal - sex influenced

The most commonly used sequencing technique was developed by Dr. Fred Sanger in 1977 and is called _______________ sequencing. A. subtractive B. chain replication C. polymerase chain reaction D. chain termination

D. chain termination

A genotype that is lethal in some situations (for example, high temperature) but viable in others is called a __________ lethal A. dominant B. recessive C. incomplete D. conditional

D. conditional

A genotype that is lethal in some situations (for example, high temperature) but viable in others is called a __________ lethal A. incomplete B. dominant C. recessive D. conditional

D. conditional

496 tRNA genes are found in human DNA but these only code for 48 unique tRNAs. This observation is most consistent with which feature of the Genetic Code? The Code is _____ A. commaless B. unambiguous C. non-overlapping D. degenerate

D. degenerate Only 48 tRNAs are needed for 61 codons

The gain or loss of a nucleotide resulting in a change in the reading frame during Translation is termed a _____________ A. silent mutation B. non-sense mutation C. mis-sense mutation D. frameshift mutation

D. frameshift mutation

Complementarity in DNA structure describes ____________ A. phosphodiester bonding between sugars B. hydrogen bonding between sugars C. electrostatic bonding between bases D. hydrogen bonding between bases

D. hydrogen bonding between bases

Prader-Willi and Kagami-Ogata syndromes, while producing very different phenotypes, are genetically similar in that they both result from ________ and _______ A. terminal deletions / translocation B. intercalary deletions / translocation C. terminal deletions / genetic imprinting D. intercalary deletions / genetic imprinting

D. intercalary deletions / genetic imprinting

In eukaryotic cells, replication only occurs once at each replication start site because ___ attach to the DNA early in the cell cycle. A. Primase B. DNA Pol C. Lygase D. Licensing factors

D. licensing factors

A fruit fly is found to be a tetraploid, how many autosomes will a somatic cell contain? A. 8 B. 14 C. 16 D. none of these

D. none of these 4N-4 = 12

The chemical bond that is formed between amino acids in a chain is: A. aminoacyl B. hydrogen C. disulfide D. peptide

D. peptide bond

A chromosome change from ABC*DEFGH ABFED*CGH represents a _____ A. deletion B. paracentric inversion C. duplication D. pericentric inversion

D. pericentric inversion

Chromosomal regions which represent evolutionary vestiges of duplicated copies of genes that have underdone sufficient mutations to render them untranscribable are called_______. A. protogenes B. teleomeres C. minisatellites D. pseudogenes

D. pseudogenes

Chromosomal regions which represent evolutionary vestiges of duplicated copies of genes that have underdone sufficient mutations to render them untranscribable are called__________. A. protogenes B. teleomeres C. minisatellites D. pseudogenes

D. pseudogenes

The end products of DNA replication are _______ A. daughter cells B. homologs C. tetrads D. sister chromatids

D. sister chromatids

The end products of DNA replication are _______ A. daughter cells B. homologs C. tetrads D. sister chromatids

D. sister chromatids

The end products of DNA replication are? A. daughter cells B. homologs C. tetrads D. sister chromatids

D. sister chromatids

A somatic cell from male house cat with tortoiseshell coat color would most likely exhibit ___ A. paracentric inversion B. monosomy C. pericentric inversion D. trisomy

D. trisomy

The region of DNA that comprises what is traditionally called a gene falls under the _______________ category of DNA types. A. highly repetitive B. universal C. moderately repetitive D. unique

D. unique

Regions of DNA that comprise what are traditionally called Genes are most commonly associated with _____ A. highly repetitive DNA B. super repetitive DNA C. moderately repetitive DNA D. unique DNA

D. unique DNA

5-methylcytosine is a result of what?

DNA methyltransferase

The symbol (◘) represents the centromere. A-B-C-◘-D-E-F-G-H-I Normal Chromosome 1. A-B-C-◘-D-G-H-I 2. A-B-C-◘-D-E-F-E-F-G-H-I 3. C-◘-D-E-F-G-H-I 4. A-B-C-◘-D-H-G-F-E-I Which of the above diagrams would likely result from unequal crossing over? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 1 and 3 E. 1 and 2

E. 1 and 2

Nearsightedness is a recessive trait. If two nearsighted parents give birth to four children how many are expected to be nearsighted? A. 0 (Zero) B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4

E. 4 aa x aa = all aa

In rabbits, an allelic series determines coat color Full color (C) -> chinchilla (c^ch) -> Himalayan (c^h) -> albino (c) What is the genotype of the full color parent in the following cross? Parents: Full Color x Albino = Offspring: ½ full color : ½ chinchilla A. CC B. Cc^h C. Cc D. cc E. Cc^ch

E. Cc^ch

Suppose a mutation occurs in a cell such that normal Okazaki fragments were created during DNA replication but were not linked together into a continuous strand. The gene for which enzyme would you predict was altered by this mutation? A. DNA polymerase B. RNA primase C. DNA helicase D. ssDNA binding protein E. DNA ligase

E. DNA ligase

If the nucleotide Uracil is absent from a Normal Somatic Cell, which of the following processes could Not Occur (if any) ? 1= Replication 2= Transcription 3= Translation Answers: A. 1 B. 2 C. 1 and 2 D. 2 and 3 E. None could occur

E. None could occur

If the nucleotide uracil was absent from a normal somatic cell, which of the following processes could not occur (if any)? 1= Replication 2=Transcription 3=Translation Answers: A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 1 and 3 E. None could occur

E. None could occur RNA is present in all 3 processes (Primers- mRNA - rRNA + rRNA)

The symbol (◘) represents the centromere. A-B-C-◘-D-E-F-G-H-I Normal Chromosome 1. A-B-C-◘-D-G-H-I 2. A-B-C-◘-D-E-F-E-F-G-H-I 3. C-◘-D-E-F-G-H-I 4. A-B-C-◘-D-H-G-F-E-I Which of the above diagrams best represents a Pericentric Inversion? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. None of them

E. None of them

The following two genotypes are crossed: Aa Bb Cc dd Ee x Aa bb Cc Dd Ee What proportion of the progeny are expected to have the Genotype Aa bb Cc dd ee A. 1/4 B. 1/16 C. 3/64 D. 1/128 E. none of these

E. none of these 4/256=1/64 This is Problem 3:32 from the textbook.

Blue flower color is produced in a species of plant when dominant alleles are present at two independent loci, A and B. Plants with the genotype A_ B _ have blue flowers. Purple flowers result when a dominant allele is present at only one of the two loci, A or B (Plants with the genotypes A_bb and aaB_ are purple). Flowers with the genotype aabb are red. The Mode of Inheritance for the flower color trait in this species is most likely:


True or False: 2-Deoxyribose is a 6 carbon sugar and is one the three primary elements of a nucleotide


True or False: Avery, MacLeod and McCarty (1944) determined that DNA is the genetic material in T2 bacteriophage.


True or False: Complementarity in DNA structure describes the 1'N to 1'C bonding between pyrimidines and deoxyribose


True or False: If the amount of G found in a segment of dsDNA equals 30%, then the amount of A should also equal 30%.


True or False: In dsDNA, the percentage of (G + C) always equals the percentage of (A + T)


True or False: The B form of DNA is a left handed double helix consisting of two polynucleotide chains coiled around a central axis.


True or False: Under the Watson-Crick model, the outer surface of DNA has a strong positive charge and is hydrophilic.


Post-translational modifications initially occur where?

In the cytoplasm

Humans (and other mammals) exhibit the _______________ mode of sex determination


Incomplete ______________ is a term describing the situation where a genotype fails to produce the appropriate corresponding phenotype


Synaptonemal complexes form during ____________ of ______________

Prophase / Meiosis I

Tetrads form during _______ of _________

Prophase / Meiosis I

In humans, alkaptonuria is a metabolic disorder in which affected persons produce black urine. Alkaptonuria results from an allele (a) that is recessive to the allele for normal metabolism (A). Sally has normal metabolism but her brother has alkaptonuria. Sally's father has alkaptonuria and her mother has normal metabolism. From the information given above, give the Genotypes of the following individuals: Sally, Sally's Mother, Sally's Father

Sally Aa Sally's Mother Aa Sally's Father aa

In watermelons, bitter fruit (B) is dominant over sweet fruit (b) and yellow spots (S) are dominant over no spots (s). The genes for these two traits assort independently. A homozygous plant that has bitter fruit and yellow spots is crossed with a homozygous plant that has sweet fruit and and no spots. The F1 progeny are intercrossed to produce the F2 . An F1 plant from the original watermelon cross is backcrossed with the Sweet, No Spot parent. For the following expected Phenotypes, give the expected Genotype. Sweet, No Spot Sweet, Yellow Spot Bitter, Yellow Spot Bitter, No Spot

Sweet, No Spot bbss Sweet, Yellow Spot bbSs Bitter, Yellow Spot BbSs Bitter, No Spot Bbss

Activated Enhancers do what?

Trigger transcription

True or False: Adenine is a purine


True or False: G and C are present in both DNA and RNA


True or False: In dsDNA, the nitrogenous bases of opposite chains are paired together as the result of hydrogen bonds.


True or False: In dsDNA, the sum of the purines equals the sum of the pyrimidines


True or False: In ribose, the 2` C has an OH attached to it.


True or False: Typically, bacterial DNA has no sulfur and bacterial proteins have no phosphorus


True or False: Using the rules established in the Watson-Crick model, a dsDNA fragment that contains 400 base pairs would be 1,356.6 Å (135.66 nm) long.


True or False: When considering the structure of DNA, we would say that complementary strands are antiparallel.


In the Regulation of Glucose Metabolism, name the location where each of the following occurs: a. Hormone binds to receptor b. Homodimer forms c. Glucocorticoid hormone produced d. Binding to response element

a. Hormone binds to receptor on the CELL SURFACE b. Homodimer forms in the CYTOPLASM c. Glucocorticoid hormone produced by the ADRENAL GLAND d. Binding to response element on the NUCLEUS

What cellular activity is associated with each of the following regions of the DNA that are involved in regulation? a. Silencer b. Enhancer c. Insulator


In humans, males are the ____________ sex


Exon splicing occurs in the ____


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