word ch 1,2,3, quiz

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The Select All feature used to highlight all the text in a document appears on the Home tab in the ________ group


Click the ________ to remove the most recent formatting setting applied to a section of the document or to the entire document

Undo button

In a report, a list is typically indented 0.5 inch on the left and a hanging indent of ________ is set for the first line

0.25 inch

A manual page break can be inserted into a document by clicking ________ and then Page in the Page Layout tab.


Which keyboard shortcut undoes the most recent action performed in a document

Ctrl + Z

One way to prevent page numbers from appearing on the first page of a report is to select the Different First Page option on the ________ tab of the Header & Footer Tools contextual tab.


The Select All feature used to highlight all the text in a document appears on the Home tab in the ________ group.


A new paragraph can be created in a document by pressing the ________ key.


Book, journal article, website, and report are all types of ________.


The flagging of an uncommon last name as a spelling error can be stopped by opening the shortcut menu on the first occurrence of the name and selecting ________.

Ignore All

Clicking the numbering arrow in the Paragraph group of the Home tab displays the ________ gallery which previews the formats commonly used for number lists.


In a formal report, margin settings are usually ________.

Office 2003 Default

What is the prebuilt margins setting that makes the top and bottom margins 1.0 inch and left and right margins 1.25 inches?

Office 2003 Default

The check box used to activate/deactivate Widow/Orphan control is in the ________ dialog box


The check box used to activate/deactivate Widow/Orphan control is in the ________ dialog box.


The first four lines of a document can be selected by placing the insertion point to the left of the first line and holding the ________ key while clicking to the right of the fourth line.


Definitions are displayed in the ________ to help the user decide which suggested word is the correct replacement for a flagged error

Spelling pane

Which is NOT an element in the Source Manager dialog box

Style List

What formatting option positions text higher and smaller than adjacent text?


Separate Author, Title, Year, City, and Publisher fields appear in the Create Source dialog box for a ________ source.


When a source is cited in a document, a(n) ________ appears to the left of its entry in the Current List in the Source Manager.

check mark

Which formatting applied to a document sets the equivalent of a blank line between each pair of text lines


When a single occurrence of a flagged error is actually correct, select ________ from the shortcut menu to leave this single flagged error unchanged.

font face="Palatino Linotype">Ignore Once</font>

The area that is reserved for text, graphics, and fields and that by default displays at the bottom of each page in a document is the ________.


The position of the lines of a paragraph relative to the page margins is the ________.


When a citation is moused over, it ________.

is highlighted in gray

A widow in a Word document is the ________ of a paragraph displayed as the ________ of another page.

last line; first line

The Update to Match Selection option for styles is visible from the shortcut menu that appears when the ________ is right-clicked

style in the Styles gallery

A zoom level of 52% usually displays ________ page(s).


Separate Year, Month, Day, Year Accessed, Month Accessed, and Day Accessed fields appear in the Create Source dialog box for a ________ source


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