Word Chapter 1 Vocabulary

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Document properties, also known as metadata, can include information such as the project author, title, subject, and keywords.

automatically updated properties

include file system properties, such as the date you create or change a file, and statics, such as the file size.


A virus is a computer program that can damage files and programs on your computer.

body copy

The body copy consists of all text between the headline and the signature line.


The default alignment for paragraphs in a document is left-aligned, that is, flush at the left margin of the document with uneven right edges.

Normal style

The default style in Word is called the Normal style, which is discussed later in this book.


The font, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, and special characters.

document properties

Word helps you organize and identify you files by using documents properties, which are the details about a file.


includes both enlarging and reducing the size of a graphic.


A single point is about 1/72 of one inch in height.

bulleted list

A bulleted list is a series of paragraphs, each beginning with a bullet character.

color scheme

A color scheme in Word is a document theme that identifies 12 complementary colors for text, background, accents, and links in a document.


A document theme is a set of unified formats for fonts, colors, and graphics.

formatting mark

A formatting mark, sometimes called a nonprinting character, is a character that Word displays on the screen but is not visible on a printed document.

insert mode

In Word, the default typing mode is insert mode, which means as you type a character, Word moves all the characters to the right of the typed character one position to the right.

green computing

Society encourages users to contribute to green computing, which involves reducing the environmental waste generate when using a computer.

Document Information Panel

The Document Information Panel contains area where you can view and enter document properties.

Spelling and Grammar Check icon

When you begin typing text, the Spelling and Grammar Check icon appears on the status bar with an animated pencil writing on paper to indicate that Word is checking for spelling and grammar errors.


When you shade text, Word colors the rectangular area behind any text or graphics.


You can take a picture with a digital camera or camera phone and download it, which is the process of copying the digital picture from the camera or phone to your computer.


You want the headline to be centered, that is, positioned horizontally between the left and right margins on the page.


characters appear somewhat thicker and darker than those that are not bold.

font size

specifies the size of the characters and is determined by a measurement system called points.

nonprinting character

A formatting mark, sometimes called a nonprinting character, is a character that Word displays on the screen but is not visible on a printed document.


A hardcopy or printout is information that exists on a physical medium such as paper.


A hardcopy or printout is information that exists on a physical medium such as paper.


A keyword is a word or phrase that further describes the document.

selection rectangle

A selected graphic appears surrounded by a selection rectangle, which has small squares and circles, called sizing handles, at each corner and middle location.

sizing handles

A selected graphic appears surrounded by a selection rectangle, which has small squares and circles, called sizing handles, at each corner and middle location.


A style is a named group of formatting characteristics.


At some point when you type text or insert graphics, Word probably will scroll the top or bottom portion of the document off the screen.


The headline is the first line of text on the flyer.

drag-and-drop editing

With drag-and-drop editing, you select the text to be moved and then drag the selected item to the new location and then drop, or insert, it there.


With the text for the flyer entered, the next step is to format, or change the appearance of, its text.


allows you to type words in a paragraph continually without pressing the ENTER key at the end of each line.

standard properties

are associated with all Microsoft Office documents include author, title, and subject.

paragraph formatting

is the process of changing the appearance of a paragraph.

character formatting

is the process of changing the way characters appear on the screen and in print.


text has a slanted appearance.


text prints with an underscore(_) below each character.

signature line

which is the last line of the text on the flyer, contains contact information or identifies a call to action.

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