Words and Synonyms
Abstruse, Obscure, Arcane, Recherché, Rarefied, Recondite, Abstract; Enigmatic, Inscrutable, Cryptic, Delphic; Complex, Complicated, Incomprehensible, Opaque, Impenetrable, Mysterious
Fervor Fervour
Agog Passion, Ardor, Intensity, Zeal, Vehemence, Emotion, Warmth, Earnestness, Avidity, Eagerness, Keenness, Enthusiasm, Excitement, Animation, Vigor, Energy, Fire, Spirit, Zest, Fervency
Agreeable Cooperative, Acquiescent, Compliant, Accommodating, Obliging, Biddable, Manageable, Controllable, Governable, Persuadable, Tractable, Responsive, Pliant, Malleable, Complaisant, Easily handled; {Rare} Persuasible Susceptible, Receptive, Responsive; {Archaic}: Susceptive
Arrival, Appearance, Emergence, Materialization, Occurrence, Dawn, Birth, Rise, Development
Behoove Behooves
Be incumbent on, Be obligatory for, Be required of, Be expected of, Be appropriate for Befit, Become, Suit
Detract Detracts Detracted Detracting
Belittle, Take away from, Diminish, Reduce, Lessen, Minimize, Play down, Trivialize, Decry, Depreciate, Devalue, Deprecate
Confer Confers
Bestow on, Present to, Grant to, Award to, Decorate with, Honor with, Give to, Endow with, Extend to Consult, Talk, Speak, Converse, Have a chat, Have a tête-à-tête, Parley; {Informal}: Have a confab, Powwow
Edifice Edifices
Building, Structure, Construction, Erection, Pile, Complex; Property, Development, Premises
Capricious, Whimsical, Random, Chance, Unpredictable; Casual, Wanton, Unmotivated, Motiveless, Unreasoned, Unsupported, Irrational, Illogical, Groundless, Unjustified; Personal, Discretionary, Subjective Autocratic, Dictatorial, Autarchic, Undemocratic, Despotic, Tyrannical, Authoritarian, High-handed; Absolute, Uncontrolled, Unlimited, Unrestrained
Brash Brasher Brashest
Cheeky Self-assertive, Pushy, Cocksure, Cocky, Self-confident, Arrogant, Bold, Audacious, Brazen, Bumptious, Overweening, Puffed up, Forward, Impudent, Insolent, Rude
Fledgling Fledglings
Chick, Baby bird, Nestling Emerging, Emergent, Sunrise, Dawning, Embryonic, Infant, Nascent; Developing, In the making, Budding, Up-and-coming, Rising
Complicated, Complex, Involved, Elaborate, Serpentine, Labyrinthine, Tortuous, Tangled, Byzantine; Rube Goldberg; Confused, Confusing, Bewildering, Baffling
Comprehensive, All-inclusive, Complete, Full, Full-scale, Encyclopedic, Sweeping, Thorough, In-depth; Detailed, Meticulous, Painstaking
Conceit, Pride, Self-importance, Egotism; Pompousness, Pomposity, Imperiousness, Hubris; Immodesty; {Informal}: Big-headedness; {Literary}: Vainglory
Disdain Disdains Disdained Disdaining
Contempt, Scorn, Scornfulness, Contemptuousness, Derision, Disrespect; Disparagement, Condescension, Superciliousness, Hauteur, Haughtiness, Arrogance, Snobbishness, Indifference, Distaste, Dislike, Disgust Deride, Pour scorn on, Regard with contempt, Sneer at, Sniff at, Curl one's lip at, Look down one's nose at, Look down on; Despise; {Informal}: Turn up one's nose at, Pooh-pooh Spurn, Reject, Refuse, Rebuff, Disregard, Ignore, Snub; Decline, Turn down, Brush aside
Contentious, Disputed, At issue, Disputable, Debatable, Arguable, Vexed, Tendentious; Informal: Hot
Belie Belied
Contradict, Be at odds with, Call into question, Show/prove to be false, Disprove, Debunk, Discredit, Controvert, Negate; {Formal}: Confute
Cogent Cogently
Convincing, Compelling, Strong, Forceful, Powerful, Potent, Weighty, Impactful, Effective
Detractor Detractors
Critic, Disparager, Denigrator, Deprecator, Belittler, Attacker, Fault-finder, Backbiter; Slanderer, Libeler; {Informal}: Knocker
Curt, Abrupt, Blunt, Short, Sharp, Terse, Peremptory, Gruff; Offhand, Discourteous, Impolite, Rude; Informal: Snappy
Hack Hacks Hacked Hacking
Cut, Chop, Hew, Lop, Saw, Slash Cope, Manage, Get on/by, Carry on, Come through, Muddle along/through, Stand it, Tolerate it, Bear it, Endure it, Put up with it; Informal: Handle it, Abide it, Stick it out
Dilettante Dilettantes Dilettanti
Dabbler, Amateur, Nonprofessional, Nonspecialist, Layman, Layperson
Damned, Doomed, Lost, Condemned to hell; Censured, Faulted, Convicted; {Literary}: Accursed Dilapidated, Ramshackle, Run-down, Tumbledown, In ruins, Falling apart; Rickety, Creaky, Deteriorating, Crumbling, Disintegrating, Decaying; Neglected, Untended, Gone to rack and ruin Disused, Abandoned, Deserted, Discarded, Rejected, Neglected, Untended Negligent, Neglectful, Remiss, Lax, Careless, Sloppy, Slipshod, Slack, Irresponsible, Delinquent Tramp, Vagrant, Vagabond, Down and out, Homeless person, Drifter; Beggar, Mendicant; Outcast; {Informal}: Bag lady, Hobo, Bum
Despondent, Disheartened, Discouraged, Dispirited, Downhearted, Crestfallen, Down, Low, Disconsolate, Despairing; Sad, Melancholy, Gloomy, Glum, Morose, Doleful, Dismal, Woebegone, Miserable, Depressed, Dejected; {Informal}: Blue, Down in/at the mouth, Down in the dumps
Ennoble Ennobled
Dignify, Honor, Exalt, Elevate, Raise, Enhance, Add Dignity to, Distinguish; Magnify, Glorify, Aggrandize
Contention Contentions
Disagreement, Dispute, Disputation, Argument, Discord, Conflict, Friction, Strife, Dissension, Disharmony Argument, Claim, Plea, Submission, Allegation, Assertion, Declaration; Opinion, Stand, Position, View, Belief, Thesis, Case
Disenchantment Disenchantments
Disillusionment, Disappointment, Dissatisfaction, Discontent, Discontentedness, Rude awakening; Cynicism
Heresy Heresies
Dissension, Dissent, Nonconformity, Heterodoxy, Unorthodoxy, Apostasy, Blasphemy, Freethinking; Agnosticism, Atheism, Nonbelief; Idolatry, Paganism
Heretic Heretics
Dissenter, Nonconformist, Apostate, Freethinker, Iconoclast; Agnostic, Atheist, Nonbeliever, Unbeliever, Idolater, Idolatress, Pagan, Heathen; {Archaic}: Paynim
Histrionic Histrionics
Dramatics, Theatrics, Tantrums, Affectation, Staginess, Artificiality
Eager, Excited, Impatient, Keen, Anxious, Avid, In suspense, On tenterhooks, On the edge of one's seat, On pins and needles, Waiting with bated breath
Elation, Joy, Rapture, Ecstasy, Bliss, Happiness, Delight, Gladness Praise, Acclamation, Reverence, Veneration, Worship, Adoration, Idolization, Lionization
Endanger, Jeopardize, Risk, Put in danger, Put in jeopardy, Expose to danger, Hazard; Threaten, Pose a threat to; {Archaic}: Peril
Equivalent, Equal, Corresponding, Correspondent, Comparable, Proportionate, Proportional Appropriate to, In keeping with, In line with, Consistent with, Corresponding to, According to, Relative to; Dependent on, Based on
Exuberant, Confident, Lively, Animated, Vibrant, Vivacious Colorful, Brightly colored, Bright, Vibrant, Vivid, Dazzling, Eye-catching, Bold, Showy, Ostentatious, Gaudy, Garish, Lurid, Loud; Informal: Jazzy, Flashy Elaborate, Ornate, Fancy, Baroque, Rococo
Fickle, Inconstant, Changeable, Variable, Mercurial, Volatile, Unpredictable, Temperamental; Whimsical, Fanciful, Flighty, Quirky, Faddish
Frank, Direct, Straightforward, Honest, Candid, Open, Sincere, Outspoken, Straight, Blunt, Plain-spoken, No-nonsense, Downright, Bluff, Matter-of-fact, To the point; {Informal}: Upfront
Friendly, Amiable, Genial, Congenial, Cordial, Warm, Pleasant, Nice, Likable, Personable, Charming, Agreeable, Sympathetic, Simpatico, Good-humored, Good-natured, Jolly, Kindly, Kind, Courteous, Civil, Gracious, Approachable, Accessible, Amenable, Sociable, Hail-fellow-well-met, Outgoing, Gregarious, Neighborly
Greed, Avarice, Avariciousness, Acquisitiveness, Covetousness, Rapacity, Materialism, Mammonism; {Informal}: Money-grubbing
Happy Friendly, Affable, Amicable, Cordial; Warm, Warmhearted, Good-natured, Nice, Pleasant, Agreeable, Likable, Genial, Good-humored, Charming, Easy to get along with, Companionable, Sociable, Personable; {Informal}: Chummy, Simpatico
Harsh, Severe, Strict, Extreme, Drastic, Stringent, Tough; Cruel, Oppressive, Ruthless, Relentless, Punitive; Authoritarian, Despotic, Tyrannical, Repressive
Haughtiness, Superciliousness, Arrogance, Pride, Conceit, Snobbery, Snobbishness, Superiority, Self-importance; Disdain, Condescension; Airs and graces; {Informal}: Snootiness, Uppishness
Dither Dithering
Hesitate, Falter, Waver, Vacillate, Change one's mind, Be of two minds, Be indecisive, Be undecided; Informal: Shilly-shally, Dilly-dally
Accolade Accolades
Honor, Privilege, Award, Gift, Title; Prize, Laurels, Bays, Palm(s) Tribute, Commendation, Praise, Testimonial, Compliment, Pat on the back; Salute(s), Plaudits, Congratulations, Bouquets, Kudos; {Informal}: Raves
Hospitable, Genial, Personable, Agreeable, Friendly, Pleasant, Likable, Amiable, Nice; Companionable, Sociable, Sympathetic, Comradely, Convivial, Simpatico; Like-minded, Compatible, Kindred, Well suited Pleasant, Pleasing, Agreeable, Enjoyable, Pleasurable, Nice, Appealing, Satisfying, Gratifying, Delightful, Relaxing, Welcoming, Hospitable; Suitable, Well suited, Favorable
Enmity Enmities
Hostility, Animosity, Antagonism, Friction, Antipathy, Animus, Acrimony, Bitterness, Rancor, Resentment, Aversion, Ill feeling, Bad feeling, Ill will, Bad blood, Hatred, Hate, Loathing, Odium; Malice, Spite, Spitefulness, Venom, Malevolence
Immediately, At once, Instantly, Directly, Right away, Straightaway, Posthaste, Without delay, Without hesitation; Quickly, Speedily, Promptly; {Informal}: Pronto
Informal, Conversational, Everyday, Nonliterary; Unofficial, Idiomatic, Slangy, Vernacular, Popular, Demotic
Affront Affronts
Insult, Offense, Indignity, Slight, Snub, Put-down, Provocation, Injury; Outrage, Atrocity, Scandal; {Informal}: Slap in the face, Kick in the teeth Insult, Offend, Mortify, Provoke, Pique, Wound, Hurt; Put out, Irk, Displease, Bother, Rankle, Vex, Gall; Outrage, Scandalize, Disgust; {Informal}: Put someone's back up, Needle
Learned, Scholarly, Educated, Knowledgeable, Well read, Well informed, Intellectual, Intelligent, Clever, Academic, Literary, Bookish, Highbrow, Sophisticated, Cerebral {Informal}: Brainy, {Dated}: Lettered
Enumerate Enumerated
List, Itemize, Set out, Give; Cite, Name, Specify, Identify, Spell out, Detail, Particularize Calculate, Compute, Count, Add up, Tally, Total, Number, Quantify; Reckon, Work out, Tot up
Loafer, Layabout, Good-for-nothing, Ne'er-do-well, Lounger, Shirker, Sluggard; Informal: Slacker, Slob, Lazybones, Slowpoke; Literary: Wastrel
Luxurious, Opulence, Wealth Splendor, Magnificence, Impressiveness, Glory, Resplendence, Majesty, Greatness, Stateliness, Pomp, Ceremony
Coalesce Coalesces Coalesced Coalescing
Merge, Unite, Join together, Combine, Fuse, Mingle, Blend; Amalgamate, Consolidate, Integrate, Homogenize, Converge
Drivel Drivels Drivelled Drivelling Driveled Driveling
Nonsense, Twaddle, Claptrap, Balderdash, Gibberish, Rubbish, Mumbo jumbo, Garbage; {Informal}: Poppycock, Piffle, Tripe, bull, Hogwash, Baloney, Codswallop, Flapdoodle, Jive, Guff, Bushwa; {Informal} Tommyrot, Bunkum; Vulgar slangcrapola, Verbal diarrhea Talk nonsense, Talk rubbish, Babble, Ramble, Gibber, Blather, Prattle, Gabble, Waffle
Not caring Indifference, Lack of interest, Lack of enthusiasm, Lack of concern, Unconcern, Uninterestedness, Unresponsiveness, Impassivity, Dispassion, Lethargy, Languor, Ennui; {Rare} Acedia
Obscure, Arcane, Esoteric, Little known, Recherché, Rarefied, Recondite, Difficult, Hard, Puzzling, Perplexing, Cryptic, Enigmatic, Delphic, Complex, Complicated, Involved, Over/above one's head, Incomprehensible, Unfathomable, Impenetrable, Mysterious
Glean Gleans Gleaned Gleaning
Obtain, Get, Take, Draw, Derive, Extract, Cull, Garner, Gather, Learn, Find out
Belabor Belabors Belabored Belaboring Belabour Belabours Belaboured Belabouring
Overelaborate, Labor, Dwell on, Harp on about, Hammer away at; Overdo, Overplay, Overdramatize, Make too much of, Place too much emphasis on; {Informal}: Beat to death, Drag out, Make a big thing of, Blow out of proportion
Overused, Overdone, Overworked, Worn out, Timeworn, Platitudinous, Vapid, Stale, Tired, Threadbare; Trite, Banal, Hack, Clichéd, Hoary, Commonplace, Common, Ordinary, Stock, Conventional, Stereotyped, Predictable; Unimaginative, Unoriginal, Uninspired, Rrosaic, Dull, Boring, Uninvolving, Pedestrian, Run-of-the-mill, Boilerplate, Routine; {Informal}: Old hat, Cheesy, Corny, Played out
Enact Enacts Enacted Enacting
Pass, Make law, Legislate; Approve, Ratify, Sanction, Authorize; Impose, Lay down, Bring down Act out, Act, Perform, Appear in, Stage, Mount, Put on, Present
Benefactor Benefactors
Patron, Supporter, Backer, Sponsor, Donor, Contributor, Subscriber; Informal: Angel
Contemporary Contemporaries
Peer, Fellow; {Formal}: Compeer
Assuage Assuaged
Placated Relieve, Ease, Alleviate, Soothe, Mitigate, Allay, Palliate, Abate, Suppress, Subdue; Moderate, Lessen, Diminish, Reduce Satisfy, Gratify, Appease, Fulfill, Indulge, Slake, Sate, Satiate, Quench, Check
Poise, Self-assurance, Self-confidence, Calmness, Composure, Collectedness, Levelheadedness, Sangfroid, Equilibrium, Equanimity; Informal: Unflappability
Extol Extols Extolled Extolling
Praise enthusiastically, Go into raptures about/over, wax lyrical about, Sing the praises of, Praise to the skies, Acclaim, Exalt, Eulogize, Adulate, Rhapsodize Over, Rave about, Enthuse about/over, Overpraise; {Informal}: Go wild about, Go on about, Ballyhoo; {Formal}: Laud; {Archaic}: Panegyrize
Rambling, Unplanned Casual, Cursory, Superficial, Token, Perfunctory, Half-hearted, Lukewarm; Random, Aimless, Erratic, Unmethodical, Unsystematic, Chaotic, Inconsistent, Irregular, Intermittent, Sporadic, Fitful
Reduction, Decrease, Lessening, Decline, Dwindling, Moderation, Fading, Fade-out, Weakening, Ebb
Refined, Respectable, Decorous, Mannerly, Well mannered, Courteous, Polite, Proper, Correct, Seemly; Well bred, Cultured, Sophisticated, Ladylike, Gentlemanly, Dignified, Gracious; Affected
Abrogate Abrogates Abrogated Abrogating
Repeal, Revoke, Rescind, Repudiate, Overturn, Annul; Disallow, Cancel, Invalidate, Nullify, Void, Negate, Dissolve, Countermand, Declare null and void, Discontinue; Reverse, Retract, Remove, Withdraw, Abolish, Put an end to, Do away with, Get rid of, End, Stop, Quash, Scrap; Disaffirm
Domicile Domiciles Domiciled
Residence, Home, House, Address, Residency, Lodging, Accommodations; {Informal}: Digs; {Formal}: Dwelling (place), Abode, Habitation Is settled, Live, Make one's home, Take up residence
Rude, Ill-mannered, Ill-bred, Discourteous, Impolite, Unmannerly, Uncivil, Unchivalrous
Rustic, Rural, Pastoral, Country, Countryside; Literary: Arcadian, Sylvan, Georgic
Aphorism Aphorisms
Saying, Maxim, Axiom, Adage, Epigram, Dictum, Gnome, Proverb, Saw, Tag; {Rare} Apophthegm
Scorn, Disdain, Disrespect, Scornfulness, Contemptuousness, Derision; Disgust, Loathing, Hatred, Abhorrence Disregard, Slighting
Scrupulous, Punctilious, Painstaking, Meticulous; Perfectionist, Fussy, Finicky, Overparticular; Critical, Overcritical, Hypercritical, Hard to please, Exacting, Demanding; {Informal}: Persnickety, Nitpicking, Choosy, Picky, Anal
Autonomy Autonomies
Self-government, Self-rule, Home rule, Self-determination, Independence, Sovereignty, Freedom
Austere Austerer Austerest
Severe, Stern, Strict, Harsh, Steely, Flinty, Dour, Grim, Cold, Frosty, Unemotional, Unfriendly; Formal, Stiff, Reserved, Aloof, Forbidding; Grave, Solemn, Serious, Unsmiling, Unsympathetic, Unforgiving; Hard, Unyielding, Unbending, Inflexible; {Informal}: Hard-boiled Ascetic, Self-denying, Self-disciplined, Nonindulgent, Frugal, Spartan, Puritanical, Abstemious, Abstinent, Self-sacrificing, Strict, Temperate, Sober, Simple, Restrained; Celibate, Chaste Plain, Simple, Basic, Functional, Modest, Unadorned, Unembellished, Unfussy, Restrained; Stark, Bleak, Bare, Clinical, Ascetic; {Informal}: No-frills, Bare-bones
Austerity Austerities
Severity, Strictness, Seriousness, Solemnity, Gravity; Frugality, Thrift, Economy, Asceticism; Self-discipline, Abstinence, Sobriety, Restraint, Chastity; Starkness
Shame, Humiliation, Embarrassment, Mortification, Disgrace, Dishonor, Discredit, Degradation, Scandal, Infamy, Indignity, Ignobility, Loss of face
Smug, Self-satisfied, Self-congratulatory, Self-regarding, Conceited; Gloating, Triumphant, Proud; Pleased, Satisfied, Content, Contented
Sociable, Company-loving, Convivial, Companionable, Outgoing, Friendly, Affable, Amiable, Genial, Warm, Comradely; {Informal}: Chummy Social, Living in groups
Coffer Coffers
Strongbox, Money box, Cashbox, Money chest, Treasure chest, Safe; Casket, Box Fund(s), Reserves, Resources, Money, Finances, Wealth, Cash, Capital, Purse; Treasury, Exchequer; {Informal}: Pork barrel
Suave, Urbane, Sophisticated, Cultured, Self-possessed, Self-assured, Confident, Charming, Gracious, Courteous, Gallant, Chivalrous, Gentlemanly, Refined, Polished, Well bred, Genteel, Dignified, Courtly, Well groomed, Elegant, Stylish, Smart, Dashing; Informal: Smooth, Sharp, Cool, Slick, Fly
Subsiding, Dying down/away/out, Lessening, Easing (off), Letup, Decrease, Moderation, Decline, Ebb Decrease, Reduction, Lowering
Codify Codified
Systematize, Systemize, Organize, Arrange, Order, Structure; Tabulate, Catalog, List, Sort, Index, Classify, Categorize, File, Log
Transitory, Transient, Fleeting, Passing, Short-lived, Momentary, Brief, Short; Temporary, Impermanent, Short-term; Fly-by-night
Trite, Hackneyed, Clichéd, Platitudinous, Vapid, Commonplace, Ordinary, Common, Stock, Conventional, Stereotyped, Overused, Overdone, Overworked, Stale, Worn out, Timeworn, Tired, Threadbare, Hoary, Hack, Unimaginative, Humdrum, Ho-hum, Unoriginal, Uninteresting, Dull, Uninvolving, Trivial
Unappeasable, Unforgiving, Unsparing, Inexorable, Intransigent, Inflexible, Unyielding, Unbending, Uncompromising, Unrelenting, Relentless, Ruthless, Remorseless, Merciless, Heartless, Pitiless, Cruel, Hard, Harsh, Stern, Tough, Iron-fisted
Unfortunate, Unlucky, Luckless, Out of luck, Ill-starred, Ill-fated, Jinxed, Cursed, Doomed; Unhappy, Forlorn, Wretched, Miserable, Woebegone; {Informal}: Down on one's luck; {Literary}: Star-crossed
Unhappy, Sad, Miserable, Sorrowful, Dejected, Despondent, Disconsolate, Wretched, Abject, Down, Downcast, Dispirited, Downhearted, Crestfallen, Depressed, Melancholy, Gloomy, Glum, Mournful, Despairing, Doleful, Woebegone; {Informal}: Blue, Down in/at the mouth, Down in the dumps; {Rare}: Lachrymose Desolate, Deserted, Abandoned, Forsaken, Forgotten, Neglected Hopeless, Vain, With no chance of success; Useless, Futile, Pointless, Purposeless, Unavailing, Nugatory; {Archaic}: Bootless
Uninterested, Indifferent, Unconcerned, Unmoved, Uninvolved, Disinterested, Unemotional, Emotionless, Dispassionate, Lukewarm, Unmotivated, Halfhearted; Informal: Couldn't-care-less; Rare: Laodicean
Vigor, Vivacity, Gusto, Verve, Zest, Enthusiasm, Vitality, Dynamism, Animation, Spirit, Energy; {Informal}: Pep, Vim, Get-up-and-go
Virtuoso, Masterly, Outstanding, Excellent, Superb, Brilliant, Dazzling, First-class, Expert; {Informal}: Top-notch, Mean, Ace, A1
Discernible Discernable
Visible, Detectable, Noticeable, Perceptible, Observable, Distinguishable, Recognizable, Identifiable; Apparent, Evident, Distinct, Appreciable, Clear, Obvious, Manifest, Conspicuous
Wide-ranging, Broad-based, Extensive, Comprehensive, Encyclopedic; Varied, Diverse, Catholic, All-embracing, Multifaceted, Multifarious, Heterogeneous, Miscellaneous, Assorted
Bonanza Bonanzas
Windfall, Godsend, Boon, Blessing, Bonus, Stroke of luck, Jackpot
Wretched, Miserable, Hopeless, Pathetic, Pitiful, Pitiable, Piteous, Sorry, Woeful, Lamentable, Degrading, Appalling, Atrocious, Awful Contemptible, Base, Low, Vile, Worthless, Debased, Degraded, Despicable, Ignominious, Mean, Unworthy, Ignoble Obsequious, Groveling, Fawning, Toadyish, Servile, Cringing, Sycophantic, Submissive, Craven