World Geo Europe Study Guide

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What is a fjord?

A long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes.

What does the newly-reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFO) seek to accomplish in the European Union?

A sustainable future for fish and fishermen.

What mountain range spearates Italy and France?


A genocide occured in what country in Europe in the 1990's?



Be composed of or made up of

What area is being destroyed by acid rai in Europe?

Black Forest, Germany

What is chernozem?

Black top soil, worlds fertilest soil

What countyr in South America did Portugal colonize?


What two countries does the Chunnel connect?

Britian ad France

What religion do most people follow in Europe?


What is a euro?

Europe Currency

The Northern European Plain is a flat area that extends from what country to what country.

Fance to Russia

What is the most densely populated region of Europe?


What is the highest peak in the Alps?

Mont Blanc

Where did many surfing European Jewish people resettle after World War ll?

Most who survived were unable or unwillling to return to easetern Europe.

What country in Europe has many windmills?


Do all of the countries in Europe have a developed or developing economy?


Which one of the following types of vegetation is NOT found in Europe: rainforest, mixed forest, tundra, coniferous forest.


When were citizens first able to democratically elect members to European Parliament?

September 20 1976

What did European policy makers realize about pollution in the 1970s?

That the air was over polluted

What is another name for the prehistoric Drombeg stone circle in Ireland?

The Druid's Altar.

What is the name of the ocean current that makes Europe warmer?

The North Atlantic Drift

What body of water connects the Atlantic ocean to the Mediterranean sea?

Strait of Gibalator

List three countries that did NOT join the European Union.

Switerland, Albania, Serbia

Where is the Matterhorn located?


List three reasons Europe has high crop yeild?

Tractors, enhanced plants, and chemical fertlizer

What does the term British Isles refer to?

United Kingdom

What mountain range is the dividing line between Europe and Asia?

Ural Mountains


a body of mountain ranges formed by fault-line activity

geothermal energy

a form of energy conversion that captures heat energy from within Earth

pollution hot spot

a location where pollution and other human activities have led to the degradation, or even death, of an ecosystem


a long, steep-sided glacial valley now filled by seawater

invasive species

a non indigenous or non native species that threatens ecosystems, habitats, or other species


a process by which glaciers form and spread

shatter belt

a region where political alliances are constantly splintering and fracturing based on ethnicity


a spring that throws forth intermittent jets of heated water and steam

hot spring

a spring whose water issues at a temperature higher than that of its surroundings

welfare state

a state that assumes primary responsibility for the social welfare of its citezens

What is a fjord?

a steep, narrow, u-shaped valley that is carved out by a glacier.


a usuable stock or supply


a vital or unsettled matter


a way to approach or enter


act of unloading, transferring, or distributing part or all of a shipment

Kyoto protokol

amendment to the international treaty on climate change designed to reduce he amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by specific countries


an extremely rare heavy-metal element essential in high-tech industry


an independently governed community consisting of a city and the surrounding lands, notably present in ancient Greece


an ordered system for the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

industrial revolution

beginning in the 1700's, rapid, major change in the economy with the introduction of power driven machinery

Which one of the following structures is most commonly found in Europe? Pagodas, Yurts, Castles, or Haciendas?



commercial center where goods are received and reshipped


continuing, existing, or acting for a long time


covering completely or broadly; inclusive


division of a region into smaller regions


dry wind that blows from the leeward sides of mountains sometimes melting snow and causing avalanches; term used mainly in Europe

industrial capitilism

economic system in which business readers use profits to expand their companies


fine,yellowish,brownish, topsoil made up of particles of silt and clay, carried and deposited by the wind

guest worker

foreign laborer living and working temporally in another country


free from error


granting of self-rule to local and regional authorities

What countries in Europe have a highland climate zone?

higher up in Europe. The Northern Countries


idea that society should be based on public owner-ship and communal control of property






industry engaged in agriculture on a large scale, sometimes including the manufacturing and distribution of farm supplies


large bank of earth and stone that holds back water


large mass of ice, snow or rock that slides down a mountain side


low lying area from which seawater has been drained to create new land


make sure or certain


mass murder of 6 million Jews by Germanys Nazi regime during World War 2

cap and trade

method for managing pollution in which a limit is placed on emissions and businesses or countries can buy and sell emission allowances

List three reasons Switzerland has a highly developed economy.

netural, tourism, they have a develped country

What is the site of Athens?

on a hilltop

What is the site of Pairs?

on a island

Why was there a conflict in Northern Ireland in the 1980's and 1990's?

population split between Protestant and Catholic

cold war

power struggle between the Soviet Union and the US after WW2


rebirth; the period in European civilization characterized by a surge of interest in classical learning and values


relating to or characteristic of a continent


relationship between two places in which one produces something the other needs, resulting in an exchange

What is the of a house with a steep roof in Switzerland?



something that actively contributes to the production of a result


strong northerly wind from the alps that can bring cold air to southern france

List two countries that have a mixed economy in Europe.

sweden and Denmark


terrain dominated by limestone bedrock and characterized by rocky ground, caves, sinkholes, underground rivers, and the absence of surface streams and lakes


the action of renewing forest cover (as by natural seeding or by the artificial planting of seeds or young trees)

ethnic cleansing

the expelling from country or genocide of an ethnic group

What country makes polders in order to have more farmland?


Artifacts have been found at the Cave of Altamira going back 18,500 years. What can be found on the cave's walls?

Drawings of bision.

What country in Europe first developed democracy?


What landscape define the Alpine Mountains?

High elevations, rugged plateaus, steeply sloping, and define the region.

List one country that has tundra and permafrost in Europe.


What did the Schengen Agreemnet in 1985 accomplish?

It accomplished abolishment of their national borders.

What has happened to Christianity in Europe since World War ll?

It has declined

List three countries in Europe that have a Mediterranean climate?

Italy, Greece, Spain

What country is landlocked in the Alps?

Northern Italy, Switerland, austria, France

What country has large deposits of oil in the North Sea?


List two countries that rely heavily on fishing.

Norway and Sweden

How many people died in World War ll?

Over 60 million people.

Industry in Italy is concentrated on what river valley?


What two countries are located on the Iberian Peninsula?

Portugal and Spain

What did many people feel should change in Europe after World War ll?

Protection and to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security.

What four areas compose the United Kingdom?

Wales, Scotland, England, Northern Islands

What Are four major physical regions of Europe?

Western uplands, North European plain, Central uplands, Alpine mountains


the practice and business of recreational travel based on concern for the environment

Why do Eastern European countries hava a lower GDP per capita than Western European countries?

they are less develpoed


to blend into a functioning whole


to carry out successfully; accomplish


to come into existence, happen


to concentrate attention or effort


to contain; to consist of


to go through, experience


to help something grow and develope


to move from one place or another


to place or keep by itself


to rise from an obscure position or condition; to become visible


water formed by melting snow and ice

acid deposition

wet or dry airborne acids that fall to the ground

What is the site of London?

where a river narrows

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