World History 2 Final Exam Review

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All of the rights of Japanese subjects set out in the Meiji Constitution's 15 articles are:

"unless provided by law"

Mao Zedong was an inspiring rural organizer, and he set about developing his ideas of revolution with the heretical idea of:

A mixture of private and state investment in factories and small-scale food marketing by peasants.

The creation of NATO was most directly triggered by:

Advantage in nuclear weapons was eliminated and fear of communist takeover

"Apartheid", meaning "apartness" in the ________ language, was instituted in South Africa in 1948.


Between 1894 and 1896, the Ottoman sultan armed Kurdish tribal units, which massacred thousands of ________ villagers.


Jose de San Martin trained the Army of the ________ and, with this army, liberated Chile from royalist forces in 1818.


The planned massacre of _______ was the one large-scale atrocity of World War I.


In Syria, hopes for an Arab Spring were dashed almost immediately by the horrific violence inflicted by its leader, ________ al-Assad.


Juana Azurduy de Padilla played an instrumental role in the establishment of the nation of ________.


As Iraq was divided by majority Shiites and minority Sunnis, the ___________ inaugurated a policy of divide and rule in their Middle Eastern mandates, while dangling the prospect of eventual independence in front of them.


Why was Khrushchev able to crush the Hungarian revolution without much opposition from the West?

British, French, and Americans were preoccupied with the Suez Crisis

How did the British enhance their legitimacy in the eyes of the Indian people?

By identifying British rule with India's historic past

______ detonated its first nuclear device in October 1964.


Gran Colombia was divided in 1831 into its component parts, which included:

Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and (later) Panama

The constitution introduced by Pedro I of Brazil in 1823: ________

Concentrated most powers in his hands

The Marshall Plan allocated funds to all of the following countries except:


Whose monopoly on trade with China ended in 1833?

East India Company

After United States and Spain made peace at the end of 1898, the US ignored the independent Philippine government led by _________.

Emilio Aguinaldo

The most famous—and most radical—of British political feminists was _________, who together with her daughters formed the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903.

Emmeline Pankhurst

Nikita Khrushchev was forced out of his position by the Soviet Politburo for all of the following reasons except:

Failing to secure the 1964 Olympic Games for Moscow

The principal spokesman for _________ nationalists in the second half of the nineteenth century was José Rizal, who was executed by the government in 1896.


In February 1812, the British Parliament passed the _________, which made attacks on textile machinery punishable by death.

Frame Breaking Act

The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are China, the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States, and ______.


Officially, the Soviet Union ended on Christmas Day, 1991, after:

Gorbachev was arrested and showdown of troops sent to occupy Russian parliament

Jose Antonio Aponte, head of a Yoruba confraternity (cabilde) in ________, led an abortive revolt against Spanish control in 1812.


Charles X of France claimed that his blockade of Algiers was justified because:

Hussein Dey insulted French consul, Pierre Deval publicly

The invention of the flying shuttle (1733), water frame (1769), and spinning mule (1779):

Increased the speed and quality of spinning or weaving

Despite the success of the middle class in _________, an overwhelming majority of people in villages lived in extreme poverty during the 1990s.


After the end of the "new order," a new sultan came to power and eventually put an end to the ________ in 1826.


The image shows European powers and Japan seeking to carve up China. What prevented the total dismemberment of China?

John Hay, the US Secretary of State, circulated a note with British backing suggesting that all powers maintain an "open door" for all to trade in China

Members of the "Harlem Renaissance" among African American artists and intellectuals felt that to be of African descent:

Made one part of a larger and richer collective history extending beyond the history of slaves

Estimates of those slaughtered in the brutal "Rape of _______" of 1937-1938 range between 200,000 and 300,000 people


The Treaty of ________ between the Chinese and the British in 1842 marked the first of the century's "unequal treaties" that would be imposed throughout east Asia by European powers.


Agricultural commodity exports yielded high profits and taxes in Brazil until 1896, when: ________

Overproduction of coffee resulted in diminishing returns

What Latin American state was created in 1903 with the support of the United States?


The commander of an American fleet, Matthew C. _________, arrived in Japan in July 1853, deliberately attempting to impress the Japanese with Western technological might.


Contrary to expectations, wages for laborers in Latin America ________ in the 1800s.

Remained low

In 1839, the Ottoman government issued a series of reform edicts that are collectively known as the Tanzimat or "________."


As a result of a secret deal between British prime minister Churchill and Soviet leader Stalin in May 1944, Greece became part of the British sphere, in return for:

Romania and Bulgaria

The Decembrist Revolt was led by a small number of ________ in 1825, but it was quickly suppressed, and its leaders were hanged.

Russian officers

During the civil war in _______ in 1994, the ethnic majority Hutu massacred the Tutsi ethnic minority.


Why is the city Karbala, Iraq important to the Shiites?

Shiites annually reenact the martyrdom of two of Imam Ali's sons, Husain, and Abbas, who perished in Karbala

Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika resulted in:

Shortages, outrageous prices, evaded payment of taxes, eventually the fall of the Soviet Union

The _____ was fought between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in June 1967.

Six-Day War

One of the most significant reasons for the continued stagnation of the British economy after World War I was:

That nearly half of its budget in the interwar period went to paying off debt from the war

Taking power shortly after the death of Chairman Mao in 1976, Deng Xiaoping implemented the ___________, the fundamental policies that remain in force in China to the present.

The Four Modernizations

The Schlieffen Plan, implemented by the Germans at beginning of World War I, came close to succeeding, but it ultimately failed, for all of the following reasons except:

The Netherlands intervened on behalf of its neighbor, Belgium, threatening to invade Germany

What convinced Alexander II that reforms were necessary for the Russian Empire?

The Russian defeat in the Crimean War

Among the innovative measures enacted by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the "New Deal" were:

The creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), charged with enforcing regulations and preventing a repetition of the Stock Market Collapse of 1929.

The Rose Garden Edict (1839) did all of the following: ________

The guarantee of life, honor, and property of all subjects regardless or religion, the replacement of tax farms and life leases with an equitable tax system, and the introduction of a military conscription system

Which of the following was not an early reform of the Meiji?

The lower classes were not represented on the lower chain of the diet.

Under Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish parliament introduced all of the following measures to Turkey except:

The removal of Anatolian farmers into urban factories and schools.

What was the main reason for railroad development in Latin American countries from the 1870s onward?

The transportation of commodities to ports

One of the outcomes of the Boxer Rebellion was a new "unequal treaty" that allowed:

They extracted the right to post troops in major Chinese cities, demanded the total suppression of any anti-foreign movements, and received such a huge indemnity that China had to borrow money from foreign banks in order to service the interest on the loan.

The original founders of the Non-Aligned Movement of Nations included all of the following except:


What are the two characteristics that make the United States the sole superpower in the world?

US dollar functioned as the currency for all oil sales and purchases and its giant consumer economy

What was the largest and wealthiest commercial company in the world during the seventeenth century?

United East India Company (VOC)

By 1869 the first transcontinental railroad was joined with a final golden spike at Promontory Point, _______, resulting in greater trade and commerce across the American continent.


The ideas and practices of the Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot were so radical and brutal that in 1977 ________ invaded Cambodia and initiated his overthrow.


In response to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Soviet Union formed the ______ Pact in 1955.


When Latin American republics declared their independence, the Popes in Rome: ________

Would not recognize their independence

Khrushchev alarmed Western leaders by announcing that:

a new policy that supported anti colonial nationalist independence movements around the globe, even if movements were not communist

Like the Chinese "self-strengtheners," Japanese senior advisors to the emperor sought to use new foreign technologies and institutions to strengthen the state ________.

against further foreign intrusion

Following the Revolution of 1905, Nicholas II repudiated the concessions granted in the October Manifesto, especially: ________.

an independent Duma

The factors that made Britain especially suitable for launching the industrial movement included all of the following:

benefited from reserves of coal and iron ore, combined with overseas colonies and subsequent global trading networks, a thriving merchant class, and the development of a flourishing banking system

Australia, although a colony, was a ___________ region that sought its wealth through export-led growth.


The English philosopher Herbert Spencer proposed a theory that came to be called "social ________", which sought to apply the ideas of natural selection to races, ethnicities, and peoples.


Over the course of the 19th century population in the industrialized nations of Europe:

dramatically rose

The invention of _______ by the Swedish chemist and engineer Alfred Bernhard Nobel aided in the construction of the Panama Canal (1914).


Sultan Abdulhamit used the Russian-Ottoman War of 1877-1878 as an excuse to: ________

end constitutional rule and governing by decree

Which of the following was a goal of the women's liberation movement of the 1960s?

equal pay for equal work and more social freedom for women to pursue careers outside of their home

Between 1850 and 1900 the standard of living improved in Latin America due to _________.


Which of the following was one of Woodrow Wilson's war aims?

freedom of the seas, the rights of neutral powers, self-determination for all peoples, and peace "without annexations or indemnities."

________ was the name given to the group of advisors to the Japanese emperor who sought to build up the state to protect against foreign intrusion.


The Great Mutiny was touched off by the rumor that the British had:

grease from Enfield rifle was concocted of cow and pig fat

Mao's land reforms between 1950 and 1955 took as many as 2 million lives and resulted in:

increased peasant landownership caused agricultural productivity to increase

The League of Nations. Why was the Treaty of Versailles rejected by the United States Senate?

it required collective military action in case of aggression

During the latter part of the nineteenth century, women held about ___________ of the industrial jobs.


Children frequently began work in mines as "trappers", responsible for:

opening and shutting ventilation doors in mineshafts

The Communist Manifesto declared, "The _________ have nothing to lose but their chains."


The French, who considered themselves as ________, joined with the British in a war to force a new treaty upon the Chinese government.

protectors of Catholic missionaries

By the late 1960s, the United States and the Soviet Union had entered into a period of relations known as "détente", a French term meaning ________.

release of tension

In 1792, the sultan and his viziers proclaimed a "new order" for the army, in which: ________

reorganization of the army with the creation of a new, separate artillery and flintlock musket corps alongside the Janissaries

The Belgian Congo under King Leopold II employed mass forced labor of the indigenous population to extract _______ from the jungle.


In March 1930, Mohandas Gandhi protested a British tax on Indian ______ by embarking on a famous 24-day march.


One advantage enjoyed by Germany in its production of steel was:

saved substantial time and investment capital and resulting in newer and more efficient equipment and business models

The ______ for Africa was a competition among European powers to acquire African colonies that began with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.


The US Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) that:

separate facilities were by definition not equal

Under the Dutch, Indonesia became a major exporter of all of the following:

sugar, tea, coffee, palm oil, coconut products, tropical hardwoods, rubber, quinine, and pepper

David Livingstone's ultimate goals were not only to __________ but also to "civilize" Africans by broadcasting the blessings of Christianity and commerce.

terminate trafficking in slaves

Since 1977, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo have kept vigil in _______ for friends and relatives lost during the "Dirty War".

that plaza in Buenos Aires

In 1957, the "Hundred Flowers" campaign was:

the party invited intellectuals to submit public criticism of the party's record, assuring the intellectuals that offering their critique was patriotic

Simón Bolivar received military aid from Haiti's president in exchange for: ________.

the promise to end slavery

What caused the Venezuelan state-socialist system created by Hugo Chávez to break down during the second decade of the twenty-first century?

the world oil price slump deprived the government of revenue

Ottoman troops were able to repress nationalist agitators in Macedonia in the 1890s because:

they had no outside support

The original goal of the National Congress when it convened in 1885 was to:

to win greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire and, by opening decades of the twentieth century, to push for Indian independence

A crucial step in the fall of Juan Perón's regime was:

unmanageable debts

When they established power, the Qajars:

were not powerful enough to interfere with the clerical hierarchy's privileges

All of the following were characteristic of the Soviet economy in the Stalinist and post-Stalinist periods except:

women entered the workplace in equal numbers to men, as all were considered "comrades"

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