World History 2 Test 1

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by 1596 -__________ facing decline -monarchy virtually ____________ - new world silver flow declining

Spanish bankrupt

Dutch established a ___________ ____________ ______________ - the Dutch trading empire - locations & commodities: 1. East India -East Indies-______________ (aka "________ islands"): _________ 2. West India -West Indies- ______________ area: ________, ___________, _____________

global trading network Indonesia spice spices Caribbean sugar, tobacco, slaves

1805-1812 - Napoleonic Warfare- 1812 at its height c. _____ million subjects ruled directly or via proxy


1645 & Beyond - New World - Height of the ___________ __________ ___________ (entire event c. 1600-1850) an element of global trade was the development of the ________________ ___________ _____________ which involved: the capture, enslavement, purchase, & shipment of Africans to labor on _______ ________ plantations location: the New World (mainly ________ ____________) - majority of slaves exported from W. & C. Africa

Atlantic Slave Trade Atlantic Slave Trade cash crop West Indies

1649-1660 - England - after the abolition of the monarchy, the ________________ of _______________ established the nation turned back to monarchy -______________'s rule aka the ____________________ (time between kings)

Commonwealth of England Cromwell Interregnum

___________________- theory of evolution put forth by Charles Darwin, published in On the Origin of Species(1859) & The Descent of Man (1871) - Darwin held that species of living beings evolve by ________________ ______________ - individuals best adapted to their circumstances are the most likely to survive & propagate

Darwinism natural selection

Cottage Industry aka the "______________ System" - _________ people desired extra income, ___________ entrepreneurs would furnish raw materials & basic tools then return later to collect finished products - __________ were the first & main cottage industry- this system helped fuel trade; set the stage (later) for the _________ _____________

Domestic rural urban textiles Industrial Revolution

1609 & beyond - Netherlands - Emergence of the ________ __________

Dutch Republic

Great Britain: comprised of ____________, _________, & _____________ - established in the ________ _______ of __________

England, Scotland, and Wales 1707 Act of Union

18th Century France - Pre revolution context The roughly 26 million people who comprised 18th century French society were divided into three orders called ____________ - these were legally defined groupings - essentially a class system prevailed Three Estates were: ____________ ____________ _____________

Estates Church (1st Estate) Nobles (2nd Estate) Commoners (3rd Estate)

___________ ________________ (1844-1900) - DT philosopher who rejected ___________ & the prevailing _____________ of his time -proclaimed that "________ is dead" & therefore, people were free to create their own values

Friedrich Nietzsche Christianity morality God

1589-1610 - France - Rule of _________ _______- the ___________ dynasty included: ___________, ____________, _______________

Henry IV Bourbon Henry IV Louis XIII Louis XIV

1543 - Europe -___________ ______________ published: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres marks a transition from the _________ (________________) to the ___________ (__________)view of the universe the _____________ understanding of the natural world & its physical properties rested on a blend of thought c. asserted a sun-centered (______________) view order of the planets made more sense (mathematically) by placing the ________ at the center (universe)

Nicolaus Copernicus medieval (premodern) scientific (modern) scientific heliocentric sun

Salons: mostly found in ________, often run by ____________ - evening receptions for ___________ - a gathering where men/women could educate themselves & openly discuss ideas - some had an _______________ correspondence

Paris women discussion international

1682 Russia - Rule of _________ the __________ (1682-1725; solely 1696) conquered land from Sweden (in Northern War) - c. 1703, _______ __________________ will be built from scratch 1. the city was to be a "______________ on the _________" facing west - Russia was somewhat landlocked Peter implemented changes to "________________" Russia

Peter the Great St. Petersburg window on the sea Westernize

1556-1598 - Spain - Rule of ________ _______ - a zeal for _______________ framed personal conduct/foreign policies

Philip II Roman Catholicism

1613-1917 - Russia - Rule of the _______________ Family


Marxism: in time, global ramifications (Cold War) - ____________ is the final stage in Marxist ideology A school of _____________ based on the writings of _______ ____________ (German-Jewish theorist, 1818-83)

communism socialism Karl Marx

Conservatism- outlook valuing established institutions, ___________ of proposals for _________ ____________ ___________

critical radical social change

In the 1600s the Dutch/Netherlands/Holland could be considered "___________ __________" in some respects: commercial success came with dominance of the _______ __________ - other nations shipped via the Dutch the ____________ (narrow deck, wide hull) was a high-volume, low maintenance vessel - profitable a _____________ ___________ (system of govt. where elected rep. govern for the citizenry who hold power)

cutting edge cargo trade Fluyt modern republic

1799-1815 -Summary of Napoleon's Rule- he governed as an "_____________" but ____________ ruler d. via conquest/seizure, forced alliances, states ruled by family members: he was ____________ ruler of Europe e. silenced all opposition by eliminating liberty of the _________ - replaced it with ___________ f. religious peace via _______________ of 1801- recognized _________ __________ as the religion of the majority - not the official state religion - clergy largely under state control - toleration for ________/___________ g. the ancient regime was plagued with numerous & conflicting law codes - now: the ____________ ____________- provided a unified & efficient system of law - granted equality before the law - freedom of religion h. economically he aided France

enlightened absolute virtual press propoganda Concordant Roman Catholicism Jews/Protestants Code Napoleon

Liberalism- outlook attaching supreme importance to safeguarding the _____________ of the ______________

freedom individual

Peasants- farmers, etc. - some were prosperous (if they had enough land), most lived in ___________ a. owned c. 30-40% of the land - but the typical holding was just large enough to eke out a living


Urban Laborers- journeymen, small-scale factory workers, day laborers, etc. - like the peasants, they were affected by __________ __________ & ____________ __________ (1785-89: cost of living up 62%; wages up 22%)

rising prices food shortages

Czar (or Tzar, Tsar)

title used to designate the rulers/emperors of Russia

Aftermath & ______________ ______________ of 7 years War: 1. "victory" now required additional _______________ ________ to guard the North American territories it gained 2. Great Britain had protected the colonists from the FR & was still protecting them from the Indians 3. the war drained the ________ ____________ c. after the war: British population would number c. __ million - American colonists c. ___ million d. Englishmen paid on average perhaps __________ of their income in taxes e. many American colonists normally rendered no more than ________ of their income in taxes f. taxes to replenish the treasury would incite Am. colonists to ________ & eventually create the ______

unintended consequences British troops British treasury 8 2 one-third 5 percent rebel United States

___________ ____________ (1732-1790) - Scottish -An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations 1. the centerpiece of His massive 1776 study was the doctrine of __________ __________ (to let do) 2. leave the market to its own devices - maintained that govts. should let the economy run on its own 3. applied: the value of labor is in turn determined by ____________ forces- by supply and demand 4. his thoughts represent the essence of ___________ and a challenge to the mercantilist approach

Adam Smith laissez faire market capitalism

Great Awakening: _____________ revivalist movement - a response to the growing _________ of early ______ century _____________ Christianity - in 1719, revivals began in _______ ____________, however, the preaching of _____________ _______________ & the resultant conversions of the 1730s gave it widespread recognition (influenced _________/__________ __________) - 1739-1741, ___________ ______________ mission won many converts from Penn. to Maine

American formalism 18th American New Jersey Jonathan Edwards John/Charles Wesley George Whitfield

Ramifications of Industrial Revolution: Emergence of two groups: ______________ & ________________- the makings of a new _______ system a. the growth of industry/commerce caused a development of the "__________ class" b. def: those of "____________" birth engaged in trade/capitalist ventures (professional/business people) __________________ (bourgeois) - the middle class (not the modern US usage) - the wealthy, the capitalists ____________________ - urban, industrial working class - formation of unions, advocacy of socialism/Marxism 2. Cities: industrialization accelerated ___________________ particularly in NW Europe & the US 3. Problems: the __________ (danger, insecurity, long hours, monotonous) & the _____________ (industrial slums)

Bourgeoisie Proletariat class middle common Bourgeoisie Proletariat urbanization factory home

Summary: the ________ Revolution c. 1550-1700 - aspects & ramifications: 3. it assisted in the acceptance of _____________ as a worldview - it excludes consideration of the supernatural or spiritual - only takes into account natural elements/forces - one level of reality

Scientific naturalism

1618-1648 - Europe - the ____________ __________ War rages series of conflicts (4 phases) fought largely in ____________ over ____________, ____________, & _____________ concerns pitted German __________ ____________ & allies (FR, SE, DK, Eng. NL) vs. German __________ _________ SP, HRE

Thirty Year's Germany religious, dynastic, territorial Protestant princes RC princes

Oct. 1805 - France Navy Defeated at _________________ by GB ______________ _______________(mortally hit) -he crossed the "T" a. Napoleon's aim to invade GB was thwarted - combined SP/FR navy beaten at Trafalgar (off SP coast) b. Nelson secured GB naval supremacy for c. next 100 years -"England expects that every man will do his ___________" c. unable to invade GB, Napoleon will try to bring down the "nation of shopkeepers" ____________ d. the __________________ System would bar countries under France control from buying ___________ goods - it failed due to smuggling & continental damage (EU dependent upon GB imports) - some Europeans disregarded it

Trafalgar Admiral Nelson duty economically Continental Great Britain

Causes of the French Revolution The _________________ cause: ___________ ______________ of the state - not enough revenue to cover expenses The _________________ causes (the effects within any particular estate could differ): 1. poor administration - no single law code - the _________________ of justice was: slow, arbitrary, unfair 2. inefficient & unjust _______ system- ___________ revenues came chiefly from peasants 3. the _______________ crisis could have been solved if the clergy, nobility, & bourgeoisie paid their fair share 6. _____________ ideas about the rights of man - the experience of the American Revolution

immediate practical bankruptcy underlying administration tax tax financial philosophic

Historical principle: _____________ _____________ will be sacrificed for security, order, & prosperity classic historical examples: the situation during/after the FR Revolution (Napolean) & Nazi Germany

individual freedoms

Congress of Vienna

international peace conference (1814-15) to settled EU affairs after Napoleon's defeat


material made from thread or yarn that is woven, matted, or knotted

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) - German/Jewish _______________ & ______________- immigrated to the _________ - 1905 special theory of ______________ revolutionized physics through its equivalence of mass & energy (E = mc2) - misunderstandings of his work prompted the idea that everything, including __________ & __________, is relative

mathematician physicist US relativity morals truth

Nationalism -a conscious bond shared by people who feel attached to a particular land & possess a common language, culture, & history (marked by shared glories/sufferings) - the nation gives ____________ to the individual's life & actions -Nationalism became a dominant force in _______ century European life

meaning 19th

Commoners(3rd Estate) - everyone else - about ______% of the population - comprised of 3 groups: ___________,_____________,__________ -______________ numbered c. 21 million, thus c. _________% of the total pop.

97 bourgeoisie urban laborers peasants peasants 81

Church (1st Estate) - French Catholic Church possessed power & privileges 1. comprised c. ______% of the population - attitude differences between upper clergy & parish priests 2. owned c. ______% of the land - which brought in an immense revenue - but paid no direct taxes

1 10

Introduction - French Revolution Roughly a ________-year event, split into 3 phases: ____________ (1789-91), _________________ (1791-94), ______________ (1794-99) The reigning _______________ are: King Louis XVI (16th) & Queen Marie Antoinette FR Revolutionary slogan would become: ___________,_____________, and _______________

10 Moderate Radical Conservative monarchs liberty, equality, and fraternity

American Revolution uprising by which _____ of GB's ____ ______________ colonies won political independence. until early 1778, the conflict was a civil war witin the British Empire - afterward an international war ____, _____, & _______ assisted the colonies - _______' power proved vital in determining the course of the war _______ power ultimately enabled the ________ to help bring about final British surrender at __________

13 North American France, Spain, Netherlands Sea Sea, French, Yorktown

Nobles (2nd Estate) - these individuals (nobility) held the highest positions in the army & government 1. comprised c. ____% of the population - all nobles were not equal, gradations of dignity 2. owned c. ____-_______% of the land - collected manorial dues from peasants 3. they were exempt from most taxes - or used their influence to evade taxes

2 25-33

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92) - __________ minister - 1854 moved to New Park Street Chapel, London - crowds were so great that the _______________ Tabernacle was built (1861), he ministered there until his death - printed sermons enabled him to reach a wider audience - Spurgeon was firmly ________________ in doctrine

Baptist Metropolitan Calvinistic

1556 - Europe - _________ abdicates - [note: he is ______ ___ of ________ and ________ ____ of _____________] he was unsuccessful in the _________ religious wars - ultimately, the ___________ Empire was divided: ____________ __________ - his brother ___________ ___ - received the HRE crown & East lands ________ ________ - his son ______ ______ received the rest of the empire (Spain, Netherlands, New World).

Charles Charles 1 of Spain Charles V of HRE German Hapsburg Austrian Hapsburgs Ferdinand I Spanish Hapsburgs Philip II

1625-1649 - England - Rule of ___________ ___- son of James I - He viewed kings as _______ _________ on earth dissolved ________________ numerous times & ruled without it for 11 years (1629-1640) - forced loans c. 1637-40 - He attempted to impose the __________ ______________ on ______________- the Scots rebelled

Charles I little gods Parliament Anglican liturgy on Scotland

Marxism Writings: 1848 Marx & Friedrich Engels published ____________ ______________-from 1867-94, Das Kapital 1. Manifesto called for a __________-__________ revolution to overthrow the ______________ system Manifesto quote:"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have the world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite!"

Communist Manifesto working-class capitalist

602 - Netherlands - ________ ________ __________ ____________ founded- from Java, would control Indian Ocean trade Terminology: 1. the Netherlands is also known as ______________- the people are termed (the) "____________" 2. Belgium, the Netherlands, & Luxembourg, are together called: the "_________ _______________" (aka Benelux)

Dutch East India Company Holland Dutch Low Countries

1558-1603 - England - Rule of ____________ ___ "Good Queen Bess" - parents: Henry VIII & ________ ____________ became queen at age ______ - generally worked well with _______________ - was pragmatic brought _____________ peace via the _______________ Settlement - but not enough reform for ___________ enduring pressure, she never _____________ (close c. 3 times) - thus upon her death left no direct ___________

Elizabeth I Anne Boleyn 25 Parliament religious Elizabethan Puritans married heir

Thomas Hobbs (1588-1679): ____________ philosopher, author of _______________ (1651) - left to their own devices people will create _____________ lives for themselves & others because they are naturally selfish, greedy, & shortsighted - their lives will be "___________, ____________, __________, __________, & __________" - to solve this problem, people give their power to an ______________ ________________ (the _________________) who keeps order and makes peaceful living possible - he justified obedience to moral rules on a purely ___________ basis

English Leviathan miserable solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short absolute authority Leviathan secular

Philosophes: __________ word for "________________" - traditionally the _________________ was seen as _____________/_______________, mostly dealing with _____________ issues - in the __________ century the definition changed (essentially a new breed of thinker) as "philosophes" became _____________ & agitated for change - they desired to master everything worth knowing - sought to be ________-_____________, not narrow specialists

French philosophers philosopher detached/disengaged theological 18th engaged well-rounded

1642-1649 - England -The _________ ___________ War a. ___________ ___ recalled _______________ - it demanded rights - he dissolved it & attempted (1642) to arrest leaders b. this led to the outbreak of civil war between forces of the King (__________) & Parliament (_____________) c. 1646 - the first civil war ends - Charles escapes to __________ -he then forges a deal with the ________ ... d. Charles agrees to accept __________________ in England- in turn, the ___________ would support him in war e. 1648 - the second civil war begins -the ________ attack but the king's forces/supporters are defeated f. victorious force: ________ __________ (__________ leader of Parliamentary forces) & the ________ __________ ___________ g. Charles is captured, brought to trial, eventually executed in ___________ on 1-30-1649 -"Regicide"

English Civil War Charles I Parliament Cavaliers Roundheads Scotland Scots Presbyterianism Scots Scots Oliver Cromwell Puritan New Model Army Whitehall

c. 1700 -1800 - Europe -The _______________ (aka the "Age of _______________") -broad term for the 18th century international ____________________ movement that stressed human reason & criticized monarchial/clerical absolutism it began in _________ (late 17th century) - reached its full expression in ____________ during the 18th century central proponents: the ___________ (can be FR term for scholarly intellectuals) - clustered in EU cities in this age, _______ __________ became the "best" method for learning truth (not revelation) God's full ____________ was rejected - miracles violate natural law, thus dismissed as superstition

Enlightenment Reason philosophical England France Philosophes human reason sovereignty

French Revolution Part 1 1. May 1789 - Meeting of the ____________ ____________ -King Louis' reform attempts are blocked by his ___________ a. Louis forced to call the ___________ ____________ (representative assembly) to resolve the __________ crisis b. meeting at Versailles, a disagreement over procedure/vote (separate v. combined sessions) led to a split 2. June 1789 - Formation of the ______________ ________________- _________ Estate invited clergy & nobility to join them in a common assembly - if refused, __________ Estate would carry on without them - becomes the _________________ Assembly a. 6/20 - locked out of their meeting place (error?) they convened in a nearby tennis court b. took an oath (aka "_________ ___________ _____________") not to disband until FR had a new constitution - were resolute 3. July 11-14, 1789 - Riots in __________- popular/reform-minded Finance Minister Jacques Necker's suggestion of a limited, ________________ monarchy is rejected - on July 11 he was dismissed - led to riots b. taking guns from Les Invalides & wanting gunpowder - 7/14 a Paris mob stormed the __________ (prison) 5. Aug. 1789 - ___________ Decrees- on 08/04, seeking to restore calm, ____________ surrendered special privileges c. NA adopts: the Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen (_________ ____________ - _____________ __________________) 6. October 1789 - _____________ Days - Parisian men, housewives, & the "__________ women" walk (c. 12 mi) to Versailles a. frustrated by _____________ shortages, they are joined by c. 20K Paris guards (citizen militia) the mob attacks Versailles b. fearful of further violence ______________ approves the Aug. Decrees/the Declaration - monarchy taken to Paris Internal divisions were reflected in the seating location of Assembly members: _________-radicals (more change) ____________-moderates ___________- conservatives seeking limited monarchy 7. June 1791 - __________ Flees- under disguise, the King & Queen attempted to escape

Estates General nobles estates general financial National Assembly 3rd 3rd National Assembly tennis court oath Paris constitutional Bastille August nobles individual dignity - popular sovereignty October fish bread Louis Left Center Right Louis

"absolute" mistakes- a sampling of Louis XIV's errors & their consequences: 1. _____________- by the late 17th century, __________ rose intolerably (paid largely by peasants) 2. __________- for the great majority of French people, Absolutism meant a decline in ____________ ____________ moreover, a significant increase in mortality rates - could be termed the ________ of the ______% 3. _____________-revocation of ___________ of __________ c. 300K ___________ left FR (to ENG, NL, Switz., N. Am.) - and with them went valuable skills

Financial taxes Social living standards misery 95% Political Edict of Nantes Protestants

Seven Years War B. North America - __________ battled _____________ for supremacy - aka the __________ & ___________ War (1754-1763) C. Europe- in 1756 ___________ signed a treaty with ___________ to protect British rule in ___________ - then: 1763 - all were ready for peace - result: little territorial change - the status quo was restored D. India (specifically Bengal: located in E. India/Bangladesh) ________ again battled ________ - ___________ is victorious 2. it decided the fate of _________ by establishing ___________ ____________ in Bengal & the Carnatic (SE India),

France Britain French & Indian War Prussia Britain Hanover France Britain Britain India British Dominance

1740-1786 - Prussia - Rule of ________________ ________, "The __________" & the Emergence of a mighty Prussia (PR) a. Prussia - a context: 1. an entity within the ______________________ - it developed an _______________ monarchy 2. 1608 -___________________ dynasty gained control over Prussia & other areas via inheritance/aggression c. aspects of Prussian life- Prussia was ambitious and the most ________________ state in Europe 2. Prussian bureaucracy was entirely _____________ (at the heart of the state stood the ____________ elite) d. rise of _______________-______________ (_________________ is the nucleus of the Prussian kingdom) highly important - after gaining Great Power status, it became the nucleus of a modern, united ___________

Frederick II, "The Great" Holy Roman Empire absolutist Hohenzollern militaristic miilitary military Brandenburg-Prussia Brandengurg Germany

1633 - Europe -__________ ____________- Italian astronomer (1564-1642) teachings are condemned by the ___________________ advocated _________________ (advanced in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, 1632) was basically silenced by the _____________ (1633) & put under _________ _____________ the _____________ condemned the _______________ system & forbade him from teaching it as fact f later, in 1992, the Roman Catholic Church acknowledged that He was correct

Galileo Galilei Roman Catholic Church heliocentrism Inquisition house arrest Inquisition Copernican

1714-1727 - Great Britain - Rule of ___________ ____- descended from James I & was the nearest Protestant heir c. result: crown fell to him from the _____________ House of ____________ (great-grandson of James I.) e. in the absence of the ___________ kings, First Lord of the Treasury, Robert Walpole, presided over the developing institution of the cabinet - Walpole is thus regarded as the first "__________ ______________"

George I George German House of Hanover Hanoverian Prime Minister

1688-1689 - England -The _______________ Revolution (aka the "bloodless revolution") 7 prominent _____________ formed a conspiracy & invited James' son-in-law William of Orange to invade Parliament grants ___________ _______ (ruled 1689-1702) & ________ _______ (ruled 1689-94) the crown (conditions) Termed "_____________"- it marked the death of ______________ (in England) and saw one monarch replace another without large-scale bloodshed (if one omits the Irish situation in letter h. below) __________ & ____________ acknowledged the supremacy of _______________ via their acceptance of a Bill of Rights Monarch cannot unilaterally make/suspend laws - Parliament: frequent ________, power of the _________

Glorious statesmen William III and Mary II Glorious absolutism William and Mary Parliament sessions purse

1600s (through much of it) - the Dutch enjoyed the highest quality of life in Europe -a "__________ __________" 1. their success was situated between the decline of __________ & the rise to power of _________ & ____________

Golden Age Spain France & England

Who took the lead in the Industrial Revolution?

Great Britain

Time periods: sources may vary on one, two, or three revolutions (& when they occur) -I'll suggest: 1. 1st Industrial Revolution -began in ___________ _____________ 2. 2nd Industrial Revolution - _________, ______________, & the _________ __________ were developing industrial bases 3. 3rd Industrial Revolution -___________ industrial/weaponry production significant

Great Britain France, Germany, and the US Germany

United Kingdom: area of _________ _____________ (see above) with the inclusion of ___________ in 1801 - __________ was later divided (partitioned) into two entities during the 20th century

Great Britain Ireland Ireland

G.W. F. __________ (1770-1831) DT philosopher, advocated the _________: Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis this mechanism explains the totality of experience - how one comprehends history: past/present/future 1. all _____________ (ideas) proceeds from a concept, to another contradictory concept, which gives way to a third concept that transcends and synthesizes both earlier concepts: Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis 2. Hegel posited the existence of a universal Mind (a universal agent) the ___________ ___________ (truth in its totality & wholeness) which in every specific age manifests itself as the _____________ ("spirit of the age") 3. the dialectical clash of opposing ideas moved history to the next stage- history was the unfolding of Absolute Spirit & a higher stage of development was produced by the synthesis of opposing ideas

Hegel Dialectic reasoning Absolute Spirit Zeitgeist

by 1660 - Spain - _____________ Age of Spanish _____________ over- a position of dominance in EU affairs to FR Summary: living off its colonies led to economic __________ & the absence of ____________ innovation

Imperial Hapsburgs stagnation technological

1660 - England - the _______________- ____________ _____ now King (ruled 1660-85, son of __________ ______) He had lived in exile in _________ (at court of Louis XIV) - was invited back to restore the English throne

Restoration Charles II Charles I France

1624 - France - Cardinal _________ became _______ ________ (until 1642) under ________ _________(ruled 1610-43) RC Cardinal, Armand Jean du Plessis de ____________ was the architect of French _____________ b. _____________'s principle: "Raison d'etat" or "________ of ___________" - which supersedes any moral violations

Richelieu Chief Minister Louis XIII Richelieu Absolutism Richelieu's Reason of State

1687 - Europe - _________ ___________ publishes __________ - English physicist (1642-1727) In book - the universe is like a _____________ all parts working together harmoniously - mechanistic Newton was a scientific genius & deeply religious thinker - his theology clearly ___________ at points 1. __________- determined the nature of light - scientists later described light as waves 2. ______________- his three laws of motion resulted in the formulation of the law of _________ ______________ 3. for Newton: the universe was a ______________ of __________-and-___________ natural law, but, the universe was an __________ system- God could, and did, intervene in His creation - thus: miracles are possible

Isaac Newton Principia machine heretical Optics Physics universal gravitation uniformity of cause and effect open

1547-1584 - Russia - Rule of __________ IV, "The _____________" - 1st Russian ___________ (emperor) - mentally unstable sought to impose a _________ ___________ (____________ authority) - curbed the power of the ________ (nobles)

Ivan IV "The Terrible" Czar czarist autocracy unlimited Boyars

1603-1625 - England - Rule of __________ ____ (ruled Scotland as ___________ ______) - began the _________ family line did consent to a new Scripture translation- the Authorized Version, or ________ ___________ ____________ (pub. 1611) granted charters for the establishment of colonies in North America (notably ________________, 1607)

James I James VI Stuart King James Bible Jamestown

________________ _____________ ____________ (1712-78) - from Geneva -"Man is born free; & everywhere he is in chains" government is a _______________ __________ - the best thing a society can do is govern by its ______________ ________ (def: that which is best for the community, which expresses its common interests) - those in a society who disagree with it should be forced to ____________ to it for their own good

Jean Jacques Rousseau necessary evil general will submit

_________ _____________ (1632-1704) English political philosopher 1. he argued that the authority of rulers has a __________ origin (consent of the people) & is ___________ 3. believed that at birth the mind is blank - a clean slate or _________ ________ a. people were not, as Christianity taught, inherently sinful - no original sin or defective nature b. a person's ____________ was the decisive force in shaping that person's character & intelligence

John Locke human limited tabula rasa environment

1661 - France -________ _________ rules in his own right without a __________ __________ (He ruled: 1643-1715) Mazarin defeated the nobles in the __________ (French civil wars 1648-1652) - young Louis remembers ___________ & _______________ had consolidated power in the king's hands at the expense of the nobility with the most effective system of _________________-France was the example for Europe context: emergence of ___________ in EU (FR, PR, RUS - not ENG, NL, Switz.) -aspects & elements: all power concentrated in the hands of the __________ - no constitution or legislature in theory, there were no ___________ on the ruler's power -"responsible to God alone" in reality: ____________ was more of a trend - not always a fully accomplished fact

Louis XIV Chief Minister Fronde Richelieu & Mazarin Absolutism Absolutism ruler limits Absolutism

_________ ________ was the epitome of Absolutism- supposedly said: "I am the __________" became known as the "_______" King -the sun was a symbol of power, Louis chose it as his symbol j. His palace -____________ (SW of Paris c. 12 mi) - displayed the wealth, power, decadence of the king

Louis XIV state Sun Versailles

June 24, 1812 - Napoleon Invades __________- pushed all the way to __________; his forces victims of deception -Napoleon's supply lines were stretched too far - ___________ was virtually evacuated & burning (09/12) Oct. 1813 - Napoleon Defeated at _____________- allied forces from Austria, Prussia, Russia, & Sweden dealt a crushing blow - in _________ of __________, Paris was captured & Napoleon was exiled to __________ off the Italian coast Spring 1815 - Napoleon Escapes ________, Returns to FR- he lands a force (c. 1K men) on the FR coast a. he moves toward Paris -dared the King's forces to shoot their "emperor" - entered Paris within weeks c. in Belgium, British (_________ of _____________) & Prussian forces defeat Napoleon at ____________ (June 1815)

Russia Moscow Moscow Leipzig spring of 1814 Elba Elba Duke of Wellington Waterloo

French Revolution Part 2 10. Sept. 1792 - FR Govt. Abolishes ______________, it is now a ____________-King __________ on trial (12/92), will be ___________________ (01/93) for conspiring against the liberty of the FR people - foreign invaders defeated at Valmy 11. c. 1792 - the __________-___________ (without culottes, wore pants) essentially: ____________ class or petty bourgeoisie a. dating back to 1789, they played a significant role in the storming of the Bastille & the October Days b. in 1789 the upper ___________ had demanded equality with the ____________ c. by 1792 the ________-____________ wanted equality with the upper _____________ 13. April 1793 - Committee of ___________ _______________ Created (CPS) - only strong leadership can save the republic -serving as a cabinet for the government, the committee (9 then 12) will impose the govt.'s authority in FR 14. June 1793 - a ______________ Deposes the ________________- factions in the National Convention (Jacobins v. Girondins): a. _______________ - more willing to listen to the economic & political demands of the sans-culottes b. ___________________- generally represented the people of the countryside c. around 80K armed sans-culottes surrounded the National Convention (FR govt.) & demanded the arrest of the ____________ delegates - the __________ gained control of the government - CPS reorganized in July 15. Sept. 1793 - Reign of ___________ Begins- CPS effectively a temporary dictatorship (suspend their constitution) a. dominating the CPS was _____________ _________________ (aka the Incorruptible) b. he believed the CPS had ascertained the needs of the FR people - genuine interpreter of the ____________ ____________ d. those who impeded implementation: not opponents, but sinners to be ______________ for the general good e. under the Terror c. 40K people died (guillotine a regular event) - Marie Antoinette guillotined 10/93 f. 1793-94 effort made to replace traditional ________________ with a civic religion: Cult of the Supreme Being 16. July 1794 - the Terror Ends with the Execution of __________________ b. His political position weakened - he is out-maneuvered, arrested, guillotined c. Jacobin terror over - Jacobin republic dismantled - FR leadership to the property-owning bourgeoisie

Monarchy Republic Louis guillotined Sans-Culottes working bourgeoisie nobility san-culottes bourgeoisie Public Safety Coup Girondins Jacobins Girondin Girondin Jacobin Terror Maximilien Robespierre general will liquidated Christianity Robespierre

______________ (1689-1755) - FR - a critic of royal ____________, but not an advocate of _______________ proposed a _____________ system of government, with an executive branch offset by a legislature (_____________ of powers) whose members were drawn from the landed & educated elements of society

Montesquieu absolutism democracy balanced separation

Nov. 1799 - ___________ ____________ Seizes Power in a ___________- the Directory is toppled Nov. 1799 -The __________ ___________ (1789-1799) is formally over- aspects: a. It spawned: total war, nationalism, ___________ as govt. policy, & a _______________ mentality b. _______________ mentality: extremism that justified mass ___________ in the name of a higher good

Napoleon Bonaparte Coup French Revolution terror revolutionary revolutionary murder

Holy Roman Empire: union of various territories created in the 10th century when _______ __ tried to revive ________________ empire - consisted mostly of _________________-speaking principalities and, at times, 100s of states -_____________ __________ _____________ depended on their powerful ____________ (very independent) because the office of Emperor was elective - these nobles/areas belonged to the HRE, but regarded themselves as _____________

Otto 1 Charlemagne's German Holy Roman Emperor nobles autonomous

The 1763 _________ of _______ ended the Seven Years'/French & Indian Wars -main results/consequences: 1. ___________: gained international prestige - considered a major European power - it beat AT & FR 2. _____________: a. largely expelled from: N. America, FR Canada, territories E. of the MS River (except New Orleans) 3. _____________: a. secured colonies of the N. AM. eastern seaboard; much of Canada; sections of India

Peace of Paris Prussia France Britain

1648 - Europe -________ _______ ____________ (treaties) Ends the ___________ ____________ War- altered European history: ___________ replaced ___________ as Europe's greatest power (Habsburg domination prevented) ___________________ effectively over - c. 300 principalities that comprised it basically autonomous ____________ areas were devastated: c. 5 million died, homes were lost, food shortages left people starving

Peace of Westphalia Thirty Year's War France Spain Holy Roman Empire German

____________- movement in the arts/literature characterized by the representation of people/things as they are 1. __________ ___________ (1775-1817) - possibly marks a transition to realism in the English novel 2. ___________ ___________ (1812-1870) - vivid characters - expression of social concerns

Realism Jane Austen Charles Dickens

Henry ended the French Wars of ___________ (ran from 1562-98) by signing the ________ of _________ it allowed _______ __________ to remain the state church but granted religious toleration/freedom for _______________

Religion Edict of Nantes Roman Catholicism Huguenots (French Protestants)

1620s & beyond - Europe - Methodology related to the ____________ _____________- two approaches: a. __________ ____________- advocated an inductive methodology grounded in experience - scientist should, first of all, be a collector of facts -________________ reasoning: a conclusion based on a set of observations b. ________ ____________ asserted that all knowledge is the product of clear reasoning based on self-evident premises -_____________ reasoning: a conclusion based on previously known facts

Scientific Revolution Francis Bacon inductive Rene Descartes deductive

1588 - Europe - Defeat of the _________ _______________ c. Spain's ________ ______ could regard military action as a _______ ______________ against the "heretical"/"illegitimate" queen d. c. 130 Spanish ships leave _________ (May 1588) for __________ (region) to escort an invading force (c. 20K) Elizabeth's words at __________ marked a high point of her rule -she ___________________________ in the journey around Scotland/IRL - the Armada is ____________ (bad weather) - c. 60 ships returned to Spain

Spanish Armada Philip II holy crusade Lisbon Flanders Tilbury she presided over the Armada's defeat wrecked

c. 1701-1714 - Europe - The War of _____________ ___________- cost _________ territory/prestige - created a huge debt c. this conflict served as the 1st demonstration of the"_________ of ________" concept in Europe f. "_____________ of ____________"- ______________ equilibrium in which no nation or group would become too strong & threaten the others - balance of power politics became the guiding principle of ___________ ___________

Spanish Succession France balance of power balance of power international modern diplomacy

Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-99) - know for evangelistic work in connection with his ___________ ________ (CHI) - worked mainly outside _____________ boundaries - 1873 toured Britain, received an enthusiastic response - Moody & his organist/song leader Ira D. Sankey, became internationally famous

Sunday School denominational

______________ (Francois-Marie Arouet 1694-1778) - FR - often called the "__________ of the ________________" 2. his writings constituted an attack on several aspects of 18th century French society (anti-_________)

Voltaire Father of the Enlightenment anti-clerical

Industrial Revolution- basically: fields to factories - refers to the shift from an _____________, manual skill, labor-intensive economy to one now dominated by ___________ ____________ (power: fossil fuels) - characteristics: specialization of tasks/division of labor, factories, concentration of people in cities

agrarian machine manufacturing

European powers _____ vied for control of the slave trade _______________ gained dominance in the 1700s 1807 - _______________ outlawed the slave trade (_________ _______________) - 1833 abolished slavery in most of their empire ____________ rulers actively participated in the slave trade, either purchasing, kidnapping, or seizing in wars the great majority of other Africans ultimately obtained by Europeans (created/perpetuated the market) voyage across the Atlantic was termed the "_________ _________" (lasted up to 10 weeks or more)

all Great Britain Great Britain William Wilberforce African Middle Passage

Deists: individuals whose god was the great _________/______ ________ that created the universe and then withdrew from it, leaving humans to act within it, guided only by the light of ___________ - the god of the deists was not the personal, infinite, triune God of the Bible acting in history - deists essentially established their own religion with "____________" ethics as its core

architect/clock maker reason rational

Romanticism - movement in the arts/literature that originated in the late 18th century (peak c. 1815?) 1. hallmarks: ____________, ___________, _____________ & ______________ 2. broadly depicts a trend or mood that represented an antithesis reaction against the Enlightenment's over-emphasis on _______________ & orderly symmetrical art forms - thus: an "antithesis" development

emotion, feelings, experience, & imagination reason

Socialism Def: system of social & economic organization in which the ___________ of ________________ are owned not by private individuals, but by the ______________, in order that all may share more fairly in the wealth produced 1. in socialism, _____________ rather than _________________ guides economic activity (self-interest dismissed) 2. production & distribution of goods would be planned for the general benefit of __________ __________ forms of socialism exist both in theory & in practice - Socialism is an ______________ term 1. Socialism ranges from __________ (communal ownership, classless society, no state) on one side of the umbrella to _________ ______________ (some socialism, some capitalism) on the other side 2. therefore: all _____________ are _________________ - but not all ___________ are ____________________

means of production community cooperation competition society many umbrella Communism Social Democracy communists socialists socialists communists

James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) - _____________ man who felt called to be a missionary - 1853 left for ____________ - 1860 returned to England - 1865 founded the __________ __________ Mission - went back to China, conforming as far as he could to Chinese habits of life- carried missionary work into the heart of the country

medical China China Inland

context: emergence of _______________ - 17th century economic belief -aspects & elements: 1. It was (policy elements) embraced by ______ ________- FR Finance Minister for Louis XIV 2. the __________ is viewed as the economic player, not _________ - a goal: increase _________ wealth 3. __________ regulation of industry & commerce is necessary 4. mercantilists believed in a _________ amount of world wealth -a nation grows rich at another's expense (zero sum game) 5. "_____________" a basic principle - increase precious metals (bullion) within a country 6. achieved through: a "__________ ____________ of trade" (def: value of __________ exceeds value of ___________) 7. Mercantilism encouraged Colonialism (colonization): in general: the colony furnishes __________ ____________ & the "mother" country produces _______________ _____________

mercantilism Jean Colbert nation individual national state finite Bullionism favorable balance exports imports raw materials finished goods

Enlightenment outlook on life: 1. what Christians saw as the effects of _______ in a ___________world, Enlightenment thinkers saw as the corruption of naturally good people by history, poor education, & faulty institutions 2. Enlightenment thinkers believed in __________ - optimistic about the future because of their faith in the perfectibility of humanity - people using reason could correct faulty institutions, create __________ 3. Enlightenment based its ___________ on the illusion that humans are good - history shows otherwise

sin fallen progress utopia optimism

Bourgeoisie- consisted of various merchants, bankers, master craftsmen, doctors, lawyers, intellectuals, & government officials below the top ranks - also have divisions under the larger term a. although the bourgeoisie had wealth (owned c. 20% of the land) - they lacked ________ _____________ b. the highest and most desirable positions in the land were reserved for the ______________ c. FR had a social system that valued _________ more than"__________" (Bourgeoisie resent this- grievances)

social prestige nobility birth "talent"

Transformations in Industrialism: 1. Power - c. 1765 James Watt begins to perfect the _________ __________- driving force behind the Ind. Rev. - this led to the placing of factories near coalfields, which in turn led to the growth of ______ ____________ 2. Machinery- especially noteworthy in manufacturing __________ (cloth); machines required _____________ Eli Whitney's __________ ________ (1793) helped separate seeds/etc. from the cotton - production exploded b. unintended consequence: economic impetus for ____________ in the US (MS, AL, GA, SC: cotton belt) 3. Transport-mass production required an expansion of the _________/_______ network -____________ not at the mercy of currents/winds - _________ - possibly the most important element -_________ _________- _________ -____________ (Atlantic to Pacific Ocean) - Promontory Point, UT -____________ __________________

steam engine large cities textiles factories cotton gin slavery canal/road steamships railroads Erie Canal Suez Panama transcontinental railroad

1756-1763 THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR A. Essentially a/the first "________ __________" - fought in three locations: ____________, __________, ___________

world war North America Europe India

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