World History 6

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The Gaspée incident of 1772 caused many towns in Massachusetts and in other colonies to set up a communications network of standing committees known as

"committees of correspondence."

Bostonian reaction to the Tea Act culminated in December of 1773 with the dumping of thousands of pounds of tea into Boston Harbor, an action eventually known as the

Boston Tea Party.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the effects of the colonial boycott of British goods of 1768-1769?

By 1769, merchants from New England to Charleston were supporting the boycott

The terms of the Treaty of Paris included

England receiving lands east of the Mississippi River, and Spain receiving lands west of the Mississippi River.

As a result of the Seven Years' War,

Indians lost their land and had to face colonists moving west.

The Virginia Resolves, authored by Patrick Henry of Virginia, were a response to the

Stamp Act.

In 1764, in an effort to generate income for England, George Grenville initiated the

Sugar Act.

What effect did the Seven Years' War have on England's national debt?

The debt had doubled since William Pitt took office

The Virginia Resolves suggested that

Virginia alone had the right to tax Virginians.

The Seven Years' War resulted from

a dispute between Indians, Virginians, Pennsylvanians, and the French over territory in the Ohio Valley.

The Coercive Acts, passed by Parliament to punish Massachusetts for dumping the tea, included

a law closing Boston Harbor until the destroyed tea was paid for.

Mounting tensions between the Bostonians and British soldiers in early 1770 led to the Boston Massacre

a skirmish in which 5 people were killed

The Stamp Act Congress, held in New York in 1765

advanced the notion of inter-colonial political action

The first shot at Lexington was fired by

an unknown person.

The Declaratory Act showed Britain's refusal to compromise on Parliament's power to tax because it

asserted Parliament's right to legislate for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever."

General Gage planned a surprise attack on an ammunition storage site in Concord

because he was ordered to quell the dissenters before they became more organized

According to the British, the major purpose of the Tea Act of 1773 was to

boost sales for Britain's East India Company.

American opposition to the Stamp Act took the form of

burning an effigy of a stamp collector, breaking windows, and ransacking an official's home.

In the early 1770s, several incidents brought the colonies' conflict with England into sharp focus; one was the

burning of the Gaspée.

The First Continental Congress

denied Parliament's right to tax and legislate for the colonies but acknowledged its authority to regulate their trade

The Revenue Act of 1767

directed that some of the revenue generated from its application be used to pay the salaries of royal governors

The Seven Years' War taught colonists that

discipline within the British military was far more brutal than they had expected

The First Continental Congress created the Continental Association, whose purpose was to

enforce a staggered and limited boycott of trade

As chancellor of the exchequer in 1767, Charles Townshed

favored imposing taxes that would help pay off England's war debt and make the colonists pay the cost of maintaining British troops in America

The Quebec Act affronted many Americans because it

gave Roman Catholic Quebec control of the Ohio Valley.

Dissenting colonists believed that the real goal of the Tea Act of 1773 was

increased revenue to pay the salaries of royal governors and judges—a reminder of Parliament's taxation and legislative powers.

Growing colonial resentment of British authority during the 1760s could be attributed to

increased taxation and increased intrusion by Britain

Which of the following statements best characterizes the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770?

it was over in minutes, and the British regiments were then moved to an island in the harbor for their protection

The Proclamation of 1763 was also meant to

keep the peace between Indians and colonists

The representatives of the Iroquois Nation at the Albany Congress

made no commitment to helping the British fight the French

After the Seven Years' War, the Earl of Bute decided to keep several thousand British troops in America to

maintain the peace between the colonists and the Indians.

The Albany Plan of Union, as proposed by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Hutchinson, was

not approved by the colonies or by England.

The Daughters of Liberty urged women to participate in public affairs to protest the Townshed duties by

participating in non consumption agreements

In 1767, Charles Townshed enacted the Revenue Act, which

placed new duties on imported items such as glass, lead, paper, and painters colors

The Proclamation of 1763 was meant to

prevent colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Many wmen demonstrated their patriotism during the anit-British boycott by

producing homespun cloth

Following the battles of Lexington and Concord, Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation

promising freedom to defecting, able-bodied slaves who would fight for the British.

Early in 1775, as royal authority collapsed in Massachusetts, General Thomas Gage

realized the seriousness of the situation and requested twenty thousand additional troops from England.

In response to the colonial reaction to the Stamp Act, the British government

repealed the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power by passing the Declaratory Act.

The Stamp Act of 1765

set an ominous precedent in the eyes of the colonists.

John Adams, cousin of Samuel Adams, represented British captain Thomas Preston and his soldiers who were involved in the Boston Massacre to

show that the Boston leaders were defenders of British Liberty and law

Delegates to the First Continental Congress

sought to identify their liberties as British subjects and debated possible responses to the Coercive Acts.

Slaves were aware of the colonies' evolving political struggle with England; some slaves tried to promote their bid for freedom by

stashing away ammunition for a planned uprising.

George Grenville claimed that Americans had "virtual representation" because

the members of the House of Commons represented all British subjects, wherever they were.

The Sons of Liberty, protestors against the Stamp Act, organized a large demonstration that showed colonists

their ability to have a decisive impact on politics.

The Coercive Acts (or Intolerable Acts) spread alarm among the colonists, who feared that

their liberties were insecure.

The Virginia Resolves were

viewed as a more radical challenge to British rule in other colonies because newspapers printed all seven resolutions.

An important difference between the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act was that the latter

was an internal tax that few colonists could escape.

The turning point of the Seven Years' War was most likely William Pitt's

willingness to commit massive resources to the war.

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