World History A Final- Seaholm

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A major reform that the Plebeian class pushed for was the publishing of the __________________, which described in clear, simple and exact language, the rights and duties of every citizen.

12 Tables

Why was the Song Dynasty so successful?

Agriculture advances

In 1203, when the Crusaders arrived at Constantinople, they were __________ by its splendor


The above passage demonstrates which of the following characteristics of civilization?

Art and architecture

What group of people invaded the Indus valley and wrote the Vedas using Sanskrit?


The term for rule by one person is ____________________.


In the caste system of India, which group of people were at the top?


Horrified after killing 100,000 people in one battle, Asoka converted to which religion?


Based upon the reading above, which statement below is true a. the spartans were open and welcoming to foreigners b. athenians valued military might above all else c. spartans education focused on self control and preparation to be a good military citizen d. athenians thought they spent too much time on philosophy and celebrations


Which Roman general was assassinated after seizing power and forcing the Senate to name him dictator?


Who stopped the Muslim invasion in Europe in 732 at the Battle of Tours?

Charles "the hammer" Martel

Under legalism, the only way to achieve order was to


Which type of law deals with private matters such as contracts or marriages?

Civil law

Suspicious of power being concentrated in the hands of one man, but as the same time realizing the need for an executor of the state, the office of the ____________, where two men were appointed to run the business of the government.


Israelites believed that God made a ________________ with Abraham.


Which type of law deals with offenses committed against other people, such as murder?

Criminal law

Who overthrew Babylon and freed the Jews from bondage?

Cyrus the Great

Who united the twelve tribes of Israel into one kingdom?


In hinduism, a person's religious and moral duties (right conduct) are referred to as ____________.


What is the spreading of Jewish people away from the "promise land"?


In times of war, a _____________ was appointed and given complete power over the government until the crises was over (averted).


Diocletian was responsible for _________________.

Dividing the Roman Empire in two

What belief is at the heart of Confucianism?

Everyone has duties and responsibilities

What was common form of government during the Bronze Age in which kings shared their power with local lords?


Which resources were the most essential to the trade in Africa?

Gold and Salt

What did Confucius feel must be taught to all people?


The first known written law code was devised by which leader?


Where did the silk route begin and where did it end?

Italy to China

The painting above, painted after the Middle Ages in the 1500s, best supports the following claim:

Later European admired Charlemagne

Where in Hammurabi's Code can we find evidence for the harsh "an eye for an eye" principle of justice?

Law 196

What was the ultimate goal of humanism according the ancient Greeks?

Living a full life

According to the excerpt above, one reason the Abbasids chose Baghdad as their capital was the city's ________________________________________.

Location near Silk Road

What is the main legalist belief?

Man is by nature evil

The Chinese believed that dynasties gained or lost their divine right to rule according to how wisely an emperor governed. This belief is called the ____________.

Mandate of Heaven

The Islamic University in Timbuktu was one result of the Hajj made by _________________.

Mansa Musa

Jesus was believed by some to be the _________________ the Jews had been waiting for.


The goal of the following the yoga path to ________.


The establishment of agriculture happened during which era?

Neolithic era

What did a number of Axis age sages come to feel about the religious practices of their ancestors?

Old spiritual practices didn't work

In Sumerian social hierarchy, which one of the following would NOT be a member of the highest class?

Peasant Farmer

The top of the Spanish colonial society were the _____________________.


Israelite ethics stressed

Personal morality and social justice

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are associated with what field of human endeavor?


In the beginning of Rome circa 509 BC, the _____________ class controlled power through the Senate.


Over time the _______________ class, the merchants, farmers and commoners, clamored for share of power as well.


Where were the earliest civilizations formed near?

River valleys

In Han China, a scholar-official's role was to

Run the government bureaucracy

According the excerpt above, what commodity was most valued?


Which one of the following best fits Roberson's claim about Arab conquest of North Africa?

Saw desserts as an opportunity

Why does Gilgamesh pick the plant that Utnapishtim has described?

Seeking immorality

The oracle bones or dragon bones were the ritual archives of the _________ king.


The Qin emperor ____________ followed legalism.

Shi Huangdi

Which dynasty is widely regarded as the most prosperous in history?

Song Dynasty

Which civilization first used written language?


Tung Chung-shu draws similarities between problems of the Qin Dynasty and problems of his current Han dynasty. Which is one of these similarities?

The Han dynasty refuses to reform for the better

What is the blending of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism known as?

Three Streams of thought

What was the original purpose of writing in Ancient China?

To communicate with the ancestors

Why did the Zhou Dynasty promote the Mandate of Heaven?

To explain why dynasties have the right to rule

How did the kingdoms of West Africa develop and prosper?


The Senate was forced into creating the office of the __________________ with the corresponding right to _____________.

Tribune, veto

What was the first true city on earth?


What were the Roman children taught?

Values of roman civilization through history

What did the term Wen come to mean in China?

Writing and civilization

A Persian religion developed by ________________ focused on the battle between good and evil.


Abraham, the first man to conceive of monotheism, was from which city? a. Ur in Mesopotamia b. Phoenicia on the Mediterranean c. Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley d. Anyang in the Huang River Valley


What metal did many of the ancient civilizations we studied utilize for purposes such as tools, arms, and sculptures? a. Bronze b. Steel c. Mercury d. Titanium


Which of the following best explains the need for feudalism in Europe by the year 1000? a. Protection from outside invaders b. Usurp power from really strong kings c. To recreate the Roman Empire d. All the above


Which one of the following is an achievement of Asoka? a. He brought peace and prosperity to his kingdom b. He fought many civil wars within his kingdom c. Sickness and disease increased because of heavy tax policies d. He treated travelers harshly


What characteristics and actions of the Qin rulers do these writers criticize? a. The Qin's effective bureaucracy b. The Qin's unjust and unfair rule c. The Qin's confucian system d. The Qin's lack of expansionism


Which statement about the Great Wall is true? a. It kept invaders out of China b. It proved China's resources could be mobilized c. It caused the downfall of the Zhou dynasty d. It lead to Wudi's policy of expansionism


According to Chia Yi, how did its policies lead to the Qin's downfall?


All EXCEPT which one of the following are reasons for the decline of Roman Empire? a. Political turmoil- political violence becomes very common b. Economic Weakness - high taxes, farmland loses productivity, Plebeians forced to work on latifundias c. Strong ties of brotherhood and solidarity between Latin west (Rome) and Greek east (Constantinople). d. Military Attacks from the barbarian groups like the Visigoths and Huns e. Social decay- citizen soldiers are replaced by mercenaries


Asoka's policies included all EXCEPT: a. Built stone pillars offering moral advice b. Built hospitals and Buddhist shrines c. Sacrificed animals to many of the Hindu Gods d. Protected the forests


Buildings like the _____________ in Athens is a monument to a new order of politics. a. Ziggurats b. Pyramids c. Parthenon d. St. Peter's Cathedral


Which of the following would NOT be a characteristic of a Greek City? a. an agora b. public baths c. linear grid plan d. amphitheater e. acropolis


Why were the roads and bridges in such poor conditions at this time? a. The roads fell into disrepair after the fall of the western Roman Empire b. There was no central governments to make such large repairs c. all the above d. none of the above


According to Socrates, what are the consequences of acting immoral and unjust? a. Immorality would ultimately creat chaos throughout society b. Repeated acts of unethical behavior would result in unhappiness of the individual c. Abuse of power leads one to become enslaved by one's own appetites d. All of the above


All EXCEPT the following are reason why the Roman Republic endured for 500 years? a. Checks and balances b. Power sharing with the lower classes c. An education system that stressed character and values d. A cruel foreign policy e. Strong Military


Based on the reading, which of the following would be valued by Athens? a. Freedom b. Individual Achievement c. Knowledge d. All of the above


Constantine was responsible for _____________. a. Accepting Christianity as his own faith and for Rome b. Moving the capital of Rome to the East c. Rebuilding and renaming the city of Byzantium in honor of himself (Constantinople) d. All of the above


How did Alexander's conquest lead to a new civilization? a. Alexander's conquest brought Greek culture to Asia and North Africa b. The Greeks blended their culture with Asian and North African cultures c. Philosophy mathematics, geometry, astronomy, physics, medicine advanced as a result d. All of the above


How did Charlemagne unify Europe? a. He brought more land under his control b. He spread Christianity throughout his empire c. He brought back Roman law and education d. All the above


How did the quest for empire undermine republican rule? a. Conquered territories led to a new class of super rich b. The plebian classes could not compete against the onslaught slave labor c. Political reformers such as the Gracchus brothers were assassinated by Patricians d. All of the above


How does the description above reflect the value of knowledge? a. The large number of scholarly people b. The king's support of scholarship c. The number of books and their price indicates that knowledge was greatly valued in Timbuktu d. All of the above


Sanskrit, the root language of all Indian-subcontinent dialects, is closely related to _________. a. Latin b. Greek c. English d. All of the above


We can use The Iliad by Homer to learn about which conflict? a. The Persian Wars b. The Babylonian Captivity c. The Aryan Invasion d. The Trojan War


What Chinese Axis Age philosophers emerged during China's Period of Warring states? a. Confucius b. Buddha c. Lao Tzu d. Both A and C Only


What did archeologists discover about Harappa in the 1920s? a. It had huge city walls b. They had industry and trade c. They had a system of writing d. All of the above e. None of the above


What did the great sages of the axis age teach to people? a. How to cope with the misery of life b. Transcend their weaknesses c. Live in peace amidst a flawed world d. All of the above


What factors made the city of Constantinople strong economically and militarily? a. Its location along major trade roots b. Its geographical location surrounded by water and walls c. Its strong army and navy d. All the above


What was unique about Hammurabi's Code? a. It was the first law code written down b. It was famously harsh c. It contained both civil and criminal law d. All the above


Why compare Mohenjo-Daro to a Bronze Age Manhattan? a. It seemed to be a capital of a great empire b. It had a huge population c. It was a great center for trade d. All of the above e. None of the above


All EXCEPT which of the following are consequences of Alexander the Great's Empire? a. First time the West had gone outside its own territory b. Unleashed new trade routes on the silk route to China c. Creating a new organic whole...connecting the world- world trade d. Spread Hellenism throughout the empire e. He rejected the Golden Mean


Civilization means a. Living in cities b. Highly organized societies c. Monumental architecture d. Laws and writing e. All of the above


If you were a merchant in the ancient world, what else would you have exchanged with other merchants? a. Language b. Technology c. New ideas d. Religion e. All of the above


Though Greek cities were divided by geography, what similarities did they tend to share? a. They tended to be sailors and use the Aegean Sea b. They shared a writing system adopted from the Phoenician alphabet c. Their cities featured an acropolis with temples dedicated to the gods d. All of the above e. B and C only


What evidence shows that Indus Civilization (Mohenjo-Daro) included a well-organized government? a. Cities laid out in an organized pattern b. Bricks of standard sizes c. Complex plumbing system d. Uniform weights and measures e. All of the Above


Which is true of the Mycenaean civilization? a. They lived in separate city-states governed by individual warrior-kings b. They used architectural techniques like columns in their buildings c. Their art depicted fighting in battles d. They produced and traded pottery, fine textiles, and perfumed oils e. All of the above


Which of the following is NOT one of Buddhism's four noble truths? a. Dukkha- Life is dislocated (friction) b. Tanha- Life is dislocated because of desire c. Overcoming- One can overcome desire d. Eightfold Path- One overcomes their desire through the Eightfold Path e. Mara- This god will fulfill all of your wishes


A manor was ______________.


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