World history chapter 1 test

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In densely populated middle eastern agricultural settlements, occupational specialization and political military elites ____________

Advanced significantly

By the late Paleolithic age, humans had colonized _________

Africa, Europe, and Asia

During the Neolithic revolution, agriculture was tied to social change in which of the following ways?

Agricultural productivity encouraged social stratification and the formation of elites based on political and religious groups


Cattle and sheep herding societies normally found on the fringes of civilized societies; commonly referred ro as "barbarian" by civilized societies

What best formulates the relationship between "culture" and "civilization"?

Civilization is a type of culture

How did the actions of the nil River influence some of the distinctive characteristics in Egyptian civilization?

Devastating floods forced the creation of dikes and irrigation networks that eventually spread throughout the region, encouraging the creation of a regional empire

The concept of civilization based on racial or biological, difference was

Developed by thinkers in Western Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries

The Chinese writing system is composed of ______________


The transformations associated with the agrarian revolution occurred...

In all of the world where civilization occurred

The harappan civilization developed along what River valley system?


Which River valley civilization was most completely destroyed by invasion?


What was the "heart" of the Neolithic revolution that became the basis for the spread of human societies?

Innovative technologies and modes of agrarian production

Towns emerged largely in response to the need for cooperation for what kinds of projects?


All of the following factors may have led to the adoption of sedentary agriculture except A) less labor was required for sedentary agriculture than for hunting and gathering B) climate changes leading to changes in the grazing locations of game animals C) climate changes leading to changes in plant ecology

Less labor was required for sedentary agriculture than for hunting and gathering


Literally "between the rivers" the civilizations that arose in the alluvial plains of the Tigris and the Euphrates River valleys


Massive towers usually associated with Mesopotamian temple complexes


Monumental architecture typical of old kingdom Egypt, used as burial sites for pharaohs

The transition to sedentary agriculture is reffered to as the _____________

Neolithic revolution


Of or relating to the latest period of the Stone Age characterized by polished stone implements

People referred to as barbarians were often __________

Pastoral herdsmen


People who migrated into Mesopotamia 4000 B.C.E.; created first civilization within region; organized area into city-states


Pictographic characters grouped together to create new concepts; typical of Chinese writing

Compared to River valley cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia, Chinese civilization...

Probably developed after civilizations in the Nile valley and Mesopotamia

The characteristic political organization of the Tigris Euphrates civilization was __________

Regional city/ states

The transformation that was most responsible for moving humans toward civilization was the ___________

Rise of agriculture

Indus River valley

River resources in Himalayas to the mouth in Arabian Sea; location of harappan civilization


Seafaring civilization located on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean; established colonies throughout the Mediterranean


Shamans or priests in Chinese society who foretold the future through interpretations of animal bones cracked by heat; inscriptions on bones led to Chinese writing

Most human societies in the Paleolithic age consisted of ____________

Small group of hunters and gatherers

Most human societies in the Paleolithic age consisted of __________

Small groups of hunters and gatherers

The creation of agriculture surpluses resulted in ____________

Social stratification


Societies distinguished by reliance on sedentary agriculture, ability to produce food surpluses, and existence of no farming elites, as well as merchant and manufacturing groups

The emergence of sedentary agriculture ____________

Started in the Middle East first but developed independently in other areas

What monuments, sculptures did the Olmec civilization produce?

Stone heads

What was the first River valley civilization?


The above detail from Egyptian tomb art of grain harvesting shows____________

That men and women worked together during the harvest

The rationalization for the overthrow of the Shang based on the principle of divine judgement was called ______________

The "mandate of heaven"

The Neolithic revolution occurred first in ___________

The Middle East

The earliest towns developed in _________

The Middle East

A characteristic of the human species before the advent of civilization was ___________

The ability to spread to various geographic settings and climate zones


The exclusive worship of a single god, introduced by Jews into western civilization

Homo sapiens

The humanoid species that emerged as most successful at the end of the Paleolithic period

The Paleolithic age refers to ______________

The latest of the two stone ages


The most important ruler of the Babylonian empire; responsible for codification of law


The old Stone Age ending in 12,000 B.C.E typified by use of crude stone tools and hunting and gathering

Hunting and gathering

The original human economy, ultimately eclipsed by agriculture; groups hunt for meat and forage for grains, nuts and berries

Which of the following is not considered to have developed from or been accelerated by cuneiform and other types of writing? A) facilitation of keeping commercial records B) the organization of elaborate political structures C) the reduction of social stratification

The reduction of social stratification

Neolithic revolution

The succession of technological innovations and changes in human organization that led to the development of agriculture

Which of these best summarizes the relationship between Mesopotamian and Egyptian culture?

The two cultures shared core features, with key distinctions

Less is known about the harappan civilization or that of the Indus Valley than Sumer and Egypt because...

The writing of the Indus Valley and harappan civilization has never been deciphered

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of the indo-Europeans on the ancient civilizations of the Middle East?

They came in successive waves and, disrupted the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, and introduced the use of iron.

The lives of intensive hunting and gathering groups living in permanent locations remained precarious because___________

They were dependent on particular animals and plants that could disappear if changes in climate occurred


Title of kinds of ancient Egypt

Given the locations and subject matter of Paleolithic cave paintings, it is likely that the main purpose of the art was __________

To be used as maps to locate game herds

Ziggurats were Sumerian ___________


Babylonian empire

Unified all of Mesopotamia 1800 B.C.E.; collapsed due to foreign invasion 1600 B.C.E.

Love modern humans, Paleolithic peoples ____________

Used tools

The concept of barbarians _______

Was commonly used to distinguish between cosmopolitan, urban-focused cultures and nomadic peoples

In hunting and gathering bands, labor...

Was divided according to gender

Egypt differed from Mesopotamia civilization by stressing _____________

Well organized, durable empires


Abiding in one place; not migratory; pertaining to animals that move about little or are permanently attached to something,

The agricultural revolution allowed all of the following transformations in human culture to take place except ____________

A decline in specialized artists and craftsman


A form of political organization typical of Mesopotamian civilizations; consisted of agricultural hinterlands ruled by urban-based kings


A form of writing developed by the Sumerians using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets


A level of social organization normally consisting of 20 to 30 people; nomadic hunters and gatherers; labor divided on a gender basis


A member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock

Slash and burn agriculture

A system of cultivation typical of shifting cultivations; forest floors cleared by fire and then planned

Which of the following technological innovations was associated with the transition to sedentary agricultural communities? A) digging sticks, axes, and plows B) fire C) wheeled vehicles D)steel

A) digging sticks, axes, and plows

Which of the following www not a transformation associated with the 4th millennium B.C.E.? A) increased use of plow B) widespread use of chariots C) use of bronze for weapons

A) increased use of plow

The Neolithic revolution caused the population of humans to

Abandon hunting and gathering as a means of subsistence

By about 7000 B.C.E. Techniques of agricultural production in the Middle East had reached a level that ______________

Allowed most people to engage in other occupations

Mohenjo daro

Along with Harappa, major urban complex of the harappan civilization; laid out on planned grid pattern


Along with Moreno daro, major urban complex of the harappan civilization; laid out on planned grid pattern

Yellow River

Also known as th huanghe; site of development of sedentary agriculture in china


An African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile 1000 B.C.E.; it conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries

Catal huyuk

An archaeological site in what is now south-central turkey

As early civilizations began to emerge, the creation of agriculture surpluses resulted in_____________

An industrial revolution

Which of the following regions did not originate an agricultural system? A) Egypt B) Australia C) the huanghe valley of China D) the Middle East

B) Australia

Which of the following is true about the extensively studied site Catal Huyuk? A) the town could not have sustained itself without extensive trade with the hunting people in the hills surrounding the village B) by 5500 B.C.E., important production activities developed in the village, including those of skilled toolmakers and jewelers C) the town became increasingly impoverished over time

B) by 5500 B.C.E., important production activities developed in the village, including those of skilled toolmakers and jewelers

Which of the following was not an advantage gained from the domestication of animals? A) expanded choice of materials for clothing B) materials for boats C) additional sources of protein D) animal power for farming

B) materials for boats

Which of the following is not considered a reason for the decline of harappan civilization after about 1500 B.C.E.? A) massive flooding B) migrations by a cattle herding people, perhaps the indo-Europeans, probably challenged the control of the priestly group C) environmental changes were likely a greater problem, with excessive forest cutting leading to the creation of desert conditions and saltier soils D) earthquakes and tsunamis

B) migrations by a cattle herding people, perhaps the indo-Europeans, probably challenged the control of the priestly group

Hammurabi ruled the __________________

Babylonian empire

The first grain widely cultivated in the Middle East was ___________ and ______________

Barley and wheat

Agricultural systems in the Middle East, China, and the Americas were all ____________

Based on a combination of domesticated plants and animals

The emergence of sedentary agriculture...

Began in the Middle East first, but developed independently in other areas

In sedentary agricultural communities, social distinctions were heightened,

But well defined social stratification and class identity was nonexistent

Which of the following developments was not a key ingredient of early middle eastern civilization? A) the existence of specialized nonfarming producers B) the existence of nonfarming political and religious elites C)heavy reliance of pastoralism

C) heavy reliance of pastoralism

In which of these areas were Mesopotamia and Egyptian civilizations similar? A) literary developments B) the role of commerce C) the power of priests

C) the power of priests

One of the most significant accomplishments of Hammurabi was the ___________

Codification of the laws of Mesopotamia

Combinations of the ideas, objects, and patterns of behavior that result from human social interaction are referred to as ____________


Which of the following statements regarding nomadic societies is true? A) nomadic societies were egalitarian in terms of gender relations because care of animals was undertaken by women B) polygamy was uncommon, even for wealthier men C) hospitality was a keynote of characteristic nomadic culture and honor required that travelers be aided D) migrations by a cattle herding people, perhaps the indo-Europeans, probably challenged the control of the priestly group

D) migrations by a cattle herding people, perhaps the indo-Europeans, probably challenged the control of the priestly group

In comparison to the position of women in hunting and gathering societies, the social status of women in sedentary agricultural communities____________


The Vedas of the Aryans were ____________



First Chinese dynasty for which archeological evidence exists; capital located in Ordos bulge of the huanghe; flourished 1600 to 1046 B.C.E.

Bronze Age

From about 4000 B.C.E. when bronze tools were first introduced in the Middle East, to about 1500 B.C.E. when iron began to replace it

The development of writing _______________

Helps explain why governments could become more formal and bureaucratic

The development of writing...

Helps explain why governments could become more formal and bureaucratic

Nomads are generally ________


Which of the following represents the most advanced stage of human evolution?

Homo sapiens sapiens

Sumerian civilization produced the first ____________

Written law code

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