World History Chapter 13 Section 5

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Discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, it is the force that pulls things to massive objects and, as a result, keeps the planets in orbit.

René Descartes

A French scientist Who also led the way in the new scientific method He emphasized human reasoning as the best road understanding He wanted to discard all traditional authorities and search for provable knowledge He concluded that doubt was the only thing he could not question He made a famous statement: "I think therefore I am"


A branch of mathematics partially developed by Isaac Newton and used to explain his laws.

Johannes Kepler

Brahe's assistant, he was a brilliant German astronomer and mathematician who used Brahe's data to calculate the orbits of the planets revolving around the sun. His calculation supported Copernicus's heliocentric view. He also showed that each planet does not move in a perfect circle however in a oval-shaped orbit called an ellipse.

What was the basic understanding of the people before Copernicus proposed his idea of a heliocentric universe?

The people followed the ideas of Ptolemy and Aristotle that the earth is the center of the universe.

Describe Andreas Vesalius' works.

Vesalius wrote a book called On The Structure Of The Human Body. It was the first accurate and detailed study of human anatomy.

What event indirectly caused the scientific method to emerge?

In the early 1600's Plato's works were rediscovered. He wrote that man should look beyond simple appearance to understand the world.

Sir Isaac Newton

A student in England who devoured the works of leading scientists in his day. He saw an apple fall from a tree and he wondered if that same force kept the planets in motion. (He eventually proved his theory) Helped to develop calculus

Francis Bacon

An English scientist who brought about the new scientific method which was a revolution in thought at the time He stressed experimentation and observation He wanted signs to make life better for people by leading to practical technologies


An Italian astronomer who assembled an astronomical telescope He observed the four moons of Jupiter move slowly around the planet His discoveries causing uproar because his observations contradicted ancient views of the world In 1633 he was tried before the Inquisition and was kept under house arrest for the rest of his life

Who perfected the microscope?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

Tycho Brahe

In the late 1500s this Danish astronomer provided evidence to support Copernicus's theory. Every night for years he carefully observed the sky and set up an astronomical Observatory

How was Galileo tried and what was the result when he proposed that Copernicus and Kepler were right about their heliocentric universe?

Galileo was brought in front of the Inquisition for heresy, he withdrew his "heresies" but was still put under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Nicolaus Copernicus

In 1543 Polish scholar who published on The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. He proposed a heliocentric model of the universe, the sun stands at the center and Earth is just one of the seven planets that revolve around the sun.

Robert Boyle

In English chemist that in the 1600s refined alchemists view of chemicals as basic building blocks He explained all matter is being composed of tiny particles that behave in knowable ways He distinguish between individual elements and chemical compounds His work opened the way to modern chemical analysis of the composition of matter


Scientist use reasoning to propose a logical hypothesis or a possible explanation Then they test of the hypothesis with further observation or experiment Tatian


Sun centered model of the universe

Scientific method

a step-by-step process of discovering evolved and became known as the scientific method Required scientist to collect and accurately measure data

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