World History Final

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What is an absolute monarchy and divine right?

An absolute monarchy is where the ruler has complete authority over the government and lives of the people. An absolute monarch claims to rule by Divine Right which is the belief that their actions are supported by God and should go unchallenged by others

Why is peter the great and absolute monarch

Because he held all the power in russia, conquered who he wanted to, modernized russia even though people didn't want to, changes for better or worse without counsel or advisors

How was the Palace of Versailles critical in increasing Louis xiv's political ambitions

Because it was big and breath taking and people looked at it with awe so than other kings would also look at his whole country in awe. The palace helped build up the thought that he was a very powerful and radiant king which alao gave him the name of the sun king.

Why did Peter the Great believe that Russia's future depended on having a warm water port?

Because they needed a warm water port for trading with other of the world and a navy and exploring, the only sea they had access to was water that would freeze in making it impossible to travel by boat then.

What was England's government like before the Glorious Revolution?

Before the glorious revolution the people were not happy because james II was trying to restore absolutism and they had just dealt with Charles I trying to do that so they invited James daughter mary and her husband william to come to england to overthrow James II.

Why did Kings gain so much power?

European Kings taxed merchants and bankers and use the wealth to build powerful. armies.Monarchs use their power to build centralized governments to control their Nations

What were some of the ways Peter try to westernize Russia?

He Ripped off beards cut rope short and killed some of his army because they were revolting. He brought new education and medical and warm water ports changes clothes and how people looked, brought out of middle ages, moved gov, to st. Petersburg

Why is my Machiavelli still relevant today

He is Still relevant today because political leaders today face the same challenges and he gives Insight on how to solve them. (allies will pretend to be friends to gain something for them from it) (sometimes you have to make hard decisions that the people won't be happy about but it's better to be feared than loved because that will create a successful country.)

What advice does Machiavelli offer to monarchs?

He says that it's better to be feared than loved, because anyone can try to take advantage of you if you are using love which can lead you to be hated which is worse than being feared. Your allies are not your friends. Even if go against morals. Face the present not what you imagine. Don't be hated because can turn into rebellion

Why was James II unpopular?

He was unpopular because he tried to restore the catholic faith and absolutism and suspended laws whenever he wanted to. Angered his subjects and did not get along with parliament.

how did the Bill of Rights Define the relationship between monarchy and Parliament?

It said that the parliament was superior to the monarchy. The bill of rights gave rules (basic rights and freedoms) that the monarchy had to follow. Right: the monarchy could not be above the law - but a part of the system.

According to Bishop Bossuet how should Kings be treated and how should kings use their power?

Kings are sacred and they should be treated as holy. They should be guarded and for a person to attack him in any way they should be killed. King should use their power for good because they are on God's Throne watching over his children. To neglect the power from God is a huge sin

Why are Louis XIII and Louis XIV absolute monarchs?

Louis XIV and Louis XIII was considered an absolute ruler because no other person or institution and France could exercise control over them. Louis XIV was an absolute ruler because no other person or institution in france could exercise control over him and he controlled all the decisions in the government including foreign policy and where many went. The catholic church supported absolutism. Louis XIII had cardinal richelieu Louis XIV had cardinal mazarin Forcibly put an end to the huguenots (french protestants) taking away hebrew land, taxing merchants

how is the English Bill of Rights different from the American bill of Rights?

One example is freedom of religion. The English Bill of rights did not grant freedoms to non-Protestants, whereas the American bill of rights does.

Describe the life of Peter the Great: what were his goals and accomplishments?

Peter the great wanted to westernize russia. He wanted a warm water seaport so he fought the turks and swedes for land by the sea. Peter set outside of his kingdom unlike any other tsar to learn new technologies and medicine for his country.He created a strong military and navy. And gained access the baltic sea. And build st. petersburg

how had the English Bill of Rights influence the American Bill of Rights?

Since the english bill of rights was made before the American bill of rights, you can see how the founding fathers got some of their ideas from the english bill of rights for the american bill of rights. Such as the right to petition their ruler, freedom of speech, and excessive punishments.

Why did the Catholic Church teach about divine right? Who was the king responsible to?

The Catholic Church teach divine right because they said that God selected the king which gave him the right to rule solo. no matter how bad a king may be the Revolt of his subjects is Criminal only God could punish a bad King. The King was responsible to God not the people

What were the causes and effects of limiting the British Monarchy?

The british monarchy was limited because the monarchs were acting as absolute monarchs and putting people in jail without a trial, taking more money from people, and ignoring parliament laws when they didn't agree with them. The effect was gta monarchs had to obey the law and govern in partnership with parliament. Causes of limiting the British Monarchy include written documents such as the magna carta and the petition of rights. Effects: you have parliament going to war with the monarchy who have ignored British traditions and written laws. Oliver cromwell (parliament) vs. charles II (monarchy)

Understand the importance of Saint Petersburg: identify how Peter's actions in building st. Petersburg showed his power as an absolute monarch?

The way that he built st. Peters burg only an absolute monarch could do because he made people slave away until the city was built and many people died. The Russian Rev. did not start in St. Petersburg, but it was important as Peter saw it fit to truly modernize russia he had to move gov't away from Moscow and its people. It was as if he was creating a new russia as he westernized. (new capital, forcing people into city) Place to house soldiers during war.

How did Peter the Great become the tsar of Russia

There was 2 tsars of russia because sophia wanted the throne so they settled on Making her brother ivan the 5th and peter the great co tsars with the sister sophia the real power behind the throne. Peter didn't like this in eventually put Sophia behind Convent walls as a nun soon after that Ivan the fifth died and Peter was the soul tsar

What was the Glorious Revolution? Why did absolutism fail in England?

hey invited James II daughter mary and her husband william to come to england to overthrow James II. She did, and it was a bloodless overthrow. HAD TO SIGN THE ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS Absolutism failed in england because Charles I wouldn't give up any of his power and only cared about himself, and it backfired.

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