World History II - Semester Exam Review

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With which revolution are the Red Shirts associated?


Which of the following were present to sign a peace treat after World War I?

Italy; United Kingdom; France

Which of the following is true of the Munich Conference?

Its purpose was to discuss German control of the Sudentenland; It was an attempt to avoid war; The leaders of Great Britain and France gave into Hitler's bullying; In the end, it was a failure.

Who was elected president of France in 1995?

Jacques Chirac

Who developed a coal-burning steam engine?

James Watt

When did Operation Desert Storm commence?

January 16, 1991

How long did the Desert Storm conflict last?

January 1991 - April 1991

After becoming emperor of China, Kublai Khan lost respect among his subjects when he failed twice to conquer which nearby country?


After becoming emperor of China, Kublai Khan lost respect amongst his subjects when he failed twice to conquer which nearby country?


Which neighbor of China saw what happened when a country failed to modernize in the face of European imperialism and was determined not to make the same mistake?


Who posted the second-largest gross domestic product (GDP) in the 1980s?


Who won the Russo-Japanese War?


Why did Japan attack the United States?

Japan needed to prevent the US Navy from aiding the Philippines.

Which countries fought for control of Manchuria?

Japan; Russia

In 1948, how did the UN divide the area of Palestine?

Jewish Israel; Arab Palestine

Who invented the steel plow?

John Deere

Who was the first American to orbit the earth?

John Glenn

Who invented the flying shuttle, which was used in the textile industry?

John Kay

Who followed Margaret Thatcher as prime minister?

John Major

President Roosevelt and his advisor supported the economic theories of whom?

John Maynard Keynes

United States President FDR and his advisor supported the economic theories of whom?

John Maynard Keynes

Who became very rich as a result of the free enterprise of the Industrial Revolution?

John Rockefeller; George Vanderbilt; J.P. Morgan

Who was a major thinker behind liberalism?

John Stuart Mill

With which of the following countries did Israel find itself at war during the 1950s and 1960s?

Jordan; Egypt; Syria

Who replaced the King of Spain?

Joseph Bonaparte

Who established a socialist regime in Argentina?

Juan Peron

The Great War began on what date?

July 28, 1914

The Great War began on which date?

July 28, 1914

When was the Treaty of Versailles signed by Germany?

June 28, 1919

The Allies open a second European front of attack against the Germans with the landings at Normandy. Which of the following is the date of this event?

June 6, 1944

Who built Hagia Sofia?


What was the only notable naval battle in the Great War?


Which was the only large naval battle in the Great War?


Who was declared emperor of Germany in 1871?

Kaiser Wilhelm I

Which kingdom fell in 1808 to the Fulani?


Who was the philosopher that laid the foundation for communism?

Karl Marx

Which of the following was a settler state?

Kenya; Angola; Mozambique

Which of the following was a settler states?

Kenya; Mozambique; Angola

Which of the following is consider to be a "thaw" in the Cold War?

Khrushchev's Secret Speech

Who was the first female prime minister in Canada?

Kim Campbell

Which of the following was a member of the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada?

Kim Campbell; Brian Mulroney

Which of the following were members of the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada?

Kim Campbell; Brian Mulroney

Who was appointed leader of North Korea in 1949?

Kim Il-sung

Who promised the first written constitution in the German states?

King Frederic William IV of Prussia

Who controlled the Congo at first?

King Leopold II

Who was the Kind of Belgium in the late 19th century?

King Leopold II

Who was the King of Belgium in the late 19th century?

King Leopold II

Who fled Vienna in 1848?

Klemens von Matternich

Who represented Austria in the Congress of Vienna?

Klemens von Metternich

The night that Jewish shops, synagogues, and homes were vandalized in a state-sanctioned event meant to make them want to leave Germany is known as __________________.


Which Mongol leader and grandson of Genghis Khan conquered much of China in the 1200s and established the Yuan dynasty?

Kublai Khan

What happened to labor when the Great War began?

Labor strikes were discouraged.

What was the cargo of Sputnik II?

Laika the dog

Which of the following was another name for the Mau-Mau?

Land and People's Party

Which of the following became free after being released from Indochina?

Laos; Cambodia

How did some African chiefs feel coerced into staying in the slave trade?

Large supplies of guns kept their enemies away.

Who led the Polish nationalist movement Solidarity?

Lech Walesa

Who was the first democratically elected leader in Taiwan?

Lee Teng-hui

Which Bolshevik originally took control of Russia and began to establish Marxist ideology?


Who signed off on the execution of the royal family?


Who led the Helsinki Agreement for the Soviet Union?

Leonid Brezhnev

Who was the first king of the Belgians?

Leopold I

Which country had the first female head of state in Africa?


Which of the following was the American settlement for freed slaves?


As Japan quickly modernized in the late 1800s, it quickly ran into a problem experienced by the Europeans during the Industrial Revolution: the need for additional raw materials to feed the new factories. Without a new source of raw materials, the Japanese economy was in danger of collapsing. How did the Japanese solve this economic crisis?

Like the Europeans, the Japanese adopted imperialism and set out on a series of conquests to acquire new sources of raw materials.

How far away could people hear the fighting at the Battle of the Somme?


Where was Karl Marx exiled in 1849?


Which of the following did not want to punish or humiliate France for Napoleonic Wars?

Lord Castlereagh

Who won the French presidential election of 1848?

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

Who became king after Charles X (Count d'Artois)?

Louis Philippe

Who took the throne in France after Napoleon was banished to St. Helena?


The Germans attacked which two civilian ships during the Great War, causing tension between Germany and the United States?

Lusitania; Sussex

What islands did the Portuguese discover and annex in the 15th century?

Madeira; Cape Verde; Azores

Who was the first female Secretary of State of the United States?

Madeline Albright

Who was an early peaceful protestor in India?

Mahatma Gandhi

Who was the first European to reach Timbuktu?

Major Gordon Laing

Which empires were in Sudan?

Mali; Ghana; Songhai

Who were the ancient founders of Mali?


Which groups were found in the Ivory Coast?

Mandinka; Akan; Mossi

Which of the following was the Great Leap Forward under Mao?

Mao's response to will more production out of unskilled labor

Know the timeline.

March 2003 - US-led coalition begins strikes on Iraq; April 2003 - Saddam Hussein's regime collapses in Iraq; December 2003 - Saddam found hiding in a small bunker; June 2004 - Iraq granted sovereignty; January 2005 - first free election in fifty years; December 2006 - Saddam Hussein executed for crimes against humanity.

Why is the year 1848 considered to be the year of revolutions?

More than 50 revolutions erupted in Europe that year.

Which of the following were the results of the Second Moroccan Crisis?

Morocco remained French, and Germany would be granted another African holding; England mediated the negotiations between France and Germany.

Why did the German people support Nazi ideas about the Jews?

Most didn't know any Jewish people, so they believes their government; Most Germans didn't want to think their government would lie to them.

Which of the following maintained communist governments after the fall of the Soviet Union?

Mozambique; Angola; Ethiopia

Who declared himself the Mahdi at the end of the 19th century, leading a revolution against the British?

Muhammad Ahmad

In an attempt to force Japan's surrender during World War II, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on two Japanese cities. Which two cities were atomic bombs dropped on?

Nagasaki; Hiroshima

In an attempt to force Japan's surrender during World War II, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on two Japanese cities. Which two cities were they?

Nagasaki; Hiroshima

Which of the following countries fell under German control?

Namibia; Burundi; Rwanda

Which of the following fits this description: Rooted in nationalist ideas and Islamic fundamentalism, aiming to remove Algeria from French rule?

National Liberation Front

Ultimately, which of the following resulted from Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles?

Nazis; Adolf Hitler; disillusionment

Who was the first man on the moon?

Neil Armstrong

When the Manchu seized power of China in 1644, what was one similarity they shared with the Ming dynasty they replaced?

Neither the Manchu nor the Ming was originally from China, and the Chinese people viewed both as outsiders.

Who was the first black president of South Africa?

Nelson Mandela

Who was the first president of the newly democratized government in South Africa?

Nelson Mandela

Who is considered the last Czar of Russia?

Nicholas II

In World War I, what was the empty space between the trenches called?

No Man's Land

Which of the following was the relationship between defeating the Mau-Mau and stopping decolonization?

None. The Mau-Mau defeat was exaggerated.

Who were the generals in charge of Desert Storm?

Norman Schwartzkopf; Colin Powell

Prior to the Age of Discovery, what was the extent of involvement with Africa for many Europeans?

North Africa

Prior to the Ago of Discovery, what was the extent of involvement with Africa for many Europeans?

North Africa

The Luddites were from ___________________.


Where were the Luddites from?


When was the armistice signed to end World War I?

November 11, 1918

When did the October Revolution take place?

November 7, 1917

At the __________________________, 18 leading Nazi officials were charged and found guilty of crimes against humanity.

Nuremberg Trials

Which of the following caused a shift in the Japanese economy in the 1970s?

OPEC oil prices

When did the North Korean capital fall to American troops?

October 1950

When did Germany finish payment of its reparations from World War I?

October 3, 2010

On which date did the Russians launch Sputnik I?

October 4, 1957

What was the plan called for the German invasion of Russia?

Operation Barbarossa

Which of the following was the plan for the German invasion of Russia?

Operation Barbarossa

Which of the following was the name of the war in Afghanistan?

Operation Enduring Freedom

What did the Dutch establish in South Africa?

Orange Free State

Which Muslim Turkish ghazi established the Ottoman Empire in the 1300s?


Who led German unification under the Prussian banner?

Otto von Bismarck

Which of the following held most of North Africa since the 16th century?

Ottoman Empire

At the 1994 meeting of world powers, which decisions were made regarding Israel and Palestine?

Palestine would gain the Gaza Strip; Palestine would gain the West Bank city of Jericho.

Which of the following states were created after World War II?

Palestine; Syria; Jordan

Which goal did Nkrumah have that he never seemed to achieve?


Which groups struggled with Obamacare?

Part-time employees; Small businesses

How was violence in India post-colonization like other instances of decolonization?

Partitioning countries by language and tribe was often based in misunderstandings; Partitioning countries led to much violence and hardship.

Which of the following is special about United Airlines Flight 93?

Passengers took control of the hijacked plane and crashed it into a field near Shanksville, PA.

Which of the following were the ultimate results of the revolution in France in 1848?

People were executed for rebelling against the king; The Second French Empire was established.

Which of the following countries were established through the revolutions led by Simon Bolivar?

Peru; Columbia; Ecuador

Under which prime minister did Canada adopt more socialist policies?

Pierre Trudeau

World War II began with the invasion of what nation?


World War II began with the invasion of which nation?


Which country was mainly responsible for explorations in South Africa prior to the 18th century?


Who captured Ceuta in Morocco in 1415?


Which of the following was the movement focused on rapid decolonization in Ghana led by Nkrumah and the CPP?

Positive Action

Which of the following was a result of the economic achievements of Japan?

Prevented the spread of communism in the region

What was an issue with privatizing ownership of formerly state-run governmental agencies?

Private monopolies would control them and limit freedom.

Which of the following was an issue with privatizing ownership of formerly state-run governmental agencies?

Private monopolies would control them and limit freedom.

The new work ethic that emerged in England during the Industrial Revolution was known as the ________________________.

Protestant work ethic

Which of the following were wars of German unification?

Prussia v. Dutch; Prussia v. Austria; Prussia v. France

Franklin D. Roosevelt and his advisors supported which type of policy to end the Great Depression?

Pump money into the government without concern for a balanced budget.

Where did U.N. forces land in Korea?

Pusan Peninsula

In 1644, the Manchu successfully seized the Chinese throne and established the final Chinese dynasty, called the ________ dynasty, which would rule the country until 1911.


Who started the push against the slave trade?


Who committed the 1993 World Trade Center bombing?

Ramzi Yousef

_____________, ______________, and _____________ caused the decline of the Mughal Empire.

Reckless government spending, repression of religious groups other than Muslims, heavy taxation

Which of the following was considered a demilitarized zone following World War I?


Who invented the steam engine?

Robert Fulton

Which period is seen as a response to the actions of the French Revolution?


Who served as a conservative alternative to George H. W. Bush in the 1992 elections?

Ross Perot

Which country was seen as the "Champion of Slavs"?


Which of the following are clear examples that the "thaw" of the Cold War did not last?

Russia suppressed Czechoslovakia after citizens demanded reform; Russia suppressed Hungary after citizens demanded reform.

Which of the following are clear example that the "thaw" of the Cold War did not last?

Russia suppressed Hungary after citizens demanded reform; Russia suppressed Czechoslovakia after citizens demanded reform.

Which of the following were allied with France preceding the Great War?

Russia; England

Which of the following fought wars with China to pick apart its land in the 19th century?

Russia; France; Japan

Which of the following supported France in the First Moroccan Crisis?

Russia; Italy; England

Which of the following is true about Boris Yeltsin?

Russian legislators resented him because of his dictatorial power; He sent troops to put down independence movement in Chechnya; He maintained strong military ties.

How was the firebombing of Dresden, Germany, portrayed after the war?

Russians used the incident as propaganda against the United States.

Who was the first female head of state in Africa?

Ruth Perry

Which of the following counties fell under German control?

Rwanda; Burundi; Namibia

Which of the following was a Marxist terrorist group?


Why was an invasion of North Vietnam scrapped in 1965?

Secretary of Defense McNamara viewed it as an unacceptable risk of confrontation with the USSR.

Which trading post did the Portuguese establish in 1446?


When was the Congress of Vienna called to order?

September 1814

On which date was V-J Day?

September 2, 1945

What date was V-J Day?

September 2, 1945

Which country was accused of ethnic cleansing during the Serbian-Bosnian conflicts of the 1990s?


Which were the results of the Second Balkan Crisis?

Serbia looked to Russia for support; Serbia pulled out of Albania.

Which significant event happened in Africa in 1960?

Seventeen countries were granted independence.

Which of the following was one of the first actions to kickstart the movement toward independence?

Sharpsville Massacre

Why did Margaret Thatcher not support the European Union?

She believed that the larger nations would dominate smaller nations.

Which groups in Peru targeted Christianity by attacking missionaries and Christians?

Shining Path; Tupac Amaru

What was the British settlement for freed slaves?

Sierra Leone

Which of the following was the British settlement for freed slaves?

Sierra Leone

Which of the following are ex-slave states?

Sierra Leone; Liberia

What caused tension between Austria and Serbia leading to the Great War?

Slavic nationalism; assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne

Who worked to end hostilities between Serbia and Bosnia?

Slobodan Milosevic

Which countries declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1991?

Slovenia; Croatia

Which of the following slowed reform in Mexico in the early 1990s?

Socialist policies kept lands from being turned over to peasant farmers; All land still belonged to the state.

Which nationalist group did Pope John Paul II support during the 1980s?


Which of the following are legacies of Nelson Mandela?

Some believe he was a humanitarian; Some believed he was a Marxist.

Which of the following were results of the Korean War?

South Korea gained some land; South Korea's total casualties were 1.4 million, including military and civilian; United States casualties included 162,000 people.

Which of the following was a concern about Clinton's policy of joining the World Trade Organization?

Sovereignty would be superseded by an outside power.

Why did North Korea not have free elections, despite this being stipulated at the Potsdam Conference?

Soviets controlled Manchuria and North Korea; Soviets wanted a pro-communist ruler in place.

Why did North Korea not have free elections, despite this begin stipulated at the Potsdam Conference?

Soviets wanted a pro-communist ruler in place; Soviets controlled Manchuria and North Korea.

Who captured Oran in Algeria in 1409?


The ripple effects of Napoleon's invasion of which countries impacted Latin America the most?

Spain; Portugal

Which European countries were predominantly in Africa during the 15th and 16th century?

Spain; Portugal

Who predominantly was in Africa during the 15th and 16th century?

Spain; Portugal

Who were the warring parties in the Somali Civil War?

Marxist warlords; Muslim warlords

Who wrote "Frankenstein"?

Mary Shelley

What were the Kikuyu kingdoms?

Masai; Luo

When was Osama bin Laden found and killed?

May 2, 2011

On which date was V-E Day?

May 8, 1945

What date was V-E Day?

May 8, 1945

Not wanting to become a puppet of the Europeans and Americans, the Japanese emperor instituted a series of changes, known as the _______ reforms, to strengthen and modernize Japan.


Not wanting to become a puppet of the Europeans and Americans, the Japanese emperor instituted a series of changes, known as the ___________________, to strengthen and modernize Japan.

Meiji reforms

Adolph Hitler's ______________ outlined his plans.

Mein Kampf

What phrase best describes the Einsatzgruppen?

Men who were trained by the Nazis since a young age to persecute Jews; ordinary men with families

Who were heads of state when Jimmy Carter brokered peace in the Middle East?

Menachem Begin; Anwar Sadat

Two examples of Christendom and Islam blending with the reign of the Ottomans are ________ and ________.

1) the two groups lived in relative peace in the Balkans; 2) Hagia Sophia was converted to a Mosque from a Christian church

How many total casualties were there at the Battle of the Somme?

1.2 million

To how many was the army of Germany limited following World War I?

100,000 troops

What was the army of Germany limited to following World War I?

100,000 troops

When did Britain gain India as a protectorate?


When was the Industrial Revolution?


How close were the Germans to Paris at their furthest extent in World War I?

18 miles

When did the British end the slave trade?


When did revolution begin in Latin America?


When was the Great Zimbabwe destroyed?


When did the Ottoman Turks reestablish control of Tripolitania?


When did the slave trade end in Europe?


When did China become a republic?


When did Lenin die?


When did civil war erupt in China initially between the Communists and the Nationalist?


When did civil war erupt in China initially between the Communists and the Nationalists?


Hagia Sophia was converted into a museum in _________.


When did India move toward decolonization?


When did Kenya gain independence?


When did Anwar Sadat become president of Egypt?


When did Anwar Saddat become president of Egypt?


When did Canada achieve independence from the United Kingdom?


When did civil war erupt in Somalia?


How many casualties had the French suffered in the first thirty days of World War I?


How many miles of trenches were dug at Verdun?


What was the total cost of reparations Germany had to repay after World War I?

33 billion dollars

What was the total cost of the reparations Germany had to repay after World War I?

33 billion dollars

How many casualties were lost in the Gallipoli Campaign?


How many died in the civil war and genocide in Rwanda?


How many died in the civil war genocide in Rwanda?


What was the total estimated number of African slaves that reached North America and the West Indies?

9 to 10 million

Approximately how many African slaves reached North America and the West Indies?

9-10 million

Approximately how many African slaves reached North American in the West Indies?

9-10 million

How much of the African continent was under European control by 1914?

90 percent

How many casualties were suffered at the Battle of Verdun?


Which statement is accurate?

A cold war is a continual state of tension between two world powers.

Who originated the idea of "laissez-faire" economics?

Adam Smith

Ultimately, which of the following resulted form Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles?

Adolf Hitler

Which of the following formed to combat the liberal white political party in South Africa?

African National Congress

Who did the British fight in the Boer War?


Who was the Sultan of Morocco in 1590?

Ahmed al Mansur

Who was the sultan of Morocco in 1590?

Ahmed al Mansur

How did the Mughal leader Akbar, a Muslim, successfully appease his mostly Hindu subjects in India?

Akbar opened positions in government to Hindus.

Who was the Democratic front-runner in the 2000 election?

Al Gore

Who was the social butterfly of the Congress of Vienna?

Alexander I

Who vowed himself to vengeance against the nihilists?

Alexander III

Where was the headquarters of the Barbary Pirates for 300 years?


Which territories did Germany lose as a result of World War I?

Alsace and Lorraine; The free city of Danzig; the Polish Corridor

Which of the following helped Colombia come out the other side of its crises in the 1990s?

American aid; driving out drug lords

Who worked in India to rescue young girls from a life on the streets?

Amy Carmichael

Which of the following was included in the Helsinki Agreement that benefitted the Soviet Union?

An exchange of technology would allow Soviets to build technology.

Where did the United States break the German line of defense during the Great War?


Who replaced Gerhard Schroeder as Chancellor in Germany?

Angela Merkel

What wars paved the way to a South African domination by white settlers?

Anglo-Zulu War; Boer War

Which of the following fits this definition: legal discrimination of Black Africans in white-dominated South Africa?


When did North Vietnam capture Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam?

April 1975

What the language of Muslim Africans?


What was the language of Muslim Africans?


Who controlled the Swahili area of the East African coast?

Arabs from Oman

Which of the following African powers was a rival for the Gold Coast until the 19th century?


APEC is the acronym for which of the following?

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

What is APEC?

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

Where did Germany's empire reach by 1914?

Asia; parts of the Pacific; Africa

Germany exploited the poor relationship between the United States and what other nation?


Which country refused to meet before the Great War to settle issues in the Balkans?


Which of the following allied with Germany leading to the Great War?


Which were the causes of the First Balkan Crisis in 1908?

Austria wanted to annex Bosnia; Russia wanted to keep access to the Balkan as a warm-water port.

Francis Joseph (Franz Joseph) became the leader of which country in 1867?


Which of the following countries were affected by the Revolutions of 1848?

Austria; France; Prussia

Which Iranian leader closed the US embassy and held Americans hostage?

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

In 1526, a Muslim warlord by the name of ___________ conquered Delhi and established the Mughal (or Mongol) Empire in India.


Which of the following is considered to be the turning of World War II in the Pacific?


Who was the Soviet Premiere who came to power in 1985?

Mikhail Gorbachev

Who caused the destruction of the Great Zimbabwe?

Bantu Zulu

In 1918, which battle allowed Germany to take its focus off Italy?

Battle of Caporetto

Which battle forced the Germans from Paris in 1918?

Battle of Second Marne

Which of these World War I battles was one of the bloodiest ever recorded?

Battle of Somme

Which battle made Von Hindenburg a war hero for Germany?

Battle of Tannenberg

Which of these World War I battles was on of the bloodiest ever recorded?

Battle of the Somme

Which of the following were musicians during this period?

Beethoven; Chopin

Which states are considered the "buffer states" created after the Congress of Vienna?

Belgium; Piedmont-Sardinia

Who was the Democrat Party candidate in the 1992 election?

Bill Clinton

Which was the name of the assassin group who murdered the heir to the Austrian throne?

Black Hand

Which of the following was Otto von Bismarck's policy to unite all of the German lands?

Blood and Iron

Which are some events that soured the people to the emperors in Russia prior to the Russian Revolution?

Bloody Sunday Massacre; the embarrassing loss in the Russo-Japanese War

In 1368, after ruling China for about one hundred years, the unpopular Yuan dynasty was overthrown by the son of a Chinese peasant farmer who established the new _______ dynasty, which would govern China for the next three hundred years.


Who was the first prime minister of the Republic of Egypt?

Mohammad Naguib

Under Czar Nicholas II's reign, there were numerous underground political groups. Which of these groups were people who demanded immediate revolution?


Who followed Gorbachev in leading Russia?

Boris Yeltsin

Where was nationalism felt most strongly in Europe prior to the Great War?

Bosnia Herzegovina; Germany; Italy

What was the name given to the Chinese nationalists?


Where did the Portuguese send their slaves primarily in the 16th century?


On the eve of World War I, world leaders believed new technology would do what if war broke out?

Bring the war to a speedy conclusion

On the eve of World War I, world leaders believed new technology would do which of the following if war began?

Bring the war to a speedy conclusion

Which of the following best fits the definition for Pax Britannica?

British peace; a period of British control of the world; The sun never sets on the British Empire

Which Iranian leader was allied with the American in the 1970s?

Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi

What was the strategy to ensure that Germany acquired overseas land?

Build a strong navy

What was the name of the important warrior code that the Japanese samurai followed?


Which of the following describes the uniqueness of Hudson Taylor's China Inland Mission?

CIM's missionaries had no guaranteed salary and had to rely on God for their needs; CIM missionaries left the coastal cities of China where most other missionaries were working and pushed inland to the mostly unreached interior of China; In an effort to connect with the Chinese people, CIM's missionaries adopted traditional Chinese clothing and fashion

What was the economic support network extended to Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union?


Which of the following happened in Cuba in 1994 that allowed people to find some freedom?

Castro lifted emigration restrictions.

Which of the following groups were those who were targeted for extermination during the Holocaust?

Catholics; Gypsies; political dissidents; the physically and mentally impaired; evangelical Christians

Who led the Nationalists against the Communists?

Chiang Kai-shek

Who led the Nationalists against the communists?

Chiang Kai-shek

Which of the following happened as a result of capturing Pyongyang in the Korean War?

China sent in one million troops to push the Americans back south.

Which of the following describes the relationship between China and Taiwan?

China threatened Taiwan with military exercises; Taiwan elected a democratic leader in 1996.

Which of the following countries had nuclear weapons by the 1960s?

China; France; India

What deadly diseases ravaged East and Southern Africa in the 1990s?

Cholera; Ebola; AIDS

What happened in the Congo in 1964?

Christian missionaries were taken hostage by a terror group; Twenty-nine Christian missionaries were killed before US paratroopers could save them.

With whom did Anwar Sadat keep good relations?


With whom did Anwar Saddat keep good relations?


When the Great War initially began, when did people think it would end?

Christmas 1914

When the Great War initially began, when did the people think it would end?

Christmas 1914

What forced Castro to allow some free-market reforms in Cuba?

Collapse of the Soviet Union

Who replaced the influence of Russia in East Africa?

Communist China

Which of the following explains the policy of Containment?

Communist can retain their land but cannot expand it.

Which of the following explain the policy of Containment?

Communists can retain their land but cannot expand it.

Which of the following explains the policy of Containment?

Communists can retain their land but cannot expand it.

Why did President Bush not pursue Hussein further?

Concerns over Iranian takeover

What was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire?


Which of the following was the name of the political party in Ghana who sided with the interests of Kwame Nkrumah?

Convention People's Party

What is considered to be the turning of World War II in the Pacific?

Coral Sea

Which Iranian leader was allied with the Americans in the 1970s?

Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi

Which of these Italian nationalists felt that diplomacy would unify Italy?

Count Cavour

Which countries declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1991?

Croatia; Slovenia

In 1939, over 900 passengers tried to flee Germany abroad the St. Louis. Which of the following was their original destination?


Which of the following territories were won through the Spanish American War?

Cuba; Puerto Rico; Wake Island

Where was the base for the religious reform group called the Senussi?


Which of the following are true statements?

Dachau was a forced labor camp; Auschwitz was an extermination camp.

Which of the following was Marx's seminal work that he published in 1867?

Das Capital

Who was the best known of all explorers in Africa?

David Livingstone

On which date did Japan attack the United States at Pearl Harbor?

December 7, 1941

The ____________________ was established when a group of Muslim invaders conquered northern India around 1200 AD and seized the important city of Delhi.

Delhi Sultanate

Which of the following was one of the last movements before the road to Indian independence?

Despite majority control of self-rule party, the viceroy from the Crown still held sway in India.

Who was the first to accept Jews as refugees from Germany?

Dominican Republic

Which of the following was an important part of ensuring the success of Japan after World War II?

Economic assistance from the United States

Who said, "The lights of Europe have gone out and will not come on in our lifetime"?

Edward Grey

Who said, "The lights of Europe have gone out and will not come on in our lifetime?"

Edward Grey

Who led the field in the study of vaccines?

Edward Jenner

At it's peak the Ottoman Empire reached __________________________________.

Egypt, Syria, and Northern Africa

At its peak, where did the Ottoman Empire reach?

Egypt; Syria; North Africa

Which of the following French leaders represented a populist approach to politics?

Emmanuel Macron

Which of these French leader represented a populist approach to politics?

Emmanuel Macron

Which of these French leaders represent a populist approach to politics?

Emmanuel Macron

Which of these French leaders represented a populist approach to politics?

Emmanuel Macron

The change in industry sparked in which nation?


Know the sides: England, Russia, Bulgaria, Austro-Hungarian Empire, France, Germany, Italy

England - Allied Powers; Russia - Allied Powers; Bulgaria - Central Powers; Austro-Hungarian Empire - Central Powers; France - Allied Powers; Germany - Central Powers; Italy - Allied Powers

What were the sections into which Canada was divided?

English; French

Which kingdom dwindle in the 19th century, leaving the country in constant turmoil?


Which kingdom dwindled in the 19th century leaving the country in constant turmoil?


Which of the following was a kingdom with a Christian foundation?


Who controlled the Island of Madagascar?


On which continents was the Ottoman Empire situated?

Europe; Africa; Asia

Know what the four Neutrality Acts are about:

First Neutrality Act - Italian-Ethiopian War; Second Neutrality Act - forbade loans and credits to warring nations; Third Neutrality Act - forbade travel of United States' citizens on the ships of warring nations; Fourth Neutrality Act - cash and carry basis

When Hong Wu died in 1398, his son Yonglo became the new Ming emperor. Yonglo moved the capital to Beijing and built a massive imperial palace that commoners were banned from entering. This royal complex in the center of Beijing famously became know as the ____________________.

Forbidden City

Who controlled large parts of West Africa?


Which of the following started the Second Moroccan Crisis in 1912?

France sent another expeditionary force to Morocco; Germany intercepted a boat heading to Morocco from France.

Which of the following sparked the First Moroccan Crisis in 1905?

France sent troops to secure Morocco after an internal crisis; Germany sent troops to protect Morocco.

Which of the following were decided at the meeting at Yalta?

France, Russia, United States, and England would divide Berlin; There was a need for a new international peace-keeping organization.

What was decided at the meeting at Yalta?

France, Russia, the United States, and English would divide Berlin; There would be a need for a new international peace-keeping organization.

Which of the following were present to sign a peace treaty after World War I?

France; Italy; United Kingdom

Which countries met to broker peace before the Great War began?

France; Russia; Germany

Which of the following was the final nail in the coffin for German unification?

Franco-Prussian War

Which French leader(s) supported socialist policies?

Francois Hollande; Francois Mitterrand

Which French leaders supported socialist policies?

Francois Hollande; Francois Mitterrand

Which of the following were pastoralists?


Who drove the rural Islamic movement in the Sudan?


Who were the mixtures of people in Guinea?

Fulani; Mandinka

Who ruled Cuba from 1934 until the mid-1950s?

Fulgencio Batista

Who was known as the Candy Bomber of Berlin?

Gail Halverson

Which of the following was a territory held by the English?

Gambia; the Gold Coast

Who worked to wrest control of Egypt from the British?

Gamel Abdel Nasser

Which of the following were results of splitting countries by culture for India?

Gandhi was assassinated; led to years of violence and bloodshed

What was the Quit India Movement?

Gandhi's call for immediate self-rule

Which of the following explains the Quit India Movement?

Gandhi's call for immediate self-rule

Who was the U-2 pilot shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960?

Gary Powers

Who was the assassin who killed Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrillo Princip

Who led the troops in South Vietnam in 1965?

General Westmoreland

Who were the leaders in charge of responding to the Iraqi threat in the early 1990s?

George H. W. Bush; Margaret Thatcher

Who won the 2000 presidential election?

George W. Bush

Who believed that history involved conflict between action and reaction (thesis and antithesis)?

George William Friedrich Hegel

Who believed that history involved conflict between action and reactions (thesis and antithesis)?

George William Friedrich Hegel

What caused Great Britain to enter the war?

German invasion of Belgium

Which of the following countries was NOT represented at the Congress of Vienna?


Who sent Vladimir Lenin to Russia during World War I?


Which of the following happened in January of 1918 that may have influenced Wilson's decision to enter the war?

Germany broke the Sussex Pledge.

Which of the following happened in January of 1918 that may have influences Wilson's decision to enter the war?

Germany broke the Sussex Pledge.

Which of the following was a consequence of the war for Britain and France?

Germany could turn its focus to the Western Front entirely.

Why did Russia enter the Great War?

Germany declared war on Russia for not demobilizing its army; It considered itself the champion of the Slavs.

Which was the result of the First Moroccan Crisis?

Germany was isolated from the rest of Europe.

Why was there tension between Mexico and the United States in early twentieth century?

Germany was negotiating the return of land to Mexico if they joined in the war effort; Wilson captured a Mexican town to apprehend outlaw Pancho Villa.

Which of the following was a Romantic?

Goethe; Mary Shelly; Kant

Which of the following is the colonial name for Ghana?

Gold Coast

Who was the fourth Prime Minister of Israel?

Golda Meir

What was a codification of Indian rights to self-government?

Government of India Act of 1919

Which of the following was a codification of Indian rights to self-government?

Government of India Act of 1919

Who replaced Nicholas II as leader of Russia in 1917?

Grand Duke Lvov

Missionary Hudson Taylor was a citizen of which country?

Great Britain

Which European power conquered India in 1857 and ruled the country for 90 years?

Great Britain

Which countries were part of the peacekeeping forces in the Persian Gulf conflict?

Great Britain; France; Saudi Arabia; Egypt

Which of the following did not initially gain their independence from Spain?

Guiana; Puerto Rico; Cuba

Who fought for Italian nationalism in 1848 against France and Austria?

Guiseppe Mazzini

Where did the European powers meet to the treaty to end World War II?

Hall of Mirrors in Versailles Palace

Where did the European powers meet to work out the treaty to end World War I?

Hall of Mirrors in Versailles Palace

Which of the following did the United States annex in 1898?

Hawaii; Samoa

Why did Mao dislike Confucianism?

He considered it dated; He though it was oppressive to women and peasants; It contained bourgeois ideals.

What was the opinion of Bismarck on German exploration?

He did not agree with it; Public sentiment forced his hand.

Why did Yeltsin invade Chechnya?

He said he had the right to preserve the territorial integrity of Russia.

Which of the following is true about Boris Yeltsin?

He sent troops to put down the independence movement in Chechnya; He maintained strong military ties; Russian legislators resented him because of his dictatorial power.

Which of the following is true regarding Yeltsin's reputation?

He was a reformer; He was a communist in a reformer's disguise.

Besides sharing the good news of the Bible, how did Hudson Taylor help the people of China?

He was also a doctor who helped the sick and the hurt.

Who was the leader of united Germany when it was reunified in December 1990?

Helmut Kohl

Who helped broker the peace deal in the War of Attrition?

Henry Kissinger

Who was central to the story of exploring the Congo?

Henry Morton Stanley

Which Democratic candidate did not win the 2016 presidential election?

Hillary Clinton

Which of the following did poll numbers project about the 2016 election?

Hillary Clinton would win.

What statement best describes the Battle of Dunkirk?

Hitler could have won the war here.

Which statements best describe the Battle of Dunkirk?

Hitler could have won the war here; 338,000 soldiers had no cover but were rescued by civilian vessels.

Why was Cambodia dragged into the Vietnam war?

Ho Chi Minh was using Cambodia to launch attacks into South Vietnam

After winning the Opium War, which city did the Chinese relinquish to the British, which remained under British control until 1997?

Hong Kong

Who governed Egypt after Anwar Sadat?

Hosni Mubarak

Who governed Egypt after Anwar Saddat?

Hosni Mubarak

Who controlled the island of Madagascar?


Which of the following parts of the Helsinki Agreement benefitted the interests of the United States?

Human rights violations would be resolved in the Eastern Bloc.

Which group within Austria expressed nationalistic fervor in the mid-19th century?


Which of the following were in modern-day Nigeria?

Ibo; Yoruba: Hausa

Which of the following was the philosophy of Gandhi?

If government is corrupt, it must be changed by those within it.

Which of the following describes the uniqueness of Hudson Taylor's China Inland Mission (CIM)?

In an effort to connect with the Chinese people, CIM's missionaries adopted traditional Chinese clothing and fashion; CIM missionaries left the coastal cities of China, where most missionaries were working, and pushed inland to the unreached interior of China; CIM's missionaries had no guaranteed salary and had to rely on God for their needs.

Where did MacArthur land American troops?


Which of the following was the result of the partition of Bengal?

Indians believed it was an attempt to quick national identity.

Which of the following statement describe Japan in the 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s?

Initially, the Tokugawa shogunate allowed foreign merchants and Christian missionaries into the country but later closed its doors to the outside world and isolated itself in an attempt to preserve Japanese culture; After witnessing the downfall of China in the Opium Wars and the arrival of Commodore Perry's fleet, the Japanese emperor decided to modernize and strengthen his country to counter European and American imperialism.

What was the attempt of the French second Republic to stop the fire of revolution?

Instituting universal male suffrage

Which of the following characterized North Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries?

Insurrections; anarchy; struggles between dynasties

What caused the disappearance of trade posts in the Soudan?

Invasion of Songhai; Establishment of European trade posts on the coast

Which of the following is true of the Middle East in the 1990s?

Iranian hostility toward Western powers; production of nuclear bombs; radicalism brewing in terrorist groups

Why were countries threatened by Iraq in the early 1990s?

Iraq threatened the sovereignty of Kuwait; Iraq threatened oil supplies.

Which of the following were the sides fighting over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in the 1980s and 1990s?

Israel; Palestine

After the Ottomans conquered Constantinople in 1453, what did they rename the city?


Which of the following was the result of the reparations on Germany after World War I?

It caused an economic depression.

How did the United States respond to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

It declared war on Japan; The US government placed Japanese-American citizens in internment camps.

Why was Pan-Arabism popular?

It deflected threats from the Jewish presence in the Middle East; It gave Arab nations in the Middle East more political control.

What was the result of splitting up countries by culture for India?

It led to years of violence and bloodshed; Gandhi was assassinated.

Which was the result of the Triple Entente in the buildup toward the Great War?

It left Germany isolated.

How did nationalizing the Suez Canal provide political power to Nasser?

It made sure that all money was controlled by Nasser and Egypt; There was continued economic power in the region.

Which of the following is true about the Yom Kippur War?

It was a failure due to not predicting the attack.

Which of the following is the significance of Hong Kong?

It was a shining example of capitalism with limited economic control; transferred back to the Chinese in 1997

Which of the following is true about the first years of a reunited Germany?

It was a time of stability and progress; It was a heavy economic burden to reunite the countries, including inflation and devaluation of the

Which of the following was the significance of the place where the Treaty of Versailles was negotiated and signed?

It was also the place where Bismarck declared the Second Reich in 1871.

Accurate weapons meant which of the following?

It was cheaper to fuel expeditions; smaller force could defeat a numerically superior force

What was the status of Hagia Sofia in the twentieth century?

It was converted to a museum.

Which of the following was the result of the Frankfurt Assembly in 1848?

It was disbanded by William IV with no constitution.

What did the German people believe about the Treaty of Versailles?

It was meant to humiliate the German people.

What happened to the Holy Roman Empire after the Congress of Vienna?

It was replaced by the German Confederation; It was dissolved.

Why were socialists worried about the outbreak of the Great War?

It would bring change; War would only benefit the wealthy industries.

Who oversaw the bloody terror of the 1930s?


Who governed after death of Lenin until 1928?

Stalin; Trotsky

What is considered to be the turning point of World War II in Europe?


Which of the following is considered to be the turning point of World War II in Europe?


What specific action did the Min emperor, Hong Wu, take to ensure that the Mongolians would never again threaten China?

Strengthened the Great Wall

Where was one of the most serious conflicts involving Muslim terrorism in Africa?


What was the main interests of the British in Egypt?

Suez Canal

Which of the following is a branch of Islam that focuses on community and family?


Which Ottoman ruler pushed into southeastern Europe after 1453?

Suleyman the Magnificent

________________________________ was the Ottoman ruler that pushed into southeastern Europe after 1453.

Suleyman the Magnificent

Which of the following are subsects of Islama?

Sunni; Shi'a

During the Great War, what agreement was made between the United States and Germany that states a German U-boat must surface before it attacks a civilian or merchant vessel?

Sussex Pledge

Which city did Vasco de Gama describes as having great wealth?


Which of the following were transfers of territory after the Congress of Vienna?

Sweden received Norway; Austria received Lombardy and Venetia.

Who was elected president of South Korea in 1948?

Syngman Rhee

Where did nationalists flee after the communist takeover in 1949?


Which of the following was a powerful ruler who defended Ethiopia?

Tewodros II

What is the main idea behind "laissez-faire" economics?

That government interference will slow down economic growth.

What is the main idea behind laissez-faire economics?

That government interference will slow down economic growth.

What was the major achievement of the Obama administration?

The Affordable Care Act

What occurred on October 29, 1929?

The American stock market crashed.

Which of the following occurred on October 29, 1929?

The American stock market crashed.

Which of the following happened on November 9th, 1989, in Germany?

The Berlin Wall came down; Crossing between East and West Berlin was made possible.

How is the political power delineated in Canada?

The British monarch is the official head of state; The Canadian prime minister is the leader of the majority party; Canada has a House of Commons and a Senate.

What led to the outbreak of war between China and Great Britain in the 1800s?

The British responded with force after the Chinese government blockaded the British in the city of Canton to prevent the sale of illegal narcotics; The British were only allowed access to the single Chinese city of Canton; The British were illegally selling a narcotic known as opium to the Chinese people.

As the Chinese allowed free-market experiments, which of the following was the major stipulation?

The Chinese Communist Party would control it tightly.

As the Chinese allows free-market experiments, which of the following was the major stipulation?

The Chinese Communist Party would control it tightly.

By the 1500s, more European traders, travelers, missionaries, and European goods began arriving in China. Which of the following accurately explains the response of the Chinese government to these foreigners?

The Chinese government passed laws limiting where Europeans could travel and trade, fearing that new European products and idea would corrupt Chinese culture.

By the 1500s, more European traders, travelers, missionaries, and European goods began arriving in China. Which of the following accurately explain the response of the Chinese government to these foreigners?

The Chinese government passed laws limiting where Europeans could travel and trade, fearing that new European products and ideas would corrupt Chinese culture.

What law gave Hitler absolute authority in Germany?

The Enabling Act

The Qing emperor, Kangxi (r. 1661-1722) is known as one of the greatest rulers in the history of China. Which of the following is NOT part of his legacy?

The Great Wall of China was built during his reign to keep China safe from outside invasion

Which of the following was the German line of defense on the Western Front?

The Hindenburg Line

What is the nickname of Simon Bolivar?

The Liberator

Which of the following is the nickname of Simon Bolivar?

The Liberator

What happened to the religious artifacts in Hagia Sophia?

The Ottomans looted them.

Which of the following happened in conjunction with Gorbachev's resignation in 1991?

The Soviet Union disbanded.

Which of the following did Gorbachev decide in 1989 that would result in the breakup of the Eastern Bloc?

The Soviet Union would no longer control Eastern European countries.

Which of the following occurred during the rule of Akbar's grandson, Shah Jahan?

The Taj Mahal was built; Crippling taxes were imposed on the people to pay for grand work projects; India experienced another cultural golden age.

What did the Filipinos believe about the America occupation of the Philippines?

The United States would liberate them.

Which of the following were resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The United States would remove missiles from Turkey; The Soviet Union would remove missiles from Cuba.

Which of the following describes why the Chinese never fully embraced the Yuan dynasty?

The Yuan emperors were viewed as outsiders and barbarians.

Which territories did Germany lost as a result of World War I?

The free city of Danzig; Alsace and Lorraine; the Polish Corridor

Which of the following was the result of the Portuguese crusade against Moors in Morocco in 1578?

The kind of Portugal was killed; The Portuguese nobility was killed.

Which of the following was the result of the Portuguese crusade against the Moors in Morocco in 1578?

The kind of Portugal was killed; The Portuguese nobility was killed.

How is the working class different in the period of the Industrial Revolution than in previous periods?

The poor were gathered in one place; The poor were no longer farmers on their own.

How was the working class of the Industrial Revolution different from other previous periods?

The poor were no longer farmers on their own; The poor were gathered in one place.

Which of the following best describes the Japanese samurai?

The samurai were professional soldiers who were greatly respected and feared by the commoners.

Which of the following did Winston Churchill mean by the term "iron curtain"?

The spread of communism has overtaken Eastern Europe; The Western world should be warned of the spread of communism.

Which are examples of Christendom and Islam blending with the reign of the Ottomans?

The two groups lived in relative peace in the Balkans; Hagia Sofia was converted to a mosque from a Christian Church.

Which of the following did Article 231 stipulate in the Treaty of Versailles?

The war was the fault of Germany.

Who negotiated the settlement of the end of the Russo-Japanese War?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following applied to the end of the Korean War?

There is still a demilitarized zone; There was only a truce.

Which of the following applies to the end of the Korean War?

There was only a truce; There is still a demilitarized zone.

Which statement best describes the government of Germany after World War I?

There were too many political parties; The government had enormous debt; The people didn't trust the leaders who signed the Versailles Treaty.

Which of the following did the Luddites do in their factories?

They broke into factories; They destroyed their machines.

Why did the Filipinos wage war against the Americans?

They continued to occupy the territory.

During the Industrial Revolution, which of the following happened as a result of the frustrations factory workers felt?

They developed a working-class identity.

Why were other countries concerned about German involvement in Morocco before the Great War?

They feared that Germany wanted control of the Atlantic.

During the Industrial Revolution, why did factory workers resent their work?

They felt bound to their machines.

During the Industrial Revolution, why did the factory workers resent their work?

They felt bound to their machines.

Why were the Tutsi people unable to defend themselves against genocide?

They had been disarmed.

Why were canals so important during the Industrial Revolution?

They helped connect larger bodies of water; They encouraged trade between continents or regions.

Which of the following is true regarding the Nuremberg Laws?

They made it illegal for any woman under age 45 to work in a Jewish home; They made it illegal for a German to marry a Jew; They gave citizenship only to those of German or related blood.

Why did the Germans believe the Lusitania sank so quickly?

They thought it was filled with ammunition that exploded.

What was the impact of repeating rifles?

They were accurate even when shot from a distance; They had larger magazine to shoot more bullets.

Which of the following was the first involvement of the British in the slave trade?

They were agents providing slaves.

Why did Germany engage in attacking civilian ships during World War I?

They were blockaded by Britain; They relied on imports; Their people were starving.

How did the Tokugawa shogunate seize control of Japan during the 1500s and 1600s?

They were successful on the battlefield because they were one of the first clans to adopt firearms the Portuguese sold them.

What role did women play in the Industrial Revolution?

They worked toward reform; They worked in the home.

Which of the following was a British fear of Indians serving in World War I?

They would side with the Germans.

What conclusion can be reached about the legacy of the reign of the first Ming emperor, Hong Wu?

Through Hong Wu's actions, the Ming emperors possessed a great deal more power than any previous Chinese dynasty

Who committed the Oklahoma City bombing?

Timothy McVeigh

Who was selected as Prime Minister of Britain in 1997?

Tony Blair

Who was selected as Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1997?

Tony Blair

Which treaty created the European Union (EU)?

Treaty of Maastricht

What was the signed treaty, ending the Russo-Japanese War?

Treaty of Portsmouth

Who governed after the death of Lenin until 1928?

Trotsky; Stalin

Where did the Spanish oppose the Ottoman expansion in the 16th century?


What was the relationship between Tunisia and the Ottoman Empire?

Tunisia paid tribute to the sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

Which of the following were countries established after World War I?

Turkey; Saudi Arabia; Iran

Which of the following were in the Sussex Pledge?

U-boats would not attack merchant ships; U-boats would give ships a 30-minute warning to evacuate before U-boats could fire upon them.

Which of the following were terrorist attacks committed by Al-Qaeda?

US Cole attack by motorboat; US Embassy bombing in Kenya and Tanzania

Which of the following was the name of the political party in Ghana that sided with British interests?

United Gold Coast Convention

What country began to be seen as the leading banker to the world after the World War I?

United States

How long did the peace of Europe established by the Congress of Vienna last?

Until 1914

Who was instrumental in attaining Czech independence in the 1970s?

Vaclav Havel

Who sailed around the southern tip of Africa to find India in 1497 and 1498?

Vasco de Gama

Know the battles: Verdun, Somme, Gallipoli, First Marne

Verdun - "They Shall Not Pass"; Somme - One of the bloodiest battles ever recorded; Gallipoli - Churchill fails; First Marne - taxicabs

Know the distinctions: Verdun, Somme, Gallipoli, First Marne

Verdun - "They Shall Not Pass"; Somme - One of the bloodiest battles ever recorded; Gallipoli - Churchill fails; First Marne - taxicabs

What is the furthest extent the Ottomans reached into Europe?


What was the furthest extent the Ottomans reached into Europe?


Which wars showed the French they could not maintain their colonies?

Vietnam; Algerian War of Independence

Which of the following commanded the German forces who attacked Paris directly?

Von Kluck

Who was initially in charge of the German forces on the Western Front in the Great War?

Von Moltke

Which of the following were wars in which Israel was involved after its inceptions?

War of Attrition; Six-Day War; Sinai Campaign; Yom Kippur War

What were some of the ideas that gave Obama increased popularity?

Wealthy should pay higher taxes; Universal healthcare

From where did two-thirds of slaves originate?

West Africa

Where did two-thirds of slaves originate from?

West Africa

Where were Ahanti and Dahomey located?

West Africa

Where were Ashanti and Dahomey located?

West Africa

As East German struggled with socialist ideology, which of the following did West Germany experience?

West Germany experienced prosperity.

As East Germany struggled with socialist ideology, which of the following di West Germany experience?

West Germany experienced prosperity.

As East Germany struggled with socialist ideology, which of the following did West Germany experience?

West Germany experienced prosperity.

Who divided Canada into different sections after the American Revolution?

William Pitt (the Younger)

Why was there tension between Mexico and the United States in the early twentieth century?

Wilson captured a Mexican town to apprehend outlaw Pancho Villa; Germany was negotiating the return of land to Mexico if they joined in the war effort.

Who was the British Secretary of the Navy until 1915?

Winston Churchill

What ended conflict over the Suez Canal?

Withdrawal of British, French, and Israeli forces; establishment of a multinational peacekeeping force

Know the countries: Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd George, Vittorio Orlando

Woodrow Wilson - United States; Georges Clemenceau - France; David Lloyd George - United Kingdom; Vittorio Orlando - Italy

Which best describes the enclosure movement?

Wool industry became profitable; Owners of a lot of land removed tenants to raise sheep; Poor tenants moved to the cities.

What statements accurately describe the way the people viewed Czar Nicholas and his family?

Workers saw him as a father figure; Political officials were humiliated with the Czarina's relationship with Rasputin.

Who led the Palestinian nation in the 1990s?

Yassar Arafat

Who led the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)?

Yassir Arafat

Which of the following were wars in which Israel was involved after its inception?

Yom Kippur War; War of Attrition; Six-Day War

Who was the first Russian national in space?

Yuri Gagarin

Where did the sultan of Oman transfer his court in 1832?


As the Atlantic Slave Trade dwindled, where did other slavery ramp up?

Zanzibar from Arabian dealers

As the Atlantic slave trade dwindled, where did other slavery increase?

Zanzibar from Arabian dealers

Which statements go best with the Schlieffen Plan?

a German offensive plan of fighting; assumption that France would be easy to defeat; Russia would be slow to mobilize; Beat France, then focus on Russia

Which of the following did voters want in 1994 when they elected a conservative Congress?

a balanced budget; welfare reform; less government interference in industry

Which of the following was the American response to discovering missiles in Cuba?

a blockade around Cuba

Which of the following did the demilitarization zone near France provide to the French people?

a buffer zone

Which needed to occur first before there could be a change in agriculture and industry?

a change in people's thoughts and actions

During the Industrial Revolution, which of the following did farmers face when moving to cities?

a change of pace

Which of the following explains a kibbutz?

a collective farm in Palestine

Which of the following were results of civil war in the Congo?

a communist dictator; economic and political chaos

Which of the following best describes Western Europe after World War II?

a decline in faith in God; prosperity but then a shift toward a welfare state; a rise in socialist parties appearing in Western European nations

Which system of manufacturing dominated before the Age of Industry?

a domestic system

The post-World War I German punishment consisted of which of the following?

a limited army; giving up colonies; war guilt

How did Australia begin as an English colony?

a prison colony

Which of the following was the result of the U-2 spy incident?

a prisoner exchange

Kenya was known as which of the following?

a settler state

What use was the Suez Canal?

a shortened distance from Europe to Asia

Which of the following best describes Marshall Talleyrand?

a supporter of the king of France; a support of the restoration of the king; a supporter of Napoleon

Which of the following best describes Marshall Talleyrand?

a supporter of the king of France; a supporter of Napoleon; a supporter of the restoration of the king

How much of Africa did David Livingstone explore?

a third

What was Marx's view of religion?

a tool to help manipulate the poor

What is a Muslim Turkish ghazi?

a warlord

Which of the following were the goals of Solidarity in Poland?

ability of workers to air grievances; reduction of food prices; higher wages for workers

Which of the following were some of the concessions from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

acquisition of one-fourth of Russian land; acquisition of one-third of Russian population; acquisition of one-half of Russian industry

Which of the following describes the Bessemer process?

adding air currents to the iron smelting process to produce steel

Which of the following were some early reforms in the Republic of Egypt?

agrarian reforms to restore rights to farmers instead of just wealthy elites

For which of the following was APEC responsible?

aim to increase economic cooperation; end trade barriers in the Pacific Rim

Which of the following did the flying shuttle do?

allowed one person to weave cloth

What was the Battle of Britain (1940)?

an air war between Britain and Germany

Which of the following describes the Battle of Britain in 1940?

an air war between Britain and Germany

How did Trotsky convince people to support the cause of the Bolsheviks?

an appeal to Russian nationalism; a warning of foreign involvement with the Whites

Which of the following placed a pause on the Civil War in China during the 1930s?

an invasion by Japan

What statements best fits the term "communism?"

an overthrow of existing governments in an attempt to better society; ignores man's fallen humanity; attempts to perfect society

Which of the following were results of the attack on the Lusitania?

anti-German propaganda; 1,198 people lost their lives

Which issue was an issue in the independence of South Africa?


Which of the following was the Soviet Response to the demand to remove missiles from Cuba?

armed the missiles and prepared to fire

Which of the following are reasons for the start of the Great War?

arms races; crises in the Balkans; complicated national alliances

How was the nationalization of the Suez Canal and the Aswan High Dam viewed by outsiders?

as a hostile maneuver to control more land

Which caused tension between Austria and Serbia that led to the Great War?

assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne; Slavic nationalism

Which of the following best describes the philosophy of the French in colonial matters?


Which of the following were Nasser's intentions in seeking the seat of the prime minister?

banning political parties except his own; use Arab nationalism to gather support

FDR's New Deal created a pathway that led the United States toward the direction of what?

becoming a nation dependent on government to grant prosperity; becoming a more socialist nation

President Roosevelt's New Deal created a pathway that led the United States toward the direction of which of the following?

becoming a nation dependent on government to grant prosperity; becoming a more socialist nation

Which of the following did Gandhi think about dividing India?

believed that splitting India into Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India was like separating brothers

Which of the following are results of exposure to mustard gas?

blistering in lungs; drowning from fluid in lungs

Which color uniforms did the French use in battle?


On the eve of World War I, world leaders believed new technology would do which of the following if war began?

bring the war to a speedy conclusion

Which are some of the features of the post-war landscape?

broken houses; bomb craters; miles of trenches

Which of the following put North Korea on the map for global security issues?

building nuclear weapons

What best describes the term "Holocaust?"

burnt sacrifice, offered solely to God

Which best describes Adolf Hitler?

came to power legally; head of the most popular political party in Germany

Which of the following was the resolution of wars between Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein?

cease fire in 1988

What statement best describes Europe on the eve of World War I?

challenge to social norms

Which of the following styles colonial management fits this description? Colonial management focused on collecting raw materials for the highest return on investment.

charter company

Which of the following did Soviets hope to gain by an economic connection with Eastern Europe?

cheap goods

What were the goals for New Imperialism?

cheap raw materials; spreading religion; nationalism

Where did most of the killings take place during the Rwandan genocide?

church buildings; church grounds

In what is quinine found?

cinchona bark

What is quinine found in?

cinchona bark

Which places were negatively impacted by the Obama Administration?

coal-producing regions

Which places were negatively impacted by the Obama Administration?

coal-producing regions; manufacturing centers

Which of the following did Dickens depict regarding the Industrial Revolution in his work "A Christmas Carol"?

concentration of wealth and the unhappiness that comes with it; the issues of poverty

Which of the following started the Second Balkan Crisis in 1912-13?

conflict in Albania between Serbia and the Ottoman Empire

What sparked the United States to rebuild its navy?

conflict with Chile

Which of the following were statuses of the United States that Bush inherited from Reagan?

conservatism; security

Which one invention was a catalyst in the establishment of slave labor in the United States?

cotton gin

Which of the following were characteristics of the Romantic period?

creativity; new forms of poetry and music; respect for authority

Which of the following sparked revolution in France in 1848?

crop failure

Which of the following were some of the atrocities committed on Southern Sudan Christians by the Northern Sudan Muslims?

crucifixions; human trafficking; forced conversions to Islam; burning of churches

During the rule of Akbar's grandson, Shah Jahan, India experienced another ____________, _____________, and _____________.

cultural golden age, the Taj Mahal was built, crippling taxes were imposed on the people to pay for grand work projects.

Which of the following was an economic policy of Gerhard Schroeder's in boost the economy in the late 1990s and early 2000s?

cut safety nets and welfare system in Germany

Which of the following was an economic policy of Gerhard Schroeder's in boosting the economy in the late 1900s and early 2000s?

cut safety nets and welfare system in Germany

Which of the following was an economic policy of Gerhard Schroeder's in boosting the economy in the late 1990s and early 2000s?

cut safety nets and welfare system in Germany

What was the role of the 9/11 attacks in developing George W. Bush's foreign policy?

declared a War on Terror

Why were independence movements in settler states similar?

deeply entrenched control by white settlers

Which of the following styles of colonial management fits this description? Colonial management consisting of a centralized form of administration.

direct rule

Which impact did the Barbary pirates have in Africa?

disrupted trade

Which of the following did Charles X do in France that led to a revolution in 1830?

dissolved the legislature

Which of the following were the foreign policy consequences of Pan-Arabism?

distancing from the West; seeking help from the Soviet Union to finish the Aswan High Dam

Which of the following was a reason that threatened Ethiopian unification?

division over imperial interests; division over theology

Which of the following is true about impeachment?

does not mean immediate removal from office; requires trial and conviction by the Senate

Which of the following characterized the Clinton Administration in the first term?

drove up national debt to $5.3 trillion; decline in morality

Which crises faced Colombia in the 1990s?

drug cartels; Marxist guerillas

During the Industrial Revolution, about which of the following were women concerned when their husbands were in stressful jobs?

drunk husbands abusing them

Which of the following is the meaning of the policy of détente?

easing of tensions

Why did the United States seek colonies in the 19th century?

economic exploitation

Why did the Untied States seek colonies in the 19th century?

economic exploitation

Which of the following issues faced the Pacific Rim as the 1990s dawned?

economic instability; highly volatile area susceptible to war

Which of the following issues faced the Pacific rim as the 1990s dawned?

economic instability; highly volatile area susceptible to war

Which of the following describes the political climate in Cuba before 1953?

economic prosperity

Which of the following is true of the period of 1968-1984 in Canada?

economic recession; inflation; high unemployment

What are some issues facing the Pacific Rim as the 1990s dawned?

economic stability; highly volatile area susceptible to war

Which of the following was a reason given to support Great Britain's involvement in the EU?

economic success

Which of the following was Mao's "Five-Year Plan?"

efforts to collective farms to increase productivity

Which of the following resulted from dividing Palestine and Israel?


The Romantics wanted to restore ___________________ in reaction to Enlightenment rationalism.

emotional sensitivity

For which of the following was APEC responsible?

end trade barriers in the Pacific Rim; aim to increase economic cooperation

Which of the following was a result of the war in Algeria and Vietnam for the French?

ended the French Fourth Republic

Which of the following was in your reading, indicating what led to Obama's election?

entitlement mentality; immorality

According to your readings, which of the following best describes nationalism?

ethnic groups think of themselves as free or independent

Where was Juan Peron from 1955 until 1973?

exiled in Spain

Which of the following were changes to the constitution of 1956?

expanding voting rights to include more people; limiting political involvement to one party

What reduced terrorist activity in Africa during the 1990s?

fall of the Soviet Union

Which of the following best describes trench warfare?

fighting from vast networks of tunnels; building fortifications; large empty spaces between enemies

During World War II, on which of the following did the Nationalist focus?

fighting the Japanese

Why were the North Koreans able to move so quickly to take down the South Koreans?

financial backing from Soviet Union; Chinese Communist troops

Why did Israel stay out of the Persian Gulf conflict?

for fear of heightened tensions with the Middle East

To attract foreign investors, which of the following did Vietnam attempt?

free-market economy

During the Industrial Revolution, about which of the following did the farmers need to worry that factory workers did not?

frost destroying their annual revenue

During World War II, which of the following did the Communists do during the pause of the civil war?

gained support from Chinese peasants

What was the goal for African colonies after World War II?

gradual independence

Which of the following was the goal for African colonies after World War II?

gradual independence

Which of the following were fears and concerns of Americans in the latter half of the 1990s?

growing federal government; terrorism

During the Industrial Revolution, which was the policy that the middle class advocated?


Which of the following is the meaning of laissez-faire?


Which position did Golda Meir have in the British Mandate of Palestine?

head of the Political Department of the Jewish Agency

Which of the following did Gold Meir do in the United States to aid Franklin Roosevelt?

helped organize incoming Jewish refugees

Which of the following was a challenge facing a united Germany in the 1990s?

high unemployment

Which of the following are takeaways from the way the United States waged war in Operation Desert Storm?

higher technological powers; limited troop involvement

The Age of Industry is considered to be a revolution because it brought changes where?

in agriculture; in industry; in technology

When was Nelson Mandela released from prison?

in the 1980s

How did the Russian people view Nicholas II?

incompetent; weak; ineffective

Which of the following was the result of the South African government turning to brutality?

increased brutality from the nationalists against structures

Which of the following were results of increasing British involvement in the 19th century in India?

increased rights; increased dissatisfaction at new rules

Which of the following was a consequence of the First Balkan Crisis?

increased tensions between Austria and Russia

Which of the following was the consequence of the First Balkan Crisis?

increased tensions between Austria and Russia

In which ways were the decolonization efforts in Algeria similar to Ghana?

indirect rule; keeping economic benefits

Which of the following were results of Mao's Five-Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward?

industrial output increased; agricultural output shrank; unskilled workers slowed down productivity

Which of the following groups was part of the Fascist Coalition that helped Benito Mussolini rise to power?

industrialists; capitalists; military; labor unions

Which of the following groups were part of the Fascist Coalition that helped Benito Mussolini rise to power?

industrialists; labor unions; military; capitalist

Which of the following groups were part of the Fascist Coalition that helped Benito Mussolini rise to power?

industrialists; labor unions; military; capitalists

For which of the following did Clinton suffer heavy criticism?

infidelity; lying under oath

Which of the following were issues Latin American seemed poised to overcome in the 1990s?

inflation; political instability; socialism

The Battle of Coral Sea (1942) is important because __________________________________________________________________________.

it was the first time ships fought without directly engaging on another

Which of the following could Germany maintain follow World War I?

its army

Which of the following could Germany maintain following World War I?

its army

Which of the following did Alexander II intend for Russia but was never implemented?

its first constitution

Which of the following sparked France to revolutionize its army prior to World War I?

its loss to Germany in the Franco-Prussian War

What was Japan working on building in 1900?

its navy

What was the first commodity sought by Belgians to return a profit on the investment in the Congo?


During the 1200s, what saved Japan twice from Mongol invasion?

kamikaze (typhoons)

Which of the following roles were the Marines in Beirut meant to play in Lebanon in the 1960s?

keep peace; protect Lebanese independence

What was the goal of preventing decolonization in Africa for the British?

keeping economic benefit; giving political autonomy

Before serving as prime minister, which other roles did Golda Meir perform in the Israeli government?

labor minister; foreign minister; ambassador

Which of the following was the exception to the rule in Africa?

large empires

Which of the following were results of splitting countries by culture for India?

led to years of violence and bloodshed; Gandhi was assassinated.

How did the socialists come to power in Chile?

legitimate elections

Which of the following did the United States do to help Mexico with its issues repaying loans?

lent Mexico billions of dollars

Which of the following are takeaways from the way the United States waged war in Operation Desert Storm?

limited troop involvement; higher technological powers

Who was at fault for the lack of action to ease the demands of African for autonomy in Kenya?

local politics

Which of the following was the religious impact of the Industrial Revolution?

lower religious belief

Which of the following sparked a trade war between the United States and Japan in 1995?

luxury cars

What did the British North America Act do in Canada?

made Canada a self-governing commonwealth

Technology did which of the following in regards to African colonization?

made exploration cheaper; made exploration profitable

Technology did which of the following?

made exploration cheaper; made exploration profitable

Which of the following represents the relationship between North Korea and South Korea?

maintain a demilitarized zone; South Korea maintains close ties with the United States; North Korea antagonizes South Korea with military demonstrations

Which of the following represents the relationship between North Korea and South Korea?

maintain a demilitarized zone; South Korea maintains close ties with the United States; North Korea antagonizes South Korea with military demonstrations.

Which of the following did Metternich symbolize in Europe after the Congress of Vienna?

maintaining status quo of conservatism

Which were the roles of the nobility before the Industrial Revolution?

managers of estates of wealth; protectors of vassals

What are some of the places that were negatively impacted by the Obama administration?

manufacturing centers; coal-producing regions

Which of the following best describes why trench warfare started?

massive casualties at the beginning of the war; Gun were more lethal than had been anticipated.

In South Africa, which of the following was legal?

measuring the curliness of someone's hair; restricting movements of non-whites; organizing a system based on ethnicity

Which phase best describes the Einsatzgruppen?

men who were trained by the Nazis since a young age to persecute Jews; ordinary men with families

What was an issue of creating countries in the middle east post World War I?

merging of different groups of Islamic beliefs

Which of the following was the way Prussia pursued German unification?

military and war

Which of the following was Brazil's solution to increasing socialist influence?

military dictatorship

Which result did World War I have on Indian independence?

more freedoms and the right to self-government

What was the policy towards New Zealand and Australia in the latter half of the 19th century?

move to self-rule and establish independent commonwealths

Which of the following best describes Pan Africanism?

movement to unite all of Africa

What led to the movements of self-determination in India?


What did the French Revolution spill into Europe?

nationalism; liberalism

Which were Williams Wordsworth known for depicting?

nature; romanticism

Which roles did steam-powered ships play in exploration?

navigated inland rivers; negotiated rivers upstream instead of using current

When World War II first began, which of the following was the initial response form the United States president?

neutral in deed but not in thought

When World War II first began, which of the following was the initial response from the United States president?

neutral in deed but not in thought

When World War II first broke out, what was the initial response from the United States' president?

neutral in deed but not in thought

In the 18th and 19th centuries, which of the following made greater agricultural production possible?

new inventions

Which of the following best describes total warfare?

no difference between civilian and military; focus on the enemy nation, not just combatants; The home front does it part to contribute.

Which of the following best describes total warfare?

no difference between civilian and military; focus on the enemy nation, not just combatants; the home front does its part to contribute

Which of the following was the conclusion of the Mueller probe?

no prosecution

Which of the following was one way for the British to forestall decolonization in Ghana?

offers of self-determination

What caused a shift in Japanese economy in the 1970s?

oil prices from OPEC

The Mughal leader Akbar, a Muslim, successfully appeased his mostly Hindu subjects in India by ______________________________________.

opening up position in government

Which phrase best describes the Einsatzgruppen?

ordinary men with families

Which of the following did Karl Marx believe caused tension in the world?

ownership of private property

Which of the following were Kenyans blocked from doing as a colony?

owning land; developing their own products

Which of the following best describes Wilson's attitude toward war?


Which word best describes the attitude of the nobility toward the other classes before the Industrial Revolution?


Which of the following best describes the philosophy of the British in colonial matters?

paternalistic; hands-off

Which best describes the idea of nationalism at the initial outbreak of the Great War?


Which of the following was Wilson's policy in 1917 about brokering a peace deal?

peace without victory

What did Europe desire in 1815?

peace, security, and stability

Which of the following policies are best associated with Gorbachev?

perestroika; glasnost

Which of the following best describes Romanticism?

personality; self-expression; creativity

Who were the Barbary pirates?

pirates who were from Aligiers

Which of the following were issues Latin America seemed poised to overcome in the 1990s?

political instability; inflation; socialism

Which of the following were issues Latin America seemed poised to overcome in the 1900s?

political instability; socialism; inflation

Which of the following did Dickens' book "Hard Times" depict?

poor conditions of industrial factories

Which of the following did Dickens' book Hard Times depict?

poor conditions of industrial factories

What was the result of the Philippine War?

prevented the division of the Philippines between other countries; bloody struggle of counter-insurgency; The United States annexed the Philippines.

Which of the following was unheard of in Marxist ideology?

private property

What was the motive for Portuguese conquests?

procurement of slaves

Which of the following best describes liberalism during the 19th century?

promotes the rights of individuals

Which of the following were accomplishments of Anwar Sadat in Egypt?

promoting multiparty system; making peace deals with Israel

With movements of self-determination in India, which were the two camps?

radicals wanting independence immediately; moderates wanting to work with the British

Which of the following statements fit the administration of George H. W. Bush?

raising taxes; cut defense spending; foreign wars

Which of the following caused the decline of the Mughal Empire in India?

reckless government spending; repression of religious groups other than Muslims; heavy taxation

Which of the following were the goals of Solidarity in Poland?

reduction of food prices; ability of workers to air grievances; higher wages for workers

Which of the following was the involvement of the US and UN in Somalia?

relief to starving people; subdue the Somali warlords

Which of the following were sources of hostilities in Africa during the 1990s?

religious strife with Islam and pagan religions; tribal and ethnic violence; ideological struggles with the fall of communism

Which did the cotton gin do?

removed seeds from cotton fibers; allowed slave labor to become more entrenched

Which of the following best describes the Social Democrats of the late 19th century?

represented the interests of the factory workers

Those in Africa who were subject to being sold were call _______________________.

rightless persons

The ___________________ allowed businesses to turn into corporations.

rise of capital

Which resources did England have that facilitated the Industrial Revolution?

rivers; iron; coal

Which were Williams Wordsworth known for depicting?

romanticism; nature

Among the different methods of agriculture, which did farms discover to do to keep the soil fertile?

rotate crops

Of the French population between 18 and 45, how many died during World War I?

roughly half

Of the French population between 18 and 45, how many were lost during World War I?

roughly one-half

Which roles did Rasputin serve to the royal family?

royal advisor; He healed Grand Duke Alexei; shame to the royal family

Which of the following help Clinton get reelected in 1996?

running a more moderate program

What was the goal of the Quadruple Alliance?

safeguard the achievements of the Congress of Vienna

Which invention allowed coal miners to gather more coal?

safety lamp

Which of the following happened to Rasputin?

shot thrice; poisoned at a dinner party; drowned in a frozen river

What was the structure of African political units before European colonization?

small tribes

Which new technologies were used in Desert Storm?

smart bombs; Stealth Bombers; cruise missiles

Which of the following were results of slavery in Africa?

social destabilization; economic slowing; constant war

Which of the following did Castro do upon taking control of Cuba?

social reform; takeover of American companies; establishment of a communist regime

Which best defined the period following the Congress of Vienna?

social unrest; economic dislocation; general appeal to emotionalism

Which of the following describes the Buganda kingdom?

spacious dwellings made of grass and reeds; peaceful

Which of the following helped to secure the election for Clinton in 1992?

split in the Republican party

Which of the following actions did the British governor take in 1947 in India?

splitting India into Pakistan and India

Which of the following did the spinning jenny do?

spun fiber into thread

Which of the following did the UN do during the Rwandan genocide?

stood idly by as Tutsis were murdered

What specific action did the Ming emperor Hongwu take to ensure that the Mongols would never again threaten China?

strengthened the Great Wall

What was the involvement of the US and the UN in Somalia?

subdue the Somali warlords; relief to starving people

On which of the did people depend to have fertile harvests prior to and during the 18th century?


Which of the following were the results of higher agricultural productivity during the Industrial Revolution?

surpluses of products; increased international trade

Which of the following were resolutions to the War of Attrition?

surrendering Sinai to Egypt; Israel would retain a few strategic holdings.

What did Castro do upon taking control of Cuba?

takeover of American companies; establishment of communist regime; social reform

Which of the following are some of the achievements of the Trump Administration?

tax cuts for the middle class; reducing regulations

Which of the following rose under the Clinton administration?

teen pregnancy; drug abuse;

How long did the Battle of Verdun last?

ten months

What are some fears and concerns of Americans in the latter half of the 1990s?

terrorism; growing federal government

What was the ultimate point of the novel "Frankenstein"?

that man's unfettered ambition is dangerous

Which of the following was the ultimate point of the novel "Frankenstein"?

that man's unfettered ambition is dangerous

Which of the following was the ultimate point of the novel Frankenstein?

that man's unfettered ambition is dangerous

What did the Open Door Policy ensure?

that trade with China would be open for all

What did the Open Door policy ensure?

that trade with China would be open for all

Which of the following separated the two sections of Vietnam?

the 17th Parallel

Which of the following divides North Korea from South Korea?

the 38th Parallel

Which islands did the Portuguese discover and annex in the 15th century?

the Azores; Cape Verde; Madeira

Which of the following is a clear sign of Soviet oppression existing in East Berlin after 1961?

the Berlin Wall

Which of the following is a clear sign of Soviet oppression existing in Est Berlin after 1961?

the Berlin Wall

Who ruled Tunisia prior to the 18th century?

the Beys

Who rebelled against the British in Transvaal?

the Boers

Why did the Russians sign a treaty with the Germans in 1917?

the Bolshevik Revolution

Which of the following sparked the Serbian invasion of Sarajevo in 1992?

the Bosnian declaration of independence

With whom did Ashanti become political rivals during the 19th century?

the British

Who fought for supremacy in Senegambia?

the British; the French

Which of the following was inspired by the nonviolent protests in Ghana?

the Civil Rights Movement

Which of the following was an example of the strife in post-World War II scramble against communism?

the Congo

Which empire was established when a group of Muslim invaders conquered northern India around 1200 AD and seized the important city of Delhi?

the Delhi Sultanate

Which of the following is the Russian legislative body?

the Duma

Who controlled Belgium before 1830?

the Dutch

Before 1858, who was primarily in charge of India?

the East India Company

In 1857, against whom did the Indians rebel?

the East India Company

Which law gave Hitler absolute authority in Germany?

the Enabling Act

Who conquered the Hausa states in the 19th century?

the Fulani

At the end of the Six-Day War, which land did Israel control?

the Gaza Strip; the West Bank; the Sinai Peninsula

What did the British call the area now known as Ghana?

the Gold Coast

Which of the following were Portuguese trading regions in Africa?

the Gold Coast; Senegambia; the Windward Coast

United States involvement in World War II can be traced to what?

the Japanese attack on Manchuria

United States involvement in World War II can be traced to which of the following?

the Japanese attack on Manchuria

What even is considered to be a clear example of crimes against humanity and war atrocities?

the Japanese attack on Nanking

Which event is considered to be a clear example of crimes against humanity and war atrocities?

the Japanese attack on Nanking

Which plan offered economic aid to post-World War II Europe?

the Marshall Plan

What did the members of the Congress of Vienna hope to rebuild?

the Old Regime

Generally, who controlled most of North Africa in the 16th century?

the Ottoman Empire

In the 15th and 16th centuries, who took the mantle of leadership of the Muslim world?

the Ottoman Empire

In the 16th century, who confronted the Spanish and Portuguese in the Mediterranean?

the Ottoman Empire

Who held most of North Africa beginning in the 16th century?

the Ottoman Empire

Which group assassinated Alexander II in 1881?

the People's Will

Who controlled Angola and the Congo basin?

the Portuguese

Who supported the themes of nationalism and liberalism?

the Romantics

Which of the following are geographic features of West Africa?

the Sahara; the Sahel

Where did the sultan of Morocco invade in 1590?

the Songhai Empire

Which of the following was recognized as the official government of Namibia?

the South West Africa People's Organization

Who was the controlling power in Afghanistan before Operation Enduring Freedom?

the Taliban

Which of the following was the result of the Chinese demonstrating for rights in China in 1989?

the Tienanmen Square Massacre

Which of the following was issued as a result of the threat of a Soviet takeover of Turkey and Greece?

the Truman Doctrine

Which country began to emerge as the world's leading banker after World War I?

the United States

Who instituted the Open Door Policy in China?

the United States

On the eve of World War II, President Roosevelt said that the United States would not go to war unless ________________________________.

the United States was attacked

At the end of the Six-Day War, which land did Israel control?

the West Bank; the Gaza Strip; the Sinai Peninsula

What event in Germany did the Nazi Party use to show that the Communists were anti-Germany?

the burning of the Reichstag

Which event in Germany did the Nazi Party use to show that the communists were anti-Germany?

the burning of the Reichstag

Which cities experienced great economic growth in China?

the coastal cities

What event changed the course of the slave trade?

the discovery of the New World

Which event changed the course of the slave trade?

the discovery of the New World

Which caused the disappearance of trade posts in the Sudan?

the establishment of European trade posts on the coast; the invasion of Songhai

In the Industrial Revolution, which of the following did the nobility want to control by regulating business?

the growth of wealth among the middle class

In the Industrial Revolution, which of the following did the nobility want to control by regulation business?

the growth of wealth among the middle class

Which of the following did Dickens depict regarding the Industrial Revolution in his work A Christmas Carol?

the issues of poverty; concentration of wealth and the unhappiness that comes with it

Antisemitism in Europe can be traced back to _______________________.

the medieval era

Which of the following was the first group to meet its fate through the use of lethal gas?

the mentally impaired

Which of the following was an issue caused by creating countries in the Middle East post-World War I?

the merging of different groups of Islamic beliefs

Which of the following best describes the bourgeoisie?

the middle class; owners of banks and factories

Which was a motive for Portuguese conquests?

the procurement of slaves

Which of the following were decisions made at the Treaty of Versailles?

the punishment of Germany; territorial adjustments; the transfer of colonies

What were the punishments for France following the Congress of Vienna?

the return of treasures Napoleon stole; the restoration of borders to those of 1789; reparations paid to allied troops

Which symbolized the growing nationalism in Europe before the Great War?

the struggle between different ethnic groups in Austria-Hungary

Which technologies emerged in World War I?

the tank; the U-boat (submarine); the airplane

Which of the following kept the Japanese close in relationship to the United States?

the threat of Communist China; limited military autonomy

In England, which industry spurred increased movement to cities?

the wool industry

Which of the following best describes the proletariat?

the working class

Which of these tools together formed a combine in the 20th century?

thresher; reaper

Which of the following was the true purpose of the Marshall Plan?

to aid nations' economies to prevent a communist takeover

Which of the following was the point of "island hopping" during World War II?

to establish bases to allow the US to get closer to Japan

Which of the following was the goal of Ho Chi Minh?

to establish communist regimes in Indochina

At first, where did slaves go after the Portuguese bought them?

to homes in Portugal

Which of the following did the German people believe was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles?

to humiliate the German people

What was the point of "island hopping" during World War II?

to liberate the civilians of those islands

Which of the following was the primary purpose of the Nuremberg Laws?

to prevent Jewish influence from spreading

For what is quinine used?

to prevent malaria

What was the purpose of the Taj Mahal?

to serve as a tomb for Shah Jahan's wife

Why did the Mexican civilians rebel against the Spanish in 1810?

to show displeasure with Napoleon's choice of Spain's king; attempt to gain independence from Spain

Which of the following were goals of the Congress of Vienna?

to suppress nationalism and liberalism; to restore the balance of power; to create strong governments in former Napoleonic settlements

Where did the Spanish send their slaves initially?

to the West Indies

Why was French West Africa divided?

too difficult to manage one large block; too much political hegemony of controlling one state

Why was French West Africa divided?

too much political hegemony of controlling one state; too difficult to manage one large block

The Ottoman's position in the Mediterranean facilitated vast ________________________.

trade networks

Which of the following were ways that slaves were acquired in Africa?

trade; raids; war

Which of the following did the Mau-Mau do in Kenya?

undermined white settlers at all costs

Which of the following did the laws passed under loi-cadre stipulate for French West Africa?

universal suffrage

Which of the following is the term for Germany's U-boat warfare strategy that prayed on supply ships?

unrestricted submarine warfare

Which of the following is the term for Germany's U-boat warfare strategy that preyed on supply ships?

unrestricted submarine warfare

Which of the following were the results of Mao's Five-Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward?

unskilled workers slowed down productivity; industrial output increased; agricultural output shrank

What did the Ottoman's position in the Mediterranean facilitate?

vast trade networks

Which of he following was an early policy measure with détente?

visiting China on a goodwill tour

Why did populations increase in the 19th century with the Industrial Revolution?

wages were stable and constant

Which of the following best describes the Social Revolutionaries of the late 19th century?

wanted a constitutional monarchy

Which of the following best describes the late 19th century liberals of Russia?

wanted a constitutional monarchy

Why did President Nixon favor removing US troops from Vietnam?

wanted to pursue a policy of relations with China.

How were slaves acquired in Africa?

war; trade; raids

Which was the method of powering machines before the use of coal, steam, or oil?

water turning turbines

Which of the following fueled European expansion in Africa?

weapons; medicine; steamboats

What was the October Revolution?

when the Bolsheviks gained control of Russia

Who owned land and controlled tea and coffee in Kenya?

white settlers

Which of the following did Louis Napoleon Bonaparte do to stop revolutions in France?

widened the streets of Paris

During the Industrial Revolution, which of the following inspired farmers to use their land more efficiently?

work ethic; technology

What cultural shift did individuals face when moving from the farm to the factory during the Industrial Revolution?

working by a clock

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