World History Test 2

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Confucianism had a long-term effect on Chinese culture in which of the following ways?

the Confucian-based examination system allowed some social mobility for talented young men who were able to afford an education.

This classical civilization developed significant cities but no encompassing state structure.

the Niger Valley

The map supports which of the following assertions?

the Seleucid Empire was the largest of the successor states.

Which of the following has been put forward by scholars as a possible factor in the emergence of slavery within the First Civilizations?

the early domestication of animals.

Both classical Rome and Axum were shaped by

the emergence of the Christian faith.

In classical Athens,

the growth of democracy was accompanied by the simultaneous growth of slavery on a massive scale.

Which of the following was a unique feature of Greek political life?

the idea of free people running the affairs of state.

Which of the following statements about civilizations of the Andes region is true?

the need for elaborate irrigation projects helped create strong states in the region.

Solon brought which of the following reforms to Athens after 594 B.C.E.?

the right of all citizens to participate in the Assembly.

Which of the following was a motivation for the expansion of the Roman Empire?

the wealth of the Eastern Mediterranean societies.

Which of the following was true of both the Roman and the Chinese Empires?

they invoked supernatural sanctions to support their rule.

Which of the following was a characteristic of all classical empires?

they were powerful states capable of coercing resources from subjects.

Compared to modern American ideas about democracy, Athenian democracy was distinctive in

urging that all citizens participate directly in lawmaking and policymaking.

Classical Greece in 500 B.C.E.

was an expansive civilization like the Persian Empire.

The Maya civilization differed from classical China in that only China

was frequently ruled over by single powerful emperors.

Mesoamerican and Andean cultures were similar in that both

were dominated by cities or regional states rather than a single empire.

Classical India and China were similar in that both

were influence by Buddhist religious thought.

Like First Civilizations, those of the classical era

were patriarchal in organization.

Both the Buddha and Jesus

were transformed by their followers into gods.

India and China during the classical era were similar in that in both societies

sharp distinctions and great inequalities characterized the social order.

Which region produced no civilization during the classical period?

south africa

In which of the following ancient societies did women enjoy the fewest restrictions?


Which of the following statements best describes the spread of the Bantu peoples to southern and eastern Africa?

the Bantu spread slowly, often just a few families at a time.

The cosmic struggle between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu lies at the heart of which religion?


Which of the following was primarily a religion focusing on the supernatural, rather than a philosophy?


Both the Maya and Axum were similar in that both

possessed written scripts.

Which of the following descries both classical China and Persia?

powerful emperors.

In classical civilizations,

public life in general was a male domain, while women's roles took place mostly in domestic settings.

The Persian Empire and the Mauryan dynasty were similar in that both

relied on imperial spies to keep tab on distant provinces.

The Roman mosaic depicting the slave Myro serving a drink to his master Fructus provides evidence that slaves in Rome

served as domestic servants.

Which of the following regions did not have any pastoral societies in the classical era?

Central/South America

In the classical era, the continents had an unequal population distribution. Which of the following is the correct ranking by population, from most to least popular?

Eurasia, Africa, North America, Central/South America, Australia/Oceania

Which of the following occurrences led to the collapse of Maya civilization in the ninth century C.E.?

a long-term drought.

Both the cultures that took shape in the Chaco canyon region and those that took shape in the Mississippi River valley

adopted maize from Mesoamerican.

Which of the following regions had the least productive agriculture, due to poorer and less fertile soils caused by the rapid breakdown of humus?


Which of the following statements is true of the religious and philosophical traditions that developed in Eurasia in the centuries surrounding 500 B.C.E.?

all sought to define a single source of order and meaning in the universe.

Once the system of jatis in India was established,

an individual jati could slowly raise its standing in relation to other jatis in the local hierarchy by acquiring land or wealth.

Which of the following African cultures or civilizations is distinctive because of the apparent absence of state structures beyond that of chiefs with modest political authority?


While the classical Roman and Chinese Empires were similar in many ways, which of the following was an important difference?

because of earlier precedents, the Chinese process of empire-formation occurred over a much shorter period than the centuries-long Roman effort.

In the centuries following the fall of the Han Empire, Chinese women

benefited from the growing influence of Buddhism, which provided some women with an alternative to family life in Buddhist monasteries.

This map supports the assertion that

both Christianity and Buddhism spread to China.

Which of the following may have played a role in the decline of Buddhism in India?

buddhism being absorbed into a reviving Hinduism.

Which foreign religious tradition was absorbed into China during the classical period?


The two Mediterranean powers fighting in the Punic Wars were

carthage and Rome.

In their political organization, the Maya were most like

classical Greece.

Which of the following was a distinctive feature of the Greek way of thinking in the classical era?

confidence in human reason.

Which of the following classical religions and philosophies focused more on affairs of this world than on the realm of the divine and its relationship to human life?


Which of the following philosophies and religions provided a unifying ideology for peasant rebellions?


Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between Daoism and Confucianism, as understood by Chinese elites?

daoism is an offshoot of Confucianism that develops the mystical elements inherent in Confucius' teachings.

Paleolithic societies and first civilizations both

developed elaborate and complex outlooks on the world.

In comparison to Han China, all of the city states of classical Greece possessed

economics more heavily reliant on slaves.

If the Greek genius was politics, the Roman genius was


In the four centuries following Jesus' death, Christianity

excluded women from leadership roles in the church.

Christianity and Zoroastrianism are similar in that both

foretell of a savior figure who will restore either individuals or the worst itself to purity and peace.

When Germanic tribes entered into the western part of the Roman Empire, they

founded a hybrid culture that drew both on Germanic and Roman elements.

The Chumash society differed from Neolithic chiefdoms in that the Chumash

gathered and hunted their food.

Wang Mang's reform program following his seizure of the Chinese throne in 8 B.C.E. included

government loans to peasant families.

Which cultural tradition is particularly noted for its emphasis on logic and relentless questioning of received wisdom, without giving much role to the gods?

greek philosphy

Which of the following distinguished the experience of women in Sparta from those in Athens?

in Sparta, women married men of about their own age.

Neolithic societies and First Civilizations were similar in that both

included societies wholly made up of pastoralists.

Which of the following was a difference between India and China's social structures?

india's social groups were defined more rigidly.

Which of the following factors has been put forward to explain why empires were much less prominent in India than in China?

india's unparalleled cultural diversity.

China was unique in the ancient world in the extent to which

its social organization was shaped by the actions of the state.

Zoroastrianism most probably influence which of the following philosophical or religious traditions?


Persian political organization includes which of the following features?

lower-level officials drawn from local authorities.

The Hellenisitic era was

marked by a spread of Greek culture into the lands of the Persian Empire.

Which of the following cultures produced a written language?


Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in that they both

offered hope for final release from the cycle of rebirth.

The political culture of classical Greek civilization was different from that of Persia because

only Greek civilization experimented with the idea of free people running the affairs of state.

This map supports which of the following statements?

parts of the western and eastern portions of sub-Saharan Africa participated in long distance trade.

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