World History Unit 2 - Exploration and Conquest

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Which statement best describes the effect of Triangular Trade on Africa?

Communities were devastated, the population declined, families were torn apart, and slave trading wars claimed even more African lives.

What was one difference between Vasco de Gama and Bartolomeu Dias?

Dias reached the tip of Africa, while de Gama's sailed around it.

How was the practice of traditional African slavery different from the slavery practiced after European contact?

Enslaved people were often ransomed back to their home villages.

Which explorer is known for being the first to circumnavigate the globe, yet died in Asia before completing his journey?

Ferdinand Magellan

Which countries sought control of North America during the Seven Years War?

France and Britain

How did the Atlantic slave trade impact the Americas' role in triangular trade?

It increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe.

The illustration shows a section of a slave ship along the Middle Passage. What does this drawing show about enslaved Africans aboard this ship?

It shows how tightly they were packed, which led to a harsh and often deadly journey.

The Aztecs controlled the most powerful empire in


What happened to American Indians after 1492?

Most perished from disease.

The map shows early North America. Which settlement does the colored region of the map depict?

New France in 1750

In 1608, Samuel de Champlain returned to Canada to establish __________, the first successful French settlement in North America.


Which explorer extended France's influence in the Americas through his establishment of Quebec?

Samuel de Champlain

What was the most significant result of the Spanish colonization of Central and South America?

Spain became rich by stealing the wealth of the American colonies.

Which statement best explains how terrace farming differed from slash-and-burn agriculture?

Terrace farming was used to grow crops in mountain areas, while slash-and-burn agriculture was used to grow crops in rainforests.

Which statement best explains the importance of the Age of Discovery?

The Age of Discovery was the beginning of globalization.

What were some effects of the Columbian Exchange?

Africa's population declined, the Americas flourished with plants from Europe, and wealth flowed in the European economy.

What is the name for the time period depicted?

Age of Exploration

What aspect of the Commercial Revolution would bring discord between colonists and their mother countries?

All goods and raw materials were tightly regulated by the mother country.

Which is the most accurate list of mercantilism rules?

i. Collect gold and silver. ii. Export more goods than what one imports. iii. Have the colonies provide raw materials. iv. Sell manufactured goods from the mother country to colonies.

Where were the first Spanish colonies located in the New World?

in the West Indies

The Dutch East India Company, the British East India Company, and the Virginia Company were

joint-stock companies

Which aspect of the financial system created by the Commercial Revolution most clearly paved the way for today's corporations?

joint-stock companies

The Incas developed a record-keeping system using

knots and designs in strings.

The tribute states of the ancient Aztec empire

made regular payments to the emperor.

Global exploration by sea was made possible primarily by

new technology.

Arranged from greatest privileges to fewest privileges, which is the correct order of the Spanish class system?

peninsulares, criollos, mestizos, Indians, and enslaved persons

This photo shows an early Mesoamerican structure, specifically from the Zapotec Culture. What was this structure most likely used for?

playing a ball game with stone hoops

The Incas were the first early American civilization to create

roads to connect different parts of their empire.

As navigation skills advanced, explorers reached the area now known as the Straits of Magellan. The Straits of Magellan are located

south of Chile and Argentina.

Moctezuma II ruled over

the Aztecs as king near the beginning of the sixteenth century.

What caused Europe's population to increase, to provoke its interest in trade, and provided its population with large amounts of gold and silver?

the Columbian Exchange

This photo shows ruins at Machu Picchu. Which early American civilization built this ancient city?

the Incas

This map shows the location of the Olmec civilization in the area shaded orange. Which early American culture lived to the east of the Olmecs?

the Maya

The fact that the astrolabe was developed in the Muslim empire implies that

the Muslim empire was technologically advanced.

What was the name of the contested fur-rich farmland where the French would trade manufactured goods to the American Indians for fur?

the Ohio Valley

Which culture was the first Mesoamerican civilization?

the Olmecs

Which conflict in the 1700s changed the balance of power in Europe and the Americas to favor England and Prussia?

the Seven Years' War

The conquistadors were driven primarily by

the desire for gold.

The Mesoamerican leader Pakal the Great was

the king of a Maya city-state.

The map below shows a graphic representation of an important movement in the 16th - 18th centuries. What do the arrows show?

the movement of goods, money, and enslaved people that made up Triangular Trade

Spain and Portugal competed over territory in the Americas as a result of the voyages of

Christopher Columbus.

Which statement is true of the British colony of Jamestown?

It consisted of British people who were uninterested in spreading their religion or language.

Which best describes the Incas?

a large and rich empire in South America

The chart shows the Taino population in 1492 was nearly 300,000 and under 10,000 in 1548. What does the chart illustrate about American Indian populations?

An example of the impact that European exploration had on American Indians populations.

Which leader was defeated by Francisco Pizarro?


What did the Chavíns and the Incas have in common?

Both civilizations lived in the Andes Mountains.

Which statement most accurately describes the reasons for the Seven Years' War in North America?

Both the French and the British wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.

What most accurately describes the relationship between the British colonies and American Indians?

British colonies wanted American Indians out of the way so the colonies could profit more.

One of the long-reaching effects of the Spanish conquest was the spread of what religion across the Americas?


How did Robert de La Salle help extend France's influence in the New World?

He explored the Mississippi River and built trading posts on it.

Which is true regarding Moctezuma II?

He invited Cortés into the city of Tenochtitlán.

Who explored North America and the Arctic?

Henry Hudson

Whose explorations led to a greater knowledge of North America, the Arctic, Australia, and the Hawaiian islands?

Henry Hudson's and James Cook's

Which correctly matches the product with its place of origin before the Columbian Exchange?

Horse came from Europe

Cuzco was once a large city in the

Inca Civilization

Atahualpa was the leader of the

Inca Empire

How did Vasco da Gama's success in opening a seagoing trade route to Asia help Portugal?

It allowed Portugal to build a trading empire.

Which statement best describes the political structure of the ancient Aztecs?

The Aztec civilization was ruled by an emperor and had about four hundred tribute states.

Read this account of an incident in the French and Indian War. September 20, 1755 When we came there we were attacked by a party of French and Indians, whose number, I am persuaded, did not exceed three hundred men; while ours consisted of about one thousand three hundred well armed troops, chiefly regular soldiers, who were struck with such a panic, that they behaved with more cowardice than it is possible to conceive. The officers behaved gallantly, in order to encourage their men, for which they suffered greatly, there being near sixty killed and wounded. -George Washington July 18, 1755 Which of the following can be assumed after reading this passage?

The British panicked when they were attacked.

Read this passage from a British newspaper. The French and Indians, the Number of each not known, had, as we found after, possessed the Sides and Brow of a Hill, in a circular Form, from the Extreme of which some of them fired upon one of our advanced Flank Parties. This immediately struck a general Panic; the Men could not be persuaded to form regularly; in great Confusion they fell back . . . . no Order could be restored. -The Public Advertiser September 20, 1755 Based on this passage, which statement is true?

The British panicked when they were shot at.

What happened as a result of the Treaty of Paris?

The British won the fight over the fertile Ohio River Valley and gained control of most French lands in North America.

Which statement best describes the political structure of the ancient Chavíns?

The Chavín civilization included different groups unified under a single religion.

The map shows the area of The Seven Years' War. According to this map, why did the French do so well at the beginning of the Seven Years' War?

The French fought on their own territory.

How did Olmec civilization differ from Maya civilization?

The Olmecs were the first culture to live in Mesoamerica. The Mayas came later and adopted some of the Olmecs' early practices.

How did the Spanish and French differ in their treatment of American Indians?

The Spanish forced American Indians to convert to Christianity while the French built relationships with them.

How was the Inca empire impacted by European exploration and colonization?

The Spanish forced the Incans to adopt their language, religion, and way of life.

The map shows the area of The Seven Years' War. Which conclusion is most readily drawn from the map?

The closeness of French and British colonies would likely cause conflict.

Look at these graphs. What is the most likely reason why Southern colonies had such different exports from those of New England?

The colonies had different growing seasons.

What gave rise to the slave trade?

The death of many American Indians to disease and the planting of labor-intensive crops.

Read the following passages from John Newton's diary. Saturday 22 June Being pretty warm, got up the men and washed all the slaves with fresh water. l am much afraid of another ravage from the flux [diarrheal infection], for we have had 8 taken within these few days. Thursday 27 June When we were putting the slaves down in the evening, one that was sick jumped overboard. Got him in again but he died immediately between his weakness and the salt water he had swallowed, though I imagine he would have lived but a little while being quite worn out. Which claim is supported by this reading?

The enslaved people onboard suffered from illness with some frequency.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect the African people?

The introduction of new crops and the decimation of the native population in the New World led to the capture and enslavement of many African people.

Which answer best describes the effects of the slave trade on the African people?

The population declined as a result of forceful removal from the continent and being killed in war.

What was one similarity between the Mayas, the Incas, and the Aztecs?

They all built temples.

Which statement most completely explains why the French settled in New France?

They came to trap and trade fur, were looking for new land and a route to the Pacific, and sought to convert American Indians.

How did interactions among the peoples and societies of the world during the age of discovery affect European technology?

They led to technological growth.

In traditional African slavery, what happened to enslaved people who integrated into the society of their captors?

They often had an opportunity to purchase their freedom.

Which statement is the most accurate description of the middle colonies in the 1700s?

They were home to diverse immigrants, they were a center of trade, and they eventually came under British control.

Which of these Southern colonies had the first colonial representative body and depended on exporting tobacco?


What did the Mayas develop?

a calendar based on a solar year of 365 days

The encomienda system was

a slavery system except that the enslaved could not be sold off the land.

The Aztecs adopted which aspect of Maya civilization?

a stone calendar

What kind of government did the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay create?

a theocracy

Though the Aztecs held the most powerful empire in Central America, which Spanish advantage contributed to the Aztecs' defeat?

advanced weapons

Read this passage, which was written by a Spanish explorer in the 1500s. This great city of [Tenochtitlán] is situated in this salt lake . . . . There are four . . . entrances to the city, all of which are formed by artificial [walkways] . . . . The city is as large as Seville or Cordova; its streets . . . are very wide and straight . . . . All the streets at intervals have openings, through which the water flows . . . and at these openings, some of which are very wide, there are also very wide bridges, composed of large pieces of timber, of great strength and well put together; on many of these bridges ten horses can go abreast. This quotation describes

an Aztec city.

What instrument did navigators use to calculate the positions of the sun and the stars?

an astrolabe

When a nation conquers and settles another country for its own benefit, this practice is called


Exploration was carried out

competitively among European nations.

The Olmec people

constructed giant stone monuments.

Which Spanish class included Spanish colonists born in the Americas?


In the first Spanish colonies, how did nearly all American Indians die?


In Inca society, the Sapa Inca served as


Which is a positive balance of trade for a country?

exporting more goods than importing

The middle colonies were founded

for religion, profit, and strategy.

Read the passage by Bartolomé de las Casas. [Since New Spain was discovered], great atrocities were committed against the indigenous people of the region and some were killed by members of the expedition. These so-called Christians set about stealing from the people and murdering them on the pretense of settling the area. And [since that time] the great iniquities and injustices, the outrageous acts of violence and the bloody tyranny of these Christians have steadily escalated, the perpetrators having lost all fear of God . . . and all sense of self-respect. -Bartolomé de las Casas According to Bartolomé de las Casas, the effect of atrocities, injustices, and outrageous acts on the perpetrators is that

they lose respect for themselves and become distanced from God, in whom they claim to believe.

Why did Spain create missions in the colonies?

to assimilate American Indians

What was Vasco da Gama's main goal?

to find a water route to India

Why did Europeans travel across the Mediterranean Sea to reach the Silk Road?

to obtain cloths, spices, and other goods

Why did the Spanish government establish the encomienda system in the Spanish colonies?

to set up a labor supply

For what primary purpose did the Spanish enslave many American Indians?

to work in mines and grow sugar

During the Age of Discovery, interactions between Asia and Europe led to competition for land and resources and

were accompanied by an increase in trade.

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