World History - Unit 6 quizzes

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Cromwell's title when he ruled England was:

Lord Protector

The organization of French laws under Napoleon was called the:

Napoleonic code

Goods from the colonies had to be shipped by English ships with English crews as a result of the __________.

Navigation acts

James I encountered problems with


Legislative body of England


The English Revolution put ___________ in control of British Affairs.


Opponents of Charles I led by Cromwell.


Britain became a naval power when it defeated the:

Spanish Armada

Because of the ___________, British stamps had to be placed on documents when the tax was paid.

Stamp Act

Line of kings begun by James I


Oliver Cromwell made changes in the government by abolishing:

The House of Lords

Napoleon's short return to power in 1815 is known as _____.

The One Hundred Days

Party wanting strong English king under Charles II


Queen Elizabeth's royal line


In the 1500s, Parliament had very limited power under the:


The Battle of Trenton was:

Washington's surprise attack across the Delaware

Party wanting powerful Parliament under Charles II


The English general at the Battle of Quebec was:


Government in the colonies by the mid 1700s included which of the following? a governor a governor's council an assembly a president

a governor, a governor's council, an assembly

The military policy of __________ greatly strengthened the French army under the National Convention.


In 1804 Napoleon became __________ of France.


True or false Colonists believed that their rights as Englishmen were being abused by the Bill of Rights.


True or false The Act of Settlement secured important personal rights for English citizens.


True or false The Battle of Quebec gave Washington's troops the incentive they needed to overcome the hardships of winter.


True or false The Oath of the Tennis Court was taken by Napoleon's soldiers.


True or false The invasion of Austria was the beginning of Napoleon's defeat.


True or false The legislative branch of our government makes and enforces the laws of the United States.


True or false The Consulate brought weak, unorganized leadership to France.


The __________ branch of English government is Parliament.


Which is government by a hereditary sovereign with complete control?


James II caused problems during his reign because his religion was _____________.


Supporters of Charles I in the Civil War.


Changes that had occurred as a result of the English Revolution included the:

English Bill of Rights

When Charles I sent troops into the House of Commons, this action resulted in open warfare in the:

English Revolution

In the United States, the houses of the lawmaking body are:

the Senate and House of Representatives

The Battle of Yorktown was:

the conclusive victory in the Revolutionary War

A factor during the reign of Louis XVI which hastened the French Revolution was:

the inspiration of the American Revolution

True or false Amendments to the Constitution allow for necessary change through time.


True or false French taxation and the blockade of Europe caused resentment among her conquered nations.


True or false French writers and the American Revolution inspired the French to move toward their own revolution.


True or false Napoleon made great reforms in French banking, education, and law.


True or false Parliament gained power with the fading of the king's veto power.


True or false Parliament rarely opposed Queen Elizabeth's rulings.


True or false The American victory at Saratoga convinced the French to aid the American cause.


True or false The Church of England was established under Henry VIII.


True or false The president of the United States is elected by the Electoral College System.


True or false Thomas Paine was a famous colonial patriot leader and the author of Common Sense.


True or false Writs of Assistance allowed the English to search anywhere in the colonies at anytime.


True or false Sir Robert Walpole was the first British Prime Minister.


True or false The Habeas Corpus Act assured trial within twenty days.


True or false Today, Britain's monarch is largely a figurehead with little real authority.


The revolutions in England, the American colonies, and France:

were a response to the ruling monarchy

What was the first United States Constitution?

Articles of Confederation

Puritans' and Presbyterians' religious belief


In their religious beliefs, the Puritans, the Presbyterians, and the Separatists are all __________.


A nickname for Cromwell's troops


In his quest for control of Europe, Napoleon:

conquered much of mainland Europe

A king's belief that his rule is God's will

divine right

The four estates of France were the:

nobility, clergy, middle class, and peasants

The Battle of Lexington and Concord:

opened the Revolutionary war

An important legislative body in France was:

the National Convention

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