World Religions Final True/False, Multiple Choice, Short Answer

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Name the seven sacraments that are accepted in the Roman Catholic tradition. Circle the two sacraments that are practiced by Protestant churches

*1. Baptism *2. Eucharist/ Communion 3. Confirmation 4. Reconciliation 5. Marriage 6. Ordination 7. Anointing of the sick

The Hebrew Bible sees history as A. A purposeless circular movement of events B. Something over which human beings have no control C. Unreal and an illusion D. Signs of divine activity

D. Signs of divine activity

Name the three categories of the Hebrew Bible A. History, Prophets, and Psalms B. Psalms, Chronicles, and Proverbs C. Torah, Prophets, and Proverbs D. Torah, Prophets, and Writings

D. Torah, Prophets, and Writings

Jesus said that all important religious laws could be summed up in the... A. Ten Commandments B. Five Great Relationships C. Four Noble Truths D. Two Great Commandments

D. Two Great Commandments

Which one of the following is defined by its advocacy for a homeland for the Jews? A. Ashkenazic B. Reformed C. Sephardic D. Zionist

D. Zionist

Before one begins one's daily prayer, two things must be first done. Name them.

1. A person has to clean to preform the ablution 2. Then he stands facing Mecca and declares his intention to pray for gaining proximity to Allah

Known as the Aqidah, or "beliefs", name the six articles of faith in Islam

1. Belief in God, the one and only worthy of all worship 2. Belief in the Angels 3. Belief in the books sent by God 4. Belief in all the prophets and messengers sent by God 5. Belief in the day of judgement and the resurrection 6. Belief in destiny

Name the five beliefs of "Liberal" Christians

1. Fatherhood of God 2. Brotherhood of man 3. Infinite value of the human soul 4. Example of Jesus, perfect God-conscious man 5. Est. of moral-ethical kingdom of God on Earth

State the Ten Commandments

1. No other God 2. No images 3. No wrong use of God's name 4. Keep Sabbath day holy 5. Honor your father and mother 6. No killing 7. No adultery 8. No stealing 9. No lying 10. No coveting neighbors things

Though the major branches of Islam (Sunni and Shiite) have some significant differences, according to one website, on what three fundamental beliefs do they agree?

1. That Allah is one and had no partners 2. That Muhammad is the last prophet of God 3. That there will be resurrection and judgement

Judaism focuses on relationships- the relationship between G-d and humankind, between G-d and the Jewish nation, between the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and between human beings. The Jewish scriptures specify the mutual obligations and covenants created by these relationships, although various movements of Judaism disagree about the nature of these obligations. According to one website, state the branch of Judaism to its understanding of these obligations

1. They are absolute, unchanging laws of G-d - Orthodox 2. They are laws from G-d that change and evolve over time - Conservative 3. They are guidelines that one may choose whether or not to follow literally - Reformed

Name the "Five Fundamentals" that underscore the basic beliefs of "Fundamentalist" Christians

1. inerrancy of the Bible 2. Literal nature of the biblical accounts (creation, Jesus' miracles) 3. Virgin birth (or deity) of Jesus 4. Substitutionary atonement 5. Resurrection and 2nd coming of Jesus

At what age does moral conscious enter into a person, reminding us of G-d's law, and thus becomes responsible for following G-d's commandments?

13- Bat/Bar Mitzvah (coming of age)

Though one may find translations of the Quran, the authoritative Quran is written in which language? A. Arabic B. Aramaic C. Chaldean D. Hebrew

A. Arabic

The successor to Muhammad, for centuries a political as well as religious figure, was called which one of the following? A. Caliph B. Hadith C. Messiah D. Muezzin

A. Caliph

Which one of the following best describes what it means to be obedient to God and live a life according to God's laws? A. Faith in the unknown and unseen B. Faith in the unseen and knowledge of the unknown C. Knowledge of the unknown and faith in the unseen D. All of the above

A. Faith in the unknown and unseen

In the Orthodox tradition, a two dimensional religious image is called a what? A. Icon B. Idol C. Rosary D. Dogma

A. Icon

What is the basic purpose of Shariah? A. To establish goodness and remove evil from society B. To establish many more good mosques and schools C. To remove evil and establish more good mosques and schools D. To establish goodness and do not worry about evil

A. To establish goodness and remove evil from society

How does one become a Muslim? A. By being able to recite the Quran from memory B. By reciting the Shahadah with belief C. By reading the Quran in Arabic D. By studying three months with an imam

B. By reciting the Shahadah with belief

The Five Pillars of Islam refers to which of the following? A. A book of Muslim architectural design B. Essentials of Muslim belief and practice C. The first five books of the Quran D. The main mosque in Mecca

B. Essentials of Muslim belief and practice

Which one of the following refers to a remembrance of what Muhammad said or did? A. Caliph B. Hadith C. Hajj D. Quran

B. Hadith

In the story of Moses in the book of Exodus, the name G-d was revealed to Moses. Which one of the following is the best definition of the meaning of G-d's name? A. All knowing and All powerful B. I Am Who I Am C. I Know and You Don't D. The One and Only

B. I Am Who I Am

Where did Muhammad receive his first revelation? A. Beside the Nile River B. In a cave C. On the road to Damascus D. On top of Mt. Sinai

B. In a cave

Which one of the following best expresses the Jewish view of G-d? A. G-d created the world but does not interfere in it B. G-d is an impersonal force C. G-d is creator and judge D. G-d is the pattern of nature

C. G-d is creator and judge

Which one of the following best describes the doctrine called the Incarnation? A. After we die, we are reborn into a new form or body B. God appeared in the human form of the individual Jesus of Nazareth C. God became human in the person of Jesus of Nazareth D. True believers will be resurrected and will live in heaven with God for eternity

C. God became human in the person of Jesus of Nazareth

What is the Arabic word which means "struggle in the path of God" and can have either a spiritual aspect, as in discipleship, or a physical aspect, as in spreading the message of Islam? A. Fatwa B. Hajji C. Jihad D. Umma

C. Jihad

Which one of the following best describes an essential part of Jesus' teaching? A. Be one with nature B. Find and follow a spiritual leader C. Love one another D. Meditate in order to know your true self

C. Love one another

Which one of the following is considered to start the Protestant Reformation? A. John Calvin B. Meister Eckhart C. Martin Luther D. John Wesley

C. Martin Luther

The textbook notes three areas where modern life presents great challenges to traditional Islam. Which one of the following is NOT one of these challenges facing Islam? A. Industrial work schedules make daily prayer and other religious practices difficult B. Individualism is weakening family ties and social responsibility C. Modern critical studies of literature are calling the Quran into question D. Women are demanding total equality with men and complete independence

C. Modern critical studies of literature are calling the Quran into question

Which one of the following best describes the doctrine of the Trinity? A. There are three major Gods B. One Godhead consisting of three separate beings C. One God being shown in three persons D. Christians should cross themselves when asking for God's blessings

C. One God being shown in three persons

The destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in the 1st century CE would have changed the nature of the Hebrew religion. How? A. Animal sacrifice became more important as a part of worship B. Judaism spread to Egypt C. The Jewish religion began to focus on written word D. The Jews began to adopt Persian culture

C. The Jewish religion began to focus on written word

The early Christian message was not complex. Which one of the following is NOT specifically mentioned in the textbook as a summarization of this early message as expressed by Peter, one of Jesus' disciples? A. God is now working in a special way B. Jesus was the expected messiah C. The Romans were to be resisted in order to bring into being the Kingdom of God D. These are the final days before God's judgement and the coming of a new world

C. The Romans were to be resisted in order to bring into being the Kingdom of God

Which one of the following represents the correct order of events in the life of Muhammad? A. The cleansing of the Kabah- the first revelation of the Quran- the hijra from Mecca to Medina B. The first revelation of the Quran- the cleansing of the Kabah- the hijra from Mecca to Medina C. The first revelation of the Quran- the hijra from Mecca to Medina- the cleansing of the Kabah D. The hijra from Mecca to Medina- the cleansing of the Kabah- the first revelation of the Quran

C. The first revelation of the Quran- the hijra from Mecca to Medina- the cleansing of the Kabah

What is the greatest challenge to Christianity today? A. Acceptance of other religious traditions B Growing number of denominations and sects C. The growth of science D. Unscrupulous priests/ preachers

C. The growth of science

Which one grew out of the massive displacements of the people of Judah after the destruction of the Temple by Babylonian armies? A. The prophets B. The priesthood C. The synagogue D. The Talmud

C. The synagogue

The Ten Commandments are found twice in the Hebrew Bible, in the book called Exodus and in the book called Deuteronomy. There is a difference, though, in the listing of these commandments regarding the reason of remembering Shabbat. According to one website, why are we to remember Shabbat as found in these two books?

Exodus- because G-d rested after creation Deuteronomy- because G-d brought slaves out of Egypt

Given the English definition of the Five Pillars of Islam Shahadah Salat Zakat Sawm Hajj

Shahadah- creed Salat- prayer Zakat- charity to the poor Sawm- fasting during Ramadan Hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca

The Talmud teaches that there are three participants in the formation of every human being- the mother, the father, and G-d. The parents provide the physical form of the individual. According to one website, what does G-d provide?

Soul, personality, intelligence

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