World Studies Exam

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What is a dynasty?

A series of rulers from the same family

What is the Phoenicians greatest contribution to history?

Alphabet writing system

Identify the three types of social scientists and what is the job of each?

Archeologist- dig in old places and analyze things they find. Anthriopologist- study development of humans and animals. paleontologist- studies the history of earth through fossils

Where is the Hanging Garden located?


What did Donald Johanson discover?

Donald Johanson is best known for his 1974 groundbreaking discovery of the 3.2 million- year-old skeleton known as Lucy.

What great discovery did Mary Leakey make?

In 1959 at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, she discovered the skull of an early hominin

What philosophy did the monarch Shi Huangdi use during his reign?


What is the way of life of the Indo-European people?


Explain the difference between monotheism and polytheism

Monotheism is belief in one God and Polytheism is the belief in many Gods.

Which type of government was used by the Spartans?


What people considered their ruler both a king and a god?


Explain the phalanx?

a formation where soldiers stand close together

What are Pictographs?

a symbol for a word or phrase

Identify and explain the five parts of a civilization?

advanced cities- the trade, complex institutions- reliable gov, record keeping-books to help understand past, specialized workers- specific jobs that get everything done, advanced technology- new inventions and improvements

What is the cycle that Hindu believers pass through? What are they trying to reach ?

ashrama, they trying to reach moksha (being saved)

Why didn't the Greeks unite under one government?

because the terrains split it up so they can all have different rulers.

What beliefs do Hinduism and Buddhism have in common?

both believe in karma, dharma, ans moksha, and reincarnation

What is the relationship like between the Egyptians and Nubia during the New kingdom period?

egypt dominated nubia

Identify and explain Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

formal writing in ancient egypt, used to write and communicate

What did the Indus Valley people include with all of their trade transactions?

gold,silver,gem,seashell, pearls, terracotta pots, and metals

Who is Homer and what is he responsible for creating?

greek poet, created iliad and odyssey

Who is the leader that developed a famous law code?


What are the cities of the Indus Valley Civilization?

harappa, ganeriwala, mohenjo-daro, dholiva, kalibangan, rakhigarhi, rupar, and lothal

Explain what this discovery by Mary Leakey indicates about hominids?

has revealed that Homo sapiens may have emerged in Africa much earlier, and they stood up right.

What set Darius apart from other leaders?

he wasn't scared to do what he wants

2Describe the achievements of the Assyrian civilization

invented first written language, 360 circle, and hammurabi's code

What technologies are the Hittites famous for?

iron weapons

Explain the Confucian philosophy on relationships and parents?

it kept relationships because it says children cant disrespect or disobey parents

What is the caste system in India? What group of people established this system?

jati, the ayrans established it

Which of the religions has no clergy as part of its leadership?

jenovah witness

What is the shift from food gathering to food production called?

neolithic revolution

What other civilizations did the Indus Valley people trade with?

persia, mesopotamia, and china

Explain the role river valleys play in the development of early civilizations?

provide soil and irrigation for crops and transportation, also provide water.

What is the advantage of the Nile river over the Tigris & Euphrates rivers?

provided fishing opportunities and easy trade

Who is the founder of Buddhism? What name is he known by ?

siddhartha gautama, known as buddha

What is the mandate of Heaven? What impact does it have on the monarchy?

that there can only be one ruler, it has impact because it affects how they rule and who does

What does the construction of the pyramids demonstrate about Egyptian culture?

that they glorify afterlife

Where do Christians get their information about Jesus Christ?

the Bible

Identify and explain the difference between silt in the Huang He river valley and other river valleys?

the difference is the huang he was created by fertile land used for farming, others only have it for short time

What separates Greece into its different regions?

the seas and mountains

What is Daoism? Who is the founder? Beliefs?

way of the universe, by lao tzu, nature controls things

How do Jainist Monks protect themselves from harming insects?

wearing clothes on their face

What are the basic beliefs taught by Confucianism?

worship ancestors, treat others with respect

What type of architecture would be found in the Sumerian civilization


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