World War II and the Cold War

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What treaty ended the war? Germany and Japan had to do the following: 1) Disarm and surrender conquered territory 2) Pay reparations in industry equipment and other goods and services 3) Leaders were punished who committed war crimes 4) Lost control of their countries A) Germany: It was divided into 4 parts between America, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union Berlin (Germany's capital) was also divided into 4 parts between America, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union B) Japan: General Douglas MacArthur and his staff were put in charge

Paris Peace Treaty

There were Japanese aircraft carriers, airplanes, battleships and submarines at what event on December 7, 1941? What was their goal? It took only about two hours to kill nearly 2,500 people and destroy multiple battleships, aircrafts, and more. The U.S. battle fleet was out of commission for nearly six months. The only good news was that the U.S. aircraft carriers were out at sea. The aircraft carriers were like floating islands of airplanes, crew, and supplies. The U.S. had also been spared its onshore facilities.

Pearl Harbor, to eradicate the American naval and air presence in the Pacific with the surprise attack

Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to continue protesting. in nonviolent ways through marches, protests, and sit-ins. He started the "_____ ______ _____" to broaden civil rights' goals to address economic inequality in America. While he was working on this campaign, he was assassinated. The governor of Georgia wouldn't allow King's body to be laid out in the state capitol building

Poor People's Campaign

Rock-and-roll: African American music was originally called "race" music and then it was labeled as rhythm and blues (R&B) because black artists couldn't be played on the same radios as white artists. Alan Freed was a radio DJ that started to play R&B on white stations and rebranded it as rock-and-roll. White society didn't like this so many famous white artists rerecorded the first rock-and-roll songs that African American artists had made famous. Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Little Richard, and Ray Charles brought rock-and-roll to the masses. It became a symbol of the emerging _____ ___ Medicine: By 1960, ____vaccines had nearly eliminated the disease Antibiotics, including ______, came into widespread use to stop numerous infections like whooping cough and tuberculosis. Education: More teenagers were finishing high school and attending college. California Master Plan—three tiers of higher education: research universities, state colleges, community colleges

youth culture, polio, penicillin

There were lots of labor strikes at the end of WWII. ___-_____ ____ outlawed the closed shop (you must be part of the union in order to get the job). This act allowed nonunion members to obtain jobs. Many labor unions started to lose momentum after WWII. ___ ____ ____desegregated the military. Truman wanted to create ___ ____ ___(which would strengthen existing New Deal reforms and establish new programs). He wanted to provide national health insurance, raise the minimum wage, and that every American was guaranteed equal rights. However Truman faced lots of opposition from Congress and not much was passed

Taft-Hartley Act, Executive Order 9981, The Fair Deal

America's industry had started to switch from peacetime to wartime thanks to __ ___ ___ __of 1940. However, the U.S. needed to step it up once they were in the war. The __ ____ ____ was established to help the switch. More agencies were created to organize the production effort. The __ ___ ___ _____supervised all these efforts The Production Miracle: The massive defense spending finally ended the Great Depression because almost every single American had a job. Unemployment went from 19% (1938) to 1.2% (1944). Each year the military raised its production goals and met those goals each time In 1944, American production was double all the Axis nations combined.

The Selective Service Act, War Production Board, Office of War Mobilization

____ ____ had worked on New Deal agencies and helped organize the UN. Chambers, who had previously worked for the Soviet Union, said that he had worked with this man in the past. Richard Nixon, a young member in Congress at the time, convinced other committee members that this man was guilty. This man was convicted for perjury and over time the truth of his crimes came out for being a ?

Alger Hiss, Soviet Spy

Huey Newton and Bobby Seale formed the ____ _____ ______ (1966-1970s). It was founded to challenge police brutality in African American communities. They organized armed patrols of urban neighborhoods to protect their communities against police. There was a lot of violent confrontation with police officers that resulted in death on both sides. This party also created antipoverty programs within their communities. Many showed up at the state capitol in Sacramento carrying shotguns and wearing leather jackets and berets. They were protesting attempts to restrict their rights to bear arms.

Black Panther Party

Many people moved to areas with wartime industries—Native Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans. During WWII, lots of food was needed, but many people had left the farms. New farming methods helped, but more workers were still needed. The _____ Program, which allowed Mexicans for a short-term to come to the U.S. and work the farms, was created to solve this problem. Tensions grew between Mexican Americans and White Americans. This led to the ___ _____ Riots in L.A. The local navy roamed the neighborhoods and attacked any Mexican Americans Who wore these suits. L.A. police arrested and jailed the victims instead of the attackers. Newspaper stated, "Zoot Suiters Learn Lesson in Fights with Servicemen

Bracero, Zoot Suit

The Axis Powers had violated the ___ _____ (1929). The convention was an international agreement governing the humane treatment of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war. 1,000 Japanese were tried and hundreds were condemned to death for the treatment of Chinese, Koreans, and other Southeast Asians. ____ ____—the Allies prosecuted Nazis for war crimes Some were sentenced to death while others received long prison sentences This helped support the establishment of ____ as a Jewish homeland.

Geneva Convention, Nuremberg Trials, Israel

James Meredith won his Supreme Court Case to attend the University of Mississippi (1962). The governor refused to allow the integration of the university. Meredith arrived on campus with federal marshals for protection. Federal marshals battled white protesters that evening. JFK spoke to the nation on T.V. that night telling them, "Americans are free. . .to disagree with the law but not to disobey it.". Governor _____ _____stood in front of the entrance of the University of Alabama in order to prevent two enrolled African American students from attending. He only decided to get out of the way once marshals threatened to physically remove him from the doorway. JFK spoke again stating that all Americans should have equal rights and opportunities

George Wallace

Progress: ____ ______had become the first African American Supreme Court Justice. ____ _____ ____ banned discrimination in housing. Pres. Johnson tried to use forced busing to integrate public schools but it didn't work. ________ ______: Pres. Nixon established and implemented affirmative action This policy takes into account one's color, race, sex, religion, or nationality in order to increase opportunities for an underrepresented part of society.

Thurgood Marshall, Fair Housing Act, Affirmative Action

Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the ______ _____. They became allies The U.S. passed the_____ ____ _____. It was a peacetime draft that required the training of 1.2 million active troops and 800,000 reserve troops EACH YEAR America gave Britain 50 WWI-era destroyers in exchange for 8 British defense bases

Tripartite Pact, Selective Service Act

1) For the first time, a president (_____) had sent U.S. troops into battle WITHOUT a congressional declaration of war (the Korean War) 2) The "domino effect" theory continued to spread This was the fear of one nation falling to communism would result in more falling to communism. 3) It led to increased military spending. 4) It led to the establishment of the ____ __ __ ___ (SEATO)--defensive alliance aimed at preventing the spread of communism

Truman, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

After WWII, The ____ ____ and ____ ___ both emerged as superpowers. Although the Soviet Union suffered terrible loses from the war, it still had the largest army in the world—called The___ _____. This army controlled most of Eastern Europe since WWII. Thanks to Stalin, the Soviet Union's industry was advancing very well. It was developing some of the best technology of the day. The tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which started right after WWII, resulted in The ___ ____ (1947-1991)—political hostility and tension between the U.S. And the Soviet Union without open warfare

U.S. and the Soviet Union, Red Army, Cold War

The ____ Conference: Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met here in Feb. 1945. They discussed the final strategy and crucial questions concerning postwar Germany, Eastern Europe, and Asia. Roosevelt and Churchill didn't press Stalin for more than vague promises. The _____ Conference: Truman, Atlee, and Stalin met in July 1945. Truman feared Stalin far more than FDR did. The Big Three agreed to divide Germany in to four parts: Soviet, American, British, French. Stalin agreed to new borders and free elections in Poland Stalin agreed to help fight against Japan. However, Stalin never fulfilled any of these promises.

Yalta, Potsdam

Each League member had to agree before any action could be taken. Therefore no action was taken and the League of Nations was essentially powerless. The League of Nations failed to do anything to stop Italy, Germany, or Japan from invading other nations. Britain and France decided to use the ________policy (conceding/giving power to the aggressor in order to prevent further conflict).


All "enemy aliens" had to register with the government, submit fingerprinting, and list their organizational ties. German, Italian, and Japanese immigrants were subject to what 5 things? However, once public fear subsided, Germans and Italians were removed from the enemy aliens list

arrest, deportation, travel restrictions, curfews, or held in camps.

Malcom X: Malcom struggled growing up and ended up in jail. While in jail, he converted to the Nation of Islam. This group prescribed strict rules of behavior and a separation of the races. Malcom X called for ______ ____and ___ ___ He was against the peaceful protests of MLK Jr. and wanted his followers to defend themselves by any means necessary. The "_____ ____" Movement: People were questioning nonviolence and integration It meant that African Americans should collectively use their economic and political abilities to gain equality. Many white Americans thought it meant black violence.

black pride and black nationalism, Black Power

Germany then decided to invade Poland on Sept. 1, 1939 with a massive _____(lightning war)--this started WWII. The Germans attacked from three sides using speed and firepower to penetrate the country. Germany used tanks and planes, followed by vehicles and infantry. Sept. 17—the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East. Germany continued to invade They conquered Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. Germany split France into two regions: Occupied France and Unoccupied France. Thankfully 70% of British troops that had tried to save France fled via Dunkirk


Many of the people in the internment camps were Japanese American citizens. Two cases were brought to the Supreme Court to declare that these internment camps were unconstitutional: Hirabayashi v. U.S. (1943) and Korematsu v. U.S. (1944) Both times the Supreme Court decided that the internment camps were _______ because they were protecting American citizens from harm. In 1988 the government offered an apology and $20,000 to each surviving internee. In addition, Japanese Americans couldn't join the armed forces until 1943 ____nd______ ___Team were the most decorated military unit in American history

constitutional, 442nd Regimental Combat

George F. Kennan, an expert on the Soviet Union, set up a blueprint to keep communism from spreading. This blueprint was known as ______ (containing communism). Kennan thought that the Soviet Union wouldn't risk expansion if it would cost Stalin his power. He also stated that containment wouldn't be a quick and easy fix. The __ _____ was established to provide economic health to Western Europe through grants and loans. Aid was also provided to Eastern Europe, but Stalin refused to accept it. The __ ___—political hostility and tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union without open warfare

containment, Marshall Plan, Cold War

The average American family now had twice as much income than in the 1920s. The Diner's Club introduced the first __ ___. Home appliances were at the top of the list. T.V.s were becoming household staples. Baby boomer children rushed home after school to watch their favorite shows—including Westerns. There were plenty of sitcoms about 1950s white suburban families who had minor problems that were solved at the end of each show. Advertisers had a new medium through which to sell their goods.

credit card

Many Americans believed that the U.S. involvement in WWI had been a deadly, expensive mistake. The rise of ____ made the sacrifice of WWI a joke. Americans were also focused on their own recovery from the Great Depression, Many Americans agreed that they needed to stay isolated, to stay out of WWII. The government passed The Neutrality Acts '35, '36, '37 in order to keep Americans from selling goods or loans to any country involved in the war


FDR wins his third term in office. He promised, "Your boys aren't going to be sent into any foreign wars". He gave a speech about the four freedoms: which were what? FDR wanted to protect these freedoms from the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan). Once reelected, Roosevelt pushed to continue to aid Britain. ___-____ ____ (1941)--FDR could provide any government with any defense article needed. He used this to provide war materials to Great Britain

freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear, Lend-Lease Act

Sept.1949—the Soviet Union now had atomic weapons. Truman wanted the Atomic Energy Commission to produce a ____ _______ which was stronger and more destructive than the atomic bomb. 1952—The U.S. tested its first hydrogen bomb. 1953—The Soviets tested their first hydrogen bomb. Some Americans supported Truman, they believed that the U.S. needed to have superior weapons to make sure the Soviets wouldn't attack. Other Americans were concerned that the tensions would escalate along with the growing number of weapons and this would result in warfare. The ___ _____ resulted in the concept of mutually assured destruction (enough nuclear warheads to destroy each country multiple times over) in the hopes that neither side would fire because then both sides would blow each other up

hydrogen bomb, Arms Race

WWII ended Western European domination of the world and ______. Since the 1500s, Britain, France, and Spain had colonized Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas. They had controlled world trade, finance, and military power. This all started to end after WWII. So many European nations were recovering from war that they couldn't provide funds or assistance to their colonies. They were just becoming too expensive to take care of Many colonies were granted freedom immediately, given semi-independent governments, or were promised freedom in several years. Other colonies were still left under full control of their weakened European rulers


After WWII, the government continued to spend money on war supplies for The Cold War. The result was new technologies and materials were utilized in goods for consumers. The Marshall Plan enabled a higher demand for U.S. goods in Western Europe. Demand for consumer goods increased Businesses had to hire more workers. More workers bought more goods. The U.S. produced about 50% of the world's total output after WWII At the same time, there was a postwar ____ (the price of goods went up, but not people's salaries)


WWII had many scientific advances: make things faster, deadly, more accurate. They mass produced ____ (which had become a wonder drug to cure many diseases). They found easier ways to store ___ ____ (which reduced the lethal effect of shock from severe blood loss). They developed synthetic fabrics, like ____, for Parachutes. The new deadliest weapon of all will be invented by the end of the war—___ _____ ___

penicillin, blood plasma, nylon, the atomic bomb

1956—Poland and Hungary revolt. They both wanted more ______ and ___ ____. Although the revolt was put down, Poland won greater control of their government, but remained with the Warsaw Pact. Hungary attempted to abolish the one-party system This was too much for the Soviets and their revolt was put down without any gains.

political and economic freedom

Japan sought raw materials through conquest. They wanted to force the West out of the reason that Japan didn't like that the U.S. controlled Guam and the Philippines. Furthermore Japan wanted to create a "new order in East Asia" with them as the center. What 3 things did the US do in retailation?

sent loans and other aid to China to help them fight Japan, froze Japan assets in U.S. banks, blocked exports of vital resources to Japan like oil

The U.S.'s steps to Germany's recovery: Step 1: Disassemble Germany's war-making capacity Step 2: Restore Germany's economy The U.S.'s steps to Japan's recovery: Step 1: Disband Japan's empire and military Step 2: Reintroduce democracy New constitution with a parliamentary government Bill of Rights with emperor in a ceremonial role Step 3: Rebuild the economy Deconstruct, then rebuild Japan's economy Step 4: 1951 Japan was restored to full _____(independent authority)


In 1964, the ____th Amendment had banned the poll tax, but that wasn't enough. The ____ ____ ____ of 1965: This act banned literacy tests and empowered the federal government to oversee voting registration and elections in states that had discriminated against minorities

24th, Voting Rights Act

Korea is attached to the northeast of China. It is separated by the Yalu river. After WWII, Korea had been divided into two independent countries. The North was occupied by the Soviet Union and the South was occupied by the U.S. The ___ _____ divided the communist North and the noncommunist South. 1949—the U.S. left South Korea, Mao Zedong became leader of China, and North Korea invaded South Korea

38th parallel

The ____ ___—a joint declaration between the U.S. and Great Britain that set out a vision for the postwar world, along with an international system of "general security" and peace. The U.S. escorted armed ships to Iceland where Britain would then escort them to Europe. Germany took notice and tried to sink American ships again

Atlantic Charter

The "Ideal" American Family: Men were the providers and women raised their children. Children needed to be spoiled and nurtured from a young age. Parents spent way too much on their children and teens. Organized religion regained high popularity. "In God We Trust" was added to the dollar bill and "under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance. The _____ were discontent with postwar America They refused to give up their individualism to conform to society's uniformity They hated that advertising was molding public tastes Rebellious spirit and youthful defiance


Berlin was located in East Germany, yet the city was split into West and East. Stalin decided to blockade food and materials from entering West Berlin. His hope was to starve West Berlin into joining him and communism. The U.S. couldn't let this happen, so it developed the __ __. American and British pilots dropped food and materials into West Berlin consistently for almost a year until Stalin gave up. It demonstrated that Stalin could be contained if Western nations were prepared to work together and use force.

Berlin Airlift

June 25, 1950—North Korean forces invaded South Korea. Within days Seoul, South Korea's capital, was captured. The UN supported Truman's lead. Truman ordered American troops stationed in Japan to move into South Korea and only retreated along the South Koreans. By Sept. 1950, the UN forces were ready to counterattack. By October 1950, North Korean troops had retreated past the 38th parallel (this was the line that separated the two Koreas). 1951-1953—stalemate with a few skirmishes. Eisenhower ran for president and promised to end the war if he was elected. He ended up being elected president and he did end the Korean War. The 38th parallel was reinstated as the dividing line between the Koreas. To this day North Korea is communist and South Korea is democratic. This war was the first war by proxy of the __ _____ This means that the Soviet Union and the U.S. supported an opposing side of the conflict without actually entering the conflict themselves

Cold War

On ____ _,______FDR gave a speech to Congress asking for a declaration of war on Japan. Between the House and the Senate—only one didn't vote for a war. Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. because of the Tripartite Pact. Congress in turn declared war on Germany and Italy. Who were the main 4 Allied Powers? Who were the main 3 Axis Powers?

December 8, 1941, (U.S., Britain, France, and the Soviet Union); ( Germany, Italy, and Japan)

Victory against fascism abroad and victory against discrimination at home for African Americans was called? There were "hate strikes" in defense plants that hired African Americans or upgraded them to typically "white" positions. A. Phillip _____ had successfully organized an all-black trade union. He fought tirelessly for equal rights for African Americans. He warned FDR that he was going to lead a march on Washington unless laws were put in place to end discrimination in the workplace. FDR knew it wasn't good timing for a large protest like this, so he passed Executive Order _____ This order banned discrimination in all federal agencies and unions engaged in war related work. Many African Americans served in the armed forces, but most didn't see combat because of segregation and racism.

Double V, Randolph, 8802

Pres. Truman created the ___ _____ _____ ____ (1947)--the FBI and the other government agencies to screen federal employees for signs of political disloyalty. The Attorney General compiled a list of "totalitarian, fascist, or subversive organizations". Any American who supported these organizations were singled out, labeled "security risks," and lost their jobs ____ ___—illegal to teach or advocate violence to overthrow the U.S. government Anyone in Hollywood who had suspected ties to communism were ______ (no one would hire them)

Federal Employee Loyalty Program, Smith Act, blacklisted

The ________ ______: Eisenhower announced that the U.S. would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism. These nations could also request economic assistance. Eisenhower also used the ______ ______ _____ (CIA) (an intelligence-gathering organization) for covert missions overseas to protect American interests. The CIA secretly helped replace communist leaders with anticommunist leaders in Iran and Guatemala

Eisenhower Doctrine, Central Intelligence Agency

Japanese immigrants and Japanese American citizens were still considered disloyal and were deemed a threat. Feb. 1942—FDR issued ____ ___ ____ It designated that certain areas had become war zones and anyone living in these zones could be removed for any reason. By Sept.--100,000+ Japanese were forced to sell their property and take only necessary items with them. Internment camps were created not only for the Japanese but for German and Italian Americans and immigrants as well

Executive Order 9066

1950s-Women in the work force doubled. Many of them worked part time to help their families. Fewer farmers were growing more food thanks to improved technology and chemical pesticides. ___ ___—where one company distributes its products and services through retail outlets owned by independent operators—were on the rise. McDonald brothers created a new restaurant that focused on efficiency, low prices, high volume, and quick service. They were one of the first fast food service ____ _____ emerged These were companies who produced and sold their goods and services all over the world. They also established branches abroad.

Franchise businesses, Multinational corporations

Summer of 1964 is called ___ ____. 1,000 volunteers, mostly black and white students, flooded to Mississippi to do what? Even before they had arrived, three civil rights workers had gone missing. They had been murdered and their bodies had been hidden. The FBI was called in to look for and retrieve the bodies. However the new volunteers weren't afraid and continued to head South

Freedom Summer, register African Americans to vote.

Interstate transportation is federal law rather than state law because it crosses state lines. "______ _____"--riders set off on two different buses from D.C. defying segregationists codes during their trips. African Americans sat in the front of the bus and used "white" restrooms at bus stations throughout the South Southerners weren't very happy about this at all. In Alabama one of the buses was bombed and the second was attacked by a white mob. No one was killed but many people were severely injured Some ambulances refused to carry the injured Black Americans to the hospitals.

Freedom ride

After WWII ended, soldiers were worried about finding jobs, supporting their families, and wanting life to go back to the way it was before the war. The __ ___ _ ____ granted veterans a variety of benefits. It provided a year of unemployment pay for soldiers who couldn't find work. Those who decided to attend college received financial aid. Veterans also received loans for building homes and starting businesses. The __ ____ also started at this time It was a 27% growth in the American population from between 1940-1955

GI Bill of Rights, baby boom

By the end of WWII—the _______ had become the largest and most powerful political civil rights organization in the nation. A team of these attorneys, led by ____ ____, pursued a legal strategy to challenge the legality of segregation in the courts. _____ __ _____ ___ ______--"separate but equal" were no longer constitutional. Brown II (1955)—desegregating the U.S. must begin immediately. The South refused and the KKK was revived.

NAACP, Thurgood Marshall, Brown v. Board of Education

The U.S. pushed to establish two economic actions. They also provided financial assistance of over 7 billion dollars to start both these organizations. The ___ _____ ____ is an organization in which over 190 countries participate. The goals are to secure world financial stability, encourage international trade, sustain economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world The ___ ____ provides developmental assistance to middle and low-income countries. The goal is to reduce poverty in the developing world The U.S. also pushed and supported The___ ___ ___ ____ ___ (GATT) which expanded world trade by reducing tariffs

International Monetary Fund, World Bank, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Stalin made all the key decisions to make the communist country run smoothly. Stalin's Red Army already occupied most of Eastern Europe and parts of Germany Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, eastern portion of Germany became satellite states (formally independent, but have heavy political, economic, and military presence from another country). The Soviet Union was gaining more control by installing communist governments and police states. Individual freedoms, politics, and religion were taken away The ___ _____ was established. This wasn't a real curtain but a name given to the invisible line of communist Europe vs. Democratic Europe. ___ _____was Pres. Truman's promise to aid nations struggling against communist movements. Congress supported his decision with $400 million dollars to help Greece and Turkey combat communism.

Iron Curtain, Truman Doctrine

When the Civil War ended, the fight for Civil Rights really began. It was during Reconstruction when all African Americans were now free from slavery. Black Americans were fighting ___ ____ Laws (legal segregation laws) in the South and __ _____Segregation (cultural segregation) in the North 1896—Plessy v. Ferguson (separate but equal was legal). Many Black Americans joined the Progressive Movement in the fight for equality. This was the era of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. This was also when the NAACP started. 1920s—The _____ ______ showcased African American culture and their music, jazz, became the music of the decade. 1930s—Social, cultural, and ethnic divides lessened because a lot of men worked alongside it each other in the ____ ____ Programs 1940s—the ____ __ _____ ____ (CORE) was formed to end discrimination. They believed that nonviolent protests like sit-ins in segregated places would end this discrimination. 1947—Jackie Robison was the first African American major league baseball player 1948—Truman desegregated the military

Jim Crow, De Facto, Harlem Renaissance, New Deal, Congress of Racial Equality

Operation __ ____ was Hitler's plan to invade Britain. Germany's air force needed to take out the British Royal Air Force. "The ____"--Germany bombed civilian and military targets for a month long. The British held on and Germany decided to postpone The invasion of Britain and move on to other targets

Sea Lion, blitz

Eastern Front: ____was brutal in war. They attacked without declaring war. They were cruel and merciless. They bombed China and raped and slaughtered the Chinese Western Front: Hitler believed that there was no morality in war—only victory and defeat. He instructed his generals to be ruthless and merciless,


The Treaty had created a lot of tension and hostility among the nations who fought in WWI. ______ and _____were on the winning side of the war, yet they didn't receive the land that they wanted or felt they deserved. Furthermore both countries were struggling economically from the Great Depression. The people weren't happy with their current governments. Japan became a ___ _____ ruled by Tōjō Hideki. Italy became a _______ government (one political party, one ruler, government controls everything) run by Benito Mussolini

Japan and Italy, military dictatorship, fascist

There were race riots in LA., Newark, Detroit. Previously race riots had been conducted by white Americans trying to keep black Americans in "their place". This time these race riots were conducted by black Americans. There was utter chaos, fires, and looting and over 40 people died. There was more than $50 million dollars worth of property damage. Pres. Johnson established the ____ ______(1967) to determine the cause of the riots. Long-term racial discrimination was the main cause. The commission recommended expanding federal programs to overcome the problems in the cities. Johnson didn't have money to support these programs because it was all going towards the Vietnam War. "Billion Dollar Urban Investment Program" was created by the private sector (individual businessmen and companies). They provided assistance for low- and moderate-income housing and job creation.

Kerner Commission

Education had been a local and state matter. Little Rock would be the first integrated school in Arkansas. Nine black students volunteered to be the first ones to attend. On the first day of school they were shouted at, spat on, and threatened with violence. Pres. Eisenhower didn't urge the immediate desegregation of schools, but he had to uphold the Supreme Court's decision. He sent in federal troops to protect the ____ _____ __ ____ _____ ___of 1957—established the Civil Rights Commission and gave it the power to investigate violations of civil rights. The U.S. Attorney General could file lawsuits that addressed violations of civil rights.

Little Rock 9, Civil Rights Act

Before Japan invaded China in 1937, there was a civil war Nationalist Jiang Jieshi vs. Communist ___ ____. They temporary joined together to fight Japan Once WWII ended, the civil war continued. Although America supported the Nationalist Jiang Jieshi, the Communist Mao Zedong took over China and became its new leader.

Mao Zedong

Protesters wanted the federal government to enact voting rights legislation. They decided to march 54 miles from Selma to Montgomery to see the governor himself and explain to him why they needed more protection under the law in order to safely vote, called the ____ _____ _____(1965). When they crossed over the Edmund Pettus Bridge, state and local police officers were waiting for them. Once the protesters reached the end of the bridge, the officers attacked. They beat the protesters with clubs, sticks, whips, and rubber tubes covered in barbed wire and tear gas was used on them. Many people were seriously injured and killed. This horrific scene was watched later that evening on national television. Everyone saw how the peaceful protesters were treated that day. Pres. Johnson addressed the American people saying that, "it is wrong to deny any of your fellow citizens the right to vote."

March on Selma

Truman spent money on troops, ships, tanks, artillery. Eisenhower spent money on stockpiling nuclear weapons and ways to transport them to the enemy. ___ ____—the U.S. would respond to communist threats to its allies by threatening to use crushing, overwhelming force, perhaps even nuclear weapons. Stalin died on March 5, 1953. Nikita ______ became the new leader of the Soviet Union July 1955—he and Eisenhower met in Geneva. Nothing significant came from this meeting The Soviet Union still wouldn't allow free elections in any of its satellite states. It still wanted to spread communism wherever it could.

Massive retaliation, Khrushchev

______—a practice of making accusations of undermining the government or treason, especially when related to communism, without any proper evidence. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy said that the State Department was infested with communist agents. He said he had a list of State Department employees who were secretly communists, but he never produced it. McCarthy had a very selfish reason for his furthering the Red Scare. After reelected, the next four years gave McCarthy a huge amount of power. McCarthy put together any accusation that sounded good, although it couldn't be proven. If McCarthy accused you, you could lose your job. When one case faded, McCarthy "discovered" another one. The Senate decided to hold televised hearings. It was the best thing the Senate could have done because Americans witnessed the cruelty of McCarthy. By the time the hearings ended in mid-June, McCarthy had lost all of his support


Germany: The Nazi Party rose to power during the Great Depression. Germans started to think that the Nazis had the answers to their problems—particularly Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler wrote ___ ____ explaining how Germany could return to power and who was to be blamed for all of Germany's struggles. The Soviet Union: The Soviet people were struggling even after leaving WWI. They went from Lenin to Stalin as their leaders. Their economy was struggling and their people were hungry Stalin did modernize _____, which helped a little. He wanted to make the Soviet Union a powerful nation again

Mein Kampf, industry

Japan quickly seized more land in Southeast Asia and the western Pacific. Step 1: The Battle of_____ (turning point in the war) Step 2: The Battle of ______ (one of the Solomon Islands) (1st American offensive) Step 3: ___ --____ (only taking over several islands on your way to your goal instead of attempting to take all the islands). ___ ____(the codes kept the Japanese from figuring out which island they would attack next) Step 4: the U.S. bombs Japanese home islands. Step 5: the U.S. drops an atomic bomb in Hiroshima killing 80,000 people instantly Step 6: the U.S. drops an atomic bomb in Nagasaki killing 40,000 people instantly For both of these bombs, tens of thousands more would die of radiation exposure. These cities were decimated Step 7: V-J (Victory in Japan) Day August 15, 1945

Midway, Guadalcanal, Island-hopping, Navajo Codes

Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger and was arrested. Through her actions, she was chosen to become an image of nonviolent protest. Civil rights activists called for all Black Americans to refuse to ride buses in protest of segregated busing, called the ____ ______ ____. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke at a meeting of the Montgomery Improvement Association. It was time to protest nonviolently

Montgomery Bus Boycott

.The Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 didn't permit the U.S. to aid any country when WWII broke out. ____ ___ ____ ______ allowed a cash-and-carry provision (allowed foreign nations to pay cash for war materials and then come and pick it up themselves). Many Americans were upset by FDR's pro-Allies position They were worried it would lead the U.S. into war again Things grew more intense after _____ was defeated. Edward Murrow's reports from London brought the war to life in American homes

Neutrality Act of 1939, France

Although Hitler and Stalin had made a pact at the beginning of the war, Hitler never intended to keep it. As soon as he was finished conquering Western Europe, Hitler went to conquer Eastern Europe. Step 1: Get the Axis Powers Out of the Soviet Union Step 2: Invading Italy from conquered North Africa Step 3: Bomb Germany Step 4: Open a Second Front in _____ (June 6, 1944— ___-____ AKA ____ _____ began) Step 5: V-E Day (Victory in Europe)

Normandy, D-Day, Operation Overlord

The __ ___ ____ ___ (NATO) (1949) was formed to provide a military alliance to counter Soviet expansion. The members agreed that "an armed attack against one or more of them. . .shall be considered an attack against all of them." This was collective security ___ ____ (1955)—the rival military alliance between the Eastern European countries

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Warsaw Pact

WWII cost Americans $330 billion dollars. Congress levied a 5% tax to help raise funds. Americans also bought war bonds. Consumer products became scarce. The fewer products made, the higher prices would be. This would lead to inflation. ___ ____ ____ ____—had the authority to control wages and set maximum prices. _______—limiting the amount of certain goods that Americans could buy. Profiteers manipulated the rations to create a "black market"

Office of Price Administration, Rationing

___ __ ___ ___worked with the media to encourage the war effort. It spotlighted common needs, minimized racial and economic divisions, and downplayed problems of Poverty and crime. Movie stars and singers volunteered their time selling war bonds and entertaining troops. Pop culture of the time reflected American fears and their contributions to the war effort. Casablanca—this movie captured the wartime drama. A hit song during the time was ""Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B" by the Andrews Sisters. Captain America, created by Marvel comics, was born

Office of War Information

The Second ___ ____ (1940s-1950s). It started after WWII, when the fear of the Soviet Union, Stalin, and the Cold War really started to grow. Americans became afraid that communism would spread into the U.S. and take over our democracy. They started to distrust each other—anyone could secretly be a Soviet spy! In reality there weren't that many Soviet agents and only a few were higher up moles in the government. The vast majority of government workers were loyal to the U.S.

Red Scare

1931—Japan invaded Manchuria 1935—Italy invaded Ethiopia 1936—Germany sent troops into the _____ 1936-1939—Germany and Italy supported fascists in the Spanish Civil War 1937—Japan invaded China 1938—Germany annexed Austria 1938—Germany demanded ______ (part of Czech Republic)

Rhineland, Sudetenland

After Mussolini took over Ethiopia, Hitler wanted to make an alliance with him. Italy and Germany formed an alliance known as the ___-____ ___ Hitler realized he didn't want a war on two fronts: East and West. Hitler decided to become allies with the Soviet Union, even though Nazis and Communists hated each other. This agreement was called the __-_____ ____ ___ Hitler was happy because they could invade Western Europe knowing that the Soviets wouldn't attack them Stalin was happy because he received power, secure borders, and a portion of Poland (after Germany invaded it)

Rome-Berlin Axis, Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

The ____were a poor husband and wife pair who lived on the lower east side of Manhattan. Klaus Fuchs was charged with sending atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. Through his investigation, this couple was discovered to have done the same thing. After 26 months on death row, they were electrocuted in 1953. Years of debate followed the executions. Years later, the Venona Papers were released. These papers revealed the names of many Americans who spied for the Soviet Union. This included Hiss and the this couple.


The Soviet Union and the U.S. wanted to be the first ones in space. This was important to show their strength, their power, their technology advances, and to develop ways to spy (through satellites) and potentially send missiles through space. October 1957—the Soviet Union launched _______ 1 November 1957—they launched a bigger satellite with a dog inside. In response, Congress passed the ____ ____ ____ ___to create more scientists and science teachers National Aeronautics and Space Administration (_______) (1958)- It coordinates space related efforts of American scientists and the military. The ____ _____ was beneficial for average citizens because they were able to obtain scratch-resistant lenses, artificial limbs, insulin pumps, free-dried food, wireless headsets, camera phones, baby formula, memory foam, workout machines, LEDs, and much more!

Sputnik, National Defense Education Act, NASA, Space Race

Sit-in at Woolworth's. African Americans ordered donuts and coffee but the waitress refused to serve them. They continued to sit there until they were served. They sat at Woolworth's until it closed. Then they went home and came back the next day and the next day. Each day, more and more people joined them in their sit-in. They were successful and segregation ended at Woolworth's diner. This protest sparked multiple sit-ins and marches all across the U.S. to end segregation. There were "wade-ins" at public pools and "read-ins" public libraries. ______ _____ _____ ____(SNCC) (grass-roots movement that utilized Black Americans from all classes) They also helped with these demonstrations

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

The _____ was the southern and western states. From the 1950s-1990s—there was a mass migration of Americans to this region. There were many factors that brought Americans to that area: A) Booming industrial economy B) Rapid city growth C) Growth of the aerospace and electronic industries D) Air Conditioning E) Latinos and Mexican Americans moved from rural areas to cities There were also many effects from the Sunbelt Migration: A) Political power shifted B) more traffic jams, pollution, water shortages C) open lands became homes, schools, roads After WWII, the U.S. was shifting to a ___ _____ More people were employed in the service sector than in manufacturing. Many of the new jobs were in the information industries including the people who first built and operated computers

Sunbelt, Postindustrial Society

Aug. 28, 1963—March on Washington: More than 200,000 people from all walks of life showed up to march. They marched from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. There was music, entertainment, and many speakers. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the final speaker that day. He gave his famous "I Have a Dream Speech". ___ _____ ____ __ of 1964: Nov. 22, 1963—Pres. John F. Kennedy was assassinated Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson became president Johnson said, "No eulogy could more eloquently honor President Kennedy's memory than the earliest passage of the civil rights bill for which he fought so long." Although there was southern opposition, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was finally signed into law in July of that year. ____ _____ _____ __of 1964: prohibited discrimination in jobs, in public areas, in federally funded programs, in desegregating schools, and in enforcing voters' rights

The Civil Rights Act, The Voting Rights Act

What organization investigated possible Anti-American activities by fascists, Nazis, and/or communists? They had highly publicized hearings. The most famous hearings targeted the movie industry. The most people they put on trial were communists or had been previously. The _____ ____ were a group of left-wing writers, directors, and producers who pleaded the 5th. Many of them were sent to prison, fined, and/or couldn't work in Hollywood again. Before the HUAC, Hollywood created films about controversial topics. Now, Hollywood was terrified to do anything that might be misconstrued as communist

The House Un-American Activities Committee, Hollywood Ten

In April 1945 delegates from 50 nations met to write the charter for the __ ____ which resides in New York City. Its purpose is to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, promote social progress, living standards, and human rights. The U.S., The Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China had permanent seats on the Security Council. These means that they are leaders and the most powerful members of the UN. Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt represented the U.S. at the UN. She helped draft the ___ __ ___ __ ___. Over the next few decades, the UN set up a refugee agency to help people displaced by the war. Domestic Impact: The U.S. had been supporting isolationism on and off since its founding in the 1700s. It isolated itself before WWI and after WWI (1920s-1930s). Many Americans really started to become aware of how interconnected everything was During WWII, the power of the presidency continued to increase. FDR received broad powers to conduct the war through the __ ___ ___ of 1941 and 1942

United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, War Powers Acts

___ ____ became the leader in mass producing suburban homes. He built entire rows of homes using the same floor plan Houses could be built in weeks rather than months. Federal and state governments constructed thousands of miles of highways that linked suburbs to cities called the _____ ___ ___ New suburbs had to establish their own communities Cities were no longer needed for shopping and entertainment

William Levitt, Interstate Highway Act

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