WTS English Bible Exam

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In Job 42:11 we see that the _______ brought the evil on Job.


Psalm 117 is the _________

(shortest Psalm)

What was created on each of the 6 days in Genesis 1:1-28?

1 - Light separated from darkness 2 - Sky separated from sea 3 - Land separated from sea, vegetation, plants created 4 - Sun, moon and stars created 5 - Sky and sea animals created 6 - Land animals and man created 7 - God rested

In what chapter is David anointed King?

1 Chron. 11

Where in 1 Chronicles are David's wars recorded?

1 Chron. 18-20

Samuel dies in which chapter of 1 Samuel?

1 Sam. 25

In what chapter is the call of Samuel found?

1 Sam. 3

What are the pastoral epistles?

1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus

How many righteous people were left when God promised Abraham he would spare the cities?

10 (18:22)

Where is Melchizedek found in the Psalms?


How many minor prophets are there?


How many spies were there?

12 (13:4-15)

How old was Hezekiah's son when he began to reign?

12 (21:1)

How old was Moses when he died?

120 (34:7)

What is the "late" date for the Exodus?

1260 BC

What books are included in the Pauline epistles and how many are there?

13 Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon

When was the first translation of the Bible made into English, and by whom?

1382, Wycliffe

When was Genesis written?


When was Exodus written?

1448 BC

What were the names of the spies that brought back a positive report?

14:37-38 Joshua Caleb

What are the two nations that Lot fathered?

19:37-38 Moabites Ammonites

Who were Eli's two sons?

1:3 Hophni Phinehas

How many Censuses are in Nubmers

2 (Num. 1; Num. 26)

Where is the actual dedication ceremony of the Temple recorded?

2 Chron. 7

Where is the repair of the Temple found in 2 Kings?

2 Kings 12

Which chapter records the death of Elisha?

2 Kings 13

In which chapter is the fall of Israel found?

2 Kings 17

In which chapter of 2 Kings are Josiah's reforms recorded?

2 Kings 23

In what chapter does David bring the ark of God to Jerusalem?

2 Sam. 6

In what chapter do we find God's covenant with David?

2 Samuel 7

Which Psalms point us most directly to Christ?

2, 8, 16, 22, 40, 41, 45, 68, 69, 72, 89, 102, 109, 110, 118

What were the names of their sons?

25:25-26 Esau Jacob

How many books in the NT?


What were the names of Jacob's wives?

29:22, 28 Leah Rachel

How many books in the OT?


How long did Eli serve Israel as a judge over the nation?

40 years (1:18)

How long did Solomon rule over Israel?

40 years (9:30)

How long did David rule over Israel?

40 years total, 7 in Hebron and 33 in Jerusalem over all Israel (29:26-27)

How many sacrifices are listed in Leviticus and what are they?

5 - burnt, grain, peace, sin, guilt (Lev. 1-5)

When is Pentecost celebrated?

50 days after Passover

What was the date for the Fall of Jerusalem?

586 BC

How many feasts are mentioned in Leviticus? What are they?

6 - Passover, Firstfruits, Harvest, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Booths (Lev. 23)

When did Paul go to Rome?

60 AD

How many books in the Bible?


How many cities of refuge were there?

6; 3 beyond the Jordan and 3 in Canaan (35:14)

How many people were chosen as elders?

70 (11:16)

How many people made up the Sanhedrien?

71 (70 + high priest)

What is the date for the fall of Samaria?

722 BC

What were Samuel's sons names?

8:2 Joel Abijah

How old was Abraham when he was circumcised?

99 (17:24)

What is the apocrypha?

A collection of 13 Jewish words from 300 BC - 70 AD. It means hidden things.

What is the Septuagint?

A greek translation of the Hebrew bible. It means 70, for 70 scholars who translated it.

What did the people of Israel begin to ask for?

A king (8:4)

What was Melchizedek besides a king?

A priest to the most high God (14:18)

What did Darius find that compelled him to continue the rebuilding effort in Jerusalem after local leaders questioned the validity of this decree in chapter 5?

A scroll with in the fortress of Ecbatana with Cyrus' decree (6:1-12)

How did Syria find out about the prophet of Israel who could heal their commander?

A slave girl (5:2-3)

Who was the father of Nadab and Abihu?

Aaron (10:1)

Who is Moses' brother?

Aaron (Num. 26:59)

Who does David marry in chapter 25?

Abigail (25:39)

Who became king of Judah after Rehoboam?

Abijah (13:1)

Who was the parable of the trees about?

Abimelech his brother (9:16ff)

Who was the leader of Saul's army when David became King?

Abner (2:8)

Describe the process of God making a covenant with Abraham

Abraham took a heifer, a goat, a ram, and cut them apart and spread them, he took a dove and a pigeon and rang there neck. He kept the birds away, then fell asleep, God passed through them as a pot and a flaming torch.

Whose sin caused them to lose at Ai and what was that sin?

Achan for stealing things (silver and a cloak) devoted to destruction (7:20)

Outline Genesis

Adam (1-5) Noah (6-11) Abraham (12-23) Isaac and family (24-36) Joseph (37-50)

Outline the genealogies found in chapters 1-9.

Adam to Esau (1:1-54) The sons of Israel (2:1-2) The tribe of Judah (2:3-4:23) The tribe of Simeon (4:24-43) The Transjordan tribes (5:1-26) The tribe of Levi (6:1-81) Other northern tribes (7:1-40) The tribe of Benjamin (8:1-40) The resettlement of Jerusalem (9:1-34) The genealogy of Saul (9:35-44)

The discourses between Job and his friends are found in chapters 4-31. How is it that Job's friends answer him?

Affliction because of sin (8:20, 36:6) Affliction because haven't helped needy (36:13) Affliction to chasten (5:17-18)

Why did Saul sin against the word of the Lord?

Afraid of the people (15:24)

When, canonically speaking, was Joshua written (i.e. what is the setting of the book?)

After the Exile, recording the transition from Moses to Joshua as Israel's new leader guides Israel to rest in the Promised Land.

Who did Jehoshaphat make a marriage alliance with?

Ahab king of Israel (18:1)

Who was the priest in this town?


Who was to be circumcised and how old did one have to be?

All males on the eighth day (17:12)

How many of the Psalms are Messianic?

All of them point to Christ, however, some are explicitly clear in being so: 2, 22, 110, 118

What were the boundaries of Solomon's Kingdom?

All the kingdoms from the Euphrates to the land of the Philistines to the border of Egypt (4:21a)

What did the returnees rebuild first?

Altar of God of Israel (3:2)

What nations did Israel have to pass through to get from Kadesh to the plains across from Jericho?

Ammon Moab Edom

What was the first enemy nation Saul defeated as king (chapter 11)?


List the furniture in the Tabernacle?

Ark of the covenant (26:10-22) Altar of incense (30:1-10) Golden Lampstand (26:31-40) Table for Showbread (26:23-30) Bronze basin (30:12-21) Bronze altar (27:1-8)

Which king let Nehemiah return to Jerusalem?

Artaxerxes (13:1)

Under the edict of which king did Ezra return to Jerusalem?

Artaxerxes (7:11, 21)

What test did the Gileadites give to those who wanted to cross the Jordan to see if they were Ephraimites?

Asked them to pronounce Shibboleth (Judg. 12:6a)

When was Moses' wish granted for everyone to be filled with the Spirit?

At Pentecost

Trace the journey of the Ark of the Covenant as found in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel.

At Shiloh (1 Sam. 3) Philistines captured it for 7 months (1 Sam. 4) Ark to Gath (1 Sam. 5:8-9) Ark to Ekron (1 Sam. 5:10-12) Ak returned with guilt offering to Beth-Shemesh (1 Sam. 6:10-15) Lord kills 70 men for looking in the ark (1 Sam. 6:19-21) Men at Kiriath-jearim take the ark to Abinidab, stays for 20 years (1 Sam. 7:1-2) Saul command Ahijah to bring the ark to the war camp (1 Sam. 14:18) David starts moves the ark to Jerusalem (2 Sam. 6:2-5) Lord strikes Uzzah dead (2 Sam. 6:6-7) David takes ark to Obed-edom's house for 3 months (2 Sam. 6:10-11) David brings ark to Jerusalem and places in a tent (2 Sam. 6:12-17) Zadok brings ark to David, sends it back to Jerusalem (2 Sam. 15:24-25) Zadok and Abiathar carry ark back to Jerusalem (2 Sam. 15:29)

Was it good or bad that they did not drive out all the Canaanites?


What prophet was called to curse Israel?

Balaam (22:4-6)

Who hired Balaam?

Balak King of Moab (22:4-5)

What jeering insult did the young boys from Bethel chant at Elisha?

Bald-head, they were eaten by bears (2:24)

What did Elisha tell Naaman to do?

Bathe in the Jordan seven times (5:10)

What was the battle lost by Israel? Where is this recorded in the book of Joshua?

Battle at Ai (Josh. 7:4ff)

Why did the completion of the wall make the surrounding nations afraid?

Because God helped them (6:16)

Why did the women's singing make Saul jealous of David?

Because they sung that David was more mighty of a warrior than Saul (18:8)

Of which tribe was Saul a descendant?

Benjamin (9:1)

What did Jacob name the place he saw the ladder?

Bethel (28:19)

What is the date/setting of the book of Judges?

Between Joshua's death and Samuel and Saul's rise

List the 10 plagues

Blood (7:20) Frogs (8:6) Gnats (8:17) Flies (8:24) Cattle dying (9:6) Boils (9:10) Hail (9:23) Locusts (10:13) Darkness (10:22) Death of firstborn (12:29)

Outline the Psalms

Book 1 (1-41) Book 2 (42-72) Book 3 (73-89) Book 4 (90-106) Book 5 (107-150)

What other titles is the Pentateuch known and why?

Books of Moses - primary author Books of the Law - contain Laws given by God to Moses Torah - Jewish name for law

What did Melchizedek serve Abraham?

Bread and wine (14:18)

What was the altar of the Temple made out of?

Bronze (4:1)

How were the poor Jewish people being oppressed?

Brothers were charging them interest (5:6-13)

How did King Ahab die in Chronicles?

By a random bow that struck between the "scale armor and the breastplate" (18:33-34)

In which chapter does Eli anoint Saul as king of Israel?

Chapter 10:1

In what chapter does Samuel give his farewell address?

Chapter 12

At the dedication ceremony of the wall, Nehemiah appointed two great ______ that gave thanks.

Choirs (12:31)

Who is the final fulfillment of the prophet to take Moses' place?


Who is Melchizedek a type of?

Christ (Hebrews 5-7)

When Israel crossed over the Jordan and camped at Gilgal what were the first two things that they did?

Circumcised the people (5:2) Celebrated the Passover (5:10)

What was the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham?

Circumcision (17:10)

What did Samson carry from Gaza to Hebron?

City gates (Judg. 16:3)

Why does Elihu rebuke Job?

Claiming he is righteous

What piece of clothing did Elijah leave for Elisha?

Cloak (2:14)

What is the canonical setting of 1 Chronicles?

Concerned with David's rise to the throne and reign as King of Israel, written as Israel began to return post-exile

Reading the Law of God moved the people to do what in chapter 9?

Confession of sin (9:2)

What was the judgment on the people at the tower of Babel?

Confusion of languages

What is the cause of Hannah's grief in the opening chapter?

Couldn't have children and was being ridiculed by Elkanah's other wife (1:8)

Outline the book of Joshua

Crossing into the land (1-5) Taking the land (6-12) Dividing the land (13-21) Serving the Lord in the land (22-24)

What command of God were they violating by building the tower?

Cultural mandate (Gen. 1:28)

List the Persian kings in Ezra

Cyrus Darius Artaxerxes

Outline of Ezra

Cyrus decree (1-2) Rebuilding the temple (3-6) Ezra returns and establishes Mosaic law (7-8)

What is the canonical setting of Ezra?

Cyrus' decree of 538 BC that freed the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple

Which king reigned after Cyrus?

Darius (4:5)

Who did Jonathan love as his own soul?

David (18:3)

Whose line or descendants is at the center of the genealogy of Judah?

David's (3:1-24)

What does God promise David?

David's offspring will establish his kingdom after he dies (7:12) and the offspring will build God's house (7:13)

2 Samuel outline

David's reign over Judah (1-4) David's reign over all Israel (5-12) Absalom's rebellion (13-19) David numbers the people (20-24)

What are the key themes of 1 Chronicles?

Davidic covenant Temple Israel as God's people

What is the central theme of 1 Chronicles?

Davidic covenant is the foundation and promise of Israel's lfie and hope

What happened to Judah after the death of Josiah?

Declined until exile (36)

What is Hannah's vow?

Dedicate him to the Lord with no razor (1 Sam. 1:11)

What happened because Ahab and Jehoshaphat would not listen to the prophet Micaiah?

Defeated and King Ahab died (18:33-34)

What is the name of the woman who convinced Samson to tell him the secret of his strength to betray him?


Outline of Esther

Deliverer of the Jews is crowned (1-2) Extermination of the Jews is planned (3-4) Enemy of the Jews is killed (5-8) Victory of the Jews is celebrated (9)

What specific commands did God give Israel regarding the battle they were to fight in the Promised Land?

Destroy every person (6:17, 21) Not to keep anything for themselves (6:18) Destroy ever creature with the sword (6:21) All gold and silver was to go in treasury (6:19)

What Chapter in Deuteronomy do you find the prophecy about a prophet who will take Moses place?

Deut. 18:18

In what chapter do you find the covenant curses?

Deut. 27:15-26

What chapter is primarily devoted to listing blessings for covenant obedience?

Deut. 28:1-14

In which chapter and book do you find the following text: "For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say, 'Who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?' Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, 'Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?' But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it."

Deut. 30:11-14

In which chapter and book do you find the following text: And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face, none like him for all the signs and the wonders that the LORD sent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land, and for all the mighty power and all the great deeds of terror that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.

Deut. 34:10-12

What Chapter is the following verse found: "For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God"; Where is it quoted in the New Testament?

Deut. 4:24; Heb. 12:29

In what Chapter is the following verse found? What is it called? "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."

Deut. 6:4-5; The Shema

Which other book of the Bible highly influences 1 Kings historical portrayal of events?


What did Israel not do when it came to taking Canaan?

Did not drive out all the Canaanites (17:13)

When these adversaries were told they could not help rebuild the Temple what did the do?

Discouraged the people of Judah and made them afraid (4:4)

What are the key themes of Esther?

Divine providence Human responsibility Absurdity of wickedness

What is the significance of the long list of names found in chapter 2?

Documents exiles return to resettle their ancestral land

What did Elijah say would happen to King Ahab as a result of the vineyard incident?

Dogs would like up his blood (21:17-19)

What is the major overall theme of the book of Judges?

Downward spiral of Israel's national and spiritual life which led to apostasy from God. Need a godly king.

What does King Hezekiah do that shows his remorse and repentance?

Dresses in sackcloth and goes into the Temple of the Lord (19:1)

How did Esther end up in Persia?

Due to Israel's exile

What was the mountain from which the curses were shouted?

Ebal (27:13)

Which mountain were the people to build an altar?

Ebal (27:4)

On which mountain was the altar built at the covenant renewal?

Ebal (8:30)

Moses instructed the people of Israel when they entered the Promised Land to stand on what two mountains and shout out the blessings and the curses of the covenant?

Ebal and Gerizim (27:11-14)

God gave Israel the victory and Samuel set up a stone which he named?

Ebenezer (7:12)

What nation told them they could not pass through, making Israel go around it?

Edom (20:18)

Which one became the high Priest when Aaron died?

Eleazar (3:2)

Who are the other 2 sons of Aaron?

Eleazar and Ithamar (10:6)

Who was the priest that spoke to Hannah, who told Hannah that the Lord would grant her petition?

Eli (1:12-17)

Outline the book of 2 Kings

Elisha (1-8) The end of Israel (9-17) Hezekiah (18-20) Mannasseh (21) Josiah (22-23) The end of Judah (24-25)

Who asked Elijah for a double portion of his Spirit?

Elisha (2:9)

How does 1 Kings begin?

End of David's reign as King (1:1-4)

Who walked with God, and was not, for God took him?

Enoch (5:24)

What specifically did Uzziah's pride lead him to do?

Enter the temple to burn incense (26:16)

What did Moses do to heal the people from snake bites?

Erected a bronze serpent on a pole (22:8)

The two sons became fathers of what 2 nations?

Esau - Edom (25:29-31) Jacob - Israel (32:28)

What does Jonathan help David do?

Escape from King Saul

What verse is the strongest reference for God's providence?

Esther 4:14 "For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

Were Samuel's sons righteous like he was or evil?

Evil, they perverted justice (8:3)

In what chapter does the Passover take place?

Ex. 12

In what chapter do the Israelites cross the Red Sea?

Ex. 14

Where do you find the following verse? Where is it referred to in the New Testament? "Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."

Ex. 19: 5-6; 1 Pet. 2:9

In what chapter do you find the three feasts mentioned?

Ex. 23; Lev. 23

In what chapter is the story of the burning bush found?

Ex. 3

In what chapter is the story of the golden calf?

Ex. 32

In what chapter do you find the following verse? What precipitates this event? "The LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. The LORD passed before him and proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation." And Moses quickly bowed his head toward the earth and worshiped."

Ex. 34:5-8. Moses requesting to see God's glory (33:18)

What is the purpose of Deut. 4:24 and Heb. 12:29, referring to God being a consuming fire?

Exhort to proper worship.

Which are post-exile books in the history books of the OT?

Ezra Nehemiah Esther

Who read the Law to the people?

Ezra (8:1)

What does the name Penniel mean?

Face of God

What are the major themes of Ezra?

Faithfulness to the Lord in worship and keeping the Mosaic Law God's providential working, even through evil kings Exiles as God's remnant and "holy race" (9:2, 8)

Which feast did Israel discover they should observe as they read the Law?

Feast of Booths (8:13-18)

What happened to Eli the priest when he learned the Ark of the Covenant had been captured?

Fell backwards, broke his neck and died (1:18)

What is the meaning of Pentecost literally in the Greek?

Fiftieth (day)

On which day did Israel assemble to hear the Law read and explained?

First day of the seventh month (8:2)

The Psalter is divided into how many sections or books?


What was the purpose of the cities of refuge purpose?

For accidental manslaughter to flee for safety (35:11)

What NT book and chapter makes an argument based on the word seed, singular, and that Christ is the promised seed?

Gal. 3:16

What NT book used the son of Sarah's hand-maiden and Sarah's son as an allegory of the contrast between the two covenants?

Gal. 4

What did the father of the bride do when Samson didn't marry his daughter?

Gave her to his best man. Sampson then burned down his grain field. (Judges 15)

What did the Levites do as the Law was read?

Gave the sense, explained/interpreted what was read (8:7,8)

In what chapter is the tower of Babel?

Gen. 11

In what chapter is the call of Abraham found?

Gen. 12

What did God promise Abraham in the call and the covenant he made with him?

Gen. 12:1-3 A great name To be a blessing to the nations Numerous descendants Land

In what chapter in Genesis do we find the story about Melchizedek?

Gen. 14

In what chapter did God make a covenant with Abraham?

Gen. 15

In what chapter is it commanded?

Gen. 17

Where do we find the image of God?

Gen. 1:26-28

Where do we find the cultural mandate?

Gen. 1:28

In what chapter is the birth of Isaac found?

Gen. 21

In what chapter did Abraham offer up Isaac as a sacrifice?

Gen. 22

What is the proto-euangelion, the first prophetic picture of Christ?

Gen. 3:15 - the promise of the seed that will crush the serpent's head

In what chapter is the following verse found and what is its significance? "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples."

Gen. 49:10. It refers to Judah who is in the line of Christ

In what chapter is the following verse found? "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

Gen. 50:20

In what chapters do we find Noah and the flood?

Gen. 6-9

Name the sons of Noah

Gen. 6:10 Ham Shem Japheth

1 Chronicles outline

Genealogy of the tribes (1-9) David's Rise to Power (10-12) Ark goes to Jerusalem (12-16) Davidic promise (17) David's wars (18-20) David's Census (21-29)

What books make up the Pentateuch?

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

What did God tell Moses to do to help him govern the people?

Get elders full of the Spirit to help (11:16-18)

What people deceived Joshua and Israel into making a covenant with them?

Gibeonites (9:3)

Where is Saul officially made the king of Israel?

Gilgal (11:15)

List the three major discourses found in the book of Job.

God and Satan (1-2) Job, his friends and Elihu (3-37) God and Job (38-42)

Why did David finally take the ark into Jerusalem?

God blessed the house of Obed-edom (6:12)

What happened to Uzzah for touching the ark of God?

God killed him (6:7)

What is God's response to this desire?

God would build David a house (7:11)

What are the key themes of 1 Samuel?

God's kingship God's providential guidance God's sovereign will and power

What was the name of the Philistine giant/champion? Where was he from? How tall was he?

Goliath of Gath, over 9 feet tall (17:4)

What are the divisions of the NT and how many books are in each section?

Gospels (4) History (1) Pauline epistles (13) [pastorale - 3] General epistles (8) Revelation (1)

What was Nehemiah's role within the Jewish community?

Governor (8:9)

What does synoptic mean?

Greek meaning "the same" or "like view"

What was the name of Sarah's servant?

Hagar (16:1)

Which two prophets restart the rebuilding efforts?

Haggai Zecharaiah son of Iddo (5:1)

Which of the minor prophets are post-exile?

Haggai Zechariah Malachi

Elijah wore a garment of and a belt of?

Hair (1:8) and Leather (1:8)

What happened to Absalom as he met David's army?

Hair caught in tree (18:9)

Who was the father of the Canaanites

Ham (9:22)

Which of his sons did Noah curse?

Ham (9:24)

Who was Samuel's mother and father?

Hannah (1:20) Elkanah (1:19)

Where did Abraham's father die?

Haran (11:32)

Where was Abraham living when he was called?

Haran (12:4)

Why did King David desire, humanly speaking, to build a house for God?

He lived in a house of cedar but the ark was in a tent (17:1)

What were the results of Jephthah's vow to God for defeating the Ammonites?

He sacrificed his only daughter (11:34)

Why did Noah curse one of his sons?

He saw his father's nakedness (9:22)

What sin did Moses commit that God forbade him to go into the Promised Land?

He struck the rock instead of speaking to it, not believing in God (20:12)

What was Moses' response when he was told about the elders prophesying in the camp?

He wanted more of them like that, everyone to be filled with the Spirit (11:29)

Why was David not allowed to build the Temple of the Lord?

He was a man of war and blood (22:8)

What was King David's response to Uzzah's death?

He was angry and afraid, not willing to bring the ark to Jerusalem (6:8-10)

What was wrong with this descendant of Saul?

He was cirppled in his feet (9:3)

Why did Saul's daughter Michal despise king David?

He was dancing and rejoicing in the streets as the ark was carried into Jerusalem (15:29)

How did David respond to Absalom's death?

He was deeply grieved (18:33)

After getting over his anger, Naaman did as the prophet Elisha instructed him to do. What happened when he did?

He was healed (5:14)

Why could Samuel not find Saul when he went to introduce him as King to Israel?

He was hiding in the baggage (10:22)

How did King Ahab die?

He was struck by a random arrow between his armor (22:34)

What was unique about the way Elijah's life ended?

He was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire and whirlwind (2:11)

hat distinguished Saul from the rest of the people

He was taller (10:23)

Why did Elihu hesitate to speak to Job and his friends?

He was younger

What vow did Jephthah make to God if he won victory over the Ammonites?

He would sacrifice the first thing that met him when he returned home (11:30)

What book are included in the general epistles?

Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude

Give 3 NT texts that speak of the authority of Scripture.

Hebrews 1:1-2 2 Tim. 3:16-17 2 Pet. 1:19-21

Where is Melchizedek found in the NT?

Hebrews 5-7

Where was David anointed King?

Hebron (2:3-4)

What was the inheritance given to Caleb?

Hebron (Josh. 14:13)

As Samuel grew older, who did he make judges over Israel (his replacements)?

His sons (8:1)

What are the books from Joshua to Esther called?

Historical books

What did the priest give to David?

Holy Bread/the Bread of the Presence (21:6)

What is the other name given to Mt. Sinai?

Horeb (33:6)

What are the Minor prophets?

Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi

Where was each one's primary place of ministry?

Hosea - Israel Joel - Judah Amos - Israel Obadiah - Judah Jonah - Israel Micah - Judah Nahum - Judah Habakkuk - Judah Zephaniah - Judah Haggai - Judah Zechariah - Judah Malachi - Judah

Who was the last king of the northern kingdom of Israel?

Hoshea (17:1)

Outline Exodus

In Egypt (1-12) In Wilderness (13-18) Sinai (19-23) Instructions for worship (24-40)

Where did Solomon build the Temple?

In Jerusalem on Mt. Moriah (3:1)

What is the canonical setting of Esther?

In Persia during Israel's exile

How is King David portrayed in 1 Chronicles that differs from the account found in Kings?

In an idealistic way

Which sin does Nehemiah address as the book comes to a close?

Intermarriage (13:23-27), like Ezra

Which of the major prophets are pre-exile?

Isaiah Jeremiah

What books are known as the major prophets?

Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel

What are the Prophetic Books?

Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi

Which famous prophet reassures King Hezekiah?

Isaiah (19:1-7)

What was the name of the child Hagar bore with Abraham?

Ishamel (16:15)

Which son of Abraham was circumcised first and how old was he?

Ishmael at 13 (17:13, 25)

What did the king of Ammon give as the reason he fought against Israel?

Israel took away his land (Judg. 11:13b)

What is the significance of this story of the Levite and his concubine?

Israel was as bad or worse than Sodom and Gomorra

What do Nehemiah, Ezra, and the Levites teach about the first day of the week?

It is holy to the Lord (8:9)

Why is the rebellion of Sheba important?

It shows that there was conflict between the north and south within Israel before the nation officially split in two under Solomon's reign.

Why is the genealogy at the end of the book so important?

It ties into the line of David, and shows God to be true to his promises

What brook did Jacob cross and wrestle with God?

Jabbok (32:22)

What weapon did Samson use to defeat 1,000 Philistines?

Jaw bone of a donkey (Judg. 15:15-16)

What is Solomon's second name?


Which King of Judah repairs the Temple in 2 Kings?


Who was Joash's chief adviser?


1 Kings ends by discussing two kings, one good (a) and one evil (b). Who are these two kings?

Jehoshaphat (good) (22:41ff) Ahaziah (evil) (22:51ff)

Who led a rebellion that divided Israel?

Jeraboam (12:16ff)

What significant New Testament event also occurs at the Jordan River?

Jesus is baptized in the Jordan river (3:13)

Who became Moses' father in law?

Jethro (3:1)

Who devised a plan to get King Ahab the vineyard he wanted?

Jezebel (21:7)

Who was the leader of David's army?

Joab (24:2)

What are the wisdom books?

Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon

In what chapter do we find this verse? "For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth."

Job 19:25

The final line of which chapter is "The words of Job are ended"?

Job 31

Where do you find the story of the bronze serpent referred to in the New Testament?

John 3

Where do you find Jesus having a discussion about this topic and with whom?

John 4:19-24, the woman at the well

David wanted to show kindness to the descendant's of the house of Saul for ______'s sake.

Jonathan's (9:1)

Whose son was this descendant?

Jonathan's (9:6)

What river did Joshua lead Israel over in order to enter the Promised Land?


At what important river was Elijah's successor anointed with the spirit?

Jordan (2:14)

Where is this verse found? And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Josh. 24:15

What were the two mountains on which the covenant was renewed after the second battle of Ai?

Josh. 8:30ff Ebal Gerizim

Who was the immediate fulfillment of the prophet to take his place?


Which books are sometimes referred to as the former prophets?

Joshua Judges 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings

Which are pre-exile books in the history books of the OT?

Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles

Where does Rahab appear in the book of Joshua?

Joshua 2

Where is the following verse located in the book of Joshua and why is it important: The Lord said to Joshua, "Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you."?

Joshua 3:7. Joshua is the new leader of Israel appointed by God to replace Moses.

Where is the story of the Gibeonites and their deception found?

Joshua 9

During the reign of which Southern King was the book of the covenant found and after hearing it read this King reestablished the passover and appointed priests?

Josiah (34:8-21)

Under which king's reign was the Book of the Law rediscovered?

Josiah (34:8-21)

Who told the parable of the trees?

Jotham the young son of Gideon (9:7)

What is the name of the man who used the prostitute that was his daughter in law?


Of which tribe was David the King?

Judah (2:3-4

Which of the twelve tribes of Israel is given the first and most extensive space in the Chroniclers genealogy?

Judah (2:3-4:23)

What kinds of reforms did King Jehoshaphat make?

Judicial and religious reforms (19)

Which king ruled when Judah was defeated by Syria?

King Ahaz (29:1-5)

Who is the main character of 1 Chronicles?

King David

Who did Hezekiah show all that was in his house?

King od Babylon (20:12ff)

What did Melchizedek's name mean?

King of righteousness (Heb. 7:2)

What was the result of this disobedience?

Kingdom was torn from him (15:27-28)

Who was Saul's father?

Kish (9:3)

Who rebelled against Moses and Aaron in Numbers?

Korah (16:1-2)

Who was Jacob's father-in-law?

Laban (27:16)

What did Jacob dream of when he fled his brother?

Ladder to heaven with angels going up and down (28:12)

What is the most common type of Psalm?


Which of the major prophets are post-exile?

Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel

What are the different types of Psalms scholars have identified?

Laments Hymns of praise Hymns of thanksgiving Hymns celebrating God's law Wisdom psalms Songs of confidence Royal psalms Historical psalms Prophetic psalms

What is the vulgate?

Latin translation by St. Jerome at end of 4th century.

What does the Pentateuch mean?

Latin word for 5 books

What was Ezra's area of specialty?

Law of Moses/Torah (7:6)

What happened when Israel was gathered together at the Water Gate?

Law was read to all who could understand (8:2)

What was wrong with this man?

Leaprosy (5:1)

How does the book of Nehemiah begin?

Learning those who survived the exile, confesses their sin and prays for forgiveness (1)

What chapter is the account of Nadab and Abihu?

Lev. 10

What chapter of Leviticus lists the clean and unclean foods?

Lev. 11

Where is the following verse found? "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life."

Lev. 17:11

What is the key verse in Leviticus?

Lev. 19:2 - Be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.

In what chapter is the Sabbatical year commanded and explained?

Lev. 25 (hint: Christmas is the 25th)

What chapter is the year of Jubilee prescribed?

Lev. 25 (hint: Christmas is the 25th)

In what chapter is the ordination of Aaron and his sons?

Lev. 8

What were the two stones called on the breast plate of the high priest?

Lev. 8:8 Urim Thummim

What tribe was Moses and his siblings from?

Levi (Num. 26:59)

As 1 Chronicles moves on from Judah to the other tribes of Israel, who now takes the central place?

Levites (6:1-81)

Who supervised, at the appointment of Zerubbabel and Jeshua, the rebuilding of the Temple?

Levites who were 20 years old and upward (3:8)

How did Nehemiah personally respond to this oppression?

Lived on less then allowed and was generous (5:14-19)

What happened to Jeroboam during the reign of Abijah?

Lost the war to Judah, lost 500,000 men and died (13:17-22)

What was Abraham's nephew's name who travelled with him?

Lot (12:5)

Where in the NT are we called on to remember Lot's wife?

Luke 17:27-37

Why was Saul's defeat of the Ammonites important?

Made Saul the de facto king

What were the names of Joseph's sons?

Manasseh Ephraim

Who was Hezekiah's son?

Manasseh (20:21)

Who followed Hezekiah as King of Judah?

Manasseh (32:33)

Where does Tamar's name appear in the NT?

Matt. 1 the genealogy of Christ

Where does Jesus summarize the 10 commandments?

Matt. 22:37-40; Mark 12:28-31

Where is the Shema quoted in the NT?

Matt. 22:37-40; Mark 12:28-31; Luke 10:27

Where does Jesus say he fulfills the 10 commandments?

Matt. 5:17; Luke 24:44

What are the divisions of the Gospels?

Matthew, Mark, Luke (synoptic) John

What is a Canon?

Means measuring stick. It is what the Holy Spirit has inspired that God's people have recognized as his word.

Where did King Josiah die?

Megiddo (23:29)

What king blessed Abraham?

Melchizedek (14:18-19)

Who was left in the house of Saul that he showed kindness to?

Mephibosheth (9:6)

Who was the oldest man in the Bible?

Methuselah at 969 years (Gen. 5:27)

When Ahab tried to entice Jehoshaphat to go up to Ramoth-gilead which prophet told them the truth of the situation?

Micaiah (18:7)

Which prophet told King Ahab about the vision of the lying spirits in the mouths of Ahab's prophets'?

Micaiah (22:19-23)

Who looked out her window and saw David bringing the ark of God into Jerusalem?

Michal (6:16)

In chapter 18 who does David marry?

Michal, Saul's daughter (18:17)

When Moses fled Egypt, where did he go?

Midian (2:15)

Who is Moses' sister?

Miriam (Num. 26:59)

In 1 Samuel 10:17, where did Samuel call the people together?

Mizpah (10:17)

In what city did Samuel lead Israel in battle against the Philistines?

Mizpah (7:7)

How is the Davidic Covenant expressed in 1 Chronicles?

Monarch and the Temple (1 Chr. 17:10b-14)

What is the canonical setting of 1 Kings?

Monarchy of ancient Israel beginning with David's reign ending and Solomon's reign beginning

Because Esther's parents had died ____________ was her protector/guardian.


What is the main even in Deuteronomy?

Moses giving the law a second time

Where was the parable of the trees told?

Mt. Gerizim (9:7)

On what Mt did Moses die?

Mt. Nebo (32:11)

Where are the people of Israel camped in Leviticus?

Mt. Sinai (27:34)

Who was the commander of Syria's army?

Naaman (5:1)

In chapter 25, who does David send men to greet as he is shearing his sheep?

Nabal (25:4-5)

Whose vineyard did King Ahab want?

Naboth (21:1)

What is the name of Jeroboam's son who reigned in his place when he died?

Nadab (14:20)

Outline Ruth

Naomi widowed, ruth stays (1) Ruth meets boaz (2) Threshing floor (3) Boaz redeems Ruth (4)

Which king of Babylon captured Jerusalem?

Nebuchadnezzar (24:10)

Outline of Nehemiah

Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to rebuild wall (1-2) The wall is built (3-7) Record of returnees and renew of covenant (7-10) Population of Jerusalem (11-12:43) Nehemiah addresses community problems (12:44-13)

Why did King Ahab hate Micaiah?

Never prophesied good about Ahab (18:7)

Does Moses make it to the Promised Land?


Did Josiah's reforms keep the nation of Judah from facing God's judgment?

No because of Manasseh (23:26)

List the 10 commandment

No other gods Make no idol No taking name in vain Remember the Sabbath Honor father and mother No murder No adultery No stealing No bearing false witness No coveting

Did Manasseh continue the work of his father Hezekiah?

No, he did evil (21:1-17)

Where did David end up when fleeing Saul?

Nob (21:1)

Though a main theme in the Book is God's Providence, in which chapter does the Book of Esther mention the name(s) of God?


In Judges 2 the angel of the Lord condemns Israel for not doing two things. What did Israel fail to do?

Not make covenants with the inhabitants of the land (2:2) Break down their altars (2:3)

Who were the two elders who continued to prophesy in the camp?

Num. 11:26 Eldad Medad

In what chapter are the spies sent into the land of Canaan?

Num. 13 (hint: draw 13 so it looks like spyglasses)

What chapter in Numbers do you find the story of the bronze serpent?

Num. 21

In what chapter do you find the cities of refuge?

Num. 35

Who were the sons of Aaron?

Num. 3:2 Nadab Abihu Eleazar Ithamar

Which sons of Aaron were killed because they offered up strange fire?

Num. 3:4 Nadab Abihu

In which chapter do you find the Priestly Benediction

Num. 6:23-26

List the books of the Bible spelled correctly

OLD TESTAMENT: Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi NEW TESTAMENT: Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrew James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation

Where did King David take the ark before Jerusalem?

Obed-edom's house (6:11)

What is God's covenant promise in chapter 17?

One of David's offspring would build God a house and God would establish this one's throne and kingdom forever

In chapter 5 what is Nehemiah greatly concerned about?

Oppression of the poor (5:6-13)

Which judge was the brother of Caleb?

Othniel (3:9)

What is the canonical setting of the book of Job?

Outside of Israel at the same time as the patriarch

Why did Uzzah reach out for the ark of God?

Oxen stumbled (6:6)

Which major event had not been celebrated since the "days of the Judges"?

Passover (23:21-23)

What did he name the place (locate on a map)?

Penniel (32:20)

List the 6 divisions of the OT and how many books are in each division

Pentateuch - 5 History (pre-exile) - 9 History (post-exile) - 3 Writings - 5 Prophets (major) - 5 [pre-exile - 2] [post exile - 3] Prophets (minor) - 12 [pre-exile - 9] [post-exile 3]

By what other name is the feast of the Firstfruits called?


What NT event reverses this judgment and where is it found?

Pentecost (Acts 2)

Upon his return from visiting King Artaxerxes, what did Nehemiah find in Jerusalem?

People were not giving their tithes and were working on the Sabbath (13:10-18)

What was the name of Tamar's first born twin?


What country did Esther live in?


What did God do to the people of Israel in response to David's census?

Pestilence that killed 70,000 (21:14)

Who killed King Josiah?

Pharaoh Neco in battle (23:29)

Which familiar enemy came looking for David after he was anointed King over the entire nation of Israel?

Philistines (5:17ff)

In 1 Samuel 4, who defeats Israel? What was the result?

Philistines. Lost the ark (1:2, 11)

Where is Moses told to go to view the Promised Land?

Pisgah (Deut. 3:27)

What does this reveal about the meaning of the Temple?

Place and means of God's presence with his people

How did King David respond to God's covenant?

Prayer of gratitude (7:18-29)

Towards the end of his reign, what sin was Hezekiah guilty of?

Pride (32:24-31)

Outline Job

Prologue (1-2) Dialogue (3-42:6) Epilogue (42:7-17)

Why is it important that the priests and Levites be organized correctly (2:36)?

Proper worship is being restored

What office did Samuel exercise within the nation of Israel?


How did Samson avenge the Lord?

Pulled the two main pillars down at the temple of Dagon

Which feast did not require the Jews to travel to Jerusalem to celebrate it?


Who did Esther replace in the royal court?

Queen Vashti (2:17)

In chapters 38-41, when God addresses Job, what does God say to Job?

Questions job about his knowledge of all things.

Who was the prostitute who hid the spies in Jericho?

Rahab (2:1, 6)

Who was Isaac's wife?

Rebekah (24:67)

How does Job answer his friends?

Rebuts all charges by saying: He is righteous He has helped the needy Chastening needs this much suffering?

As a result of Saul's disobedience, the Lord said what about the king?

Regrets making Saul as king (15:11)

Who became king after Solomon?

Rehoboam (11:43)

Who took the throne after King Solomon died?

Rehoboam (9:31)

Why did the ten northern tribes revolt and make Jeroboam their king instead?

Rehoboam would not decrease the heavy tax of Solomon (10:4-19)

What is the outline of 1 Kings

Reign of Solomon (1-11) Divided kingdom (12-14) Abijam and Asa (15) Nadab to Adab (15-16) Elijah and Ahab (17-22)

What did Samuel say their desire for a king was?

Rejection of God (10:19)

How did David and the house of Israel arrive with the ark of God in Jerusalem?

Rejoicing (6:12), sacrificing (6:13), shouting and sounding a trumpet (6:15)

Why is it significant that the Israelites camped over the Jordan they were circumcised and celebrated Passover?

Reminder that God's covenant was still in place.

What is at the heart of Josiah's reforms?

Renewal of the covenant with God (23:2-3)

What did Israel do in chapter 10?

Renewed the covenant

What did King Joash decide to do?

Repair the temple (24:1-14)

What is one of the most significant ways that Ezra led the people once he arrived in the land and sought to be reconciled with God?

Represented and interceded for the people (9:5-10:17)

2 Chronicles 36:22-23, the last two verses of the book (Cyrus' proclamation to build God a house), show that Israel was ____ after the exile.


List the 12 sons of Israel?

Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Asher Dan Gad Issachar Naphtali Zebulun Joseph Benjamin

List the 12 tribes of Israel?

Reuben Simeon Manasseh and Ephraim (Levi) Judah Asher Dan Gad Issachar Naphtali Zebulun Joseph Benjamin

What two tribes settled in the land of Gilead?

Reuben and Gad (Num. 32:33)

Outline the book of Deuteronomy

Review (1-11) Remember (12-34)

Give a more thorough outline of Deuteronomy

Review (1-11) Way from Sinai (1-4) Way by the Law (5-11) Remember (12-34) Rules and injunctions (12-26) Live or die (27-29) Farewell (30-34)

Because Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge to lead God's people what did God also give him?

Riches Possessions Honor

Outline the book of Judges

Roots of Israel's apostasy (1-3:6) Downward spiral of Israel's apostasy (3:7-16) Depths of Apostasy (17-21)

What is the Hebrew name for the feast of Trumpets?

Rosh Hashanah

What transition officially takes place with this address?

Ruled by a king instead of judges

When the Temple was finished, what was the main activity of the dedication ceremony?

Sacrifice (6:16-18)

What did Solomon and the people do first at this ceremony?

Sacrificed before the Lord (7:4)

Where was Melchizedek from?

Salem (14:18)

Which people group built their primary place of worship on Mount Gerizim?


Who opposed Nehemiah's rebuilding work?

Sanballat (2:19)

In addition to carrying the Ark of the Covenant, what else did the Levites do as the Ark was carried into Jerusalem?

Sang and provided music (15:16)

Who enticed David to take a census of his people?

Satan (21:1)

What happens in 1 Samuel 9?

Saul is anointed king (9:16)

What does the Greek translation of Deuteronomy mean?

Second law

Which Assyrian King launched a major attack against Israel while Hezekiah was king?

Sennacherib (18:13)

Who invaded Judah after Hezekiah instituted all of his reforms?

Sennacherib, king of Assyria (32:1)

What is the canonical setting of Nehemiah?

Sequel to Ezra covering the same time period, after decree of Cyrus in 538 BC, focuses on wall, and covenant obligations.

What did Solomon ask for and God provide as Solomon prepared to build the Temple of the Lord?

Servants/the woodsmen (2:10)

What was Michal's response to King David? Why did she have this response?

She despised him in her heart (6:16). Thought David had dishonored himself while dancing he uncovered himself (6:20)

In what city was Rehoboam made king of Judah?

Shechem (10:1)

Where did Joshua gather the elders for his final address and covenant renewal?

Shechem (24)

In what city did Hophni and Phinehas serve as priests?

Shiloh (1:3)

Where did they go each year to offer sacrifice to the Lord?

Shiloh (1:3)

Where did the Lord reveal himself to Samuel?

Shiloh (3:21)

What two kings did Israel defeat?

Sihon King of the Amorites (21:21-24) Og King of Bashaan (21:33-35)

Outline Numbers

Sinai; Census (1-9) to Kahesh; discontent; grumbling (10-19) Journey to Moab (20-36)

What weapon to David use to defeat Goliath?

Sling and a stone (17:50)

Why did God reduce the number of men in Gibeon's army?

So that Israel would not boast (7:2)

Where did Lot choose to live when Abraham and he separated?

Sodom (13:12)

Who did David charge to build the Temple of the Lord?

Solomon (22:6-19)

2 Chronicles outline

Solomon and the temple (1-2) Solomon beyond the temple (8-9) The kingdom of Judah down to the exile (10-36)

What is the canonical setting of 2 Chronicles?

Solomon's reign to the exile

Who is this offspring spoken of in chapter 7?

Solomon, but ultimately Jesus Christ

Besides King David, who are the other authors named in the Psalter?

Sons of Korah Asaph Solomon Moses Anonymous

What kind of sound was mixed with the joyous shouts that accompanied the laying of the foundation of the Temple of the LORD?

Sounds of weeping (3:12)

After the battle at Gibeon, which half of Canaan was conquered next?

Southern (Josh. 10)

1 Samuel outline

Story of Samuel (1-7) Transition to the Monarchy (8) Story of Saul (9-15) Story of Saul and David (16-31)

What was Ezra's heart set on?

Studying the Law of the Lord, doing it and teaching it (7:10)

What is the Hebrew name for the feast of Booths?


What miraculous event happened at Gibeon that allowed Israel to keep fighting?

Sun stood still (Josh. 10)

Who happened to the household of the one who rebelled against Moses and Aaron in Numbers?

Swallowed up into the earth (16:32)

What are Matthew, Mark Luke and John known as?

Synoptic gospels

What is the name of the daughter-in-law who posed as a prostitute and bore a son by her father in law?


Who was the father of Abraham?

Terah (11:26)

What did Isaiah tell Hezekiah would happen because he showed this nation all that was in his house?

That all in his house would be carried to Babylon (20:17)

Mordecai told Esther not to reveal what to the King?

That she was a Jew (2:20)

What did the letter written to King Artaxerxes claim?

That they were a rebellious people and would not pay taxes (4:11-16)

When Solomon had finished building the Temple what did he bring into the Temple?

The Ark of the Covenant (5:2-14)

Who stirred up Cyrus to make a proclamation for the Jews to return home?

The Lord (1:1)

What does the name given to this stone, Ebenezer, mean?

The Lord has helped us (7:12)

Outline Leviticus

The Lord is Holy (1-10) The people of God in holiness (11-27)

Give a deeper outline of Leviticus

The Lord is Holy (1-10) What to offer to God (1-5) How to offer to God (6-7) Who may offer to God (8-10) People of God in holiness (11-27) Outward purity (11-16) Inward purity (17-27)

What Jewish governing body in the New Testament's origin goes back to this event of choosing elders?

The Sanhedrien

How does the book of Judges describe Othniel?

The Spirit of the LORD was upon him (3:10)

After the wall was finished, where did all the people assemble together?

The Water Gate (8:1)

What sign did God perform to confirm Moses, Aaron and the tribe of Levi leadership?

The budding almond staff (17:6-8)

What is the canonical setting of 2 Kings?

The divided kingdom to the fall of Judah

What is the Pentateuch?

The first 5 books of the bible

What filled the Temple?

The glory of the Lord (5:14; 7:1)

What did Hezekiah use to pay this king?

The gold from the temple of the Lord (18:16)

What titles are the prophetic books sometimes given?

The latter propets

In chapter 31 Job asks God to look at his actions and try him. By claiming that he has not looked at a woman or laid in wait at his neighbors door, Job looks forward to ____?

The law/10 commandments

Which group within Judah advised Rehoboam to lift the heavy tax burden?

The older wise men (10:5-7)

How did Gideon reduce the number of soldiers and how many were there?

The ones who lapped like dogs stayed (7:5b-6). 300.

What is the canonical setting of 2 Samuel?

The reign of king David

How does 2 Chronicles present Manasseh?

The repentant King (33:10-20)

What riddle did Samson tell during his wedding feast to a philistine woman?

The riddle of the lion and the honey (Judg. 14:14)

What did Shishak, the king of Egypt, take when he came up against Jerusalem?

The treasures of the house of the LORD and the gold shields which Solomon made (12:9)

Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to rebuild what?

The walls (2)

Where did Moses commit the sin that God forbade him to go into the Promised Land because of?

The waters of Meribah (20:13)

Where did Israel wander because they refused to trust God and take the land?

The wilderness of Zin (27:14)

Which group advised Rehoboam to make the tax burden even greater ("add to their yoke")?

The young foolish men (10:8-11)

Which group of advisers did Rehoboam listen to?

The young men (10:12-16)

Why could Solomon now build the Temple, whereas his father, King David, was not able to build the Temple of the Lord?

There was peace (5:3-5)

What did the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin do when they learned that the exiles had returned to rebuild the Temple of the LORD?

They asked to help claiming they worshipped the same God (4:2)

In chapters 32-37, why does Elihu rebuke Job's three friends?

They condemn Job but can't answer his arguments

What does Micaiah tell Ahab about his prophets?

They have a lying spirit (18:21-22)

What happened to those elders when God's spirit came upon them?

They prophesied (11:25)

Why was Israel exiled (why did they fall)?

They served other gods (17:7, 12)

Why are they called the pastorale epistles?

They were written to individuals and not entire churches, they deal with qualifications for church leadership

Why did the tribes of Israel rise up to battle against Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh?

Thought they had erected a non-sanctioned altar (22:10ff)

What is the setting of the book of Ruth as revealed in the opening of the book?

Time of the Judges (1:1)

What advice did his father give him when Israel was in the wilderness?

To appoint leaders to help him judge the people (18:21)

What did David desire to do that led to this covenant?

To build a house for the ark (7:1-3)

When David's army, led by Joab, fights Israel's army led by Absalom, what was David's request of his troops?

To deal gently with Absalom (18:5)

What was the Urim and Thummims purpose?

To discern the Lord's will (28:30)

Why did Hezekiah show his possessions to this enemy nation?

To establish peace and security in his day (20:19)

Why did Saul and go see Samuel?

To find some donkeys (9:3, 6)

Why did the people build the tower?

To make a name for themselves (11:4)

What did King David appoint Asaph and his brothers to do on the day the ark of God was carried into Jerusalem?

To sing thanksgiving (16:7)

When is the canonical setting of 1 Samuel?

Transition from judges to a king

Why were Eli's two sons worthless?

Treating the offering with contempt

How did Job responding to the suffering of chapters 1 and 2?

Trust and blessing God

What does Saul's jealousy toward David lead him to do?

Try to kill him by throwing a spear at him (18:11)

In how many places do you find the 10 commandments listed in the Old Testament?

Two (Ex. 20; Deut. 5)

What was inside the Ark of the Covenant?

Two tablets Moses put their (5:10)

Who is the traditional author of 1 Kings?


Who is the traditional author of 1 Samuel?


Who is the traditional author of 2 Kings?


Who is the traditional author of 2 Samuel?


Who is the traditional author of Esther?


Who is the traditional author of Job?


Who is the traditional author of Nehemiah?


Who is the traditional author of the book of Judges?


Who is the traditional author of the book of Ruth?


Who is thought to be the traditional author of the book of Joshua?


Who is the traditional author of Ezra?

Unknown, but some seem to come from Ezra

Who is the traditional author of 1 Chronicles?

Unknown, the Chronicler

Who is the traditional author of 2 Chronicles?

Unknown, the Chronicler

What are the three annual feasts in which Israel is required to appear before the Lord?

Unleavened Bread (Passover) Feast of Harvest Feast of Ingathering

Where was Abraham's father from?

Ur of the Chaldees (11:28)

Which of Abinadab's sons touched the ark of God?

Uzzah (6:6)

Judah regained land they had lost and saw success by King Uzziah until ____.

Uzziah became proud (26:16)

In chapter 20, how does Jonathan express his love for David?

Warns him that Saul is trying to kill him

Keywords for numbers

Wilderness, Wanderings

What was God's response to Hophni and Phinehas' actions in regard to the sacrifices?

Would reject Eli's house (2:30b-35)

What is the Jewish name for wisdom books?


When David first became King was there conflict with those still loyal to Saul?

Yes (2:8-11)

Did the letter written to King Artaxerxes achieve its goal?

Yes, Artaxerxes ordered the rebuilding efforts to stop (4:17-24)

What is the Hebrew name for the feast/day of Atonement?

Yom kippur

Who was anointed priest when Solomon was anointed king?

Zadok (29:22)

Who was leading the rebuilding effort for the temple before Ezra arrived?

Zerubbabel and Jeshua (3:2, 8)

What was the name of Moses' wife?

Zipporah (2:21)

Who are Job's four friends?

Zophar Eliphaz Bildad Elihu

When the Philistines went up to war with Israel, Saul was afraid because he had no word from the Lord. So he went to the __a__ of __b__ and she made ___c___ (Samuel, 28:11) appear.

a & b - (medium, En-dor, 28:7)

At the beginning of the book of Esther, king Ahasuerus hosts two feasts. The first lasted ____a____ days, hosting his officials and servants, and the second lasted ____b____ days, hosting all the people in Susa.

a - (180, 1:4) b - (seven, 1:5)

Solomon reigned in Jerusalem for ___a____ years, and then slept with his fathers. ___b___ reigned in his place. The new king called the people together at ____c_____ The people asked the king to ___d____ the hard service of his father because of his heavy ___e___ and then the people would serve him. The king took counsel with the ___f____ men and they said, ___g___ the people and speak ___h___ to them and they will serve you. But the king abandoned their counsel and asked the __i__ men who advised the king to make __j___ the peoples' burdens. Therefore all of the tribes followed ____l_____ except for Judah who followed _____m_____.

a - (40, 11:42) b - (Rehoboam, 11:43) c - (Shechem, 12.1) d - (lighten, 12:4) e - (yoke, 12:4) f - (old, 12:6) g - (serve, 12:7) h - (good, 12:7) i - (young, 12:8) j - (heavier, 12:11) l - (Jeroboam) m - (Rehoboam, 12:20-21)

Gideon had ____a_____ and the son who attempted to establish himself as king was _______b_______ . ______c______ plotted with him in order to secure his leadership. Abimelech ___d___ all but one of his brothers.

a - (70 sons, 8:30) b - (Abimelech, 8.31, 9:1-2) c - (The men of Shechem, 9:1) d - (killed, 9:5)

David's son __a__ ____b_____ the hearts of the people. And he declared himself ___c____ at ____d____ . David's son grew so strong that David had to ___e____ Jerusalem. When David's son came to Jerusalem he _f_ with the __g__ of David, in the ___h__ of all Israel.

a - (Absalom, 15:6) b - (stole, 15:6) c - (king, 15:10) d - (Hebron, 15:10) e - (flee, 15:14) f - (lay, 16:22) g - (concubines, 16:22) h - (sight, 16:22)

___a___ set himself up as king, succeeding David. He was David's ____b____ son. ____c____ advised _____d______ to go to David and get him to swear that _____e________ should be king. David swore that Solomon would be king. So __f__ was anointed by the priest ___g____

a - (Adonijah, 1:5) b - (2nd 1:6) c - (Nathan, 1:11) d - (Bathsheba, 1:11) e - (Solomon, 1:17) f - (Solomon) g - (Zadok, 1:39)

One of the Northern kings described as being more evil than all who were before him was __a___ . His wife's name was __b__. He built an altar to the false god __c__ . As a result, the prophet __d___ declared there would be no __e___ in Israel.

a - (Ahab, 16:30) b - (Jezebel, 16:31) c - (Baal, 16:34) d - (Elijah, 17:1) e - (rain, 17:1)

The prophet ___a___ was dressed in a new garment and walked along the road with __b__ . He ___c___ the garment in ___d____ and gave __e__ of them to ___f___ and said I am about to tear the kingdom from ____g_____ and give you ___h____ but he shall have ___i____ for the sake of my servant David, 11:33.

a - (Ahijah, 11:29) b - (Jeroboam, 11:29) c - (tore, 11:30) d - (12 pieces, 11:30) e - (10) f - (Jeroboam, 11:32) g - (Solomon, 11:31) h - (10 tribes) i - (1 tribe)

David and his son, Absalom, who rebelled against him highly esteemed ___a____ because he gave counsel as if one consulted the ___b___ of the ___c___ . But David's son listened to the counsel of ___d___ not knowing that he was on David's side. When the Ahithophel's word was not followed he went home and __e__ himself.

a - (Ahithophel, 16:23) b - (word, 16:23) c - (Lord, 16:23) d - (Hushai, 17:7) e - (hanged, 17:23)

News of the death of Saul and Jonathan came to David by an ____a_____ This person brought the crown of Saul to David and told David that after Saul was wounded, Saul asked him to ____b_____ so he did. David had the man ___c___ because he had killed the Lord's ____d_____

a - (Amalekite, 1:8) b - (kill him, 1:9) c - (executed, 1:5) d - (anointed, 1:16)

David's son __a__ loved __b__ the sister of __c__ . And he __d__ forcing her to lay with him. David's son, the rapist, then ____e_____ her and put her out. Her brother plotted and killed his brother ___f____ . Later David's general would convince David to ___g___ for his son to return to Jerusalem. ___h____ was ____i___ and did not have one _____j______ on him. Absalom named his daughter __k____, most likely after his sister .

a - (Amnon, 13:1) b - (Tamar, 13:1) c - (Absalom, 13:1) d - (violated her, 13:14) e - (hated, 13:15) f - (Amnon, 13:28) g - (call, 14:23) h - (Absalom, 14:25) i - (handsome, 14:25) j - (blemish, 14:25) k - (Tamar, 4:27)

The first king of Judah, after the kingdom divided, who was described as wholly true to the Lord all his days was ___a____ because he removed all of the ___b____ his father had made. When he died, his son __c__ reigned in his place.

a - (Asa, 15:11) b - (idols, 15:12) c - (Jehoshaphat, 15:24)

The Syrian king, ___a___, besieged Samaria. And there was a great __b___ . Two women even agreed to __c__ their own __d__ . So the king sent messengers to ___e___ . The prophet's response to the king was, "Tomorrow there would be ___f___ . But the servant of the king did not believe the prophet. So the prophet said you will ___g___ it but not ___h___ it

a - (Ben-hadad, 6:24) b - (famine, 6:25) c - (eat, 6:28) d - (children, 6:29) e - (Elisha, 6:32) f - (food, 7:1) g - (see, 7:2) h - (eat, 7:2)

Esther was from the tribe of ____a____. Her Hebrew name was ____b____ . A Jew named ___c___ took care of Esther after her parents died and he was carried away into exile under the reign of ____d____. The parents of Esther died and Mordecai took care of her.

a - (Benjamin, 2:5) b - (Hadassah, 2:7) c - (Mordecai, 2:5, 7) d - (Nebuchadnezzar, 2:6)

David said that he longed to drink water from the well in __a__ so three of David's ____b_____ went and broke into the ___c___ camp and brought back the water to David. But David would not _____d____ but poured it out to the ___e____ and said, "Far be it from me that I should do this. Shall I drink the __f__ of the men who went at the risk their lives.

a - (Bethlehem, 23:15) b - (mighty men, 23:16) c - (Philistine, 23:16) d - (drink, 23:16) e - (Lord, 23:16) f - (blood, 23:17)

The widow had a relative of her husband's named ____a_____ and the widow told her daughter-in-law to go to this man's fields to ____b_____ . The owner of the field showed kindness to her.

a - (Boaz, 2:1) b - (glean, 2:1)

The prophet ___a___ challenges ___b___ to bring __c__ prophets of ____d____ to Mt ___e___. The prophet asked the people, "How long will you go __f__ between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him." He challenges the prophets to see which God will send down fire. The false prophets went first. The false prophets cried aloud and ____g____ themselves. The prophet ____h____ , "Either he is musing, or he is ___i___ himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is ____j____ and must be ___k___.' Then the prophet took ___l____ stones and rebuilt the altar of the Lord. He instructed the people to pour ____m____ over the wood and sacrifice ____n____ times . Then the prophet prayed and ____o______ consumed the sacrifice. Then the prophet ____p____ the false prophets.

a - (Elijah, 18:17-18) b - (Ahab the King, 18:19) c - (450, 18:19) d - (Baal, 18:19-20) e - (Carmel, 18:19-20) f - (limping, 18:21) g - (cut 18:28) h - (mocked, 18:27) i - (relieving 18:27) j - (asleep, 18:27) k - (awakened, 18:27) l - (twelve, 18:31) m - (water 18:33) n - (three, 18:34) o - (fire, 18:38) p - (slaughtered, 18:40)

In the cave of ___a____ David and his men were hiding when Saul went in to relieve himself. David cut off a piece of Saul's __b__ but would not kill him because Saul was God's ___c___

a - (Engedi, 24:3) b - (robe, 24:4) c - (anointed, 24:6)

Gideon made an _____a______ of the gold taken in his battles. It become _______b________ for the family of Gideon the people

a - (Ephod, 8:27) b - (a snare, 8:27)

Ruth 1:2 describes the family as Ephrathites because they were from ___a____ which was the pre-Israelite name for the city of ______b______ of the tribe of _____c______

a - (Ephrathah) b - (Bethlehem, Gen 48:7) c - (Judah, 1:1)

There was a famine in Israel for 3 years and God revealed that it was because Saul had put to death the __a__ . Those who had remained from the nation put to death asked David for __b__ sons of Saul to ___c___ . David agreed but he did not give them ____d______ because of the __e___ between David and ___f___.

a - (Gibeonites, 21:1) b - (seven, 21:6) c - (hang, 21:6) d - (Mephibosheth, 21:7) e - (oath, 21:7) f - (Jonathan, 21:7)

The judge who put out the fleece to prove God would be with him was _______a_______ . Gideon was given the name _______b_________ because he _________c_________ .

a - (Gideon, 6:37f) b - (Jerubaal, "Let Baal contend against him," 6:32) c - (tore down the altar of Baal, 6:30)

In the battle with the Philistines at Mount ___a___ Saul was wounded by the __b__ and instead of being captured he __c__ on his own __d__. Along with Saul, his __e__ sons also died.

a - (Gilboa, 31:1) b - (archers, 31:3) c - (fell) d - (sword, 31:4) e - (three, 31:2)

In chapter 6 Job says that ___a____ is responsible for all his sorrows and he hopes that God will ___b___ him.

a - (God) b - (destroy or crush)

King Ahasuerus promoted ____a____ over all his officials. As a Jew, ____b____ would not ___c___ to pay homage to the new king, infuriating the king's official. This new kingdom sought to ___d___ all the Jews.

a - (Haman, 3:1) b - (Modecai, 3.2) c - (bow down, 3:2) d - (destroy, 3:6)

When ___a___ , son of Ahaz, became king of Judah, he did what was __b__ in the sight of the Lord. He ___c___ the high places and broke to pieces the __d__ that Moses had made because the people made ___e___ to it. The king __f__ in the Lord so that there was __g__ like him ___h___ him or ___i___ him.

a - (Hezekiah, 18:1) b - (right, 18:3) c - (removed, 18:4) d - (serpent, 18:4) e - (offerings, 18:4) f - (trusted, 18:5) g - (none, 18:5) h - (after, 18:5) i - (before, 18:5)

The king of Judah __a__, , became ___b___ and the prophet ___c___ told him he would ___d___ and the king __e__ . The word of the Lord came to the prophet and He told him that the king would be ___f___ on the __g__ day. The king asked for a sign in order to know that he would be healed. The sign was that the __h__ would go back __i__ steps.

a - (Hezekiah, 20:1) b - (sick, 20:1) c - (Isaiah, 20:1) d - (die, 20:1) e - (wept, 20:3) f - (healed, 20:5) g - (third, 20:5) h - (shadow, 20:11) i - (ten, 20:11)

_____a______ , King of Tyre received word from Solomon to cut __b___ to use to build the __c__ of the Lord. It took Solomon __d__ to build it. But when it came to building his own house it took Solomon ___e___ years.

a - (Hiram, 5:1) b - (cedars, 5:6) c - (house, 5:5) d - (seven years, 5:38) e - (13, 7:1)

The leader of the army was killed by ______a______ who drove a ______b______ into his temple. So Sisera was killed by a woman as ______c______ prophesied around the time when Barak had insisted that Deborah _____d________

a - (Jael, the wife of Heber, 4:21) b - (tent peg, 4:21) c - (Deborah, 4:9) d- (go up with him into battle, 4:8)

________a______ was the son of a _______b_______ who was ______c_____ by his father's family. But because of the oppression of the _______d______ the elder of Gilead went and asked _____e________ to fight for them. He agreed if they would make him their ___f_______

a - (Jephthah, 11:1) b - (prostitute, 11:1) c - (disinherited, 11:2) d - (Ammonites, 11:4) e - (Jephthah, 11:6) f - (head, 11:9)

The Lord sent Samuel to the house of ____a____ to anoint a new king. And looking at the oldest son he believed this to be the Lord's anointed. But the Lord told him, do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature. Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the ___b___ . After seeing the other sons, Samuel asked is there another, to which they responded there is the ___c___ who is keeping the __d__. They sent for __e__ and when he arrived Samuel anointed him and the _f_ of the Lord rushed upon him.

a - (Jesse the Bethlehemite, 16:1) b - (heart, 16:7) c - (youngest) d - (sheep, 16:11) e - (David, 16:13) f - (Spirit, 16:13)

The queen __a___ killed the prophets of the Lord so ___b__ hid ____c____ prophets in caves.

a - (Jezebel, 18:4) b - (Obadiah, 18:3 - not the minor prophet) c - (100, 18:4)

The queen, ___a___ , after ___b____ victory threatened to kill him. The prophet was ___c___ and went to ___d____ and he asked the Lord to take his ___e____ . The Lord sent the prophet to a cave on Mt. ___f___. And the Lord told him to stand on the Mt, before the Lord. And behold, the LORD passed by. Then God tells the prophet to anoint ______g_____ king over __h___ and anoint ____i____ king of __j___ and ____k____ you shall anoint to be prophet in your place.

a - (Jezebel, 19:2) b - (Elijah's, 19:2) c - (afraid, 19:3) d - (Beersheba, 19:3) e - (life, 19:4) f - (Horeb, 19:9) g - (Hazael, 19:15) h - (Syria, 19:15) i - (Jehu, 19:16) j - (Israel, 19:16) k - (Elisha, 19:16)

One day ___a___ and his armor-bearer went up to the garrison of the Philistines. When he asked his armor-bearer if he believed they could take the garrison, the arm bearer responded "Do all that is in your ____b____"

a - (Jonathan, 14:1) b - (heart, 14:7).

King __a__ began to reign when he was 8 years old and he did what was ___b___ and the king commanded that the __c__ be repaired. And the high priest told the king's servant "we have found the ___d___ of the ___e___ . The servant of the king read it to the king and he __f__ his clothes. When the king inquired of the prophets if the __g__ of the Lord is kindled against this people, the prophetess ___h___ said, "__i__ will come upon the people, but because the king has __j__ himself before me, he shall go down to the grave in __k__ .

a - (Josiah, 22:1) b - (right, 22:2) c - (temple, 22:5) d - (Book, 22:8) e - (law, 22:8) f - (tore, 22:11) g - (wrath ,22:13) h - (Huldah, 22:14) i - (Disaster, 22:16) j - (humbled, 22:19) k - (peace, 22:20)

In the time of the _______a________ , because of a ____b__________ a man and his wife named _____c_______ and ______d_____ traveled from ________e____________ , which was ironic because the name of the city means _____f________ which meant that God's judgment was upon the people. So the family, with their ___g______ sons went to ____h_________ where Naomi's husband ______i______

a - (Judges, 1:1) b - (famine, 1.1) c & d - (Elimelech and Naomi, 1:2) e - (Bethlehem, 1:1) f - (house of Bread) g - (two, 1:2) h - (Moab, 1:1) i - (died, 1:3)

After Rehoboam had established his rule and fortified his cities strong, he abandoned the ___a___ of the LORD, and all Israel with him. As a result of their unfaithfulness, in Rehoboam's fifth year as king, ___b___ , the king of Egypt came up and attacked Judah capturing the fortified cities as far as Jerusalem. Then the prophet ___c___ came to Rehoboam and told him this attack came upon him because he abandoned the LORD. So Rehoboam and his princes ___d___ themselves and said "___e___" . Then the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah saying that because they humbled themselves, Shishak will not destroy them but they will be Shishak's ___f___.

a - (Law, 12:1) b - (Shishak, 12:2) c - (Shemaiah, 12:5) d - (humbled, 12:7) e - ("The LORD is righteous," 12:6) f - (servants, 12:8)

The advisor to king Ahasuerus, ____a____, suggested an edict pass that would deny Vashti the presence of the king, and that her royal position would be given to another.

a - (Memucan, 1:16)

The two sons took for themselves wives who were ____a______ . The sons also died. Having heard that the famine was over, the widow told her two daughters- in-law to return to their own people because she was going to return to her own town. One of her daughter's-in-law would not return but declared "For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your _____b____ shall be my _____c_____, and your ___d___ my __e___ ."

a - (Moabites. 1:4) b & c - (people, people, 1:16) d & e - (God, God, 1:16)

Then the prophet ____a___ came and told David a parable about a rich man who had many ____b___ . This rich man took the only ___c__ of a poor man. David became ___d___ and said this man who has done this deserves to __e__ . And Nathan responded, __f__ . Nathan continued, telling David that God would raise up ___g___ against him out of his own house and that he would take his ___h____ and give them to his neighbor and they shall ___i___ in sight of the ___j____ . For what you did, you did it secretly but this will be done before __k__ ___l___ . The punishment will be that the child will ___m___ . David ____n___ and __o__ all night on the ____p____ . On the ____q___ the child ____r____ . When David heard this he ____s___ and _____t_____ himself with oil.

a - (Nathan, 12:1) b - (sheep, 12:2) c - (lamb, 12:3) d - (angry, 12:5) e - (die, 12:5) f - ("you are the man," 12:7) g - (evil, 12:11) h - (wives, 12:11) i - (lie, 12:11) j - (sun, 12:11) k - (all, 12:12) l - (Israel, 12:12) m - (die, 12:14) n - (fasted, 12:16) o - (lay, 12:16) p - (ground, 12:16) q - (seventh day, 12:18) r - (died, 12:18) s - (washed, 12:20) t - (anointed, 12:20)

The king of Babylon, ___a____ , came against Jerusalem and besieged it during the reign of __b__ . They captured the king and put to death his __c__ before his eyes. Then the Babylonian King put out the __d__ of the king and bound him in __e__ and took him to __f__ . Then Nebuchadnezzar __g__ the house of the Lord and the king's house and all the ___h___ of Jerusalem. So Judah was taken into __i__.

a - (Nebuchadnezzar, 25:1) b - (Zedekiah, 25:2) c - (sons, 25:7) d - (eyes, 25:7) e - (chains, 25:7) f - (Babylon, 25:7) g - (burned, 25:9) h - (houses, 25:9) i - (exile, 25:26-7)

David assembled all Israel at the __a__ in order to bring the __b__ from ___c___ to ___d___ but ___e___ put out his hand, touching the ark. As a result, David did not take the ark to Jerusalem but instead he took it to the house of ___f___ .

a - (Nile, 13:5) b - (ark of God 13:5) c - (Kiriath-jearim, 13:5) d - (Jerusalem, 13:13) e - (Uzzah, 13:9-14) f - (Obed-edom, 13:13)

So he took is wife and she bore a son whom they named ____a____ , the father of ____b______ , the father of _____c____ . Ruth ends with a listing of the generations of ______d_____

a - (Obed, 4:17) b - (Jesse, 4:17) c - (David, 4:17) d - (Perez, 4:18)

Like Hezekiah, Josiah celebrated the ___a___ . No Passover like it had been kept in Israel since the day of ___b___ the prophet. After this, Josiah having made all his reforms, went to battle with ___c___ king of Egypt. The ___d___ shot King Josiah and he died.

a - (Passover, chapter 35) b - (Samuel, 35:18) c - (Neco, 35:20-22) d - (archers, 35:23)

To find protection from Saul, David goes to the land of the ____a____ and is protected by ___b___ king of _____c_____ . For David's services, the king gave him the town of__d__

a - (Philistines, 27:1) b - (Achish, 27:3) c - (Gath, 27:3) d -(Ziklag, 27:6)

After Hophni and Phinehas were killed in battle and the Ark of the Covenant captured, when the wife of __a___ found out she went into labor and named her child __b___ .

a - (Phinehas) b - (Ichabod, 4:21)

Since the reversal of the edict set by Haman was completed under Queen Esther, the feast of ___a___ was inaugurated. The name of this feast came from the word ___b___ which has to do with the casting of ___c____ .

a - (Purim, 9:26) b - (Pur, 9:26) c - (lots, 3:7; 9:26)

The king of Judah ___a____ did what was ___b___ in the sight of the Lord. They built ___c___ places and ____d____ on every hill. So the king of ___e___ came up against Jerusalem and took the ___f___ of the house of the Lord.

a - (Rehoboam, 14:21) b - (evil, 14:22) c - (high, 14:23) d - (Asherim 14:23) e - (Egypt, 14:25) f - (treasures, 14:26)

When the man awoke he said, "Who are you?" She answered, "I am ____a______, your servant. Spread your _____b________ over your servant, for you are a _______c_______ ".

a - (Ruth, 3:9) b - (wings, 3:9) c - (redeemer 3:9)

The judge born to a barren woman was _______a_________ and the angel of the Lord told her that the child shall be a ______b_________

a - (Samson, 13:24) b - (Nazirite, 13:5)

Samuel commanded __a___ to go and strike __b__ because they did not show kindness to Israel went they came up from Egypt. Samuel said kill every man, woman, child, infant and animal. So they went on to victory but they did not destroy everything as commanded. They spared ___c__ and kept the best of the ___d____

a - (Saul, 15.1) b - (Amalek, 15:2-3) c - (Agag) d - (sheep, 15.9)

The king of Israel, the northern kingdom, made his home in ___a___ and built two calves of ___b___ so the people would not go up to ___c___ to worship. One he placed in __d___ and the other in ___e__. He built __f___ places and appointed ___g___ who were not ____h____ and appointed ___i___ . The punishment of the king's house was to be __j__ off and __k__ from the face of the ___l___ .

a - (Shechem, 12:25) b - (gold, 12:28) c - (Jerusalem, 12:27) d - (Bethel, 12:29) e - (Dan, 12:29) f - (high, 12:31) g - (priests, 12:31) h - (Levites, 12:31) i - (feasts, 12:31- 32) j - (cut, 13:34) k - (destroyed, 13:34) l - (earth, 13:34)

When she heard of ___a___ fame, the Queen of ___b___ came to Jerusalem to test the king with hard ___c___ . She told Solomon all that was ___d___ and Solomon ___e___ all her questions, explaining everything to her. She said the ___f___ is true, the ___g___ of the greatness of your wisdom was not told me.

a - (Solomon's, 9:1) b - (Sheba, 9:1) c - (questions, 9:1) d - (on her mind, 9:1) e - (answered, 9:2) f - (report, 9:5) g - (half, 9:6)

David went and lay with his wife and bore a son named ___a___ and the Lord ____b____ him and Nathan gave the child the name ___c____ because ____d_____

a - (Solomon, 12:24) b - (loved, 12:24) c - (Jedidiah, 12:25) d - (of the Lord, 12:25)

The __a__ of the Lord departed from Saul and a _b_ tormented him. Saul's advisor's suggested they find someone who can play the ____c____ because when the evil spirit was upon him it would make him well. So they sent for ____d____ and Saul __e__ and he became his __f__ .

a - (Spirit, 16:14) b - (harmful spirit, 16:15) c - (lyre, 16:16) d - (David, 16:19) e - (loved him greatly, 16:21) f - (armor bearer, 16:21)

The king of __a__ was at war with Israel. But the prophet Elisha told Israel's king the plans of his enemy. When the Syrian king heard that his plans were known by the prophet Elisha, he sent a great __b___ and they surrounded the __c__ of Dothan, where Elisha was staying. Elisha's __d__ asked what should they do. Elisha said, "Do not be afraid, for those who are with __e__ are __f__ than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed that the Lord might __g__ the __h__ of his servant and the servant __i__ the ___j___ full of __k__ and ___l___ of fire.

a - (Syria, 6:9) b - (army, 6:14) c - (city, 6:14) d - (servant, 6:15) e - (us, 6:16) f - (more, 6:16) g - (open, 6:17) h - (eyes, 6:17) i - (saw, 6:17) j - (mountains, 6:17) k - (horses) l - (chariots, 6:17)

Job was from the land of ____a____ . ___b___ approaches God and requests that God "touch all that he has." Following this, Job's sons and daughters are killed when __c___ cause his eldest son's house to __d__.

a - (Uz 1:1) b - (Satan 1:11) c - (winds 1:18-19) d - (collapse 1:19)

Why did the King seek to divorce Queen ___a___ ? She refused king Ahasuerus' requests to____b____.

a - (Vashti, 1:11) b - (parade her beauty among the attendees, 1:11-12)

Job is categorized as a ___a___ Book and was probably the __b__ book of the Bible. Its primary theme is the ___c____ of the ___d____.

a - (Wisdom) b - (earliest) c - (suffering) d - (Righteous)

One of the sons of the prophets lost an ___a___ head in the ___b___ . The son was distressed because the axe was ____c____ . So the prophet made it ___d___ so that it could be recovered.

a - (axe, 6:5) b - (Jordan, 6:5) c - (borrowed, 6:5) d - (float, 6:6)

When the Philistines went up to war with Israel, Saul was afraid because he had no word from the Lord. So he went to the __a__ of __b__ and she made ___c___ appear.

a - (medium, 28:7) b - (En-dor, 28:7) c - (Samuel, 28:11)

When they heard about Nehemiah's wall building work, Sanballat and Geshem sent for Nehemiah to come and ___a___ with them. Nehemiah refused because he did not want the work to ___b___. Yet Sanballat would not give up because he feared Nehemiah wanted to lead the Jews to ___c___ and set himself up as their new ___d___. Nehemiah sent word to Sanballat explaining that no such plan was in place and that Sanballat ___e___ these ideas in his own mind. Sanballat's real motivation was to frighten the Jews so that the wall building work would not be ___f___ . In response, Nehemiah prayed, "But now, O God, ___g___ my hands."

a - (meet, 6:2) b - (stop, 6:3) c - (rebel, 6:6) d - (king, 6:6) e - (invented, 6:8) f - (completed, 6:9) g - (strengthen, 6:9)

Gideon commanded his army to attack at ______a______ . The soldiers were three things, __________b____________

a - (night) b - (a lamp, a trumpet and a jar, 7:16)

What was Moses' father in law?

a priest (3:1)

What did Abraham give to Melchizedek?

a tithe (14:20)

A phrase repeated in II kings when a new king arose over Israel is, "He did not depart from all the __a___ of ___b___."

a- (sins, 13:11) b - (Jeroboam, 13:11)

What are the key themes that recur throughout the Psalter?

a. Monotheism b. Creation and Fall c. Election and covenant d. Covenant membership e. Eschatology

What are the key themes found in Nehemiah?

a. The Lord hears the prayers of his people. b. The providential working of God, even through rulers of nations. c. The Lord protects his people. d. The Lord keeps his covenant promises in spite of his people's sin. e. Worship, which includes giving our resources, is at the heart of the life of God's people. f. God's people must watch out for their own moral weakness.

What happened to the people who deceived Joshua and Israel into making a covenant with them?

became cutters of wood and drawers of water (9:21)

Summarize 1 Samuel in a word

birth of a kingdom

King Asa led the people of Judah to renew the _____.

covenant (15:12)

How does Job mourn in Chapter 3?

curses the day he was born

In Gibeah no one _____f_____ A fellow sojourner took them in, a man from the hill country of _______g_______ . That evening men of the city surrounded the home and demanded the man send out the Levite that _____h_____ . Instead Ephraim offered his _____i_____ and the Levite's _____j_____ .

f - (received them into their home, 19:15) g - (Ephriam, 19:18) h - (that we may know him, 19:22) i - (virgin daughter, 19:24) j - (concubine, 19:24)

Summarize Ruth in a word

for revelation

Ezra ends with Ezra rebuking the people for not putting away their _____?

foreign wives (10:10)

How long will David's Kingdom endure?

forever (7:13)

1 Chronicles begins with a _____.


What were the ten lamp stands made out of?

gold (4:7)

By whom did Lot father them (locate the two nations on a map)?

his two daughters (19:36)

Who told Job to curse God and die?

his wife (2:9)

Summarize 2 Chronicles in a word

history of Judah

Summarize 2 Kings in a word

history of divided kingdom

What great sin had those who returned with the first wave of exiles committed that caused Ezra great grief (i.e. before Ezra returned)?

intermarriage (9)

The men took the concubine and ________k___________ .

k - (knew her and abused her, 19:25)

What are the key themes of the book of Ruth?

kindness redemption God's providence God's covenant

Summarize 1 Kings in a word

kingdom divided

The Levite then ______l________ and ___m___ into 12 pieces. He then sent those twelve pieces throughout the territory of ___n___

l - (took a knife, 19:29) m - (divided her, 19:29) n - (Israel, 19:29).

What are the major theological themes of the book of Joshua?

land leadership Book of the Law Covenant Holy Warfare judgment and mercy divine sovereignty human responsibility promised rest God's faithfulness

What happened when Jehoiada died?

left the ways of the Lord and killed Zechariah, Jehoida's son (24:17-22)

Joshua after conquering the first half of Canaan, he led the armies to conquer the ________ half of Canaan.

northern (Josh. 11)

How did Nadab and Abihu sin against God?

offering strange fire before the Lord (10:1)

Summarize Esther in a word

people of God under secular rule

When Israel was passing through Edom, they complained about not having any food and water, what judgment did God send?

poisonous snakes (21:6)

Ezra was not only a scribe but a ________ .

priest (7:12)

Summarize Nehemiah in a word

rebuilding Jerusalem

Summarize 1 Chronicles in a word

reign of David

Summarize 2 Samuel in a word

reign of a king

At the heart of this covenant was _________.

religious reforms (15)

In chapter 42, how does Job respond to God?

repents (42:6)

Summarize Ezra in a word

return from Babylon

Summarize Joshua in a word.

righteous king

Ezra the ____ went up to Jerusalem after the Temple was rebuilt.

scribe (7:6)

Why are they called Major Prophets?


Why are they called Minor Prophets?


How did the Lord reveal himself to Samuel?

the word of the Lord (3:21)

What recurring phase in Judges anticipates the rise of the Monarchy?

there was no king in Israel and everyone did what was good in their own eyes (17:6; 21:25)

Summarize Judges in a word

unrighteous nation

What characterizes Abijah's reign?

war with Jeroboam (13:2-7)

What does Solomon pray for in the opening chapter?

wisdom and knowledge (1:10)

In the spring of the year when kings go to __a___ David _b_ at __c___ One late afternoon while he was walking on his roof he saw ___d__ _____e_____ . She was the wife of _____f_____ the _____g______ . David sent messengers and _____h_____ and he ____i______ with her and she became ______j______ . David sent for the husband and told him to go home and make love to his wife, but instead he stayed at David's _____k______ . So David sent a letter to ___l____ to have him ____m____ So ___n___ died in the battle. When the time of mourning was over David sent for __o__ and made her his ____p_____

a - (battle, 11:1) b - (remained, 11:1) c - (home in Jerusalem, 11:1) d - (Bathsheba, 11:3) e - (bathing, 11:2) f - (Uriah, 11:3) g - (Hittite, 11:3) h - (took her, 11:4) i - (lay, 11:4) j - (pregnant, 11:5) k - (door, 11:9) l - (Joab, 11:14) m - (killed, 11:15) n - (Uriah, 11:17) o - (Bathsheba, 11:27) p - (wife, 11:27)

God eventually blesses Job's latter days more than his ____a____ and the Lord ___b___ his possessions. After this, Job lived another ___c___ years.

a - (beginning 42:12) b - (doubled 1:3; 42:12) c - (140, Job 42:16)

In chapters 40 and 41 there are two references to enormous creatures known as __a__ and __b__ .

a - (behemoth, 40:15) b - (leviathan, 41:1)

King Jehoram followed King Jehoshaphat. He killed his ___a___ and some of the princes of ___b___ . He walked in the ways of the kings of ___c___ as the house of Ahab had done. Jehoram also made ___d___ in the hill country of Judah and led the people of Jerusalem into ___e___ and made Judah ___f___. As a result, the prophet Elijah told him that the LORD would bring a great ___g___ on the people and that Jehoram would have a severe sickness of his ___h___ —they would, in fact, come out of his body day by day.

a - (brothers, 21:4) b - (Israel, 21:4) c - (Israel, 21:6) d - (high places, 21:11) e - (whoredom, 21:11) f - (go astray, 21:11) g - (plague, 21:14) h - (bowels, 21:15)

The King could not sleep that evening and ordered the ___a___ to be read. He was reminded of Mordecai's favor to discern the plot against him and asked Haman how he might bless one such as Mordecia. Ironically, in taking __b__ advice, the king ordered ___c___ to bless ___d___ and parade him through the city.

a - (chronicles, 6:1) b - (Haman's, 6:7) c - (Haman, 6:7) d - (Mordecai, 6:10)

Complete this verse: Esther 4:13-14 - "Do not think to yourself that in the king's palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not __a__ to the __b__ for such a ___c___ as this?"

a - (come) b - (kingdom) c - (time)

A Levite had a ________a___________ who had run off. When the Levite was returning home with her, the Levite would not stay in ____b______ because the people there were not Israelites but _____c______ . So they traveled on to ______d________ , of the tribe of _____e_______

a - (concubine, 19:1) b - (Jebus [or Jerusalem], 19:10) c - (Jebusites, 19:11) d - (Gibeah, 19:12) e - (Benjamin 19:14)

The king allowed Esther to revoke the ___a__ passed by Haman against the Jews. A new edict overruled the previous one and provided the Jews the power to ___b___ their oppressors.

a - (edict, 8:5) b - (fight, 8:11)

When Esther learned of the king's edict she called all Jews to a __a__ for ___b__ full days before Esther went ___c___ before the king to petition the king's favor.

a - (fast, 4:16) b - (three, 4:16) c - (illegally, 4:16)

And when the builders laid the ___a___ of the temple of the LORD, the priests in their vestments came forward with ___b___ , and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with ___c___ to ___d___ the LORD, according to the directions of David king of Israel. And they sang ___e___ , praising and giving thanks to the LORD, "For he is ___f___ for his ___g___ love endure forever toward Israel." And all the people shouted with a ___h___ shout when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the ___i___ was laid.

a - (foundation, 3:10) b - (trumpets, 3:10) c - (cymbals, 3:10) d - (praise, 3:10) e - (responsively, 3:11) f - (good, 3:11) g - (steadfast, 3:11) h - (great, 3:11) i - (LORD, 3:11)

The owner of the field went to the _____a_____ and when the _____b_______ came by he said sit down with the _____c______ of the city. The owner of the field asked the man to _______d________ the widow's land. The man said he could not so _______e______ took off his _____f____ and said, You are _____g_________ this day that I have bought all the land of ______h________ and also ____i________ the ____j _____ will be my ____k____

a - (gate, 4:1) b - (redeemer, 4:1) c - (elders, 4:2) d - (buy, 4:4) e - (he, 4:9) f - (sandal, 4:8) g - (witnesses 4.9) h - (Naomi 4:9) i - (Ruth, 4:10) j - (Moabite, 4:10) k - (wife, 4:10)

During her feast, Esther revealed to the king Haman's plot against the Jews. The King had Haman __a__ on the gallows which Haman had prepared for Mordecai.

a - (hanged, 7:10)

After defeating the Philistines (chapter 14), David builds ___a___ for himself in the city of David, i.e. Jerusalem. He also prepared a ___b___ for the ark of God. He determined that only the ___c___ could carry the ark. In fact, David's first attempt to bring the ark to Jerusalem failed because the Levites did not carry the ark of the Lord as God had commanded (15:13). So the priests and the Levites ___d___ themselves in order to carry the ark and the Levites carried the ark of God on their ___e___ with the ___f___ as Moses had commanded according to the word of the Lord.

a - (houses, 15:1) b - (tent, 15:1) c - (Levites, 15:2) d - (consecrated, 15:14) e - (shoulders, 15:15) f - (poles 15:15)

Esther won favor with the __a__ at his feast and he held out to her his golden __b__ . Esther asked for the king to come to a __c___ that she had prepared for the king and for ___d___ . Meanwhile, Haman prepared ___e___ for Mordecai to be put to death the following morning.

a - (king, 5:2) b - (scepter, 5:2) c - (feast, 5:4) d - (Haman, 5:4) e - (gallows, 5:13-14)

Psalm 119 is the ___a___ Psalm and its theme is the ___b___ . It is made up of __c__ made up of __d__ each that form an acrostic of the ___e___ meaning each line of a stanza begins with the ___f___ letter.

a - (longest) b - (law of God) c - (22 stanzas) d - (8 lines) e - (Hebrew alphabet) f - (same)

I Kings 11 says, Solomon ____a____ many foreign ____b____. He had ___c___ wives and __d___ concubines and his wives turned his ___e___ after other gods.

a - (loved, 11:1) b - (women, 11:1) c - (700, 11:3) d - (300, 11:3) e - (heart 11:3,4)

David asked Joab to _____a_____ the people. When Joab returned, David said, I have ___b___ . So the prophet of God offered David __c__ things and told him to choose one of them. David in distress said, "Let us fall into the hands of the Lord for his ___d__ is great. So the Lord sent a __e__ on Israel. But the __f__ did not touch ____g____ . The prophet instructed David to build an alter at the __h__ of ___i_____ . When David came to the place Ataunah offered David freely the __j__ to sacrifice, but David said, "I will not offer to the Lord that which ______k_____ me ___l___ .

a - (number, 24:2) b - (sinned, 24:10) c - (three, 24:12) d - (mercy, 24:14) e - (pestilence, 24:15) f - (pestilence, 24:16) g - (Jerusalem, 24:16) h - (threshing floor, 24:18) i - (Araunah the Jebusite, 24:18) j - (oxen, 24:22) k - (cost) l - (nothing, 24:24)

Esther is quoted saying, "...I will go to the King, though it is against the law, and if I ____a_____, I ____b______." .

a - (perish, 4:16) b - (perish, 4:16)

The Psalms of Ascent were song by ___a___ going up to ___b____ for the ___c___ . Psalm ___d___ through ___e___.

a - (pilgrims) b - (Jerusalem) c - (annual feasts/to worship) d - (Psalm 120) e - (Psalm 134)

When Solomon dedicates the temple he asks the Lord to hear the ___a____ of the ___b___ that all the ___c___ of the ___d___ might ___e___ your ___f___.

a - (prayers, 8:41-42) b - (foreigner, 8:41-42) c - (peoples, 8:43) d - (earth, 8:43) e - (fear, 8:43) f - (name, 8:43)

In Judges 4:4, Deborah is described as a ______a_____ . At that time Israel was cruelly oppressed by _____b______ and the commander of his army _____c______ . Deborah sent for ______d______ and told him to gather the people at _____e______ . The battle took place at the river _______f_________

a - (prophetess, 4:4) b - (Jabin, 4:1) c - (Sisera, 4:2) d - (Barak, 4:6) e - (Mt. Tabor, 4:6) f - (Kishon, 4:7)

The first sign of Solomon's judgment was when he judged between two __a__ concerning a ____b____. His decision was to ___c___ the child with a ___d____ . The first woman responded by saying to ____e___ the child to the other. While the other said, ____f____ him. Solomon gave the child to the ____g_____ woman.

a - (prostitutes, 3:16) b - (child, 13:22) c - (divide, 3:25) d - (sword, 3:24-25) e - (give, 3:26) f - (divide, 3.26) g - (first, 3:27)

Elijah fled to the brook Cherith where ___a____ brought him bread and meat. Then the Lord sent the prophet Elijah to ___b____ . There he met a ___c____. The prophet then asked her to bake him some bread but the widow said she had only enough ___d____ and ___e___ for one last meal for her son and herself then they would have nothing. The prophet told her to do as he said then make some bread for herself. For the __f___ will not be spent and the ___g___ of oil shall not be empty. When the woman's ___h____ became sick and ___i_____ the prophet took the child and cried out to the Lord ____j____ times and the child came back to ____k___.

a - (ravens, 17:6) b - (Zarephath, 17:10) c - (widow, 17:10) d - (flour, 17:12) e - (oil, 17:12) f - (jar 17:14) g - (jug 17:14) h - (son, 17:17,18) i - (died, 17:17,18) j - (three, 17:21) k - (life, 17:22)

Ehud deceived the king's men by hiding his sword on his ________a_______ . When Ehud met with the king in his _____b_______ he killed him.

a - (right side, 3:16) b - (roof chamber, 3:20)

Asa did what was ___a___ in the eyes of the Lord. He removed the foreign ___b___ and the ___c___ and he broke down the ___d___ and cut down the ___e___ and commanded Judah to ___f___ the Lord and to ___g___ the law and the commandment. He had no ___h___ during those years.

a - (right, 14:2) b - (altars, 14:3) c - (high places, 14:3) d - (pillars, 14:3) e - (Asherim, 14:3) f - (seek, 14:4) g - (keep, 14:4) h - (war, 14:6)

King Hezekiah did what was ___a___ in the eyes of the LORD. He cleansed the ___b___ and he restored Temple ___c___ . Hezekiah also celebrated ___d___ . This celebration served as reunification of ___e___ . Hezekiah also organized and instructed the ___f___ and reinstated the ___g___ and ___h___ thus completing his reform efforts.

a - (right, 29:2) b - (Temple, 29:3-19) c - (worship, 29:20-36) d - (Passover, see chapter 30) e - (Judah and Israel, 30:6-9, 13) f - (priests and Levites) g - (tithes) h - (offering, 31:4-19)

After she ______a_______ his head, the Philistines ___b_________ his eyes and put him to work _____c____________

a - (shaved, 16:19) b - (gouged, 16:21) c - (grinding at the mill, 16:21)

David was __a__ when he began to reign over Israel and he reigned __b__ years. At Hebron he reigned over all Israel and Judah for ___c___ years.

a - (thirty, 5:4) b - (40, 5:5) c - (33, 5:5)

When Naomi heard what had happened in the fields, she instructed her daughter-in-law to: "Wash therefore and anoint yourself, and put on your cloak and go down to the______a______, but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking. But when he lies down, observe the place where he lies. Then go and____________b__________, and he will tell you what to do."

a - (threshing floor, 3:3) b - (uncover his feet and lie down 3: 4)

Elisha told the widow who had lost her husband to bring him empty __a__ and told her to fill them all from a jar of __b__ that only quit flowing when there was nothing left to fill. Elisha also raised the __c__ of a __d__ woman and purified the deadly __e__ .

a - (vessels, 4:3) b - (oil, 4:2-7) c - (son, 4:35) d - (Shunammite, 4:36) e - (stew, 4:38-44)

When God offered Solomon any request, Solomon asked for ____a____ to govern/rule. God promised to give him also ____b_____ and __c__ . Solomon responded to God's answer to his prayer by ___d___ , standing before the ___e___ , offered burnt and ___f___ offerings, and made a ___g___ for all his servants.

a - (wisdom, 3:9) b - (riches) c - (honor, 3:13) d - (going to Jerusalem, 3:15) e - (ark of the covenant, 3:15) f - (peace, 3:15) g - (feast, 3:15)

______a ____ was ________b________ handed. At that time the people of Israel were oppressed by ______c________ , king of _____d______ who was described as a very _____e___ man.

a - Ehud (3:15) b - (left, 3:15) c - (Eglon, 3:14) d - (Moab, 3:15) e - (fat, 3:17)

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