Yoga Final

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List the 5 Yamas principles.

(AASBA) 1. Ahimsa- non-harming/non-violence 2. Asteya- non-stealing; absence of jealousy 3. Satya- honesty or truth 4. Brahmacharya- conservation of energy, chastity, celibacy 5. Aparigraha- greedlessness or non-attachment

List the 5 sections of the spinal column (from top to bottom) along with how many vertebrae each have.

(Creepy Tarantulas Love Scaring Children) Cervical - 7 Thoracic - 12 Lumbar - 5 Sacral or sacrum - 5 Coccyx - 3 to 5

List the 4 main forms of pratyahara.

(IPKM - Impressive Puppies Kick Marshmallows) 1) Indriya-pratyahara - control of the instinctual senses 2) Prana-pratyahara - control of the prana 3) Karma-pratyahara - control of action 4) Mano-pratyahara - withdrawal of the mind

List the 5 Niyamas principles.

(SSTSI) 1. Sauca- cleanliness or purity: inner and outer 2. Samtosa/santosha- contentment/modesty 3. Tapas- self motivation or drive 4. Svadhyaya- self enquiry or self-study and also applies to the study of various texts/scriptures for the benefit of the mind and spirit 5. Ishvara Pranidhana- translates as surrender (pranidhana) to God or Higher Power/Principle (ishvara), oneness with spirit

Name and define the 8 limbs of Raja/Ashtanga yoga.

(Your Neighbors Are Probably Pooping During Dangerous Situations) 1. Yama- social restraints, disciplines in regard to others 2. Nyama- personal observances, discipline in regard to self 3. Asana- posture 4. Pranayama- breath control 5. Pratyahara- withdrawing the mind from sensory stimulation 6. Dharana- concentration 7. Dhyana- contemplation or meditation 8. Samadhi- super consciousness

What will 11 minutes of meditation do?

Begins to change the nerves and the glandular system

Prana is carried into the body via the ____.


List the 6 restorative poses we've learned.

1) Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) 2) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge Pose) 3) Viparita Karani (Inverted Lake/Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose) 4) Balasana/Adho Mukha Virasana (Child Pose/Downward Facing Hero Pose) 5) Pawanmuktasana (Twisting Forward Folding Pose - squeezing knees into chest) 6) Savasana (Corpse Pose)

What are the benefits of sitting poses?

Improve elasticity in hips, knees, ankles, and groin Make breathing smooth + easy Pacify mind Spine is strengthened and kept steady


The ability of a joint to move through its normal range of motion

Describe karma-pratyahara

> The control of action > Selfless acts of service - right work and right action yields control of the motor organs > Non-comparing, non-attachment, non-judgment - of both others and ourselves. > "Because desire is endless, happiness consists not in getting what we want but in no longer needing anything from the external world."

List the pose sequence of Sun Salutation A.

1. Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana (Mountain Pose with arms extended overhead) 2. Uttanasana (Intense Forward Stretch Pose) 3. Ardha Uttanasana (Half Intense Forward Stretch Pose) 4. Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose) 5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) 7. Same as 3 8. Same as 2 9. Same as 1

How far back do scholars date the origin of yoga?

25,000 BCE (Shamanism, pre-dating written history)

Yoga poses consist of ___ phases: _____ , _____ , and _____ .

3 Moving into the pose (mindfulness + time) Being in the pose (awareness + adjustments + steady breathing) Moving out of the pose (when injury is most likely to occur)

List the 5 inversions we've learned.

1) Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) 2) Halasana (Plow Pose) 3) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Supported Bridge Pose) 4) Viparita Karani (Inverted Lake/Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose) - also in the Restorative Pose category 5) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

What are 2 practical methods of exploring pratyahara, and what are their benefits/drawbacks?

1) Shavasana (corpse pose) - easy to produce senseless state, but can be difficult to maintain without falling asleep 2) Yoga Nidra (yoga sleep) - entering deeper and deeper levels of relaxation; involves a certain level of awareness in the deeper states of the consciousness (that are usually considered the unconscious)

List the 2 sitting poses we've learned.

1) Sukhasana 2) Siddhasana (the accomplished pose)

List the 4 phases of habit cycles (how many days it takes to ___ a new habit).

1) 40 days - to change a habit. 2) 90 days - to confirm the habit 3) 120 days - to become the new habit 4) 1000 days - to master the new habit.

Where are the 5 different spots one can focus the eyes during meditation - and what are their unique benefits?

1) At the Third Eye Point (Shambavi Mudra) The Brow Point, the root of the nose. Here, the attention is on the brow and the eyes are gently raised. The sushumna, the central nerve force, is stimulated. This stimulates the pituitary - intuition is developed. 2) At the Tip of the Nose (Agiaa Chakra Bandha), the highest lock. It is referred to as Lotus Point Meditation. This controls the mind, which is locked in a triangle. When the optic nerve concentrates at the tip of the nose, the ida and pingala, then sushumna get to a center of balance. This stimulates the pineal gland and the frontal lobe of the brain. New energy pathways are created in the brain patterns. 3) At the Moon Center is the tip of the chin, with the eyes closed and rolled down. This is cooling, calming. You see yourself clearly. 4) At the Crown Chakra, The Tenth Gate, the top of the head. Eyes are closed and rolled upwards, as if looking through the top of the head. This stimulates the pineal and the crown energy center. 5) 1/10th Open (or 9/10th closed) The eyelids are light and relaxed. This stimulates the optic nerve slightly. It makes you calm, and develops intuition.

List the 5 back bends we've learned.

1) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 2) Salabhasana (Locust Pose) 3) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose) 4) Ustrasana (Camel Pose) 5) Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One Legged King Pigeon Pose)

List the 7 forward bends we've learned.

1) Dandasana (Stick/Staff Pose) 2) Adho Mukha Sukhasana (forward bend in easy pose) 3) Virasana (Hero Pose, sitting on shins) 4) Balasana/Adho Mukha Virasana (Child Pose/Downward Facing Hero Pose) 5) Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle/Cobbler Pose, sitting foot touching foot) 6) Janu Sirsana (Head-To-Knee Pose) 7) Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

List the phases of meditation and describe them.

1) Dharana - concentration; the 6th limb of yoga; planting the seed and focusing your attention; decreasing the mind chatter "chitta" 2) Dhyana - meditation; the 7th limb of yoga; merging into an object or state of consciousness; focusing attention without distraction; exploring the seed; state of complete awareness 3) Samadhi - absorption; the 8th limb of yoga; reaching oneness or merging mind/body/spirit; meditation decreases tension and creates a state of calmness

When do you use dirgha pranayama?

1) During asana practice 2) Prior to meditation 3) Prior to relaxation

In what 3 scenarios would you use ujjayi breath?

1) During asana practice - especially vinyasas 2) Before meditation 3) Anytime you want to concentrate

List some guidelines for meditation.

1) ENVIRONMENT - choose a setting in which you are most likely to be undisturbed. Quiet, comfortable, beautiful and sacred is ideal. A comfortable temperature is important. Have something supportive but soft to sit on, such as a pillow or blanket. If you cannot sit comfortably on the floor, sit in a chair. 2) WHEN TO MEDITATE - Any time is fine. However, yogis believe that the best time is 4-7am, or starting approximately 2-1/2 hours before the rise of the sun. This is when all is quiet, and instead of dreaming, you consciously process your mind with meditation. Another optimal time of day is 4-7pm. when the sun is setting. Before going to sleep is also beneficial, thus settling and clearing the mind in preparation for deep sleep. It's best not to have a full stomach when meditating. 3) TUNE IN - with a mantra to set your mind and space. This can be done out loud or softly. 4) START & FINISH - prior to beginning, it is helpful to start a timer, or have a "boundary" to allow you to stay steady and focused. Over time, this may not be needed, but it is very helpful for creating a meditative space and habit. 5) STRAIGHT SPINE - No matter how you are seated, it is important that the spine is straight and the posture balanced. The spine acts as a central channel (like an antennae) for the energy of the nervous system. Maintain Neck Lock (Jalandhara Bandha). 6) CLOTHING - wear comfortable clothing that you feel good in and can breathe naturally in. To enhance the experience, some yogis will wear only natural fiber clothing and cover their head if desired. 7) MUDRAS - hand positions/gestures are an important part of meditation. A mudra is a position of the hands used to seal or guide energy flow and reflexes to the brain. Different meditations may require different mudras for different purposes. 8) SLOW BREATH - As you breathe deeply and rhythmically, scan the body for tension and let it go as you exhale.

What are the benefits of viloma breath?

1) Increases the depth and length of the breath (overall capacity) 2) Increases awareness of the body as a container for the breath (and prana)

List the 4 parts to the pranayama breath cycle (with Sanskrit terms, duh)

1) Inhalation (puraka) 2) Pause (antara kumbhaka) 3) Exhalation (rechaka) 4) Pause (bahya kumbhaka)

List the 2 twists we've learned.

1) Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Twisting Pose - the leg to one side while you're flat on your back one) 2) Parivrtta Trikonasana (Twisting or Revolving Triangle Pose)

Name the 4 main paths of yoga, and their shared ultimate goal.

1) Jnana 2) Bhakti 3) Karma 4) Raja Ultimate goal: self-realization/enlightenment/the union of the individual self with the Absolute.

Name the 5 types of prana (the prana vayus):

1) Prana - used in pranayama 2) Apana - used in pranayama 3) Samana 4) Udana 5) Vyana

List the 11 standing poses we've learned.

1) Tadasana Samasthiti (Mountain Pose attention position) 2) Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana (Mountain Pose with arms extended overhead) 3) Utkatasana (Fierce, Mighty, Powerful Pose- also known as chair pose) 4) Uttanasana (Intense Forward Stretch Pose) 5) Vrksasana (Tree Pose) 6) Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose) 7) Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose) 8) Crescent Pose 9) Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) 10) Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolving or Twisting Triangle Pose) 11) Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

What are the 2 main parts of the body that can be developed through meditation?

1) The frontal lobe of the forehead - controls personality and higher levels of functioning 2) The upper palate of the mouth - controls autonomic system (involuntary actions)

List the 4 supine (laying face up) and prone (laying face down) poses we've learned.

1) Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Legs Extended Upwards Pose) 2) Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose - what we do with the straps) 3) Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) 4) Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose) *Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, and Jathara Parivartanasana also fall in this category of poses because of their supine or prone position.

List the pose sequence of Sun Salutation B.

1. Utkatasana (Fierce, Mighty, Powerful Pose) 2. Uttanasana (Intense Forward Stretch Pose) 3. Ardha Uttanasana (Half Intense Forward Stretch Pose) 4. Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose) 5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) 7. Virabhadrasana One (Warrior One Pose - right side) 8. Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose) 9. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 10. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) 11. Virabhadrasana One (Warrior One Pose - left side) 12. Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limb Staff Pose) 13. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 14. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) 15. Same as 3 16. Same as 2 17. Same as 1

Sculptures and carvings of men/gods in yogic postures have been found dating as far back as...

3000 BCE

List the 2 balancing poses we've learned.

Arm balances: • Vasisthasana (Arm Balance named after the sage Vasistha) • Bakasana (Crane Pose)

Describe: The Upanishads

> Book of Revelations. > On human consciousness, liberation, and breaking the cycle of reincarnation.

Describe: the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

> Describes Hatha yoga as stairway to Raja yoga. > Unites physical (Hatha) practice with spiritual (Raja) practice.

What is Hatha yoga? (list: path, description, relevant texts, and practices)

> NOT one of the 4 main paths - but is considered a stairway to/subdivision of Raja yoga > Most widely practiced in West > Yoga of balancing opposite energies > "Ha" (sun) and "Tha" (moon) > Practices: asanas and pranyama

What is Bhakti yoga? (list: path, description, relevant texts, and practices)

> Path of devotion > Divine object of devotion; most spiritual path and most widely practiced in India; yoga of the heart > Relevant texts: Bhagavad Gita > Practices: Mantras, dancing, singing

What is Karma yoga? (list: path, description, relevant texts, and practices)

> Path of duty and selfless action > Giving without expectation; transcending ego; altruism > Relevant texts: Bhagavad Gita > Practices: think Mother Teresa

What is Raja yoga? (list: path, description, relevant texts, and practices)

> Path of the royal/spiritual kings > Physical and mental control; goal of "samadhi" i.e. enlightenment > Relevant texts: The Yoga Sutras (in which the 8 limbs of Raja yoga are described) > Practices: Asanas (postures) and pranayama (breath control); meditation is main practice

What is Jnana yoga? (list: path, description, relevant texts, and practices)

> Path of wisdom > Self-inquiry ("who am I?"); vs ignorance > Relevant texts: Vedas/early Upanishads > Practices: Study and meditation

Describe: The Bhagavad Gita

> Tale of duty told by Krishna to Prince Arjuna. > Explains Karma/Bhakti/Jnana paths of yoga.


Backward-bending curvature of spine (concave posteriorly) - located in C & L (cervical and lumbar spine)

Describe indriya-pratyahara and its 6 practices.

> The control of instinctual senses. > Training the mind to reduce its dependency on bodily senses - not by suppression, but through coordination and determination. > Practices: 1) Right Intake of Sensory Impressions 2) Sensory Withdrawal - e.g. meditation, media fast, Shanmukhi Mudra or Shambhavi Mudra 3) Focusing on Uniform Impressions - e.g. gaze at the sky/ocean/an image 4) Creating Positive Impressions - e.g. meditating on nature/places of pilgrimage, using flowers/altars/statues 5) Creating Inner Impressions - e.g. visualization 6) Laya/Kundalini Yoga - withdrawal into inner energies through meditation and chakras

Describe prana-pratyahara

> The control of prana > Pranayama is prep for pratyahara - prana is gathered in pranayama and withdrawn in pratyahara > Important because our senses follow prana - so strengthening prana helps us control the senses/mind

Describe: The Vedas

> The oldest writings mentioning yoga. > There are 4. > The 1st = Rig Veda - on meditation and the chanting of mantras

Describe mano-pratyahara

> The withdrawal of the mind > Withdrawing senses from objects and directing them inwards to the nature of the mind > Controlling the MIND, not the senses - as when the mind is controlled, the senses are automatically controlled as well, because we take in sensory impressions only where we place our mind's attention > This is the highest and most difficult form of pratyahara, and may require proficiency in the other forms first

Describe: The Yoga Sutras/Yoga Darshana

> Written by sage Patanjali. > On human consciousness and liberation. > Most influential text on yoga. > Made yoga one of the six philosophies ("shat darshanas").

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) A has ___ poses, and B has ___ poses.

A - 9 B - 17

Define sthiram

A firmness and steadiness in body and intelligence

What will 22 minutes of meditation do?

Balances the three minds (negative, positive, neutral) and they begin working together

What will 3 minutes of meditation do?

Affects the electromagnetic field, the circulation and stability of the blood

What will 31 minutes of meditation do?

Allows the glands, breath and concentration to affect all the cells and rhythms of the body. Lets the psyche of meditation affect the 3 gunas (qualities/virtues), all 31 tattvas (principles of reality) and all layers of the mind's projections.

What will 62 minutes of meditation do?

Changes the gray matter in the brain. Hours of meditation can change the psyche in its co-relation with the surrounding magnetic field so that the subconscious mind is held firmly in the new pattern by the surrounding universal mind.

Define dirgha pranayama

Complete three-part breath; yogic breath Filling up lungs 1/3rd at a time, from lower to upper lungs

What are the benefits of forward bends?

Compress, massage and tone abdominal organs Brain blood flow is regulated; frontal brain is cooled Lower heart rate + blood pressure > alleviate stress Sensory organs + adrenal glands are relaxed and soothed, functioning more efficiently Less strain on heart to pump blood against gravity Back muscles are stretched


Connects bone to bone; located in the joints


Connects bone to muscle


Contracts to move muscle

What are the benefits of balancing poses?

Develop strength, control, coordination, agility, and lightness Sense of equilibrium achieved through intelligence of body that is required to hold balancing poses

Define viloma breath

Divided breath into equal parts (usually around 2-4) with pauses in between i.e. kumbhaka Can have emphasis/division placed on puraka (inhale) or rechaka (exhale)

Define sukham

Ease, pleasantness and delightfulness

What are the benefits of back bends?

Energize body by stimulating central nervous system Alleviate nervous exhaustion and enhance ability to endure stress Can aid those who are depressed Back muscles are strengthened Liver function is enhanced

Define samavritti

Equal breathing - inhaling and exhaling for an equal duration (4-6 seconds each) sama = same; vritti = fluctuation

Define apana (the specific prana vayu)

Exhalation Catabolic processes Moves through abdominal cavity Elimination


Forward-bending curvature (concave anteriorly) of spine - located in T & S (thoracic and sacral spine)

Where was the first evidence of yoga found?

Indus Valley (North India/Pakistan)

Define prana (the specific prana vayu)

Inhalation Anabolic processes Moves through thoracic cavity Absorption

Define prana (general)

Life or vital force; death force; all types of energy (cosmic, heat, biological, mental, emotional)

What are the benefits of twists?

Maintain health of spine and inner body Abdominal and pelvic organs are squeezed, so stale blood is flushed out to be replaced with fresh blood - cleansing effect Spinal nerves receive more blood flow > increased energy levels

Define mantra.

Mantra = sounds or words that tune the mind Man means mind; tra means wave or movement of the mind

What is dhrist?

Meditation focus for the eyes

Define samskaras

Mental imprints or habits

Define naad.

Naad = a mantra's energetic shape in time

100 BC-200 CE - identify period and what the key yogic texts/developments were

Period: Classical Yoga Sutra of Patanjali - 8 limbs of yoga/Ashtanga yoga Raja yoga

800-1700 CE - identify period and what the key yogic texts/developments were

Period: Medieval Hatha Yoga Pratipika - developed system of asanas Hatha yoga

1700 CE to present - identify period and what the key yogic texts/developments were

Period: Modern yoga

200-800 CE - identify period and what the key yogic texts/developments were

Period: Post Classical

1500-500 BC - identify period and what the key yogic texts/developments were

Period: Post Vedic Upanishads - books of revelations Jana yoga

500-100 BC - identify period and what the key yogic texts/developments were

Period: Pre-Classical Epic Bhagavad Gita - tale of duty Bhakti - Karma yoga

25,000 BC - identify period and what the key yogic texts/developments were

Period: Shamanism Pre-dating written history

3000-1500 BC - identify period and what the key yogic texts/developments were

Period: Vedic Vedas - believed to be the oldest source of knowledge

Define vinyasa

Poses intelligently sequenced and linked together with the movement of your breath

Define pranayama and what it does for the body ( make sure to break down the roots of the word)

Pranayama = breath control or "life force extension" Balances the prana vayus within the body, ensuring optimal health and preparing mind for meditation Prana means life force Yama means restraint/control Ayama means extension

Describe sound and mantra meditation and the benefits of such practices.

Real silence = when ego/mind chatter is quiet Simple sounds can be used in meditation to stimulate pituitary gland and redirects the flow of thoughts. Words like "love," "beauty," "truth," "abundance," or "I am" can also be used. Chanting stimulates hormone balance.

What are the benefits of restorative poses?

Relax and rejuvenate body and mind Decrease stress response and strengthen immune system Savasana (corpse pose) brings greatest amount of restoration with least amount of energy expended

What are the benefits of inversions?

Reverse the effect of gravity on brain and body > alleviate stagnant blood flow and improve vitality of ALL organ systems (yes, ALL of them) Daily practice of shoulder stand + supported headstand poses are highly recommended for overall health of mind and body


Sanskrit word from which the term yoga was derived, meaning to yoke/unite/join

Describe Shambhavi Mudra.

Sitting with eyes open while directing attention inwards - helps you learn to control mind even while senses are functioning.

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali states that all asanas should be performed with which two qualities?

Sthiram and sukham

List the benefits of practicing Sun Salutations.

Strengthens the heart and lungs Lubricates the joints Increases the metabolic rate Warms up the body Strengthens and stretches the major muscle groups Improves breathing Builds stamina Develops coordination and agility


Stretches/relaxes as agonist contracts; they work as a pair

What are the benefits of standing poses?

Teach how to stand correctly and become aware of proper body alignment > good posture Strengthen muscles, bones and connective tissue (ligaments + tendons) Improve function of cardiovascular and respiratory systems

List the 5 major yoga texts in order from past to present - over what time period was each written?

The Vedas - 3000 BCE (was when the 1st of 4, the Rig Veda, was written) The Upanishads - 2000 BCE to the 20th century The Bhagavad Gita - 400 BCE to 200 CE The Yoga Sutras - 200 CE Hatha Yoga Pradipika - 1300 CE

Yoga can be defined as...

The union of the mind, body, and spirit

Mnemonic for yoga texts:

VUB-Ys-Ha! (5)

What is ujjayi breath and what are its benefits?

Victorious or ocean breath. Breathing through nose while constricting back of throat and making an "ah" sound Focuses the mind, slows the breath and generates internal heat

Describe Shanmukhi Mudra.

i.e. Seal of the Seven Gates Sealing the ears, eyelids, nostrils, and lips and sitting still, allowing the mind to go inward.

Define pratyahara and describe its uses and benefits

prati (against) + ahara (anything we take into ourselves from the outside) So pratyahara = "which is against outside influences" It is: - The link between all inner and outer aspects of yoga. - The yogic tool that allows us to control our vital energies and impulses, and master unruly senses. - Essential in preparation for successful meditation. - Some yogis call it "the most important limb of yoga." > Linked to each of the other limbs of yoga. - Helps avoid environmental disturbances (like noise, radiation, or pollution) that may cause psychological pain - The withdrawal from wrong food, wrong impressions and wrong associations while simultaneously opening up to right food, right impressions and right associations. - An awareness and sharpening of intuition to become vigilant against negative and destructive thought patterns. - A heightened state of consciousness where we become one with all the sources of joy within ourselves. - According to the Yoga Sutras, "when the senses do not conform with their own objects but imitate the nature of the mind."

List the 3 benefits of samavritti breathing

• Developing respiratory capacity • Synchronization of breath rhythm with movement of the body • Drawing the awareness inward

What are some of the functions of the vertebral/spinal column? (there are 5)

• Holding us upright • Protecting the nerves of the spinal cord • Providing the attachment site of muscles and ribs, thereby allowing for movement and the protection of internal organs • Bearing weight • Permitting movement in the trunk

What are the benefits of meditation?

• Lowers resting heart rate and blood pressure • Reduces stress symptoms, chronic pain and muscle tension • Minimizes insomnia and migraine headaches • Increases energy and ability to concentrate • Improves immune system function • Develops the frontal lobe of the forehead, which controls your personality. • Develops the Neutral (Meditative) Mind. • Promotes a sense of well-being, inner peace, stability, and calm. • Resolves core issues of stress-producing patterns. • Promotes clarity of mind, mental awareness and the ability to be present. • Promotes the ability to focus energy, enhancing effectiveness and efficiency. • Encourages mastery over transforming emotion to devotion. • Develops intuition. • Releases reactions and unconscious habits, subconscious fears and blocks/obstacles and builds the spontaneous and intuitive link to awareness itself.

List some guidelines for pranayama practice.

• Never force the breath. • Be mindful and avoid any tension. • Do not practice when sick. • To help open the sinuses, do a jala neti practice (saline water nasal irrigation).

List 8 benefits of practicing yoga asanas.

• Reducing stress • Improving health • Increasing flexibility • Improving quality of sleep • Alleviating emotional instability and distress • Recovering from injury and illness • Enhancing fitness and athletic performance • Increasing mental focus and awareness

List the 8 types of yoga poses.

• Standing Poses • Sitting Poses • Forward Bends • Backbends • Twists • Inversions • Balancing Poses • Restorative Poses

List the 3 benefits of dirgha pranayama

• promoting proper diaphragmatic breathing • relaxing the mind and body • oxygenating the blood and purging lungs of carbon dioxide

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