Young Adult Physical Development

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Describe the AOTA stance on obesity.

"Obesity...contributes to psychosocial and societal problems, resulting in job absenteeism, less education, fewer housing and work opportunities, restricted access to health care, and reduced social participation due to a societal stigma" We should helps patients who are struggling with weight loss because they need our help; we are not to view them as weak and lacking moral fiber

What are the most common ways of meeting sexual partners?

1. Conventional ways of friends 2. Internet or Apps

What are the 3 DNA/Body Cells theories of biological aging?

1. Genetic programming theory 2. Random events theory 3. Free radical theory

What are 5 elements of treatment (of weight gain) to promote lasting change?

1. Nutritious diet lower in calories, sugar and fat WITH regular exercise 2. Keeping an accurate record of food intake and body weight 3. Social Support 4. Teaching problem-solving skills 5. Duration of intervention from 25-40 weeks

What is the recommended exercise for early adults?

150 minutes/week at moderate intensity. 2 sessions of resistance exercise

What age group is affected the most by stress?

18-24; college students; young adults

Early adulthood spans what ages?

18-40 *Markers of young adulthood: graduating college, buying a house, getting married, having children, etc.

Sexual Coercion in Adulthood What % of women experienced rape? sexual coercion? 1 in __ men experience rape, ___% of men reported sexual coercion. __ out of 10 victims are under the age of 25.

19% of women experienced rape, 45% experienced sexual coercion. 1 in 71 men experience rape, 6% of men reported sexual coercion. 8 out of 10 victims under 25

Maximum CO is reached between ages ___ to ___ and what happens after?<-- why?

20-30; slowly declines after; due to decline in power of LV and stiffening of the heart muscle (elasticity changes in CT)

a 2017 study showed what detail between young adults and substance abuse?

2017 study showed that many young adults are NOT aware of the risk of harm from substance use.

Sexual activity inc. in ___s, then declines in ___s.

20s; 30s

Most early-aged adults have had sex by age ___


Females live how many years longer than men? Why might this be the case?

4-7 years longer; protective X chromosome.

What % of the US population is overweight or obese?

72% ; overweight constitutes 34% of this percentage ; obese=38%

What is the average lifespan of adults? Explain the rate at which it has increased.

78.8 years It has inc. significantly over the past century, and 25-30 years in the 20th century.

Facts on tobacco abuse

Abuse rates declining slowly Men>Women smoke; drop-outs > graduates Ingredients have harmful effects E-cigarettes (long term risks unknown, but cautionary) they do inc. HR and BP Quitters return to most nonsmoker levels within 10 years

What are the leading causes of death in early adulthood?

Accidental deaths: ~80% of deaths aged 30 and under result from injury or violence. Accident crashes, drowning, firearm-related injuries, falls, assault, drug ODs.

Psychological stress in early adulthood is a time period critical for impacting...

Adult health

Studies show that what peaks between 20-30, then declines?

Athletic skills

Explain how basal metabolic rate declines as a consequence of weight gain.

Basal metabolic rate: Amount of energy the body uses at complete rest (Burning calories at rest; this will be higher with the more muscle mass we have) This will decline as the # of active muscle cells drop off (from weight gain) and with age.

What is the most common, deadly part of drinking alcohol? What are its effects?

Binge Drinking; Vomiting, damage to brain, anxiety/depression, affects mood, alcohol poisoning, accidents, shakiness, memory loss.

From infancy to adulthood, what kind of developmental changes do we primarily see? In adulthood, what kind of events have more of an impact on development?

Biological changes Social events

How can cross-linkage (theory) be reduced?

By external factors (exercise, vitamins rich diet, etc.)

What are some parts of the body that may be affected by cross-linkage theory?

Cataracts is often to first thing we see, and the organs may become less flexible (constipation from stiff intestines, clogged arteries, etc.)

What becomes less efficient in the random events theory of biological aging?

Cell repair and replacement

There are often noted large weight gains during early adulthood due to...

Changing schedules, changing roles, environment, etc. *Our nutrition habits now will establish a pattern for adult life.

What are the most common abuse substances?

Cigarette Smoking (Tobacco), Alcohol, and Marijuana

Young adults are more likely to engage in substance abuse to enhance what two things?

Cognitive and physical performance

What factors can influence biological aging?

Contextual factors; ex: stop smoking, or sustain environmental safety with fresh air.

This theory of biological aging states that protein fibers of the CT link together, which leads to...

Cross-Linkage Theory Leads to dec. elasticity (the protein fibers become weaker and might even break; they deteriorate)

What 4 theories of biological aging involve the tissues and organs?

Cross-linkage theory Endocrine system Immune system Wear and tear" theory

What is the rate of physical decline during young adulthood?

Decline is slow

Describe the different factors in poverty-low SES populations that could contribute to psychological stress in early adulthood

Decreased preventative care Decreased access to quality healthcare Decreased money for healthy diet Increased stress and stress health outcomes

What symptoms can exercise particularly reduce?

Depressive symptoms

Fats and treatment of weight gain

Dietary fat changes, especially saturated fats which play a role in aging

What endocrine changes contribute to biological aging? (tissues & organs)

Dysregulation of hormones can lead to gradual aging factors ex's: menopause (drop in estrogen) or drop in growth hormone (dec. muscle mass, inc. body fat, thinning of skin, etc)

When do athletic tasks such as sprinting, jumping, and tennis peak?

Early twenties (b/c these things require fast-twitch muscles)

What can endocrine changes that contribute to biological aging be slowed by?

External factors (diet and physical activity)

What other motor and physical functions decrease in Y.A?

Fine motor dexterity Visual acuity

The college years tend to lead to rise in uncommitted sexual encounters, what trend do we see following this?

Followed by trend toward more committed relationships. •People are marrying later •Many live together prior to deciding whether to marry (cohabitation) •Most adults are happy with their sex lives

This theory states that the body releases free radicals, which are thought to be involved in 60 disorders of aging.

Free Radical Theory

These are naturally occurring highly reactive chemicals that form in the presence of oxygen

Free radicals

This theory states that people inherit risk and protective factors. Our aging genes thus control...

Genetic programming theory: Aging genes control biological changes/traits

With continued practicing and sustained training, people can become outstanding athletes. What is the age range we see here?

Gradual decline until sixties.

What two conditions can present in young adulthood, but more likely in middle adulthood?

HBP (10% of young adults) and atherosclerosis (5% of young adults)

Disparities in what two things impact SES rate?

Health & mortality

What two respiratory functions decline with age and ONLY with stressful exercise?

Heart performance Lung capacity

What trait can make people more vulnerable to being overweight or obese?


The life expectancy of what population is 2 years higher than those not of that population?

Hispanic population 2 years higher than non- Hispanic population (there are some genetic differences with aging)

What are the cultural/ethnicity, and gender rates on obesity?

Hispanic, native american, and african american populations over 40%. Men and women have similar prevalence.

How does the immune system contribute to biological aging (tissues & organs)

Increased susceptibility to infectious disease and cancer Changes in blood vessel walls associated with CVD Decreased vigor - seems that our immune system is genetically programmed to become weaker.


LDR, baseball, golf, darts.

When do athletic tasks such as LDR, baseball, and golf peak?

Late twenties and early thirties.

Facts on marijuana abuse

Less addictive than tobacco Cultural factors contribute Can have harmful effects of abuse

What can add free radicals into our bodies?

Lifestyle and environment

Respiratory changes with aging: There is a sharp decrease in what at age 25? And after 25?

Maximum vital capacity (how much air we can breathe in and exhale) Declines 10% per decade after 25 years old.

How is the reproductive system affected by biological aging in men?

Men are affected by age (~35) Semen volume dec., sperm motility difficulties, and % of abnormal sperm inc. after 35.

What are the sex differences seen with alcohol abuse?

Men start in teens/early 20s; women in 20s & 30s Women progress towards dependence more quickly In general: men drink to enhance social & positive situations, women to cope in stress or negative situations.

Biological aging begins when?

Mid to late-twenties.

Biological aging is multi....

Multidimensional & multidirectional

What factors must we address in relation to the treatment of weight gain?

Must address the complex NEURAL, HORMONAL and METABOLIC factors related to weight gain.

Over ____ of Americans are inactive. (gender/SES?

Over 50%; women>men; Low SES populations more inactive

Sexual Minority RELATIONSHIP Trends

Partners in similar education and background Committed relationships tend to be satisfied Sexual activity is moderate; higher in early adulthood Tend to live in supportive environments that support acceptance

What are the harmful effects of alcohol abuse?

Physical, mental, and social effects: Alcohol only works as a depressant for short time period, then needs more Liver disease, CVD, brain damage, memory and social complications related to DUIs or decisions with drinking.

What should be done to prevent sexual coercion in adulthood?

Prevent, screen and treat high risk populations

What kind of stress weakens the immune system? Due to what?

Psychological and physical stress. Due to interaction with endocrine & NS

This theory states that cells become damaged by SPONTANEOUS or EXTERNALLY caused mutations.

Random Events Theory

What are some benefits of exercise?

Reduce body fat & build muscle Fosters resistance to disease & enhances immune response Improves cardiovascular functioning (dec. risk of Diabetes and CVD) Reduce incidence of breast and colon cancer Multiple mental health benefits (dec. anxiety / depression) Enhances cognitive functioning Improve coping to stress Improved self-esteem and life satisfaction

What are the various consequences of sexual coercion?

Resemble survivors of extreme trauma Physical effects: injuries, STDs or pregnancy Substance abuse

Info on sexual partners.

Seek out partners similar in age (within 5 years), education, ethnicity and religion

This is when we start "getting old". It is genetically influenced by declines in the functioning of the organs and systems.


Biological aging is asynchronous. What does this mean?

Some factors deteriorate, but not all.


Sprinting, jumping, tennis.

Breaking an addition is difficult. What needs to be done?

Starting early is key Counseling, effective coping training and relapse prevention needed

Info on inc. acceptance of marriage

Supreme Court rules (2015) same-sex couples can marry nationwide Millennial generation most accepting

Immune system changes with biological aging: What lymphocytes functioning changes occur? (T & B cells)

T-cells (attack antigens) mature in the thymus B-cells (capture antigens) antibodies inc. when T-cells dec.

Give an example of how aging genes control biological changes/traits (genetic programming theory)

Telomeres: Located at the end of each gene; with each division, it shortens. Eventually, the cells won't be able to duplicate at all. Telomeres act as a brake against somatic mutations Persistent psychological stress is linked to reduced telomere enzyme protection activity Diseases result in telomerase/telomere mutations

What immune system changes do we see with biological aging? (thymus)

Thymus response decreases; thymus shrinks after 20 & becomes less effective.

What is the single most preventable cause of death in industrialized nations?

Tobacco use

Sexual practices are diverse. What trend are we seeing with sexuality in early adulthood?

Trend toward more sexual partners in lifetime.

T or F The US has a higher death rate compared to other countries.


What are some complications of weight gain?

Type 2 diabetes, heart disease & cancer Social Discrimination Daily activity limitations

The college years tend to lead to a rise in what? (relationships)

Uncommitted sexual encounters (more sexual partners than previous generations / inc acceptance of premarital sex)

Which theory of biological aging is oversimplified; very rarely talked about from a therapists' perspective because no study shows that exercise etc. leads to an early death.

Wear and Tear theory

Stress Consequences in Adulthood Health: Chronic stress is linked to...

Weight gain and related health concerns Possible acute cardiac events Immune system dysfunction GI difficulties Depressed feeling and concerns about the future

How is the reproductive system affected by biological aging in women?

Women are giving birth later. Inc. fertility problems in mid-thirties (starts at 27, rapidly declines at 35) due to dec. quality and amount of ova; no consistent changes in uterus. PMS in women can be present at this time

When does alcoholism usually start?

Young adulthood

Cardiac systems aging: The heart, chest, and rib muscles become more...

rigid (tightness in the chest)

What "gap" of life expectancy is narrowing?

the white-black gap

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