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All of the following classes of drugs are used to treat hypertension, EXCEPT: A. Aryloxypropanolamines B. Thiazides C. Fibrates D. Dihydropyridines


All of the following hormonal drugs possess a steroidal nucleus, EXCEPT: A. Ethinyl Estradiol B. Norethindrone C. Liothyronine D. Danazol


Although the prostaglandins are hormone like, they may be closely resemble which of the following chemically? A. Proteins B. Porphyrins C. Lipids D. Enzymes


An anxiolytic drug that does not possess either hypnotic or anticonvulsant properties A. Tranylcypromine B. Imipramine C. Buspirone D. Fluoxetine E. Phenelzine


Ferric thiocyanate, produced by the reaction of ferric salts with ammonium thiocyanate has a __ color A. Dark blue B. Light violet C. Dark yellow D. Blood red


What is formed when an atom or cation acts as the center about which anions or molecules arrange themselves? A. Covalent compounds B. Ionic compounds C. Complexes D. Ionic-covalent compounds


What is liberated when potassium permanganate is reacted with hydrochloric acid? A. Manganous oxide B. Hypochlorous acid C. Chlorine D. Hydrogen


What statement can BEST describe fats chemically? A. Fats are steroids with one or more hydroxyl groups B. Fats are esters of glycerin and fatty acids C. Fats are compounds of glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid, and choline D. Fats are polypeptides


When acids are in solution, which of the following is released? A. Positrons B. Neutrons C. Protons D. Electrons E. Photon


Which anion evolves a gas with a fruity odor when treated with concentrated sulfuric acid & ethanol? A. ClO4- B. SO4-2 C. CH3COO- D. BrO3-3


Which halogen has the highest reactivity? (BEQ) A. Cl B. Br C. F D. I


Which of the following antineoplastics is NOT considered as antimetabolite? A. Methotrexate B. Thioguanine C. Etoposide D. Cytarabine


Which of the following are classified as GABA receptor modulators I. Benzodiazepines II. Barbiturates III. Chloral hydrate IV. Ethanol A. II, III, IV B. I, II, III C. I, II, IV D. I, III, IV


Arrange the elements according to increasing electronegativity (BEQ) A. I > Br > Cl > F B. Cl > Br > F > I C. Br > Cl > I > F D. F > Cl > Br > I


What is quartz? A. Silicon dioxide B. Magnesium oxide C. Carbon dioxide D. Aluminum oxide


Calcium sulfate dihydrate is also names as A. Fluorspar B. Limestone C. Talc D. Selenite


Chlorides may be precipitated by: A. Potassium nitrate B. Calcium chloride C. Sodium nitrate D. Silver nitrate


Chromic acid (OA) will convert acetaldehyde to A. Ethanol B. Ethanoic acid C. Acetic acid D. Two of the above


Elements that can exists in two or more crystalline forms are said to be: A. Amphoteric B. Polymorphic C. Amorphous D. Allotropic


Trans-2-alkene: (BEQ) I. Asymmetrical II. Non-polar III. Higher melting point IV. Lower boiling point A. I, II, III B. II, III, IV C. I, III, IV D. I, II, III, IV


Used as treatment for mental ailments A. NaHCO3 B. Li2CO3 C. MgSO4 D. Na2CO3


What is the Pauli's Exclusion Principle? A. No two electrons in an atom may have the same principal quantum number B. An atom cannot have 2 electrons in the same energy level or orbital that have the same set of quantum numbers C. No more than 2 electrons may have the same set of quantum numbers D. Electrons in an atom may differ by, at most, one of four quantum numbers


What is the other name for phenylmethanol? A. Chloretone B. Benzyl Alcohol C. Diphenylethanol D. Carvacrol


What metal is unaffected by body fluids hence it is used in surgical repair of bones, nerves, & muscles? (BEQ) A. Aluminum B. Tantalum C. Cobalt D. Palladium


When water undergoes electrolysis forming hydrogen and oxygen molecules, which of the following phrases BEST describes this occurrence? A. Substitution reaction B. Chemical change C. Physical change D. Evaporation


Which among the following is an alternative antibiotic for patient allergic to penicillin? (BEQ) A. Aureomycin B. Erythromycin C. Chloramphenicol D. Tetracycline


Which among the following is used as solar ray protective or sun block A. Barium sulfate emetic B. Titanium dioxide C. Sodium nitrite D. Antimony chloride


Which are properties of ammoniated mercury? I. Volatilizes at red heat II. Occurs as white amorphous powder III. Soluble in water and alcohol IV. Decomposes without fusion A. II, III, IV B. I, II, IV C. I, II, III, IV D. I, III, IV


Which is the LIGHTEST of all metals A. Platinum B. Lithium C. Nickel D. Magnesium


Which of the following diuretics is most similar in chemical structure to the antihypertensive agent Diazoxide? A. Furosemide B. Spironolactone C. Mannitol D. Chlorothiazide


Which of the following elements is found in Grignard Reagent? A. Co B. Pb C. Fe D. Mg


Which of the following functional group is susceptible to hydrolysis A. R-CO-R B. R-COOH C. R-O-R D. R-COOR


Which of the following is NOT a condition that can occur during metabolic acidosis A. Diabetic acidosis B. Renal failure C. Diarrhea D. Hypertension


Which of the following is NOT a solvent for polyethylene glycol? A. Ethyl alcohol B. n-propanol C. Water D. Mineral oil


Which of the following is NOT soluble or miscible in Alcohol, USP? A. Ether B. Phenobarbital C. Formaldehyde D. Acacia


Which of the following is a progesterone derivative used in the treatment of endometrial cancer? A. Goserelin B. Tamoxifen C. Flutamide D. Depo-Provera


Which of the following is chemically a fluoroquinolone? A. Econazole B. Methenamine C.Pipemidic Acid D. Norfloxacin


Which of the following is the most acidic? (BEQ) A. HF B. HCl C. HBr D. HI


Which of the following refers to the amount of a strong acid or base that must be added to a liter of solution to change the pH by one unit? A. Ionization constant B. Equilibrium constant C. Concentration D. Buffer Capacity


Which of the following represents the index of the protective power of colloids? A. Nuggets B. Lumina C. Poise D. Zsigmondy


Which of the following statements best characterize gamma amino butyric acid? I. It is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain II. It is biosynthesized from glutamic acid III. High levels of GABA may be linked to anxiety or mood disorders IV. GABA is degraded by a pyridoxal-dependent enzyme, producing butyric acid and succinic acid semi-aldehyde A. III, IV B. II, III C. I, IV D. I, II


Which of the following statements best describe elements in the Periodic Table? I. Helium is the first element in Group IA II. Nonmetals occupy the upper right area of the periodic table III. Metals are located in the left area of the periodic table IV. Diagonally related elements are known as Bridge elements A. I, II, IV B. I, III, IV C. I, II, III D. II, III, IV


Which of the following therapeutic advantages CANNOT be obtained by the use of prodrugs? Increase___ A. Water solubility B. Oral absorption C. Duration of action D. Potency


Which one of the following acid will undergo the least amount of ionization in water? A. Acetic acid B. Lactic acid C. Salicylic acid D. Boric acid


Which test is used for nitrate, giving a positive blue color? A. Marsh test B. Turmeric paper test C. Perchromic acid test D. Lunge test


Enol is not a stable compound because it undergoes A. Electrophilic attack B. Hydrophobic attack C. Hydrophilic attack D. Hydrogen shift E. Tautomerization


A combination of non-ionic surfactant with iodine is known as: A. Povidone iodine B. Tincture of iodine C. Iodine in potassium iodide solution D. Strong iodine solution


Amalgams is an alloy of which of the following elements? A. Mercury B. Iron C. Copper D. Zinc


Azole antifungals are a group of medicines that contain an azole ring & inhibit the growth of a wide range of fungi. They are classified into two groups: imidazole & triazole. Which of the following is an example of a triazole? A. Fluconazole B. Imidazole C. Miconazole D. Ketoconazole


Compounds that results from a combination of electron donor and a metal forming a ring structure A. Chelate B. Prodrug C. Lactam ring D. Ligand


Conformation of organic molecules is most commonly determined by which of the following analytical methods? A. Nuclear magnetic resonance B. Mass spectrophotometry C. Optical rotation D. pK determination


Cream of tartar is known chemically as A. Potassium bitartrate B. Sodium potassium tartrate C. Zinc oxide D. Potassium nitrate


Determine the valence of chromium in potassium chromate with the chemical formula: K2CrO4 A. 6 B. 5 C. 8 D. 7


Diphenoxylate is a structural analog of ________ which is chemically a _________. A. Meperidine; Phenylpiperidine B. Pethidine; Pyridine C. Methadone; Phenylheptylamine D. Pentazocine; Benzomorphan


Has greatest factor among the quantum numbers in determining the atomic radius: A. Principal quantum number B. Azimuthal quantum number C. Magnetic quantum number D. Spin quantum number


Higher to lower concentration gradient The following are characteristics of active transport, EXCEPT: A. Higher to lower concentration gradient B. Follow saturation kinetics C. Carrier mediated D. Expenditure of energy


In quantitative analysis, a burette with a glass stopcock is used to accurately measure ___ solutions A. Acid B. Blank C. Alkali D. Buffer


Product in the reaction between a primary amine & aldehyde A. Imine B. Enamine C. Amide D. Lactone


States that the entropy of a pure, crystalline solid at absolute zero temperature is zero A. Third law of thermodynamics B. Second law of thermodynamic C. Zeroth law of thermodynamics D. First law of thermodynamics


Substances that shows strong conductivity property and a high degree of ionization: (BEQ) A. HCl, NaOH, NaCl B. Glucose, ethanol C. Ammonia, HF D. Buffer E. Two of the above


Surfactants are characterized by the presence of which of the following? A. Water solubilizing and fat solubilizing groups in the same molecule B. Positive and negative charges C. Water solubilizing groups only D. Fat solubilizing groups only


The following are Group V cations, EXCEPT: A. Manganese B. Lithium C. Potassium D. Sodium


The following compose group V cations, EXCEPT: A. Manganese B. Lithium C. Potassium D. Sodium


The hydrogen will be received by the less stable vinyl carbon based on the A. Markovnikov rule B. Huckel's rule C. Hund's rule D. Zaitsev's rule


The only part of penicillin that is always present but not essential. A. Sulfur B. Cis-stereochemistry C. Lactam ring D. Free carboxylate


The onset & duration of Barbiturate action is a function of its __ (BEQ) A. Lipid solubility B. Renal excretion C. Plasma binding D. Mode of administration


The ring common among Penicillins & Cephalosporins is____ A. Beta-Lactam ring B. Thiazole Ring C. Benzene Ring D. Phenothiazine Ring


What are the risks of the long-term use of Benzodiazepines? (BEQ) I. Developing Tolerance II. Developing acute stress reactions III. Developing dependence IV. Developing serious sleep problems A. I, III B. II, III C. I, II D. III, IV


Which among the following is the allotropic form of phosphorus made by heating phosphorus at 200 degree Celsius under a pressure of 1.2 GPa? A. Black phosphorus B. White phosphorus C. Red phosphorus D. Yellow phosphorus


Which are the uses of antimalarials? I. Prevention of infection in individuals visiting malaria-endemic region II. Treatment of malaria in individuals with suspected or confirmed infection III. Prevention of antimalarial resistance IV. Routine intermittent treatment of certain groups in endemic regions A. II, III, IV B. I, II, III C. I, II, IV D. I, III, IV


Which group is referred to as "alkali metals"? A. Group I-A B. Group II-A C. Group IV-A D. Group III-A


Which of the following Angiotensin II receptor blockers has the greatest bioavailability? A. Irbesartan B. Losartan C. Candesartan D. Olmesartan


Which of the following antineoplastic agents are alkylating agents? I. Nitrosoureas II. Purine antagonists III. Methyl hydrazine IV. Taxanes A. I, III B. III, IV C. II, III D. I, II


Which of the following antineoplastic agents are obtained from biological sources? I. Vinblastine II. Nitrogen mustard III. Alkyl sulfonate IV Paclitaxel A. I, IV B. I, III C. I, II D. II, III


Which of the following are obtained as products of hydrolysis of Carrageenan? (BEQ) I. Galactose II. Glucose III. Arabinose IV. Xylose A. I, II, III B. III, IV C. II, IV D. II, III, IV


Which of the following combination therapy is the treatment of choice for P. carinii pneumonia (PCP) A. Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole B. Emetine and Dehydroemetine C. Metronidazole and iodoquinol D. Pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine


Which of the following compounds exhibits amphoteric properties making it suitable to prevent systemic alkalosis? A. Aluminum hydroxide B. Calcium hydroxide C. Magnesium sulfate D. Barium sulfate


Which of the following do not cause a shift in chemical equilibrium? A. Catalyst B. Cations C. Anions D. Concentration


Which of the following elements are amphoteric? I. Beryllium II. Zinc III. Aluminum IV. Calcium A. I, III B. II, III C. III, IV D. I, II


Which of the following elements are referred to as the triad of Group VIII? I. Co II. Mn III. Ni IV. Fe A. I, III, IV B. I, II, III C. I, II, IV D. II, III, IV


Which of the following is a first generation urinary tract anti-infective A. Nalidixic acid B. Griseofulvin C. Salicylic acid D. Norfloxacin


Which of the following is a wax obtained from whales used in the preparation of cosmetic creams and fine wax candles A. Spermaceti B. Carrageenan C. Fucoidan D. Prostaglandins


Which of the following is the major organ for drug metabolism? A. Liver B. Small intestines C. Kidney D. Lungs


Which of the following metabolite of methoxyflurane is responsible for its nephrotoxicity? A. Fluoride Ion B. Oxalic acid C. Difluoromethoxyacetic acid D. Methane


Which of the following refers to a substance that absorbs moisture but does not dissolve in it? A. Hygroscopic B. Dehydrating substance C. Efflorescent D. Deliquescent


Which of the following represents the chemical formula of calomel? A. HgCl B. HgO C. HgCl2 D. SnCl4


Which of the following statements describes cis- and trans isomerism? I. Occurs only in organic compounds II. Occurs in both organic and inorganic compounds III. Trans-alkenes have lower solubility in inert solvents than their cis counterparts IV. Cis- and Trans- isomers often have different physical properties. A. I, III, IV B. II, III, IV C. I, II, IV D. I, II, III


Which of the following statements is NOT true about half - life of radioisotopes? A. The faster the isotope decays, the more stable it is B. Half-life is the time it takes for the amount of radioactivity to reduce by 50% C. The faster the isotope decays, the more unstable it is D. The half-life is unique for any given isotope


Which of the following substance when present in the urine is the most likely positive sign of pregnancy? A. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) B. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) C. Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH) D. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)


Which of the following terms BEST describes a cofactor that is firmly bound to an apoenzyme? A. Prosthetic group B. Transferase C. Holoenzyme D. Cofactor


Which paired elements belong to Group VII-A A. F, Br B. Na, Ca C. F, Na D. Na, F


Which statements BEST describe the properties of elements in the Periodic Table, from the upper right corner, going down and then to the left? I. Elements increase in metallic character II. Elements become more electronegative III. Elements become more basic IV. Elements become less electronegative A. I, III, IV B. I, II, III C. II, III, IV D. I, II, IV


A prototype tricyclic antidepressant with antimuscarinic properties that makes it useful in treatment of enuresis A. Tranylcypromine B. Imipramine C. Buspirone D. Fluoxetine E. Phenelzine


ACEI are associated with high incidence of which of the following adverse reaction? A. Hypokalemia B. Agranulocytosis C. Hepatitis D. Proteinuria


Antidote for barium poisoning A. NaCl B. Magnesium sulfate C. Sodium bicarbonate D. Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate


Aryloxypropanolamine (structure below) is the chemical classification of what group of drugs? A. ARBs B. Opioids C. B-blockers D. Cholinergic agonists


Derivatives of benzylsulfonyl urea are useful as: A. Diuretic B. Oral hypoglycemic C. Anti-inflammatory D. Spasmolytics


Fehling's & Benedict's reagent, used to determine the presence of reducing sugars, contain what salt? A. CaSO4 B. CuSO4 C. MgSO4 D. SrSO4


Form of sulfur used for Vleminckx's solution A. Precipitated sulfur B. Sublimed sulfur C. Sulfurated potash D. NOTA


Homolytic cleavage results to A. Electrophiles B. Radicals C. Nucleophiles D. A & C


If hydrogen bonds in a molecule increased in number, the polarity ________ & water-solubility _______ A. Increases; decreases B. Increases; increases C. Decreases; increases D. Decreases; decreases


If the ion product is greater than Ksp, the solution is: (BEQ) A. Saturated B. Supersaturated C. Unsaturated D. Cannot be determined


In the bisulfite method of analysis, which among apparatus listed is used in the assay of aldehyde or ketone content of volatile oils? A. Babcock bottle B. Cassia flask C. Biuret D. Distilling apparatus


Organic compounds that are weak or acids or weak bases that response to the change in pH (BEQ) A. Analyte B. Indicator C. Titrant D. Primary standard


Petrolatum USP is NOT soluble in: A. Chloroform B. Ethyl alcohol C. Ether D. Benzene


Replacement therapy is needed when there is: I. Heavy loss of water II. Prolonged fever III. Fracture IV. Diarrhea A. I, II, III B. I, II, IV C. II, III, IV D. I, III, IV


Susceptibility to hydrolysis from most susceptible to least susceptible: (BEQ) A. Amides > Esters > Anhydrides > Acyl Halide B. Acyl Halide > Anhydrides > Esters > Amides C. Esters > Acyl Halides > Anhydrides > Amides D. Anhydrides > Esters > Amides > Acyl Halide


The following are preservatives, EXCEPT: A. Potassium sorbate B. Undecylenic acid C. Methyl paraben D. Benzoic acid


The following elements form basic hydrides, EXCEPT: A. Calcium B. Sulfur C. Strontium D. Magnesium


The greater the value of distribution coefficient (D), the higher the hydrophilicity of the drug. Lipid solubility is usually expressed by the partition between water & octanol. A. First statement is true, second is false B. Second statement is true, first is false C. Both statements are false D. Both statements are true


The method used for observing changes in the crystalline form of a drug is: A. Visual appraisal B. X-ray diffraction C. Microscopic examination D. Differential thermal analysis


Which law describes the relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature of gases as depicted in the equation: PV = nRT? A. Law of Definite Proportions B. Ideal gas law C. Gay Lussac's law D. Boyle's law


Which of the elements is the most metallic? (BEQ) A. Br B. I C. Cl D. F


Which of the following anesthetics are amino esters? (BEQ) I. Cocaine II. Lidocaine III. Benzocaine IV. Prilocaine A. III, IV B. I, III C. II, III D. I, II


Which of the following binary compounds is called arsine? A. CH3 B. AsH3 C. PH3 D. NH3


Which of the following derivatives of Benzimidazole is used as an anthelmintic? A. Mefloquine B. Mebendazole C. Primaquine D. Chloroquine


Which of the following describes potential energy A. Boiling water B. Water inside a big dam C. Water flowing over a dam D. Burning gasoline


Which of the following is a sulfated polysaccharide compound extracted from Brown algae Laminaria spp. active against Herpes Simplex Virus? (BEQ) A. Alginic Acid B. Fucoidan C. Eudistamine D. Carrageenan


Which of the following is the expectorant obtained from the phenol volatile oil Fagus grandiflora? A. Tyloxapol B. Guiafenes C. Potassium iodide D. Emetine


Which of the following is used as a precipitant for barbiturates? A. Ethyl alcohol B. Nitric acid C. Fehling's solution D. Magnesia mixture


Which of the following prostaglandin analogs is used specifically for the treatment of Glaucoma? A. Alprostadil B. Latanoprost C. Carboprost D. Dinoprostone


Which of the following type of radiation has the greatest penetrating power? A. Beta radiation B. Gamma radiation C. Sun rays D. Alpha radiation


Which of the following will be used to correct acute metabolic alkalosis? A. NaCl B. NaHCO3 C. CaCl2 D. KCl


Arrange from least to most water soluble A. Toluene < methanol < acetone B. Methanol < toluene < acetone C. Toluene < acetone < methanol D. methanol < toluene < acetone


Elements in atmosphere I. Hydrogen is 14 times lighter than air II. Nitrogen is heavier than Oxygen III. Hydrogen was discovered by Cavendish A. I only B. I and II C. I and III D. II and III E. I, II, III


Hydroxybenzoic acid is more commonly known as: A. Citric acid B. Oxalic acid C. Salicylic acid D. Lactic acid


In the preparation of standard silver nitrate solution, care must be observed because it easily: A. Dissolved and liquefies B. Reduced by light C. Oxidized by light D. Adsorbed


In the process of purifying water by chlorination, what is the rationale of adding chlorine dioxide? (BEQ) A. To ensure the pH of the water is 7 B. To destroy unpleasant odor & taste C. To further disinfect the water D. To act as bleaching agent


Iodometry is an indirect analysis of: A. Acids B. Reducing agents C. Oxidizing agents D. Complex salts


Mineral chameleon is the synonym of this powerful oxidizing agent (BEQ) A. Manganese dioxide B. Potassium nitrate C. Potassium permanganate D. Sodium iodide


Paracetamol chemically is a/ an: A. Salicylate derivative B. Azocaine derivative C. Aniline derivative D. Pyrazolone derivative


Piperazine citrate, gentian violet, pyrvinium pamoate, and thiabendazole are examples of: A. Antibiotics B. Antiseptics C. Anthelmintics D. Dyes


Property that reflects how strongly an atom attracts a shared pair of electrons. A. Electron affinity B. Ionization energy C. Electronegativity D. Ionization Strength


Purified carbohydrate extracted from brown seaweed by treatment of dilute alkali (BEQ) A. Eudistomins B. Carrageenan C. Algin D. Fucoidan


Second law of thermodynamics deals with which state function? A. Free Gibbs energy B. Enthalpy C. Entropy D. AOTA


Simethicone is a component of several antacid formulation, how is it chemically classified? A. Wax B. Ketone C. Silicone D. Alcohol


The alcohol resulting from hydrolysis of octyl acetate is used as: A. Lubricant B. Cleansing C. Standard for partition coefficient analysis D. Co-solvent for tinctures


The color of phenolphthalein in vinegar (BEQ) A. Pink B. Yellow C. Colorless D. Orange


The following are examples of anionic hydrocolloids, EXCEPT: A. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) B. Agar C. Chitosan D. Bentonite


The following depicts the structures of isoproterenol & metaproterenol, respectively. They are what type of isomers? A. Geometric B. Optical C. Positional D. Skeletal


The following drugs undergo acetylation reaction upon metabolism EXCEPT: A. Sulfanilamide B. Procainamide C. Ethanol D. Hydralazine


Which of the following characterizes facilitated diffusion? A. Energy requiring B. Involves shifting of solvent C. Carrier-specific D. The movement against a concentration gradient


Which of the following elements are referred to as volatile metals? I. Cadmium II. Mercury III. Beryllium IV. Zinc A. I, III, IV B. II, III, IV C. I, II, IV D. I, II, III


Which of the following elements is NOT found as component of extracellular fluids in humans? A. Calcium ion B. Sodium ions C. Iodide D. Chloride


Which of the following gases are official & used as artificial atmosphere? I. Nitrogen II. Oxygen III. Neon IV. Carbon Dioxide A. II, III, IV B. I, III, IV C. I, II, IV D. I, II, III


Which of the following is a Monoamine oxidase inhibitor used as an Anti-depressant drug? A. Amitriptyline B. Thioridazine C. Tranylcypromine D. Clozapine


Which of the following is a polysaccharide obtained from Red Seaweeds used in preparation of toothpaste as emulsifying agent? (BEQ) A. Prostaglandins B. Spermaceti C. Carrageenan D. Fucoidan


Which of the following is not a primary standard? (BEQ) A. Potassium biphthalate B. Anhydrous calcium carbonate C. Potassium hydroxide D. Potassium dichromate


Which of the following is the chemical name for Baker's Ammonia? A. Ammonium Hydroxide B. Ammonium Chloride C. Ammonium Carbonate D. Ammonium Molybdate


Which of the following is the concentration of a solution that contains one gram equivalent weight of solute in a liter of solution? A. Formal solution B. Molal solution C. Normal solution D. Molar solution


Which of the following is the metabolite of the red prontosil responsible for antimicrobial activity? A. Sulfacetamide B. Sulfamethoxazole C. Sulfanilamide D. Sulfapyridine


Which of the following is the strongest acid? (BEQ) A. Lactic acid B. Benzoic acid C. Trichloroacetic acid D. Acetic acid


Which of the following is the type formula for aldehydes? A. RCOOH B. RCOX C. RCHO D. ROH


Which of the following pharmaceutical products requires that the method of preparation must be reflected in the label? A. Sterile water for injection USP B. Bacteriostatic water for injection USP C. Purified water USP D. Milk of magnesia


Which of the following reduces Iodine? A. Sodium Hydroxide B. Magnesium Sulfate C. Sodium Thiosulfate D. Potassium iodide


Which of the tests WILL NOT give a positive result with acetone? I. Brady test II. Iodoform test III. Fehling's test IV. Jones oxidation V. Hinsberg test A. I, II, IV, V B. I & II C. III, IV, V D. I, II, III, IV, V


Which salt is found in the bicarbonate buffer system of the extracellular fluid of the human body? A. Magnesium bicarbonate B. Potassium bicarbonate C. Sodium bicarbonate D. Sodium chloride


A drug receptor may be all of the following, EXCEPT? A. Isolable enzyme B. Functional component of a cell membrane C. Nucleic acid D. Chelate


A polysaccharide that is used as plasma expander is: (BEQ) A. Starch B. Insulin C. Dextrose D. Dextran


All of the following physicochemical constants may be useful to predict the solubility of a compound, EXCEPT: A. pH of solution B. pKa of the compound C. Dielectric constant D. Valence of the atoms


All of the following substances are present in opium extract, EXCEPT: A. Thebaine B. Papaverine C. Codeine D. Methadone


An antidepressant that inhibits serotonin reuptake & may cause adverse effects such as impaired memory, akathisia & menstrual irregularities A. Tranylcypromine B. Imipramine C. Buspirone D. Fluoxetine E. Phenelzine


An antipyretic aniline derivative with weak anti-inflammatory activity: (BEQ) A. Acetylsalicylic acid B. Mefenamic acid C. Sulindac D. Acetaminophen E. Indomethacin


An example of Barbiturate with intermediate action? (BEQ) A. Phenobarbital B. Thiopental C. Pentobarbital D. Amobarbital


Attachment of bulky groups to the alpha carbon of the amide side chain in penicillins render: (BEQ) A. Activity against Pseudomonas B. Acid stability C. Activity against Gram (-) bacteria D. Penicillinase resistance


In sulfate conjugation, which of the following groups is transferred during functionalization phase of biotransformation of xenobiotics? A. Sulfide B. Sulfonate C. Sulfhydryl D. Sulfate


Mescaline is a/ an __ derivative A. Steroid B. Xanthine C. Indole-ethylamine D. Phenyl-ethylamine


Most toxic vitamin (BEQ) A. Vitamin E B. Ascorbic acid C. Folic acid D. Retinol


Sensitivity of gram negative bacilli to amoxicillin is attributed to its: A. Carboxyl group B. Nitro group C. Hydroxyl group D. Amino group


The milliequivalent weight of an acid depends on its: A. Number of moles B. Number of replaceable hydroxyl ions C. Molecular weight D. Number of replaceable hydrogen atoms


The termination of heparin activity by protamine sulfate is a result of: A. Chelating Action B. Inhibition of gastrointestinal absorption of heparin C. Displacement of heparin D. Acid-base interaction


Weight of solute in a given quantity of solvent is referred to as: A. Solvation B. Volume C. Solubility D. Concentration


What class of organic compounds will result after a Friedel-Crafts acylation? A. Carboxylic acid B. Alkyl halide C. Aldehyde D. Ketone


What is the role of citric acid in promoting the analgesic potency of fentanyl effervescent tablets? A. It improves the palatability of the fentanyl buccal tablet so it can be used in children B. It increases salivary pH C. It promotes the formation of fentanyl free base needed for absorption D. It promotes dissolution of fentanyl into saliva


What property decreases from left to right, increases from top to bottom? A. Electron affinity B. Nonmetallic property C. Electronegativity D. Metallic property E. Ionization energy


Which among the following characteristics differentiates Calcium containing antacid forms from Aluminum containing antacids? A. Calcium is odorless B. Calcium does not cause alkalosis C. Calcium does not have amphoteric properties and does not cause systemic alkalosis D. Calcium does not have amphoteric properties


Which antibiotic is obtained from Streptomyces noursei? A. Amphotericin B B. Griseofulvin C. Clindamycin D. Nystatin


Which are the pharmaceutical applications of partition coefficient? I. Predicts where drug will concentrate in the body II. Predicts adverse drug interactions in the body III. Predicts solubility of a drug in water and fatty tissues in the body IV. Predicts how well a chemical ingredient will mix with creams in consumer products A. II, III, IV B. I, II, IV C. I, II, III D. I, III, IV


Which has the formula = moles solute/ kg solution A. Osmolality B. Molality C. Normality D. NOTA


Which ion gives a Turnbull's blue precipitate upon addition with potassium ferricyanide* A. Stannic B. Ferric C. Stannous D. Ferrous


Which of the elements is the MOST electronegative A. I B. Br C. Cl D. F


Which of the ff is NOT an alcohol? A. Terpin hydrate B. Sorbitol C. Menthol D. Eucalyptol


Which of the following agents is NOT used for local candidiasis? A. Nystatin B. Miconazole C. Gentian Violet D. Griseofulvin


Which of the following anesthetics is NOT a volatile liquid? A. Halothane B. Ethyl chloride C. Ether D. Cyclopropane


Which of the following antimalarials are used for chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum? I. Pyrimethamine II. Sulfonamide III. Mefloquine IV. Atovaquone A. II, III B. I, III C. I, II D. III, IV


Which of the following are B-Carboline derivatives isolated from sponges (Subphylum Tunicata)? (BEQ) A. Fucoidan B. Carrageenan C. Alginic Acid D. Eudistamines


Which of the following are benzodiazepine derivatives used as anxiolytics? I. Imidazopyridine II. Chlordiazepoxide III. Alprazolam IV. Diazepam A. I, II, III, IV B. I, II, IV C. I, III, IV D. II, III, IV


Which of the following common names is the other name for Beryl? A. Borax B. Lime C. Marble D. Aquamarine


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