1. Speed and smarts Mark Rounding Playbook. Issue 131 & Webinar #1 Key Rounding Concepts

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Before getting to mark what should you do. Two things.

1. Identify next mark (someone assigned to find it and describe visual reference point i.e. left or right of tower) 2. What your strategy is to get there (i.e. if windward - bare away set or jibe set.

What is good and bad about an inflatable mark. 4 things

1. Inflatable marks move around a lot. 2. On the windward mark the mark will move towards the boat when mark is in the wind shadow. 3. Watch out for anchor line since the anchor is upwind of the mark 4. RC can move the mark, so make sure you know where it is. 5. Checkout current, which will affect your approach.

What is good and bad about fixed marks. 5 things

1. Since they are fixed they don't move so the course can get more skewed, changing the ladder rungs. 2. Not so much affected by the waves or wind. 3. Anchor line should be much less of a problem. 4. Check out current. 5. Checkout current, which will affect your approach.

How do you approach a jibe set windward mark rounding. Two things.

1. Somewhat overstood so you don't have to make as much of a sharp turn which will slow you down. i.e. "O" in picture. You should NOT aim for the mark!! 2. And you want to be inside/closest to the exit mark. So there is no boat in your way to jibe.

What is the penalty for breaking rule 18.3

A two turns penalty one jibe and one tack.

See image for best path

Aim one boat length to the right of the windward mark.

How should mainsail be trimmed as you are going around windward mark?

Before boat is abeam trim main to go straight and fast. As you turn around the mark let the boom out to reduce mainsail power which is pushing boat upwind. However don't loosen so much that the main starts to luff which will cause drag and slow the boat down and the boom hits the mark!

Two boats entering zone for leeward mark on port tack. What can windward boat to gain advantage. How and what changes when you become the right of way boat at the leeward mark.

see image 1. When entering zone windward boat has mark rounding room, but not right of way. If windward boat gibes it has right of way and can follow proper course otherwise it has to follow seamanlike course.

How to approach the windward mark with an offset.

Don't get caught in the dead wind zone between the windward mark and the offset.

3rd Strategy?

Foot off - probably the worst move unless you favor right side of course more than others.

What are risk factors before going around mark based on position.

If you are in the lead (this race and overall) don't take as much risk than if you are lagging behind.

Which direction does the boat naturally turn based on heel.

If you move weight to leeward the leeward side will be more in the water so the boat will turn upwind; If you move weight to windward the windward side more in the water and so the boat will turn more downwind.

Rule 18.3 says

If you tack inside the zone (pass head to wind) of a mark, you shall not cause a boat that enters the zone on starboard to sail above close hauled to avoid contacting you.

Turning the rudder too much. see image

In this image the rudder is way, way to far over. 1. Causing cavitation on the rudder. 2. Huge brake 3. There is a bow wave from pushing the bow so much toward windward/starboard!

If you choose left side gate and are on starboard when should you jibe?

Jibe before you get to the mark. It's important to do a good rounding to go upwind and it's hard to do this if you jibe too late.

How should mainsail be trimmed as you are going around leeward mark?

Main sail should be tight and jib loose pivoting the boat around the leeward mark. Before tightening the main you should have moved the traveller up. Also, weight should be to leeward to push that side more in the water to round the boat. After you make the turn, and you have pointed as high as you can, need to shift weight to windward side for normal upwind straight. You don't need to worry about the boom hitting the mark on the windward side of the boat!

What should you do if you are approaching the wind ward mark and it's crowded in front of you?

Over stand the mark and go around the boats.

What's the penalty for touching a mark.

PLAY 12: One turn penalty which includes a jibe and tack. Also, make the turn in the direction you are going to go anyway.

What are the paths for rounding a windward mark

PLAY 13: Two paths: 1. Jibe set - overstand the mark because it's a sharper turn and you want to gain speed to so you loose less speed. 2. Bearaway set - can get close to the mark because the turn is much less sharp.

If going from a broad reach to tight reach or the opposite tight to broad reach what should you do before the mark?

PLAY 14: Complete the jibe before the mark

What is a strategic rounding vs a tactical rounding and when to use for the leeward mark.

PLAY 15; Strategic rounding assumes no other boats around (i.e. you are in 1st place. Tactical rounding assumes other boats around. If doing a tactical rounding be SURE that you can get inside of any other boats that seem to have given you room!

What should you do with main and jib and weight when going around windward mark.

PLAY 17 & 18: Ease the main sheet without main hitting the mark with the boom. Jib; loosen jib before the mark and tighten jib when mark is abeam. Hike in before mark (to help steer boat into wind) and then hike out when abeam to turn the boat downwind. Keep hiking until you have completed your turn. This is important to help reduce drag by rudder.

What should you do with main and jib when going around leeward mark.

PLAY 19 & 20: Bring in the mainsail even more to push the back of the boat downwind and around the mark. Loosen the Jib to help turn the boat upwind. Weight on leeward side to push leeward side down in water more to turn boat upwind.

What should you do when you are below the layline (& are not going to make the windward mark) and there is a port tacker that is going to duck you.

PLAY 22: The problem is that if the port tacker ducks and then tacks and are on your windward hip there may not be enough room for you to tack get above the mark and tack again to make the mark. So do the tacks BEFORE the port tacker gets in your way.

What is a seamanlike rounding vs a proper course rounding

PLAY 25: See image. 1. In A "X" has right of way because it is starboard boat so "Y" can't push "X" around too much. Meaning "Y" needs to do a seamanlike rounding. 2. In B, "Y" has the right of way and so can go where it is best for "Y" 3. Seaman like rounding is where boat needs to give way to right of way boat without using the best angles. 4. Proper course boat is able to do follow the best course it feels.

If all things are equal for left vs. right leeward gate, which should you choose

PLAY 27: Choose left side leeward gate on starboard since you will have right of way.

There 3 exit strategies when exiting the leeward mark. What's the first? Don't look at answers until you have all three.

PLAY 29: Point mode. See image

If there is a gate for the leeward rounding, where should you position your boat as you approach

PLAY 3: In the middle of the two gate marks

How close should you get to the windward mark when rounding it. 4 things.

PLAY 4: 1. Close enough to touch it but not touch it or snag the anchor line. 2. For every foot or yard that you leave between your boat and the mark, you actually lose twice this distance in the race. That's because when you sail past the mark you have to sail that far again just to get back to the mark. 3. Don't get to close it's not worth the penalty. 4. The higher the wind the further out the mainsail will need to go around the mark be and so the more room you will need.

What should you do after rounding a mark

PLAY 7: Focus on going fast/getting up to speed - best to clean up later when things are calmer.

2nd strategy?

Round and tack. But be sure you have a good rounding so nobody can sneak higher than you and block your tack.

What are the pros and cons of a bear away vs. Jibe set

See image

Why is turning the boat with the rudder slow.

See image. The flow of water gets detached from the rudder (just like air on the sails) which causes turbulence which slows the boat down. In addition to the rudder acting as a brake.

What is the crew doing right and wrong in this image. Answer on the next card.

See next card for answers

When should you slow down to go around leeward roundings

Slow down when you have an outside overlap on leeward roundings otherwise you end up in bad air. So head off a little with the hope of going inside after the mark and have clear air, be able to tack when you want to (PLAY 5) Make sure there that boats ahead can't cut you off since they have the right of way.

How does the offset mark change your strategy going around windward mark (which is the first of the two).

There are two cases. 1) Offset mark is windward of the windward mark. So you will be sailing up wind. 2) Offset mark is downwind of windward mark. in which case you can set your spinnaker

If there is a clockwise 20degree shift in wind direction after you go around the windward mark should you do a Jibe set or a bare away set.

With 20degree shift to clockwise the port angle will be 20degrees-40degrees=-20degrees (or 340degrees) angle to leeward mark. Starboard angle will be 20degrees+40degrees=60 degrees to leeward mark. So port (jibe set) will be closer/faster than starboard.

When going around leeward mark what should you do when a boat is just in front vs. a boat just behind you.

With a boat ahead goal is to be windward of the boat ahead so you are not in boat's bad air. Same with boat behind, in this case to give the boat behind bad air. This allows you to tack when you want and the behind boat can't block you from tacking.

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