1- Which of the following was not a major contributive factor to the eventual sovjet victory against Germany?

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The Gitapo, the secret police force of the nazi regime investigated most of its cases as a result of:

Private citizens voluntarily accusing one another

In Russia there was a civil war that was fought between two groups:

Red and Capiatalists that were the whites

How did Nazis efforts to indagate depression in Germany contribute to the militarization in Europe?

A massive program of rhenates and also intended to reduce unemployment

Throughout 19-certury Europe imperial policy was usually a matter?

A matter of a series of quick responses, often improvised to particular situations.

What was the Dalls?

A new system of war for Germany intended to ease financial issues

Historians refer to the form of imperialism takes when a country annex territory and suppressed the people that lived there as:

As Direct rule

The bloodiest battel of world war 1 occurred 1916-1917 and the first one was fought at:

Battle of Verdun

The German Armey in the early days of the war won a stunning victory for the Russians at:

Battle of masaren lakes

Although countries fighting in world war one suffered food shortages at various times though the war, Great Britain was the last institute control by rationing bread in 1917 because?

Because a German submarine in success in sinking allied shipments

The concentrations camps were first used by the British during what war?

Bore war

How did Chamberlin presume that the union agreement, would satisfy Hitlers ambitions?

By allowing Hitler to unify all ethnic Germany in one state

The civilianizing mission of the French

Demonstrated the alleged greatness of the nation to all French people

which of the following nations saw the spread of popular acts of resistance and the covert evacuation of its Jewish population after Nazis occupation?


When the war in the west finally did begin in the 1940 the Germans nearly destroyed the combined British and French army, but a great number of the British and French soldiers escaped in the masses of evacuation from

Don Kirk

The inter war period can be seen as a series of failures typified by all the following expect:

Failure of new authorities' regime to establish a sense political legimatacy

Sir Nickolas the 2 of Russia apticated the throne and made way for the formation for a transitional government in Russia which is called:

February revolution

Which country was most likely to practice direct rule?


During the mid 1930 the Spanish civil war providing testing ground for Europe with the Soviet backing the Republican government and the Nazis backing

Frasico Franco

One military solution the British used to end the sepoy rebellion was

Have the surviving mutineers immediately tired and executed

The tready of nan kind did what?

It gave the British, Honk-Kong in perpetuity

Frince Lane was one of the best film directors in Germany, one film is called

MN metropolis

The Stalin revolution of the 1920-1930 even into Russian families

Making divorce difficult and abortion illegal except if it was to save the mother's life

18- Having sideline all his oppositions within the party Stalin silicified his control in 1929 by removing ...... form the ruling

Nikolay Burkorin

Following the German armies' rapid victory in an invasion on Polen the war entered a stage some called

Phony war

A consequence of Hinderber plan:

Placing individual industrialist in change of pricing and profit in Germanys world economy.

Which of the following was not a major contributive factor to the eventual sovjet victory against Germany?

Relentless propaganda campaigns designed to convince Germanys allies of the Nazis inerrability and the hopelessness of their colonies.

Who was the author of the book" White man's burden"

Rudad Kiplin

What deception best characterized as the vici government treatment of Francis Jewish population?

Selective support of deportation and the passage of sweeping anti-summitted legislation.

Although the goal as to create an independent India, Gandhi first gained recognition for his work in this British colony

South Arica

The accusation of the Philippines in USA reflected that w imperial grip of


Giving voice to the supposed civilized and aspects of the new imperialism Rudad Kiplin encouraged the British and the American to do what:

Take up the white man's burden

Best weapon on the western front during world war one was:


As one response to the great depression the United states docked one idea from Germany which was

That people usually get social security when they are 65 or older

Which of the following was not an important factor in the weakness of the league of nations?

The leagues inability to coordinate inherent internarial action to limit the effects of the great depression.

Oppose to lennon as plan for takeover of the Russian government was another part of the social democratic party:

The mensaevaks

All of the following statements caused Russians to revolt against their tsar 1917 expect:

The mistreatment of the tsar's family of the revere and holy man and rasputan

Who was the SA?

The paramilitary arm of the Nazi part which engages acts the helped create a public balance

Which of the following technology innovations became a major tool of political campaigning during the great depression?

The radio

During 1920 the British government under the leadership of the conservative party perused a policy of deflation in an attempt to:

To regain its position as a leading industrial and finical power of the world

In the years proceeding after the war, Europe was divided by two groups, united by tready. Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Italy were opposed by Russia, France, and Great Britain.

Trippel ontant

What film by Leni Riefenstahl was a visual him to the cultural power of the Nazi regime?

Triumph of the wheel

Which leader made the most noticeable contribution to lennons (he got shot)


After a policy of a placement failed to curve Hitlers acts on the continent the ruling British government was replaced by the Colosion under the leadership of

Winston Churchill

After world war one had come to an end the great powers (...) to reimpose ignitions of late 19 - century imperialism.

found it impossible

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