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8) *FAQs*

*Q*) I have heard the term 'dry steering'-what does this mean? *A*) This is when you turn the steering wheel while the car isn't moving. Can cause unnecessary wear to the tyres and steering mechanism. *Q*) What's a catalytic converter? *A*) It's fitted to the exhaust and reduces emissions. It acts like a filter, removing some of the toxic waste. *Q*) Road humps have been installed in our area. What other types of traffic calming measures are there? *A*) As well as road humps, road narrowing and chicanes (=e.g. 'S' shaped turn, slows you down) may be used. These are used to slow traffic down, so keep your speed down throughout the area. -A reduced speed limit of 20mph is being introduced into many narrow residential streets. Look out for the signs, and remember the measures are there for a good reason, they could save lives. *Q*) In an automatic car, what's a 'kick down'? *A*) This is a device that gives quick acceleration when needed e.g. to overtake. Excessive use of this will burn more fuel. *Q*) On a trip to London I saw red lines on the side of the road. What are they for? *A*) These indicate 'Red Routes' - help traffic flow by restricting stopping on these routes. *Q*) I've heard of 'brake fade'. What does it mean? *A*)=When the brakes become less effective because of overheating. May happen if used continuously e.g. on a long, steep downhill stretch of road. Using a lower gear will help braking.


-Avoid parking your vehicle where it would cause an obstruction to other road users, such as: o in front of a property entrance o at or near a bus stop o near the brow of a hill o at a dropped kerb -Never stop or park or near a level crossing, or on the zigzag lines at a pedestrian crossing. This would block the view of the of pedestrians and drivers, and endanger people trying to use the crossing.


-If you've a basic understanding of how car works=wll help to recognise signs of a defect. Important that car's checked regularly by qualified mechanic, esp brakes + steering. -Warning lights on dashboard monitor performance of engine, gives warning of defects: o check vehicle handbook for their meaning o don't ignore warning - could affect safety -Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) warning light should go out when the vehicle's travelling at 5-10mph. If it doesn't, have it checked by qualified mechanic. -To check condition of the shock absorbers, 'bounce' the vehicle, push hard down on each corner- it shouldn't continue to bounce unduly when released. -Consult a garage asap if: o the steering vibrates - wheel may need balancing o the vehicle pulls to one side when you brake - brakes may need adjusting


-Motor vehicles can harm the environment, resulting in: o air pollution o damage to buildings o using up natural resources -Road transport accounts for 20% all emissions. Help environment by driving in ecosafe manner - improves road safety, reduces exhaust emissions and improves fuel consumption. -You should: o reduce your speed = vehicles travelling at 70mph use up to 30% more fuel than those at 30mph. o plan well ahead so can drive more smoothly - avoid rapid acceleration + heavy braking can cut fuel bill by 15%. -Use selective gear changing - miss out some gears - this can help by reducing the amount of time you're accelerating, the time when you vehicle uses most fuel. -Have your vehicle serviced and tuned properly -Make sure tyres correctly inflated -Avoid using leaded fuel -Don't: o carry unnecessary weight or leave an empty roof rack on your car o over-rev in lower gears o leave engine running unnecesssarily - if your vevhicle is stationary and likely to remain for some time, switch off the engine. -Never leave vehicle unattended with engine running. Always switch off engine and secure vehicle before leaving it. -Try not to use your car to make a lot of short journeys, think about walking or cycling instead. -Using public transport or sharing a car can reduce volume of traffic & emission it creates. p -Modern trams use electric power. They reduce traffic & noise pollution. *-Make sure your filler cap is securely fastened* -If loose=could spill fuel which wastes fuel + money. Spilt diesel fuel makes the road slippery for other road users -Having car serviced regularly gives better fuel economy and cleaner exhaust emissions -If vehicle over 3 years old (4 years in N.I) will have to pass an emissions test as part of the MOT test -If you service own vehicle, dispose of old engine oil and batteries responsibly -Take to a local authority site/garage. Don't pour oil down drain. -Also bear in mind noise pollution. In built up areas, don't use car horn between 11.30pm-7am unless other vehicle poses danger.


-Regular care ensures car is safe-check: 1) lights, brakes, steering, exhaust system, seal belts, horn speedometer, wipers & washers.-->must all be working properly. 2) oil and water levels-->important esp before long journey (Careful not to overfill with oil as can cause oil leaks) 3) brake fluids-->if low it's dangerous and could cause an accident 4) battery levels--> unless it's a maintenance-free battery, may need topping up with distilled water. 5) the windscreen-->must be in good condition 6) tyre pressures-->do regularly, least once a week. Check when cold to get more accurate reading. U -Under-inflated tyres can affect: o steering - will feel heavy o fuel consumption - may increase o braking 7) tyre condition-->tread (on car + trailer types) must be at least 1.6mm deep across the centre 3/4 of the breadth of the tyre and around the entire outer circumference. It's illegal to drive with tyres that have deep cuts in the side walls. -Uneven wear on the tyres can be caused by faults in the: o braking system o suspension o wheel alignment -If the wheel's unbalanced, could cause steering to vibrate


-To make as difficult as possible for thief to break into car/steal it: o engage the steering lock o remove keys and lock car even if only leaving for short time o lock any contents, esp valuables, out of sight or take with you *o Don't leave vehicle registration document in the car. The thief could declare ownership. o At night, park in well-lit area. -To make difficult for thief area: o fit an anti-theft area alarm or immobilise o use a visible security device e.g. steering wheel/handbrake wheel lock o Have vehicle registration number etched on windows (make it harder to sell as most change glass so reg number matches, lot of hassle for them). -Radios and other forms of in-car entertainment are prime targets for thieves. If can, install security coded radio. Would be little use if stolen. -Consider joining vehicle watch scheme if one in area.


-Wear seatbelt, make sure passengers wear too (unless exempt). You are responsible for making sure children under 14 wear suitable restraint. If a correct child restraint not available in rear seat, MUST use adult seatbelt. -Never fit a rear-facing baby seat in a seat protected by an airbag, could cause fatal injuries. Airbag MUST be deactivated first. -When get into car: o adjust seat to ensure can reach all controls comfortably o adjust head restraint to help prevent neck injury in a collision o wear suitable shoes so can keep control of pedals o adjust mirrors to maximise field of vision. Convex mirrors give wider view but can make vehicles look further away than are. If reversing and can't see behind you, get someone to guide you. -If visibility's poor, use dipped headlights. It's important for other road users to see you. If thick fog, use fog lights. -When leaving car on a two-way road at night, park in the DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC. If the speed limit is over 30mph, switch on your parking lights. -Hazard warning lights are fitted so can warn drivers of a hazard ahead, such as : o when you've broken down o queuing traffic on a dual carriageway/motorway -Don't use them to park illegally, even for short time


-You will have an easier and more pleasant journey if you: o plan your route before starting out o avoid busy times, if possible o allow plenty of time for journey, esp if have an appointment -Plan route by: o looking at a map o checking with motoring organisation o using route planner -If travelling on a new/unfamiliar route, good idea to print out/write down route, and also plan an alternative route in case original route blocked. -If can avoid travelling at busy times, will: o be less likely to be delayed o help to ease congestion for those who have to travel at these times -In some areas those using congested road space have to pay a congestion charge. In London, those exempt from paying include: o disabled people who hold a Blue Badge o riders of two-wheeled vehicles o people living within the area

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