1.2 Computer memory
What is the difference between ROM and RAM?
ROM is permanent, non-volatile,read-only, non-expandable and you can't write to it. RAM is temporary, volatile, you can write data to it. RAM is expandable, ROM isn't
Where is data stored when it is Virtual Memory?
It is stored on a area of a secondary storage device e.g. hard disk drive.
Why is ROM need in a computer system?
It stores the 'bootstrap loader' which is needed to load the operating system. Without it, the computer wouldn't turn on.
Why is RAM needed in a computer system?
It stores the data of the operating system and programs that are currently running, for access by the CPU.
What does RAM stand for?
Random Access Memory
What does ROM stand for?
Read Only Memory
What is a disadvantage of Virtual Memory?
Read/Write speed of a hard disk drive is slower than RAM. If the computer has to rely on this, the system is much slower.
Why is Virtual Memory needed in a computer system?
When several programs run at the same time, the RAM can be full. Instead of closing programs the Operating system uses virtual memory to store some data.