12.1 Discovery education

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Why did anti-imperialists question annexation of the Philippines?

At the end of the Spanish-American war the U.S. was granted the Philippines

What was the outcome of the Spanish-American War?

Cuba was granted independence from Spain in December 1898

How did Filipinos respond to the annexation of the Philippines?

Filipinos were strongly against U.S. annexation

How did the United States gain the Hawaiian Islands?

However, in 1898, the United States annexed Hawaii. This was the same year as the Spanish-American War.

what is imperialism

Imperialism is a policy by which one nation controls another, usually smaller or weaker, nation.

What was the significance of the Platt Amendment?

It gave the United States the right to interfere in Cuban affairs.

How did Roosevelt and Taft preserve and promote U.S. interests abroad?

Roosevelt and Taft differed in their approaches. However, both continued McKinley's imperialistic efforts. Together, they helped make the United States a new global power.

What led to the Spanish-American War?

The way politicians viewed the Monroe Doctrine changed our view of stopping and more colonization of the Americas, to defending our involvement in Latin American affairs. The U.S. had business interest in Cuba and wanted to protect them.

How did the Roosevelt Corollary change U.S. foreign policy?

Theodore Roosevelt took a stronger approach to foreign policy. He viewed the Monroe Doctrine as a tool to keep European powers from colonizing the Americas. Roosevelt wanted the United States to take a forceful stance. He saw the United States as a kind of police force in the Americas.

Why did the United States take sides in the Panamanian revolt against Colombia?

idea of a canal in Central America very important to the United States.

How did the United States maintain its economic interests in China?

the Open Door Policy. Hay's proposal created a free, open market in China. International trade would be equally open to all. Nationality would not matter.

Why did the United States look to extend its influence abroad during the Age of Imperialism?

-European countries and Japan rushed for new territories. This helped encourage imperialism in the United States.

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