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What file extension does Mac Os use?

it doesn't recognize .exe files. It's can't run them. Instead, Mac OS uses what's called App files, which have a .app file extension. App files aren't executable files at all. They're specially formatted UNIX directories that contain all the necessary files to run the specific application, including the UNIX executable file. But the Mac OS treats them as an application executable instead of a directory.

What is a driver?

A driver is a type of computer program that enables the operating system to interact with hardware devices.

What is Aero?

Aero is a set of features that improves the visual appearance of Windows. Features of Aero include: *Glass effects on window borders that make borders semi-transparent (translucent). You can view objects behind windows through the window borders. *Window animations when windows are opened or closed. *Taskbar thumbnails that show the contents of an open window when you move the mouse over items on the taskbar. *Windows Flip shows thumbnails of running programs when you use the Alt + Tab keys to switch between running programs. *Aero Flip 3D is activated with the + Tab key and shows an expanded 3D view of running programs. *The Show Desktop button (on the right side of the taskbar) hides all open windows. Hovering over the button makes the content of all open windows disappear (called Peek). *Snap is a new feature that maximizes a window as you drag its border to the edge of the screen. Snapping multiple windows on the screen tiles them side-by-side. In Windows 10, Snap is limited to four apps on the desktop and two apps on a tablet. *Shake lets you hide all but the current window. Select the top window border and shake the mouse to hide or unhide all other open windows. Aero is not available in the Windows 7 Home Basic version. In addition, features depend on the graphics card in the system. For example, you might not be able to use Flip 3D if the graphics card does not have the necessary features.

What is an interface?

An interface is what allows the user to interact with the kernel and the utilities. There are two main types of interfaces, command line and GUI. In command line interfaces, commands are executed through instructions written into a command line. Examples of command line-based interfaces are MS-DOS and aspects of Linux. In a Graphical User Interface (GUI), the user executes commands by clicking on graphics and symbols. Windows is an example of graphical user interface.

What is an operating system?

An operating system is a set of programs that acts as an interface between the applications that are running on a computer and the computer's hardware. Operating systems perform actions such as: -Receiving user input from input hardware devices such as the keyboard or mouse -Sending user output to output hardware devices such as the monitor or a printer -Controlling the use of processing devices by applications -Serving as a platform for applications -Moderating hardware -Providing security -Managing the file system ___________________ Let's say that you have an application that you're writing and you want to be able to send a print job through a USB port on the PC system. Without an operating system, you would have to write the exact instructions for accessing the USB port on the hardware. But with an operating system, you don't have to worry about that because the person who wrote the operating system included the instructions for accessing the USB port. All you have to do is send the print job to the USB port and the operating system formats the job and gets it to the USB port. The operating system also provides security. Any operating system you use may require you to provide some kind of credentials like logging in with a username and a password to use the computer. The operating system checks its database of valid users and their passwords. Based on the information you enter, the operating system decides whether or not you can use that computer. This is an important feature because it helps prevent the loss of important data.

What is a Remote disc?

Because many modern Apple devices are being manufactured without a CD or DVD installed, Mac OS offers the Remote Disc feature. With Remote Disc: The CD or DVD can be shared on the network. Devices on the same network can access the shared remote CD or DVD. Only data CDs and DVDs can be accessed. Media discs such as audio CDs, Blu-ray and DVD movies, or installation discs cannot be accessed remotely.

What is Boot Camp?

Boot Camp is a Mac OS feature that allows an Apple device to install the Microsoft Windows OS. Boot Camp makes installing Windows a very simple process by using the Boot Camp Assistant app. The Boot Camp Assistant: Automatically creates a BOOTCAMP partition on the hard drive and prepares it for installing Windows. Reboots the system and starts the Windows install process from the selected installation media. Creates a Boot Camp system tray icon in both Mac OS and the Windows installation to switch between the Windows and Mac OS installation. Boot Camp has the following system requirements: *Intel-based Mac *Installation media containing 64-bit version of Windows 8 or later *55 GB of free space

What is the cd command?

Changes directories in the file system. For example, to change to the /home directory in the file system, you would enter cd /home at the shell prompt.

What is the control panel?

Control Panel is a compilation of various utilities that change how a computer looks and behaves. Use the Control Panel to configure settings for hardware devices, manage printers and networks, configure personal settings, and manage the system.

What is the cp command?

Copies files and directories from one location in the file system to another. For example, to copy the widget.odt file to the /home/rtracy directory, you would enter cp widget.odt /home/rtracy at the shell prompt. To copy an entire directory structure, include the -R option, which specifies that the directory contents be recursively copied.

What is the rm command?

Deletes files and directories from the file system. For example, to delete the widget.odt file, you would enter rm widget.odt at the shell prompt.

What is the --help shell command?

Displays a brief summary of how to use the command.

What is the info command?

Displays more extensive documentation about the command. Use the Q key to quit and go back to the shell prompt.

What is the ifconfig shell command?

Displays the IP address and the subnet mask assigned to this system.

What is the less command?

Displays the contents of a text file on the screen, pausing the output one screen at a time. For example, to view the contents of the widget.txt file one page at a time, you would enter less widget.txt at the shell prompt.

What is the cat command?

Displays the contents of a text file on the screen. For example, to view the contents of the widget.txt file, you would enter cat widget.txt at the shell prompt.

What is the head command?

Displays the first few lines of a text file on the screen. For example, to view the first lines of the widget.txt file, you would enter head widget.txt at the shell prompt.

What is the tail command?

Displays the last few lines of a text file on the screen. For example, to view the last lines of the widget.txt file, you would enter tail widget.txt at the shell prompt. The -f option can be used with tail to monitor a file for changes. If new content is added to the end of the file (such as a log file), the new lines will be displayed on the screen.

What is the man command?

Displays the manual page for a command. It's very similar to the help screen, but it provides more detail. Use the Q key to quit and go back to the shell prompt.

What is the pwd shell command?

Displays the path of the current directory on the screen. pwd stands for print/present working directory. if I wanted to see what the current directory is that I'm working in at the shell prompt, I would type pwd.

What is the vi command?

Edits the contents of a text file. The vi uses four different operating modes: Command mode Command-line mode Insert mode Replace mode For example, to edit the contents of the widget.txt file, you would enter vi widget.txt at the shell prompt. You would then press the i key to enter Insert mode and make the necessary changes to the file. When done editing the file, you would press the Esc key to enter Command mode. Then you would press the : key to enter command-line mode where you would enter exit or wq (for write and quit) to save your changes and exit the vi editor.

What is Force quit?

Force Quit is used to stop non-responsive processes and applications. It can also be used to restart the Finder service. Force Quit can be accessed from the Apple menu or the keyboard shortcut Command+Option+Esc.

What is GNU's Not Unix movement?

GNU's Not Unix movement or G-N-U. It's referred to as GNU, pronounced nyoo. In the early 1980s, there was a programmer named Richard Stallman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who proposed an alternative model to the standard corporate development model for software. He really didn't like the proprietary nature of the process and the end product. In 1983 Stallman launched the GNU project. It was centered on the idea that the source code for applications and operating systems should be freely distributable to anybody who wants it. He felt that by doing this you could end up with much higher quality software. Software that's developed under GNU is frequently referred to as free software. A variation on the free software concept is called open source software. Torvalds was influenced by the GNU project and that's why he released the source code for the Linux operating system out to the world on the internet. The Linux operating system is licensed under the GNU general public license (GPL). And the key thing to remember about the GPL is that it requires that the source code remain freely available to anybody who wants it. As a result, you can download the Linux kernel source code, modify it, recompile it, and then run it. You can even create your own custom version of Linux, which would be called a distribution.

What is a Gesture?

Gestures are specific finger motions that are used to perform a specific function on a Mac OS system. They are used by Apple systems that use an Apple Multi-Touch trackpad, a Magic Mouse, or a touchscreen. Below are just some of the gestures that are available on Mac OS: Right-click: Tap with two fingers to right-click. Smart zoom: Double-tap with two fingers to zoom in on a web page, image, or document (double-tap again to zoom out). Scroll: Slide up or down using two fingers to scroll up or down. Zoom: Spread two fingers apart to zoom in. Bring fingers back together to zoom out. Page navigation: Slide two fingers left or right to navigate between pages in a document. Mission Control: Slide four fingers straight up to open Mission Control. All apps: Slide four fingers straight down to display all windows of the active app.

What file extension does windows use?

If you're used to Windows systems, you're probably familiar with the .exe file extension used for executable files. It's the primary application extension used with Windows.

What is keychain?

Keychain is Mac OS's password management utility. Keychain can hold password-protected data for the following categories: *Passwords (including passwords for websites, system logins, wireless networks, encrypted disks) *Private keys *Certificates *Secure notes *In order to access information contained in Keychain, the system administrator password must be provided.

What are the 2 Linux interfaces?

Like Windows, Linux provides two different user interfaces. There is a a graphical interface where you can click on things with a mouse and make selections to bring up applications. There is also a command line interface called the shell that allows you to enter commands at the shell prompt to manage the system. The command line interface is consistent across all distributions of Linux. Each Linux distribution uses a slightly different graphical user interface. If you learn how to manage Linux systems from within a shell, then you can manage just about any Linux distribution. -The shell is often referred to as the bash (Bourne-again shell) shell. -A superuser in Linux is equivalent to an administrator in Windows.

What are the 2 important features of Linux?

Linux has two especially important features, command history and command completion. Command history saves commands entered at the shell prompt. The command completion feature tries to guess a command you are entering and will complete the command for you if you press the TAB key.

What is Linux?

Linux is an open source operating system. You can even create your own custom version of Linux called a distribution. Some of the more popular Linux distributions include openSUSE, Fedora, and Ubuntu. When Linux was first introduced in the early 1990s, it pretty much went unnoticed. Professionals in the information technology industry were focused on the big operating systems of the day such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Unix, and so on. At the time, Linux was considered kind of an experimental thing. It was something you'd go play with in the lab but never actually implement on a production system. Linux was really something of an anomaly in the software development industry. Most software products, whether you're talking about an application or an operating system, were developed as a part of a well-organized design and development effort within a single company. Linux doesn't conform to this model. Instead, a graduate student at the University of Helsinki in Finland named Linus Torvalds developed his own clone of the Unix operating system in 1991 and he called it Linux. This first version of Linux was very minimal in nature. It wasn't a full blown operating system. It didn't have very many applications or utilities. Linus Torvalds took things even one step further. He not only posted it on the internet, he also invited other people to download it, modify it, and see if they could make it better. When he did this, Linux took on a life of its own and it became a worldwide collaborative effort. There was no secrecy, no copyrights, and no patents. Access to the Linux source code was open to anybody. This collaborative development project on Linux continued for several years. In 1994 Linux version 1 was finally ready for release.

What is Mission Control?

Mission Control is a desktop and windows management utility used to access several Mac OS features. *Multiple Desktops - At the top of Mission Control is the Multiple Desktops feature that is used to manage and navigate between multiple desktops. *All Windows - When activated, Mission Control tiles all application windows on the screen and groups multiple windows from the same application together. *Dashboard - From Mission Control, the Dashboard containing Mac OS widgets can be accessed.

What is the mv command?

Moves and/or renames files and directories from one location or name to another. For example, to move the widget.odt file in your current working directory to the /home/rtracy directory, you would enter mv widget.odt /home/rtracy at the shell prompt. Before moving it, you could rename it to newwidget.odt by entering mv widget.odt newwidget.odt or, alternatively, you could rename and move it simultaneously by entering mv widget.odt /home/rtracy/newwidget.odt.

What is multiprocessing?

Multiprocessing is the ability to use multiple processing devices. An attribute of some operating systems.

What is multi-tasking?

Multitasking is the ability to run multiple applications simultaneously. Two common variations are: Cooperative multitasking means that multiple processes must work together for the operating system to work effectively. Preemptive multitasking forces applications to share the CPU.

What is multi-threading?

Multithreading is the ability to run multiple parts of an application simultaneously.

What is the difference in command line environments between Linux and Windows?

On a Windows system, if you type a command at the command prompt, the command interpreter is first going to look in the current directory for whatever executable file you entered at the command prompt. If that file can't be found in the current directory, then the command interpreter's going to read the path environment variable and search through every directory listed in that path environment variable looking for the command that you entered. When it's found, it will then run that executable. If it can't find the name of the command, it displays an error message on the screen. Linux does a similar thing. It also uses a path environment variable. But, Linux does not check the current directory. For example, down here I have an executable file called helloworld. I know it's executable because it is green, whereas the other files and folders within this directory are blue. So if I want to run the helloworld command on a Windows system, I would switch to the directory where this file resides, then I would type helloworld at the command line. Press Enter. On a Windows system, this would work. It would run helloworld. On Linux it does not. this is because Linux does not look in the current directory when you type a command at the shell prompt. Instead, it looks through all the directories contained in the path environment variable. The path environment variable simply contains a listing of different directories in the system. n this situation, it didn't because my current directory is /home/rtracey and /home/rtracey is not in this list of directories. There is a subdirectory called /home/rtracey/bin that is in the path environment variable, but /home/rtracey is not. If you run into this situation, the way you get around is to explicitly provide the full path to the file that you want to run. In this case, I would enter /home/rtracey/hello world, at the shell prompt and this time it runs.

What is a Linux distribution?

Perhaps the best way to think of a distribution is to compare Linux to ice cream. Ice cream comes in a wide variety of flavors. But, the basic formula for ice cream is pretty much the same. Most ice cream is made from cream or milk, sugar, and eggs. Companies that sell ice cream take this basic ice cream recipe and tweak it. They'll customize it by changing the proportions. They'll change it by adding additional ingredients, maybe chocolate, vanilla, fruit, cookies, nuts, candy, or whatever it is they want to add. By doing this, they create their own flavor of ice cream. Linux distributions work in much the same way. The kernel source code is comparable to the basic recipe for ice cream. The Linux kernel source code is the core of the operating system around which everything else runs. Because it is freely distributable, software vendors can download it. Just like ice cream companies, these software vendors add ingredients to the basic Linux operating system. They can modify and enhance the Linux kernel source code thereby creating their own customized Linux kernel.

How do you bring up the last command you entered without typing it all again?

Press the up arrow key and it will bring up the last command that I entered. If I press it again, it brings up the second to last command that I entered. If I press it again it brings up the third to last command I entered, the fourth to the last command I entered, and so on.

What is the ls shell command?

Short for list, Displays a list of files and subdirectories that exist within a directory. Several options are commonly used with this command: -a displays all files, including hidden files. -l displays a detailed (long) listing of directory contents including ownership, permissions, modification dates, and file sizes. -R displays the contents of the directory and all of its subdirectories.

What is the shutdown command?

Shuts down or reboots the system in a secure manner. The syntax of the shutdown command is shutdown -h|-r +m message. The options for the shutdown command include: *+m specifies when to perform the shutdown operation. m is the amount of time is specified in minutes. *-h instructs the system to shut down and power down. *-r instructs the system to reboot after the shutdown. *-p powers off the machine. *message specifies a message that is sent to all users that accompanies the standard shutdown notification.

What is the control key?

Special keyboard key that is specific to Apple systems. The Control (^) key is primarily used for text document navigation. For example, Control+H deletes the character to the left of the cursor. The Control key can also be used in conjunction with other keys to perform system tasks. For example, Command+Control+Power button forces the Mac OS to restart. When used in a Boot Camp Windows installation, the Control key serves the same function as the Ctrl key.

What is the command key?

Special keyboard key that is specific to Apple systems. The Command (⌘) key is the primary modifier key on Apple systems. For example, Command+C copies the selected item to the clipboard, and Command+V pastes the contents of the Clipboard. When used in a Boot Camp Windows installation, the Command key serves the same function as the Windows key.

What is the option key?

Special keyboard key that is specific to Apple systems. The Option (⌥) key is used for application shortcuts and navigation shortcuts. For example, Option+Right/Left Arrow navigates between words in a text document. When used in a Boot Camp Windows installation, the Option key serves the same function as the Alt key.

What is spotlight?

Spotlight is an indexing utility that can perform system-wide searches to locate folders, files, apps, and internet results that contain the specified search phrase. Spotlight is access pressing Command(⌘)+Spacebar or by selecting the Spotlight icon on the Status menu.

What is the bash shell command?

Starts a new Bourne-again shell (bash) session. The Bourne-again shell is the standard shell used in most Linux computers. It uses commands similar to a UNIX shell. Bash includes: Command completion Command history Improved arithmetic functions

What are system preferences?

System Preferences is the utility used to change settings for nearly every aspect of Mac OS. *Settings are grouped by category and can be accessed by selecting the category icon. *Each category has multiple tabs or dialogs that are used to change different system settings. *The search box can be used to search for the location of a specific setting.

What is terminal?

Terminal is Mac OS's command line interface utility. It is similar to the terminal used in Linux systems. Terminal: *Uses many of the same commands as the Linux terminal. *Can be used to perform system management tasks, such as deleting files, changing permissions, etc. *Is an excellent troubleshooting tool.

What is the dock?

The Dock is the main taskbar in Mac OS. The Dock is used to launch apps, switch between running apps, access the Trash, and access specific folders. *Dock settings can be accessed in System Preferences or by right-clicking the Dock and selecting Dock Preferences. *Apps and folders can be pinned to the Dock for quick access. *Running apps on the Dock have an illuminated dot below them.

What is the Fn key?

The Fn key is typically only found on Apple notebooks and is used to access the F1-F12 keys on the keyboard. It can also be used to access the special icon function on particular keys.

What file system does MacOS use?

The HFS+ File system. This stands for Hierarchical File system. Windows and Linux, are unable to read or write to this type of file system without using specialized software. And the same is true of Windows and Linux file systems on Mac OS. In fact, Mac OS is only compatible with a few file systems.

What is the Mac OS Finder feauture?

The Mac OS Finder feature uses windows and icons to show the contents of a Mac computer.

When assisting users, a technician often uses the Mac OS Force Quit functions and the Linux kill command. Which of the following situations would require their use?

The Mac OS Force Quit functions and the Linux kill command can be used to stop a runaway application if it does not respond to user input. Force Quit and kill are not used to cancel a print job. Force Quit and kill are not used when the operating system needs to be rebooted. Force Quit and kill are not used to close a remote desktop connection.

What is a Start?

The Start is the easiest way to access the most useful things on your computer. *The list of programs in the Start is divided by a separator line into two sections, pinned default programs and the most used programs. *The Start can be customized for each user. *The Start's appearance is different with each Windows version. *The Start is found in Windows 7 and 10.

What is a Kernel?

The kernel is the core of the operating system that is loaded into memory when the system boots up. It is responsible for controlling security, managing the file system, and providing a platform for applications to run on. The user rarely interacts directly with the kernel.

What is the notification area?

The notification area is a part of the taskbar located on the right side of the taskbar. The notification area: *Displays the time and date. *Displays icons that represent the applications and processes running behind the scenes on your computer, such as audio volume and security programs. *Displays connectivity to the internet or a workgroup.

What is an Apple Disk image?

To install App files, Mac OS uses another proprietary file type called an Apple disk image, or DMG, which has a .dmg file extension. A DMG file is a mountable image file used to compress software installers and packages. You can think of a DMG file as a sort of virtual disk drive. It contains all the necessary files to install a particular application.

What is User Account Control(UAC)?

User Account Control (UAC) is a feature that helps minimize the dangers of unwanted actions or unintended software installations. UAC differentiates between standard user privileges and administrative privileges. Icons next to some tasks identify tasks that require administrative privileges. In addition, performing other tasks, such as installing applications or hardware devices, require administrative privileges. If standard user privileges are not sufficient to perform a task, the system requests privilege elevation.If you are logged on as a standard user, you are prompted to supply the username and password for an administrator user.If you are logged on as an administrator, you are prompted for permission before the action is performed.

What are utilities?

Utilities are the features or programs included with an operating system that perform system-related tasks. Common Windows utilities are Control Panel and This PC. Common Linux utilities are cd, cp, grep, and Is. For example, if you're using Windows and you open My Computer, browse your hard drive, and open a file, you're using a utility. You're not actually using the kernel but you're using a utility that's part of the operating system that's interacting with the kernel to do a particular job. Most operating systems come with many utilities.

What is the difference in installing between Windows and Mac Os?

When you install an application on a Windows system, the operating system creates several folders and desktop shortcuts, and it adds entries into the system registry. When you uninstall a file, all the folders, shortcuts, and registries are removed. This isn't the case in Mac OS. Most applications in Mac OS are an App file that you move to your Applications directory. There's no need to install the application in the traditional sense. This isn't always the case, but the majority of software applications function this way. Uninstalling an application is just as simple. Most of the time, you can drag the App file from the Applications directory to the Trash, and then empty the Trash.

What is the su - command?

Allows you to switch user accounts. su - (su with a space and a hyphen) is used to switch to the root user with the home directory and environment variables assigned to the root user.

What is an application?

An application is a subclass computer program that is designed for end users. Examples are database, spreadsheet, and word processing programs. Applications frequently come in suites.

What are features new to Windows 10?

*Customizable Start lets you organize your apps and shortcuts. *Microsoft Store allows you to purchase music, videos, games, and apps *Cortana provides you with a personal assistant for web searching. This feature is only available in the United States, United Kingdom, China, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain. This feature is hardware-dependent. *Microsoft Edge lets you write and highlight web pages in the Edge web browser. This feature is hardware-dependent. *Windows Hello uses face and fingerprint sign in. This feature is hardware-dependent. *Photos app organizes photos and videos in one location. *Cloud storage provides integrated access to OneDrive, which provides free storage space in the cloud. *Continuum allows you to switch between PC, tablet, and phones modes. This feature is hardware-dependent.

What is the Mac disk utility

The Mac OS Disk Utility application is used to verify and repair a hard disk.

What is Mac Os based on?

The UNIX operating system. The difference is that it is a closed source and proprietary. It only runs on apple systems.

A technician would like to completely shut down and power down the system 10 minutes after notifying all users. Which of the following commands should the technician use?

The correct answer is: shutdown -h +10 message which will shut down and power down the system 10 minutes after displaying the message to all users. shutdown -p 10 message would power down the machine without properly shutting it down. The 10 is missing a + sign before it. shutdown -r +10 message would shut down and reboot the machine 10 minutes after displaying the message to the users. shutdown 10 -h message is incorrect syntax and the 10 is missing the + sign.

What is a desktop?

The desktop is the working surface that contains icons that access programs, files, applications, and file systems. The desktop is what is seen when all programs and open folders are minimized. Installing an application often adds an icon to the desktop.

What is a task bar?

The taskbar is the bar displayed at the bottom of a Windows desktop (although its position can be changed). The taskbar: Contains icons that represent each program or application currently running or pinned to the taskbar for quick access. You launch a pinned program by selecting the icon on the taskbar. Can be configured to display different types of toolbars. For instance, Quick Launch is a toolbar that contains shortcuts to designated programs.

What is windows explorer?

Windows Explorer is a graphical user interface (GUI) for viewing and managing the file system.

You want to know more about the usage, command syntax, and options available with the Linux ifconfig command. What would you enter at the command prompt to display this information about ifconfig?

man ifconfig

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