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The process of carefully observing behavior as it occurs is known as ________.

systematic observation

Researchers who systematically change on variable in order to determine what effect this has on another variable are using:

Experimental methods

Implicit personality theories about first-born children include which of the following traits?

Intelligent, responsible, stable, unemotional

Jeremy has always been a very eloquent speaker and speechwriter. For his college oratory class, Jeremy was recently required to write and deliver a speech in support of capital punishment. Although Jeremy is strongly opposed to the death penalty, he wrote and delivered a very powerful speech in support of the death penalty. As a result, his professor and several students now believe that Jeremy actually supports the death penalty. Why might this be the case?

The professor and students implicitly believe that only someone who really holds a particular opinion can persuasively write or speak about it

Social psychology embraces ________ as core scientific values.

accuracy, objectivity, skepticism, and open-mindedness

Even though there is no single "best" method of research, the ________ method is generally preferred by social psychologists.


which of the following study question could absolutely not be explored using experimentation due to ethical reasons?

how do individuals cope when their spouse dies

Our personal beliefs about the way that certain traits occur together are known as ________ theories.

implicit personality theories

People who suffer from depression tend to attribute their failures to ________ causes and their successes to ________ causes.

lasting internal causes; temporary external causes

Based on his estimate of how long it would take him to complete his midterm essay, Armando told his instructor that he would turn in the paper on Tuesday. He was late turning it in, though, causing his instructor to deduct a letter grade from the paper. Next time Armando makes such a promise based on a plan, he will likely

make the same planning error, and be late again

Suppose that smoking and drinking alcohol were found to be correlated at +.65. We could conclude that

smoking is probably related to drinking

Kim wants to spend a semester studying abroad, but she worries about leaving her new boyfriend for such a long period of time. She wonders whether "absence makes the heart grow fonder" or "out of sight, out of mind" will be more applicable. This is an example of the

the unscientific nature of conventional wisdom

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