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Who was Andrew "Rube" Foster?

A black pitcher during the 1910s.The man behind the formation of the Negro National League. Founder of the Chicago American Giants.

What did DuBois and Garvey, as well as other black leaders, have in common?

A great interest in Africa, and trying to improve or eliminate colonial rule there.

What is true about black migration between 1910 and 1940?

About 1.75 million blacks left the South, doubling the population of blacks outside that region.

What is true about the newly created Selective Service during WWI?

About 13% of all draftees were blacks.

What did DuBois ask for at the first Pan-African Congress?

Africa to become a central black nation, but he did not demand the immediate withdrawal of the Europeans.

What was the ultimate result of the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill?

Although the NAACP gained publicity for the anti-lynching crusade, the bill ultimately failed.

What is true about segregation in the North?

Although the North had laws against discrimination of blacks, enforcement was often overlooked.

What did the film, Birth of a Nation, depict?

An incredibly racist view of blacks as either ignorant or rapists, along with a glorification of the Ku Klux Klan.

What benefits did Marcus Garvey and his ideas bring to many black people?

An opportunity to celebrate their culture, history and heritage in a world which generally saw them as inferior or meaningless.

"Harlem Renaissance"?

An outpouring of literary and artistic work from blacks during the 1920s?

What initially drew many blacks to the Harlem area of New York City?

Because builders were unable to sell to whites, they sold to blacks to avoid bankruptcy.

What prompted the Houston Riot in 1917?

Black soldiers were disgusted over the racist treatment they received at the hands of police in the segregated city.

How did black unemployment in large cities compare with the national unemployment rate?

Black unemployment was higher

What was significant about the 1936 presidential election?

Black voters outside the South shifted in significant numbers to the Democratic Party

How did black voting patterns begin to change after the first election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt?

Blacks began to shift to the Democratic Party

What was a reason for blacks to move over to the Democratic Party during the 1936 election?

Blacks felt that Roosevelt had been doing more for them than any other president

What author influenced Garvey's early ideas about changing the situation of blacks?

Booker T. Washington.

How did the New York Giants' (baseball) manager attempt to get a black man into baseball?

By describing him as a Native American, rather than as black person.

What was a famous play written by black playwrights?

Chocolate Dandies

What can be said that is true about farming during the Great Depression?

Consumer demand fell but production rose generating great drops in prices

How was the Agricultural Adjustment Act unevenly implemented?

Control of AAA money was left to local white boards

How did DuBois's background shape his views, just as Washington's shaped his?

DuBois was born free in the North, encountered little racism during his early years, and was incredibly intelligent and allowed to obtain a superior education.

What was true about the NAACP publication, The Crisis?

Edited by DuBois, it generally contained strident language denouncing racism and demanding that blacks stand up for their rights.

Who was black people's main ally within the Roosevelt Administration?

Eleanor Roosevelt

What were most early black women's clubs formed during the 1870s and 1880s interested in?

Generally, cultural, religious and social matters.

What area became known as the Negro Capital of the World"?

Harlem, New York City

How did General John Pershing acquire the nickname "Black Jack"?

He had commanded black troops in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.

How did Garvey react to the KKK?

He praised the organization as the only honest white men in America?

Why did President Hoover do very little during the Great Depression to alleviate poverty?

He strongly believed that individuals or charities not the government should help alleviate poverty

What was Houston's legal focus?

He tried to force the south to equalize facilities especially in education

What types of political activities was Washington supporting behind the scenes?

He tried to get the grandfather clause overturned in the courts. He tried to improve conditions on segregated railroad cars for blacks.

Why did John L Lewis form the Committee for Industrial Organization?

He was angry that the AFL refused to incorporate unskilled workers into its ranks

How did the relationship between African Americans and labor unions change during the 1930s?

In the 1930s more labor unions allowed blacks membership and some even began integrated unions

What was a problem with the Civilian Conservation Corps?

It employed few blacks in segregated camps

How did the Railway Labor Act amendments of 1934 affect the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters?

Its provisions eventually forced the Pullman Company to recognize the union and bargain with it in good faith

What man was very important in greatly expanding the membership of the NAACP over the 1920s?

James Weldon Johnson

What 1960s civil rights leader was very influenced by Garvey, and continued some of his ideas?

Malcolm X.

What was true about the formal education of many of the black writers and artists of the Harlem Renaissance?

Many of them went to very elite schools, at a time when any college education was rare.

What is true about blacks and higher education (post high school) during the 1930s?

More young scholars were receiving college degrees and many more were obtaining graduate degrees than during the previous decades of the twentieth century

How did most African Americans feel about entering World War I?

Most supported it, and many served in the armed forces as a way to demonstrate their patriotism and loyalty.

How did the typical Progressive reformer feel about racism?

Most were racist themselves. They showed little interest in altering white supremacy.

What did blacks find advantageous in Chicago?

Numerous black institutions, like churches and newspaper.Some political influence, including black politicians at the local, state and national level. Racial tension over jobs and housing.

What is true about academic studies and their views of race in the 1920s?

Prominent scholars published numerous books warning about the threat to America from immigrants.

What political party did blacks generally support in the early twentieth century?


What event caused uproar in the South, as a breach of racial etiquette by the president himself?

Roosevelt invited Washington to dinner.

What case ended the all=white primary strategy altogether?

Smith v Allwright

What was A. Phillip Randolph's political orientation?


How did black Americans react to the Communist Party?

Some approved of its work but very few actually joined the party or participated in it. Some felt that the Communist Party offered far better leadership than the NAACP

What does the story of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company tell us about blacks during the Great Depression?

Some black businesses were able to succeed even with the difficulties of the Great Depression

What does the story of the Binga Bank tell us about blacks during the Great Depression?

Some blacks were financially ruined through their attempts to help their community and other blacks

What was true about job opportunities for black men and women after migration?

Some young black women were drawn into prostitution to make a living.

Why did the all-white primary law disfranchise black voters in Texas when they could still vote in the general election?

Texas was so heavily Democratic that the only really contested election was the primary race

What did the case of Norris v Alabama decided by the Supreme Court in 1935 state?

That all Americans have the right to a jury of their peers Excluding blacks from jury pools was deemed unconstitutional

What did the Niagara Movement demand in 1905?

That blacks should protest vigorously for their rights, better schools, housing and an end to racial prejudice.

What do the activities of the NAACP regarding "white primaries" and in the Sweet case tell us about their tactics during the 1920s?

That the NAACP continued to use the court system to gain changes and civil rights in America.

What did the case of Powell v Alabama decided by the Supreme Court in 1932 state?

That the Scottsboro boys had not been given adequate council and that the trial was not fair because it had occurred in a hostile environment

Garvey wanted to establish a settlement in Liberia. What stopped him?

The American, British and French government blocked his requests to the League of Nations, since they wanted to maintain power for themselves.

What organization did the National Negro Congress become more and more associated with in the late 1930s?

The Communist Party

What organization quickly rushed to the aid of the young black men accused in the Scottsboro case?

The Communist Party

What was the most famous Harlem nightspot?

The Cotton Club

Why did the Harlem Renaissance end?

The Great Depression devastated book sales across the country.

What was different about the Klan of the 1920s and the Reconstruction Klan?

The Klan of the 1920s expanded their hate to include Catholics, Jews and immigrants as well as blacks.

What happened to much First New Deal legislation during the Great Depression?

The Supreme Court declared much of it unconstitutional

What was a problem with the administration of the Works Progress Administration?

The WPA was actually administered far more equally than previous programs It helped many black families

What was Washington's nickname?

The Wizard of Tuskegee.

What did the Springfield Riot of 1908 lead to?

The creation of the NAACP.

What was the Tuskegee Experiment?

The federal government sponsored a health study that monitored but did not treat black men with syphilis

Why did Houston and Thurgood Marshall focus on gaining blacks access to professional and graduate schools?

The inequalities were very obvious almost no graduate facilities existed for blacks in the south

What was the role of the "Talented Tenth", according to DuBois?

The top ten percent of blacks. They were to be responsible for working to achieve the civil and political rights of African Americans.

How did other black leaders, like W.E.B. DuBois and A. Philip Randolph, view Garvey?

They continually denigrated him and his ideas, calling him dangerous and a fool.

World War I was supposed to be a war "to make the world safe for democracy." With all this language, how did Americans apply these ideals to the treatment of blacks?

They didn't. Americans continued to hold onto racism, and reacted violently against blacks.

What is true about black women's support for women's suffrage?

They had long supported the issue, and understood that political power was needed to change discrimination in America.

What was true about the black-upper class in the early twentieth century?

They never had wealth close to that of the very wealthiest whites. They were often light skinned. They were active in very exclusive social clubs, distancing themselves from the masses of blacks.

How did the French troops and people feel about black soldiers?

They praised their ability and courage, and asked for more black troops.

What was the role of the "Black Cabinet"?

They pressured the president and other governmental agencies to create color-blind policies

What was the main role of many of Phillis Wheatley homes?

They provided housing for single, black working women who were refused admittance to the YWCA.

W.E.B. DuBois and the NAACP generally supported the war effort. What did they want changed for blacks in the war?

They pushed for black officers to command black troops.

What reaction did the NAACP have to the violence of the East St. Louis riot?

They sent members in to investigate, publicized the issues, and organized a silent march in New York City as protest.

What role did police play in many of the race riots, including those of Chicago, Elaine and Houston?

They were often either the cause of the trouble, or helped the rioters.

What role did white women like Amy Spingarn and Charlotte Osgood play in the Harlem Renaissance?

They were patrons, helping fund writers' works, but also tried to direct their efforts.

What methods did the NAACP use to try to gain black civil and political rights?

They worked within the court and legislative system, chipping away at discrimination, racism and the Plessy v. Ferguson decision.

What was the goal of the Urban League?

To help blacks as they moved into cities, with housing, discrimination and medical care.

What was goal of the Detroit Housewives' League and housewives' leagues established in other cities?

To help increase black economic opportunity through directing black women's purchasing power

What industry saw substantial union organizing among black women?


What did the case of the Scottsboro Boys involve?

Two young white women who falsely accused nine young black men of rape on a train

What organization did Marcus Garvey form in Jamaica in 1914?

Universal Negro Improvement Association

What is true about the affect of the National Industrial Recovery Act's effect on black Americans?

When the NIRA increased wages employers fired blacks to be able to hire whites

What event made many southern black men think the Progressive Party might not help them gain rights in America?

When the convention of 1912 sang the "Battle Hymn of the Republic".

Why were black women often affected more than black men during the depression?

White families could not afford domestic help during the depression or could get it at almost no cost at all since some black women were so desperate

What is true about the early NAACP?

White leaders dominated it and financed it.

Most black people were still employed in agricultural work or domestic service.

Why was the Pullman Company an early area for black labor organizing? By the 1920s, it was the largest employer of black people in America.

How did Woodrow Wilson act toward black people when he became president?

Wilson held Southern views toward race; he segregated federal offices to avoid friction between the races.

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