182 CH 14

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Act Psychology

(Brentano) all founders studied under Stumpf

William James' work in psychology: A. is no longer useful today. B. is very much a part of psychology today. C. was all shown to be incorrect. D. James was not a psychologist, he was a biologist. E. rules like a big dog.


Which of the following lists Russian physiologist? A. Sechenov, Pavlov, Bechterev B. Sechenov, Skinner, James C. Dewey, Angell, Carr D. Pavlov, Hall, Tolman E. Tchaikovsky, Dostoevsky, Chekhov


What are the three aspects to productive thinking?

1. Cognitive trial and error 2. Transposition 3. Motivation

BF Skinner is known for studying: A. classical conditioning B. operant conditioning C. observational learning D. latent learning E. how to grow a big cranium


Which of the following is part of the definition of functionalism? A. an interest in the structure of mental elements B. an interest in the function of mental activity C. searching for and naming brain parts D. finding out what parts of the body produce what kinds of sensations E. 'func' as in music, 'tion' as in reject, 'al' from Home Improvement, and 'ism' meaning belief


____: influenced by German Rationalists, Spinoza and eventually leads to ____ theory, the foundation of social psychology and ____ cognitive dissonance(Motivation)

Cognitive Balance; Heider's balance; Festinger's

Early in his career, E.C. Tolman was interested in psychology from a behavioral perspective. What best describes his later work? A. It aligns more with psychoanalysis. B. It aligns more with Socrates' world view. C. It moved more toward radical behaviorism. D. It moved more toward a cognitive perspective. E. He decided to live in the mazes he made for rats.


Which of the following describes logical positivism? A. It's a combination of Neoplatonic beliefs and behaviorism. B. It's a merging of physiology and physics. C. It divides science into two parts, natural science and soft science. D. It divides science into two parts, empirical and theoretical. E. It maintains people should live logical and positive lives.



Do animals learn absolute stimulus control or relational? We know now it depends on training.

As the functionalists in the US were attacking the elementism of Wundt, so were the ____ Psychologists in Germany.


Although many of its proposals are vague and the underlying brain physics were largely inferred without data, ___ has been absorbed into American Psychology. It is most apparent in ____, but researchers like the Gibsons extend Gestalt to all of psychology.

Gestalt; perception

Many cognitivists and behaviorists actively use the research of the early ____although they may interpret it differently (very differently)


Gestalt Psychology was influenced by

Kant Mach Von Ehrenfels James Act Psychology Physics

Who introduced Gestalt to US with article on perception? (this resulted in the view in the US that all Gestalt was perception)

Kurt Koffka

Who is the father of social psychology?

Kurt Lewin

Who experimented with strobe and movement of light which led to the founding of Gestalt?

Max Wertheimer

Who worked with apes and denounced Nazis?

Wolfgang Kohler

Phi Phenomenon: Wundt

apparent movement due to eye movement; Wertheimer demonstrated this was wrong using a vertical light that dropped off to two horizontal lights in a way that our eyes cannot follow

Universal causation and Field Theory

everything that occurs is a function of the total influences occurring at the moment

Psychophysical Isomorphism (similar shape)

experience is ordered in relation to underlying distribution of energy during brain processing. This leads to a top-down analysis (whole to parts); influenced by field theory.


faculties of mind become characteristics of brain


field theory: all events in a field are interrelated

Von Ehrenfels

form emerges from individual sensation (differed from Gestalt in that elements are necessary for emergence)

Kohler's work on Tenerife led to his thesis on ____. (____ had trouble; ___ succeeded)

insight learning; chickens/apes


main is to learn (intrinsic motivation)

Insight Learning: Later research found problem solving can happen 'all at once' ___ if the animal already has ___with all the parts of the problem.

only; experience


postulated space and time forms are independent of particular sensory elements

Cognitive trial and error

problems cause disequilibrium and tension. This motivates the animal to try solutions cognitively until the best one emerges and equilibrium is restored


psychological organization follows the energy of the brain in the simplest way "as good as conditions allow." Brain activity tends toward balance unless disrupted, then the process starts again.


stream of consciousness

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