1920s and 1930s

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The U.S. transferred to the British Navy in exchange for leases for British naval and air bases (response to Fall of France)

Bases for Destroyer Deal with Britain and Conscription Act

What was the new idea that allowed people to "Possess today and pay tomorrow"?

Credit Cards

What 3 groups did the KKK attack (other than African Americans)?

Immigrants, Catholics, and Jews

What are two groups that did not experience economic prosperity?

Immigrants, the farming industry

After WWI, most immigrants came from what part of europe?


What is the name for the illegal bars during the Prohibition Era?


U.S. not recognizing territorial acquisitions accomplished by a force (response to Japan invading Manchuria)

Stimson Doctrine

What catastrophic event occurred on "Black Tuesday" (October 29, 1912)?

Stock Market Crash

What is the name for the oil-related scandal of the Warren G Harding administration?

Teapot Dome Scandal

Why did the Stimson Doctrine infuriate Japan

it was taking Japan's land

law that limited the annual # of Asian immigrants to 2% of the number of people from that country

Asian Exclusion Act

nickname for the U.S. navy battle fleet that sailed all the way around the globe

Great White Fleet

What is the name for the emergence of African American art, price, music, and politics?

Harlem Renaissance

U.S. response to Italy invading Ethiopia

"Moral Embargo" of oil shipments to Italy

What were the ways that the U.S. promoted peace after WWI?

14 Points

What was the U.S. constitutional amendment that dealt with the prohibition of alcohol?

18th Amendment

Who was the U.S. Attorney General who had house damaged by supposed communist bomb?

A. Mitchell Palmer

Who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor (Limited goals)

Admiral Isoroko Yamamoto

When did U.S. officially declare war on Japan?

After Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory


What is the illegal production and distribution of alcohol?


allows trade with other countries under the condition that American ships were not used (response to Hitler's invasion of Poland)

Cash and Carry Policy

Name three cities that experienced race riots.

Chicago, Washinton D.C., Knoxville

What organization that was created to spread communism made many Americans fearful of communism?

Communist Party

What is the name of the 1924 Plan that promoted the U.S. giving Germany money to repay France and Great Britain who then could repay the United States?

Dawes Plan

name of the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor

Day of Infamy

What is the cause of the race riots in 1919?

Death of an African American teenager who drowned in Lake Michigan. His death and police's refusal to arrest the white man who eyewitnesses identified as causing it, caused rioting between blacks and whites.

U.S. response to Japan's invasion of Indochina

Embargo against Japan

Which two people met for the Atlantic Charter?

FDR and Churchill

important to have all nations in the Western Hemisphere united in lieu of foreign aggressions

FDR's good neighbor policy

What is the legislation that was caused by the fear of a flood of cheap European goods into the U.S. ?

Fordney-McCumber Tariff

Prime minister of Japan

General Hideki Tojo

What was the U.S. foregin policy after WWI?


What is one negative consequence of the Nine Power Treaty?

It lacked any enforcement regulations. The US could do little more than issue protests and impose economic sanctions

What Asian country's immigrants were excluded from entering the U.S.?


Who left the League of Nations?


Who are four writers of the Harlem Renaissance?

Jean Toomer, Jessie Fauset, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston

What is the name of the legislation where 12 nations agreed to outlaw war to solve disputes?

Kellogg- Briand Pact

who condemned the Japanese attack on Manchuria

League of Nations

a proposition to the Monroe Doctrine that forbid any foreign power from gaining territory in the Western Hemisphere

Lodge Corollary

Who are three jazz or blues performers?

Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis

Who was the founder of the United Negro Improvement Association who wanted to instill and promote black pride?

Marcus Garvey

What was the African American organization to fight racial inequality?


hearings to look into why the U.S. got involved in WWI

NYE committee hearings

What is the belief that one's native land needs to be protected against immigrants?


Not selling weapons to countries at war (response to Rearmament of Germany)

Neutrality Act of 1935

Not loaning money to countries at war (response to Rearmament of Germany)

Neutrality Act of 1936

U.S. citizens could not travel on ships to countries at war (response to the Spanish Civil War)

Neutrality Act of 1937

What is the name for the illegal raids made in 1919 and 1920 against "communists"?

Palmer Raids

planes bombed and sunk U.S. boat

Panay Incident

proposed that democracies should act together to quarantine any aggressor (response to Japan invading China)

President Roosevelt's Quarantine Speech

What was one way mass advertising changed in the 1920s?


What are three new inventions of the 1920s other than the automobile?

Radio, television, garage door opener

What is the nickname for the race riots during the summer of 1919?

Red Summer

demilitarized zone


U.S. response to Hitler's takeover of Czechoslovakia

Roosevelt's letter to Mussolini and Hitler asking for assurances against aggression

Heightened fears of foreigners resulted in the questionable death of what two Italian immigrants?

Sacco and Vanzetti

What act limited immigration to 2% of that ethnicities U.S. population in 1890?

The Immigration Act of 1924

What is the name for the nationwide fear of communists, radicals, and socialists?

The Red Scare

What was the famous trial where the defendant was accused of teaching evolution?

The Scopes Trial

What is the name for the large movement of African Americans from the South to the North?

The great migration

what does Tora mean


ended the 1904 and 1905 Russo- Japanese War (done by Teddy Roosevelt)

Treaty of Portsmouth

U.S. response to Hitler's invasion of Norway and the Low Countries

U.S. froze German assets

What was the act that made the U.S. Treasury Department enforce Prohibition?

Volstead Act

What is the name of the conference that tried to set limits on major country naval forces?

Washington Naval Conference

military conference that discussed naval disarmament and ways to relieve growing tensions in East Asia (5:5:3)

Washington naval Conference

What are five ways that the lives of women changed in the 1920s?

Working women became consumers of popular products, cigarette smoking, flapper girl, hairstyles, women's spheres had broadened to include public as well as home life

$26,350,000,000 be paid over a period of 58 1/2 years (Hoover then declared a debt moratorium

Young Plan


authoritarian government where people do not have many rights

Why did Hoover and Roosevelt ignore the developments of war at first?


What people believed the Bible was the only source to follow concerning morality and believed the U.S. was suffering a decline in morality?


What was the major invention created by Henry Ford?

mass production

What is one negative consequence of he Five-Power Naval Limitation Treaty?

members of the US navy worried that limiting the expansion of fortification would endanger US holdings in Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines

Why did Hoover not want a part in military action in the far East?

not enough money

an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing

rape of Nanking

What are four ways the car changed America in the 1920s?

scenic routes, highways construction, drive-ins, traffic

buying part ownership of a company

stock market

What two things were talked about at the Atlantic Charter?

war aims (Hitler and Japanese) and United Nations

What are some early signs of war in the 1930s?

war between Japan and China, world wide depression, European economic problems

Factors that caused the Great Depression

week banking system, WWI, Farm prices drop, tariffs, buying on credit

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