2 - Quality Advocates
When was Dr. Walter Shewhart alive?
When was Dr. W. Edwards Deming alive?
When was Joseph M. Juran alive?
What is the last step of the Shewhart Cycle (PDCA, PDSA, Deming cycle)?
What is the second of Deming's 14 points?
Adopt the new philosophy
What is the second of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Adopt the new philosophy
What is the content of big Q regarding cost of poor quality?
All costs that would disappear if everything were perfect.
What is the content of big Q regarding industries?
All industries - service, government, ect. - whether for profit or not
What is the content of big Q regarding processes?
All processes: manufacturing, support, business, ect.
What is the content of big Q regarding products and services?
All products and services, whether for sale or not.
What is the content of big Q regarding customers?
All who are affected: external and internal
What is the third of the three fundamental tenets?
Annual planning for quality improvement and cost reduction.
Why do costs decrease?
Because of less rework, fewer mistakes, fewer delays, snags, better use of machine-time and materials.
What is Dr. Walter Shewhart known for?
Being the first to encourage the use of statistics to identify, monitor, and eventually remove the sources of variation in a process.
What is the ninth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Break down barriers between departments
What is the ninth of Deming's 14 points?
Break down silos
What is the fourth step in Deming's Economic Chain Reaction?
Capture the market
What is the third of Deming's 14 points?
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality
What is the third of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality
What is the content of little q regarding customers?
Clients who buy the products
What is uncontrolled variation?
Comes from sources external to the process.
What is the fifth thing Dr. W. Edwards Deming focused heavily on?
What is the fifth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Constantly and forever improve the system of production and service.
What is the second of the three fundamental tenets?
Continuous education
What is the fifth of Deming's 14 points?
Continuous improvement
What is the second thing Dr. W. Edwards Deming focused heavily on?
Continuous improvement
What are common causes?
Controlled variation
What is the first source of variation in a process according to Dr. Walter Shewhart?
Controlled variation
What is the content of little q regarding cost of poor quality?
Costs associated with deficient manufactured goods.
What is the second step in Deming's Economic Chain Reaction?
Costs decrease
What is the first of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Create a constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive and to stay in business and provide jobs
What is the first of Deming's 14 points?
Create purpose for improvement
What is the first thing Dr. Juran's approach involves?
Creating awareness of the need to improve.
What did Dr. W. Edwards Deming think quality efforts should be directed at?
Customer's present and future needs.
What is the second step of the Shewhart Cycle (PDCA, PDSA, Deming cycle)?
Who is fourth of the seven most prominent advocates?
Dr. Armand Feigenbaum
Who is seventh of the seven most prominent advocates?
Dr. Genichi Taguchi
Who is third of the seven most prominent advocates?
Dr. Joseph M. Juran
Who is sixth of the seven most prominent advocates?
Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa
Who is second of the seven most prominent advocates?
Dr. W. Edwards Deming
Who is first of the seven most prominent advocates?
Dr. Walter Shewhart
Who is the father of statistical quality control?
Dr. Walter Shewhart
What is the eighth of Deming's 14 points?
Drive out fear
What is the eighth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Drive out fear
What does the ACT stage of the Shewhart Cycle involve?
Either changes are made or return to the plan phase
What is the eleventh of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Eliminate arbitrary work standards and numerical quotas. Substitute leadership.
What is the tenth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce.
What is quality planning?
Encourages the development of methods to stay in tune with customers' needs and expectations.
What was Dr. W. Edwards Deming known for?
Encouraging top-level management to get involved.
What is the fourth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
End the practice of awarding businesses on the basis of price tag alone. Instead minimize total cost.
What is the fourth thing Dr. Juran's approach involves?
Establishing team problem solving.
What is the fourth thing Dr. W. Edwards Deming focused heavily on?
Goal setting
What is the first step in Deming's Economic Chain Reaction?
Improve quality
What is the thirteenth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Institute a vigorous program of education and self improvement.
What is the thirteenth of Deming's 14 points?
Institute education and self-improvement programs
What is the seventh of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Institute leadership
What is the sixth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Institute training on the job
What is the fourteenth of Deming's 14 points?
Involve all workers in the transformation
What is quality control?
Involves comparing products produced with goals and specifications.
What is quality improvement?
Involves the ongoing process of improvement necessary for the company's continuous success.
What is the red bead experiment?
It helps leaders understand how a process with problems can inhibit an individual's ability to perform at his or her best.
What did Dr. Joseph M. Juran have to say about quality?
It is a concept that needs to be found in all aspects of business.
What did Dr. W. Edwards Deming have to say about quality?
It must be defined in terms of customer satisfaction.
What did Dr. Walter Shewhart have to say about once a process is under control?
It will exhibit only controlled variation, so future process performance can be predicted, within limits, on the basis of past performance.
What is the seventh of Deming's 14 points?
What is the second thing Dr. Juran's approach involves?
Making quality improvement an integral part of each job.
What is the first thing Dr. W. Edwards Deming focused heavily on?
Management involvement
What is the content of little q regarding products and services?
Manufactured goods and point of sale
What is the content of little q regarding industries?
What is the eleventh of Deming's 14 points?
No quotas or numerical goals
What is the tenth of Deming's 14 points?
No slogans
What is the sixth of Deming's 14 points?
On-the-job training
Who is fifth of the seven most prominent advocates?
Philip Crosby
What is the first step of the Shewhart Cycle (PDCA, PDSA, Deming cycle)?
What is the content of little q regarding processes?
Processes directly related to the manufacture of goods.
What is the third step in Deming's Economic Chain Reaction?
Productivity improves
What is the sixth step in Deming's Economic Chain Reaction?
Provide jobs and more jobs
What is the third thing Dr. Juran's approach involves?
Providing training in quality methods.
What is the fourteenth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation.
What is the second of the three management processes?
Quality control
What is the third of the three management processes?
Quality improvement
What is the first of the three management processes?
Quality planning
What is the fifth thing Dr. Juran's approach involves?
Recognizing results
What is the twelfth of Deming's 14 points?
Remove annual ratings or merit system
What is the twelfth of the detailed version of Deming's 14 points?
Remove barriers that rob people of their right to pride of workmanship.
What is the third thing Dr. W. Edwards Deming focused heavily on?
Statistical analysis
What is the fifth step in Deming's Economic Chain Reaction?
Stay in business
What is the third step of the Shewhart Cycle (PDCA, PDSA, Deming cycle)?
What is the funnel experiment?
Tampering with a process can actually make the performance of that process worse.
What did Dr. Joseph M. Juran influence?
The movement of quality from a narrow statistical field to quality as a management focus.
What does the STUDY stage of the Shewhart Cycle involve?
The results of the change are studied.
What does the DO stage of the Shewhart Cycle involve?
The solution is implemented
What is important to note about future needs?
They may not necessarily be identified by the customer but rather for the customer.
What are special or assignable causes?
Uncontrolled variation
What is the second source of variation in a process according to Dr. Walter Shewhart?
Uncontrolled variation
What is the first of the three fundamental tenets?
Upper management leadership
What does the plan stage of the Shewhart Cycle involve?
Users study a problem and plan a solution.
What is controlled variation?
Variation present in a process due to the very nature of the process.
How do you capture the market?
With better quality and lower prices.
What is the fourth of Deming's 14 points?
Work with one supplier to reduce costs