212 Quiz 1

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Which statement best explains why management is considered a vital area of​ study?

Because you will either manage others or be​ managed, you can gain valuable information from a course in management.

Which statement best explains why managers are evaluated by the efficiency and effectiveness of their job​ performance?

Effectiveness and efficiency go hand in​ hand, and a good manager accomplishes both.

In his first comprehensive​ study, Mintzberg concluded that what managers do can best be described by looking at the managerial roles they engage in at work. What are the three​ roles?

Interpersonal, informational, and decisional

What is the value of studying management even if you plan to pursue a career which requires a professional certification such as a​ CPA, doctor, or​ attorney?

Management is universally needed in all organizations.

​Today's marketplace is very fluid with an increase in competition and customers who are more discerning and better informed. How has management changed in​ response?

Managers are recognizing that delivering​ consistent, high-quality customer service is essential for survival and success in​ today's competitive environment and that employees are an important part of that equation.

Which statement best explains why it is difficult to differentiate between managerial and nonmanagerial​ employees?

Many traditional nonmanagerial jobs now include managerial activities.

According to the​ "four functions" approach​, ​managers' work is best described by which four​ functions?

Planning, organizing,​ leading, and controlling

Which statement about studying management is most likely​ true?

Studying management is important because by learning management​ theory, one will be able to apply these concepts in a variety of​ situations, to maximize​ efficiency, productivity, employee​ satisfaction, and personal success.

Which of the following statements about the changing nature of management in​ today's marketplace is most likely​ true?

Taking​ risks, exploring new​ territories, and trying new methods are innovative tactics that management can use to be more successful in the marketplace.

Fayol identified the management functions as​ planning, organizing,​ commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Which of the following accurately describes the control​ function?

The control function involves monitoring and evaluating performance to ensure goals are met and work is done as it should be.

What is considered a​ manager's primary​ responsibility?

To oversee the work of other people so organizational goals can be accomplished

In many​ organizations, the changing nature of work has​ ________.

blurred the distinction between managers and nonmanagerial employees

Managers will increasingly need to understand and deal with​ ________.

changing​ workplaces, ethical​ issues, security​ threats, and new technology

Management involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so their activities are completed efficiently and effectively. That would mean that subordinates are​ ________.

getting the most output from the least amount of inputs or​ resources, and doing those work activities that will result in achieving goals

In​ today's world, managers are primarily dealing with​ ________.

global economic and political uncertainties

An organization​ ________.

has a distinct purpose typically expressed through goals the organization hopes to accomplish

Among Fortune 1000 companies in​ 2013, the number of female CEOs was​ ________.


At the lowest level of​ management, frontline managers​ ________.

manage the work of nonmanagerial employees who typically are involved with producing the​ organization's products or servicing the​ organization's customers

Social media has become increasingly important to many businesses to maximize contact with customers and to​ ________.

manage their human resources and tap into their innovation and talent

Management is an important discipline to study because​ ________.

management is needed in all types and sizes of​ organizations, at all levels and work areas

In​ today's highly competitive business​ world, managers have come to understand that​ ___________ is necessary for organizational survival and success.

providing consistently superior customer service

Managers are a critical part of any successful organization because

they use their skills and knowledge to move the organization forward towards established goals

Managing is most likely rewarding because​ ________.

you can help others find meaning and fulfillment in their work

Actually implementing management can be difficult primarily because​ ________.

your success typically is dependent on​ others' work performance

Robert L. Katz proposed that managers need three critical skills in​ managing, which are​ ________.

​Technical, interpersonal, and conceptual

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