2.5 Structure of mononucleotide, DNA and RNA. Complementary Base Pairing and hydrogen bonding in the formation of a DNA double helix.

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Give an example of RNA


What are DNA and RNA made up of?


Give an example of bases that are pyrimidines

Cytosine, thymine and uracil

How many polynucleotide strands make up RNA?

1, its single stranded

Name the 3 things each DNA nucleotide is formed from

1. A deoxyribose sugar with hydrogen 2. A phosphate group 3. One of 4 bases (A,C,G,T)

Name the 3 things each nucleotide is formed from

1. A pentose sugar 2. A base (nitrogen containing) 3. A phosphate group

Name the 3 things each RNA nucleotide is formed from

1. A ribose sugar with OH group 2. A phosphate group 3. One of 4 bases (A,C,G,U)

How many hydrogen bonds form between A and T?


What is a DNA pari

2 correct bases hydrogenly bonded together

How many hydrogen bonds form between C and G?


Each DNA nucleotide is said to have a X' and a Y' end. (Name the numbers that are X and Y)

3' and 5', these numbers relate to which carbon on the pentose sugar could be bonded with another nucleotide

When nucleotides join, what bond froms between where?

A phosphodiester bond forms the phosphate group of one nucleotide and a pentose sugar on the next nucleotide

Which bases are purines

Adenine and Guanine

Describe how the two DNA strands are arranged in a double helix


Why do purine and pyrimidines link together (complementary base pairing)

Because there is the correct length between them for hydrogen bonds to form

What type of reaction cases nucleotides to form a polynuclotide?

Condensation reaction

Which polynucleotide strand is longer; DNA or RNA?


What is the difference in sugars between DNA and RNA

DNA has a dexyribose, RNA has a ribose sugar

Is DNA double or triple helix?


What bonds holds the two antiparallel DNA polynucleotides strands together

Hydrogen bonds

What makes a base a pyrimidines

It has a single ring structure

Name the two structural forms that the nitrogenous base molecules occur as

Purines and Pyrimidines

What is the chain of alternating phosphate groups and pentose sugars called?

Sugar-phosphate backbone

What makes a base a purine?

The base has a double ring structure

How does the presence of the hydroxyl group on the RNA nucleotide change it's susceptibility to hydrolysis?

The presence of the 2' hydroxyl group makes RNA more susceptible to hydrolysis

Does DNA or RNA have a longer molecular lifespan? Why?

The presence of the 2' hydroxyl group makes RNA more susceptible to hydrolysis. This is why DNA is the storage molecule and RNA is the transport molecule with a shorter molecular lifespan

What base does RNA never contain?

Thymine, instead they have Uracil

What is the role of mRNA

Transcript copy of a gene that encodes a specific polypeptide

Define double helix

Two strands that spiral around each other

What is complementary base pairing?

When the correct purine forms hydrogen bonds with it's correct pyrimidine (A-t , C-G)

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