2.5 Translators And Facilities Of Languages

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The Characteristics Of An Assembler

An assembler is a translator that converts assembly language into machine code, in addition, a assembler provides the services of an interpreter & enables software and application developers to acces, operate and manage a computers hardware architecture + components.

The Characteristics Of An Compiler

An compiler is a translator which translates higher level language into lower level language such as machine code, further on, the compiler reports any problems with the code if they are present at the end of the process, if the programmer makes corrections to their program it will have to be re - compiled again.

The Characteristics Of An Interpreter

An interpreter is a translator which turns higher level language into machine code, just like a compiler. The interpreter lets the programmer know any errors in the code by showing them as the code is processed through by the translator, this is the opposite of how the compiler does it while the compiler shows them at the end.

Higher Level Language - Characteristics & Purpose

Higher level language requires translation with the help of a compiler, the purpose of higher level language is to be translated and then converted into executable code, which then can be understood be the processor and the instructions carried out. Characteristics of higher level language (before translation) can be easily understood by humans while some of the code has words and its simple to figure out what the stages of the code mean.

Common Tools And Facilities Available In An Integrated Development Enviroment (ide)

An Integrated Development Enviroment (ide) is a software for writing programs which helps programmers to write their programms by supplying them with tools to write, edit & test their code, to make it easier & more efficient for them to create their code.

Tools And Facilities Available In An Ide - Editors

The code editor in an ide is a text edit area that allows programmers to write, edit and save a document of their code.

Tools And Facilities Available In An Ide - Error Diagnostics

The error diagnostics in an ide allows the programmer to identify any errors in their code very easily, error messages are produced that highlight where the error is in the programmers code and what type of error it is.

Assembly Language - Characteristics & Purpose

The purpose of assembly language is to be translated by a assembler (type of translator) which then converts it into machine code which is understood by the computer processor, carrying out & executing instructions and manipulating hardware. The characteristics of assembly language are different characters and values, they are not understandable by humans and are designed for processors.

Lower Level Language - Characteristics & Purpose

The purpose of lower level language is to operate and handle the entire hardware, lower level language does not need a translator while its already able to be directly executed by the processor, and the instructions carried out directly. The characteristics of lower level language are much different to higher level language, lower level language is much more difficult to understand in its form while the code is different and designed for the processor, humans would not understand the instructions.

Machine Code - Characteristics & Purpose

The purpose of machine code is to be directly executed by the processor, its a code designed for computers to understand & output, being made up of binary. The characteristics of machine code are binary, 1s and 0s make up the code.

The Purpose Of Translators

The purpose of translators is to convert programming languages that can not be directly executed by the processor into code that can be understood and executed by the processor, machine code as an example. They translate one programming language to another.

Tools And Facilities Available In An Ide - Run - Time Enviroment

The run - time enviroment in an ide allows the programmer to execute their program one step/line at a time, which ensures the programmer that the code works line by line all the way through.

Tools And Facilities Available In An Ide - Translators

The translators included in the ide allow the programmer to translate their code into a different level or language, higher level into machine code being a example.

Characteristics And Purpose Of Different Levels Of Programming Language

There are different levels of programming languages, an example of them is higher level or lower level language. Different levels of programming languages have different characteristics, for example, higher level language is easier to understand while its code contains words which can be understood & read. The purpose of having different levels of programming language is because different code is used differently and some need to go through certain phases to be used, classifying the code into levels helps to orginise it & sort according to its type, function and processes it needs to go through to be executed.

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