2.8 Quiz

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What point concerning factions did James Madison make in Federalist 10?

C) Competition among many factions guaranteed that no single faction would be able to dominate the others. (Guess)

Why did the Anti-Federalists want a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

Protection was needed for the people against a powerful national government.

Why did both sides of the debate use Rome in their arguments?

Rome had been a republic, having elected representatives, and served as a model

Republic of Rome

example for which republican government was based, so they each chose Roman names.

Publius Pseudonyms

fake name used by someone who wishes to remain anonymous; Madison, Hamilton and Jay

The Anti-Federalist were represented by what members of society?

Farmers and middleclass people in the backcountry of the states.


In favor of ratifying the new Constitution

The Federalist

Madison, Hamilton and Jay

The Federalists were represented by what members of society?

Merchants and businessmen in cities along the seacoasts.


Patrick Henry and Robert Yates,Samuel Adams

Why were the Anti-Federalists against having a standing army?

Permanent armies had been abused by governments to take away the rights of the people.

How did Alexander Hamilton address the fears of the Anti-Federalists that the state governments would be protected against being taken over by the federal government?

The states could still tax their people and trade for their own needs and not have to rely on Congress.(Guess)

Why did the states of Virginia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire decide to ratify the Constitution?

They felt a Bill of Rights would be added to the Constitution.

What was the main reason the Anti-Federalists were against the Constitution?

They mistrusted a strong powerful national government; it would become corrupt and take away the rights of the people.


Those opposed(To Constitution) were not organized enough to give themselves a name and were called by the Federalists the Anti-Federalists.

Standing Army

Usually armies were raised in response to a particular threat. Once that threat had been destroyed, the army would disband. The new Constitution did not specifically prevent an army of professional soldiers and officers that would always remain in place.

Why did both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists write their letters to the newspapers using pseudonyms?

Writing anonymously forced the reader to focus on the issues discussed in the letter, not the person who wrote it.


is a group of people united for a common cause.


or split, from the state

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