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bathroom, restroom


d (no matter what) there•, •one, •idea, •reason, •question, •matter, •what, need, •evidence, •doubt, oh•, •know, •difference, •sign


i work•, •other, run•, sit•, place•, stand•, fight•, road, walk•, pull•, serve•, •each, •river, car ● next to, beside, at the side of, along, flanking, near


j noun advantage, practice, trade, competition, tax, treatment, system, burden, labor, law, business, criticism misc it•, think•, seem•, very•, little•, fair•, grossly• ● unjust, inequitable, iniquitous || unethical, dishonest, dishonorable || partial, one-sided, biased


j noun attack, group, organization, threat, act, activity, network, bombing, cell, target, incident, plot misc against, after•, since•, prevent•, possible•, international•, bin aden, major•, potential•


j noun behavior, business, investment, stock, move, loan, strategy, venture, sex, decision, thing, situation misc too•, more•, very•, less•, •sexual, engage•, consider• ● dangerous, hazardous, chancy, dicey, dodgy, precarious


j noun empire, emperor, law, numeral, soldier, od, ruin, authority, army, nose ● in classical style, classical, ancient


j noun oven, company, government, painting, church, master, society, child, artist, painter, team, art


j noun permission, experience, research, knowledge, year, study, approval, history, record, conviction, use, finding misc or•, without•, in•, •written, part•, no•, base•, consistent• ● previous, preceding, past, erstwhile, former, earlier


j noun rate, pace, growth, time, speed, way, computer, result, processor, car, recovery, chip misc •than, grow•, •more, any, move•, much•, •cheap, ever


j noun room, woman, man, restaurant, way, house, home, hotel, solution, design, dining, dinner misc most•, very•, simple•, beautiful, yet, white, tall• ● sophisticated, stylish, graceful, well-designed, welldressed, neat


j noun water, nitrogen, crystal, hydrogen, form, fuel, gas, diet, film, asset, display, eye misc use, solid, add, until, pour, fill, exist, stir ● runny, fluid, gooey, melted, molten, liquefied


n adj big, left, bare, wide, upward, tiny, pointed, narrow, numb, broken noun head•, foot, finger•, heel, toe, shoe, boot, •line, •box, knee verb point, stand•, step•, touch, wiggle, stub•, curl, dip•, tap, cover•


n adj black, white, red, blue, green, fine, yellow, embroidered, pink, raw noun •dress, •shirt, •scarf, •tie, •blouse, cotton, •gown, suit, jacket, •robe verb wear•, wrap, cover, remove, hang, pull, drape, weave, line


n adj cool, warm, light, gentle, slight, soft, stiff, hot, cold noun sea•, ocean•, night•, summer, hair, evening•, window, face, leaf, tree verb •blow, feel, stir, catch, carry, shoot•, sway•, rustle, flap•, flutter ● wind, gust, gentle wind, light wind, waft, zephyr


n adj directorial, coital, major, self-titled, professional, major-league, acting, lympic, big-screen noun •album, year, film, •novel, roadway•, solo, will•, week, •, season verb make•, release•, mark•, •grade, schedule•, record, associate, delay• ● entrance, introduction, unveiling, presentation, inauguration, coming out


n adj full, electric, rolling, horse-drawn, wooden, wheeled, two-wheeled, motorized noun golf•, shopping•, horse, grocery•, food, wheel, •path, donkey• verb push•, pull, put•, drive, fill, load, ride•, roll, walk, carry ● farm cart, wagon, dray, tumbril || handcart, pushcart, barrow, trolley


n adj heavy, deep, shallow, labored, normal, slow, rapid, regular, ragged, steady noun sound•, •room, difficulty•, •space, trouble•, •problem, •tube, heart, technique, •exercise verb stop•, hear•, •become, listen•, keep, control•, focus•, •grow, relax, sleep ● inhalation, exhalation, panting, gasping, puffing, blowing


n adj high, past, hot, bright, following, sunny, after noun day, morning, time, sun, hour, •night, sale• verb begin, start•, arrive, sleep•, wake, finish, drink• ● midday, twelve noon, noontime, noonday


n adj independent, private, general, military, civilian, large, prime, federal, major, associated noun defense•, government, building•, construction, work, company, city, minority•, business, labor verb hire, pay, •build, require, employ, •perform, •bid, •install, select•, rely ● servicer, worker, independent, outworker, freelancer, supplier


n adj internal, high, interrater, acceptable, adequate, low, overall noun validity, •coefficient, consistency•, alpha, scale, data, system, measure, study, analysis verb report, assess, demonstrate•, establish, improve•, determine, •range ● dependability, consistency, steadfastness, trustworthiness


n adj long, narrow, main, dark, empty, central, short noun room, end•, door, •night, hospital•, •power, wall, floor, street•, hotel• verb walk•, lead, move, connect, enter, line, light, fill, echo•, •stretch ● passage, passageway, hall, hallway || strip, access strip, air corridor, flight path


n adj male, merican, white, uropean, female, young, western, democratic, likely, ussian noun epublican, enate, •finding, contrast, adult•, , coast•, negotiating•, antimatter•, marketing• verb compare•, meet•, differ•, outnumber•, resemble•, outperform•, •engage, possess, emulate•, •invent ● equal, equivalent, opposite number, colleague


n adj merican, raqi, oviet, rench, sraeli, audi, ritish noun •, •nation, state, goodwill•, residence, south, deputy, conference, federation, council• verb thank, serve•, send•, appoint•, name•, agree, recall, welcome, nominate•, complain ● diplomat, envoy, representative, emissary, legate


n adj nasal, fine, no-stick, light, vegetable-based, gentle noun cooking•, pepper•, hair•, vegetable•, water, pan•, •paint, oil, •bottle, sheet• verb cook•, use, coat•, apply, •contain, adjust• ● gush, squirt, mist || atomizer, aerosol, spray can || sprig, bunch, bouquet


n adj open, arched, dark, narrow, empty, front, lighted noun room, kitchen, bedroom, window, office, hall, step•, bathroom, parlor verb stand•, appear•, watch, stop, walk, lean•, •lead, pause•, fill ● entrance, door, front entrance, entranceway, entryway, entry


n adj original, criminal, congressional, clear, legislative, specific, serious, hostile, evil noun •purpose, ongress, letter•, voter, law, statement, evidence•, act, notice•, •legislation verb seem•, determine, prove, sign, express•, establish, indicate•, announce•, reflect• ● intention, aim, goal, target, objective, plan


n adj political, mathematical, simple, quick, careful, cold, rational, detailed, complicated noun number, data, computer, method, cost, table, interest, •second, risk, control verb make, use, base, perform, •show, include, •indicate, •suggest, determine, involve ● computation, estimate, reckoning, answer || control, cunning, scheming, intention


n adj private, public, foreign, local, corporate, full, collective noun land, home•, gun•, property, sense•, right, •group, form•, company, employee• verb claim•, retain•, transfer•, increase, base•, encourage, restrict, promote, assume•, imply ● possession, rights, tenure, proprietorship, title


n adj public, eminent, private, specific, different, affective, academic, cognitive, exclusive, various noun •name, knowledge, life, decision, policy•, score, development, sport, loss•, source• verb enter•, relate, define, exercise, register, extend, expand, address, establish, assess ● area, field, sphere, sphere of influence, province, realm


n adj red, felt-tip, holding, electronic, straight, sharp noun paper, ink, fountain•, pencil, hand, •pal, •name, ballpoint•, pad, pocket verb use, write, put•, hold, pick•, pull•, grab•, draw, •sign, •poise ● coop, cage, run, enclosure, hutch, hut


n adj red, old, yellow, exposed, solid, brown, crumbling noun •wall, •building, •house, stone, home, •road, floor, street, window, ton• verb build, throw•, lay, hit•, surround, line, construct•, pave, crumble ● block, slab, ingot, lump, piece, tablet


n adj social, cultural, subjective, moral, traditional, political, human, local, sexual, societal noun value, group, rule, attitude, culture, peer•, exception, gender•, practice, set• verb become•, establish, violate•, base, conform•, compare•, •govern, reflect•, •favor, promote ● custom, average, rule, model, type, standard


n adj soft, extra, embroidered, red, fluffy, inflatable, firm, cervical noun head, bed, face, blanket, sheet, •talk, •case, night, hair, •fight verb put•, prop•, lay, pull, throw, sit, sleep, cover, place, lie ● cushion, support, throw cushion, throw pillow, bolster, pad


v noun child•, •year, woman•, kid•, man•, adult•, girl•, percent•, boy•, student•, rate, wine, •dignity, •perfection misc •old, young, •over, among•, •under ● mature, grow older, grow up, get on, advance in years


v noun food, behavior, critic•, category, column, consumer, standard, plastic, •failure, sample, •criminal, •racist, •terrorist misc •as, each, clearly, often•, simply, properly, neatly• ● put a label on, identify, stamp, mark || consider, regard, describe, brand


v noun onion, mushroom, pepper, tomato, knife•, potato, bread, •strip, apple, •air, cheese, •top, meat, blade•, chicken misc thinly•, •into, •through, peel•, fresh, •thin ● share, cut, carve, divide, cut up


v noun success, problem, difference, fact, failure, change, •factor, •cause, increase, effect, performance, outcome, •responsibility, influence, expert• misc •to, often•, directly, largely, usually•


v noun •life, book, memorial, art, •memory, resource, service, education, career, park, song, project, monument, hour, page misc nonprofit•, •solely, exclusively, •fight, totally• ● bestow, offer, donate, commit || reserve, devote, set aside, earmark


() n adj special, junior, previous, modern, consecutive, senior, future noun winter•, summer•, year, gold, month, coverage, •committee verb compete•, host•, watch•, qualify•, participate•, train•, attend•, prompt, •boost, •loom


[] n adj economic, international, nited, tough, military, criminal, legal, unilateral, effective, severe noun trade•, nation•, •regime, lifting•, employer•, threat•, effect, imposition•, resolution, pressure verb impose, lift, enforce•, apply, support•, threaten•, face•, maintain, ease•, •fail


c (in case) •you, just•, •need, •something, •any, •wonder, •happen, •miss, •forget, •notice, •ever, •anyone, •someone, •decide


c (provided that) •information, •support, •opportunity, •data, study•, service, •evidence, teacher, •insight, •basis, •enough, •additional, model, •protection ● on condition that, if, only if, as long as, so long as, providing


c use, teacher, social, drug, physical, parent, education, behavior, either•, activity, specific, skill, professional, treatment ● either-or, one or both, either or both


d (no matter what) no•, •what, •happen, •kind, •age, •else, •cost, love•, •choose, •type, •circumstance, •size, •weather, anyone


i (apart from) •from, set•, •other, quite•, stand•, live•, •rest, •fact, •each, separate•, •another, exist•, •else, themselves•


i (as opposed to) •to, as•, •just, one, •percent, real, individual, •traditional, •simply, actual, •merely, •mere, •conventional, •purely


i (in charge of) •of, who•, put•, man•, official•, •operation, president•, agent•, •security, special•, vice•, officer•, person•, agency•


i (in favor of) •of, vote•, argument•, rule•, argue•, bias•, abandon•, speak•, court•, reject•, tax, strong, strongly•, decision•


i (in light of) •of, especially•, •fact, •these, •recent, particularly•, •finding, •experience, •event, •current, consider•, interpret•, view•, •evidence


i (in response to) •to, •question, change, write•, •pressure, letter, •demand, •concern, •need, •request, action, •criticism, •threat, editor•


i (on behalf of) •of, on•, speak•, work•, act•, file•, •merican, nited tates, government, •client, effort•, action•, suit•, lawsuit•


i (on the part of) •of, on•, effort•, •government, •both, •student, action•, •nited tates, behavior•, •public, interest•, •teacher, reluctance•, •parent


i question•, information•, issue, article, decision•, •use, law, research•, correspondence•, policy, matter, data•, debate•, knowledge• ● about, relating to, regarding, as to, with reference to, in relation to


i sit•, stand•, perch•, •head, high, •hill, •mountain, place•, tower, set•, rest•, mount, building, build• ● on, on the top of, over, higher than, above, upon


i stand•, •chaos, set•, •report, sit•, •concern, •growing, resign•, •tree, •allegation, •charge, •controversy, •economic, •crowd ● in the middle of, among, in the midst of, within || accompanied by, along with, in the course of, during


j noun abuse, skill, behavior, ability, communication, score, expression, aggression, interaction, performance, form, instruction misc physical, visual, •nonverbal, written, such, sexual, negative•, emotional ● spoken, oral, vocal, unwritten, voiced, speaking


j noun adjustment, change, problem, reform, program, damage, model, analysis, integrity, engineer, equation, element misc economic, major•, •such, social, functional, cultural, address•, basic• ● physical, mechanical, organizational, operational || basic, important, essential, fundamental


j noun alcoholic, reviewer, source, letter, call, author, meeting, tip, group, comment, donor, referee misc remain•, receive•, •helpful, wish•, thank•, send, attend• ● nameless, unidentified, unnamed, unsigned || undistinguished, indistinctive, ordinary, everyday


j noun amount, level, impact, cost, effect, standard, risk, effort, damage, support, requirement, change misc require, provide, only•, least•, receive•, environmental ● negligible, trifling, slight, nominal || least, smallest, minimum, tiniest


j noun analysis, significance, data, test, difference, method, result, study, model, evidence, technique, power misc use, •between, diagnostic•, reach•, show, base, •social, •mental


j noun area, community, tissue, water, countryside, county, neighborhood, hill, city, region, land, town misc above•, •soft, buzz•, •rab, scan•, urban, •rural, healthy ● nearby, close, adjacent, neighboring, immediate, adjoining


j noun area, development, program, neighborhood, school, street, treatment, building, property, facility, customer, community misc commercial, •real, industrial, retail, quiet•, near, private•, single ● domestic, suburban, housing, domiciliary


j noun area, museum, opera, city, authority, police, district, center, region, transportation, transit, life misc major•, large•, within•, •statistical, southern, urban, throughout•, entire• ● city, urban, municipal, civic


j noun area, water, city, state, town, region, community, zone, development, wetland, island, forest misc along, marine, southern, northern, arctic, inland, protect, •plain ● seaside, littoral, sea, beach, shore, shoreline


j noun award, share, job, contribution, performance, student, debt, service, achievement, issue, warrant, player misc most•, recognize•, name•, including, truly•, honor•, total• ● exceptional, terrific, wonderful, stupendous || unresolved, unsettled, unpaid, remaining


j noun balance, hand, skin, situation, flower, feature, act, balancing, finger, face, issue, task misc very•, •between, most•, small•, white, thin, •pink, extremely• ● fragile, frail || subtle, faint || tactful, diplomatic || fine, precise || graceful, elegant || difficult, tricky


j noun bargaining, action, identity, security, agreement, memory, right, farm, effort, consciousness, responsibility, experience misc our•, individual•, personal•, •unconscious, social, cultural, rather, engage• ● shared, cooperative, communal, joint, united, combined


j noun birth, list, support, correlation, shade, solution, sun, eclipse, payment, credit, privatization, explanation misc only•, least•, provide•, full, complete, offer•, receive• ● incomplete, fractional, limited, restricted || biased, prejudiced, subjective, one-sided


j noun bond, waste, government, water, court, election, state, district, service, utility, city, building misc •solid, industrial, local, provincial, privatize•, agricultural, regional ● civic, public, community, urban, metropolitan


j noun branch, history, executive, session, process, council, action, body, power, election, agenda, proposal misc judicial, during, federal, regulatory, •administrative, special•, congressional ● lawmaking, governmental, judicial, jurisdictive, statutory, parliamentary


j noun camera, agenda, cost, treasure, meaning, videotape, world, place, curriculum, message, video, danger misc from•, reveal, discover•, •behind, •, uncover•, secret, catch, contain• ● concealed, out of sight, unseen, secreted || unknown, secret, mysterious, clandestine


j noun child, disability, stage, education, level, student, delay, process, need, course, program, task misc cognitive•, during, social, early, physical, comprehensive•, •such, mental ● developing, growing, evolving, changing || agerelated, age-linked, growth-related, hormonal


j noun color, move, step, plan, stroke, action, statement, letter, initiative, idea, pattern, print misc •new, big•, •enough, •fresh, bright, •red, •beautiful ● brave, daring, courageous, intrepid || confident, forward, brash, self-assured


j noun company, industry, equipment, firm, job, world, business, system, weapon, computer, worker, stock misc new•, •such, late•, •medical, expensive•, modern, low-tech, electronic ● advanced, technological, computerized, digital, modern, futuristic


j noun competition, battle, fighting, eye, wind, debate, competitor, opposition, resistance, struggle, storm, attack misc among, face•, engage•, fight, despite•, lock•, wild, •erupt ● violent, ferocious, brutal || intense, violent, extreme || strong, powerful, profound


j noun competition, peak, penalty, neck, leg, lip, body, finger, arm, wind, back, breeze misc until•, too•, feel•, •form, •upper, stand•, beat• ● rigid, firm || aching, painful || severe, drastic || demanding, exacting || strong, powerful || formal, stuffy


j noun concern, government, question, business, interest, reason, power, claim, right, authority, purpose, issue misc •political, perfectly•, only•, consider•, recognize•, raise, accept•, •illegitimate ● lawful, rightful, legal || reasonable, acceptable, justifiable || genuine, sincere, real


j noun course, level, reading, education, number, law, disclosure, class, skill, surgery, work, amount misc provide, •physical, complete, achieve•, perform, fail•, reduce•, minimum ● obligatory, compulsory, mandatory, essential, vital, prerequisite


j noun decision, choice, basis, thought, people, way, being, explanation, person, mind, process, approach misc more•, any•, human, •economic, logical, base, scientific, irrational ● sensible, reasonable, logical, realistic || lucid, balanced, sane, normal


j noun decision, effort, mind, choice, thought, awareness, experience, level, state, health, attempt, memory misc make•, more•, become•, very•, •unconscious, socially•, environmentally•, without• ● awake, wide awake, sleepless || aware, mindful, cognizant || deliberate, intentional, premeditated


j noun design, life, man, woman, system, person, eye, being, way, decision, species, machine misc very•, more•, highly•, most•, •enough, young, less• ● brainy, bright, smart, gifted || sensible, rational, wise, logical


j noun disease, pain, illness, condition, fatigue, problem, patient, syndrome, health, infection, stress, treatment misc suffer•, acute, such, cause, treat•, medical, •obstructive, •pulmonary ● long-lasting, lingering, continuing, enduring || habitual, persistent, ingrained, compulsive


j noun disease, weapon, force, attack, virus, sin, assault, cancer, gas, bombing, fire, violence misc •serious, most•, potentially•, seven•, prove•, dangerous, cause, •terrorist ● lethal, fatal || boring, tedious || extreme, implacable || lethal, fatal || boring, tedious || extreme, implacable


j noun education, problem, program, effort, coverage, development, resolution, debate, operation, investigation, series, need misc despite•, economic, because•, •professional, reflect•, •forever, due•, amid• ● ongoing, current, enduring, remaining, unending, lasting


j noun end, seat, window, door, derailleur, front, view, suspension, leg, car, wall, mirror misc behind, left, open, fold, wheel•, onto, middle• ● hindmost, back, last, final, rearmost


j noun engineering, engineer, system, device, problem, failure, design, property, arm, energy, part, reproduction misc electrical, •such, electronic, cause, chemical, thermal, than, rather ● motorized, powered, power-driven, automatic || automatic, perfunctory, involuntary, unconscious


j noun family, society, palace, court, college, highness, oak, commission, museum, crown, police, hospital misc ritish•, •blue, audi•, •utch, •anadian, •aribbean, •astronomical, •mounted, •ancient ● regal, imperial, majestic, stately || magnificent, splendid, noble, extravagant


j noun feature, style, way, voice, pattern, culture, flavor, characteristic, character, identity, sound, group misc its, most•, own•, each, create•, develop•, •cultural, produce• ● characteristic, idiosyncratic, distinguishing, individual, typical, unique


j noun field, ground, table, surface, head, position, flight, floor, thinking, spot, gaze misc high•, low•, significant•, upper•, grade•, playing, local• ● smooth, flat as a pancake, even || horizontal, parallel with the ground, even || equal, neck and neck, side by side


j noun floor, wall, block, step, slab, building, evidence, example, way, action, barrier, experience misc build, pour, specific, onto•, abstract, •historical, gray•, precast• ● tangible, existing, actual, material || specific, particular, distinct, certain


j noun friend, od, life, mother, boy, ord, heart, child, wife, father, dad, sister misc my•, •old, hold•, oh•, write, thank, please ● beloved, cherished, prized, valued || expensive, pricey, costly, valuable


j noun friend, resident, member, activist, partner, supporter, fan, executive, director, coach, employee, critic misc former, •political, •democratic, marry•, •chief, replace•, •civil, conservative


j noun friend, thing, ally, adviser, relative, approach, aide, associate, competitor, point, confidant, neighbor misc one•, •come, •ever, probably•, perhaps•, among, •living


j noun fruit, thyme, oregano, bean, leaf, blood, cranberry, basil, apricot, salt, flower, pepper misc or, fresh, chop, •red, crush, cup, add, mince• ● dehydrated, dried out, dried up, desiccated, dry


j noun future, term, time, world, outcome, situation, status, environment, prospect, voice, fate, economy misc •about, •whether, remain•, no•, still•, face•, economic ● unsure, vague, doubtful, hesitant || indeterminate, inexact, undefined, indefinite


j noun movement, theory, woman, study, scholar, critic, group, perspective, theology, issue, activist, analysis misc merican, political, radical•, contemporary•, •literary, critical, recent•, sexual


j noun winter, form, drug, climate, expression, case, weather, flavor, depression, symptom, effect, cheese misc relatively•, •severe, suffer•, •such, •moderate, sweet, cause, range• ● slight, minor, unimportant || gentle, kind, soft || warm, balmy, pleasant || weak, bland, tasteless


j noun woman, lady, girl, wife, day, face, eye, place, man, house, home, garden misc •young, •little, such•, oh•, beautiful, quite•, •blue, sweet ● beautiful, attractive, pretty, good-looking || pleasant, agreeable, wonderful, delightful


j noun world, fact, species, risk, case, universe, history, terrorist, site, cause, factor, quantity misc no•, only•, any•, last•, lesser•, every•, unknown, large• ● recognized, identified, acknowledged, branded || accepted, acknowledged, established, recognized


m about•, than•, more•, nearly•, •vote, •majority, almost•, •merican, account•, require, •population, roughly•, approximately•, •respondent


m •grade, •grader, seventh•, •amendment, •inning, •century, •year, •street, •ninth, finish•, •season, •note, game, •floor


m •year, •hour, ten•, •old, •month, •day, about•, •ago, •foot, age•, •hundred, •later, •thousand, •thirteen


m •year, •o'clock, •old, after, ten•, •day, •month, about•, age•, •ago, •twelve, hundred, •later, morning


m •year, •percent, about•, •ago, than•, more, •minute, over•, thirty•, •mile, after, •foot, •later, •thousand


n adj best, good, safe, sure, better, safest, safer, risky, fair noun stock, fund, investor, entertainment, dollar, sucker•, casino, •baseball verb make•, place•, hedge•, win•, lose•, pay, lay•, accept• ● wager, gamble, stake, play, flutter


n adj federal, local, democratic, conservative, elected, effective, key, congressional, fellow, incumbent noun state•, governor, year, law, •bill, party, official, member, county, ongress verb •vote, •support, •consider, elect, urge, •introduce, lobby•, convince•, •seek, limit


n adj federal, national, foreign, large, strategic, marine, injured, huge, international, short-term noun oil•, army•, world, gas•, biosphere•, nature•, petroleum•, cash•, •interest, •rate verb hold, •raise, increase, create, build, establish, join•, protect, maintain, •cover ● store, cache, hoard || reservation, park, game park || substitute, stand-in, extra


n adj federal, unfunded, ritish, clear, broad, congressional, individual, local, constitutional, popular noun state, employer•, government, law, nation, •change, agency, legislation, •coverage, election verb require, provide, carry, impose, comply•, receive, •protect, enforce, •reduce, fulfill• ● order, command, directive || permission, authorization, consent || term of office, reign, tenure


n adj financial, commercial, real, international, economic, involved, electronic, foreign, residential, certain noun •cost, business•, •processing, company, •place, estate•, volume, credit•, fee, money verb •involve, process, complete, handle•, conduct, •occur, report, account, relate, result ● deal, business, contract, matter, operation, business deal


n adj financial, investigative, additional, international, mandatory, national, fair, environmental noun •requirement, credit•, news, •system, law, •agency, abuse, •period, data, media verb require, base, establish, affect•, improve•, account, appreciate•, facilitate•, •disclose ● journalism, reportage, broadcasting, commentary, writing, recording


n adj financial, just, deferred, monetary, fair, adequate noun worker•, executive, •committee, system, •package, unemployment•, victim, insurance, •benefit, employee verb receive•, pay, provide, offer, seek•, include, require, demand•, increase, accept• ● recompense, return, reward, reimbursement || advantage, reward, recompense, return


n adj fine, expensive, antique, contemporary, beautiful, handmade, ethnic noun •store, piece•, •box, gold•, costume•, silver•, clothing, art, •designer, clothes verb wear, sell, buy, steal, own, feature, remove•, •belong, dangle


n adj fluent, average, contemporary, ordinary, fellow, elderly, loyal noun erman, merican, uropean, orean, bride•, talian, nglish verb speak, buy, •attack, •begin, fight, sell, build, translate•, compete•, capture


n adj foreign, public, international, hristian, pastoral, various, ordained, active, lay noun defense, •education, official, finance, health, •affair, government•, church, •culture, •spokesman verb enter•, support, •announce, establish, head, •issue, found, •confirm, engage, sponsor ● office, department, bureau, agency, organization, government


n adj fresh, medicinal, dried, hinese, culinary, wild, natural, fragrant, traditional, perennial noun •garden, spice, vegetable, flower, garlic, •tea, medicine, mixture, food, supplement verb use, grow, add, contain, mix, sell, dry, chop•, sprinkle•, combine•


n adj fresh, wild, soft, crumbled, mild, herbed, curried noun •cheese, sheep, mountain•, •milk, cow, meat, herd, ounce• verb eat, graze, feed, bleat, chase, sacrifice, stuff•, smell, •nibble, •roam


n adj frican, merican, uropean, entire, dark, whole, vast, ntarctic noun ocean, earth, culture, edge, island, region, rest•, ice, interior•, wilderness verb cross•, spread•, travel•, span•, sweep•, visit, explore, drift, split ● landmass, land, landform, island, mainland, area


n adj fricanized, wild, busy, buzzing, quilting, solitary, golden noun honey•, spelling•, pollen, •sting, queen•, worker•, killer•, swarm• verb fly, buzz, attract•, pollinate, hum, collect, •hover, repel•


n adj front, high, long-distance, cross-country, fast, red, fastest, successful, male, avid noun distance•, marathon•, •position, base, road•, blade•, group, race, wind•, drug• verb move, hit, throw, •steal, cross, •compete, advance, •complete, •gain, tag• ● sprinter, jogger, racer || messenger, gofer, courier || candidate, contender, entrant


n adj general, national, broad, political, scientific, international, growing noun building, group, lack•, issue, policy, decision, •view, •conference, panel, •builder verb reach, build•, •emerge, achieve, develop, •exist, reflect•, base, seek•, support ● agreement, accord, harmony, compromise, consent, unanimity


n adj gilded, empty, wooden, indoor, golden, loose, locked, ornate, domed noun rib•, bird•, wire•, door, batting•, bar, metal•, steel• verb open, rattle•, place, clean•, •contain, hang, lock•, build, pull, escape• ● birdcage, crate, pen, coop, enclosure


n adj high, low, maternal, natural, increased, overall, excess noun •rate, infant•, morbidity, child, cancer, fishing•, risk, study, disease, reduction• verb reduce•, associate, decline, decrease, face•, suffer•, •drop ● humanity, death, transience, impermanence


n adj molecular, evolutionary, conservation, human, marine, reproductive, basic, introductory, developmental noun professor, chemistry, science, •teacher, physics, cell•, •class, student, department, course verb teach•, study•, learn•, understand, major•, integrate•, combine, dictate


n adj new, old, current, abusive, serious, longtime, jealous, steady noun husband, mother•, girlfriend, friend, daughter, sister•, relationship, sex, mom, livein• verb meet, break, marry•, steal•, dump, date, beat, kiss, abuse, murder ● steady, date, suitor, escort, beau, fiancé


n adj nglish, double, open, professional, retired, liberal, female, declared, prospective, triple noun •league, education•, •general, player, college, minister•, science, sergeant•, undergraduate•, music• verb win•, involve, play, lead•, report, command, offer, retire•, face, pitch• ● officer, captain, colonel, brigadier, field marshal, general


n adj old, young, other, only, close, surviving, eldest, closest, bitter noun parent, child, •rivalry, family, mother, relationship, friend, father, •age, cousin verb share, fight, tend, adopt, •attend, separate, abuse, cope, bicker, explore ● brother, sister, relative, relation, family member


n adj other, internal, vital, reproductive, sexual, major, sensory, various, female, light noun •transplant, body, pipe, tissue, •donation, donor, system, •music verb play, donate, remove, grow, affect, receive, function, fail, damage, contain ● structure, tissue, body part || publication, mouthpiece, newspaper || agency, organization, body


n adj political, dominant, social, religious, cultural, nationalist, economic, western, liberal, racial noun gender, party, politics, state, practice, culture, religion, nationalism, end•, critique verb base, promote, reflect, share, support, adopt, represent, embrace, impose, argue ● philosophy, belief, creed, system, dogma, line


n adj political, editorial, animated, popular, favorite, classic, original noun •character, •network, morning•, show, •series, •art, •figure, •strip verb watch•, draw•, publish, •depict, run, feature, •appear, print, portray, illustrate ● animation, animated film, movie || drawing, caricature, picture, comic strip


n adj radical, political, militant, fundamentalist, hiite, moderate, orthodox noun hristianity, religion, udaism, war•, interpretation•, •leader, democracy verb convert•, embrace•, defend•, promote, forbid, study•, associate, destroy, justify, •condone


n adj remaining, soft, sticky, frozen, fried, stiff, excess noun ball, cookie, flour, bread•, pizza•, piece, surface, bowl, pie, •hook verb roll•, make, knead, divide•, turn, place, form, cut, rise, •fill ● cash, currency, bread, money, chips, greenbacks


n adj rench, southern, talian, hinese, exican, vegetarian, slow noun •spray, •time, water, •class, •school, vegetable•, oil, food, minute, home verb stop•, continue•, enjoy•, teach•, finish•, require, smell•, •vary ● cookery, cuisine, catering, home economics


n adj residual, low, prosthetic, upper, artificial, long, broken, short, phantom, heavy noun tree, life•, •tissue, •amputation, length, •socket, pain, shape, movement, torso verb lose•, move, tear•, risk•, cut, stretch, hang, remove, swing, spread ● member, appendage, branch, bough, extremity


n adj rough, rugged, steep, difficult, flat, mountainous, hilly, rolling noun •park, mountain, mile, weather, acre, snow, type, desert•, feature, map verb cover, explore•, navigate•, study•, negotiate•, ride•, scan•, climb, vary ● land, topography, territory, ground, landscape, environment


n adj senior, aptist, associate, utheran, local, ethodist, black, evangelical, assistant noun church, father, parish, congregation, wife, member, priest, youth, leader, role verb serve•, •preach, pray, appoint, •encourage, ordain, preside, counsel, contact, •baptize ● minister, priest, vicar, clergyman, cleric


n adj sexual, religious, political, different, competitive, strong, moral, theoretical, homosexual noun goal•, task•, •mobility, ego•, value•, gender•, sport, achievement• verb include, relate, base, change, reflect, indicate, assess, develop, receive•, influence ● location, alignment, direction || emphasis, focus, character || leaning, tendency, proclivity || adjustment, acclimatization, assimilation || initiation, briefing, reception


n adj small, airtight, cold, electric, efficient, tiny, builtin, energy-efficient noun •door, store•, freezer, hour, stove, food, kitchen, container•, magnet, beer verb open•, keep, cover, place, buy, remove, thaw•, marinate•, cool, •hum ● icebox, fridge, freezer, fridge-freezer


n adj social, public, widespread, great, general, growing, wide, broad noun •speech, peer, woman, rejection, level, exhibition, •rate, letter, •responsibility, understanding verb gain•, receive•, win•, achieve•, promote•, increase, seek•, note, judge•, correlate ● agreement, assent, acquiescence || receipt, taking, getting || belief, acknowledgment, credence || recognition, approval, tolerance


n adj soft, commercial, amphibious, total, hard, safe, lunar, annual, main, perfect noun •site, •gear, •area, moon•, •zone, •craft, •strip verb reach•, decline, survive•, abort•, •average, clear, exceed, glide•, stick•, approach• ● mooring, pier, jetty, quay || arrival, alighting, touchdown, docking


n adj spiritual, parental, comprehensive, little, moral, clear, divine noun •counselor, school, teacher, •system, •program, counseling, student, support, classroom• verb provide•, give•, need, offer•, seek•, receive, issue•, assist ● leadership, direction, supervision, management || help, assistance, advice, support


n adj stainless, dirty, full, double, stainless-steel, filthy, freshwater, integrated noun kitchen•, water, bathroom•, dish, hand, toilet, carbon, window, counter, cabinet verb stand•, wash, fill, lean•, hang, bend•, spit, •dry, fix ● basin, bowl, hand basin, wash-hand basin


n adj steep, light, smooth, gentle, normal, low, sharp, flat, graceful, blind noun learning•, bell•, •ball, figure, road, growth•, yield•, demand•, body, supply• verb show, follow•, throw•, round•, learn•, represent, trace•, fit, hit•, form ● arc, bend, bow, curvature, arch, camber


n adj synchronized, indoor, lympic, public, outdoor, competitive, heated noun •pool, water, tennis, •hole, court, •team, •area, beach, •lesson, activity• verb go•, include•, win, enjoy•, feature•, prefer•, prohibit•


n adj technical, professional, special, scientific, particular, necessary, medical, technological, legal noun area, knowledge, experience, level•, field, technology, resource, skill, lack•, teacher verb need, develop, use, share•, provide, require, bring, combine, •enable ● know-how, skill, knowledge, proficiency, capability


n adj territorial, public, structural, personal, ecological, moral, academic, bodily, cultural noun honesty, man•, system, character, treatment•, sovereignty•, •process, data, person, honor verb maintain•, preserve•, protect•, ensure•, compromise•, question•, undermine• ● honesty, truth, truthfulness, honor, veracity, reliability


n adj thick, broad, sable, round, soft, dry, stiff, wet, synthetic, dense noun paint, •stroke, bristle•, hair, tree, •fire, •death, scrub•, pile, •law verb use•, apply, clean, dip, pick, clear, hide, •remove, disappear•, lay ● encounter, meeting, confrontation || broom, besom, sweeper || contact, touch, stroke


n adj tight-fitting, heavy, tight, top, upper, hinged, wooden, removable noun box, grill, jar, eye, pot, trunk•, plastic, •heat, coffin, container verb keep•, lift•, open, close, put•, cover•, remove, blow, shut, slam• ● top, cover, closure, cap


n adj tiny, speculative, dot-com, pink, real-estate, high-tech, acrylic noun •gum, air•, •bath, •burst, soap•, •economy, •wrap, gas, plastic•, stock verb blow•, pop, form, create•, fill, •appear, remove•, float, prick•, •expand


n adj top, bottom, full, locked, warming, secret, middle noun desk, chest•, dresser•, cabinet, file•, kitchen, bureau, table, sock•, back verb open•, pull, rummage•, reach•, close, •hold, slide, remove, shut, •contain


n adj total, high, economic, industrial, low, maximum, current, annual, agricultural, cardiac noun input•, power•, percent, level, energy•, growth, price, rate, oil•, signal verb produce, reduce, measure, provide, boost•, decline, •fall, •rise, raise, require ● production, productivity, amount produced, yield, harvest, crop


n adj upper, easy, global, long, low, outer, northern, broad, statutory, vast noun arm•, goal, stream, sight, scope, depth, influence, cable verb extend•, expand•, remain•, limit•, lie•, place•, broaden•, escape• ● spread, grasp, influence, scope, range, extent


n adj urban, living, local, ancient, ndian, golden, rthurian, famous, medieval noun myth, stuff•, history, music•, rock, blue•, baseball•, jazz• verb become•, •grow, •surround, inspire, bear•, replace•, print, feature•, •persist, •circulate ● fable, myth, fairy tale, tale || star, celebrity, big name, icon


n adj very, spiritual, divine, pure, distilled, vital noun •magazine, editor, writer, •art, soul, •culture, spirit, •award, •democracy, flower verb capture•, represent, define•, express•, •contribute, reveal•, grasp•, embody•, reside ● spirit, core, heart, crux || concentrate, extract, tincture, distillate


n adj vice, modern, successful, collective, failed, entire, powerful noun year, office•, candidate•, run•, power•, campaign•, ongress, election, epublican, college verb win•, assume•, seek•, lose•, resign•, define, weaken, rotate, •unravel ● premiership, position, job, function || post, status, function, office


n adj violent, juvenile, convicted, bad, young, first-time, sexual, likely, male, alleged noun sex•, drug•, repeat•, law, state, treatment, victim, program, case, number• verb register, commit, require, punish, treat•, identify, deal•, prosecute•, catch ● criminal, lawbreaker, wrongdoer, reprobate, delinquent


n adj votive, white, flickering, burning, single, standard, oman, lighted, blue noun light, table, flame, wax, room, lighting•, birthday, •holder, night, •wind verb •burn, blow•, hold•, •flicker, put, place, •glow, illuminate, carry, fill ● taper, rush candle, rush, torch, nightlight, wax light


n adj white, black, blue, red, baggy, faded, gray, green, tight, yellow noun jeans, short, pant, cap, cotton•, hat, jacket, shirt, •shop, sneakers verb wear•, sell•, •read, pull, buy•, dress•, print, •bear, •hang, feature


n adj white, black, dirty, blue, athletic, extra, heavy, wet, clean, brown noun shoe, pair•, underwear, wool•, pant, •drawer, short, knee•, tube•, sneakers verb wear•, put, pull•, knock•, buy, match, change, remove•, pick•, slip ● hit, punch, thump, whack, thwack, wallop


n adj white, black, packed, fine, fresh, loose, deep noun teaspoon, •salt, baking, flour•, chili•, garlic•, curry•, •soda, tablespoon, sugar verb bake•, add, stir, sprinkle, contain, dust•, taste, pour, ski•, •explode ● fine particles, dust, precipitate, ash, shavings, residue


n adj white, black, thick, soft, fake, brown, gray, dark, wet noun •coat, •hat, •trade, •seal, animal, •collar, feather, cat, •trader, rabbit• verb wear•, cover, stroke•, sell, buy•, wrap•, trim, •fly, stick, dry ● hair, pelt, fleece, coat, fuzz, down


n adj white, red, black, long, yellow, ruffled, light, brown, gray, dark noun bird, tail•, eagle•, hat, •duster, •bed, peacock•, •boa, head verb ruffle•, wear, fly, cover, float, •fall, smooth•, pick•, preen, fluff ● quill, plume, barb, spine, spike


n adj young, favorite, crazy, elderly, maternal, dear, distant, beloved noun uncle, mother, cousin, house, sister, grandmother, grandparent verb live, die, visit•, stay, smile, nod, kiss, belong•, remind, whisper


n adj young, favorite, rich, maternal, dear, beloved, paternal noun aunt, father, cousin, brother, mother, house, grandfather, sister verb •die, remember•, visit, cry, own, nod, marry, belong•, yell, inherit


n adj young, merican, early, sexual, high, old, frican, social, hispanic, sian noun child•, •adult, parent, study, behavior, group, family, school, problem, research verb •report, •experience, indicate, suggest, develop, •engage, compare, •participate, •perceive, examine ● teenager, youth, youngster, juvenile, minor


p as•, like•, than•, friend•, country•, such•, different•, much, society•, next•, theirs, similar•, nation, land•


p his•, she, hand•, eye•, friend•, face•, against•, mouth•, next•, lip•, body•, meet•, mine, touch•


r almost•, focus•, use•, rely•, devote•, •male, deal•, primarily•, base, concentrate•, •heterosexual ● wholly, solely, completely, entirely, fully, totally


r but•, remain, significant, manage, •insist, powerful, substantial, impressive, considerable, useful, distinct, discourse, •crucial, valuable ● however, nevertheless, even so, on the other hand


r can, •blind, •binding, •require, •bind, allow, •recognize, •married, •entitle, •illegally, morally, •responsible ● lawfully, officially, validly, rightfully, legitimately


r can•, home, back, return, land•, •away, out, until•, bring•, arrive•, drive•, tuck, ground, •behind ● securely, without harm, in one piece, safe and sound || securely, without harm, in one piece, safe and sound


r change, increase, improve, •reduce, •different, rise•, drop•, •year, •over, most•, number, grow•, •since, •past ● melodramatically, intensely, vividly, histrionically || radically, noticeably, severely, considerably


r million•, billion•, percent•, about, spend•, dollar•, grow•, ton•, •next, award•, •since, average, earn•, •according ● yearly, per annum, once a year, every twelve months, every year, by the year


r most•, •use, more•, •used, •call, •find, •refer, •associate, •hold, •report ● usually, normally, frequently, generally, regularly, universally


r not•, base•, rely•, focus•, •because, •responsible, •basis, depend•, •purpose, almost•, •terms, exist•, consist•, •upon ● exclusively, only, merely, just, uniquely, specially


r not•, •little, perhaps, •large, •strong, •easy, voice, somewhat•, •light, •simple, •similar, prove•, •effective, •common ● astonishingly, astoundingly, amazingly, unexpectedly, unpredictably, shockingly


r stay•, happen•, change•, almost•, refrigerate•, become, soak•, refrigerator, •before, virtually•, •serve, cover•, disappear•, several ● suddenly, at once, quickly, instantly, abruptly, immediately


r use, •complete, student, treat, •defend, able•, implement, manage, compete, argue, •sue ● positively, effectively, efficaciously, fruitfully || productively, fruitfully, profitably, lucratively


r •abuse, •transmitted, •active, •disease, •assault, •explicit, woman, •harass, her, •aggressive, become•, •molest, •behavior, •material


r •available, can•, more•, •admit, •apparent, •accept, as•, •accessible, most•, •agree, •acknowledge, information, •identify, •understand ● willingly, gamely, eagerly || promptly, unhesitatingly, quickly || without difficulty, effortlessly, with no trouble


r •because, therefore, •due, •refer, somewhere, •reference, intelligent, latter•, •asleep, •response, •loyal ● most probably, assume, imagine, in all probability, most likely, it would seem


r •emphasize, interaction, faculty, dramatic, sibling, involvement•, •problematic, •evident ● similarly, the same, equally, also, as well, too


r •every, •speak, •nothing, •impossible, •everyone, •everything, •anything, •only, •whole, •nonexistent, •beg, •everybody, •entire ● almost, nearly, virtually, just about || realistically, sensibly, rationally, reasonably


r •far, •little, •much, get•, •many, come•, never•, •really, •close, nowhere•, •girl, •guy, before, •evident


r •important, •difficult, feel•, •powerful, •strong, •beautiful, •hard, •complex, •lucky, •rich ● unbelievably, implausibly, inconceivably, absurdly || very, extremely, unbelievably, amazingly


r •million, •tell, •pay, •offer, •kill, •plan, •receive, official•, police, •sell, military, leader, •cost, •worth ● allegedly, supposedly, apparently, seemingly, so they say, purportedly


r •name, •need, •title, •importance, decade•, identity, •nickname, relatively, creation, •emphasis, moral, capacity, selection, fewer ● therefore, for this reason, thus, consequently || from now, from this time, henceforth, hereafter


r •reduce, •increase, •create, •provide, •allow, •avoid, •eliminate, •prevent, •enhance, •increasing ● thus, so, in that way, by this means, in so doing, in this manner


r •responsible, •acceptable, more•, economically, •construct, politically, •conscious, behavior, •desirable, •conservative, become•, •prescribed, culturally ● communally, publicly, within society || in public, with other people, in a social context || as a friend, outside of work, informally


r •set, slowly•, •choose, •try, keep, •avoid, •mislead, •target, •ignore, •design, quite•, •kill, •seek, fire ● on purpose, purposely, intentionally, with intent || thoughtfully, carefully, slowly, cautiously


u oh•, really, yeah, bow•, , yes, •thank


u uh•, •yeah, no, •oh, pretty•, •yes, bad•, cool•, nice•, •, stuff•, funny•


v noun air, •heat, body, water, •car, particle, animal, •building, ice, •rubble, foot, fire, wall, hour, moisture misc •inside, feel•, •between, become•, •under, •within, •beneath ● ensnare, entrap, ambush, corner || trick, deceive, dupe, con


v noun arm, mother, •knee, father, mom, body, •tree, girl, •ground, •wall, boy, •wife, •coast, baby, dad misc •her, •him, she, •me, kiss, •other, •each, around, •tightly, hold, •hard ● embrace, hold close, enfold, squeeze, cuddle, clasp


v noun ash, light, •country, ground, wind, piece, room, seed, table, paper, tree, electron, body, field, dust misc •across, •around, •over, •throughout, •through, •about ● throw, strew, fling, toss || disperse, spread out, spread, flee


v noun bed, shirt, hand, •corner, hair, head, leg, chin, foot, side, blanket, paper, •end, body, •wing misc •into, his, her, •under, •away, •behind, •inside, •back ● insert, put, push, slip || pleat, fold, dart, gather


v noun behavior, society, patient, •presence, ability•, soil, •condition, •pain, •abuse, plant•, practice, sun, drug, merican•, •temperature misc not•, will•, can•, long, well ● stand, bear, abide, put up with, endure, accept


v noun car, truck, van•, •side, vehicle, pickup, •curb, •block, building, space, •corner, bike, yard, town, drive misc •front, where•, •outside, •near, •behind


v noun child, woman, •power, •drug, priest, father, •alcohol, system, parent, kid, mother, girl, boy, prisoner, authority misc sexually•, physically•, neglect, verbally•, emotionally ● exploit, take advantage, misuse || treat badly, illtreat, mistreat || insult, swear, shout abuse


v noun city•, company, •member, room, area•, town•, hotel, park•, record, county, list, official•, store, course, mile misc which•, •more, •large, million, proudly• about •how, something•, nothing, often• ● brag, show off, crow, blow your own horn || have, possess, pride yourself on, lay claim to


v noun computer, force, kitchen, device, army, •technology, •equipment, •radio, •video, facility, •weapon, engine, •bag, classroom, •knowledge misc •with, better•, fully•, well•, train ● provide, furnish, endow, fit out || prepare, train, arm, school


v noun country, world, party, nation, community, group, opposition, epublican, issue, merican, urope, force, bond, organization, interest misc •behind, •against, •common, •under, stand ● join, fuse, mix, bond || marry, wed, hitch, bond


v noun court, behavior•, risk, material•, society, treatment, •threat, action•, •success, value, judge•, organization, •failure, individual•, •enemy misc •necessary, •appropriate, •important, •worthy, •essential ● think, believe, consider, estimate, suppose, reason


v noun critic•, official•, other•, expert•, defense•, lawyer•, court, prosecutor•, researcher•, opponent•, advocate•, agency, theory•, administration, plaintiff• misc must•, seriously•, illegal, furthermore•, nonetheless, •potentially ● struggle, resist, oppose || argue, assert, insist || compete, vie, challenge


v noun crowd, fan, audience•, thousand, street•, foot•, boy, flag, spectator, teammate, prospect, •hero, •arrival, •rally, •strike misc •up, •on, stand•, •wildly, clap, everyone•, •loudly ● applaud, shout, root for, hail, praise


v noun deer, animal, game, dog, bird, hunter, elk, •food, duck, season, •prey, bear, wolf, buffalo, caribou misc fish, wild, •together, •gather, prefer•, heavily, actively•, legally down •kill, •terrorist, •criminal, •enemy, mission•, agent•, •cancer, capture ● chase, pursue, stalk || seek out, hunt down, track down || search, seek, rummage


v noun door, car, •brake, •wall, •phone, •fist, head, hand, back, •face, •ground, side, •trunk, floor misc •into, •shut, •down, •against, him, •behind, her, open, again


v noun effort, behavior, work, system•, performance, employee, •team, teacher, player, success, loyalty, investor, society, incentive•, patience• misc •with, •punish, often•, •yourself, handsomely, financially ● recompense, pay, repay, remunerate, compensate


v noun evidence, investigation•, information, •secret, •truth, research•, problem, plot, researcher•, investigator•, archaeologist•, effort•, fraud, •detail, •clue misc help•, •stir, •hidden, attempt•, cook, cover, recently•, fail• ● expose, discover, reveal, unearth, find out, come across


v noun eye, light, •tear, face, •surprise, moment, machine•, screen, sunlight, •sun, star•, image, sign•, glass, second misc •at, then, •back, •away, •off, •rapidly, •hard, •twice ● wink, bat an eyelid, flutter an eyelid, flicker an eyelid || flash, wink, flicker, twinkle


v noun face, eye, guy, •cap, •courage, lid, bulb, wall, piece, hole, mouth, •top, filter, hat, •silencer misc •up, •around, really•, everything, •together, •onto, •tight, glue•, •shut, totally•, temporarily• ● attach, bolt, fasten || turn, twist, rotate || crumple, twist, distort


v noun flight, •trip, •plan, show, •contract, •order, •appointment, •subscription, service, airline•, official, tour, month, concert, performance misc after, last, •each, •other, force•, delay•, decide•, threaten•, abruptly• ● call off, stop, abandon, withdraw || annul, revoke, terminate, stop


v noun friend, •reporter, wife, husband, dad, humor, teammate, •in-law misc •about, •around, laugh, like, always•, often• ● jest, kid, pull somebody's leg, pretend, mess around, mess about


v noun game, story, device, technology, character, tradition, term, product, form, concept, •future, guy•, century, language, computer misc imagine, practically•, newly•, virtually•, independently, •entirely ● create, discover, devise, formulate || make up, think up, fabricate, contrive


v noun government, force, reason, story, law, court, •compliance, •testimony, •reader, •attention, authority, statement, argument, individual, •conclusion misc •act, seek, •testify, •accept ● force, induce, require, coerce, oblige, make


v noun hand, •concept, arm, •handle, •straw, •meaning, •significance, •idea, finger, truth, mind•, •bar, •nature, •opportunity, •importance misc fully•, fail•, seem•, hard•, difficult•, able•, both ● take hold of, clutch, grab, seize || understand, comprehend, get, see the point of


v noun heart, clothes, shirt, •piece, head, page, door, wall, •shred, bullet•, explosion•, paper, wind•, arm, body misc •out, •through, •apart, •open, •away, •across off get•, clothes, shirt, •mask, roof, taxpayer, head, •piece, someone, •coat ● tear, split, cleave || snatch, tear, seize || speed, tear, dash


v noun information, company, term•, •detail, name, •status, official, •identity, price, plan, report, •source, failure•, firm•, client misc require•, fail•, fully•, publicly•, refuse• ● reveal, unveil, divulge, make known, release, relate


v noun message, •sense, information, •idea, •impression, •meaning, image, word, •feeling, emotion, language, painting•, ability•, experience, value misc try•, intend•, manage•, clearly, seek•, effectively, order•, accurately ● take, carry, transport, bear || communicate, express, suggest, put across


v noun minute, rack, water, pan, air, heat, hour, •heel, cake, cookie, engine, skin, cup, •degree, planet misc •down, •completely, •slightly, allow•, •before, aside•, until, let• off after, •bit, weather ● make cold, freshen, refrigerate, cool off || wane, abate, dampen down, dampen


v noun od•, law, crime, criminal, offender, parent, •death, act, perpetrator, •enemy, individual, voter•, violation, authority•, •mistake misc severely, reward, deserve, responsible, harshly, refuse, unfairly• ● chastise, discipline, penalize, castigate, reprove, rebuke


v noun pill, water, mouth•, •pride, difficulty, throat, food, darkness, air, •lump, •mouthful, tongue, fish, bite, •rest misc hard, •whole, chew•, enough•, easy•, bitter, tough•, difficult•, quickly up •by, get•, •darkness, hole, •everything, again, •small, sound, •much, ground• ● ingest, consume || believe, accept || gulp down, gulp || absorb, destroy || conceal, choke back || retract, take back


v noun plan, president, article, step, strategy, program, goal, issue, procedure, speech, proposal, letter, figure, •idea, vision misc follow•, clearly, briefly•, specific, general ● draw round, draw, delineate, chart || summarize, sketch out, delineate, run through


v noun student, participant, •member, school, woman, player, volunteer, effort•, group, study, teacher, college, worker, university, •minority misc try•, •train, •retain, actively•, highly, difficult•, heavily, aggressively ● employ, take on, enlist, draft, engage, conscript


v noun study, method, technology, •resource, system, student, technique, strategy, program, teacher, skill, research, data, •service, ability• misc fully•, develop, better•, effectively, able• ● use, make use of, apply, exploit, make the most of, employ


v noun voice•, door, •joke, egg, •code, •case, •smile, nut, •whip, •top, •knuckle, ice, wall, bone, face misc •open, hard, •under, break, tough•, dry•, •apart, •wise down government•, •illegal, police•, try•, effort•, •crime, •militant, •hard, authority•, •terrorism ● break, fracture, split || break down, crack up, go to pieces || solve, work out, figure out || bash, bang, bump


v noun wound, time, body, od•, scar, injury, heart, pain, •rift, skin, ability•, power•, nation, •division, spirit misc help•, never•, try•, begin•, completely ● cure, restore to health, make well, nurse || make good, settle, patch up, reconcile


v noun year, flight, decision, •vote, •action, •release, •onset, week, plan, trial, court, •start, justice, •payment, launch misc •until, •because, may•, long, prevent, deny, indefinitely ● postpone, put off, suspend || procrastinate, hesitate, linger || slow down, slow up, hold up


v noun •cream, wind•, hair, head, egg, •face, •shape, sugar, air, •horse, butter, •frenzy, tail, ass, •gun misc •around, •into, •through, •across, •past up wind•, •batch, •dish, dinner, chef•, •support, •frenzy, •crowd, •wave out •gun, •knife, •cell, •camera, •checkbook, •pistol, •cellphone ● beat, thrash, belt, lash || beat, cream, aerate, stir


v noun •damage, car, equipment, road, zipper, shop, •relationship, bridge, leak, ship, •infrastructure, •relation, crew, •facility, •hole misc replace, •damaged, •broken, surgically•, •torn ● overhaul, mend, patch up, restore, darn, put back together


v noun •doctor, expert, •physician, president, •ongress, book, teacher, •lawyer, •professional, •attorney, •map, •publication, service, leader, source misc •with, without•, •before, after•, •original, regularly ● ask, check, discuss, talk to || refer, look up, turn to, check


v noun •head, •surface, back, •ear, face, •chin, itch, door, hand•, •nose, eye, leg, •skin, cat, dog misc •behind, bite, barely•, claw, around, •wonder, left, easily out •living, name, eye, word, •existence, pen•, •note, few, line, •run ● itch, rub, scrabble || scrape, graze, grate || cancel, abandon, forget || pull out, drop out, bow out


v noun •innings, •tent, game, •idea, •no-hitter, voice, ball, team, guy, pitcher, •product, •camp, series misc •against, •forward, •inside, steeply•, •strike, everybody•, •onto, roll in •help, all, everyone•, everybody•, need, volunteer, neighbor•, offer, •too, sleeve• ● throw, hurl || erect, set up || sway, move || slope, slant || roll, lurch || propose, sell


v noun •law, rule, •regulation, state, right, standard, policy, government•, court, power•, •agreement, order, police•, •sanction, authority• misc •environmental, federal, strictly•, •existing, difficult•, fail•, responsible•, vigorously, rarely• ● apply, carry out, impose, implement || coerce, oblige, compel, require


v noun •news, radio, viewer•, panel•, instrument, week, television, ear, music, •look, frequency, •report, guitar, set, piano misc stay•, •into, finely•, right•, please•, watch, fine•, •million in people•, •see, viewer•, •next, million•, radio, •watch, •tomorrow, million•, merican• out •message, voter•, viewer•, ad up orchestra•, band•, musician•, •brain ● adjust, fine-tune, change, alter, modify, tweak


v noun •page, mind, cover, •scene, minute, •entertainment, motion•, •completion, imagination•, scar, courtesy•, r, cake, sodium•, wedding misc try, best, myself, above, himself, herself, hard, left, yourself, perfect, below, picture, nominate, naked, float ● imagine, create in your mind, visualize, conceive of || describe, depict, illustrate, draw


v noun •pain, •pressure, •stress, •symptom, •tension, •burden, •duty, •suffering, •congestion, •anxiety, •traffic, •depression, •boredom, muscle, surgery• misc help•, •finally, greatly•, secretly•, clearly• ● ease, release, alleviate || take somebody's place, take over for, substitute for || dismiss, release, let go


v noun •size, •percent, year, tumor, number, population•, economy•, budget, deficit, market, force, space, gap, tax, margin• misc •from, •away, begin•, continue•, grow, dramatically, rapidly, billion back •from, •into, •against, then, •little, •normal, •far, •until ● contract, shrivel, wither || fall, drop, decrease || cower, cringe, flinch


v noun •switch, •page, •light, •coin, book, hair, hand, head, •channel, car, side, •card, paper, air, radio misc •over, •through, •open, then•, •off, •back, down, •onto, •upside, •forward ● turn over, toss, flick, spin || lose your temper, explode, see red, go off the deep end


v noun •tear, door, •flame, bubble, •laughter, •scene, heart•, •applause, pipe•, air, •song, •flavor, tree, cloud, crowd• misc •into, •through, •open, •forth out •laugh, •cry, suddenly•, •laughter, •tear, threaten•, crowd•, applause ● rupture, split open, disintegrate, break open || erupt, spout, gush, rush


v noun •trend, court, decision, •course, process, •policy, role, •direction, position, order, situation, •decline, effect, •damage, effort• misc toward, completely•, quickly, prevent•, easily•, eventually• ● overturn, turn around, undo || swap, transpose, switch || move backward, back up, drive backward


v noun •type, group, ability•, difference, characteristic, feature, •form, •reality, •species, factor•, •object, quality, attempt•, behavior, approach misc •from, •between, •other, •themselves, able•, difficult•, clearly ● differentiate, tell apart, tell between || set apart, single out, characterize || make out, discern, see


v noun •use, •investment, government, policy•, effort, practice, behavior, worker, •development, •growth, tax•, •participation, price•, rule•, attempt misc try, actively•, seek, strongly•, tend• ● dissuade, oppose, hinder, inhibit || dispirit, dishearten, cast down, depress


v noun •visitor, •guest, friend, morning, crowd, news, •name, silence, •arrival, •customer, applause, cheer, fan, airport, arm misc warmly, •other, •each, enter, rush•, rise•, enthusiastically, smile, step, •politely ● welcome, meet, make the acquaintance of || address, speak to, acknowledge || respond to, react to, receive


() n adj resistant, harmful, beneficial, fecal, common, deadly, pathogenic, intestinal, friendly, anaerobic noun virus, fungus, strain•, water, growth, type•, soil, plant, level, resistance verb cause, kill•, produce, •grow, contain•, •live, carry, allow, prevent, form


r cut•, •order, hair, •enough, catch•, •burst, breath, •visit, •vacation, sentence, •sight, •blond, •gasp, skirt ● midstream, abruptly, suddenly, sharply


j noun friend, fan, customer, following, president, force, supporter, opposition, epublican, party, member, troop misc remain•, most•, very•, fiercely•, stay•, extremely•, hiite ● faithful, trustworthy, devoted, reliable, dependable, steadfast


i in•, •editor, •na, •elect, eg•, re, •search, nc, •supposed, •circle, •speaker, fa, •metal, •adoption ● on the subject of, with regard to, with reference to, concerning, regarding, about


i other•, something•, one, only, else•, •fact, anything•, anyone•, someone•, factor•, •obvious, option•, •usual, •myself


j noun action, improvement, variable, process, night, monitoring, quality, auditing, learning, stream, flow, use misc provide•, •enter, require, nearly•, than, •positive, rather ● incessant, unceasing, nonstop, unremitting, constant, unbroken


j noun activity, eye, behavior, package, death, circumstance, police, character, fire, car, case, mind misc look•, become•, very•, anything•, little•, grow•, deeply• ● dubious, suspect, shady, shifty || doubtful, distrustful, mistrustful, apprehensive


[] n adj general, social, political, internal, computational, complex, nonlinear, cultural, structural, human noun group, family, fluid•, population•, system, power, community, change, relationship, structure verb understand•, affect, study•, examine•, capture•, influence, explore•, shape, •underlie, contribute ● changing aspects, subtleties, forces at work, dynamic forces || louds and softs, dynamic range, changes in volume, crescendos


j noun agency, commission, state, system, process, policy, authority, energy, requirement, program, action, approval misc federal•, nuclear•, legal, environmental, create, require, legislative ● controlling, supervisory, governing, monitoring, directing, adjusting


j noun area, analysis, knowledge, standard, validity, teacher, course, skill, provider, material, literacy, category misc seem•, seem•, pedagogical•, perfectly•, perfectly•, quite•, teach, teach, quite•, specific, •simply, •simply ● gratified, happy, satisfied, contented, pleased, comfortable


j noun assessment, status, analysis, limitation, group, unit, area, impairment, vision, level, capacity, food misc fully•, such, structural, behavioral, highly•, decorative, than, beautiful ● useful, practical, handy, purposeful || working, operational, operative, running


i (in/with regard(s) to) •to, with•, particularly•, especially•, issue, policy, question, •use, difference, gender, behavior, position•, differ•, role


i (subject to) •to, •change, •law, •same, •tax, •review, •regulation, •rule, •approval, •control, •scrutiny, federal, therefore•, •pressure


i (with respect to) •to, with•, issue, particularly•, policy, use, position•, difference•, especially•, role, matter, decision, action, •gender


j noun author, opportunity, support, help, chance, nation, fan, smile, acknowledgment, look, patient, gift misc •, •for, very•, so•, •dead, shall•, feel•, always• ● thankful, appreciative, obliged, indebted || comforting, gratifying, satisfying, pleasing


j noun benefit, cost, bonus, value, weight, sugar, pressure, advantage, dimension, incentive, security, protection misc give•, provide•, without•, because•, gain•, extra, worth• ● additional, extra, supplementary, further, other, auxiliary


j noun bowl, football, player, team, sport, basketball, shop, game, career, athlete, league, season misc play•, former•, bass•, sign•, •defensive, induct•, •rata, name•


j noun care, supply, time, resource, support, protection, health, water, level, food, progress, information misc provide•, without•, ensure•, receive•, lack•, meet, maintain• ● sufficient, ample, enough, plenty || passable, satisfactory, tolerable, acceptable


j noun center, education, leader, group, association, organization, responsibility, duty, engagement, virtue, community, business misc political, social, local•, religious, cultural, moral, •qualify, active• ● public, municipal, local, community, town, city


j noun change, advance, innovation, development, progress, literacy, advancement, breakthrough, revolution, world, society, improvement misc economic, scientific•, social, rapid•, •such, modern, major•, financial ● technical, scientific, industrial, high-tech


j noun change, difference, effect, pattern, trend, influence, concern, lack, style, success, pride, tension misc become•, more•, also•, most•, particularly•, clearly•, especially•, already• ● obvious, plain, apparent, manifest, palpable, unmistakable


j noun character, flower, history, life, bird, garden, image, fish, design, fruit, painting, dress misc more•, most•, large•, wear, bright, create, fill, full ● bright, multicolored, multihued, rich || interesting, full of character, flamboyant, intriguing


j noun concern, interest, article, love, feeling, desire, smile, sense, effort, hero, peace, fear misc seem•, real, than, rather, reflect•, •moral, •religious, •hristian ● real, authentic, indisputable, true || honest, frank, open, unaffected


j noun control, casualty, population, government, life, leader, authority, force, clothes, employee, death, rule misc military, •nuclear, •conservation, democratic, armed, avoid•, raqi•, elected•, sraeli


j noun cost, region, assistant, law, position, office, support, staff, procedure, service, agency, judge misc special•, political, judicial, chief•, legal, federal, academic ● managerial, directorial, organizational, clerical, secretarial, executive


j noun court, judge, performance, force, officer, quality, power, ability, product, position, system, skill misc far•, morally•, inferior, vastly•, produce•, clearly•, prove•, equal ● better, finer, advanced || larger, greater, bigger || excellent, high-class, top-quality || upper, higher, over || arrogant, haughty, condescending


j noun culture, group, force, role, power, position, society, class, party, theme, player, ideology misc become•, most•, •political, remain•, •social, within, •cultural, •ethnic ● domineering, bossy, overbearing, officious || main, central, foremost, prevailing


j noun death, event, story, accident, life, loss, situation, consequence, case, result, mistake, figure misc most•, happen, die•, sad•, comic, recent, •occur, terrible ● sad, disastrous, catastrophic, heartbreaking, heartrending, awful


j noun difference, position, line, conflict, struggle, party, reason, commitment, battle, issue, agenda, spectrum misc political, •between, cultural, social, religious, economic, within ● philosophical, conceptual, moral, political, ethical, sociopolitical


j noun door, eye, system, session, room, window, society, meeting, season, area, sign, fist misc behind•, remain•, through•, open, stay•, •, tightly•, normally•, front• ● shut, locked, bolted || impassable, inaccessible, blocked || settled, concluded, terminated || narrow-minded, closed-minded, prejudiced || exclusive, restricted, private


j noun driver, guy, bar, kid, wine, beer, tank, alcohol, accident, arrest, charge, uncle misc get•, •driving, too•, drive, little•, against•, home• ● blotto, sozzled, under the influence || lit up, inebriated, intoxicated || stoned, intoxicated, under the influence || under the influence, intoxicated, inebriated || well-oiled, inebriated, intoxicated


j noun effect, change, impact, implication, sense, difference, influence, consequence, experience, question, loss, transformation misc more•, most•, such•, •social, •human, express•, •economic, undergo• ● deep, thoughtful, reflective, philosophical || great, intense, overwhelming, extreme


j noun effect, company, force, group, effort, score, income, sewer, cycle, record, therapy, rate misc million, billion, total, •annual, exceed, ordic•, •mean, average, •gross, worth, due• ● joint, mutual, shared, collective, united, pooled


j noun end, battle, fight, dispute, war, experience, debate, pill, memory, enemy, winter, wind misc •over, •between, sweet, angry, cold, taste•, sound•, slightly• ● sour, acid, acidic || resentful, embittered, sulky || unpleasant, acrimonious, nasty || hostile, nasty, vicious || cold, freezing, icy


j noun environment, family, relationship, service, parent, role, teacher, community, friend, group, policy, effort misc very•, more•, provide•, less•, mutually•, generally•, extremely•, •each ● helpful, kind, loyal, caring, sympathetic, reassuring


j noun environment, takeover, force, world, work, aggression, bid, territory, action, attitude, act, witness misc •toward, against, create•, often•, increasingly•, openly•, less•, •towards ● antagonistic, aggressive, intimidating, unfriendly || adverse, unwelcoming, unfavorable, unpleasant


j noun epublican, emocrat, level, exercise, activity, amount, heat, correlation, leader, party, intensity, risk misc more•, high, •severe, low, conservative, •expensive, under•, liberal ● reasonable, modest, sensible, restrained || average, medium, normal, balanced


j noun eye, body, woman, man, bed, girl, picture, truth, child, waist, skin, aggression misc her, see•, stand•, lie, run, strip•, sit•, visible• ● bare, nude, unclothed || uncovered, unprotected, exposed || open, undisguised, blatant


j noun family, body, class, dignity, forest, structure, group, limb, wall, skin, marriage, memory misc remain•, keep•, still•, leave•, survive•, largely•, stay•, relatively• ● complete, whole, unbroken, in one piece, integral, undamaged


j noun family, period, time, member, warranty, trip, stay, hour, analysis, care, use, discussion misc over•, during, immediate, nuclear, dry, due, •objective ● lengthy, protracted, long, prolonged, stretched, drawn-out


j noun feature, difference, example, resemblance, contrast, similarity, thing, worker, woman, image, result, aspect misc most•, more•, •between, bear•, perhaps•, quite•, particularly•, bore• ● conspicuous, noticeable, marked, remarkable || good-looking, handsome, attractive, eye-catching


j noun fold, cord, group, performance, critic, music, minority, chord, opponent, technique, opposition, supporter misc most•, instrumental, increasingly•, female•, male•, best•, sing, vocal, visible, highly•, active, false• ● spoken, uttered, verbal, voiced || outspoken, frank, insistent, vociferous


j noun foot, hand, leg, arm, tree, skin, floor, wall, shoulder, room, chest, ground misc her•, lay•, against, strip•, across, touch, •except, cold ● naked, nude, exposed || empty, vacant, blank || stark, barren, austere || simple, unadorned, plain || mere, scant, meager


j noun foot, line, drop, axis, integration, wall, position, plane, elevation, force, surface, dimension misc horizontal, between, nearly•, almost•, skiable, along, climb, represent ● perpendicular, upright, erect, straight up, straight down, plumb


j noun forest, storm, rain, fruit, plant, fish, island, depression, tree, species, region, rainforest misc •subtropical, lush•, temperate, such, warm, eastern, exotic, •botanical ● hot, steamy, humid, sultry, stifling


j noun future, view, reason, bias, scenario, prospect, projection, assumption, note, outlook, estimate, assessment misc •about, more•, very•, most•, remain•, cautiously•, overly•, less• ● hopeful, positive, bright, cheerful, expectant, sanguine


j noun game, yard, car, day, year, grade, leader, interest, lane, reference, motorist misc each•, every•, bear•, stare•, rush, wave•, merely•, all-time• ● transitory, transient, short-lived, ephemeral || cursory, quick, casual, superficial


j noun general, officer, army, teacher, person, colonel, worker, professor, executive, police, employee, engineer misc •who, merican•, •military, recently•, •marine, •live, •former, senior ● superannuated, pensioned off, discharged, emeritus, emerita, elderly


j noun girl, boy, daughter, year, pregnancy, son, mother, child, mutant, parent, drug, kid misc two•, young, among, sexual, unwed•, pregnant, •unlimited, normal• ● adolescent, teen, young, youth, juvenile


j noun grip, hand, believer, voice, commitment, belief, ground, control, conclusion, foundation, handshake, evidence misc until•, hold•, yet, •enough, soft, tender•, slightly ● solid, hard, compact || secure, stable, fixed || definite, fixed, certain


j noun group, condition, study, design, control, drug, treatment, research, result, procedure, program, subject misc theoretical, receive, conduct, test, clinical, assign•, significant ● new, untried, trial, investigational, tentative


j noun group, people, member, book, leader, factor, role, figure, man, teacher, family, woman misc most•, more•, become•, highly•, among, •political, powerful• ● powerful, important, significant, persuasive, dominant, leading


j noun growth, existence, use, presence, development, success, effort, research, need, interest, participation, expansion misc ensure•, •continue, •economic, •versus, despite•, military, support•, because• ● sustained, constant, continual, continuous, nonstop, unrelenting


j noun guy, baby, om, honey, dad, sweetie misc be•, it•, that•, everything•, nod, sure•, no•, guess, fine, cry•, •assure ● satisfactory, acceptable, tolerable, passable, up to scratch, all right


j noun guy, shit, bitch, *******, mind, dude, mouth, bastard, dog, ass, *****, hell misc your•, ****ing, whole•, ****ing, off, stupid, na•, hate, shut, blow•, ai•, ****


j noun hand, man, eye, line, force, wall, air, barrier, presence, spirit, enemy, object misc almost•, become•, nearly•, visible, remain•, render•, virtually• ● imperceptible, unseen, indistinguishable || hidden, concealed, disguised || imaginary, nonexistent, impalpable


j noun hearing, study, result, analysis, finding, data, report, research, investigation, evidence, injunction, work misc •suggest, •indicate, •show, provide•, conduct, base, according•, present• ● initial, first, opening, pilot, introductory, maiden


j noun heart, flower, color, sky, face, dress, shade, mountain, shirt, rain, hair, star misc blue, red, pink, yellow, green, white, wear•, deep• ● elaborate, exaggerated, florid, overwritten, ornate, over the top


j noun heat, onion, bowl, skillet, saucepan, speed, pan, garlic, tomato, carrot, height, potato misc •add, •until, large•, over•, cook, •stir, chop ● average, intermediate, middle, middling, standard, mediocre


j noun home, phone, unit, device, service, missile, park, launcher, source, system, telephone, lab misc upwardly•, highly•, less, increasingly•, •biological, downwardly•, stationary, fixed ● movable, portable, transportable || active, flexible, limber || expressive, changing, changeable || upwardly mobile, successful, ambitious


j noun incident, case, area, community, place, event, population, country, village, island, instance, town misc feel•, most•, small•, become•, live•, •rural, than• ● remote, cut off, inaccessible || exceptional, unique, solitary || lonely, alone, solitary


j noun income, worth, loss, effect, asset, gain, result, profit, benefit, percent, value, revenue misc million, report•, total•, estimate, •per, increase, •rise, positive, restrict• ● remaining, disposable, clear, after deductions, left, take-home


j noun information, wheelchair, public, area, site, technology, material, boat, form, book, care, computer misc more•, make•, easily•, •only, most•, readily•, become• ● nearby, available, reachable || comprehensible, understandable, user-friendly || approachable, affable, genial


j noun intelligence, heart, light, insemination, turf, sweetener, surface, limb, line, hip, leg, reef misc create, natural, develop, such, rather, than ● false, fake, mock, reproduction || insincere, false, put-on, pretend


j noun intervention, revelation, nature, power, love, right, rovidence, presence, law, grace, creation, will misc human, natural, itself, holy, reveal, claim•, supernatural, therefore ● heavenly, celestial, godly, deific || great, exquisite, delightful, lovely


j noun investigator, component, analysis, factor, owner, reason, source, sponsor, author, cause, concern, goal misc whose•, serve•, assistant, elementary, exploratory•, •analyze, yield, strategic ● primary, main, chief, most important, prime, key


j noun investor, change, structure, board, review, arrangement, effectiveness, support, framework, policy, church, reform misc political, social, •revolutionary, •such, within, personal, individual, economic, cultural ● official, recognized, formal, established || utilitarian, uniform, dull, functional


j noun involvement, control, right, child, consent, support, education, behavior, family, school, notification, responsibility misc between•, without•, require, •behavioral, terminate, relate, low, such ● parent, maternal, paternal


j noun issue, problem, service, article, activity, group, study, question, species, field, research, health misc other•, closely•, •such, including, special•, well, separate•, involve ● connected, linked, associated, correlated, interrelated, allied


j noun issue, standard, question, dilemma, problem, behavior, concern, principle, value, decision, treatment, consideration misc moral, legal, raise, social, political, religious, professional ● moral, principled, right, decent, proper, fitting


j noun job, guy, book, movie, idea, story, thing, player, film, performance, opportunity, actor misc look•, really•, •thank, oh, absolutely•, sound•, , pretty• ● enormous, great, huge, massive || wonderful, super, marvelous, excellent


j noun job, story, thing, world, tale, idea, place, experience, voyage, view, creature, opportunity misc •four, really, oh, absolutely•, •thank, sound•, light•, wonderful ● excellent, terrific, superb || bizarre, eccentric, strange || incredible, unbelievable, implausible || enormous, huge, great


j noun job, student, employee, faculty, worker, staff, year, member, position, teacher, employment, college misc work•, part-time, become•, employ•, hire•, teach, return•, •professional ● around the clock, permanent, round-the-clock, twenty-four-hour, day and night, twenty-four-houra-day


j noun lack, fan, investor, look, expectation, audience, crowd, client, expression, glance, sigh misc , very•, feel•, little•, seem•, angry, surprised ● let down, dissatisfied, disenchanted, disillusioned, upset, saddened


j noun leader, member, government, council, area, group, land, culture, elder, community, nation, society misc local•, ethnic, ndian, traditional•, religious, political, federal, native ● ethnic, family, ancestral, familial, group


j noun level, behavior, way, risk, standard, reliability, solution, limit, range, form, alternative, result misc more•, socially•, find•, consider•, become•, perfectly•, within ● satisfactory, suitable, good enough, adequate || welcome, pleasing, gratifying, agreeable


j noun level, size, rate, group, data, result, price, figure, study, period, quality, number misc than•, •those, roughly•, offer, report, less, directly• ● similar, analogous, akin, equal, equivalent, as good as


j noun life, ecosystem, democracy, economy, peace, state, bone, system, thing, body, area, nature misc so, very•, more•, too•, already•, remain, protect•, vulnerable, delicate ● delicate, brittle, breakable || tenuous, unstable, delicate || frail, weak, delicate


j noun life, society, work, way, activity, citizen, member, use, worker, capacity, land, economy misc more•, most•, become•, less•, highly•, healthy•, lead•, creative ● creative, fecund, prolific, industrious || useful, helpful, constructive, beneficial


j noun lot, thing, time, day, place, truth, moment, night, feeling, noise, news, stuff misc there•, feel•, something•, •happen, sound•, pretty•, spend• ● dreadful, terrible, appalling, unpleasant, poor, horrible


j noun majority, evidence, support, number, force, sense, response, power, feeling, odds, problem, desire misc seem•, become•, against, almost•, despite•, face, •military ● irresistible, devastating, crushing, awe-inspiring, awesome, prodigious


j noun man, face, woman, boy, guy, feature, prince, building, son, hair, husband, couple misc young, very•, tall•, strong, dark, rich, charming, quite• ● good-looking, fine, attractive, striking || generous, substantial, sizable, attractive


j noun man, heart, life, people, woman, place, night, planet, road, child, boy, girl misc feel•, very•, sad, sometimes, little•, bored, depressed, scared ● forlorn, lost, lonesome, alone || isolated, solitary, secluded, cut off


j noun man, patient, day, people, father, woman, child, mother, person, process, star, light misc dead•, sick•, lay•, die, avoid•, care•, afraid•, lie, fight ● last, final, ultimate, closing || disappearing, failing, fading, vanishing


j noun man, smile, people, girl, child, person, month, boy, kid, guy, student, behavior misc •about, just•, too•, very•, feel•, quiet, little• ● introverted, retiring, withdrawn, timid || cautious, wary, nervous, afraid


j noun man, use, decision, choice, guy, word, investment, policy, movement, person, move, advice misc old, •enough, •beyond, •foolish, smart, crack•, prudent, politically ● astute, intelligent, prudent || knowledgeable, learned, informed || shrewd, cunning, crafty


j noun market, technology, economy, world, democracy, trend, artist, nation, growth, disease, issue, field misc new, newly•, •global, •such, •middle, economic, identify• ● developing, emergent, evolving || incipient, initial, embryonic || up-and-coming, rising, budding


j noun mate, water, back, game, shoe, time, electricity, board, commentary, start, play, ad misc no, cold•, without•, rinse•, presidential•, under•, vice•


j noun meaning, gesture, value, form, capital, act, significance, power, importance, representation, language, order misc largely•, social, real, highly•, both•, cultural, represent, economic ● representative, figurative, emblematic, representational


j noun media, culture, press, society, group, party, value, audience, organization, school, movie, music misc into•, merican, become•, outside•, political, within•, enter•, cultural ● normal, typical, conventional, ordinary, majority, vanilla


j noun messaging, message, gratification, coffee, replay, access, e-mail, success, communication, check, rice, result misc become•, provide•, create•, offer•, add•, send•, cup ● prompt, immediate, instantaneous || prepared, precooked, premixed || sudden, immediate, instantaneous || urgent, pressing, immediate


j noun moment, measurement, location, definition, nature, number, detail, control, meaning, word, information, movement misc more•, very•, provide•, require, determine•, less•, although•, allow• ● exact, detailed, accurate, specific || meticulous, scrupulous, particular, careful


j noun murder, war, regime, crime, killing, attack, dictator, beating, treatment, rape, police, repression misc most•, against, often•, •civil, particularly•, •military, sometimes, violent ● ruthless, cruel, vicious, fierce || harsh, severe, rough, callous


j noun music, jazz, tradition, art, theory, world, style, ballet, musician, form, model, concert misc play, modern, contemporary, listen•, western, •reek, •hinese, traditional ● traditional, conventional, orthodox, usual, typical, established


j noun name, figure, artist, company, fact, writer, author, example, family, actor, book, brand misc most•, become•, less•, •such, including, among, include, several• ● famous, renowned, eminent, familiar, recognized, celebrated


j noun night, bed, hour, morning, patient, sleep, dawn, midnight, dinner misc she, stay•, keep•, lie•, lay•, wide•, still•, shake• ● wide-awake, conscious, wakeful, up, up and about, stirring


j noun number, size, volume, force, cliff, joy, wall, power, will, pleasure, rock, luck misc through•, out•, because•, terms•, •physical, overwhelm•, wear•, but• ● pure, absolute, complete || steep, vertical, perpendicular || fine, translucent, thin


j noun official, leader, witness, reader, warrior, hero, decision, smile, acquiescence misc very•, may•, seem•, •talk, •leave, often•, •accept ● unwilling, unenthusiastic, disinclined, loath, hesitant, indisposed


j noun official, need, scientist, guilt, expert, investor, prosecutor, importance, voter, innocence, owner, judge misc •that, •, become•, absolutely•, remain•, everyone, firmly•, finally• ● persuaded, influenced, swayed || certain, sure, positive || committed, strong, firm


j noun organization, group, foundation, agency, center, research, corporation, service, institution, association, community, health misc private•, work, help, run, •provide, national, •base, •educational ● not-for-profit, public, state, charitable, nonprofitmaking


j noun page, check, space, screen, paper, eye, wall, mind, slate, look, expression, sheet misc fill•, stare, draw•, leave•, •white, face•, point•, remain• ● empty, vacant, bare || outright, complete, total || uncomprehending, impassive, vacant


j noun painting, concept, art, expressionism, expressionist, form, idea, principle, design, pattern, painter, shape misc more•, •such, •examine, concrete, highly•, rather, than ● nonconcrete, intellectual, mental, immaterial || theoretical, conceptual, conjectural, hypothetical


j noun parent, face, moment, eye, mother, voice, patient, look, glance, individual, thought, subject misc •about, get, feel•, more•, very•, depressed, become•, seem• ● nervous, worried, concerned, uneasy || eager, keen, enthusiastic, concerned


j noun parent, face, official, expression, sick, mom, investor, voice, glance, frown, consumer, smile misc •about, so•, very•, more•, look•, too, •might, really• ● concerned, anxious, apprehensive, nervous, bothered, troubled


j noun party, movement, era, tax, policy, disease, politics, education, school, change, idea, group misc more•, most•, social, democratic, political, liberal, conservative, politically• ● liberal, broad-minded, open-minded, reformist || gradual, ongoing, increasing, continuing


j noun payment, fee, meeting, bill, income, magazine, newsletter, check, mortgage, salary, charge, basis misc pay•, average•, meet•, weekly, receive•, publish, low, regular• ● once-a-month, regular, scheduled, prearranged || month-long, -day, period, season


j noun people, amount, benefit, man, support, portion, spirit, gift, policy, pension, grant, heart misc very•, more•, most•, offer, less•, •enough, receive•, extremely• ● kind, big-hearted, openhanded, munificent || substantial, large, lavish, liberal


j noun people, child, food, man, eye, kid, dog, mouth, baby, meal, bed, animal misc feed, eat, feel•, tired, always•, cold, thirsty, poor ● starving, famished, ravenous || ambitious, driven, thrusting || avid, eager, keen


j noun people, child, patient, mood, area, price, economy, woman, person, mother, market, stock misc feel•, very•, become•, more, anxious, economically•, severely•, clinically• ● unhappy, blue, miserable, down in the dumps || rundown, deprived, poor, underprivileged


j noun people, community, culture, knowledge, population, group, right, land, tradition, organization, practice, language misc local, among•, cultural, political, frican, traditional, native, ethnic ● native, original, aboriginal, homegrown, local, ethnic


j noun people, list, child, student, person, veteran, individual, woman, adult, worker, group, parent misc learn•, elderly, developmentally•, mentally•, become•, severely•, physically•, blind•


j noun people, man, job, life, living, guy, wage, society, person, housing, being, chance misc good, pretty•, •human, live, honest, fairly•, enough, earn• ● moral, modest, pure || dressed, clothed, clad || good, right, proper || reasonable, respectable, adequate || polite, civilized, well-mannered


j noun performance, quality, health, technology, system, efficiency, relation, service, management, version, communication, condition misc new•, lead•, result•, better, provide•, increased, include•, such ● better, better-quality, enhanced, amended, upgraded, developed


j noun period, rule, power, government, history, era, time, state, administration, society, policy, authority misc ritish•, during•, panish•, rench•, early•, former•, uropean•, •postcolonial, indigenous, native, throughout•, imperial ● foreign, overseas, expatriate


j noun permission, word, statement, language, record, text, report, form, material, response, question, test misc without•, in•, prior•, •far, part•, provide•, oral, submit ● on paper, printed, in black and white, in print


j noun place, environment, job, area, system, future, border, facility, base, position, attachment, person misc more•, feel•, less•, safe, provide•, most•, help•, •enough ● safe, protected, locked || confident, assured, sure of yourself || fixed firmly, closed, fastened || dependable, steady, reliable


j noun place, heart, site, space, text, cow, ground, object, land, church, mountain, thing misc most•, nothing•, secular, consider•, religious, •profane, native ● holy, blessed, consecrated, hallowed, revered, sanctified


j noun plan, project, program, goal, effort, man, agenda, woman, undertaking, politician, proposal, campaign misc most•, more•, young, too•, less•, far, overly• ● determined, go-getting, ruthless, striving || grand, impressive, bold, large-scale


j noun point, measure, reason, license, test, concern, question, instrument, data, information, argument, way misc reliable, as•, equally•, remain•, only, provide•, consider•, no• ● reasonable, sound, rational || lawful, legal, binding || usable, acceptable, authorized || convincing, compelling, sound


j noun position, color, tone, response, ground, party, state, zone, hydrogen, expression, country, site misc remain•, keep•, negative, positive, stay•, morally•, toward, politically• ● unbiased, impartial, nonaligned, disinterested || pale, drab, light-colored, indistinct


j noun possibility, stream, hour, supply, series, list, cycle, line, variety, war, summer, number misc seemingly•, seem•, almost•, spend, blue, gray, virtually• ● boundless, infinite, limitless, without end || continual, continuous, nonstop, perpetual


j noun power, engineer, system, engineering, stimulation, outlet, equipment, wire, activity, signal, charge, energy misc mechanical, •current, cause, produce, generate, electronic, convert•, •generating


j noun press, story, service, problem, cost, risk, contractor, health, activity, group, disease, factor misc tell•, •report, according•, quote, obtain•, •contribute, general, distribute• ● related, allied, linked, connected, accompanying, concomitant


j noun problem, change, disorder, science, child, student, intervention, pattern, control, response, consultation, intention misc emotional, cognitive, social, academic, psychological, •such, affective, parental• ● social, interactive, behavior, communication, communicative, negotiating


j noun product, income, revenue, margin, sales, motor, profit, violation, growth, negligence, receipt, abuse misc •domestic, •national, adjusted•, million, per, capita, annual•, total, •human ● coarse, vulgar || disgusting, unpleasant || uncultured, uncivilized || flagrant, blatant || overweight, obese || total, combined


j noun professor, editor, director, degree, justice, producer, pastor, program, research, curator, administrator, counsel misc senior•, former•, clinical, serve•, •general, •athletic ● subordinate, secondary, junior, assistant, sub-, vice-


j noun program, association, participation, organization, standard, basis, system, agreement, manslaughter, action, service, compliance misc national, private, •involuntary, mandatory, entirely•, encourage, purely•, strictly• ● unpaid, charitable, volunteer || intended, intentional, controlled, deliberate


j noun program, way, approach, technology, idea, product, design, technique, solution, company, practice, method misc most•, new, develop, create, creative, provide, •such ● groundbreaking, advanced, state-of-the-art, pioneering, inventive, original


j noun punishment, joke, world, man, thing, hoax, irony, fate, act, death, animal, treatment misc •unusual, seem•, against, •inhuman, •degrade, •inhumane, sometimes, nor ● merciless, unkind, nasty, pitiless || painful, punishing, harsh, hard


j noun purpose, source, responsibility, owner, survivor, power, exception, superpower, reason, representative, criterion, support misc as•, whose•, become•, •surviving, •legitimate, •remaining, no•, •legal ● only, solitary, one and only, individual || exclusive, private, unique, special


j noun question, difference, issue, tradition, problem, society, position, foundation, argument, debate, approach, view misc political, religious, theological, merican•, historical, scientific, moral, social ● logical, ethical, metaphysical || deep-thinking, learned, thoughtful || calm, resigned, restrained


j noun rate, amount, number, security, speed, level, sentence, benefit, value, prison, score, efficiency misc •possible, reach•, provide•, achieve•, allow, minimum, set•, •allowable ● all-out, supreme, extreme, thoroughgoing || full, greatest, highest, top


j noun rate, income, price, cost, amount, exchange, mortgage, point, system, position, number, asset misc remain•, pay•, than•, such, within, rather•, •monthly, •per ● secure, immovable, immobile || permanent, unchanging, preset || rigid, inflexible, hard-and-fast


j noun rate, memory, interest, fund, bond, gain, goal, problem, solution, debt, effect, investment misc long-term, •economic, •political, •financial, feed•, than, raise•, rather ● temporary, immediate, instant, short-range, interim, stopgap


j noun reality, world, community, tour, environment, space, monopoly, computer, network, technology, machine, library misc create•, become, real, •unknown, actual, electronic, interactive, digital ● near, practical, effective, fundamental || computer-generated, simulated, cybernetic


j noun result, message, bag, blessing, review, feeling, signal, emotion, waste, race, salad, group misc send•, receive•, produce•, draw•, despite•, •green, best, •martial ● varied, diverse, assorted, sundry || cosmopolitan, integrated, international, interracial


j noun result, number, record, list, array, performance, collection, victory, figure, display, gain, achievement misc most•, more•, very•, even, as•, pretty•, less• ● imposing, inspiring, striking, remarkable, notable, extraordinary


j noun result, progress, performance, smile, surprise, expression, glance, grin, attendance misc •with, very•, •see, look•, seem•, •himself, •meet, •hear ● satisfied, content, delighted, contented, thrilled, happy


j noun result, research, future, approach, career, technology, drug, area, treatment, student, development, sign misc most•, look•, •new, more•, •young, seem•, several•, appear• ● talented, gifted, hopeful, auspicious, capable, likely


j noun room, street, city, field, bus, market, place, area, condition, restaurant, school, train misc more•, too•, through•, less•, become•, already•, across•, noisy ● overcrowded, packed, full, congested, jam-packed, teeming


j noun sample, number, sampling, assignment, testing, violence, order, selection, act, event, walk, search misc stratified•, seemingly•, publish•, select, present•, conduct•, test, apparently• ● chance, accidental, haphazard, arbitrary, casual, unsystematic


j noun satisfaction, handling, safety, population, information, group, record, outcome, education, advocate misc wait, medical, improve•, per•, safe•, associate, manual• ● enduring, persistent, persevering, easygoing || tolerant, long-suffering, serene, forbearing


j noun schedule, work, system, hour, approach, arrangement, spending, scheduling, plastic, plan, policy, benefit misc more•, •enough, allow, less, remain•, strong, highly•, adaptable ● supple, lithe, elastic, plastic || adaptable, accommodating, variable, compliant


j noun school, area, house, district, city, community, street, sprawl, county, neighborhood, development, mall misc urban•, rural, live•, white, grow, central•, home, middle-class ● residential, outlying, peripheral, out-of-town, outer


j noun school, education, student, level, market, study, program, source, mirror, role, importance, analysis misc elementary•, primary•, public, •social, •such, teach, •physical, junior• ● subordinate, minor, inferior, lesser || resulting, resultant, derived, derivative


j noun sector, network, group, economy, survey, support, discussion, interview, meeting, interaction, system, conversation misc formal•, through•, between, •social, both•, conduct, among ● relaxed, casual, familiar || unofficial, off-therecord, unauthorized || colloquial, idiomatic, vernacular


j noun seminary, reflection, education, study, issue, method, tradition, church, perspective, discourse, debate, argument misc philosophical, political, atholic•, hristian, religious, historical, aptist•, biblical, moral, scientific, southern•, pastoral ● religious, scriptural, doctrinal, dogmatic, spiritual, mystical


j noun series, use, visit, article, call, problem, piece, trip, tree, appearance, sound, visitor misc only•, even•, except•, despite•, well•, punctuate•, than• ● infrequent, chance, irregular, sporadic, rare, intermittent


j noun service, child, factor, effect, gear, measure, custody, clothing, layer, order, suit, equipment misc wear•, very•, •against, •around, provide•, •such, form•, fiercely• ● defensive, caring, shielding, protecting, defending


j noun sex, conversation, observer, clothes, relationship, look, fan, partner, style, attitude, acquaintance, encounter misc more•, even•, engage•, wear, sexual, dress•, sound•, formal ● unpremeditated, unplanned, chance || seasonal, informal, temporary || informal, nonchalant, relaxed || indifferent, careless, offhand


j noun sex, history, tradition, argument, reading, contraceptive, communication, language, presentation, fluency, cavity, culture misc written, perform•, write, during, receive•, anal, treat ● spoken, verbal, viva voce, uttered, said, verbalized


j noun sight, yogurt, view, language, paper, fact, clothes, face, folk, text, truth, bread misc just•, •old, •white, •simple, •wrong, hide•, •black, wear• ● basic, unadorned, pure || evident, obvious, manifest || blunt, straightforward, direct || homely, ordinary, plain-featured


j noun sign, result, word, news, development, investment, thing, behavior, participation, role, smile, finding misc very•, positive, supportive, •private, despite•, promote, •foreign, than ● hopeful, heartening, cheering, inspiring, reassuring, promising


j noun silence, position, situation, feeling, question, moment, chair, talking, truth, fact, seat, conversation misc make•, feel•, very•, look•, little•, seem•, bit• ● painful, sore, rough, scratchy || difficult, uneasy, awkward, embarrassing


j noun silence, smile, voice, laugh, laughter, gaze, fuss, expression, grin, apology, glance, anger misc , •by, feel•, look•, too•, little•, seem•, slightly• ● uncomfortable, self-conscious, ashamed, ill at ease, nervous, mortified


j noun slope, hill, price, trail, mountain, terrain, road, decline, hillside, side, angle, incline misc up•, climb, too•, down•, narrow, long• ● sheer, vertical, sharp, precipitous || unreasonable, expensive, extreme, excessive


j noun solution, resolution, world, means, settlement, coexistence, way, life, place, transition, change, protest misc more•, nuclear, quiet, democratic, relatively•, political, stable, seek• ● quiet, serene, calm, still || nonviolent, passive, diplomatic, peaceable


j noun space, edge, layer, bank, wall, limit, world, cell, office, door, planet, shell misc inner, •solar, remove, open, along•, reach•, tough•, beyond ● outside, external, on the outside, surface, superficial, exterior


j noun species, animal, plant, dancer, place, bird, locale, fruit, food, location, material, creature misc more•, •such, foreign, less•, native, beautiful, tropical ● unusual, out of the ordinary, striking, interesting || from abroad, tropical, alien, foreign


j noun spirit, man, empire, eye, people, thing, force, person, act, scientist, twin, power misc good, off•, inherently•, truly•, intrinsically•, dead, oviet• ● wicked, malevolent, sinful, malicious || foul, vile, nasty, horrible


j noun standard, newspaper, editor, magazine, basis, news, meeting, show, session, column, program, report misc meet•, daily, write•, publish, monthly, twice•, attend•, average•


j noun star, light, sound, smile, object, voice, galaxy, glow, smell, magnitude, line, scent misc hear•, feel•, grow•, appear, •blue, detect•, distant, extremely• ● pale, weak, faded || quiet, slight, diminished || dizzy, giddy, woozy


j noun state, society, world, government, religion, culture, purpose, humanism, ew, life, authority, party misc religious, between•, sacred, modern, both•, political, liberal, spiritual ● earthly, worldly, nonspiritual, material, lay, profane


j noun state, voice, kid, prospect, crowd, possibility, atom, shout, audience, smile, tone, conversation misc , •about, get•, so•, very•, too•, really•, feel• ● happy, eager, enthusiastic, thrilled || agitated, provoked, nervous, overwrought


j noun stone, hill, pin, resistance, meadow, blackout, field, thunder, boil, rock, terrain, wave misc gently•, roll, •green, across•, tire, floured•, vast•, onto ● undulating, rising and falling, gently sloping || progressing, continuing, systematic, regular


j noun store, price, sales, outlet, business, space, market, food, chain, industry, shop, office misc sell, suggest•, wholesale, national•, suggested•, square•, commercial, residential


j noun story, thing, people, book, history, study, question, subject, case, person, stuff, character misc most•, find•, really•, •watch, absolutely•, endlessly•, quite•, particularly ● captivating, charming, attractive, enthralling, mesmerizing, interesting


j noun strategy, program, material, teacher, student, method, practice, time, activity, technique, curriculum, school misc effective•, provide, develop, within, teach, specific•, include


j noun structure, commitment, change, skill, culture, level, behavior, development, system, resource, chart, form misc provide, social, within, political, such, develop, individual, personal ● structural, administrative, legislative, executive, logistic, managerial


j noun student, child, education, program, school, teacher, need, girl, learner, parent, individual, boy misc •talented, identify•, gifted, young, intellectually•, among•, academically•, special, highly, •underachiever, educational, underachieve• ● talented, skilled, able, exceptional, skillful, out of the ordinary


j noun student, child, voter, parole, benefit, service, bachelor, program, patient, man, woman, player misc •for, become•, those•, •receive, •vote, •free, most•, •participate ● qualified, entitled, suitable, fit || unmarried, unattached, available, single


j noun student, people, player, team, woman, man, program, child, artist, guy, group, actor misc gifted•, who, very•, most•, young, academically•, beautiful, •enough ● gifted, able, brilliant, artistic, endowed, capable


j noun student, population, community, group, voter, culture, family, immigrant, resident, worker


j noun system, plan, scheme, design, set, ritual, ceremony, costume, structure, network, display, process misc more•, most•, build, create•, require•, develop•, wear• ● complex, complicated, intricate, detailed || intricate, sumptuous, extravagant, ornate


j noun system, process, disaster, knowledge, research, change, impact, crisis, restoration, behavior, problem, integrity misc social, economic, environmental, human, cultural, long-term•, evolutionary ● environmental, biological, natural, organic


j noun system, review, process, court, nominee, activism, decision, branch, power, nomination, judge, philosophy misc legislative, supreme•, federal, political, administrative, legal, conservative•, comparative• ● legal, court, justice, jurisdictional, jurisdictive, official


j noun teacher, player, team, people, group, man, user, hand, worker, woman, professional, pilot misc more•, most•, even•, less•, old•, highly•, sexually• ● knowledgeable, skilled, practiced, qualified, veteran, expert


j noun term, side, death, miss, distance, collapse, end, certainty, tear, monopoly, extinction, silence misc very•, •eastern, least•, •total, ancient•, far, •future, •perfect ● close, nearby, neighboring, adjacent, adjoining, immediate


j noun thing, crime, death, way, story, tragedy, day, place, situation, mistake, experience, feeling misc •happen, something•, feel, most•, die, commit, absolutely•, terrible ● unpleasant, awful, vile, dreadful || horrifying, awful, terrible, nasty


j noun thing, head, face, duckling, word, side, truth, building, scene, dog, place, scar misc turn•, bad•, rear•, •little, beautiful, pretty•, fat ● unattractive, hideous, unsightly || unpleasant, horrible, dreadful || violent, nasty, threatening


j noun thing, question, luck, guy, idea, kid, animal, jock, mistake, joke, ass, friend misc too•, play•, really, •enough, strike•, smart, deaf•, pretty•


j noun thing, question, putty, girl, stuff, game, woman, song, story, joke, grin, hat misc seem•, sound•, feel•, little•, laugh• ● ridiculous, childish, asinine, impractical || trivial, meaningless, mindless, puerile


j noun thing, stuff, habit, surprise, fight, campaign, weather, word, business, divorce, look, war misc very•, •little, really•, turn•, something•, particularly•, pretty•, •brutish ● spiteful, mean, malicious || foul, horrid, horrible || severe, painful, horrible


j noun thing, way, stuff, guy, sort, kid, feeling, place, idea, sound, noise, science misc really•, feel•, something•, too, little•, kind• ● strange, odd, bizarre, peculiar, uncanny, eerie


j noun threat, ability, competence, level, risk, need, difference, support, exertion, control, value, importance misc between, high•, •social, low, because•, relate, assess•, actual


j noun time, metal, life, resource, stone, thing, commodity, moment, gift, child, water, gold misc most•, few, more•, too•, something•, waste•, lose, spend• ● valuable, costly, prized || valued, loved, beloved || fastidious, affected, overrefined


j noun time, world, environment, condition, role, nature, pattern, need, attitude, circumstance, face, society misc rapidly•, constantly•, keep•, adapt•, reflect•, •political, meet•, •economic ● altering, varying, shifting, moving, fluctuating, mutable


j noun transmission, weapon, system, rifle, machine, control, pilot, door, pistol, teller, response, thought misc four-speed•, five-speed•, fully•, carry•, fire, sixspeed•, manual ● mechanized, automated, mechanical || involuntary, reflex, unconscious || routine, habitual, mechanical


j noun twin, transcription, house, pair, result, set, item, pattern, form, copy, condition, gene misc almost•, nearly•, two•, virtually•, •those, •one, •original, each ● same, indistinguishable, equal, matching, alike, like


j noun use, habitat, place, area, site, application, condition, environment, material, land, candidate, location misc •for, find•, more•, most•, provide•, consider•, less•, deem• ● appropriate, apposite, fit, apt, right, proper


j noun value, experience, quality, education, art, illusion, object, judgment, form, sensibility, sense, appreciation misc social, moral, political, cultural, artistic, than, spiritual ● artistic, visual, appealing, beautiful


j noun value, rate, cost, benefit, level, return, result, direction, outcome, behavior, growth, number misc than•, better•, much•, low•, long•, million, base, •future, early• ● likely, probable, foreseeable, predictable, awaited, anticipated


j noun variable, characteristic, information, data, table, change, questionnaire, factor, group, trend, age, participant misc economic, social, include, between, •such, collect, provide, complete•


j noun variable, child, measure, aid, family, economy, oil, government, other, relationship, analysis, care misc •on, •upon, become•, more•, heavily•, less•, highly•, each• ● reliant on, in need of, at the mercy of || needy, reliant, helpless || contingent, conditional, determined


j noun vegetable, potato, age, meat, rice, onion, bean, leaf, care, skin, moment, plant misc until•, or•, •about, cook•, stir, very•, •add, •pierce ● loving, caring, affectionate || sensitive, sore, delicate || young, youthful, immature


j noun victim, abuse, violation, plot, crime, incident, rape, investigation, case, affair, attack, assault misc about•, •sexual, against, investigate•, because•, involve, including ● unproven, supposed, suspected, so-called, assumed, apparent


j noun view, success, scenery, display, result, growth, mountain, event, show, image, setting, performance misc most•, offer•, less•, produce•, truly•, quite•, pretty•, absolutely• ● stunning, impressive, amazing, fantastic || remarkable, huge, great, enormous


j noun voice, man, hand, breeze, way, slope, eye, giant, face, smile, touch, hill misc very•, sweet, soft, warm, kind•, quiet, slow, firm ● mild, calm, tender, moderate || soft, light, soothing, mellow


j noun voice, water, sea, day, face, eye, wind, tone, demeanor, air, night, weather misc very•, stay•, keep•, remain•, seem•, as•, try•, cool ● tranquil, peaceful, quiet, still, cool, composed


j noun wage, standard, requirement, level, size, age, investment, number, amount, increase, tax, sentence misc raise•, require, pay•, meet•, set, alternative•, mandatory, maximum ● smallest, least, lowest, minutest, slightest, tiniest


j noun war, battle, hand, glove, nose, murder, hell, conflict, mess, knife, face, scene misc •civil, scream•, fight, violent, broken, brutal, plant•, terrible ● gory, bloodstained, blood-spattered, bleeding, wounded, injured


j noun war, party, guard, change, movement, idea, force, government, leader, period, era, regime misc institutional•, during•, armed, truly•, ranian•, democratic, ruling•, popular ● radical, groundbreaking, world-shattering, innovative || rebellious, radical, insurgent, riotous


j noun war, peninsula, government, official, leader, president, people, woman, veteran, regime, missile, company


j noun war, result, change, question, consequence, conflict, death, outcome, comparison, end, conclusion, process misc seem•, almost•, perhaps•, accept•, probably•, natural, delay•, but• ● unavoidable, predictable, expected, foreseeable, to be expected, to be anticipated


j noun war, study, animal, merican, business, adult, drug, car, human misc •other, •which, •most, •anything, however, •traditional, •previous, quite• ● different, dissimilar, nothing like, distinct, contrasting, disparate


j noun waste, substance, effect, material, metal, release, site, gas, exposure, air, dump, pollution misc highly•, less•, contain•, •chemical, reduce•, produce, such, potentially• ● poisonous, deadly, lethal, noxious, contaminated


j noun water, dish, bowl, pan, pool, lake, grave, baking, breathing, end, breath, area misc into•, large, wide•, place, deep, relatively•, near, along ● low, thin, light, narrow || superficial, trivial, slight, insubstantial


j noun way, change, difference, color, form, effect, shift, flavor, variation, message, detail, sign misc more•, very•, •between, often•, yet, complex, sometimes, much• ● slight, faint, fine || understated, delicate, indirect || intelligent, experienced, sensitive || cunning, sly, crafty


j noun way, death, woman, man, world, thing, force, object, figure, disease, power, place misc remain•, dark, somewhat•, beautiful, strange, ancient, powerful, complex ● strange, unexplained, inexplicable, unsolved || secretive, enigmatic, shadowy, furtive


j noun way, kind, value, idea, word, oats, work, family, sense, glass, method, politics misc good•, sound•, plain•, rather•, •rolled, cup, quaint ● antiquated, archaic, antediluvian, unfashionable || fogyish, traditional, conservative, conventional


j noun way, life, relationship, experience, work, change, learning, activity, reform, information, role, difference misc more•, any•, provide•, most•, something•, •between, create•, social ● expressive, evocative, telling, eloquent || significant, important, consequential, momentous


j noun way, place, event, result, finding, turn, death, change, problem, twist, effect, development misc something•, most•, •happen, totally•, expect•, sudden•, completely• ● unforeseen, unanticipated, unpredicted, surprising, startling, astonishing


j noun year, analysis, study, event, development, research, performance, generation, work, behavior, change, decision misc during•, each•, influence•, affect•, •reveal, confirm, initial•, therefore ● following, succeeding, ensuing, successive, consequent, later


j noun year, policy, budget, responsibility, crisis, quarter, conservative, discipline, deficit, problem, stimulus, restraint misc •end, its•, million•, monetary, during•, last, current•, next, federal


j noun year, week, month, decade, day, season, election, century, winter, war, weekend, generation misc over•, during•, prepare•, •presidential, •fiscal, global, •academic, crucial ● forthcoming, pending, impending, approaching, imminent, upcoming


j noun yogurt, food, pea, lake, dinner, corn, water, vegetable, ground, fruit, river, pizza misc fresh•, thaw, cup, stand•, across•, canned, •chopped, •solid ● ice-covered, cold, freezing, iced up || unmoving, stationary, immobile, still


n adj accurate, precise, direct, curriculum-based, standard, objective, actual, quantitative, physical, recent noun error, system, instrument, data, method, model, performance, •technique, study, •period verb make, take, base, include, obtain, compare, allow, determine, •indicate, perform ● dimension, size, extent, quantity, amount, capacity


n adj added, annual, extra, unexpected, nice, huge, generous noun signing•, salary•, •point, cash•, company, program, benefit, hristmas• verb receive•, pay, give, offer•, earn, include, award, raise, •total, •range ● extra, plus, addition, advantage || gratuity, handout, dividend, pay supplement


n adj adjustable-rate, low, fixed-rate, monthly, reverse, fixed, residential noun rate, •payment, home, loan, interest, •lender, •company, •broker verb pay, refinance, buy, rise, qualify•, afford, apply•, cover•, •average ● loan, bank loan, secured loan, second mortgage, remortgage, home equity loan


n adj advanced, private, foster, residential, appropriate, educational, proper, careful noun student, child, job•, product•, education, program, course, service, class, home verb determine, indicate, result, affect, relate•, ensure•, establish•, range ● assignment, location, settlement, situation || siting, positioning, location, arrangement


n adj amateur, professional, infrared, able, planetary, stellar, distant, hinese, modern, uropean noun star, radio•, year•, galaxy, century•, team•, image, backyard•, space, sky verb •use, •find, •discover, •observe, •study, •believe, •measure, allow•, enable•, •predict ● stargazer, starwatcher, radio astronomer, astrophysicist, space scientist


n adj ancestral, ewish, alestinian, independent, traditional, adopted, ancient noun •security, department•, secretary, defense, director, office•, committee verb return•, leave•, create, protect•, flee•, defend•, secure•, fight, •encompass ● mother country, native country, fatherland, motherland, native land, home


n adj ancient, reek, famous, wooden, life-size, giant, huge, equestrian, tall, religious noun •liberty, bronze•, marble•, stone•, uddha, base, painting, od, square, building verb stand, erect, carve, •depict, topple, represent, honor, remove, stare, destroy ● figurine, effigy, sculpture, statuette, bronze, image


n adj annual, gay, military, endless, ticker-tape, inaugural, passing, steady noun day•, •ground, street, •route, pride•, hanksgiving•, night•, hristmas•, float, victory• verb march, lead•, watch•, join•, feature, •pass, •celebrate, rain•, participate•, plan ● procession, pageant, display, cavalcade, carnival, spectacle


n adj annual, international, cultural, local, religious, lympic, major, outdoor, musical, traditional noun film•, music•, art, year, jazz•, summer, event, folk• verb •feature, celebrate, attend•, present, organize, sponsor, perform, •honor, host•, dance ● centenary, anniversary, commemoration, jubilee, holiday, fiesta


n adj anti-lock, rear, front, hydraulic, avid, standard, mechanical, four-wheel, abs, juicy noun disc•, car, •lever, •pad, air, brake, •pedal, antilock•, system, foot• verb slam•, put•, hit•, apply, •stop, release•, tire, pump•, tap•, squeal ● restraint, constraint, curb, control, limitation, damper


n adj applied, advanced, basic, effective, pure, mental, simple noun science, teacher, student, school, course, achievement, language, •anxiety, physics, professor verb teach, learn•, improve, solve, apply, emphasize, major•, stress, consist ● math, calculation, reckoning, sums


n adj aribbean, seven-day, luxury, short, uropean, laskan, chartered, typical noun •ship, •missile, •line, •control, day•, sea, passenger, boat, dinner•, •industry verb offer, launch, sail, book•, carry, •depart, plan, enjoy, feature, embark ● voyage, vacation, trip, journey, tour


n adj armored, big, long-distance, merican, low-cost, regional, local, foreign, international, common noun aircraft•, personnel•, air, insurance•, mail•, •group, tank•, letter• verb fly, •offer, land, operate, launch, •deliver, switch•, sink, •charge, attack ● transporter, hauler, delivery service, carter || transporter, hauler, delivery service, carter


n adj artistic, individual, scientific, literary, academic, technical, various, particular, intrinsic noun •badge, argument, •scholarship, •scholar, •system, •pay, award, basis•, legion•, •pamphlet verb base•, debate•, judge•, argue•, •raise, discuss•, consider•, earn• ● value, worth, quality || ability, accomplishment, capability || advantage, good point, pro


n adj black, wild, grazing, lost, domestic, cloned, mad noun goat, cattle, cow, bighorn•, flock•, horse, mountain, dog, wolf, pig verb graze, raise, kill, count•, shear, feed, eat, clone, •wander, bleat ● ewe, ram, lamb || conformist, follower, traditionalist, copycat


n adj asleep, comfortable, living-room, comfy, overstuffed, lumpy, sagging, upholstered noun room, •potato, chair, living, leather•, back, arm, cushion, •, bed verb sit•, sleep•, lie•, lay•, fall•, settle•, lean, seat•, •face, sprawl• ● sofa, settee, divan, chaise longue, chesterfield, love seat


n adj asleep, on-off, electrical, dim, off, electric, quick, sudden, reset noun light•, power, wall, •hitter, flick•, flip•, •box, bait•, toggle•, computer verb make•, turn, throw•, hit•, pull•, press•, control, cause, activate, push ● control, lever, button || change, shift, adjustment || exchange, substitution, swap


n adj assistant, marine, retired, veteran, defensive, utch, experienced noun team, ship, sea•, army, police•, boat, crew, navy•, •cook, •industry verb name, •order, nod, shout, reply, promote•, •sail, command, retire, appoint ● head, skipper, leader, chief || head, skipper, leader, chief


n adj audio, live, digital, original, early, magnetic, available, electronic, cast, professional noun •studio, tape•, •industry, •artist, video•, sound, •session, •contract verb make, play, listen•, hear, release, sing, produce, feature, obtain, review ● footage, video recording, copy, soundtrack, tape, cassette


n adj automatic, manual, five-speed, cultural, fourspeed, sexual, heterosexual, mother-to-child, light noun distribution•, •deadline, •line, engine, power, data, radio•, disease, system, risk• verb prevent•, reduce•, shift, control•, •operate, affect•, facilitate•, block•, monitor•, leak ● broadcast, show, program || spread, communication, diffusion, conduction


n adj available, complex, tangled, intricate, semantic, worldwide, seamless, vast noun •site, •page, world•, information, company, spider•, e-mail, •browser, •address, food• verb visit•, check•, surf•, create, offer, post•, spin•, •contain, publish, feature ● network, mesh, net, tissue, grid


n adj available, deep, substantial, steep, significant, corporate, appropriate, traditional noun •rate, •store, percent, price, •broker, card, •chain, •retailer, drug, airline verb offer•, give•, sell•, buy, receive•, trade•, cut, •reflect, •range, •understate ● reduction, money off, markdown, price cut, cut rate, concession


n adj bad, acting, electronic, nasty, super, big-eyed, squashed, entrepreneurial noun lightning•, •spray, water, love•, computer, millennium•, gold•, •bite, •repellent verb eat, catch•, keep, kill•, fix, •cause, •fly, •crawl, squash•, pick ● germ, microbe, infection || fault, error, mistake || listening device, hidden microphone, surveillance device


n adj bad, big, full, flat, round, swollen, pregnant, soft, huge noun •button, hand•, fire•, breast, •dancer, fat, chest, leg, pot•, pork• verb fill, rub•, laugh, crawl, •swell, lie•, pat•, scratch, touch, rise ● stomach, abdomen, tummy, middle || stomach, abdomen, tummy, middle


n adj bad, negative, free, national, pretrial, adverse, positive, favorable noun •stunt, lot•, •campaign, kind•, •director, media, effort, •tour, glare•, amount• verb get, receive, •surround, generate, seek•, avoid•, attract, gain• ● advertising, promotion, exposure, hype, media hype, public relations


n adj bad, perfect, right, critical, sexual, precise, static, impeccable, exact, comic noun •analysis, question•, sense•, •device, market•, matter•, •closure, •event, condition, •belt verb determine•, affect, depend, control•, vary, adjust, improve, •coincide, ensure, •favor ● judgment, effectiveness, control, mastery, technique, skill


n adj basic, economic, absolute, military, political, medical, practical, moral, bare, historical noun life, choice, food, business•, virtue, matter•, freedom, convenience, belief•, argument verb become, must, understand, recognize•, consider, born•, accept•, avoid, demonstrate•, arise ● essential, requirement, prerequisite, basic || need, requirement, inevitability, obligation


n adj basic, underlying, simple, central, fundamental, major, whole noun conclusion, quality•, argument, freedom, assumption, customer, presentation, starting• verb base•, accept•, start•, leave•, follow, support•, agree•, rest•, operate•, reject• ● evidence, principle, idea, foundation || basis, proposition, supposition, hypothesis


n adj best, second-place, third-place, strong, smooth, predicted, fourth-place, top, original, fifth-place noun •line, start•, race, matte•, photo•, point, season, place, surface•, color verb let•, cross•, apply, paint, reach•, fight• ● end, ending, close, conclusion || surface, texture, appearance, quality


n adj best, supporting, young, black, famous, aspiring, rench, award-winning, scar-winning noun actor•, movie, wife, film, scar, award, role, model, singer, •series verb •play, win, become, nominate, name, star, marry, date, portray, feature• ● performer, thespian, artist, artiste, player


n adj best, young, senior, junior, veteran, second-year, third-string noun starting•, team, season, game, rookie•, backup•, receiver, football, coach, school verb play, start, •throw, lead, win, •complete, sack, sign, protect•, score


n adj better, soft, solid, smooth, modern, airy, casual noun •home, skin, look, •safe, smell, •texture, •cotton verb •like, get•, love•, remember•, enjoy•, capture•, prefer• ● texture, touch, sensation, impression || impression, atmosphere, ambiance, feeling


n adj big, cold, sudden, damp, icy, deep, slight, bitter noun wind, •hour, •air, •spine, fever, night, winter, morning, •factor verb feel•, send•, give•, shiver•, shake, catch• ● coldness, coolness, chilliness || sudden fear, anxiety, apprehension || gloom, depression, pall || unfriendliness, aloofness, detachment


n adj big, final, devastating, serious, fatal, major, low, severe, crushing noun body•, death•, hammer•, •dryer, knockout•, sand•, •hole, sound• verb deal•, strike•, deliver•, soften•, suffer•, land, receive ● knock, crack, jolt, swipe || setback, upset, disappointment, shock


n adj big, large, huge, good, sizable, fresh, whole, significant, nice, red noun •ice, •meat, •money, •rock, •wood, pineapple•, chocolate, •land, •change, potato verb cut•, break, spend•, buy•, own•, tear•, bite•, blow•, drop ● piece, hunk, mass, lump || piece, hunk, mass, lump


n adj big, long, quick, passionate, little, wet, rench noun •cheek, hug•, •death, lip, mouth, •forehead, face, goodbye, goodnight, chocolate• verb give•, blow•, plant•, break, steal•, throw•, return•, press, taste, •last ● caress, light, contact, graze || osculation, peck, smacker, smooch


n adj big, real, financial, only, constant, major, main, sick, greatest noun fear, money, health, •future, line, lot•, parent, cause•, mind, measure• verb express•, share, ease•, increase, forget•, relate, free•, rise, overcome• ● concern, apprehension, anxiety, fear || anxiety, uneasiness, disquiet, discomfort


n adj big, rench, golden, loud, nglish, blaring, principal, muted noun car•, bull•, head, sound, •player, rhino•, blast, saddle•, air, animal verb honk, blow, blare, play, hear•, toot•, lean•, beep, lock• ● siren, klaxon, hooter, alarm || antler, spine, barb, projection


n adj big, wide, broad, toothy, sly, huge, mischievous, wry noun •face, eye, tooth, head, •ear, cat, nod, idiot•, trademark•, killer• verb give•, flash•, break•, wear•, smile, •spread, turn, add, widen, •fade ● beam, smile, smirk, laugh, chortle, chuckle


n adj birth-control, bitter, morning-after, white, magic, blue, contraceptive, purple, chewable noun control•, birth•, bottle, diet•, •day, sleeping•, abortion•, poison• verb take•, give, swallow, pop•, prescribe, stop, contain, sell, sleep, hand ● tablet, capsule, medication


n adj black, right, left, normal, full, collapsed, punctured, healthy, artificial noun •cancer, heart, •disease, air, blood, •function, •tissue, breath, risk, patient verb fill, cause, breathe, burn, develop, collapse, puncture, damage•, affect, •ache


n adj black, rough, white, blue, tiny, yellow, double, industrial, pink, frican noun •ring, gold, baseball•, •earring, •necklace, •mine, blood• verb buy•, wear, sell, cut, discover, flash, steal, sparkle, glitter, own• ● rhombus, lozenge, parallelogram, equilateral


n adj black, thick, dried, soft, red, deep, frozen noun water, •flat, •hut, foot, •puddle, sand, rain, rock, wall, face verb cover•, throw•, stick, cake, drag•, sink•, bury•, suck, •dry, splatter ● mire, sludge, muck, filth, dirt, grime


n adj black, young, elderly, grieving, poor, wealthy, rich, beautiful noun woman, wife, •husband, •peak, war•, •son, daughter, •walk, brother, •rockfish verb live, marry, •name, •remarry, comfort, •grieve, mourn, award, interview, murder•


n adj blue, gray, large, white, beached, baleen, marine, modern, giant, beaked noun killer•, bowhead•, humpback•, sperm•, beluga•, •shark, water, pilot• verb watch, save•, swim, kill, migrate, eat, feed, spot, touch•, count


n adj blue, protective, evlar, yellow, golden, mandatory, plumed noun head, mask, bike•, light, motorcycle•, bicycle•, visor, football•, hair verb wear•, put•, remove•, pull, carry, throw•, hit, grab•


n adj blue, red, solar, light, digital, adaptive, special, available, polarizing, perceptual noun air•, water, system, oil•, paper, media, coffee•, sand verb use, remove, change, install, allow, replace, clean, reduce, act•, trap ● sieve, strainer, mesh, riddle, screen, sifter


n adj brief, rare, quick, fleeting, only, occasional, fascinating, tantalizing noun •future, window, viewer•, visitor•, offer•, •movement, •greatness, •heaven, •hell verb catch•, get•, give•, provide•, hope•, allow• ● look, glance, peek, peep || sight, hint, foretaste, indication


n adj brief, single, precise, exact, mere, fleeting, given noun •silence, •creation, •hesitation, surprise, •clarity verb feel, realize, change, hesitate•, freeze, wonder, pause•, disappear, last• ● second, time, minute, split second, the twinkling of an eye, moment


n adj bright, direct, full, strong, brilliant, harsh, reflected noun morning•, window, water, shaft•, afternoon•, ray•, room, shadow, exposure, tree verb reflect, •stream, •filter, shine, •pour, expose•, •fall, •reach, glint, catch ● sunshine, daylight, light, rays, sunbeams


n adj brown, wooden, corked, rabid, broken, autographed, potent noun baseball•, ball, •house, •boy, aluminum•, wing, vampire•, fruit•, crack•, •mitzvah verb swing•, hit, •fly, hold•, pick•, grab•, carry, break, drop, •swoop ● racket, paddle, willow, club


n adj burning, lilac, thick, wild, nearby, tall, frican, green, flowering, thorny noun tree, rose•, berry•, creosote•, grass, leaf, flower, thorn•, branch, blueberry• verb hide, beat•, grow, plant, surround, trim, rustle, jump, disappear, creosote• ● shrub, plant, flowering shrub, hedging plant || scrubland, wilds, outback, scrub


n adj burning, physical, strange, overnight, odd, familiar, strong, unpleasant, pleasant, tingling noun pain, feeling, experience, taste•, skin, nerve, loss•, image, singing•, leg verb feel, •seek, create•, cause•, become•, produce•, enjoy•, sing, accompany, •spread ● feeling, sense, impression || commotion, stir, fuss || phenomenon, miracle, wonder


n adj celestial, applied, statistical, computational, classical, solid, orbital, general, chief, structural noun auto•, car, fluid•, body•, pilot•, physics, shop, relativity, garage, theory verb learn, teach, •fix, apply, study, explain, check, train, repair, inspect


n adj central, merican, commercial, local, financial, retired, prominent, wealthy, top, independent noun investment•, •association, lawyer, mortgage•, business, accountant, economist, businessman, estate, merchant verb •lend, •finance, convince•, hire•, persuade, accuse, dress•, •specialize, •underwrite, lobby• ● investment banker, bank manager, banking executive, financier, merchant banker


n adj cheap, annual, residential, low-income, affordable, monthly, two-bedroom noun car, •property, •company, •fee, video•, house, •agency, income, •unit verb drive, include, own, cost, park, pick, cover, manage•, price•, arrange• ● rent payment, fee, payment, hire charge || leasing, letting, charter, hire


n adj chief, local, principal, famous, renowned, naval, talian, rench noun landscape•, designer, engineer, building, design, artist, project, course•, golf•, generation verb build, hire, train, commission, select, renovate, practice, •specialize, collaborate, •sketch ● designer, draftsman, draftswoman, planner || originator, inventor, founder, creator


n adj chief, political, main, democratic, potential, bitter, longtime, arch, nearest, foreign noun epublican•, business, division•, market, party, crosstown•, cost, competition, league, conference• verb beat•, compete, eliminate•, fight, face, kill•, challenge, defeat•, accuse, clash ● competitor, opponent, adversary, contender || equal, match, counterpart, peer


n adj chief, postal, international, raqi, female, resident, atomic, electrical, veteran, agricultural noun •general, weapon•, office, building•, report, police•, •field, health•, city•, custom• verb •find, allow, send, •check, •visit, •arrive, cooperate•, •discover, hire•, •examine ● examiner, checker, superintendent, overseer, assessor, supervisor


n adj chief, standard, annual, total, normal, joint, net, basic, maximum noun •system, •officer, •room, •budget, •table, •procedure, company, •expense verb •cost, reduce•, cover•, increase, wheel•, install, license, lower, generate• ● running, functioning, managing, operation, performing, working


n adj chocolate-chip, tough, baked, ungreased, hot, fresh, favorite, warm, basic, remaining noun •sheet, chocolate•, chip•, dough, •cutter, •jar, fortune• verb make, bake, eat•, place, cut, buy•, sell•, cool, press, crumble


n adj chopped, chronic, severe, healthy, acute, serious, abnormal noun •disease, kidney, cancer, heart, •transplant, •damage, •failure, lung, cell verb cause, die•, receive•, spread•, eat•, suffer•, detoxify, process, •enlarge, •regulate


n adj chopped, creamy, salted, unsalted, hot, spicy, allergic, crunchy, green, smooth noun •butter, •oil, •sandwich, cup, •sauce, tablespoon, bag•, chocolate, cracker, jar verb eat•, serve, add, spread, buy•, sell, combine•, sprinkle•


n adj chopped, dried, tough, whole, roasted, hard, fresh, hot, mixed, remaining noun pine•, •bolt, fruit, cup, tree, •case, butter, wing•, food, guy verb crack, add, eat•, stir, toast, sprinkle•, tighten•, spread, loosen, gather ● enthusiast, fan, aficionado, buff, devotee, follower


n adj civic, active, political, social, academic, military, constructive, emotional, productive, critical noun •ring, rule•, student, school•, policy, level•, •party, activity, behavior, diamond• verb break•, speak•, announce, require, promote, increase, support, •occur, foster•, •last ● appointment, meeting, rendezvous || employment, job, position || battle, fight, encounter


n adj civil, military, mounted, marine, armed, increased, mobile, coastal noun border•, •car, highway•, •agent, officer, •boat, state• verb join•, conduct, step•, •arrive, ambush, fly, ride, spot, •check, guard ● perambulation, round, beat, circuit || squad, troop, detachment, unit


n adj civil, public, domestic, indentured, faithful, black, loyal, humble, obedient, suffering noun house, master, •girl, household, slave, hall, politician, worker, career•, employee verb bring, send, •carry, hire, treat•, employ, act, order•, dismiss, •clear ● domestic, retainer, help


n adj civilian, merican, heavy, high, military, mass, low, only, allied, possible noun war, number•, property•, •rate, percent, report, force, •side, •figure, damage verb suffer•, inflict•, become•, cause, avoid•, minimize•, mount, reduce•, result, expect ● injured person, wounded person, dead person, fatality || victim, sufferer, subject, target


n adj classical, modern, live, atin, traditional, contemporary, cool, smooth, classic noun music, •musician, •band, •festival, blue, •club, •singer, rock verb play, listen•, perform, sing, feature, record, invent•, •mingle, •waft ● stuff, gear, things || nonsense, rubbish, rigmarole || liveliness, vivacity, enthusiasm


n adj clean, wet, damp, white, hot, folded, cold, cool noun paper•, hand, dish•, kitchen•, head, bath•, face, beach•, •rack, hair verb wrap, throw•, place, dry, cover•, hang, •wipe, grab•, drape, drop• ● cloth, bath towel, bath sheet, hand towel, guest towel, tea towel


n adj clear, good, early, strong, only, positive, slight noun •surgery, •trouble, sort, •ongress, •progress, •tonsillectomy, advance verb give•, provide•, •intend, interpret•, yield•, constitute•, summarize• ● sign, suggestion, signal, hint, warning, clue


n adj clear, hot, reserved, thick, excess, flammable, remaining, cold, natural, boiling noun cup, cooking•, gas, water, glass, solid, food, bottle, heat, pan verb add, absorb, pour, cook, •evaporate, •reduce, drain•, stir, drink•, discard ● fluid, water, liquor, juice, solution


n adj clenched, right, closed, left, tiny, tight, gloved noun hand•, •air, iron•, face, table, arm, side, eye, finger, •mouth verb clench, raise•, shake•, slam•, close, put•, hit, bang•, punch, smash ● fistful, handful, bunch, wad || hand, paw, knuckle, duke


n adj closed, endless, inner, continuous, outer, scenic, double noun feedback•, belt•, trail, road, wire, mile, line, string, tape, rope verb throw•, close•, create, form, unroll, tie, pull, complete•, catch, twist ● ring, circle, coil, twist, circlet, hoop


n adj closer, visual, nuclear, close, international, onsite, full, final, environmental, previous noun •team, weapon•, •service, system, safety•, health•, food•, •regime verb allow•, conduct, pass•, •reveal, require, perform, permit•, carry, fail, resume ● review, examination, check, scrutiny, checkup, going-over


n adj cognitive, digital, central, visual, parallel, auditory, mental, emotional noun information, word•, •plant, data•, food•, •system, image•, •facility, signal• verb require, involve, occur, handle, increase, facilitate•, reduce, engage•, •cost, control


n adj cold, stale, light, clammy, nervous, dried, honest noun face, •forehead, bead•, •brow, night•, shirt, blood, body, •eye, smell• verb break, wipe•, feel, •run, drip, work•, soak•, drench•, glisten, •pour ● perspiration, fluid, secretion, moisture, dampness, wetness


n adj colored, yellow, red, sharp, pastel, sharpened, mechanical, stubby noun paper, pen, pad, •eraser, drawing, •skirt, graphite•, •sketch, line, •sharpener verb use•, write, hold•, put•, sharpen•, draw, pick•, tap, mark


n adj commercial, international, online, private, financial, federal, retail, central noun •system, investment•, •industry, •committee, business, house•, •firm, mitigation• verb offer, expand•, conduct•, combine, reform•, •collapse, separate, chair ● investment, lending, finance, funding, backing, financial transactions


n adj commercial, local, recreational, bass, avid, artisanal, native, individual, apanese, ardent noun •wharf, fish, hunter•, sport•, farmer, water, salmon, lake, fishery, trout• verb catch, sell, •cast, fly•, gather, rescue, land, •haul, employ•, restrict


n adj common, bitter, freezing, hot, hard, cold, extreme, wet, icy, damp noun winter, water, •flu, ice, air, wind, heat, snow, infection, stone verb feel•, catch•, shiver•, cause, •snap, prevent•, suffer, •seep, •freeze, brave• ● coldness, chill, chilliness, frost || common cold, head cold, flu, influenza


n adj common, full, shared, basic, very, essential, modern, suffering noun crime•, habitat•, nature, rest•, future, history, whole, sense, genocide, piece• verb commit, deny, save, face, recognize, benefit•, destroy•, •survive, unite, diminish ● humankind, people, human race, mortality || kindness, charity, compassion, sympathy


n adj common, golden, thin, single, loose, black, metallic, red, strong, narrative noun needle, silk•, fabric, cotton•, spool•, silver, gold, end, •count, number verb hang, weave, pull, lose•, •connect, pick•, tie, follow, sew, spin• ● cotton, cord, yarn, strand || idea, drift, gist, sequence


n adj common, human, early, distant, direct, ancient, dead, frican, female, native noun spirit, land, name, od, •worship, generation, century, bone•, ndian, ritual verb •live, honor•, share•, evolve, represent•, •settle, •fight, •survive, inherit•, trace ● forebear, antecedent, forefather, predecessor || forerunner, precursor, predecessor, progenitor


n adj complex, giant, complicated, interesting, intricate, intriguing, wooden noun piece, crossword•, jigsaw•, •master, edition•, game, book, •editor, answer, word verb solve, play•, put, join, fit, present, remain, complete•, assemble, finish• ● mystery, enigma, riddle, conundrum, poser, problem


n adj comprehensive, nuclear, federal, smoking, total, outright, proposed, constitutional noun test•, abortion, weapon, •treaty, assault, •gay, marriage, export, •use, import verb lift, support•, impose, enforce•, pass, end•, violate, oppose•, uphold•, restrict ● prohibition, veto, bar, injunction, court order, embargo


n adj considerable, total, moral, general, apparent, utter, mass noun lot•, circle•, state•, fear, source•, anger, chaos, frustration, identity, pain verb cause•, create•, add•, lead•, avoid•, result, •surround, arise, clear•, •reign ● bewilderment, perplexity, puzzlement || misperception, misunderstanding, mix-up || disorder, chaos, turmoil || embarrassment, awkwardness, disorientation


n adj constant, painful, daily, stark, grim, powerful, only, vivid, gentle, quick noun •past, e-mail, •postcard, letter, •mortality, •card, encouragement, medication• verb serve•, need, send, provide•, offer•, issue•, fill• ● cue, aide-mémoire, notice, prompt || souvenir, token, memento, knickknack


n adj constant, traveling, longtime, female, senior, male, faithful, perfect, faint noun •animal, star, friend, book, •piece, dinner•, •program, prairie• verb travel•, choose•, introduce, glance, accompany, evaporate, remark, •shrug, murder•, image• ● friend, buddy, mate, chum || escort, attendant, fellow traveler


n adj constitutional, proposed, clean, balanced-budget, subsequent, organic, flag-burning, substitute, antiabortion noun right, budget•, •protection, clause, marriage, court, issue, freedom, speech, case verb pass, protect, violate•, •require, support•, offer, •ban, •allow, vote•, propose ● alteration, adjustment, modification, revision, change, improvement


n adj content, internal, external, concurrent, predictive, convergent, discriminant noun reliability, evidence, study, construct•, test, measure, scale, instrument, criterion•, face• verb establish, demonstrate, assess, support, provide, examine, •refer, depend, relate ● cogency, rationality, legitimacy, soundness || legality, authority, legitimacy, authenticity


n adj cooperative, natural, logical, agricultural, full, two-year, one-year, five-year, direct, indefinite noun contract•, •service, •cord, life, leg, program, •agent, hip•, research, knee verb sign•, grant, file•, support•, seek•, represent•, oppose•, •expire, strengthen, •protrude ● additional room, addition, lean-to || expansion, enlargement, lengthening || extra time, postponement, delay


n adj corporate, economic, social, wooden, evolutionary, tall, socioeconomic noun rung•, career•, top•, rope•, bottom•, •truck, fish•, company, roof, •success verb climb•, move•, •lead, reach, stand, descend, fall, step•, pull, scramble• ● ranking, tree, pecking order, standings || stepladder, folding ladder, loft ladder, roof ladder


n adj corporate, guilty, financial, criminal, widespread, outright, electoral, academic noun charge, security•, case, •abuse, mail•, conspiracy, bank•, tax, count•, waste verb commit, involve, convict•, investigate•, accuse•, allege, expose•, •occur, face, claim ● deception, scam, scheme || dishonesty, deceit, deception || impostor, charlatan, hoaxer


n adj corporate, principal, national, lympic, major, chief, official, potential, primary, local noun bill, state•, •terrorism, program, team, project, title•, money, •legislation, fund verb •include, •pay, sign, seek, attract•, •encourage, support, line, •donate, photograph• ● backer, guarantor, patron, promoter, champion, benefactor


n adj creative, comic, musical, artistic, eccentric, mathematical, evil noun stroke•, •grant, boy•, kind•, marketing•, artist, computer•, •award, myth•, talent verb •figure, consider•, recognize, •lie, •lay, admire, possess, declare, •invent, proclaim ● mastermind, prodigy, whiz kid, brain || brilliance, intellect, brains, smarts


n adj criminal, federal, successful, key, selective, malicious, aggressive, vigorous noun •case, witness, defense, evidence, •team, immunity•, crime, investigation•, trial, jury verb •prove, argue, face•, testify, avoid•, •present, •rest, claim, escape•, grant• ● trial, action, suit, examination, hearing, tribunal


n adj cultural, merican, ancient, ndian, native, historical, human, religious, frican, early noun collection, museum, art, site, culture, history, photograph, image, thousand•, past verb collect, contain, sell, examine, preserve, date, fill•, remove, identify•, •belong ● object, objet d'art, manufactured object, article, manufactured article, item


n adj cultural, merican, national, rich, frican, common, ethnic, natural, proud, religious noun •foundation, world•, part•, •site, culture, history, •center, museum, family, language verb preserve•, celebrate•, share, protect•, reflect, maintain•, reclaim•, promote, •date, embody ● inheritance, legacy, tradition, birthright, custom, culture


n adj cultural, ultimate, so-called, complete, classic, lonely, lone, disgraced noun insider, •art, status, perspective, artist, community, view, presence•, contact• verb feel•, might, run, consider, remain•, treat•, enter, welcome•, threaten, rely• ● stranger, foreigner, unknown, interloper, outcast, recluse


n adj democratic, presidential, open, gubernatorial, contested, mayoral noun epublican•, new•, state, caucus, party, voter, week, candidate, election, vote verb win•, hold, lose, enter•, defeat, focus, choose, challenge•, •determine, include


n adj daily, essential, certain, extra, adequate, multiple, sufficient noun •mineral, calcium, protein•, supplement, source•, acid, deficiency, level, antioxidant, food verb take•, contain•, •help, add, prevent, •reduce, eat, fortify•, absorb, pack•


n adj dark, blind, right, nearby, deserted, darkened noun bowling•, back•, street, end•, •night, tin•, building, •cat, •theater, wall verb walk, run, lead, pass, disappear•, enter•, head, duck•, park•, line ● side street, back street, lane, side road


n adj dark, curly, remote-control, electronic, remote, double, outer, virtual, stray, biometric noun door, key, •hair, eye, trigger•, •stock, air•, safety•, •box, •step verb open, change, turn, pick, break, check•, click, push, close, release ● security device, padlock, dead bolt, combination lock || curl, tuft, wisp, tress


n adj dark, long, underground, narrow, main, concrete, deep, secret, dank noun end•, wind•, bridge, wall, •syndrome, •vision, subway•, light, entrance, train verb •lead, dig, build, enter•, walk•, emerge•, connect, fill, disappear, link ● channel, passageway, subway, shaft || burrow, hole, warren, earth


n adj dark, mammoth, deep, nearby, underwater, prehistoric, shallow, secret noun wall, mouth, entrance, •painting, mountain, bat, snow•, floor, rock, wind verb live•, hide, explore, enter•, discover, crawl•, visit•, sleep, •belong, occupy ● cavern, hollow, grotto, pothole, fissure, cavity


n adj dark, roomy, domestic, spacious, dim, quiet, deep, soft, vast noun department•, secretary•, ministry•, minister•, car, exterior, building, leather•, sun, island verb design, paint, reveal, feature, decorate, light, probe•, •contain, expose ● inside, core, heart, center


n adj dead, male, giant, normal, dirty, fat, cornered, drowned noun pack, mouse, mole•, •race, lab•, •hole, •poison, kangaroo•, •ass verb eat, feed, smell•, •scurry, catch, kill, cause, crawl, jump, gnaw ● swine, rascal, scoundrel, good-for-nothing, rogue, traitor


n adj dear, almighty, loving, reek, triune, merciful, indu noun love, ord, work, heaven, war, sun, fire verb thank•, know, •bless, believe•, think, see, pray•, create, ask, •forbid ● deity, spirit, divinity, supernatural being, idol


n adj deep, complete, religious, total, official, outright, categorical, flat, systematic noun state•, •right, •service, care, •attack, form•, •access, deception, self, •reality verb issue•, result, appeal•, recommend•, repeat•, constitute, justify•, •stem, persist ● refutation, disavowal, rejection || refusal, deprivation, withholding || renunciation, disavowal, rejection


n adj deep, dark, ultramarine, pale, bright, light, better, cerulean, traditional, soft noun rhythm•, sky, jazz, red, •singer, color, navy•, baby• verb play, sing•, wear•, paint•, mix, range•, chase•


n adj dense, thick, tropical, concrete, urban, remote, green, central noun •gym, •fever, mountain, law•, animal, •canopy, •floor, tree, trail, island verb live, hide•, emerge, climb, welcome•, flee•, escape, crash ● tropical forest, rain forest, forest, wilderness || tangle, muddle, maze, mess


n adj designated, pristine, vast, remote, laskan, anadian noun •area, •society, park, acre•, mountain, land, •act, forest, •experience, mile verb preserve, designate•, protect•, hike, wander•, cry•, explore, surround, comprise ● wilds, rough country, backwoods, wasteland, desert, boonies


n adj dietary, low, excess, liquid, excessive, increased, reduced noun cholesterol•, milligram•, fiber, carbohydrate, fat•, protein, •gram, potassium, •channel, •chloride verb contain•, reduce•, lower, consume, load•, detect•, •flavor, restrict•, •render


n adj differential, early, medical, clinical, psychiatric, accurate, initial, definitive, correct noun •treatment, cancer, year•, patient, disorder, disease, doctor, symptom, age•, depression verb make, confirm, receive•, •base, include, establish, support, accept•, obtain, vary ● analysis, judgment, finding, verdict, opinion, conclusion


n adj digital, creative, still, contemporary, underwater, black-and-white, infrared noun color•, art, gear•, painting, director•, film, nature•, news•, aerial•, book verb teach•, study•, enjoy, •capture, promote•, pursue•, •exhibit, specialize•, concentrate, •convey ● cinematography, filmmaking, picture making, shooting, camerawork


n adj digital, traditional, large, standard, packed, instructional, similar, electronic, binary, current noun file•, response•, data, video, group, item, lecture•, presentation, interview•, content verb follow, change, present, •allow, offer, choose, •require, support, adopt, save ● arrangement, setup, presentation, plan, organization, layout


n adj dire, accurate, true, early, future, theoretical, significant, correct, optimistic, general noun model, result, accuracy, climate, weather•, •outcome, analysis, variable, data, test verb make•, base, support, confirm, contribute•, •prove, improve•, match, derive, differ ● forecast, guess, calculation, estimate || forecast, guess, calculation, estimate


n adj direct, following, famous, favorite, exact, interesting, wonderful noun stock•, end•, price•, news, couple•, reporting•, source, insurance, dealer verb •contain, read•, update•, attribute, illustrate, refer, state, cite•, obtain•, paraphrase ● quotation, citation, line, passage || estimate, price, costing, quotation


n adj diversified, average, entire, professional, overall, electronic, personal, senior, balanced noun stock, •manager, investment, fund, assessment, bond, company, loan•, growth, •management verb include, diversify•, build•, hold, manage, invest, create•, develop, buy, •contain ● case, folder, file, wallet || range, collection, selection, group


n adj divine, amazing, sweet, cheap, holy, athletic, effortless, sacramental, spiritual, supernatural noun •period, fall•, coup•, beauty, nature, grace, dignity, style, •pressure, gift verb fall•, sanctify•, save, lack•, deliver, pray, grant•, possess•, transform, lend ● elegance, refinement, loveliness || kindness, kindliness, decency || blessing, prayer, thanks


n adj divine, artistic, original, creative, sudden, spiritual, greatest noun source•, artist, moment•, painting, design, information, other, song, flash•, past verb find•, draw•, provide•, serve•, seek•, •strike, receive, derive, gain•, motivate ● stimulus, spur, motivation || creativeness, inventiveness, brilliance || idea, insight, flash


n adj divisional, final, consecutive, straight, suddendeath, past, home-field, wild, semifinal, memorable noun •game, team, season, •spot, •series, •victory, •loss, state•, •appearance, •race verb make•, win, miss•, lose, play, reach•, clinch•, force•, end, finish ● final, final round, semifinal, quarterfinal, tiebreaker, competition


n adj double, pointed, strong, sharp, cleft, bearded, pointy noun hand, nose, eye, •chest, head, cheek, hair, finger, shoulder, lip verb lift•, rest, rub•, tuck, raise, scratch•, stroke•, tilt, jut, drop ● jaw, jawbone, jowl, jawline, mouth, chops


n adj double, snap, live, blue, abandoned, deadly, magnetic, fat, optical noun •door, booby•, sand•, crab•, death•, lobster•, tourist• verb fall•, set, catch, use, avoid•, lay, escape•, spring, shut, haul ● trick, ruse, snare, deception, con, ploy


n adj double-edged, two-edged, short, flaming, magic, ceremonial, bloody noun hand, blade, hilt, shield, samurai•, arm, fire•, •fight, •scabbard, •sheath verb draw•, hold, raise, swing•, carry•, fall, hang, pull•, wield•, •cut


n adj double-wide, flatbed, semi, cramped, airconditioned, rented, camp noun •park, truck, house, tractor•, home, boat•, horse•, door, back, •court verb live•, pull, tow, buy•, haul, rent, enter• ● clip, preview, promo, ad, advert


n adj dual, digital, current, optimistic, financial, low, economic, rear, long-term, recent noun year, screen, population, •system, power, budget, image, •booth, video•, cost verb base, •slide, exceed•, represent, display, compare•, revise, cite, rely•, employ ● forecast, plan, prognosis, estimate || outcrop, protuberance, bulge, protrusion


n adj early, evangelical, western, orthodox, traditional, atholic, rotestant noun udaism, slam, religion, history•, conversion•, form•, attitude• verb convert•, embrace, accept, reject, adopt•, preach, spread, promote, emphasize, •flourish


n adj early, positive, ethnic, personal, strong, religious, specific, organizational noun •number, process, •card, problem, system, •procedure, level•, team, form• verb require, lead•, include, base, allow, indicate, carry•, facilitate•, obtain, correlate ● recognition, classification, naming || , papers, documentation || empathy, sympathy, affinity


n adj eastern, western, southern, northern, contemporary, classic, lone noun merican, apanese, frican, century, ndian, arrival•, contact• verb •arrive, become, bring, •begin, agree, dominate, encounter, meet, favor, regard


n adj easy, brisk, comfortable, normal, guided, fast, continued, level noun •stick, •tour, •shoe, exercise, activity•, street, •program, •distance, •speed, mile verb keep•, start•, stop•, continue•, begin, resume•, enjoy, pace, practice•


n adj economic, bad, deep, severe, mild, current, global, recent noun economy•, year, end, unemployment, war, inflation, rate, •depression, growth, nation• verb hit, cause, head•, slip•, suffer•, affect, avoid•, hurt, mire•, •last ● slump, downturn, collapse, decline, depression, stagnation


n adj economic, cultural, local, international, mass, regional, increased, sustainable, aribbean noun industry, development, business, travel, office, trade, space•, •official verb promote•, increase, develop, contact•, boost•, encourage, affect, support ● travel, vacation industry, leisure industry, service sector, holiday business


n adj economic, good, leading, key, important, social, best, reliable, early, better noun performance, health, quality, success, development, index•, •light, use, change, data verb include, provide, serve•, •suggest, develop, •point, base, define•, examine, •rise ● pointer, needle, gauge, dial, display, meter


n adj economic, medical, modern, minor, alive, near, greatest, absolute noun •worker, •cure, •drug, •boy, kind•, •baby verb •happen, work•, perform•, believe•, expect•, hope•, pray•, •occur, witness•, produce ● wonder, phenomenon, marvel, sensation, vision, dream


n adj economic, sexual, external, visual, fiscal, social, environmental, auditory, short-term, specific noun •package, response, stimulus, •plan, •material, condition, type, effect, presentation, participant verb provide, present, respond•, process, react•, attend•, elicit, perceive, •associate, activate ● incentive, spur, inducement, impetus, provocation, motivation


n adj economic, social, political, regional, academic, global, vertical, racial, full, cultural noun process, system, school, technology, level•, community, •economy, market, policy, development verb achieve, promote•, require, support•, involve, facilitate•, •occur, encourage, reflect, improve ● addition, mixing, incorporation, combination, amalgamation, assimilation


n adj economic, sonic, recent, dot-com, postwar, current, loud noun baby•, year, •box, oil•, •generation, •time, building• verb hear, click•, fuel, hit, experience•, enjoy•, cause, ride•, •last, •transform ● bang, roar, explosion || pole, arm, bracket || growth, increase, rise


n adj healthy, disordered, good, emotional, bad, healthful, poor noun •habit, •disorder, food, •pattern, •behavior, •plan, exercise, weight, drinking verb stop•, finish•, start, keep•, develop•, associate


n adj economic, total, political, social, complete, civil, utter, controlled noun order, •theory, war, confusion, violence, anarchy, kind•, midst•, disorder verb create•, bring, cause, lead, •follow, •reign, descend•, throw•, result, •ensue ● disorder, confusion, bedlam, anarchy, pandemonium, commotion


n adj economic, uropean, annual, two-day, successful, presidential noun •meeting, president, leader, week, world, budget•, mountain, •conference, •mount, foot verb hold, reach•, attend•, host•, convene, climb•, sign, sponsor, arrange•, •collapse ● top, pinnacle, apex, acme || conference, meeting, summit meeting, talks


n adj educational, local, original, regular, special, gifted, object-oriented, cultural, religious noun •language, television•, child, computer•, cable, network, , hour•, news, education verb provide, offer, develop, produce, require, broadcast, interrupt•, •consist, transmit, block• ● software design, program design, program writing, user interface design, software development


n adj effective, primary, secondary, school-based, tertiary, healthy, universal, clinical, smoking noun disease•, control•, •program, pollution•, treatment, education, intervention, •effort, cancer•, •strategy verb focus, implement, conduct, emphasize•, aim, address, promote ● deterrence, anticipation, preclusion, stoppage || obstacle, hindrance, bar, impediment


n adj elaborate, native, ndian, bathing, cheap, medieval, goofy noun •designer, alloween•, •jewelry, set, •design, •party, •contest verb wear, dress•, sew•, feature, fit, clad•, •consist, portray, resemble ● clothes, clothing, getup, regalia, dress, outfit


n adj electric, acoustic, bass, classical, panish, battered, six-string noun •player, steel•, music, drum, song, string, rock, •case, air•, band verb play•, sing, strum•, pick, bring•, teach, accompany, tune


n adj electric, submersible, black, centrifugal, dry, hydraulic, available, efficient, mechanical, double noun water, gas•, heat•, price, air, fuel•, station, vacuum• verb operate, prime•, install, wear, •feature, replace, •deliver, •suck, remove, connect•


n adj electric, warm, heavy, thick, wet, soft, thin, blue, extra, woolen noun pillow, bed, sheet, wool•, security•, baby, •shoulder, beach•, snow, •chest verb wrap•, cover, pull, lay, spread, throw, sit, drape ● coverlet, cover, covering, over-blanket, bedspread, electric blanket


n adj electronic, early, conservative, congressional, liberal, weighted, computerized noun •right, •record, •machine, •booth, •act, •system, •bloc, member, percent•, election verb consider•, prevent•, influence•, extend, affect•, abstain•, lower•, restore, •consist ● polling, casting your vote, balloting, going to the polls


n adj empty, heavy, brown, sad, gunny, huge, defensive, hacky, bulging, sleeping noun paper•, flour, potato, burlap•, stuff•, •season, grocery, plastic•, lunch, •game verb carry•, allow, hold, fill, lead, drop•, hit•, throw, open, hang ● postbag, mail sack, mailbag, bag, satchel, delivery bag


n adj empty, underground, cozy, comfortable, communal, sizable, tidy noun •egg, bird•, cuckoo•, eagle•, love•, •site, rat• verb build•, find, leave•, return•, protect, •contain, guard•, place, feather•, •collapse


n adj environmental, federal, full, regulatory, voluntary, international, patient, strict, behavioral, complete noun •law, program, cost, •standard, state, •regulation, •requirement, •rule, rate, •officer verb ensure•, monitor•, bring•, achieve•, enforce•, require, force•, report, reduce, vary ● obedience, acquiescence, agreement, submission || conformity, fulfillment, observance, accordance


n adj environmental, marine, biological, tropical, integrated, community-based, ecological noun energy•, water•, wildlife•, resource, soil•, program, development, biodiversity, habitat•, management verb promote•, encourage, require, focus, support, protect, contribute•, •reduce, relate•, prioritize• ● upkeep, preservation, maintenance, protection, management, safeguarding


n adj ethical, moral, social, real, difficult, common, similar, current, terrible, personal noun prisoner•, solution•, security•, policy, answer•, design•, choice, conflict, •simultaneity, type verb face, pose, resolve•, present, solve•, create, confront, deal, address, involve ● quandary, tight spot, atch-, predicament, impasse, problem


n adj ethnic, genetic, racial, heavy, chemical, psychological, physical noun •artist, hair, eye, face, clothes, skin, mirror, •bag, costume, jewelry verb wear•, put•, apply, change, remove•, touch, reflect•, smear, alter, blend ● cosmetics, face paint, greasepaint || composition, constitution, structure || temperament, character, personality


n adj ethnic, nuclear, average, wealthy, fluent, advancing, born, diminutive, illiberal, imperious noun merican, •krainians, rench, erman, majority•, generation• verb •live, fight, kill, beat•, •move, •build, •begin, •send, deal, •claim


n adj exotic, young, professional, male, best, principal, topless, go-go, traditional, masked noun ballet•, singer, musician, choreographer, belly•, company, tap•, stage, music, artist verb •perform, watch, dance, •wear, train, feature•, hire, clad, •spin, admire• ● ballet dancer, professional dancer, ballerina, danseur, danseuse, prima ballerina


n adj faint, only, human, slight, visible, lingering, remaining, mere, bare noun •element, •metal, •amount, •evidence, •gas, •mineral, •accent, •smile, •irony, •fat verb leave•, find•, show•, contain•, vanish•, disappear•, •remain, remove•, carry•, discover ● suggestion, hint, dash, drop || sign, indication, evidence, remnant


n adj fallen, daily, hollow, heavy, split, rotting, raw, rotten, rustic noun •cabin, web, •home, house, fire, •book, wall, phone•, •text, computer verb keep, build, sit, cut, roll, lay, fall, burn, pull, check• ● record, journal, diary, notes, minutes, daybook


n adj far, human, scientific, future, personal, planetary, robotic, initial noun space•, oil•, gas•, •production, •development, commitment, area, program, career•, identity verb begin, encourage•, allow•, continue•, drill, •reveal, permit•, warrant•, invite•, spur ● traveling, journeying, discovery, adventure || examination, survey, search, investigation


n adj far, industrial, rural, upper, razilian, impoverished, extreme noun mile•, state, •corner, city, region, area, center, •coast, •corridor, river verb locate•, head•, lie, blow, travel•, dominate, stretch, lag


n adj far, shrill, sharp, loud, muffled, anguished, plaintive, soft, strangled, piercing noun •help, rallying•, battle•, baby, war•, •pain, boy•, •freedom verb hear•, give•, listen•, utter•, stop, rally•, respond•, ignore•, •fill, answer ● call, shout, exclamation, yell, scream, shriek


n adj fast, narrow, left, right, dark, passing, slow, single noun traffic, bike•, car, road, memory•, country•, shipping•, sea•, victory• verb drive, add, change•, open, walk•, close, cross•, block, swerve•, head ● traffic lane, left lane, fast lane, inside lane, passing lane, right-hand lane


n adj faster, central, multiple, single, fast, main, embedded, neural noun food•, word•, blender, bowl, •blade, •pulse, •metal, data, puree, computer verb use, •add, •fit, •combine, •whirl, •blend, transfer, contain, operate, •generate ● computer, , mainframe, supercomputer, workstation,


n adj fat, sorry, dumb, nice, bare, smart, sweet, ****ing, skinny, stupid noun pain•, rat•, kick•, piece•, horse•, tit•, •jail, •gear, shit, thigh verb get, kiss•, save•, haul•, bust•, cover•, ****•, laugh, bet•


n adj fatty, folic, sulfuric, lactic, salicylic, nitric, hydrochloric noun amino•, •rain, stomach, vitamin, level, •test, alpha•, effect, oil, soil verb contain•, produce, cause, reduce, form, drop•, neutralize•, prevent, burn, dissolve


n adj federal, environmental, criminal, independent, unconstitutional, general, common, various, relevant, proposed noun •limitation, state, law, court, counsel•, provision, right, interpretation•, language, purpose verb •require, •provide, enact, pass, apply, •allow, •prohibit, violate, interpret•, protect ● decree, act, law, ruling, edict, bill


n adj federal, environmental, financial, top, uropean, tough, chief, lax, sole, potent noun state•, government•, bank, security•, company, banking•, pressure•, insurance• verb approve, require, allow, •investigate, seize, file, complain, urge, push, close ● watchdog, controller, supervisory body, manager || device, valve, mechanism, controller


n adj federal, key, local, epublican, congressional, legislative, top, liberal, veteran, longtime noun state, year, bill, •party, group, house, ongress, official, lobbyist, week verb urge•, •consider, •vote, •approve, lobby•, •agree, •debate, push, face, force ● lawgiver, legislator, policymaker


n adj federal, national, private, matching, generous, direct, annual, educational, nonprofit, additional noun program, research•, block•, state, loan, •money, government, fund, land•, •proposal verb receive•, support, award, provide, fund, apply•, state, obtain•, •study, •total ● funding, scholarship, endowment, allowance, contribution, donation


n adj federal, ndian, national, central, assistant, statistical, ustralian noun census•, •chief, •, •statistics, •investigation, new, visitor•, •land, •management, •labor verb •report, contact•, establish, •estimate, head•, •welcome, cite, oversee, administer•, •project ● government department, agency, office || chest of drawers, dresser, chest || writing desk, desk, writing table


n adj federal, packed, criminal, empty, crowded, hushed, mock noun camera•, •day, judge, •drama, trial, jury, lawyer, juror, scene, testimony verb sit•, leave•, walk•, enter•, allow•, testify, •erupt, gather•, •explode, •hush


n adj federal, safe, large, direct, natural, fatty, checkable, vast, money-market, minimum noun •insurance, bank, certificate•, •box, account, •corporation, oil, security•, mineral•, fund verb pay, insure•, leave, require, form, cover, contain, accept•, collect•, protect• ● credit, payment, sum || security, guarantee, pledge || sediment, residue, dregs


n adj fellow, frequent, international, foreign, weary, uropean, registered, seasoned, experienced, popular noun business•, time•, world, •check, air•, thousand•, space•, hotel verb offer, •arrive, cater•, •visit, fly, attract•, •seek, lure•, •cross, aim• ● itinerant, traveling worker, ew ge traveler, nomad || tourist, vacationer, holidaymaker, passenger


n adj fellow, hiite, moderate, neighboring noun unni•, ew, sraeli, •uslim, alestinian, ulf, conflict verb •live, kill, fight, •remain, •support, accept, hate, urge•, unite, seek


n adj fellow, lympic, longtime, veteran, injured, onetime, consummate, bald, anonymous noun coach, friend, game, team, player, support, season, college•, football•, field verb join, pass, •score, beat, trust, yell, tease, celebrate, cheer, joke ● colleague, co-player, partner, captain, fellow player


n adj female, male, full-time, advanced, four-year, upper-level, first-year noun •student, •education, •degree, •program, course, college, •major, study, graduate, year verb teach, enroll, complete, receive, offer•, earn•, include, prepare


n adj final, grim, dogged, fierce, sheer, accurate, preliminary, initial noun courage•, court, eligibility•, strength•, sex, self•, will, energy, factor, drive• verb make, require, allow•, demonstrate•, •succeed, reflect•, involve, express•, •prove ● strength of mind, willpower, resolve, purpose, fortitude, grit


n adj final, original, feminine, female, cursive, prepared, written, othic, funny noun movie•, shooting•, film, screening•, writer, page, actor, copy•, show, sequence• verb write, read•, follow•, send•, rewrite, develop, stick•, omit•, contain, co-write ● screenplay, play, text, libretto || writing, handwriting, calligraphy, cursive


n adj final, physical, medical, rectal, annual, written, pelvic, oral, digital, thorough noun student, entrance•, school, bar•, state•, •room, score, college, •year, breast• verb take•, pass•, fail•, prepare•, study•, require, cram•, finish•, •reveal, •assess ● examination, test, assessment, paper, question paper, oral exam


n adj final, short, fresh, yellow, woven, dirty, chopped noun •hat, •poll, man, •bale, •mat, pine•, plastic, bag, leaf, •basket verb wear•, •break, grasp•, draw•, cover, set, stick, win•, blow, stuff• ● grass, hay, stubble, chaff


n adj final, universal, early, initial, genetic, medical, newborn, private noun test, cancer•, •process, •room, •program, film, •script, health•, •procedure, •tool verb provide, offer, attend•, require, complete, receive, undergo•, •reduce, measure, •consist ● show, showing, viewing || broadcast, showing, transmission || selection, inspection, assessment || inspection, testing, examination


n adj flash, great, devastating, major, catastrophic, massive, annual, sudden noun •insurance, water, •plain, river, •damage, •victim, •stage, •protection verb cause, bring•, destroy, sweep, wash, •recede, unleash•, control•, trigger•, release• ● deluge, overflow, inundation, downpour || abundance, glut, excess, stream


n adj fluorescent, single, incandescent, hanging, electric, used, overhead, compact, dark, shaded noun table, light, oil•, street•, desk•, kerosene•, floor•, shade, bedside• verb turn•, switch•, •burn, hang, cast, illuminate, •glow, •flicker, pick•, blow ● uplighter, floor lamp, spotlight, spot, table lamp, bedside lamp


n adj foreign, apanese, merican, total, ritish, increased, full, dependent, expensive, middle noun oil•, export, percent, country, restriction, tariff, food, duty, •substitution, car verb increase, ban•, reduce, rise, restrict•, impose•, allow, •account, compete, exceed ● introduction, importation, ingress || significance, importance, consequence || introduction, importation, ingress || significance, importance, consequence


n adj foreign, major, big, fierce, tough, main, closest, direct, nearest, apanese noun market, company, business, customer, price, advantage•, industry, product, sport, technology verb buy, beat•, sell, face, compare•, eliminate•, •enter, force, gain, match ● contestant, participant, entrant, player, opponent, challenger


n adj free, online, whole, messy, complete, entire, electronic, comprehensive, full-color noun exhibition, seed•, company, mail-order•, page, card•, order, product, library, essay verb offer, include, sell, list, publish, •describe, send, •feature, •contain, buy• ● list, directory, file || list, index, register || set, collection, list


n adj fresh, bright, brilliant, frozen, burnt, sliced, calcium-fortified, fresh-squeezed noun •juice, cup, apple•, red, lemon, agent•, tablespoon, glass•, cadmium, color verb add, mix, combine•, compare•, paint•, glow•, pick, hang


n adj fresh, cooked, hot, dried, homemade, wholewheat, angel-hair, parmesan noun sauce, salad, •dish, rice, water, vegetable, bread, cup, tomato, cook verb add, toss, serve, drain•, eat•, prepare, boil, combine


n adj fresh, grated, little, dried, medium, minced, preserved, light, sweet, warm noun •juice, tablespoon, teaspoon, cup, zest, oil, salt, •peel, sugar, slice verb add•, grate, squeeze•, stir, serve, combine•, taste, garnish•, cook, •prevent ● dud, jalopy, nonstarter, no-hoper, failure, flop


n adj frozen, local, grilled, fresh, leftover, cold, refrigerated noun slice, •crust, •parlor, cheese, •dough, •box, •delivery, pasta, pepperoni•, •place verb eat•, order•, deliver, serve, bake, pick, sell, taste


n adj full, cheerleading, lympic, whole, paramilitary, traveling, flying, cheering noun •car, death•, firing•, police, bomb•, •leader, •room, member, rescue• verb fire•, lead, send, face, execute, join, form, organize•, •finish, track ● group, squadron, team, crew, company, gang


n adj full, empty, little, clean, tight-fitting, sterilized, ceramic, cool, sealed, airtight noun glass•, water, cookie•, lid, ason•, pickle, canning•, jelly, butter, food verb fill, open•, hold, cover, place, set, •contain, store, shake, sterilize• ● pot, container, vessel, crock, urn, cruse


n adj full, finished, dark, unfinished, damp, dank, tiny, cramped noun room, church, house, door, •apartment, garage, floor, office, stair, •window verb live•, finish•, hide•, fill, flood, store•, clean•, locate•, enter, hang ● cellar, vault, crypt, lower ground floor


n adj full, nuclear, hot, cold, powerful, sudden, atomic, initial, huge noun bomb•, •air, shotgun•, •furnace, •wind, •wave, horn, site, fire, •past verb kill, hear, die•, cause, survive•, injure, •occur, destroy, •knock ● explosion, detonation, discharge, flash, flare, gust


n adj full, open, dark, front, empty, closed, built-in, electrical, mirrored noun •door, walk-in•, bedroom, clothes, room, back•, hall•, broom•, shelf, linen• verb hang•, hide•, clean•, close, rummage•, shut, stay, store, step, •smell ● boxroom, storeroom, cubbyhole, spare room, attic, loft


n adj full, unspeakable, mock, absolute, sheer, growing, utter noun •story, •movie, •film, •show, face, look•, shock• verb watch•, hear•, stare•, realize, fill•, react•, imagine, recoil•, freeze•, •unfold ● fear, dismay, revulsion, shock, disgust, repulsion


n adj full, western, key, smooth, perfect, wooden, extreme, huge, powerful, violent noun mood•, •voter, •state, •vote, porch•, golf•, •set verb take•, sit•, •hit, hang, •miss, cause, control, •shift, improve, finish• ● swipe, slap, punch, thump, blow, strike


n adj full, white, thick, main, dead, dark, wooden, green, hollow, isometric noun tree, car, branch, steamer•, foot, •lid, bag•, back, elephant•, arm verb open, pop, close, slam•, lean•, carry, load•, hide, shut, throw ● stem, bole, stalk


n adj future, numerous, visiting, surviving, great-great, lost noun child•, •great-grandchildren, grandparent, daughter•, son, parent, sister•, generation verb raise•, •live, grow, visit, enjoy, care•, dote•, benefit, spoil•, baby-sit•


n adj general, medical, social, reflective, public, private, rural, early, religious, mental noun nurse•, health•, researcher, family•, work•, care•, solo•, student verb help, provide, •develop, train, suggest, consult, •agree, •seek, recommend, assist ● doctor, medical practitioner, general practitioner, , physician, consultant


n adj general, national, legislative, final, entire, constitutional, provincial noun •line, state•, •plant, member, speaker, nation, constituent•, election, school, seat verb elect, pass, require, adopt, approve, •vote, address, convene, attend, organize ● gathering, coming together, meeting || meeting, get-together, assemblage || legislative body, legislature, council || construction, building, compilation


n adj globular, open, large, dense, distant, double, tight, individual, similar, blue noun star, galaxy, •analysis, flower, •bomb, member, •office, •building, core, peer• verb form, •contain, lie, identify, produce, surround, consist, gather, group, observe ● bunch, group, collection, band, gathering, constellation


n adj golden, entire, terrestrial, celestial, green, blue, shattered noun part•, snow•, corner•, •award, •nomination, columnist, reporter, editor, map, glass• verb travel•, circle•, span•, spread•, •report, publish, circumnavigate•, spin, sweep•, scour• ● sphere, ball, orb, world, earth, rondure


n adj good, aerobic, daily, full, cardiovascular, short, better, total-body, total, upper-body noun day, cardio•, weight, exercise, •schedule, morning•, body, •routine, muscle, •clothes verb miss•, follow, finish•, design, skip•, increase, wear, improve, complete•, plan ● exercise session, exercises, training, aerobics || test, road test, trial, run


n adj good, big, little, short, hearty, nervous, throaty, bitter, loud, deep noun •line, lot•, smile, •track, belly•, •riot, •cry, barrel• verb make•, get•, give•, hear, add•, share•, stifle•, force•, feel, bark• ● fun, joke, teasing, giggle, hoot, game


n adj good, lame, poor, perfect, convenient, sorry, valid, legitimate noun explanation, •failure, sort•, justification, abuse, list•, •inaction verb make•, use•, give•, find•, provide•, •avoid, stop, accept•, •ignore, invent• ● reason, justification, explanation, pretext, defense, apology


n adj good, short-order, excellent, serious, southern, busy, hinese, assistant, avid, amateur noun minute, heat•, home•, prep•, pot, camp•, ship•, gourmet•, •helper, waiter verb •stir, add•, •turn, cover, •whisk, clean, watch, serve, name, eat ● chef, cordon bleu, sous-chef, commis chef


n adj good, social, individual, guilty, moral, religious, bad noun freedom•, matter•, religion, reason•, nation, liberty•, voice•, pang•, prisoner•, crisis• verb vote•, follow•, bother, examine•, act, ease•, clear•, shock•, trouble, permit ● scruples, principles, ethics, integrity, sense of right and wrong, morality


n adj good, young, male, female, active, average, sympathetic, casual, regular, long-time noun radio, speaker, reader, music, viewer, performer, challenge•, •conversation, song, •line verb tell•, hear, remind•, •understand, draw•, invite•, urge•, encourage•, •respond, perceive ● hearer, auditor, radio listener, audience member, audiophile, eavesdropper


n adj grand, big, top, international, prestigious, ultimate, literary, coveted, nifty noun •winner, peace•, •money, year, award, •physics, cash•, •literature, consolation•, •chemistry verb win•, receive•, offer, share•, earn•, claim•, honor, •total, •elude, •adorn ● award, reward, trophy, accolade, honor


n adj grand, upright, classical, electric, acoustic, digital, live noun •lesson, player, music, •concerto, key, •teacher, •bench verb play, sit•, sing, study•, teach, perform, practice•, sound, •tinkle


n adj gray, lone, howling, hungry, northern, anadian, ravenous noun medicine•, pack, man, bear, dog, boy, sheep, •hunt, animal, correspondent• verb kill, cry•, howl, catch, reintroduce, shoot, •roam, trap, •attack, chase ● asanova, on uan, omeo, othario, womanizer, philanderer


n adj great, apparent, increasing, increased, growing, average, seeming noun ability, •risk, •sacrifice, teacher, court, attitude•, individual, public, capacity verb show•, •pay, demonstrate•, indicate•, •accept, express•, •participate, •engage, •share, •consider ● readiness, inclination, will, preparedness || enthusiasm, alacrity, motivation, eagerness


n adj great, certain, bitter, cruel, ultimate, tragic, sad, final noun sense•, •situation, humor, trace•, bit•, hint•, paradox, touch• verb •lose, note•, point•, appreciate•, laugh•, miss, recognize•, •escape, enjoy• ● satire, sarcasm, dryness, mockery || paradox, incongruity, fatefulness, contrariety


n adj great, economic, civil, very, enormous, ongoing, bitter, heated, shimmering, eerie noun •war, •crisis, •chaos, •campaign, •depression, •revolution, •debate, •crowd, •battle, •recession verb live•, stand•, occur•, explode•, land•, pause•, situate• ● middle, center, heart, focus, core, hub


n adj great, economic, political, scientific, future, strict, considerable, verbal noun risk, •principle, fear, level•, lot•, condition•, period•, sense, situation, degree• verb create, reduce•, •surround, face, add•, remain, cause, •exist, remove•, express ● doubt, indecision, hesitation, vagueness, ambiguity, insecurity


n adj great, full, infectious, initial, contagious, youthful, renewed, unbridled, popular noun energy, lack•, student, lot•, interest, level, excitement, project, passion verb share•, show•, dampen•, generate, lose•, express•, curb•, greet•, •wane, inspire ● eagerness, interest, fervor, passion || craze, interest, hobby, passion


n adj great, high, increased, maximum, strong, low, future, significant, estimated noun •success, behavior, use, •sex, •war, •conflict, increase, •event, •ratio, •method verb •will, reduce•, decrease•, assess•, enhance•, determine•, associate•, indicate• ● probability, possibility, prospect, chance, chances, odds


n adj great, historical, better, pinpoint, scientific, factual, diagnostic, technical noun •speaker, •word, percent, level, degree•, speed, data, test, rate, information verb guarantee•, improve•, check•, increase•, ensure•, assess•, determine, provide•, depend, demonstrate• ● correctness, accurateness, exactness, precision, truth, truthfulness


n adj great, increasing, social, human, cognitive, political, cultural, growing, increased, full noun system, level•, •life, issue, size•, task, •relationship, diversity, depth, cost verb understand•, add•, increase, reduce•, reveal•, recognize•, capture•, illustrate•, •arise, ignore• ● difficulty, intricacy, complication, involvedness, density, convolution


n adj great, mass, international, seasonal, black, urban, internal, massive, annual, rural noun pattern, •route, history, labor•, process, study, bird, population, period, rate verb follow, •occur, lead, facilitate•, encourage•, associate•, enable•, prevent•, contribute, •flow ● relocation, immigration, passage, exodus, movement, journey


n adj great, moral, political, personal, extraordinary, tremendous, physical noun strength, •conviction, lot•, act•, profile•, •determination, integrity, badge•, wisdom, •fire verb have•, take, give•, find•, show, gather•, muster•, summon•, lack•, •speak ● bravery, guts, nerve, pluck, valor, daring


n adj great, new, deep, aesthetic, better, deeper, full, cultural noun understanding, art, music, capital•, price•, nature, history, •value, •culture, lack• verb express•, show•, gain•, develop•, enhance•, foster•, extend, promote• ● thanks, gratitude, indebtedness || approval, admiration, positive reception || understanding, grasp, comprehension || rise, increase, escalation


n adj great, only, narrow, possible, daring, easy, quick, attempted noun fire•, •route, •hatch, means•, •attempt, •plan, •clause verb make•, offer•, seek•, provide•, block, prevent• ● seepage, leakage, leak || flight, getaway, break || diversion, distraction, pastime


n adj great, personal, major, greatest, proud, significant, important, past, individual, impressive noun sense•, feeling•, pride•, record•, list•, goal, level•, achievement, task, •administration verb celebrate•, recognize, consider, achieve, acknowledge, highlight•, honor•, praise•, •derive ● completion, execution, carrying out, finishing || feat, achievement, triumph, success


n adj great, political, local, individual, personal, cultural, relative, institutional, economic, regional noun degree•, state, independence, freedom, satisfaction•, faculty, level•, sense•, value, need• verb give•, grant•, enjoy•, maintain•, preserve•, seek•, achieve, gain•, support•, protect ● independence, self-government, self-rule, sovereignty


n adj great, public, deepest, personal, certain, deep, international, genuine, profound noun lot•, empathy, •victim, expression•, understanding, support, •devil, •card, lack•, compassion verb feel•, express•, show•, offer•, gain•, win•, extend•, elicit•, •lie, inspire ● understanding, compassion, kindness || pity, commiseration, condolences || approval, agreement, support


n adj great, regulatory, maximum, increased, local, considerable, financial, operational noun strength, state, •analysis, degree•, need•, freedom, lot•, endurance, design, cost verb give•, allow, provide, offer•, increase•, show•, improve, require, maintain•, demonstrate• ● suppleness, litheness, elasticity, give, plasticity, springiness


n adj great, vast, dark, sheer, massive, huge, extra noun •work, •money, weight, material, food, tissue, •population, •sales, product, •fund verb buy•, provide•, sell•, spend•, add•, account•, carry•, constitute•, •block ● size, mass, volume || form, body, weight || greater part, main part, best part


n adj green, huge, scary, terrible, ugly, alien, twoheaded, green-eyed, hideous noun sea•, movie, kind•, •truck, cookie•, •storm, •bed, •buck, bone•, •mask verb create•, kill, fight•, •eat, •lurk, destroy, chase, •devour, slay•, •threaten ● fiend, ogre, beast, brute, giant, freak


n adj grilled, boneless, fried, barbecued, smoked, pulled noun •chop, beef, •tenderloin, chicken, •loin, •barrel, salt, pound•, •roast, •sausage verb eat•, serve, add, cook, cut, place•, remove, cover, brown


n adj grilled, chicken-fried, thick, fried, rare, juicy, raw, country-fried noun •house, flank•, dinner, chicken, sauce, •potato, beef•, strip, •knife, tuna• verb eat•, cook, cut, serve, place•, grill, order•, •sizzle


n adj grilled, cold, fresh, favorite, peanut-butter, halfeaten, green, toasted, delicious, tasty noun cheese•, salad, butter•, peanut•, chicken•, turkey•, ham•, tuna•, •shop verb make, eat•, serve, order•, bring•, buy, finish•, munch•, sell•, place ● snack, club sandwich, double-decker, hoagie, submarine, roll


n adj growing, increasing, enormous, recent, widespread, increased, personal, rising, immense noun •contest, president•, •rating, poll, sport, reason•, height•, rise•, level•, surge• verb gain•, grow, enjoy•, increase, soar, explain•, win•, lose•, decline, wane ● admiration, approval, acceptance, fame, status, reputation


n adj growing, sexual, deep, pent-up, enormous, increasing, mounting, intense noun anger, sense•, level, feeling•, source•, lot•, disappointment, rage, confusion verb express•, feel, vent•, experience, lead, understand•, deal, cause, •build, shake• ● prevention, hindrance, blocking, foiling || irritation, disturbance, annoyance, vexation


n adj guilty, criminal, black, federal, corporate, individual, potential, particular, indigent, attractive noun case, court, right, trial, jury•, plaintiff, lawyer, evidence•, judge, action verb find•, convict, represent, allow, name•, •plead, claim, prove, deny, •face ● perpetrator, offender, respondent, suspect, culprit


n adj guilty, unanimous, final, not-guilty, split, just, official noun jury•, case, trial, court, juror, death, murder, reaction•, •form, history verb reach•, read, return•, render, hear•, announce, deliver, overturn, wait•, appeal• ● decision, judgment, finding, result, outcome, ruling


n adj hanging, full, woven, empty, easy, wooden, winning, game-winning, round noun egg•, •case, picnic•, fruit, wicker•, laundry•, bread, ball, gift•, wire• verb fill, carry•, hold, weave, set, place, hang, lift•, •contain, line ● bag, hamper, picnic basket, linen basket, wicker basket, shopping basket


n adj happy, closed, traditional, annual, wonderful, memorable, healthy noun day, •dinner, •hristmas, turkey, holiday, •weekend, •parade verb spend•, celebrate•, cook, eat, prepare, close•, •feature, shop•


n adj happy, one-year, golden, upcoming, centennial, approaching, tragic noun year, wedding•, celebration, •death, day, •birth, week, birthday, •party, •edition verb celebrate•, mark•, commemorate•, approach, observe•, honor•, forget• ● birthday, centenary, bicentenary, centennial, bicentennial, wedding anniversary


n adj hard, favorite, crushed, delicious, homemade, handmade, stale noun •bar, •store, cotton•, •cane, piece•, kid, •wrapper, chocolate, box, eye• verb eat•, sell•, buy•, steal•, place, throw, suck, melt, chew, taste


n adj hard, floppy, compact, herniated, solar, optical, flat noun •drive, computer•, •space, accretion•, file, galaxy, data, •jockey, plastic, surface verb form, surround, appear, •contain, store, save•, remove, rotate, spin, flatten•


n adj hard, foreign, common, single, uropean, local, national, convertible noun market, dollar, , exchange, value, rate, •crisis, devaluation, comptroller•, bank verb gain•, devalue, issue, stabilize•, earn, convert•, introduce, float, •appreciate, circulate ● money, coins, legal tender, notes || prevalence, frequency, popularity, vogue


n adj healthy, exotic, beloved, wild, favorite, virtual, lost, cute noun •owner, •store, •food, dog, •project, family, •shop, •peeve verb keep, allow, feed, sell, treat, care•, own•, adopt, protect•, •wander ● animal, domesticated animal, tame animal || sulk, huff, pique || favorite, darling, treasure || dear, love, darling


n adj heavy, fierce, intense, ultimate, recent, ethnic, bitter, factional noun •force, •man, day, war, •chance, •vehicle, week, •spirit, street•, month verb stop, continue, end, •begin, •break, kill, die, flee•, •erupt ● combat, hostility, unrest, warfare, violence, war


n adj heavy, high, human, emotional, electronic, terrible, personal, physical, economic, civilian noun death•, •road, •booth, bridge, •authority, •plaza, highway, lane, •collection verb take•, pay•, exact•, •rise, •reach, raise•, •climb, •mount, collect, estimate ● fee, tax, charge, levy || peal, ring, ding-dong, clang


n adj high, assistant, associate, acting, regional, interim, agricultural noun county•, police•, state, insurance•, baseball, city, deputy•, new, board•, office verb appoint, act•, •vote, •decide, •approve, •announce, elect, name, hire, •order ● official, officer, representative, administrator


n adj high, broad, damp, pale, smooth, wide, sweaty noun hand, hair•, sweat•, eye, cheek, nose, face, line, lip, glass verb kiss•, wipe•, touch, rub•, press, fall•, wrinkle, lean•, crease, place•


n adj high, low, average, sustainable, current, annual, recent, long-term, maximum, total noun •serving, percent, crop•, bond, dividend•, fund, stock, price, convenience•, •curve verb increase, produce•, serve•, fall, reduce, offer•, rise, desire•, improve•, bond• ● harvest, crop, produce, vintage || profit, earnings, income, revenue


n adj high, low, current, average, increased, critical, increasing, total noun population•, bone•, energy•, mineral•, area, temperature, matter, size, electron, increase verb measure, reach, reduce, decrease, determine, maintain•, vary, support, •exceed, •range ● thickness, compactness, mass, concentration, bulk, solidity


n adj high, low, daily, healthy, lethal, heavy, single noun radiation, drug, vaccine, patient, •vitamin, study, •medication, •reality, •medicine, distribution verb take•, give•, receive•, need, administer, deliver, increase, reduce, •cause, exceed ● amount, quantity, dosage, measure || bout, spell, period, attack


n adj high, low, due, positive, special, significant, particular, scant, enormous noun •party, •consequence, lack•, •truth, respect, •gender, •ethnicity, affection verb hold•, note, act•, demonstrate•, pursue•, display•, retain•, attribute• ● look, stare, gaze, glance || respect, esteem, favor, affection


n adj high, low, economic, massive, official, growing, chronic, mass noun •rate, percent, •benefit, inflation, •insurance, poverty, problem, level, job, economy verb rise, •fall, reduce•, •remain, increase, extend•, •drop, cause, collect•, experience• ● joblessness, job loss, idleness, redundancy


n adj high, low, emotional, great, light, moderate, physical, increasing, negative, equal noun level, energy•, exercise, frequency, duration, color, activity, pain, •feeling, anxiety verb increase, vary, reduce•, measure, reach, determine, decrease, indicate, focus, adjust ● strength, concentration, power, passion, amount, greatness


n adj high, low, increased, agricultural, economic, lost, increasing, primary noun growth, gain, worker, increase, labor•, quality, cost, rate, loss, improvement verb improve•, boost•, reduce, raise•, rise, enhance•, decline, affect•, focus, contribute ● output, efficiency, yield, production, throughput


n adj high, religious, great, low, political, racial, cultural noun zero•, level, risk, policy, pain, •ambiguity, respect, diversity, understanding, glucose• verb show•, promote•, develop•, teach•, require, build•, increase, advocate•, characterize, extend ● broad-mindedness, open-mindedness, lenience, acceptance, forbearance, charity


n adj high, rising, low, red, incoming, brown, growing, ebbing noun •pool, wind, ocean•, flood•, ebb•, wave, •boat, beach, sea, •line verb turn, stem•, rise, sweep, •lift, •wash, swim•, carry, ride•, cause ● current, flow, surge, wave, drift, stream


n adj high, wooden, narrow, exposed, low, main, single, powerful, heavy, x-ray noun laser•, •light, flashlight, electron•, ceiling, steel•, balance• verb use, focus, shine, sweep, •hit, shoot, support, direct, send, produce ● girder, rafter, joist || ray, sunbeam, shaft of light || grin, smile, wide smile


n adj high, yellow, typhoid, scarlet, rheumatic, hemorrhagic, low-grade, mild noun night•, •pitch, hay•, pain, symptom, jungle•, chill, headache, cabin•, malaria verb run, cause, catch•, die•, reach•, develop•, break, include• ● temperature, infection, disease, illness || passion, fervor, excitement, agitation


n adj high-school, academic, passing, eighth-grade, secondary, expected, required, actual, sixth-grade noun •rate, school•, year, college, •ceremony, requirement, student, day verb attend•, follow•, require•, celebrate•, miss•, complete•, near, •violate ● advancement, completion, promotion || award ceremony, ceremony, graduation day || mark, division, line || calibration, division, measurement


n adj historic, national, local, historical, famous, major, natural, cultural, architectural noun •case, city, •study, •decision, court, building, •ruling, •legislation, •book verb pass, designate•, build, point•, recognize, visit, preserve, search•, •loom, •vanish ● marker, sight, attraction, sign || breakthrough, milestone, revolution, innovation


n adj historical, enduring, colonial, political, cultural, lasting, greatest, rich noun part•, family•, life, •slavery, father, apartheid, system, generation, •carrier verb leave, continue, carry•, create, build, pass, preserve•, inherit, overcome•, reflect• ● bequest, inheritance, heirloom, heritage || relic, hangover, vestige, remnant


n adj holy, little, full, deep, ****ing, crazy, stupid, sick, sorry, dumb noun piece•, dog•, pile, •fan, hell, chicken•, dude, piss verb give•, beat•, scare•, ****, eat•, pull, •hit, smell•, kick, shoot


n adj homecoming, frican, reigning, evil, undisputed, wicked noun king•, •mother, beauty•, •bee, •soul, prom•, majesty•, •conch verb save•, crown, name, knight•, reign, celebrate, honor, feature, greet, hail• ● monarch, sovereign, ruler, crowned head || icon, ideal, star, doyenne


n adj homemade, economic, baked, perfect, humble, favorite, prepared noun apple•, pumpkin•, piece•, •crust, pecan•, •plate, cream, •pan, slice•, pot• verb bake, eat•, serve, fill, cook, place, cover, throw, prepare, •cool ● patty, pastry, meat pie, pasty || tart, tartlet, pastry, quiche


n adj honest, online, real-estate, full-service, local, cultural, prime, retail, traditional, independent noun estate•, power•, mortgage•, stock, insurance•, discount•, •deal, company, •peace, ticket• verb sell, buy, act•, represent, •estimate, •charge, hire, •handle, invest, contact• ● trader, agent, dealer, negotiator, stockbroker


n adj honorable, mere, special, brief, only, specific, very, passing noun •name, •service, •product, •trade, award, •print, -shirt•, winner, •ribbon, •religion verb make, deserve•, receive•, hear•, include•, omit•, avoid• ● reference, indication, discussion, remark, allusion, comment


n adj hot, clean, burning, black, solid, glowing, medium-hot, dirty, domestic, brown noun •mine, •miner, oil, gas, •plant, •mining, •company, •industry, fuel, power verb burn, produce, generate, carry•, convert•, rake•, cook, shovel•, heat, •account


n adj hot, cold, separate, quick, warm, outdoor, bridal, heavy noun meteor•, •curtain, room, water, head, bathroom, •stall, baby•, bath, tub• verb take•, turn, step•, sing, hit, throw, wet•, finish, •last, •rinse ● bath, wash, dip || cascade, burst, deluge || cloudburst, downpour, storm


n adj hot, light, spinning, connecting, nuclear, threaded, short, spent, wooden, divining noun lightning•, fishing•, steel•, •tip, metal•, fuel• verb become•, bend, pull, carry, grab•, spin, connect, spare•, fly, drop• ● bar, pole, stick, shaft, dowel, fishing rod


n adj hot, private, warm, public, urkish, shared, boiling-water, ritual noun bedroom•, water, room, bed, bubble•, master•, kitchen, shower, •towel, tub verb take•, give•, run, draw•, soak, share, feature, relax, •smell, emerge• ● immersion, soak, steam bath || bathtub, tub, hip bath || tank, basin, reservoir


n adj hot, trivial, relentless, intellectual, academic, individual, active, common, aggressive, singleminded noun •happiness, liberty•, •truth, goal, •knowledge, •justice, leisure•, •excellence, team, •pleasure verb continue•, follow, engage•, abandon•, encourage•, facilitate•, devote•, justify• ● chase, hunt, search, quest || hobby, recreation, activity, pastime


n adj hot, white, bright, blinding, sudden, red, blue, quick, green, brilliant noun •light, lightning, news•, eye, camera, night, •pan, •anger, •insight, •fire verb see•, show•, catch, illuminate, fill, explode, cause, reveal, disappear, reduce ● blaze, spark, flare || jiffy, instant, second || news flash, bulletin, announcement


n adj hot, wood-burning, electric, cast-iron, potbellied, portable, backpacking noun wood•, gas•, pot, kitchen, water, refrigerator, heat, fuel, burner, fire verb cook, turn, stand, burn, light, build, stoke•, place ● cooktop, hot plate, oven, range, cooker, hob


n adj hristian, moral, systematic, practical, feminist, political, natural, trinitarian, contemporary, religious noun liberation•, school•, professor, philosophy, church, science, history, study, practice, religion verb teach, argue, •emerge, express, embrace, emphasize, construct•, reject, •affirm, stress ● divinity, religion, religious studies, doctrine, dogmatics, spirituality


n adj hristian, religious, military, atholic, legal, comprehensive, moral, traditional, modern noun church, trust•, •faith, congregation•, scheme•, court, war, power, •creation, •practice verb apply, teach, base, develop, argue, preach, reject•, violate•, maintain, impose ● policy, principle, set of guidelines, canon, dogma, rule


n adj human, female, male, sexual, adolescent, teenage, healthy, emerging noun woman, gender, •education, issue, attitude, study, class, research, relationship, race verb explore•, understand•, express, control•, relate•, deal•, teach•, emphasize, bind


n adj human, fractured, thick, full, complete, tiny, soft, bald noun bone, base, back•, brain, fracture, top•, hole•, •crossbone, •cowboy, piece verb crush, crack•, open, smash, fill, suffer•, penetrate•, grin, belong ● mind, brain, head, noggin, noddle, pate


n adj human, great, personal, greatest, happy, future, eternal noun pursuit•, life, health•, love, joy, money•, peace, satisfaction, success, feeling• verb find•, bring•, buy•, pursue•, achieve, wish•, seek•, •depend, •consist, •elude ● contentment, pleasure, gladness, cheerfulness, joy, glee


n adj human, great, personal, quiet, equal, inherent noun sense•, right, person, honor, freedom, death•, worth, grace, value, being verb treat•, maintain•, die•, restore•, lose, respect, preserve•, uphold•, •constitute ● self-respect, self-esteem, poise || formality, gravity, solemnity || nobility, worthiness, worth


n adj human, great, personal, willing, ultimate, necessary, shared, ritual, financial, upreme noun •fly, animal•, blood•, war, kind•, willingness•, lot•, courage, •cannibalism, commitment verb make, require, offer, involve, demand•, perform, honor, entail, prepare, save ● expense, detriment, disadvantage, cost || martyr, sacrificial victim, ransom, victim


n adj human, individual, artistic, musical, creative, implicit, entrepreneurial, intellectual, spontaneous noun student, intelligence, imagination, innovation, theory•, art, skill, thinking, teacher, energy verb encourage•, require, stifle•, teach, enhance•, foster•, develop, promote•, describe, inspire ● originality, imagination, inspiration, ingenuity, inventiveness, resourcefulness


n adj human, major, economic, relative, greatest, inherent, potential, physical, individual, moral noun strength•, sign•, muscle, system, area, moment•, control, economy, •lack, pain verb show•, identify, exploit, expose•, reveal•, overcome, point•, discuss, demonstrate, •spread ● flaw, fault, chilles' heel || frailty, feebleness, flimsiness || powerlessness, vulnerability, defenselessness || fondness, liking, taste || faintness, softness, dimness


n adj human, maternal, parental, extra, personal, genuine, sudden noun sun, body, light, love, fire, comfort, food, sense, color, skin verb feel•, add•, provide•, bring•, spread, enjoy•, radiate, bask•, exude•, •flow ● balminess, temperateness, heat || friendliness, cordiality, warm-heartedness || friendliness, hospitality, cordiality || enthusiasm, eagerness, earnestness


n adj human, soft, white, dead, sweet, pink, bare, burning, tender, rotting noun •blood, bone, skin, word•, •tone, spirit, body, color, bit•, piece• verb eat•, cut•, tear, press•, rip, touch, •hang, burn, scoop•, pierce• ● tissue, soft tissue || skin, surface || meat, beef || pulp, pulpiness || relatives, family || body, flesh and blood || substance, details


n adj human, tough, tall, main, neural, fresh, existing noun •cell, •research, leaf, brain•, adult•, •line, •end verb cut, remove, grow, discard, trim, create, produce, derive, break, contain ● stalk, shoot, trunk, twig, branch


n adj hydroelectric, small, earthen, low, proposed, huge, major, federal, concrete, inflatable noun river, water, construction, •project, lake, reservoir, road, •site, building, lock• verb build, break, construct, remove, complete, generate, release, destroy, breach, repair• ● barrier, block, wall, boom, weir, barrage


n adj hypodermic, clean, fine, sharp, tiny, thin, used, dead, safer, dry noun pine•, pin•, •arm, •exchange, eye, •haystack, thread, •stick, •program, •aspiration verb use, insert, inject, place, drop, pull, pierce, jab, pass, sew ● pointer, hand, indicator || spine, spike, prickle, barb


n adj ill, relative, great, practiced, apparent, greatest, equal, natural, surprising noun •use, mind•, •access, speed, •movement, comfort, installation, convenience, •pain, tension verb put•, feel•, seem•, help•, reflect, demonstrate•, accomplish•, •boost ● effortlessness, easiness, simplicity, straightforwardness || comfort, luxury, affluence


n adj integrated, short, federal, electrical, closed, judicial, printed, complex noun •court, •judge, •board, county•, •breaker, decision, lecture•, •training verb •rule, complete•, hit•, ride, travel•, race•, connect, control, repeat•, blow ● route, track, trail, path || tour, trip, route, journey


n adj immaculate, human, traditional, popular, modern, original, particular, liberal, common, virginal noun •nature, moment•, artist•, •art, •citizenship, •history, •knowledge, •justice, birth, teacher verb begin•, develop, reflect•, •occur, prevent•, expand•, embrace•, reveal• ● comprehension, understanding, grasp || idea, notion, concept || beginning, start, outset


n adj immediate, clinical, male, direct, postal, female, nursing noun board•, county•, teacher, university•, music•, student, election, district, program, service verb speak•, report, approve, complain, train, cooperate, •fire, promote, •vote, act ● manager, administrator, superintendent, controller, overseer, director


n adj important, only, visual, tantalizing, obvious, vital, slight, crucial noun •nature, search•, police, •past, context•, puzzle, trail•, •cause, •meaning, •character verb have•, give•, provide•, look•, find, offer•, leave, •lead, reveal, pick ● sign, hint, evidence, inkling, suspicion, trace


n adj incoming, fellow, top, talented, promising, lowly, high-school noun •year, •class, college, school, •sophomore, season, student, •guard, point, team verb play, redshirt•, teach•, enter, arrive, finish, enroll, complete•, •average, •suck


n adj industrial, humanoid, mobile, autonomous, giant, alien, remote-controlled noun •arm, machine, killer•, computer, •dog, factory, technology, maintenance• verb use, build•, send, design, create, control, •name, •pick, replace, construct ● automaton, android, machine, computer, mechanical device


n adj informed, parental, written, unanimous, sexual, mutual, governed, presumed, common noun •form, •decree, advice•, parent, participant, patient, age•, procedure, study, •agreement verb give•, obtain, sign•, require, inform•, provide, •participate, write•, return•, allow ● agreement, accord, consensus, harmony || permission, approval, say-so, assent


n adj inner, right, left, upper, low, outer, fat, thin, skinless, front noun hand•, leg, hip, muscle, knee, chicken•, calf, •bone, inside•, head verb slap•, press, touch, rest•, rub, spread, stroke•, face, cover, place


n adj instant, scientific, moral, institutional, perceived, academic, added noun •problem, issue, witness, lot•, •gap, loss•, •public, source, legitimacy verb lose•, give•, undermine•, establish•, lend•, gain•, damage•, restore•, destroy•, lack• ● trustworthiness, reliability, integrity, authority, standing, sincerity


n adj institutional, instructional, overall, relative, organizational, long-term, perceived noun program, study, teacher, intervention, safety, cost•, research, measure, treatment, strategy verb evaluate•, determine•, assess•, improve•, increase•, demonstrate•, enhance•, examine•, reduce, depend ● efficiency, efficacy, success, use, usefulness, helpfulness


n adj interdisciplinary, successful, international, close, professional, effective, creative, active noun teacher, community, research, project, communication, process, cooperation, opportunity, agency, partnership verb work, develop, require, involve, encourage•, promote•, facilitate, foster•, enhance, support ● cooperation, teamwork, partnership, association, alliance, relationship


n adj international, dramatic, involved, heroic, daring, massive, failed, emotional noun operation, •team, •worker, •mission, •effort, search•, •squad verb come•, help•, •arrive, send•, ride•, wait•, save, rush•, mount ● release, liberation, saving, salvage


n adj international, major, heavy, global, online, electronic, multilateral noun •partner, day, •system, insider•, •company, stock, •post verb establish, engage•, promote•, account, resume, limit, charge•, permit•, extend•, dominate ● interchange, exchange, transaction, swap, swapping, substitution


n adj international, open, widespread, private, transracial, available, foster, domestic, legal, gay noun child, •agency, baby, intercountry•, law, •process, technology, program, policy, birth verb lead•, place•, consider, promote•, facilitate•, encourage•, choose•, finalize, prevent, state ● acceptance, implementation, espousal, taking on, embracing, approval


n adj international, potential, big, major, living, anonymous, foreign, western, single, rich noun organ, egg, sperm, blood, •country, aid, •recipient, cell, marrow•, money verb •contribute, seek•, match, sign, choose, identify•, fund, screen, disclose•, •pledge ● giver, contributor, benefactor, patron, supporter, subscriber


n adj international, supply-side, trickle-down, neoclassical, agricultural, applied, ecological noun professor, politics, law•, school•, science, business, home•, degree•, market•, history verb teach, study•, major•, apply, specialize, •dictate, dominate, revolutionize•, concern, •supplant


n adj investigative, yellow, tabloid, literary, responsible, daily, explanatory noun school, professor, award, career, excellence•, degree, •review, broadcast• verb teach•, study•, practice, print•, major•, graduate• ● reporting, reportage, broadcasting, commentary, writing, recording


n adj jealous, full, blind, violent, murderous, late, sudden, impotent, current, pent-up noun road•, face, fit•, frustration, anger, pain, grief, fear, tear, •despair verb feel, fly•, become•, fill•, express, scream, vent•, shake, explode, boil ● fury, anger, wrath, temper, ire, frenzy


n adj joint, new, commercial, successful, cooperative, foreign, late, risky, golden, profitable noun •capital, •capitalist, business•, •firm, company, partner, •fund verb form•, invest, launch, finance, involve, •fail, enter•, announce, pursue•, succeed ● business enterprise, undertaking, scheme, project || undertaking, course, endeavor, project


n adj joint, successful, effective, full, actual, initial, practical, proper, existing noun program, policy, development•, plan, design•, system, strategy, project, process, •intention verb require, support•, follow•, ensure•, monitor•, delay•, facilitate•, increase, focus, enhance ● application, carrying out, putting into practice, operation, employment, execution


n adj jumping, thick, heavy, knotted, tight, braided, coiled noun end•, hand, jump•, •neck, velvet•, foot, •ladder, length•, piece•, nylon• verb tie, pull, hold, hang, climb, attach, grab•, throw, skip•, bind ● cord, line, cable, lead, twine, string


n adj juvenile, developing, gestational, adult-onset, insulin-dependent, severe, developed noun type•, disease, people•, blood, risk•, cancer, pressure, patient, •association, obesity verb diagnose•, develop, prevent•, treat•, control, suffer•, cause, increase, •account


n adj lame, wild, unlimited, black, rubber, dead, odd, roasted, diving noun goose, wood•, •hunting, pond, chicken, •breast, •hunter, •season, head, •egg verb sit•, shoot, hunt, quack, walk, feed, •fly, •dodge, •waddle, •swim


n adj large, entire, apanese, whole, ritish, foreign, rench, panish, combined noun •, fishing•, ship, car, vehicle, truck, sea, aircraft, bus, air verb build•, operate, •sail, send, join•, command, maintain, expand, arrive, •land ● navy, flotilla, armada, convoy, task force, marine


n adj large, fresh, grilled, white, fried, cooked, jumbo noun pound•, crab, salad, chicken, fish, sauce, •boat, •fishery, •cocktail, scallop verb add•, cook, peel, serve, eat•, stir, place, snap•, taste, top


n adj large, high, wide, small, gross, slim, net, huge, average, comfortable noun profit•, •error, victory, percent, safety, operating•, vote, •society, •call verb win•, operate•, increase, provide•, maintain•, push•, •shrink, relegate•, narrow, •decline ● boundary, border, brim, sideline || surplus, room, leeway, allowance


n adj large, huge, small, substantial, undisclosed, considerable, total, individual, equal, tidy noun •money, lump•, •part, score, payment, dollar, •square, •rule, item, tax verb pay, spend, invest, receive, raise•, offer, divide, earn•, exceed, average ● calculation, addition, computation, summation || amount, quantity, entirety, totality


n adj large, major, big, institutional, individual, longterm, happy, current, existing, single noun company, •value, fund, •lawsuit, •meeting, return, percent, money, board, •activism verb approve, pay, own, file, maximize•, protect•, benefit, deliver•, represent, •reject ● stockholder, bondholder, owner, stakeholder, investor


n adj large, major, leading, big, foreign, main, available, primary, independent, dominant noun customer, company, part, equipment, water•, oil, price, auto, business, employee verb pay, buy, •sell, •offer, choose, require, ship, purchase•, link, order ● dealer, contractor, provider, trader, seller, merchant


n adj large, personal, excess, low, self-report, just-intime, entire, quick, moral noun item, •control, system, personality•, style•, depression•, •management, anxiety•, cost, •level verb take•, keep, complete•, reduce, build, maintain, list, •consist, •assess, release• ● list, record, account, register || stock, array, supply, range


n adj large, social, public, small, annual, informal, recent noun •place, family•, intelligence•, information, •spot, •storm, news•, hunting•, party verb attend•, speak•, host•, organize, address•, invite•, •feature, ban•, aim, arrange• ● meeting, assembly, congregation, crowd, gettogether, jamboree


n adj large, total, individual, fresh, dairy-free, daily, whole, single, hot, -tablespoon noun •time, cup, •bowl, yield•, •dish, vegetable, •plate, •platter, •table, •pound verb eat•, transfer•, place, arrange, •contain, pour, consume•, •cook, recommend ● portion, helping, plateful, ration, quota, allocation


n adj large, working, sprawling, modest, threebedroom, wild, neighboring, suburban, fourbedroom noun •house, cattle•, farm, family, •hand, dude•, guest verb buy•, live•, own, visit•, manage•, purchase•, bet•, surround, hunt, •border ● farm, stud, estate, farmstead, hacienda, rancho


n adj left, red, right, grappling, treble, single, baited, barbless noun line, fish, phone•, •sinker, coat•, meat•, metal•, dough•, •back, •shot verb let•, hang, set, ring•, bait, catch, attach, remove, dangle, push ● peg, hanger, nail, knob, catch, fishhook


n adj left, right, broken, thin, sore, sprained, bare noun hand, arm, ankle, finger, watch, elbow, slap•, shoulder, flick•, bracelet verb grab•, hold, break, bind, •pull, cut, slit•, wear, catch•, bend


n adj light, amniotic, cerebrospinal, spinal, hydraulic, clear, excess, seminal noun body, flow, •dynamics, blood, •motion, •mechanic, heat, movement, pressure, transfer verb drink•, fill, drain, cause, leak, replace, pump, produce, collect, •drip ● liquid, solution, water


n adj light, high-speed, top, bottom, front, wooden, heavy noun •line, •system, •car, commuter•, road, side•, bus, •service, •yard, •station verb lean•, ride•, stand, build, cut, connect, grab•, •link, climb•, grip• ● bar, railing, handrail, banister, support, barrier


n adj lightweight, thin, heavy, heavy-duty, shiny, recycled, polished noun •foil, frame, steel, •can, plastic, •tube, •fork, glass, pan, sheet verb cover•, wrap•, contain•, replace, cast, construct•, recycle•, •prevent


n adj literal, original, simultaneous, foreign, direct, loose, rough, accurate, correct noun language, text, ible, process, address•, •service, •program, •software verb lose•, provide, publish, read, appear, complete, preserve, render, survive•, •accommodate ● conversion, paraphrase, version, rendition, interpretation


n adj little, audio, short, fast, quick, annual, brief, rapid, faster noun video•, paper•, film•, movie, show, look•, hair, money•, news•, •art verb begin•, end•, play, watch•, listen•, pull, empty•, check•, remove•, •depict ● excerpt, passage, extract, quotation || fastener, pin, staple, paperclip


n adj little, historical, medieval, interracial, modern, budding noun •novel, love, sex, office•, adventure, marriage, summer•, mystery, friendship, •writer verb read•, •last, blossom, rekindle, pursue•, combine, •bloom, inspire•, celebrate, •fade ● amorousness, love || relationship, love affair || allure, excitement || fascination, enthusiasm || love story, romantic story || adventure story, adventure || fantasy, story || short piece of music, song


n adj little, thin, infinite, endless, exaggerated, considerable, enormous, incredible noun time, lot•, virtue, perseverance, persistence, skill, love, practice, understanding, tolerance verb lose•, require, need•, run, try, learn•, show•, wait, •wear, test• ● endurance, staying power, stamina, persistence || tolerance, forbearance, imperturbability, fortitude


n adj little, tiny, wooden, favorite, beautiful, broken, living, rubber, sleeping noun rag•, baby•, •house, girl, paper•, head, plastic•, porcelain•, hair verb play•, hold, dress, buy•, throw, clutch•, stare, lay, dance, resemble ● toy, figurine, figure, dolly, model, puppet


n adj little, white, dead, transgenic, blind, mighty, normal, female, optical, gray noun cat•, click, rat, keyboard, computer•, field•, house, •pad verb use, catch, feed, inject, •scurry, chase•, test•, •scamper, •pause


n adj little, wild, fat, pink, blind, stuck, roasted noun chicken, cow, •farm, •iron, farmer, cattle, horse verb eat, feed, raise, kill, buy•, slaughter, squeal, •fly, roast, grunt ● glutton, greedy pig, guzzler, greedy guts || brute, rat, skunk, beast


n adj local, available, giant, financial, typical, nearby, average, nearest noun •chain, store, food, •tabloid, •shelf, section•, aisle, product, line, market verb find•, buy, sell, •offer, shop, open, •carry, stock, purchase•, own


n adj local, empty, nearby, high-school, fancy, cavernous, makeshift noun •class, school•, •bag, day, •teacher, jungle•, home•, room, •night, •shoe verb go•, work, hit•, join•, walk, head•, enter, •erupt, •cater


n adj local, private, favorite, annual, religious, various, faith-based, nonprofit, financial, individual noun money, •work, •event, •care, child, hospital, health•, act•, service verb give, donate•, raise, support, benefit, contribute•, accept, sponsor, fund, operate ● aid, contributions, gifts || aid organization, charitable trust, charitable foundation || kindness, tolerance, humanity


n adj long, dark, narrow, empty, front, short, main noun door, room, •day, floor, school, end•, house, office, light, apartment verb stand, lead, run, step•, line, enter, fill, push, pace•, cross• ● hall, entry, lobby, antechamber, vestibule, entrance


n adj long, front, circular, narrow, concrete, winding, steep noun car•, house, end•, gravel•, road, door, truck•, dirt•, sidewalk, gate verb pull•, park•, turn, walk•, back•, sit, stand, drive, •lead, cross


n adj long, high, big, triple, vertical, huge, broad, sudden noun •shot, percent•, •rope, ski•, •start, •seat, •price, foot, •suit, •ball verb make•, get•, let•, startle, win, hit•, land, miss• ● hop, skip, spring || hurdle, fence, wall || start, jolt, jerk


n adj long, red, tough, short, pink, rusty, galvanized, manicured, clean, brittle noun •polish, •head, hair, tooth•, hand, •coffin, hammer•, •hole, bed, •file verb bite, drive, hit•, paint, hang•, dig, •stick, bend, fasten, buff ● pin, spike, tack, peg


n adj long, short, brief, irregular, frequent, mean, decent, various, average, silent noun time, confidence•, •training, day, minute, behavior, table, workout, data, scale verb occur, follow, increase, repeat, space•, record, measure•, •indicate, place, alternate ● intermission, break, pause, interlude || gap, time, hiatus, period


n adj low, easy, free, young, rough, experienced, recreational, lone, light, serious noun horse, bike, bull•, bus, freedom•, subway• verb pass, carry, attract•, attach, compete, •pedal, •climb, •gallop, match, •dismount ● proviso, qualification, provision, condition, stipulation, requirement


n adj low, elliptical, circular, lunar, eccentric, geosynchronous, stable, polar, similar noun earth, planet, sun, satellite•, moon, star, comet, space, spacecraft•, asteroid verb move, launch•, enter•, reach•, cross, change, place•, achieve•, •tilt ● path, track, trajectory, flight path || compass, influence, ambit, circle


n adj low, high, certain, critical, minimum, nuclear, acceptable noun •level, pain, •value, percent, hearing, difference, size, lactate• verb cross•, stand•, reach, step•, exceed•, meet•, pass, hear•, lower•, shift ● doorway, door, doorstep || starting point, verge, brink || level, limit, maximum


n adj low, high, economic, annual, double-digit, general, runaway, rampant noun rate, percent, year, unemployment, price, interest, growth, economy, wage, cost verb adjust•, keep•, rise, fall, reduce, •remain, cause, control•, fight•, index• ● price rises, increase, price increases, rise


n adj low, high, positive, academic, collective, global, adolescent, poor noun level•, child, student, •scale, score, depression, sense, girl, relationship, confidence verb build•, enhance•, relate, increase, boost•, associate, develop, improve, predict, correlate ● confidence, self-confidence, self-worth, sense of worth, self-image, self-respect


n adj low, monthly, free, available, cheap, due, annual, average, median noun month, money, apartment, •control, food, •payment, •utility, increase, tenant, income verb pay•, collect•, raise•, cover, rise, afford•, charge•, receive, •range, reduce• ● rental, rent payment, hire charge, fee || hole, tear, rip, slash


n adj low, strong, weak, artificial, light, specific, normal, lunar noun center•, force, •wave, earth, law•, theory•, planet, •situation, •field, pull verb defy•, understand•, cause, shift, produce, fight•, detect•, •act, form, •exist ● seriousness, importance, significance, severity || solemnity, grimness, sedateness, dignity


n adj lympic, congressional, presidential, total, shiny, coveted, miraculous, first-place noun gold•, •honor, silver•, bronze•, •winner, game, team, •freedom, service, •event verb win•, receive•, earn•, deserve•, wear, present, finish, •hang, •drape, •dangle ● award, decoration, honor, souvenir, memento, distinction


n adj main, sexual, big, popular, fatal, major, same-sex, physical, mutual, gravitational noun tourist•, park, star•, roadside•, area, sex, visitor, vector•, repulsion, restaurant verb become•, include, offer, must-see•, explain•, •draw, feature, acknowledge•, express•, diminish ● magnetism, lure, pull, desirability, hold, charm


n adj major, big, political, serious, formidable, main, greatest, insurmountable, only, economic noun •course, way, •peace, •path, number•, opportunity, effort, lot•, road, barrier verb overcome, face, remove•, present•, create, encounter, pose•, remain, confront, •prevent ● problem, difficulty, hindrance, complication || obstruction, impediment, barrier, blockage


n adj major, devastating, powerful, natural, severe, deadly, fierce, dangerous noun •season, •center, storm, category•, victim, wind, aftermath, damage, •relief, force verb hit, •strike, cause, follow•, destroy, devastate, affect, survive•, displace• ● storm, gale, tempest, tornado, cyclone, typhoon


n adj major, military, hand-to-hand, direct, close, actual, mortal, urban noun woman•, troop, •unit, force, soldier, •operation, •zone, •mission, •experience, •veteran verb fly•, serve•, engage•, kill•, die•, send•, lock•, face, avoid•, •cease ● battle, fight, war, contest, struggle, fighting


n adj major, strong, devastating, powerful, massive, natural, future, huge, deadly noun fire, magnitude, flood, hurricane, damage, victim, fault, •insurance verb •hit, •strike, cause, •occur, shake, follow, kill, destroy, trigger, survive• ● tremor, quake, trembling, shaking, upheaval, volcanic activity


n adj male, surviving, military, married, future, supportive, innocent, trailing, working noun child, family, parent, friend, partner, •abuse, death, wife verb •die, cheat, support, marry, indicate, •earn, care•, divorce, interview, •participate ● wife, husband, next of kin, partner, significant other, other half


n adj malignant, benign, primary, rare, cancerous, aggressive, fibrous, fibroid, pituitary noun brain•, cell, patient, growth, cancer, breast, size, gland, doctor, surgery verb remove, •grow, shrink, develop, cause, die, diagnose, treat, reveal, kill ● growth, lump, malignant tumor, benign tumor, cancer, polyp


n adj marine, flying, orbital, floating, burning, cosmic noun pile, piece•, dust•, •field, space, rock, construction•, ton•, tree, street verb fall, remove, clear•, pick, litter, clean•, scatter, trap•, spread, cause ● wreckage, remains, fragments, rubble, garbage, trash


n adj mass, innocent, brutal, involved, serial, responsible, recent, indiscriminate, senseless, intentional noun •field, •spree, •machine, •civilian, mercy•, •ground, contract•, death verb stop, •occur, charge•, end, order•, condemn•, accuse•, investigate•, convict•, link ● murder, assassination, butchery, slaughter, carnage, homicide


n adj maternal, paternal, foster, ispanic, aucasian, ewish, loving, extended, frican-american, living noun parent•, child, grandchild, mother, aunt, uncle, father, grandparent, generation, •great-grandparent verb live, raise, visit•, born, inherit•, assign, •immigrate, communicate, divorce, •emigrate


n adj medical, hristian, professional, social, environmental, public, legal, biomedical, sexual noun •committee, code•, house•, •rule, law, business•, professor, enate•, center, issue verb teach, violate•, question•, deal, discuss, address, conduct, compromise•, •prohibit, integrate ● morals, beliefs, moral code, moral principles, moral values, integrity


n adj medical, local, regional, professional, occupational, academic, high-end noun •store, •shop, •food, area, market, house, care, product verb include, sell, offer, develop•, choose•, feature•, cook, order, •range, pursue• ● subject, field, study, discipline, area


n adj medical, traditional, introductory, standard, used, available, current, online, classic noun school, history•, study, •example, •case, science, •publisher, book, education verb write, read, publish, learn, present, rely•, rewrite•, select• ● schoolbook, primer, reader, manual, workbook, course book


n adj merican, apanese, luxury, expensive, uropean, antique, razilian noun •industry, •accident, •association, •manufacturer, company, •insurance, •dealer verb drive, kill•, buy•, sell, build, produce, die•, reduce, own•, park


n adj merican, cultural, religious, yzantine, holy, beloved, pop-culture, feminist noun desktop, pop•, style•, fashion•, status, church, art, rock•, computer, relief• verb become•, click, select, double-click•, display, hide•, touch, celebrate, resemble ● image, likeness, sign, representation || idol, model, symbol, embodiment


n adj merican, loud, contemporary, mainstream, traditional, famous, pure noun •culture, •star, •art, •singer, •chart, soda•, •quiz verb hear•, sing, drink, sound, feature, range•, influence, sip• ● explosion, bang, crack, report, snap


n adj merican, public, leading, black, western, prominent, conservative, uropean, frican, literary noun artist, group•, writer, politician, activist, leader, class, •property, party, role verb •seek, argue, tend, criticize, assume, associate, attract•, characterize, label•, undermine• ● philosopher, thinker, academic, brain, scholar, highbrow


n adj merican, rural, arid, far, ancient, dry, extreme noun mile•, •airline, •conference, state, •corner, center, city, •side, area, desert• verb locate•, fly, lie•, head, travel•, situate•, shift•, •resume


n adj merican, sraeli, raqi, civilian, oviet, ussian, hinese, professional, involved, ndonesian noun •, role, control, policy, gay•, mission, operation, soldier, use, institution verb say, remain, •take, •become, give, •begin, •announce, •prepare, argue, accuse ● services, forces, armed forces, military establishment, army, navy


n adj merican, total, hinese, agricultural, major, strong, economic, primary, main, exican noun market, , •control, percent, import, oil, •earnings, •sector, subsidy, job verb increase, promote•, grow, •rise, produce, expand, •decline, restrict•, reduce, •account


n adj merican, western, ranian, ritish, foreign, freed, fellow, chief, ilipino, virtual noun release, •crisis, •situation, •taker, arm•, •issue, •rescue, •negotiator verb hold•, take, free, kill, kidnap, •surrender, •plead ● captive, detainee, prisoner, victim


n adj metropolitan, grand, lyric, royal, talian, civic, comic, light noun soap•, •house, •singer, •company, music, city•, theater, ballet, production, •star verb sing, watch•, perform, present, produce, listen•, attend•, compose, feature, study• ● masque, performance, play, allegory, theatricals, entertainment


n adj military, armed, raqi, slamic, ussian, hiite, separatist, main, suspected, arxist noun •group, •leader, force, army, troop, soldier, •movement, war, •commander verb fight, kill, support•, attack, lead, control, claim, capture, join, drive ● insurgent, protester, mutineer, objector, campaigner, revolutionary


n adj military, available, local, necessary, expensive, additional, electronic, high-tech, specialized noun •store, software, computer•, system, home, center, piece•, company, technology, •problem verb sell, buy, require, install, own, purchase, upgrade


n adj military, direct, violent, physical, major, nuclear, dramatic, final noun kind, conflict, cooperation, violence, strategy, superpower, politics• verb avoid•, lead, provoke•, involve, seek•, •occur, force, escalate, risk•, erupt ● hostility, conflict, clash, battle || opposition, argument, disagreement, quarrel


n adj military, easy, nuclear, permanent, raqi, major, professional, temporary, initial, actual noun art, video, cost, artist, •view, software, •maintenance, design, sculpture, equipment verb require, include, create, complete, attack•, supervise•, exhibit, incorporate ● connection, fitting, setting up || system, mechanism, equipment || induction, appointment, ordination


n adj military, failed, attempted, successful, bloodless, abortive, bloody noun •attempt, •d'etat, •leader, •grace, power•, •plotter, stage•, palace•, •plot, •strategy verb lead, fail, follow•, overthrow, support•, score•, pull•, oust, end, •occur ● coup d'état, overthrow, revolution, rebellion || feather in somebody's cap, achievement, accomplishment, triumph


n adj military, secret, disputed, presidential, provisional, statewide, primary, confusing, questionable, manual noun absentee•, •box, initiative, voter, state, measure, election, name•, paper•, issue verb cast•, count, vote, appear•, recount, place•, stuff•, •arrive ● vote, secret ballot, poll, election, survey, opinion poll


n adj military, uniformed, white, armed, retired, offduty, mounted, undercover, unidentified noun world, fireman, soldier, street, gun, traffic, •uniform, guard, firefighter, border• verb kill, shoot, walk, wound, •arrive, train, dress, •patrol, notice, murder ● law enforcement officer, cop, copper, police officer, peace officer, police constable


n adj mixed, special, greatest, final, huge, wonderful, official noun curse, •disguise, •liberty, peace, prayer•, ceremony, •protection, •encouragement verb give•, count•, receive•, bestow, offer•, enjoy•, thank, secure•, invoke ● consecration, sanctification || approval, sanction || lucky thing, good thing || consecration, sanctification || approval, sanction || lucky thing, good thing


n adj modern, traditional, urban, contemporary, othic, classical, colonial, religious, domestic noun art, design, landscape•, school, history, •firm, •critic, engineering, example• verb study•, describe, feature, admire, inspire, emphasize, integrate, •evolve, analyze, •date ● design, planning, building, construction


n adj moral, civic, public, traditional, intellectual, heroic, feminine, greatest, individual, particular noun vice, value, patience, book•, courage, justice, character, necessity, society, prudence verb extol•, embody•, promote•, preach•, celebrate•, tout•, praise•, constitute, •transcend, •triumph ● asset, feature, quality, advantage || goodness, righteousness, integrity, honesty


n adj moral, modern, political, functional, visual, musical, electronic, rough, literary noun cash•, energy•, oil, •dollar, barrel, ton, •cent, grade, gallon, century• verb become•, pay•, cost•, earn•, create•, receive•, produce• ● counterpart, equal, opposite number, twin, peer, parallel


n adj multiple, structural, simple, differential, mathematical, following, significant, general, quadratic, whole noun line•, regression•, part•, side•, variable, model, solution•, factor•, •modeling, •state verb •represent, use, enter•, solve, change, estimate, •describe, include, calculate, •predict ● reckoning, calculation, comparison, equivalence, equality, balance


n adj narrow, wide, main, central, middle, crowded, broad noun side•, seat, store, center•, supermarket, grocery, end•, row, church, walk• verb stand, move•, sit, reach•, run•, stroll•, fill ● passageway, gangway, walkway, passage, corridor, lane


n adj national, ancient, public, historical, historic, cultural, natural, architectural, dead, funerary noun park, museum, building, city, site, stone•, memorial, dinosaur•, commission, cactus• verb build, erect, stand, create, visit•, •commemorate, dedicate, •mark, preserve, construct ● memorial, shrine, testimonial, testament || tombstone, headstone, gravestone, marker


n adj national, democratic, local, federal, oviet, elected, epublican-controlled, provincial, provisional, bicameral noun state•, law, year, governor, court, member, session, epublican, executive, seat• verb pass, approve, elect, enact, •consider, create, require, •decide, allow, lobby• ● government, parliament, administration, assembly, council, senate


n adj new, early, gray, pale, coming, approaching, lunar noun dusk, light, morning, day, hour•, crack•, night, sky, •age, •century verb wake, •break, begin, rise, arrive, wait, return, awake, greet•, •creep ● sunrise, crack of dawn, daybreak, first light || beginning, start, birth, emergence


n adj national, frican, commercial, main, online, upper, downtown, exclusive noun art, museum, courtesy•, city, •owner, exhibition, photo, artist, portrait•, painting verb represent•, open, exhibit, feature, display, visit, own, hang, enter•, •devote ● colonnade, portico, arcade, corridor || balcony, veranda, porch


n adj national, international, greatest, sudden, newfound, instant, worldwide, growing noun hall•, •fortune, money, minute•, walk•, wealth, •career verb win, gain•, bring, achieve•, claim•, earn, enjoy•, seek•, •spread, •eclipse ● celebrity, renown, reputation, distinction, recognition, eminence


n adj national, local, large, residential, associated, professional, experienced, suburban, reputable noun home•, association, master•, boat•, developer, house, body•, area, bridge• verb offer, •construct, hire, •install, select, sue, advise, •estimate, enable•, distinguish ● manufacturer, producer, constructor, creator, industrialist, maker


n adj national, merican, local, auxiliary, gay, religious, presiding, atin, conservative, rench noun conference, church, priest, letter, pope, diocese, office, committee, meeting, teaching verb appoint, elect, name, ordain, •issue, address, adopt, •approve, •resign, •declare ● patriarch, archbishop, prelate, leader || prelate, archbishop, cardinal, abbot


n adj national, old, military, atholic, local, historic, ancient, tiny noun grave, city, church, burial, memorial, town, plot, road, gate, ground verb bury•, visit, pass, fill, surround, own, clean, border, enclose ● graveyard, burial ground, churchyard, garden of remembrance, boneyard, mausoleum


n adj national, political, hristian, cultural, racial, visible, thematic noun government, church, sense•, party, diversity, organization•, family, •purpose, peace, principle verb maintain•, achieve, promote•, create•, form•, preserve•, seek, depend, •prevail, •defeat ● agreement, harmony, accord, unison, union, concord


n adj national, professional, international, indoor, pro, uropean, competitive noun •team, •game, •player, •field, •ball, league, boy•, basketball, girl•, woman• verb play•, watch•, coach•, attend•, participate, practice, •unite


n adj national, relational, online, searchable, computerized, conceptual, central, medical, various noun information, computer•, system, data, software, search, program, •management, record, application verb use, create, include, •contain, provide, maintain, develop, build•, store, enter• ● data bank, store, list, record, archive, catalog


n adj native-born, middle-aged, full-fledged, enlightened, grieving, courageous, deranged noun alestinian, rab, attack•, merican, violence•, majority•, thousand• verb say, kill, believe, •live, •withdraw, continue, •pull


r •reduce, •increase, vary•, •improve, •influence, •expand, benefit, •enhance, •affect, differ• ● very much, really, to a great extent, to the highest degree || importantly, significantly, momentously, critically


n adj natural, circadian, steady, normal, slow, regular, cardiac, familiar, traditional, complex noun •blue, heart, music, pattern, melody, •life, •section, pitch, song, harmony verb play, beat, sing, break, establish•, tap•, listen, clap•, form, maintain ● beat, pace, tempo, time || regularity, pattern, progression, sequence


n adj natural, critical, native, aquatic, endangered, different, suitable, prime, riparian, tropical noun wildlife•, species, loss, •humanity, destruction, animal, area, fish, bird, forest verb provide•, protect•, destroy, create, build, preserve•, restore•, •support, occupy, occur ● home, locale, environment, surroundings, territory, habitation


n adj natural, marine, aquatic, entire, freshwater, fragile, terrestrial, coastal, human, healthy noun •service, species, management, forest•, change, health, •function, process, effect, earth verb provide, protect•, affect, maintain, restore•, depend, sustain, preserve•, manage, alter ● bionetwork, biome, biota, ecology, flora and fauna, environment


n adj natural, sexual, strong, sudden, creative, human, religious, poor, initial, contradictory noun •control, nerve•, •buying, brain, •purchase, heart, •response, action, •item, •buyer verb resist•, feel, act•, buy, fight•, drive, understand•, suppress•, seize, •arise ● instinct, desire, urge || propulsion, motive power, drive || tick, pulse, nerve


n adj ndian, grand, downtown, floating, land-based, lucrative, proposed, legalized noun gambling, hotel, city, •night, resort, riverboat•, state, •floor, •owner, •operator verb open, build, operate, run, own, legalize, enter•, generate, attract, •employ ● gaming club, gambling den, nightclub, gaming house


n adj neat, tall, thick, huge, short, whole, entire, growing noun •paper, •book, box, •bill, •magazine, •card, •letter, •newspaper, •mail, •file verb carry•, pull•, hand•, blow•, pick•, drop, lift•, sort•, slide, lean ● pile, heap, mass, mound || chimney, smokestack, flue


n adj necessary, lesser, great, moral, pure, absolute, radical noun axis•, force•, battle•, problem•, kind, touch•, struggle•, face•, word, garden• verb fight•, confront, •exist, deliver•, overcome, fear•, triumph, defeat•, •lurk, •threaten ● malevolence, iniquity, immorality, wickedness, sin, vice


n adj nervous, loud, raucous, hysterical, silent, mocking, muffled noun sound•, tear, room, music, burst•, audience, voice, applause, peal•, love verb hear•, roar•, break•, fill, erupt, howl•, •die, shake, join, •echo ● happiness, amusement, hilarity, mirth, enjoyment, merriment


n adj new, best, short, award-winning, historical, acclaimed, controversial noun film, •evidence, •filmmaker, television, •series, , history, subject, video, producer verb produce•, watch•, direct, shoot, feature, narrate, capture, •explore, •chronicle, •trace ● biopic, film, movie, biography, life story, life history


n adj new, divine, hristian, personal, startling, shocking, biblical, sudden, final noun book•, moment•, reason, truth, faith, •abuse, tradition, meaning•, term verb follow•, receive, experience•, shock, •emerge, stun, witness, prompt, cite, constitute ● exposé, exposure, disclosure, leak || surprise, shock, eye opener


n adj old, full-size, red, white, blue, compact, battered, green, four-wheel-drive, stolen noun •truck, •game, back•, car, bed, vehicle, utility, •basketball, •line, cab• verb drive, park, pull, load, climb, ride, jump, •drag, •roll, •haul


n adj new, federal, proposed, original, interim, oviet, written noun state, •, law, right, article, power, provision, country, clause, ongress verb amend•, write, require, protect, violate•, •provide, change•, interpret•, •allow, defend• ● charter, bill, statute || health, makeup, disposition || establishment, creation, formation || composition, structure, makeup


n adj new, interstellar, different, happy, acrylic, mass, intergalactic, electronic, perfect noun heat•, communication, spirit•, television, painting, art, •message, artist, light, yellow• verb use, reduce•, mix•, increase•, explore, employ, master ● means, vehicle, channel, mode, method, way


n adj new, lympic, domed, empty, municipal, indoor noun football•, game, baseball•, mile•, field, giant•, team, fan, home, sport• verb build, play, fill, finance•, name, enter•, arrive•, •cost, •host, •seat ● sports ground, arena, ground, field, ring, pitch


n adj new, merican, electronic, western, final, northern, eastern, wild noun •airline, •town, •forest, •foundation, •province, space, •region, science, settlement, area verb cross•, explore•, push•, open•, settle, expand, extend•, spread, •attract, •separate ● border, boundary, limit, edge, border line, front line


n adj new, other, democratic, independent, socialist, breakaway, nuclear, lavic noun people•, president, union, independence, leader, federal•, parliament, capital, relation•, commonwealth verb declare, recognize, •secede, proclaim, found, overthrow, invade, bind, station•, •ratify ● state, nation, democracy


n adj new, political, military, aggressive, effective, diversionary, strong-arm, similar, legal, common noun strategy, scare•, campaign, guerrilla•, war, pressure, sales•, use verb employ, •work, change, adopt, switch•, engage•, resort•, defend, •fail, apply ● method, approach, course, ploy, policy, scheme


n adj new, recent, late, dead, imminent, international, unexpected, impending, expected, scheduled noun time, departure, month•, age, hour•, immigrant, spring, •troop, minute•, •uropean verb await•, announce•, wait•, greet•, prepare•, celebrate•, signal•, coincide, anticipate•, •prompt ● entrance, onset, influx, coming, advent, appearance


n adj new, recent, late, welcome, key, valuable, nice, later, useful, simple noun •subtraction, change, line, multiplication, •collection, building, nitrogen, •vanilla, •garden, renovation verb beat, blend•, build, include, require•, mix, provide, help, announce•, create ● adding, adding up, adding together, totaling || supplement, add-on, appendage, addendum


n adj nonmedical, available, over-the-counter, lethal, cheap, expensive, affordable, valid, leftover, highpriced noun •drug, •medication, doctor, •benefit, use, coverage, •medicine, cost, plan, policy• verb write, fill, provide•, pay•, buy, offer•, cover, refuse•, •cure, •relieve ● medicine, treatment, drug, preparation, remedy, medicament


n adj northern, national, military, strategic, western, global, unholy, uneasy, close, shifting noun member, party, business, force, director, security, organization, system, opposition, coalition verb form•, forge•, create, build•, join•, enter, maintain, establish, seek, shift ● association, coalition, grouping, union || relationship, partnership, bond, link


n adj northern, southern, affluent, western, wealthy, middle-class, quiet, outer, growing, surrounding noun city, north, south, town, area, county, west, northwest•, •mile, resident verb live•, move•, build, drive, locate, flee•, surround, spread, commute•, house ● conurbation, environs, district, development, area, exurbia


n adj noxious, invasive, aquatic, dead, green, biological, aggressive, poisonous, fast-growing noun grass, •seed, control, plant, •bed, water, •killer, tree, field, growth verb grow, pull•, keep•, kill, smoke•, overgrow•, cut, eat•, suppress•, choke ● unwanted plant, wild plant, wild flower


n adj nuclear, theoretical, applied, modern, fundamental, atomic, high-energy noun law•, chemistry, professor, particle•, quantum•, •department, student, science, biology, prize• verb teach, study•, understand, predict, •assume, earn•, defy•, govern, •dictate, solve ● physical science, astrophysics, nuclear physics, quantum mechanics || dynamics, forces, physical processes, interactions


n adj null, following, consistent, alternative, working, general, initial, original, theoretical, competing noun study, support•, result, test, research, testing, evidence, analysis, method, set verb •predict, suggest, reject, examine, confirm, base, develop, formulate, •state, •explain ● theory, premise, suggestion, supposition, proposition, guess


n adj offensive, defensive, national, regional, assistant, clinical, medical noun program, project•, state, education, service, community, coach, office, event•, volunteer• verb serve•, hire, fire, name•, replace, appoint•, interview, assist, supervise, •advise


n adj old, abandoned, grinding, rolling, historic, converted, olive noun steel•, paper•, •road, water•, textile•, •town, •worker, grist•, lumber•, sugar• verb build, close, operate, own, shut, •grind, visit, •employ, supply, process ● grinder, mincer, crusher, pounder, pulverizer, mortar


n adj old, best, sorry, running, longtime, muddy, surfing, traveling noun •guy, school, •system, college•, army•, shot•, fishing•, drinking•, hunting• verb drink, hire, cheer, impress, rescue•, •swear, chat, assign•, •skip, exercise• ● friend, pal, playmate, soul mate, companion, partner


n adj old, covered, red, horse-drawn, welcome, empty, wooden, mule-drawn noun station•, •train, •wheel, horse, back•, road, family, paddy•, ride, hay• verb pull, drive, circle•, load, fall•, hitch•, •roll, carry, haul, push ● railway wagon, carriage, car, coach


n adj old, great, past, crowning, reflected, full, greatest, personal noun •day, morning•, •year, power, moment•, blaze•, path•, dream, fame, honor verb bring, bask•, restore•, cover•, seek, recapture•, share•, recall•, fade, shine ● magnificence, splendor, beauty, wonder || credit, fame, praise, laurels


n adj old, ictorian, historic, elegant, sprawling, colonial, eorgian, haunted, green, presidential noun governor•, house, hill, •night, room, executive•, playboy•, beach, revival•, brick• verb build, live•, buy•, own, •overlook, restore, visit•, occupy, •belong, •feature ● hall, manor, tower || manse, villa, estate || stately home, manor, hall


n adj old, only, poor, stupid, complete, damned, total, absolute noun day, •gold, •errand, kind•, •love, •joke, ship•, •paradise verb make•, think, look•, feel•, play•, suffer•, •believe, act•, •respond, •rush ● boob, chump, sucker || jester, clown, comedian || monkey, dupe, ass


n adj old, red, converted, wooden, weathered, haunted, wobbly noun •door, house, horse, night, side, cow, roof, farm, hay, wall verb build, walk, sleep, close•, head•, enter•, burn, clean•, hang ● outbuilding, outhouse, shed, cowshed, storehouse, byre


n adj old, southern, transcontinental, central, federal, abandoned, historic noun •track, •car, •station, underground•, •line, •bridge, •company, •worker, •yard verb build, work•, run, cross, ride, own, connect, operate, •link, construct ● track, line, train track, route || rail network, network, train system, train network


n adj only, known, medical, possible, clinical, potential, miraculous, effective noun •disease, cancer, miracle•, •rate, treatment, •, cause•, search•, race• verb find•, help•, seek•, discover•, lead•, offer•, hope, •heal, •relieve, •restore ● treatment, therapy, medicine, medication, remedy, antidote


n adj open, bottomless, deep, huge, shallow, dark, well noun •bull, •stomach, fire•, •stop, •crew, gravel•, orchestra•, mosh• verb dig, remove, form, drop, line, dump, spit, escape• ● hole, ditch, hollow || coal mine, mine, quarry || dent, pock, indentation || nadir, bottom, depths


n adj open, public, economic, national, international, online, global, regional noun world•, news•, discussion, policy•, freedom•, candidate, section•, •article, channel• verb provide•, hold, create, discuss, serve•, sponsor, attend•, address, express, monitor• ● opportunity, medium, environment, setting || meeting, debate, discussion, conference


n adj open, sick, fresh, shallow, dried, coastal, outer, wide, deep, upper noun •leaf, •window, water, cargo•, thyme, view, teaspoon, drive•, garlic, salt verb keep•, hold•, remove•, discard•, overlook•, stir, cross•, fish•, chop, cup ● bark, woof, yap || inlet, cove, natural harbor || compartment, alcove, cubicle


n adj poisonous, venomous, brown, deadly, red, giant, live, coiled noun head, •oil, water, eye, •charmer, garter•, skin, •pit, coral• verb bite, kill, •slither, eat, catch, coil, •crawl, writhe, hiss, •shed ● serpent, sea snake, sea serpent


n adj optical, aesthetic, grand, visual, threedimensional, dangerous, mere, theatrical, dramatic noun reality, •space, •depth, power, •control, truth, object, nature, •movement, freedom verb create•, give•, shatter, produce•, maintain•, harbor•, sustain•, foster, persist, •dissolve ● delusion, impression, misapprehension || impression, semblance, appearance || fantasy, daydream, figment of your imagination


n adj organic, chemical, related, active, annual, walled, main, complex, various, similar noun branch•, family•, sulfur•, plant, embassy•, •interest, effect, •rate, •eye, metal verb contain, produce, enter, test, form, identify, surround, •cause, discover, •derive ● mix, mixture, complex, amalgam, composite, combination


n adj original, downward, electric, downhill, slow, linear, steep noun •show, color•, water•, •film, •presentation, division, •competition, •projector, •rule verb use, send, stop•, project, present, reverse•, prepare, place, view, shoot ● transparency, photograph, photo, shot


n adj original, live, audio, official, local, major, special, direct, televised noun radio•, news, •network, television, tape, record, , station, cable, •text verb watch•, listen•, own, •feature, air, monitor, delay•, schedule, •beam, originate ● transmission, program, show, airing, newscast, rerun


n adj original, mortal, deadly, human, greatest, grave noun •city, •tax, •father, death, forgiveness•, •pride, punishment, homosexuality•, doctrine•, redemption verb commit, confess•, forgive, die•, atone•, repent•, hate•, •manifest ● crime, misdemeanor, transgression, misdeed || wickedness, iniquity, depravity, immorality


n adj original, pending, foreign, legal, intellectual, corporate, exclusive, high-tech, provisional, joint noun •office, •, •leather, •application, •trademark, •law, •protection, •system, right verb file, hold•, grant, issue, apply•, receive•, •expire, infringe•, obtain•, •cover ● copyright, charter, right


n adj osnian, hiite, religious, moderate, holy, devout, radical, fundamentalist, akistani, observant noun hristian, ew, roat, rab•, unni•, indu, majority verb •live, believe, kill, fight, •pray, consider, join, attack, arm, target


n adj other, beneficial, small, aquatic, tiny, flying, dead, certain, native, giant noun plant, bird, •pest, disease, species, •repellent, scale•, fish, •bite, food verb eat, kill•, feed, attract, control•, catch, •fly, •crawl, collect, swarm ● bug, pest, creature, fly, beetle, creepy-crawly


n adj other, essential, rich, certain, valuable, abundant, ionic, inorganic noun vitamin•, •water, bone•, oil, •resource, •density, •deposit verb contain, form, extract, mine, absorb, mix, dissolve, exploit•, replenish• ● crystal, rock crystal, quartz || ore, rock, metal, element


n adj other, fellow, death-row, black, female, federal, male, condemned, hispanic, mental noun prison, death, row•, state, jail, percent•, number•, program, population, camp verb house, •serve, allow, •receive, represent, treat, •escape, execute, •commit, •await ● prisoner, convict, patient, internee, jailbird


n adj other, large, online, small, national, traditional, mass, available, outdoor, giant noun store, manufacturer, company, discount•, year, home, nation•, specialty•, clothing, food verb sell, hurt, shop, locate•, supply, compete, bypass• ● shop, store, retail outlet, seller, vendor, merchant


n adj other, living, different, human, marine, large, small, aquatic, single, natural noun environment, soil, gene, group•, disease, water, cell, plant, animal, food verb •live, evolve, kill, create, identify, •survive, affect, •adapt, contain, •thrive ● living thing, creature, animal, plant || system, body, organization, institution


n adj other, new, literary, musical, different, popular, specific, various, particular, whole noun music, style, film, •painting, •fiction, movie, novel, writing, convention, example• verb create, define, belong•, transcend•, invent, constitute•, explore, emerge, •evolve, embrace ● type, sort, kind, category, field, variety


n adj other, political, private, single, small, corporate, independent, governmental, large, different noun government•, state, business•, information, interest, relationship, individual, agency, organization, type verb create, exist, own, require, control, form, represent, operate, regulate, emerge ● object, unit, thing, article, being, individual


n adj other, precious, hot, valuable, rare, scarce, global, international, feminist, foreign noun price, market, •future, exchange, •chain, •trading, production, world verb become•, trade, sell, produce, buy, rise, treat•, •decline, •soar, •generate ● product, service, goods, article of trade


n adj outer, inner, southern, blue, northern, western, removable, inside noun canyon, •glass, south•, crater, north•, wheel, pan, trail, brake, •cup verb hit•, remove, touch•, form, wipe•, hang•, bend, circle, overlook ● edge, border, lip, perimeter, circumference, brim


n adj part-time, certified, clinical, nglish, personal, female, effective, male, individual, driving noun student, course, college, class, ski•, flight•, education, program, drill•, teacher verb teach, learn, train, hire, encourage, assign, present, indicate, conduct, discuss ● teacher, coach, tutor, mentor, lecturer, trainer


n adj past, round, dark, awake, asleep, infamous, floodlit, celebratory, balmy noun hour, night, minute•, •mass, •basketball, deadline, stroke•, •sun, clock•, bed• verb stay•, strike•, arrive, approach, return, end•, rise, close, finish, expire• ● twelve o'clock, twelve midnight, middle of the night, night, nighttime, the wee hours


n adj persistent, unsubstantiated, spreading, rampant, impending, ugly, widespread, distant, mere noun •mill, lot•, fact, speculation, war, trade•, week, truth•, innuendo, town verb hear•, spread, •circulate, start, •fly, deny•, •swirl, •persist, •abound, dispel• ● story, claim, report, unconfirmed report || speculation, opinion, gossip, talk


n adj personal, athletic, certified, professional, elliptical, assistant, physical, corporate noun fitness, coach, horse, team, dog•, •tip, owner, animal• verb hire•, train, certify, consult, ride, employ, photograph, fire, •contribute, •monitor ● coach, teacher, guide, instructor, mentor


n adj personal, daily, private, secret, original, detailed, visual noun •entry, letter, journal, food•, page, video•, war•, girl, excerpt, note verb keep•, write, read, record, publish, complete, document, •chronicle ● journal, record, log, chronicle || book, personal organizer, year planner, appointment book


n adj personal, federal, corporate, moral, near, potential, intellectual noun •court, •protection, company, chapter•, •law, •filing, year, •judge, case, airline verb file•, declare•, force•, emerge•, seek•, face•, avoid•, sell, rise, •wipe ● insolvency, ruin, liquidation, economic failure, impoverishment


n adj personal, prized, illegal, worldly, sole, precious, demonic, full, guilty noun drug, weapon, marijuana, cocaine, spirit•, material•, charge, gun, •firearm, use verb take•, arrest•, sell, gain•, carry, convict•, retain•, bust•, •belong, pile ● ownership, control, tenure, custody, proprietorship


n adj personal, strong, ethnic, fierce, dual, blind, familial, deep, conflicting, absolute noun party, family, oath, brand•, customer•, sense•, love, commitment, value• verb show, win•, demonstrate•, inspire•, prove•, demand•, question•, owe, develop•, •lie ● faithfulness, devotion, allegiance, trustworthiness, constancy, reliability


n adj physical, aerobic, health-related, personal, cardiovascular, mental, overall, cardiorespiratory noun health•, level, •center, activity, sport, •program, •test verb improve•, teach, maintain•, promote•, develop•, achieve•, increase, measure, decrease ● health, strength, robustness, vigor || suitability, appropriateness, qualification, aptness


n adj physical, great, serious, bodily, irreparable, environmental, real noun •way, •reduction, risk•, •other, troop•, threat•, potential•, lot•, use verb do, cause, mean•, put•, inflict, suffer, protect•, prevent•, result, •occur ● damage, injury, destruction, impairment, maltreatment, detriment


n adj physical, occupational, respiratory, licensed, professional, certified, marital, qualified, recreational noun family•, sex•, massage•, marriage•, speech•, patient, music•, doctor, •author, relationship• verb •help, train, •treat, recommend, consult, •specialize, hire, •encourage, •warn, interview ● psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, analyst, psychiatrist, counselor


n adj physical, relational, sexual, reactive, proactive, verbal, instrumental, hostile, raqi, adolescent noun act•, war•, behavior, level•, violence, sport, form•, life, peer verb stop•, associate, deter•, commit, prevent•, observe, resist•, •occur, condemn•, decrease ● attack, assault, invasion, onslaught || violence, hostility, anger, belligerence


n adj political, big, mass, huge, recent, massive, antiwar noun pep•, campaign•, stock, protest•, peace•, market, street, city, car verb hold, attend•, organize, stage•, •support, speak•, plan, address, •draw, •demand ● meeting, gathering, assembly, demonstration, convention, demo


n adj political, classical, inflammatory, harsh, nationalist, religious, empty, common, fiery, official noun kind•, campaign, •reality, war, action, lot•, policy, art, politics, gap• verb use, •suggest, match, employ, •surround, •sound, avoid•, soften•, •emphasize, combine ● oratory, public speaking, speechifying || bombast, pomposity, grandiloquence || language, expression, style


n adj political, new, public, international, main, global, downtown, electoral noun sport•, •stage, policy, stadium, •football, center, league, basketball•, ice•, hockey• verb enter•, build, fill, step•, compete, pack, dominate, house, finance, constitute• ● stadium, ground, showground, sports ground, field, ring


n adj political, personal, territorial, global, regional, modest, driving, secret, blind, stated noun dream•, goal, desire, drive, lack•, career•, talent, greed, energy•, •tour verb •become, realize, harbor•, pursue•, fulfill•, achieve, match, motivate, satisfy•, expand ● drive, determination, get-up-and-go, motivation || goal, aim, objective, aspiration


n adj political, private, economic, social, domestic, celestial, different noun •influence, •life, activity, music•, public•, •action, •interest, power, •sovereignty, surface verb expand, enter•, define, extend•, form•, enlarge•, surround, occupy•, •spin, •float ● ball, globe, bubble || area, subject, field || sphere of influence, compass, scope


n adj poor, indigenous, rural, local, landless, ussian, uropean, exican noun •farmer, worker, •woman, land, •community, •organization, •girl, •family, •blouse verb organize, dress, •flee, depict, fear, transform, disguise•, inhabit, •resist, •demand ● farmer, laborer, farm hand, farmworker || country-dweller, rustic, provincial, bumpkin


n adj popular, final, favorite, ultimate, unknown, major, prime, particular, hot, various noun tourist•, vacation•, •charge, travel, country, resort, journey•, mile, route•, island verb reach•, become•, arrive•, choose, drive•, approach•, near• ● journey's end, terminus, last stop, end point || purpose, end, target, aim


n adj portable, public, composting, chemical, closed, marine noun •paper, •seat, water, •bowl, roll, shower, sink, •training, bathroom, •tank verb flush, use•, sit•, clean•, throw, scrub, install, •train, fix•, overflow ● lavatory, chamber pot, commode || toilette, washing, dressing |


n adj positive, negative, specific, immediate, corrective, verbal, visual, constructive noun student, performance, teacher, •loop, comment, system, author, affiliation, type, information verb provide•, give•, receive, •send, base•, offer•, indicate, obtain, seek, suggest ● response, reaction, comment, criticism, advice, pointer


n adj powdered, prenatal, pure, alleged, raw, refined noun crack•, heroin, use, marijuana, drug, possession, user, addiction, powder, alcohol verb sell•, buy•, test•, snort•, deal, flood, •originate


n adj presidential, judicial, presumptive, likely, general, federal, vice-presidential, top, particular, gubernatorial noun court•, epublican•, president, party, scar•, year, award•, attorney, •governor verb become•, support•, choose, confirm, select, announce, pick•, oppose• ● candidate, contender, entrant, applicant, nomination


n adj presidential, low, hostile, winning, lympic, unsuccessful, successful, failed, automatic noun •committee, re-election, city, price, takeover•, reelection verb make•, lose•, win, submit, accept, receive, reject•, fail, launch•, solicit• ● offer, proposal, proposition, tender || attempt, try, effort, undertaking


n adj presidential, royal, imperial, national, grand, golden, ruined noun crystal•, •hotel, •art, king, •guard, wall, garden, gate, summer•, governor verb build, return•, enter•, arrive•, visit•, house, burn, storm•, overlook


n adj prime, broken, short, cracked, left, low, braised, tender, hot, sore noun •cage, celery, pork, back, beef, side, bone, •eye, hand, heart verb break, chop, cut, poke•, crack, serve, kick•, stick, hurt, eat ● beam, strut, spoke, spine, spar


n adj private, empty, slow, crowded, express, waiting, nearest noun •door, floor, •shaft, button, grain•, bank, lobby, •operator, building, space• verb take, •open, ride•, step•, wait, walk, •stop, •close, •arrive, enter• ● storage plant, silo, grain elevator


n adj private, local, real-estate, financial, urban, prominent, independent, leading, nonprofit, principal noun estate•, software•, land, property, city, project, builder, curriculum•, home, game verb •build, sell, require, •create, •buy, allow•, plan, seek, •agree, own ● designer, creator, inventor, brains || buyer, property developer, land developer, contractor


n adj private, merican, serious, solar, avid, major, frican, popular, commercial, western noun art, tax•, dealer, •item, data•, bill•, shell• verb buy, sell, seek, own, collect, acquire, purchase, •prefer, appeal•, prize ● gatherer, amasser, gleaner, hoarder, accumulator


n adj private, permanent, primary, official, current, principal, temporary, legal noun •hall, place•, age•, year, ambassador, artist•, home, length•, location, occupation• verb take•, enter, maintain•, establish•, occupy, secure, search•, grant•, •resemble ● house, home, dwelling, abode, seat, habitation


n adj private, public, traditional, corporate, old-age, monthly, annual noun •fund, •plan, •benefit, •system, company, employee•, security, state•, health, insurance verb receive•, pay, provide, offer, collect•, increase, reduce, qualify•, guarantee, grant ● retirement pension, retirement fund, annuity, income, allowance, retirement income


n adj professional, junior, lympic, pro, international, amateur, organized noun •league, •team, •player, •game, ice•, field•, basketball, baseball, football, •stick verb play•, watch•, coach, attend•, swing•, sponsor•, register•


n adj professional, sexual, disorderly, criminal, personal, homosexual, moral, ethical, human, improper noun code•, rule•, •war, standard•, •disorder, •problem, president, policy, kind•, law verb engage•, govern•, involve, regulate•, violate, charge•, condemn•, prohibit, establish•, determine ● behavior, demeanor, ways, manner || management, handling, organization, administration


n adj psychological, economic, physical, emotional, social, human, mental, spiritual, subjective, overall noun health•, sense•, child, family, level•, community, concern•, individual, material•, feeling• verb improve•, affect•, promote•, enhance•, contribute•, relate, threaten•, •constitute ● happiness, comfort, security, good, welfare, safety


n adj public, abstract, contemporary, figurative, ceramic, outdoor, modern, classical, primitive, fine noun painting•, art, •garden, bronze•, piece•, museum, drawing, glass, ice•, wood verb create, represent, depict, feature, display, draw, exhibit, commission, study•, present ● statue, statuette, monument, figurine, carving, figure


n adj public, anti-american, strong, similar, nationalist, popular, anti-immigrant, growing, religious, common noun theory•, kind•, rise, expression•, consumer•, feeling, investor•, •ongress, shift•, •rationality verb echo, express, share, reflect, voice, agree•, fuel, appreciate•, capture•, •exist ● feeling, emotion, response, reaction || sentimentality, mawkishness, gush, corn


n adj public, economic, social, critical, national, basic, necessary, physical noun investment, development, •project, country, transportation•, education, information•, improvement, water, service verb build•, need, provide, rebuild•, support, destroy, create, develop, improve•, maintain ● substructure, organization, structure, setup || public services, communications, public transport, power supplies


n adj public, initial, new, late, burnt, secondary, academic, traditional, recent, current noun stock, course•, •price, program, share, service, product•, peace•, market, college verb •include, expand•, raise, place, •range, complete, accept, improve, enhance, •attract ● contribution, donation, present, submission, subscription, gift


n adj public, mass, scheduled, actual, perfect, poor, extrajudicial, parallel noun •unit, stay•, method, death, instruction, planning•, •chamber, •date verb witness•, carry, stop•, await•, order•, watch•, proceed, deter ● implementation, performance, accomplishment, carrying out || putting to death, capital punishment, the death sentence, killing


n adj public, official, recent, formal, dramatic, stunning, brief noun service•, day, president, week, surprise•, job•, month, morning, hour, policy verb make, •come, follow, hear•, expect, read, delay•, issue, •mark, post ● statement, declaration, message, notice, proclamation, publication


n adj public, original, illegal, corporate, royal, present, lympic noun •school, •boat, •member, nation, city•, •flight, company, •operator, fishing verb require, sign, grant, operate, adopt, approve, state, establish, amend•, •authorize ● contract, deed, agreement, license, grant, approval


n adj public, political, private, spiritual, human, economic, cultural, whole, domestic, aesthetic noun •possibility, spirit, •politics, •art, •science, culture, theory, idea, reality, religion verb enter•, exist•, lie, belong•, extend•, explore•, expand•, encompass, constitute ● kingdom, monarchy, dominion, empire || area, scope, sphere, field


n adj public, political, social, dominant, cultural, academic, critical, narrative, religious, scientific noun •analysis, community, level, practice, form, language, text, function, mode•, theory verb engage•, dominate, argue, shape, construct, enter•, define, constitute, participate•, express ● dissertation, treatise, homily, sermon || dialogue, conversation, discussion, communication


n adj public, red, tiny, brown, electronic, matching, drawstring noun •string, pocket, hand, wallet, bag, key, money, •shoulder, leather•, coin verb reach•, carry•, open•, hold, grab•, pull, pick•, snatch, steal, clutch• ● prize, reward, winnings, takings


n adj punitive, military, ritish, scientific, special, rctic, ntarctic, panish noun fishing•, member, leader, river, hunting•, shopping•, •planner, ship, research, mountaineering• verb lead, join•, send, plan, organize, mount, accompany• ● voyage, excursion, trip, outing || team, group, party, crew


n adj pure, wild, rampant, possible, mere, financial, widespread, intense, considerable noun lot•, rumor, matter•, subject•, market, land•, media, kind•, deal•, •future verb •might, lead•, fuel•, base, end•, prompt•, raise, encourage•, •surround, •abound ● conjecture, opinion, rumor, gossip, assumption, theory


n adj quick, backward, sidelong, sideways, furtive, single, cursory, nervous, brief, sharp noun •shoulder, •direction, exchange•, •back, warning•, surprise, viewer, •recognition, •pity verb give•, cast•, shoot•, steal•, appear, throw•, sneak•, catch•, spare•, risk• ● peep, look, peek, glimpse, squint, scan


n adj red, sour, seedless, white, purple, wild, black, growing, fermented noun •juice, wine, •leaf, •vine, •tomato, bunch•, •seed, •grower verb grow, eat•, pick, plant, produce, harvest, drink•, •hang, feed•


n adj quick, final, rear, graceful, nearest, hasty, main noun •poll, •strategy, door, •sign, •ramp, transform•, emergency• verb head•, block, pass, miss•, mark, close, rush, race• ● way out, door, outlet, egress || departure, exodus, walking out, leaving


n adj racial, cultural, liberal, political, social, potential, possible, personal, strong, optimistic noun gender•, media, study, response•, selection•, prejudice, result, source•, desirability•, evidence• verb show•, reflect, reduce•, introduce, •exist, eliminate•, avoid•, affect, report, •occur ● prejudice, partiality, preference, unfairness, favoritism, predisposition


n adj racial, perfect, social, natural, inner, close, vocal, complete, relative noun peace•, •nature, melody, rhythm, color, balance, sense•, order, unity, crystal• verb live•, sing•, create•, work•, bring•, maintain•, promote•, achieve, restore•, form ● agreement, accord, concord, synchronization, congruence, coordination


n adj racial, social, economic, political, human, great, full, legal noun woman, gender•, freedom, •opportunity, justice, right, liberty, •man, principle•, •law verb achieve•, promote•, base, establish, fight•, guarantee•, ensure• ● parity, fairness, equal opportunity, equivalence, likeness, impartiality


n adj racist, introductory, recent, closing, sarcastic, prepared, offhand, personal, negative, sexist noun president, opening•, kind, senator, •reporter, transcript•, comment, •speech, •conference, chance• verb make, hear•, deliver, suggest, ignore•, quote, apologize•, recall, respond•, •intend ● comment, statement, observation, aside, mention, quip


n adj radical, early, significant, major, abrupt, imminent, sudden, dramatic, daily noun point•, arrival, date, •gate, minute•, month, flight, hour•, •board, •lounge verb represent•, mark•, announce•, follow•, delay•, signal•, prepare•, near, weaken, •underscore ● leaving, going away, parting || difference, variation, novelty || venture, project, enterprise


n adj raised, black, dark, white, left, arched, gray, right, heavy, pierced noun hair, eye, lip, nose, face, •pencil, mouth, eyelash, finger, look verb raise•, arch, lift, cock•, pluck, wiggle•, twitch, smooth, singe, lower


n adj raqi, innocent, sraeli, merican, unarmed, alestinian, ebanese, dead, fghan, uslim noun soldier, attack•, war, officer, killing•, number•, troop, army, official, military verb kill, •die, target•, protect•, shoot, •flee, hit, •catch, murder, fire• ● noncombatant, private citizen, citizen, member of the public, neutral


n adj raqi, oviet, merican, military, ritish, sraeli, .s.-led noun •privacy, •force, •occupation, land, home•, ground•, squatter• verb follow•, launch•, support•, condemn•, justify•, oppose•, prevent•, •occur, protect•, defend• ● attack, assault, incursion, raid, foray, offensive


n adj real, seasoned, assistant, longtime, second-year, head, consummate, fourth-year noun •con, quid•, •forma, golf•, tour•, college, club, tennis•, amateur, • verb turn•, play, weigh•, discuss•, hire•, •win, debate•, compete, argue•, ride ● ace, professional, authority, maven, expert, specialist


n adj real, sexual, damn, menstrual, deep, terrible, dirty, secret, awful noun guilt, sense•, feeling•, fear, body, embarrassment, head•, anger, crying• verb feel, bring•, burn, fill, hide, experience•, suffer•, •accompany, •belong ● disgrace, embarrassment, dishonor, humiliation, indignity, ignominy


n adj recent, proposed, initial, safe, original, territorial, aggressive noun merger•, skill, data•, knowledge, land, language•, system verb complete•, grow, finance•, involve, facilitate•, focus•, promote•, expand, enhance, pursue• ● gaining, attainment, achievement, getting hold of || purchase, possession, asset, gain


n adj rechargeable, dead, electric, lithium-ion, sexual, aggravated, standard, alkaline, simple, heavy noun power, •life, •pack, car, charge, assault•, system, lithium• verb recharge, run, replace, •last, require, operate, •die, buy, check•, remove• ● series, set, sequence, succession, run, string


n adj red, black, white, small, blue, tiny, green, single, colored noun polka•, quantum•, line, multiplication, •light, •map, pattern, color, •inch, •butter verb connect•, center•, show, appear, •represent, •indicate, cover, mark, place, paint ● spot, point, mark, blotch, speck, particle


n adj red, corporate, gentle, sleeping, industrial, pharmaceutical, apanese, financial, global, chemical noun gas•, industry, software•, oil•, media•, insurance•, electronics•, computer•, energy•, star verb •suck, own, •announce, compete, acquire, dominate, awaken, slay, evolve, orbit ● colossus, titan, leviathan || hulk, goliath, colossus || titan, superman, superwoman || troll, ogre, hobgoblin


n adj red, green, thick, magic, oriental, ersian, blue, plush, gray, soft noun floor, room, wall, foot, furniture, shag•, living, carpet, rug, fiber verb roll, walk•, lay, cover, sweep•, clean, vacuum, weave, spread, replace ● rug, mat, runner, fitted carpet || covering, layer, blanket, mass


n adj red, little, black, slight, deep, pink, short, final noun •tie, •arrow, boat, shot•, string, ship, •stern, hair, line, wave verb take•, draw, shoot, wear•, pull•, carry•, bend, hang, •scrape, attach ● arc, curve, arch || crossbow, longbow, upid's bow || bob, bend, curtsy


n adj red, powerful, monochrome, chemical, green, airborne, blue, high-energy noun •beam, •printer, •surgery, •light, system, •disc, •treatment, •pulse, •show verb use, focus, shoot, fire, scan, measure, develop, aim, point, remove


n adj red, white, pink, yellow, wild, single, blue, nglish, long-stemmed, fragrant noun garden, •petal, rose, •ush, sun•, bouquet•, flower, voice•, bed, scent• verb •fall, smell•, plant, •bloom, climb, prune•, smoke•, decorate•, hand, fade ● design, rosette, ornament || sprinkler, jet, nozzle || fitting, ceiling rose, boss


n adj regional, national, open, sectional, consecutive, -meter, all-american, amateur noun game, conference•, year, cup•, team, •minute, •week, tournament•, point verb reach•, win, play, lose, advance•, contain, •consist, score, miss•, include ● round, match, game, decider, last leg


n adj religious, daily, ancient, sacred, social, public, annual, mating, elaborate, certain noun part•, ceremony, family, morning•, belief, myth, initiation•, bedtime•, church, culture verb perform, involve, create, participate•, conduct, observe, practice, repeat, celebrate, •surround ● rite, ceremony, service, formal procedure || custom, habit, practice, routine


n adj religious, two-point, personal, hristian, forced, mass, spiritual noun process, energy, •hristianity, experience, land, •rate, defense•, •efficiency verb undergo•, require, •occur, complete, result•, facilitate•, encourage•, transform, imply, •impress ● change, adaptation, alteration, translation || switch, change, changeover, transfer


n adj respiratory, premenstrual, metabolic, ovarian, post-polio, pulmonary noun down•, fatigue•, tunnel•, death•, alcohol•, bowel•, infant•, patient, disorder, compartment• verb call•, suffer•, cause, diagnose•, born•, develop, describe, affect, •occur, result ● condition, disease, pattern, set of symptoms, disorder


n adj retail, other, electrical, creative, fast-food, only, available, traditional, electric, mainstream noun media•, news•, store, •mall, factory•, •center, wall• verb find•, provide•, open, plug, sell, own, seek•, install, shut, •account ● opening, passage, vent || means, channel, conduit || department store, market, store


n adj returning, senior, three-year, four-year, key, slow, electric, projected, two-year, full-time noun season, game, defense, •kit, fire•, •home, player, conversation•, motor, •outlook verb return, lose, become•, replace•, name•, •throw, •average, pitch, •score, graduate ● hors d'oeuvre, first course, appetizer, meze, tapas, antipasto


n adj rich, creamy, smooth, soft, rough, fine, light, firm, crunchy, chewy noun color, flavor, taste, shape, surface, skin, hair, form, pattern, size verb add•, create, change•, improve•, achieve, lend•, retain•, vary, resemble, blend ● feel, touch, surface, consistency, quality, grain


n adj right, left, green, sore, opposable, broken, greasy noun rule•, finger, •forefinger, index, hand, nose, •mouth, •shoulder, •drive, •print verb give•, suck, hold, press, put•, jerk•, stick, rub, hook, run•


n adj right, left, sore, bony, broken, bruised, inner noun knee, arm, hand, shoulder, •surgery, wrist, •room, body, injury, •grease verb bend, lean•, rest, prop, keep, hold, touch, lock, throw, sit•


n adj silent, live, online, public, annual, recent, open noun •house, •site, art•, •block, dinner, ebay, price, nternet•, market, item verb sell•, hold, buy, •raise, feature, bid, attend•, conduct•, •honor ● sale, mart, utch auction, silent auction


n adj rigid, tight, statutory, self-imposed, looming, artificial, firm, -hour noun distribution•, week, trade•, entry, trading•, application, midnight, hour, filing•, •submission verb meet•, set, miss•, extend•, •pass, face•, •approach, impose, •loom, near ● limit, time limit, goal, aim, target, cutoff date


n adj ripe, large, yellow, mashed, sliced, fried, frozen, medium noun •tree, apple, •bread, •beer, •leaf, •peel, cream, butter, cup, •pudding verb eat•, grow, add, sell, mash, wrap, slip•, feed•, grab•


n adj rish, immediate, deadly, devastating, turbulent, foaming, churning noun •war, •attack, •hurricane, •scandal, boat, •death, •disaster, •tragedy, •bombing, •island verb leave•, follow•, trail•, emerge•, attend•, form•, suffer•


n adj roast, corned, lean, grass-fed, grilled, dried, shredded noun ground•, chicken, pork, pound•, •stew, •broth, •tenderloin, •cattle, lamb, •steak verb eat•, add, cook, serve, raise, buy•, combine, contain, grill, crumble ● complaint, grumble, moan, bellyache, grouse, gripe


n adj rolling, little, straight, red, lympic, skeletal, surgical, locking, infected noun lapel•, safety•, edition•, number, bowling•, •oak verb wear, pull•, stick, hold, hear•, remove, secure, •drop, knock, attach ● jot, iota, tittle, smidgen || brooch, badge, stick pin


n adj romantic, musical, stand-up, black, best, dark, divine noun •series, show, •club, drama, situation•, film, , music, tragedy, •writer verb direct, feature, perform, mix•, air, •ensue, •depict, •concern, •revolve, blend• ● funniness, joking, amusement, entertainment, humor, wit


n adj running, potential, perfect, ideal, suitable, prospective, chief noun soul•, male, choice, female, band•, selection, office•, cell•, •class verb find•, choose•, attract•, meet•, pick•, seek•, select•, •possess, guard, cheat ● friend, pal, buddy, companion || helper, assistant, colleague, partner


n adj rural, tropical, sprawling, maritime, booming, extreme, humid noun country, •nation, state, •corner, region, city, center, •coast verb locate•, lie•, head•, travel•, miss•, spread•, import•


n adj rural, upper, inland, fabled, rainy, remote, near noun mile•, •airline, •coast, •corner, •territory, •side, north, •passage, area, region verb locate•, head•, travel, stretch•, sail•, situate•, relocate•


n adj safe, changing, drug-free, healthy, modern, flexible, friendly noun woman, home, safety, school, discrimination, harassment, problem, violence, employee, issue verb create, enter•, test, improve, affect, occur•, address•, succeed•, foster, •accommodate ● place of work, office, factory, work, workroom, shop floor


n adj scientific, critical, historical, spiritual, free, technical, congressional, intellectual, formal, international noun line•, impeachment•, information•, process, area•, field•, commission•, method, form•, research verb begin, conduct•, receive, respond•, focus, pursue, answer•, launch, engage•, •involve ● review, autopsy, investigation, examination || request, question, query, interrogation


n adj senior, close, closest, longtime, consulting, financial, junior, regional, postdoctoral, long-time noun research•, business•, friend•, •degree, family•, president•, company, consultant, •professor, survey verb earn•, engage, hire, cope, conduct, complete, design, consult, •clean, contact• ● partner, colleague, business partner, fellow worker || companion, comrade, acquaintance, friend


n adj severe, big, bad, terrible, major, mild, frequent, common, constant, dull noun pain, nausea, migraine, dizziness, tension•, fever, symptom•, problem, eye verb get•, give•, cause•, suffer•, complain•, include•, create•, •occur, accompany, strike ● annoyance, pain, bother, bore, nuisance, problem


n adj severe, critical, chronic, serious, nursing, acute, special, future, widespread, foreign noun food, water, labor•, teacher, housing, worker, power•, area, priest verb face•, cause, create, suffer•, lead, experience•, result, address•, •force, reduce ● lack, scarcity, deficiency, dearth, famine, absence


n adj sexual, attempted, statutory, alleged, brutal, marital, mass, forcible noun victim, murder, case, date•, woman, •incest, charge, crime, assault, •trial verb report, commit, accuse•, convict•, •occur, involve, deal, arrest•, prevent•


n adj sexual, close, brief, personal, casual, initial, recent, previous, violent, face-to-face noun chance•, kind, •death, animal, nature, detail•, memory•, sort, series•, verb describe•, •occur, recall•, involve, survive•, result, experience, avoid, record, engage ● meeting, chance meeting, happenstance


n adj sexual, collective, terrible, liberal, tremendous, intense noun feeling, •innocence, shame, sense•, fear, •association, admission•, doubt, survivor• verb feel, admit•, prove•, carry•, experience, deny•, determine•, •wash, overwhelm, motivate ● fault, responsibility, blame, culpability || remorse, shame, self-reproach, conscience


n adj sexual, full, growing, initial, tremendous, nervous, sheer, intellectual noun lot•, sense•, eye, voice, kind•, energy, air, level, fear, fun verb feel, generate, create•, add•, bring•, contain•, share•, fill, experience, •surround ● enthusiasm, eagerness, exhilaration, anticipation || agitation, tension, unrest, ferment


n adj sexual, large, natural, top, potential, violent, online, unmanned, vulnerable, alleged noun prey, species, •control, protection•, predator, fish, animal, population, insect, parasite verb protect•, kill, avoid•, escape•, catch, feed, attract•, hide•, hunt, control ● marauder, killer, slayer, hunter, pillager, raider


n adj sweet, premium, chilled, precious, soy, superpremium noun heaven•, goodness•, art•, argument, safety•, od•, sake, convenience, pity•, appearance verb sacrifice•, assume, drink•, compromise•, •mutter, sip•


n adj sexual, serious, specific, recent, unsubstantiated, similar, widespread, credible, improper, unfair noun abuse, president, corruption, investigation•, fraud, harassment, police, evidence•, official, kind• verb deny•, investigate•, involve, support•, respond•, report, base, dismiss•, contain, •surface ● claim, accusation, assertion, contention, charge


n adj sexual, special, big, political, personal, huge, divine, enormous, royal noun party•, curry•, percent, odds•, champagne, vote•, argument•, gift, toast, scale• verb do•, ask, return•, fall•, work•, find•, gain•, rule• ● good turn, errand, kindness || approval, support, kindness || gift, trinket, token


n adj sexual, verbal, racial, environmental, individual, constant, discriminatory noun case, woman, charge, policy, issue, discrimination, •suit, workplace, •lawsuit, complaint verb report•, file, accuse•, constitute•, define, experience•, prevent•, •occur, endure•, •cease ● pestering, nuisance, annoyance, irritation, aggravation, persecution


n adj sheer, steep, white, red, towering, rugged, vertical, ancient, overhanging noun edge, •face, •dwelling, sea, rock, side, top, base•, sandstone•, wall verb fall, •overlook, jump•, climb•, rise, drop, drive•, throw, perch•, tumble ● precipice, rock face, face, crag, overhang, bluff


n adj short, electromagnetic, steady, faint, rapid, rhythmic, racing noun •rate, blood, pressure, processor•, light, finger•, laser•, radio•, heart, •width verb feel•, take•, check•, •race, quicken, send•, •combine, measure, produce, emit• ● beat, throb, pulsation, rhythm, pounding, thump


n adj short, left, empty, red, wide, rubber, protective, flexible noun shirt, jacket, arm, coat, face, trick•, nose•, sweater, heart•, plastic• verb roll, pull, tug•, wear•, push, grab•, touch•, wipe, •reveal ● cover, jacket, protective cover, dust jacket, envelope, outer cover


n adj short, long, average, overnight, brief, extended, automatic, minimum, two-night, temporary noun hospital•, length•, home, •execution, court, night, hotel, nursing, care, cost verb let•, grant, enjoy•, extend•, require, issue, •open, reduce, shorten•, prolong• ● visit, break, vacation, sojourn || halt, stop, delay, deferment


n adj short, public, written, special, prior, advanced noun moment•, day, advance•, hour•, week, eviction•, month•, •appeal verb take•, give•, put•, receive•, escape•, send, serve•, post, issue, attract• ● sign, poster, announcement, advertisement || warning, notification, announcement, communication


n adj significant, positive, high, strong, negative, low, direct, canonical noun table•, •coefficient, variable, analysis, score, •matrix, result, test, group, pattern verb find, show, use, indicate, calculate, report, reveal, examine, •exist, •range ● association, connection, relationship, link, parallel, correspondence


n adj silent, growing, audible, sudden, electronic, internal noun •clock, •system, fire•, •bell, car•, burglar•, smoke•, cause• verb sound, set•, raise•, ring, hear, trigger, install, wake, •blare, •warn ● fear, apprehension, terror, fright || alarm bell, warning, bell, distress signal


v noun oil•, blood, water, light•, coffee, •bean, •gut, tear•, •street, content, •drink, gallon, hair•, •secret, table misc •over, •out, •into, •onto, •across ● fall, drop, tip out, spill out, drip, leak


n adj simple, internal, certain, economic, fuzzy, cultural, formal, pro, inner noun reason, •argument, design, kind•, control, language, science, circuit, •controller verb use, follow•, defy•, apply, understand•, base, •suggest, question•, •dictate, operate ● reason, judgment, sense, common sense, lucidity, reasoning


n adj simple, mathematical, magic, secret, following, winning, basic, complex, standard, successful noun baby, infant•, •success, funding•, milk, bottle, driver, product, diet verb use, base, calculate, apply, follow•, determine, develop, change, feed, •contain ● formulation, formulary, method, modus operandi || cliché, stock phrase, expression, phrase


n adj slight, helpful, only, subtle, faint, mere, bare noun •smile, •color, •trouble, flavor, •irony, •danger, •accent, •humor, •fear, •sarcasm verb give•, take•, drop•, offer•, show•, provide•, catch•, tease ● suggestion, clue, intimation || advice, pointer, suggestion || trace, tinge, suggestion


n adj small, charged, elementary, large, subatomic, fine, microscopic, high-energy, airborne, solar noun dust, •physics, size, •accelerator, energy, •physicist, air, soil, matter, field verb produce, •move, form, remove•, contain, trap, cause, interact, •travel, bind ● bit, speck, crumb, fleck || smidgen, iota, bit, jot


n adj small, commercial, hijacked, conventional, chartered, giant, ultralight, crippled noun model•, flight, •crash, engine, pilot, part, •ticket, wing, •hangar, seat verb fly, build, jump•, land, buy•, •carry, hijack•, board• ● aircraft, plane, flying machine, aeroplane


n adj small, independent, local, human, private, smooth, heavy, commercial, skilled, cellular noun cable•, tour•, owner•, system•, radio•, telephone•, boat• verb allow•, require, •answer, dial, •handle, charge, enable•, hire, •monitor, permit ● worker, operative, machinist, hand


n adj small, little, frozen, shallow, nearby, tiny, muddy noun water, lake, fish, duck, stream, edge•, surface, farm•, area, tree verb build, swim, dig, stock, overlook•, surround, drop•, drain, •freeze, dry ● pool, fishpond, millpond, tarn, mere


n adj small, local, sian, orean, retail, online, weekly, nearby, ndian noun •store, bag, •shopping, •chain, food, •list, restaurant, •cart, shop, shelf verb buy, carry•, sell, pick, pay, own, order, unpack•, •scatter


n adj small, narrow, naked, tiny, thick, thin, slender, slim noun arm•, hand, hip, belt, leg, shoulder, •level, size, hair, knee verb bend•, tie•, hold, wrap•, grab•, pull, hang•, strip•, cinch•, paralyze• ● midriff, stomach, belly, middle || waistline, middle, midriff


n adj small, rare, oman, commemorative, silver, common, lucky, lost, two-sided noun side•, gold•, dollar•, •toss, flip, hand, note, collection, money, •collector verb drop, throw, collect, count•, pull, pick, sell, strike ● currency, money, coinage, denomination, change


n adj small, rough, dark, little, blue, tiny, open, bald, fuzzy, isolated noun eye, •grass, skin, •ground, •sky, cabbage•, pumpkin•, oil•, nicotine• verb wear•, hit•, lie, contain, install•, notice•, remove, reveal•, step, clear• ● cover, reinforcement, covering || area, spot, blotch || insignia, badge, award


n adj small, tiny, large, total, significant, mere, substantial, sizable noun •second, •cost, •inch, •population, •price, ejection•, •size, •amount, value, •energy verb represent•, pay•, account•, cover, contain, constitute•, measure•, •exceed ● little bit, little, small part, tiny proportion || portion, segment, part, section


n adj small, whole, theatrical, blue, nice, complete, sexy, entire, perfect, favorite noun leather•, pant, ski•, designer•, cowboy•, construction•, golf• verb wear, buy, dress•, pick, choose, match, love, •cost, •consist, •suit ● suit, clothes, clothing, getup || company, team, business, group


n adj smoked, wild, grilled, fresh, pink, farmed, commercial noun river, fish, farm, trout, •fillet, fishing, run, •steelhead, •farming, species verb catch, spawn, eat, serve, •return, place•, raise, •swim, save•, migrate


n adj social, economic, political, financial, legal, structural, free, environmental, physical, fiscal noun time•, budget•, opportunity, space, design, policy, behavior, development, capacity, process verb impose, face, give•, place, operate, remove•, overcome•, result, resource• ● restraint, restriction, limitation, constriction, limit, control


n adj social, economic, relative, international, geographic, physical, total, diplomatic, splendid, reproductive noun sense•, feeling•, loneliness, depression, •cell, •lack, fear, alienation, poverty, •ward verb live•, end•, experience, break•, reduce•, exist•, consider•, result, foster, heighten ● separation, segregation, remoteness, loneliness, seclusion, inaccessibility


n adj social, large, passive, current, intended, foreign, recent, able-bodied, financial, top noun welfare•, award, aid, care, security•, •country, donor•, job, percent, work verb require, •receive, name•, force, select, hire, •sign, identify•, honor•, demand• ● receiver, heir, addressee, beneficiary, inheritor, heritor


n adj social, political, economic, radical, personal, cultural, major, dramatic, profound, structural noun process, •society, change, economy, conflict•, data, market, strategy verb undergo•, •occur, involve, lead, require, describe, experience, witness•, achieve•, perform ● alteration, conversion, revolution, renovation, makeover, change


n adj social, special, aggressive, active, on-air, rapid, overall, continued noun health•, tenure, advertising•, •program, marketing, sales, opportunity, trade, prevention, democracy verb pass•, deny•, offer, receive•, end, earn•, gain•, deserve, aim, •merit ● raise, elevation, preferment || advertising, campaign, publicity || endorsement, encouragement, help


n adj social, year-round, traditional, lunar, regorian, full, ewish, hristian, academic, primary noun •year, day, event, wall, date, school•, month, page, appointment•, clock verb mark, check•, base, hang, list, publish, clear•, feature, circle, display ● datebook, schedule, year planner, timetable, agenda, diary


n adj solar, ultraviolet, infrared, cosmic, electromagnetic, nuclear, intense, gravitational noun •therapy, chemotherapy, •treatment, dose, exposure, background•, level verb emit, cause, expose•, absorb, detect, receive, undergo•, produce, treat, •reach ● particle emission, energy, radioactivity, fallout, contamination, pollution


n adj solid, multiple, chemical, conventional, southern, homemade, expendable, anti-tank noun •scientist, •launcher, •attack, •science, •engine, game, •ship, booster verb fire, launch, hit, build, shoot, carry, •fall, explode, •figure, •propel


n adj southern, northern, anadian, eastern, central, erbian, maritime, sole, exclusive, various noun state, capital, governor•, area, home•, frontier•, village•, unni, renegade•, authority verb visit•, locate, •border, divide, populate•, administer, govern, tour•, •secede, evacuate• ● area, state, prefecture, territory || area, sphere, field, jurisdiction


n adj southern, thick, heavy, foreign, strong, slight, soft, funny, fake, strange noun voice, color, trace•, pillow, plant, gold•, •piece, wood, east• verb speak•, add, lose•, •sound, imitate•, affect•, recognize, acquire•, betray, •hint ● pronunciation, inflection, intonation, tone of voice || emphasis, stress, beat, accentuation


n adj special, attorney-client, social, certain, male, rare, secret, lawyer-client, legal, constitutional noun right, executive•, power, honor, claim, wealth•, •citizen, position, •clause, client verb give, enjoy, grant, pay•, lose•, invoke•, protect, assert•, deny, waive• ● freedom, license, opportunity, dispensation || honor, source of pride, treat, pleasure


n adj special, legal, chief, outside, senior, corporate noun office•, house•, president, defense•, •law, independent•, deputy•, general•, investigation, committee verb appoint, seek•, •investigate, serve•, represent, offer, name, hire•, advise, act ● advice, guidance, direction, warning, guidelines, suggestions


n adj spinal, umbilical, vocal, electrical, long, electric, thin, light noun •injury, •blood, extension•, power•, bungee•, phone•, cell, end, rip•, telephone• verb cut•, pull•, tie, wrap, attach, hang, yank•, stretch, connect, strike• ● string, twine, rope, cable, flex, thread


n adj spiral, small, little, top, blue, red, spiral-bound, loose-leaf noun •computer, reporter, paper, page, pen, pencil, desktop, pocket, note, entry verb write, keep, •appear, open, fill, pull•, carry, record, scribble•, close• ● pad, notepad, sketchpad, sketchbook, jotter


n adj spiritual, cold, physical, extreme, insatiable, severe, widespread, desperate noun •strike, poverty, world•, disease, food, thirst, pang, homelessness, stomach verb die•, satisfy•, end•, suffer•, feed•, fight•, reduce•, •gnaw, overcome, consume ● starvation, lack of food, food shortage || appetite, emptiness, craving || craving, desire, need


n adj stamped, self-addressed, white, sealed, brown, thick, outer, business-size noun manila•, hand, letter, return, back, paper, •pocket, stamp, address, coin• verb push•, open•, •contain, put, send, pull, hold, seal, pick, place ● cover, wrapper, covering, wrapping, packet, casing


n adj standard, international, experimental, strict, additional, clinical, proper, surgical noun treatment•, nternet•, study, research•, interview•, convention, data, test•, testing• verb follow, develop, sign, establish, require, •approve, ratify•, •allow, implement, agree ● procedure, etiquette, code of behavior, conventions, rules, modus operandi


n adj stationary, red, recumbent, electric, rusty, crosscountry, ten-speed noun wheel, •shop, •ride, •helmet, tour, •path, •messenger, club, •coalition verb pedal, race, walk, buy, fall, sell, own•, lean, park ● bike, cycle, mountain bike, racing bike, tandem, push-bike


n adj steady, male, intense, piercing, blue, steely noun eye, face, •window, moment, mother, viewer, visitor, tourist, spectator verb meet•, turn, follow•, fix, shift, hold•, return, avert•, •fall, drop ● stare, look, regard, contemplation, observation, scrutiny


n adj strict, potential, legal, limited, joint, civil, political, criminal, medical noun product•, tax•, •insurance, asset•, company, issue, law, case, •act, compensation verb become•, limit, impose, avoid•, reduce, face, pay, apportion•, •arise, •attach ● legal responsibility, obligation, accountability, responsibility || disadvantage, problem, burden, millstone


n adj striking, cultural, important, strong, remarkable, structural, significant, perceived, close noun difference, lot•, group, study, degree•, experience, language, •measure, value, •situation verb show•, share•, bear•, note•, •end, reveal•, base•, notice•, strike, •exist ● resemblance, comparison, likeness, parallel, correspondence, connection


n adj strong, moral, conscientious, serious, main, obvious, irrelevant, initial noun •honor, defense, department, epublican, union, administration, prosecutor, critic, •hearsay, •lack verb raise, overrule, voice•, sustain, state, overcome•, override•, drop•, •arise, •concern ● opposition, protest, protestation, hostility || doubt, concern, problem, worry


n adj suburban, urban, sunny, fenced, shady, fenced-in, narrow noun pool, •garden, tree, •barbecue, •telescope, •astronomer, fence, •bird, window, •gardener verb play, sit, build, bury•, dig, overlook, plant, land


n adj successful, black, small, merican, local, private, individual, wealthy, high-tech, would-be noun business, company, nternet•, opportunity, market, capital, industry, worker, minority•, investment verb become, •build, •sell, •name, own, •seek, attract, •invest, found, •launch ● businessperson, tycoon, magnate, impresario, industrialist, financier


n adj successful, fast-food, international, storied, exclusive, existing, universal noun •history, company, owner, player, expansion•, •record, •fee verb buy•, own, sell, run, set, open, award•, operate•, purchase•, relocate ● permit, contract, authorization, charter, agreement, license


n adj sudden, financial, widespread, blind, moral, sheer, near noun •attack, •disorder, fear, •button, moment•, anxiety, state•, voice, sense•, wave• verb feel, cause•, set, rise, create•, fight•, flee, spread, avoid•, suffer• ● fright, terror, anxiety, fear, dread, alarm


n adj sudden, mad, headlong, frantic, last-minute, usual, heady, giddy, gold, dizzying noun •hour, gold•, •copy, •transcript, adrenaline, pass•, morning•, •judgment, •air, •traffic verb feel•, experience, avoid•, trigger•, rush, •embrace, •sweep, slow, adrenaline•, scour• ● haste, hurry, urgency, flash || blast, current, gale, gust


n adj supporting, great, entire, all-star, original, whole, strong, talented, diverse, short noun •character, •crew, plaster•, member•, rest•, arm, leg, •thousand, actor, •mind verb •include, join•, feature•, head, wear•, draw, perform, assemble, direct, •sing ● company, troupe, dramatis personae, actors, players, performers


n adj surgical, forced, complete, ndian, easy, immediate, permanent, prompt noun rate, hair•, •office, •efficiency, asbestos, snow•, •barrier, dam, process, tumor verb require, follow•, lead, allow•, include, involve•, order•, result•, occur, decrease ● taking away, elimination, exclusion, subtraction, deletion, amputation


n adj sweet, faint, fresh, strong, rich, heavy, human, heady, floral, pungent noun air, flower, perfume, •rose, pine, dog, wind, lavender, jasmine, •trail verb catch•, smell•, carry•, pick•, breathe•, follow•, fill, inhale•, •waft, •drift ● smell, odor, aroma || trail, trace, track || perfume, fragrance, cologne || hint, trace, air


n adj sweet, frozen, favorite, rich, light, decadent, fine, elegant noun chocolate, fruit, wine, coffee, plate, cake, dinner, cream, pie, dish verb serve, eat•, order, skip•, finish, love, enjoy, prepare, •arrive, feature ● afters, pudding, sweet || pudding, sweet, afters || sweet, afters, pudding


n adj syndicated, political, conservative, liberal, financial, longtime, prize-winning noun new, time•, newspaper, post, sport•, news, editor, author, magazine, gossip• verb •write, syndicate•, shield, •note, observe, quote, cite, •resign, •criticize, •lament ● writer, journalist, newspaper columnist, magazine columnist, correspondent, contributor


n adj teenage, unwanted, unintended, early, unplanned, adolescent, teen-age noun teen•, woman, month•, rate, •test, week•, •birth, drug, risk, disease verb prevent•, terminate•, end, reduce, avoid•, carry, result, occur, experience•, face• ● gravidity, gravidness, condition, gestation || significance, importance, import, meaning


n adj temporary, safe, federal, peaceful, quiet, welcome, spiritual, permanent noun wildlife•, place, •acre, park, island, oil, city, river•, •system, •manager verb take•, seek•, find•, provide•, become•, offer, serve• ● haven, sanctuary, harbor, protection, shelter, place of safety


n adj thin, thick, small, diagonal, single, narrow, tiny, extra, fat noun bread, tomato, cheese, lemon, bacon, apple, onion, pizza, •pie verb cut•, place, serve, arrange, add, eat•, garnish ● piece, sliver, wedge, portion || share, portion, cut, part


n adj thyroid, male, female, natural, synthetic, steroid, raging, parathyroid, certain noun growth•, •therapy, •replacement, level, stress•, woman, estrogen, body, sex•, cortisol verb take•, produce, release, cause, •increase, affect, secrete, stimulate, contain•, treat


n adj top, young, great, black, poor, female, all-time, low, solid, professional noun composer, music, audience, street•, circus•, stage, star, show, performance, solo• verb include, feature•, •sing, •wear, photograph, record, dance, motivate•, reward•, drag• ● doer, perpetrator, executor, architect || player, actor, musician, recitalist


n adj total, fat, dietary, complex, low, saturated, refined, simple, net, low-fat noun protein•, fat, •fiber, gram, , •cholesterol, sodium, •milligram, •mg, calorie verb eat, trace, contain, load, limit•, consume, convert, eliminate, digest, store ● biological compound, simple carbohydrate, complex carbohydrate, starch, sugar, cellulose


n adj total, only, commercial, annual, allowable, nice, diving noun •rate, •phrase, yard, fish, species, game, touchdown, •right, •effort, fisherman verb make•, play•, release, increase, sell, reduce•, report, •drop, clean• ● fastening, fastener, clasp, hook || snag, drawback, problem, difficulty


n adj total, permanent, joint, possible, potential, temporary, suitable, gradual noun •therapy, hormone•, hip•, •part, •player, •cost, •surgery, •worker verb find•, need, require•, hire, buy•, name, choose•, •arrive, order ● substitute, stand-in, substitution, proxy, surrogate, alternate


n adj tough, political, aggressive, strong, public, moral, critical, neutral, wide noun •phase, •issue, church, abortion, policy, ball, administration•, swing, leg, batting• verb take•, adopt•, assume•, change, maintain•, soften•, shift•, reflect, imply, differ ● attitude, position, stand, standpoint || posture, carriage, deportment, bearing


n adj tribal, young, sian, traditional, ndian, respected, male, ethnic, chief, rural noun village•, minority•, family, church, community, surgeon, •statesman, council, party•, leader verb speak, respect•, teach, •die, listen, share, interview, gather, honor•, •participate ● head, chief, leader


n adj true, best, dying, fond, secret, fervent, dear, greatest, deepest, ardent noun •list, death•, father, mother, parent, hristmas, patient•, •fulfillment verb make•, grant, express•, respect•, carry, follow, honor•, fulfill•, keep ● desire, aspiration, hope, yearning || request, demand, bidding, command


n adj uddhist, indu, ancient, gray, left, holy, golden, ewish, reek, ormon noun church, finger, stone•, eye, wall, site, building, mosque, hair•, palace verb build, rub•, stand, visit•, enter•, rebuild, massage•, tap•, •honor


n adj ultimate, primary, political, main, social, present, stated, careful, dead, principal noun •study, war•, article, movement, method, goal, objective, purpose, rifle, strategy verb take•, achieve•, accomplish•, pursue•, •improve, state•, shift•, adjust• ● goal, purpose, intention, object, objective, target


n adj useful, excellent, recommended, defensive, obvious, projected, offensive, logical, solid noun •point, •position, •lineup, •quarterback, •job, •pitcher, •line verb return•, provide•, •pitch, •repeat, earn•, compete•, lower•, crack, •tackle, regain•


n adj violent, convicted, common, dangerous, hardened, petty, international, tough, habitual, serious noun war•, crime, career•, justice, law, street, police, master•, adult•, officer verb treat•, catch, violate, prosecute•, •commit, arrest, •proceed, act, execute, identify• ● offender, convict, prisoner, felon, lawbreaker, delinquent


n adj visual, apt, extended, perfect, powerful, central, linguistic, cultural, particular noun use•, symbol, language, simile, analogy, metonymy, sport•, model, •identification verb become•, •describe, serve•, mix•, employ, extend, express, apply, •imply, •capture ● symbol, figure of speech, image, allegory, comparison, representation


n adj volcanic, black, gray, bottom, green, burning, cold noun cigarette, white•, wood•, fire, •tree, fly•, coal•, dust, smoke, cloud verb scatter, rise•, turn, fall, burn•, cover, flick•, spread, tap•, blow ● residue, cinders, slag, embers, powder, dust


n adj wanted, large, framed, missing, huge, colorful, giant, official, promotional noun •child, •boy, wall, movie•, •board, campaign, •girl, book, film, image verb hang, put, read, plaster, cover, •advertise, create, display, feature, decorate ● picture, print, reproduction, artwork || advertisement, placard, notice, bill


n adj warm, cool, critical, mixed, enthusiastic, chilly, hostile noun •area, wedding•, •room, •desk, cocktail•, •dinner, •hall, touchdown• verb hold, receive, include•, follow, attend•, host, feature, enter•, honor, •celebrate ● receipt, receiving, delivery || welcome, greeting, reaction || party, function, cocktail party || signal, sound, clarity


n adj wealthy, rich, online, foreign, downtown, retail, prosperous, prominent, enterprising, traveling noun •ship, •marine, association, •class, wine•, arm•, business, •seaman, •vessel verb sell, travel, own, trade, dominate, •refuse, sink, haggle, donate, persuade• ● wholesaler, dealer, trader, supplier || retailer, seller, vendor, shopkeeper


n adj western, merican, ancient, human, modern, uropean, advanced, early, slamic noun clash•, history, world, culture, society, cradle•, end, course, progress, decline verb build, destroy, create, renew•, save•, •exist, threaten, advance, •depend, •survive ● society, nation, culture, empire || development, evolution, progress, cultivation


n adj white, black, damp, red, blue, soft, wet, whole, clean noun piece•, paper, table, cotton•, •bag, strip•, •napkin, •diaper, bolt• verb cover, wrap, cut•, wear, weave, drape, pull, hang, soak, bind ● material, fabric, textile, stuff || rag, duster, tablecloth, handkerchief


n adj white, blue, distant, dry, greased, nearby, forked noun bolt, •rod, thunder, flash, •strike, storm, sky, •speed verb hit, •illuminate, kill, cause, flicker, catch, watch•, •reveal, •occur ● flash of lightning, coruscation, fulguration, forked lightning, sheet lightning


n adj white, blue, gray, coastal, basking, hungry, male, attacking noun •program, •attack, species, whale•, tiger•, •fin, number, loan• verb •tag, swim, catch, feed, eat, jump•, bite, circle


n adj white, blue, hot, starched, cervical, clerical, button-down noun shirt, coat, neck, dog•, jacket, •worker, radio•, cuff, lace•, fur• verb wear•, grab•, pull, turn, fit, open, loosen, adjust•, unbutton


n adj white, frican, sian, pink, huge, hairy, dead, female, giant noun herd, •trunk, •room, •seal, •ear, tusk, baby•, •population, bull• verb kill, ride•, shoot, save•, eat, •name, dance, ignore, trample, feature•


n adj white, full, burning, tabloid, nearby, overflowing, residential, rotting noun •bag, •can, •bin, pile, plastic•, •heap, piece•, street verb pick, take•, throw•, talk, toss•, dump, collect, fill, carry, burn ● nonsense, gibberish, drivel, double talk || garbage, waste, refuse, litter


n adj white, institutional, merican, black, environmental, blatant, overt, institutionalized noun sexism, •discrimination, poverty, issue, charge•, form•, race•, prejudice, anti-semitism, society verb •exist, fight•, accuse•, deal•, combat•, confront•, end•, equate•, •permeate, •persist ● racial discrimination, discrimination, prejudice, bigotry, intolerance, xenophobia


n adj winning, rushing, only, offensive, game-winning, fourth-quarter, go-ahead noun yard•, interception, •run, game, •season, return, •reception, punt, catch, career verb score•, throw•, •pass, lead, rush, allow•, •seal ● landing, descent, arrival || score, try, point


n adj white, live, red, old, black, royal noun •tree, forest, pine, leaf, •lawn, grove, •table, maple, post•, •door verb shade, hang, line, surround, plant, age, dominate, climb, construct•, •arch


n adj white, long, black, gray, red, full, dark, thick, bushy, short noun hair, man•, eye, mustache, face, growth•, glass, hat, stubble, chin verb grow, wear, shave•, trim, stroke•, pull, scratch•, cut, hang, •match ● facial hair, whiskers, goatee, bush, stubble


n adj white, moving, -passenger, mobile, yellow, unmarked, hevy, rented, postal noun back•, •horn, car, police, news, truck, bus, pool, delivery•, pickup verb drive, •pull, •park, buy, climb, ride, fill, rent, hit, •pick ● forefront, front, lead, head, vanguard, pole position


n adj white, political, social, democratic, economic, left, religious, traditional, prominent, northern noun emocrat, party, word•, moderate, epublican, court, •ongress, deal, press, media verb •believe, •argue, •agree, oppose, win, blame, criticize, accuse, hate, attack


n adj wide, top, leading, digital, handheld, running, deep, intended, favorite noun phone•, radio•, •ear, quarterback, telephone•, transmitter•, satellite•, game, season, line verb pick•, run, hold•, •catch, lift•, replace•, slam•, cover•, grab•, place ● handset, earpiece, mouthpiece || headset, headphones, earpiece || liquidator, official receiver, sequestrator || receptionist, welcomer, greeter || recipient, heir, addressee


n adj wide, vast, broad, large, impressive, diverse, dizzying noun •service, •program, •option, •product, •color, telescope, sensor, •choice, •material verb offer•, provide, include•, produce•, contain, face•, feature•, consist, •range, •measure ● collection, selection, display, range || dress, clothing, attire, regalia


n adj wild, cold, roast, smoked, cooked, frozen, fresh, roasted, roasting, hot noun •breast, chicken, turkey, hanksgiving, •sandwich, •hunting, ground•, •hunter, ham, pound verb cook, roast, place, stuff, eat•, remove, carve•, quit•, •dress, hunt ● failure, flop, washout, dud, fiasco, lemon


n adj wild, dried, white, large, black, green, red, chopped, hot, edible noun onion, portobello•, •cloud, •cap, •soup, sauce, pound•, stem, chicken, •mixture verb add•, slice, saute, stir, grow, remove, eat, stuff, mix, discard


n adj wild, grazing, domestic, spotted, working, live, diseased noun sheep, •ranch, herd, rancher, horse, head•, beef•, land, •ranching verb raise, graze, feed, drive, kill, sell, •prod, •roam ● livestock, cows, oxen, bulls, bullocks, steers


n adj wild, great, little, huge, sexy, mythical, poor, savage, powerful noun man, •burden, nature•, bird, •jungle, animal•, king•, heart, •prey, teen• verb kill, feed, tame•, ride, slay, soothe•, starve• ● animal, creature, being, living thing || monster, fiend, brute, ogre


r city, street, drive•, near, building•, walk, •where, office, head•, center, around•, hotel, store•, historic•


n adj wooden, greasy, measuring, long-handled, stirring, bent, gold-plated noun •mixture, bowl, fork, silver•, cup, back•, •sauce, •batter, plate, plastic• verb use•, stir, remove, •transfer, put, hold•, drop, pick•, dip, •scoop


n adj wooden, long, better, comfortable, curved, broken, firm noun door•, hand, knife, broom•, metal, bag, blade, plastic•, ax•, finger verb get•, pull, grab•, turn, hold, reach•, grasp•, attach, fly•, carry ● grip, knob, lever, switch || name, moniker, title, nickname


n adj wooden, private, empty, token, tanning, nearby, soundproof, darkened, adjacent noun phone•, voting•, back, ticket•, toll•, corner, information•, telephone•, table, broadcast• verb sit•, slide•, set, enter•, •sell, vote, feature, line, seat•, approach ● cubicle, stand, closet, compartment, sukkah, tabernacle


n adj written, prior, special, parental, official, following, express, explicit noun •information, parent, government, •publisher, request•, •slip, court, author, department, form verb give•, ask•, get•, reprint•, use, grant, obtain•, need•, receive•, seek• ● consent, authorization, go-ahead, approval, agreement, acquiescence


n adj yellow, regular, extended, double, waiting, empty, checkered noun •driver, truck, crew•, taxi•, night, back•, door, •company, window, •pickup verb take, hail•, drive, call•, •pull, climb•, •stop, sit, ride, catch• ● taxi, taxicab, yellow cab, hack || cabin, compartment, cockpit


n adj young, spiritual, professional, experienced, longtime, wonderful, onetime, beloved noun teacher, student, friend, program, role, model, school, relationship, university verb serve•, become•, •help, provide, act•, •teach, seek•, assign, match, •guide ● counselor, guide, tutor, teacher, guru, supporter


r at•, long•, until•, last, free, peace, silence, •almighty, asleep, silent, till•, satisfied•, gaze, flame


r at•, •morning, ten•, nine•, five•, four•, eight•, six•, three•, two•


r different, stop•, avoid•, another•, out•, something•, eliminate•, disappear•, abandon•, lose•, ignore•, else•, drop•, miss• ● in total, all in all, all told || totally, completely, wholly || on the whole, when all's said and done, overall


r dinner•, lunch•, open•, almost•, hour, •commute, twice•, •reservation, breakfast, •living, activity, meal•, •physical, serving• ● every day, each day, on a daily basis, day by day, day after day


r find, buy•, post•, shop•, information•, sell•, order•, service, meet•, chat, site, offer, visit, news ● in real time, by computer, on-screen, live, electronically


r go•, do•, what•, something•, can•, thing•, if•, how, anything•, nothing•, everything•, when•, prove•, case


r go•, room, back•, run•, bedroom, head•, bed, hear, walk•, office, live•, downstairs, carry•


r have, but, lot•, much•, seem, though, news•, notice, bit•, attention•, busy•, act•, pretty•, hard ● recently, of late, these days, latterly, currently, just


r her, hold•, so•, wrap, •around, hand, more•, cover, •control, arm, together, close, pack, too• ● firmly, strongly, forcefully, closely || closely, compactly, snugly, cozily


r hold•, •end, too•, pull•, •around, very•, her, •against, eye, sit•, hand, keep•, shut•, arm


r home•, merican•, travel•, study•, here•, live•, both•, year, send•, trip•, sell• ● overseas, away, out of the country


r mentally, emotionally, •active, •abuse, •fit, both•, feel, psychologically, •demand, sexually, •disabled, spiritually ● bodily, actually, in the flesh, really, materially, substantially


r out•, laugh•, so•, •enough, too•, •clear, hear, as•, read•, cry•, voice, very•, talk•, music


r people•, billion•, sell•, million•, copy•, •including, species•, employee•, market•, scientist•, organization•, sales


r percent•, female, per•, •indicate, •compare, •thus, minute• ● correspondingly, individually, singly, in turn, separately, one-to-one


r physically, •charge, child, feel•, financially, •disturb, mentally, •drain, become•, intellectually, both•, involve, spiritually, •disturbed ● expressively, passionately, fervently, ardently, warmly, enthusiastically


r quite•, think, because, very, speak, •surprised, admit, pretty, •tired, •prefer, bit, •dear, •doubt, •sick ● honestly, forthrightly, freely, openly, bluntly, truthfully


r rise•, contrast•, fall•, •reduce, increase, turn•, cut, drop•, price, •criticize, decline• ● abruptly, suddenly || harshly, severely || alarmingly, steeply || briskly, abruptly || extremely, clearly || clearly, distinctly


r soon•, shortly•, long•, year•, immediately•, week•, month•, hour•, •lay, reporter•, minute•, dinner•, recall, wash ● later, after that, subsequently, then, next


r so•, more•, until•, mix, dry, •enjoy, wash, •modern, investigate, as•, •heat, rinse, water, •before ● methodically, carefully, systematically, painstakingly || completely, absolutely, totally, utterly


r study, research, •although, process, •suggest, data ● also, in addition, besides, additionally, moreover, what's more


r system•, •assume, •adjust, computer, almost•, shut, software•, data, generate, update, switch, itself, •transfer, •qualify ● unconsciously, instinctively, spontaneously, impulsively || inevitably, routinely, repeatedly, habitually


r tell, ask, nited tates, show, official•, warn, •deny, himself, fail, refer, demonstrate, rape, insist, lie ● recurrently, frequently, constantly, continually, repetitively, time after time


r until•, •brown, take•, •surface, •floured, touch, egg, hand, •greased, •beat, brush, coat, dough•, oil ● gently, softly, delicately || flippantly, frivolously, jokily || nimbly, gracefully, trippingly


r use, test, patient, •ignore, doctor, police, •monitor, perform, •deny, •check, •beat, worker, •violate, agency• ● regularly, habitually, as a matter of course, normally, usually, characteristically


r who•, •kill, after•, arrest•, murder, •steal, •shoot, police, •commit, •rape, assault, •sell, abuse, officer ● supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently


r will, might, hope•, may, maybe, •soon, perhaps, •able, marry, someone, return, dream•, somebody, somehow ● one day, sooner or later, sometime, soon, in the future, one of these days


r woman, •male, •consider, area, •associate, •view, •serve, •focus, •democratic, •female, •define, role, institution, value ● usually, conventionally, customarily, habitually, by tradition


r •about, •gay, talk•, discuss, speak•, express, •admit, •acknowledge, •criticize, serve•, •hostile ● amenably, flexibly || directly, honestly || explicitly, clearly || nakedly, blatantly || outright, unreservedly || overtly, clearly || publicly, in public || receptively, amenably


r •as, •director, •communist, •own, artist•, •occupy, •editor, •homeless, •prince, •assistant, •senior ● previously, before, in the past, in earlier times, once, earlier


r •believe, •establish, hand, place, hold, •pack, plant, •brown, root, press, keep•, •against ● resolutely, inflexibly, decisively, definitely || tightly, securely, powerfully, strongly


r •black, •college, •significant, •accurate, •low, important, •specific, institution, culturally, rate, culture, •contingent, •associate, •correct ● for history, in history, over all, factually || traditionally, generally, usually, as a rule


r •by, only•, least•, •cover, may•, •explain, •support, •responsible, •fund, •fill, result, •successful, •oil, •because ● partly, in part, incompletely, to some extent, somewhat, moderately


r •district, week•, year, result, percent, •however, season, •star, rate, score, pick, •economic, indicate, •acceleration ● in general, on the whole, generally, taken as a whole, largely, by and large


r •endless, •simple, •impossible, •unrelated, •contradictory, •random, •innocuous, •oblivious, •innocent, his•, •minor, •nowhere, •intractable, event ● apparently, outwardly, ostensibly, on the face of it, superficially


r •go, •want, find, •possible, •may, whenever, follow•, live, •lead, whatever, travel, •choose, •occur, •else ● anywhere, anyplace, where, somewhere, everyplace, everywhere


r •high, show, •low, report, •support, study•, level, apply, research•, •rank, poll•, produce, fail, •demonstrate ● time after time, time and again, again and again, every time || reliably, steadily, dependably, constantly


r •ill, physically, •retarded, people, •disabled, prepare, emotionally, person, severely•, both•, tough, •handicap, •challenge, •healthy ● spiritually, emotionally, cerebrally, psychologically, rationally, intellectually


r •involved, participate, •engage, •seek, student, •involve, work, •support, •promote, •pursue, become•, encourage ● aggressively, energetically, enthusiastically, dynamically, keenly, vigorously


r •married, live•, •after, •ever, end•, smile•, together, couple, marry, quite•, along, nod•, settle, grin• ● luckily, fortunately, thankfully || gladly, willingly, cheerfully || cheerfully, contentedly, joyfully


r •need, try, want, so•, •seek, •poor, search, help, hope, fight, •ill, •love ● frantically, anxiously, frenziedly, hastily || very much, badly, to a great extent, dreadfully


r •own, •hold, •company, official, publicly, meet•, •funded, talk•, fund, speak•, •finance, •run, •operate, admit ● confidentially, in confidence, in private, secretly, in secret, behind closed doors


r •present, year•, walk•, between•, drive•, •future, car•, both•, rush•, fly•, century•, decade•, roar•, slide•


r •recognize, •begin, •sanction, •open, •declare, •end, government, •name, •announce, though•, yet, •designate, season•, •dead ● formally, legitimately, authoritatively, on the record, publicly, with authorization


r •speak, •limit, •business, •enforce, •control, adhere, •forbid, •regulate, matter, define, •political, military, •basis ● severely, firmly, sternly, harshly || exactly, precisely, accurately, narrowly


r •teacher, behavior, performance, environment•, lack, purpose, •tend, participant ● as a result, so, thus, therefore, accordingly, subsequently


r •than, •more, •less, vary•, •high, •low, change•, •small, increase, improve•, differ•, •since ● significantly, much, noticeably, by far, greatly, substantially


r •where, draw•, come•, •enough, •far, as, live, end•, damn•, nowhere•, anywhere•, stand, store•, theater• ● nearby, close, close by, close to || almost, nearly, virtually, practically


r •will, soon, improve, tomorrow, someday, resolve, towards, temporary, •peaceful, momentum ● with any luck, with a bit of luck, all being well || confidently, expectantly, optimistically, positively


v noun army•, parade, •ashington, soldier•, thousand•, troop•, line, •mile, •step, road, king, protester•, demonstrator•, •town, saint• misc •into, •through, •up, •toward, •across, •off ● file, troop, parade || step out, tear along, rush || troop, parade, stream


u •yes, •well, no, •ha, oh, •yeah, , •hell, ooh


v noun arm, face, head, hand, mouth•, body, hair, neck, •ankle, lip, side, back, •seat, •knob, smile misc his, her, •into, •around, turn, off, •together up face, back, •inside, stomach ● wind, coil || rotate, turn || sprain, pull || distort, misrepresent || meander, snake || contort, screw up


v noun arm, hand, paper, •chest, mixture, leg, chair, edge, egg, seat, •lap, clothes, wing, table, •tent misc •into, •over, •across, •back, neatly, gently• down top, rear, back ● double over, bend, crease, fold up || go out of business, close, shut down, go bankrupt


v noun ball, check, head, light•, floor, bed, car, •idea, road, ground, seat, rock, basketball, signal, knee misc •around, •along, •against, •across, hit back •from, after, try•, •quickly, always•, stock•, ability•, market•, economy•, •strong off •wall, light•, ball•, object ● rebound, spring back, bound, spring up || spring, jump, bound, bob


v noun boat, world, baby, •side, explosion•, head, car, scandal, foot, cradle, ship, earthquake•, •vote, motion, seat misc •forth, gently, sit•, •sleep, •forward, slowly, ready• ● astound, shock, shake, stun || sway, swing, shake, move up and down


v noun car, dog, •dream, police•, •ball, guy, girl, storm, boy, cat, kid, street, •tail, •shadow, •rabbit misc •after, •away, out, •around, off down •lead, try•, •every, •ball, car, •drug, enemy, hour, investigator•, truck ● pursue, run after, hunt, hound || race, dash, rush, career


v noun child, idea, project, baby, plan, art, nation, couple•, mind, design, son, nature, •term, culture, character misc •as, originally•, ever•, •execute, difficult•, •terms, poorly•, able•, hard• ● imagine, envisage, visualize || create, think up, dream up || consider, regard, think of


v noun company, product, good, box, order, oil, food, material, weapon, •north, computer, month, truck, arm, •customer misc •back, •overseas, million, before•, •across, •directly, ready•, •abroad out before•, •raq, about, •again, soon, soldier•, troop•, ready•, schedule• off before•, •war, •camp ● send, transport, distribute, dispatch, convey


v noun company•, firm•, lawyer•, •issue, attorney•, •case, art, writer•, area, doctor•, fund•, business, research, •health, service misc medical, •treat, highly•, •particular, tend•, increasingly• in company•, firm•, doctor•, artist•, architect• ● specify, be attentive, study || concentrate, focus, dedicate yourself to, major in


v noun day, •possibility, night, effort, option, appeal, resource, supply, hour, fund, patience, energy, •benefit, •saving, venue misc after, until•, physically•, •every, emotionally ● tire out, tire, wear out, drain || use up, use, finish, wear out


v noun door, soldier, police, •entrance, gate, coast•, troop, border, •privacy, officer, building, secret, •tower, •prisoner, army misc •against, jealously, closely, carefully, heavily• ● protect, defend, safeguard, shield, watch, watch over


v noun door, •room, •street, car, •kitchen, •hall, •step, foot, window, crowd, hallway, footstep, daddy misc •out, •off, •toward, •away, •through, •over, •past, •across, better•, please• up •wait, better•, •finish, please ● rush, speed, hasten, run || speed up, accelerate, quicken, hasten


v noun economy, system, state, power, •position, law, government, support, •ability, effort, bone, party, market, muscle, force misc •by, far, immune, strengthen•, political, severely• ● grow weaker, deteriorate, fail || give in, cave in, give way || damage, destabilize, detract from || dilute, water down, thin || enfeeble, exhaust, enervate


v noun effort, helicopter, police, force, guard, firefighter, plan, son, baby, officer misc •from, try•, attempt•, wait•, •trap, eventually, safely• ● save, free, set free, liberate, release, salvage


v noun effort, •credibility, •authority, •confidence, system, •ability, policy, •support, •legitimacy, democracy, •stability, regime, attempt, •integrity, •claim misc try•, far•, threaten•, public, economic, seriously•, •traditional, seek•, tend•, military, severely• ● weaken, dent, chip away at, challenge, destabilize, demoralize


v noun effort, •student, •development, government, program, •victim, •enemy, •understanding, •recovery, force, •cause, •search, organization, information•, •digestion misc •by, •abet, design, greatly, •poor ● help, assist, support, abet, give support to, minister


v noun eye, voice, relation, relationship, muscle, ear, back, resource, face, liquid, neck, mixture, •credulity, body, •leash misc •through, •hear, •against, already, forward ● make a great effort, try hard, struggle || damage, pull, injure || drain, sieve, filter


v noun eye•, cloud, mind•, smoke•, thought•, boat, snow, water, •room, air, •sleep, window, •current, sea, music• misc •into, •away, •through, •toward, let•, •across off •sleep, •into, •again, voice•, thought, last•, •wake, herself•, slowly•, •somewhere back •sleep, mind•, thought•, •toward ● float, flow, glide, coast, waft, wander


v noun face, room, star, moment, •sky, •distance, •ceiling, wall, glass, •sea, •awe, •darkness, •wonder, •horror, •surprise misc •at, •into, •out, she•, •down, •across, •through, •over, •upon, •toward, •off, sit• ● look, stare, gawk, watch, contemplate, regard


v noun face, window, question, issue, picture, hair, debate, view, door, eye, tree, image, policy, discussion, light misc •terms, •within, •hang, dark, perfectly ● entrap, set up, trick, entice || enclose, border, mount, edge


v noun fate, •deal, bag, door, plastic, envelope, lip•, •border, edge, record, window, end, hole, air, •moisture misc •inside, shut, tightly, close, •place, completely off •from, area, window, room, hermetically•, completely, automatically•, protester•, tonight up •tight, •crack, •hole ● close, fasten, stick, close up || guarantee, settle, finalize, wrap up


v noun figure, scene, painting, woman, life, image, film, artist, table, event, mural•, art, character, subject, landscape misc as, often•, female, accurately, various, sexual, graphically ● portray, show, represent, describe, illustrate, paint


v noun fish, computer, thumb, finger, arm, •drug, guy, machine, cable, line, phone, nose, leg, •belt, claw misc get•, •onto, •together, immediately•, instantly•, firmly up get•, computer, monitor, •, cable, try•, hose, phone, •again, someone ● fasten, attach, secure, join, tie, button


v noun garlic, skull, car, •press, •death, army, weight, head, •rebellion, leg, bone, cigarette, body, ground, tank misc •under, •against, •beneath, nearly•, easily, fresh ● squash, squeeze, compress || quell, suppress, put down || defeat, rout, slaughter || humiliate, devastate, mortify


v noun group, item, sample, student, part, population, team•, system, member, study, individual, category, •majority, community, committee• misc which•, •about, each, •approximately, total, •nearly, •mainly, •hundred ● include, encompass, contain, cover, consist of, embrace


v noun hair, crayon, •perception, picture, •sky, cheek, shape, blood, plant, design misc brightly•, white, red, black, brilliantly• ● tint, dye, paint || blush, go red, flush || affect, influence, incline


v noun hair, •tooth, hand, •oil, side, finger, face, lip, •cheek, •top, •butter, water, arm, •egg, •mixture misc her, his, •against, •aside, •away, •back, lightly off •dirt, •hand, •concern, •question, •knee, •pant, •suggestion, •compliment, •jeans up •on, •against, •your, •skill, need•, accidentally• ● scrub, clear, coat, groom || touch, graze, scrape, sweep


v noun hand, •face, •back, •knee, arm, water, •thigh, head, palm, foot, •side, •forehead, door, •table, •wrist misc •on, his, her, •him, •me, •down, •against, •across ● hit, smack, spank, cuff, swipe, clout


v noun head, •hat, •scale, •balance, hand, chair, •side, •cap, police, •edge, boat, ball, box, mouth, cup misc •over, •back, •toward, •forward, •favor, •onto, •slightly off police, , reporter, play, •authority, official, basketball•, guard, foreign, schedule ● tilt, slope, slant || knock over, pour, empty || give, slip, reward


v noun heart•, •air, flame•, car, water, tree, door, arm, dog•, window, mind, fire, wall, •conclusion, cat• misc •from, •into, •out, •over, •onto, •forward, •ahead, toward, •grab ● jump, bound, dive, soar || increase, rise, shoot up, go up


v noun hole, oil, well, gas, rig, refuge, •site, land, bit, foot, exploration, •sergeant, wildlife, ice, drill misc into, through, offshore, arctic, drill, national, off, offshore, allow, natural, oppose, deep, exploratory, deep, dry ● bore, make a hole, pierce, puncture || train, coach, school, discipline


v noun hole, •button, •number, •clock, ticket, fist, •key, card, •dough, wall, •air, guy, •shoulder, •mouth, machine misc •into, •through, kick, •hard, hit, somebody, best•, left, lightly, repeatedly out •number, hole, window, before, wall, •cop, •cork, •police ● stamp, press, perforate, cut || hit, beat, strike, pummel


v noun house, •apartment, •car, •room, •space, movie, place, video, tenant, truck, •boat, bike, property, cottage, store misc buy, sell, •drive, private, cheap, •near, afford• out •room, •house, who•, •space, home, •apartment, •two, property, unit, owner• ● let, hire out, lend out, rent out, charter, lease


v noun image, year, •screen, •power, •future, •wall, population, budget, ability•, earnings, slide, deficit, cost, light, film misc •onto, million, •increase, •grow, billion, •forward, upon, •beyond ● forecast, predict, estimate || stick out, jut out, protrude || throw, launch, shoot || plan, envisage, propose


v noun information, result, outcome, weight, goal, top, mixture, peace, seed, minute, privacy, unity, reduction, happiness, •grace misc leave•, whatever•, place, •immediately, additional, fresh, truly•, sexual ● want, wish for, long for, covet || request, ask, require, appeal


v noun instruction, search, law, order, warrant, person, painting, prisoner, •strategy, trade, ability•, command, crime, •mission, murder misc plan, faithfully•, properly, summarily•, perfectly ● carry out, perform, implement, effect || put to death, kill, slay, murder


v noun issue, ongress, question, •merit, bill, enate•, policy, topic, scientist•, week, scholar•, expert•, candidate•, official•, reform misc •whether, hotly•, shall, continue•, discuss, widely•, openly ● discuss, argue, dispute, deliberate || ponder, wonder, deliberate, contemplate


v noun issue•, question•, problem•, safety, •relationship, research•, •effect, data•, debate•, aspect, •nature, quality, article•, factor, attitude misc •about, most, •itself, •themselves, especially•, •ourselves, •yourself, particularly•, environmental, deep•, specific, directly ● worry, trouble, disturb, bother || relate, affect, be about, have to do with


v noun justice•, condition•, sense•, •court, end, peace•, reason•, spirit•, truth•, argument, •century, democracy•, circumstance•, plaintiff, ussia misc will•, •over, still•, •upon, •against, must• ● triumph, succeed, be victorious, overcome || exist, reign, be happening, occur


v noun law, ongress•, legislation, state, reform, policy, year, program, statute, government•, bill, measure, legislature, rule, health misc federal, recently•, require, similar, •tough ● pass, ratify, endorse, decree || perform, act out, play, portray


v noun law•, state, •use, rule•, government, •discrimination, act•, amendment•, regulation•, policy•, •sale, abortion, legislation•, •exercise, activity misc •from, federal, public, specifically•, strictly•, restrict, •sexual, explicitly• ● forbid, ban, bar, exclude, proscribe, outlaw


v noun law•, weapon, state, •use, •abortion, government, amendment•, •marriage, bill•, gun, •sale, legislation•, book, party, •import misc •from, constitutional•, •gay, federal, •smoke, vote•, •altogether ● forbid, outlaw, prohibit, veto, bar, proscribe


v noun letter•, •clarity, book, •length, •space, film, collection, volume, story, video, right•, file, music, image, essay misc •by, write, publish, compile•, carefully• ● correct, tidy up, check over, amend || oversee, run, manage, be in charge of


v noun life, career, reputation, day, •chance, •economy, season, •relationship, •marriage, plan, credit, road•, rain, •sport, •mood misc •everything, whole, nearly•, completely, financially ● damage, wreck, spoil, mess up, destroy, trash


v noun life, expense, minute, room•, effort, •detail, •pain, death, •embarrassment, •rod, hour, •feeling, energy, second, patient misc can•, •me, few, little, plenty•, •yourself, •tire, extra, order•, none ● do without, get by without, manage without, afford || show mercy to, free, release, save


v noun life, family, company, culture, society, education, work, art, opinion, deal•, diversity, teacher, parent, relationship, •friendship misc highly, •million, •billion, •less, equally, particularly•, indicate•, greatly• ● prize, appreciate, respect, esteem || rate, assess, estimate, evaluate


v noun light, eye, •smile, screen, •mind, lightning•, •grin, sign, tooth, image, camera, look, warning, head, •badge misc her, •through, red, •across, •before, •past, suddenly•, •forward back mind•, •forth, thought• ● glint, sparkle, twinkle || pass quickly, rush, speed || flaunt, show, show off


v noun light, sun•, eye, star•, flashlight, face, moon•, shoe, window, spotlight, hair, morning, beam, gold, glass misc •through, •like, •brightly, •down, •brighter, •brilliantly ● excel, stand out, be good at || polish, burnish, buff || glow, gleam, glimmer


v noun look, •glance, politician•, resistance, novelist•, fool•, stranger•, outsider•, journalist•, hristian• misc how•, never•, anyone, •hope, •challenge, hardly• ● venture, risk, gamble || challenge, defy, taunt || venture, presume, have the audacity


v noun material, truck, •hospital, water, •good, ship, body, troop, vehicle•, waste, food, bus•, gas, cargo, energy misc •back, •across, store, easily, easy• ● convey, move, bring, carry, ship, transfer


v noun mind•, •street, eye•, •house, night, •hall, attention•, •road, •desert, •town, gaze•, thought•, dog•, park, •aisle misc •around, •through, •into, •off, •away, let•, •about, •among, •far, •aimlessly ● stroll, meander, walk, mosey || drift, stray, digress, lose the point


v noun mixture, egg, color, ingredient, flavor, bowl, flour, sugar, oil, butter, salt, blender•, cream, sound, processor• misc •with, until•, •into, well, stir, •together in •with, well, •better, almost•, able•, easily, perfectly, ability•, •among, seamlessly ● mix, merge, combine, bring together, unify, intermingle


v noun mother•, friend, father, voice, critic•, interview, historian, observer•, •passing, •dismay misc once•, •upon, often•, later•, casually ● say, comment, state, observe, pronounce, mention


v noun movie, film, series, actor, •roadway, hit, picture, video, musical misc •as, who•, which•, also•, •opposite, former, currently• in •movie, •film, direct•, produce• ● feature, showcase, head the cast, top the bill || do well, excel, shine, succeed


v noun music, group, student, song, letter, piece, poem, team•, committee•, •member, image, force•, melody, picture, element misc •herself, •entirely, •mostly, primarily, largely, •mainly ● make up, comprise, constitute || arrange, order, organize || create, invent, make up


v noun name, word, •trouble, •end, •disaster, •doom, •difference, •death, term misc correctly, learn•, read, unconventionally•, •wrong, •backwards, conventionally, specific out letter, clearly, •detail, word, name, •exactly, rule, document, message, term ● signify, mean, bring, predict, imply, presage


v noun need•, mistake, •remark, letter, statement, •advance, •slavery, •delay, apan, pope•, minister•, sir, •, gentleman, •sin misc •for, , shall•, later•, again, publicly, •profusely ● say sorry, make an apology, ask for forgiveness, express regret, act contrite


v noun od, •parent, mother, desire•, father, other, •audience, •customer, •crowd, •boss, •palate, •voter, eagerness•, politician, •constituent misc try•, want•, ask•, eager•, •everyone, •everybody, hard•, •yourself ● satisfy, gratify, make happy, delight || like, prefer, choose, desire


v noun od•, father, debt, sin, loan, ord, esus, sir, •sinner, •enemy, •pun, hrist misc •me, •him, never•, •her, •us, forget, please•, •myself, ever•, able•, hope•, •yourself, •everything ● pardon, excuse, forgive and forget, let off, absolve, exonerate


v noun od•, •merica, •heart, child, ord, •soul, gift, priest, union, church, baby, marriage, llah•, sir, memory misc •with, curse, truly•, lucky, incredibly ● sanctify, consecrate, exalt, hallow || approve, sanction, support, endorse


v noun official•, •point, •defeat, critic•, administration, •election, emocrat, aide•, supporter•, opponent•, expert•, •error, •legitimacy, •inch, •validity misc willing•, readily•, refuse•, finally•, ready•, privately, force• ● allow, acknowledge, grant, admit || yield, give in, give up, compromise


v noun ongress, •use, •force, resolution•, president, state, law, council•, act•, •war, action, bill•, program, department, •payment misc •by, •military, vote•, federal, •million, specifically• ● approve, allow, sanction, permit, give permission, okay


v noun other, •knee, •attack, car, police, civilian, •crash, fire, blast, season, leg, bomb, shoulder, animal, •fall misc kill, seriously•, badly•, severely•, critically•, hundred, dozen ● hurt, harm, wound, cut, scar, burn


v noun parent•, member•, other•, •use, design, critic•, official•, provision, defense•, •ground, emocrat•, quota, establishment, •donation, •discrimination misc •to, strongly, strenuously, vehemently, vigorously ● oppose, protest, complain, challenge, demur, balk


v noun people, man, wife, child, woman, father, husband, mother, daughter, son, brother, girl, parent, police, night misc brutally•, accuse•, kill, torture, attempt•, whose•, allegedly• ● kill, slay, assassinate, execute, put to death, slaughter


v noun people•, other, soldier•, man, •attack, war, officer, civilian, police, •battle, thousand, •action, shooting, combat, •leg misc kill•, dead•, seriously•, mortally•, badly•, dozen, hundred ● injure, hurt, damage, mutilate || offend, upset, hurt, injure


v noun plan, player, •legislation, constitution, bill, law, team, •army, •letter, committee•, document, report, agreement, regulation, proposal misc •by, help•, military, originally•, carefully• ● recruit, conscript, call up, sign up || draw up, prepare, sketch out, outline


v noun plane•, car, wave•, wall, flight•, •ground, market•, jet•, •party, helicopter•, vehicle, •earth, airline•, •window, airplane• misc •into, •down, •through, come•, before•, •against, •onto ● collide, run into, smash into || break down, collapse, fail || boom, bang, thunder || go under, fold, collapse


v noun plant•, business•, company•, economy, species•, industry•, environment, •soil, area, bacteria•, community, organism•, •climate, •challenge, competition misc •on, survive•, continue•, •under, •without ● grow well, be healthy, flourish, bloom || flourish, prosper, boom, bloom


v noun plan•, scenario, kind, role, project, official•, ongress, possibility, sort, planner•, researcher•, •scene, founder, solution, •creation misc future, originally•, hard•, difficult•, exactly•, easily• ● imagine, envisage, foresee, predict, visualize, see


v noun pocket, mouth, hand, envelope, turkey, chicken, •face, bill, •cheese, food, clothes, tomato, rice, meat, ball misc •into, •them, •inside, •under, •full, •themselves ● fill, pack, ram, jam, stow, load


v noun power, value, role, •importance, effect, •ability, number, quality, capacity, threat, chance, influence, age, property, sense misc greatly•, significantly, gradually•, tend•, considerably ● reduce, lessen, make smaller, weaken || shrink, ebb, fade, fade away


v noun president, year, •post, week, •position, minister, •office, •fact, •job, •protest, member, secretary, director, •commission, party misc he, •from, who•, after, shall•, force•, today ● leave, leave your job, quit, walk out, give notice, hand in your notice


v noun price•, •percent, stock•, rate•, year, sales•, eagle•, •foot, temperature•, air, spirit•, popularity, profit•, level, •height misc •over, •high, •above, •through, •past, •million, continue•, •billion, •overhead, •toward ● fly, ascend, climb, wheel || rocket, climb, rise, increase


v noun problem, error, mistake, •record, •situation, •imbalance, •deficiency, surgery•, •impression, vision, step•, digit•, •injustice, failure, violation misc try•, attempt•, immediately, quickly, politically•, order•, easily•, necessary• ● rectify, fix, put right, sort out || modify, amend, alter, adjust


v noun problem•, •tide, •fact, charge•, •flow, part, effort, loss, violence, lack, difference, fear, difficulty•, interest, failure misc •from, may•, partly, largely, •directly, •primarily ● stop, staunch, curtail, halt, restrict, slow


v noun problem•, •year, rumor•, •month, pattern•, century, symptom•, pain•, condition•, •effort, feeling•, species•, trend•, task, population misc if•, long, •after, still•, •until, •despite, •throughout ● persevere, continue, keep it up, keep at || endure, live on, continue, stay


v noun process, •student, •development, •learning, •communication, change, group, program, •use, •discussion, •access, •understanding, teacher, activity, •movement misc help•, order•, •among, greatly•, effective, encourage, necessary, intend• ● make easy, ease, make possible, enable, simplify, smooth


v noun program, bill, conference, group, event, state, company, school, legislation, government, university, center, research, team, department misc •by, annual, international, jointly, cultural, regional, professional, participate, locally, •briefly, currently• ● back, support, pay for, subsidize, fund, underwrite


v noun program, process, •action, project, change, •discussion, •contact, study, •conversation, war, policy misc •by, environmental, •sustain, prior, newly•, rarely• ● start, introduce, originate, begin || instruct, induct, admit, introduce


v noun question, thought, merican, dream, prospect, trend, sleep, conscience, •critic, nightmare, allegation, observer, perception, juror, •feminist misc •by, deeply•, something, particularly•, lead•, especially• ● concern, worry, distress || bother, put out, inconvenience || make an effort, take pains, exert yourself


v noun questionnaire, program, student, survey, drug, state, group, dose, medication, service, government, teacher, patient, justice, law misc •during, each, individually, easy•, •intravenously, properly, test, easily• ● manage, direct, run, order || dispense, mete out, give out, hand out


v noun report, proposal, application, plan, budget, question, bill, bid, work, court misc to, must•, require•, written, invite•, refuse•, force•, voluntarily• ● offer, present, propose || defer to, succumb, bow to || give in, yield, accept


v noun resource, opportunity, weakness, company•, •advantage, •potential, worker, technology, •situation, •loophole, other, market, •labor, vulnerability, ability misc try•, fully•, able•, seek•, •natural, attempt•, order, poor, abuse, eager• ● use, make use of, take advantage of, utilize || take advantage of, abuse, misuse, ill-use


v noun right, policy, group•, position, program, government, •violence, education, party, role, other, view, health, leader•, organization• misc long•, strongly•, civil, support, publicly•, openly•, democratic ● support, encourage, back, promote, be in favor of, sponsor


v noun right, room, cup, seat, space, •judgment, table, area•, power, liquid, spot, juice, land, term, •admission misc usually•, special, once•, normally• ● set aside, keep, keep back, hold back || retain, put your name down for, make a reservation, book


v noun room, wall, house, tree, home, hristmas, office, table, •picture, building, •motif, cookie, pattern, light, •style misc •with, beautifully•, •colorful, elaborately•, •desire, lavishly ● beautify, adorn, ornament || paint, fix up, spruce || honor, award, garland


v noun rule•, law, regulation•, country, state, principle•, policy, system, behavior, nation, •use, body, ability•, •relationship, party misc •themselves, federal, •itself, •human, international, effectively, strict ● rule, preside over, oversee, administer, administrate, direct


v noun security, •ability, •integrity, system, •principle, safety, •quality, health, position, interest misc without•, may•, willing•, might•, seriously• ● cooperate, bargain, negotiate, meet halfway, find the middle ground, give in


v noun sentiment, voice•, word, sound•, view, •head, footstep•, theme, room, concern, comment, •ear, other, thought, •mind misc •across, hear•, •throughout, similar, empty, •inside down •hall, •hallway, •long ● reverberate, come back, rebound, resonate || repeat, reiterate, copy, endorse


v noun service, decision, judgment, verdict, image, fat, opinion, figure, court, form, •assistance, subject, animal misc •more, •useless, •obsolete, •invisible, •vulnerable, •speechless ● portray, depict, represent || melt down, reduce, condense || decide, decree, judge || provide, give, deliver


v noun show, party, •game, event, conference, dinner, city, year, meeting, tournament, club, play•, lady•, •guest, television misc •annual, •lympic, •international, special, recently• ● lay on, hold, present, introduce, put on, accommodate


v noun side, chair, camera, body, subject, ball, arm, •advantage, boat, rack, bed, screen, •cursor, tank•, sensor misc •himself, •themselves, well•, •itself, better•, •yourself, •around, carefully•, perfectly•, strategically•, •along ● put, place, locate, stand, sit, set


v noun sign, message, •record, company•, •nternet, year, •loss, information, •gain, notice, •profit, picture, •victory, guard, board misc keep•, •online, •million, •outside, •along, recently• ● send, dispatch, mail, forward || display, announce, advertise, put up


v noun sign•, od, •innocence, banner•, word, •love, gospel, church, message, •victory, leader, independence, headline, -shirt•, king misc proudly•, loudly•, publicly•, boldly•, officially• ● state publicly, announce, declare, state, make known, decree


v noun snow, table, book, hair•, box, plate, •corner, body, debt, paper, rock, food, clothes, floor, bill• misc •on, •high, •into, •against, •onto, behind, neatly up snow•, debt, keep•, begin•, body, bill•, continue•, •yard, loss, •outside ● heap, load, stack, pile up, amass, superimpose


v noun state, government•, law•, industry, power•, activity, authority•, •use, ongress•, system, drug, agency•, •behavior, •commerce, business misc •by, •under, highly•, strictly•, heavily• ● control, order, adjust, set || normalize, legalize, standardize, make conform


v noun stock•, hand, •percent, price•, •darkness, foot, knife, market, •point, •ice, earth, share, rate, •sea, temperature• misc •into, •through, •deep, •ahead, •toward down •into, •steep, •hill, cliff, •toward, air•, •darkness, highway, knife• ● thrust, throw, push || rush, jump, lurch || drop, dive, plummet


v noun store, grocery, home, mall, clothes, consumer•, supermarket, hristmas, car, customer•, town, dinner, month, •bargain, shoe misc •for, go•, when•, where•, while•, •online, downtown, •carefully, instead around •for, •price, •find, consumer•, pay•, carefully, advice• ● go shopping, buy groceries, go window-shopping, go on a spree || inform on, snitch on, grass on, blow the whistle on


v noun student, opportunity•, •environment, teacher, factor, •peer, system, individual, ability•, particle, matter, person, computer, kid, adult misc •with, •other, how•, •each, •another, learn, allow•, directly, able• ● interrelate, act together, cooperate, network, relate, intermingle


v noun student, teacher, participant•, subject•, jury, parent, judge, •staff, class, computer, employee, officer, •secretary, •reader, agent misc •return, specifically•, •perform, prepare, carefully, properly• ● teach, train, coach, tutor || command, order, charge, direct


v noun student, •scene, study, area, •room, group, teacher, •damage, merican•, university•, •landscape, analyst•, land, field, researcher misc •report, recently•, •determine, •indicate, nearly, •regarding, conduct, briefly ● examine, review, study || look at, consider, peruse || plot, map out, chart


v noun student•, school, college, •course, •program, child, •class, education, study, number, university, community, patient, undergraduate, graduate misc currently, physical, private, introductory, elementary, full-time, eligible, approximately, encourage, academic, junior, part-time, online, doctoral, gifted ● register, sign up, put your name down, join, join up, sign on


v noun study, case, research, report•, history, •change, effect, record, photograph, evidence, process, researcher•, data•, experience, activity misc able•, carefully•, thoroughly•, clearly•, previously• ● record, keep a record, detail, write down, provide evidence, give proof


v noun study, project, research, effort, task, action, activity, government, reform, program, mission misc major, economic, military, similar, •massive ● take on, assume, start, commence, embark on, carry out


v noun study•, weapon•, computer, art•, sport•, television, director, network, hour, machine, language, , honor•, •manager, radio misc nuclear, genetically, visit, please, biological, vice, program, automatically, dare, gifted, specifically, properly, abroad, broadcast, secret ● write instructions, load instructions, write software || schedule, arrange, book || train, condition, compel


v noun sugar•, water, marriage, heat, parliament, salt, acid, union, •tear, gelatin, cornstarch, yeast, partnership, cup, bowl• misc until•, stir, completely, slowly, quickly, •through, slow•, hot, gradually• ● melt, soften, liquefy || disappear, dissipate, dispel || disband, close, break up


v noun system, ability•, image, object, •information, •data, computer, level, •price, media, other, •environment, •public, process, •opinion misc by, try•, control, easily•, able•, easy• ● operate, work, use || influence, control, direct || maneuver, direct, control


v noun system, technology, school, information, program, •curriculum, •society, community, effort•, education, teacher•, study, service, •knowledge, activity misc •into, fully•, •within, successfully•, seek•, effectively• ● mix, fit in, join in || put together, mix, incorporate || open up, desegregate, combine


v noun talk, •work, negotiation, •career, play, •activity, search, operation, conversation, flight, •seat, trial•, production, class, •position misc •normal, •today, later, expect•, •nuclear, ready•, •native, return• ● recommence, start again, begin again, pick up where you left off || return, go back, reoccupy, take up again


v noun team, group, collection, part, force, piece, panel, component, •list, data, crowd•, worker•, •salad, ingredient, army misc easy•, quickly, fully•, easily, hastily• ● bring together, draw together, collect || muster, collect, meet || put together, build, make


v noun team, state, year, world, •nation, •number, student, country, list, defense, •order, fund, importance, respondent•, value misc •among, •high, •top, •second, last, •third, •behind, •near, •best, consistently• ● place, rate, grade, position, categorize, class


v noun tear, •pound, blood, •skin, •image, •weight, •clothes, •coat, •layer, •identity, cell misc •some, may•, might•, •light, hope•, able• ● molt, cast, peel, skin, slough, scale


v noun thought, moment, conversation, voice, girl•, •flow, phone, sound, call, sleep, reverie, career, cycle, silence, dinner misc •by, let•, sorry•, hate•, suddenly•, rudely•, frequently, briefly ● butt in, barge in, interject, disturb || break off, cut short, disrupt, stop


v noun time, student•, •information, •service, school, corps•, study, organization, teacher, job, parent•, clinic, participant, class, lawyer misc •participate, willing•, encourage•, contact, eagerly• ● offer, come forward, agree, step up || give, offer, tell, acquaint


v noun time, •life, attention, resource, •energy, year, effort, •hour, issue, chapter, study, section, site•, research, organization• misc •to, •more, •himself, •entire, •themselves, •exclusively, •entirely ● dedicate, give, offer, apply, bestow, assign


v noun troop, force, •raq, missile, defense, weapon, technology, bag, number, team, resource, •gulf, officer, •border, space misc military, nuclear, •along, develop•, fully• ● organize, position, arrange, install || use, employ, implement, utilize


v noun truck, water, •ass, •load, car, wood, •gear, boat, bag, •court, rope, wagon, body, freight, trailer misc •out, •up, •away, •back, •himself, before, •onto, home, •aboard, •myself off •jail, •hit, •slap, •punch, •slug, •smack, handcuff, •kick, arrest, •deck ● tow, drag, pull, lug, tug, heave


v noun voice•, powder•, point, game, mile, finger, paper•, mountain, star•, campaign•, dog, poll, park, hair, •wake misc •behind, after, along, •away, badly off voice•, she, •as, •into, word•, •silence, sentence•, laughter, •embarrassed ● follow, track, tail || tug, drag, pull || drop back, lag behind, fall behind


v noun voter, face, •degree, car, thermometer•, offender, mind, •complaint, •surprise, gun, •epublican, •course, poll, citizen, emocrat misc •vote, require•, barely•, million, fail•, insert•, officially• ● enter, list, record || enlist, enroll, sign on || disclose, show, convey || reach, touch, record


v noun water, hand, head, •finger, temperature•, •percent, •toe, brush, sun•, •egg, •chocolate, •sauce, bread, chip, mixture misc •into, •below, •low, •slightly, rise down •into, then, road•, head•, •again, •toward, sun•, nose•, •disappear, temperature• ● plunge, immerse, dunk || drop, drop down, descend || slope, incline, slant


v noun water, market, light, area, room, city, river•, street, home, face, field, rain•, •call, office, body misc •with, •into, suddenly•, rise, coastal, entire in light, come•, •through, water•, memory•, order•, offer, sunlight•, response• back come•, memory•, •into, night ● inundate, submerge, overflow, swamp, saturate, drown


v noun water, •gas, blood, heart•, •money, oil, air, •fist, arm, •iron, leg, system, adrenaline, body misc •through, •full, enough, hard up get•, •volume, all•, •price, •stock, tire, crowd, muscle, •economy, artificially• out water, blood•, amount, •enough, •sea, stomach ● drive, impel, propel, thrust || question, interrogate, cross examine, grill


v noun way, people•, child, •manner, kid, person, adult, animal, individual•, cell, gentleman, atom, •dignity, •estrogen, beast misc •like, how•, •badly, •differently, better, •toward, expect, •yourself, •themselves, •properly ● act, perform, conduct yourself, deport yourself || be good, obey the rules, do the right thing, toe the line


v noun wife, man, student, husband, •test, college, spouse, •death, •exam, •card, opportunity, marriage, •customer, athlete, •investor misc •on, lie, feel•, steal, admit•, someone•, likely• ● deceive, trick, con, swindle, defraud, bamboozle


v noun work, man, •view, •courage, artist, •beauty, •ability, quality, writer, •handiwork, •scenery, •honesty, critic, politician, visitor• misc •her, •him, much, most, always•, greatly, really• ● esteem, regard, approve, think highly of, respect, venerate


v noun year, pain, hardship, suffering, •hour, abuse, •month, •season, century, loss, •period, humiliation, love, ability•, indignity misc long, must•, force•, able•, willing•, •physical ● bear, tolerate, suffer, undergo || last, continue, go on, persist


v noun •access, •use, law•, state, right, •ability, government, •activity, •abortion, movement, •freedom, •number, area, policy•, rule• misc severely•, •certain, prohibit, largely•, permanently• ● limit, confine, put a ceiling on, curb, check, control


v noun •air, face, smile•, light•, moment, month, tree, fear•, sun•, sky, minute, screen, •crowd, grin•, pain• misc before, seem•, simply•, •without, quickly ● disappear, evaporate, fade away, peter out || be wiped out, become extinct, die out, disappear


v noun •air, •breath, life, thumb, water, •blood, mouth•, •finger, lip, baby, wind, •juice, cigarette, energy, mud misc •up, •out, •into, •down, •off, •away, •dry ● drink, slurp, lap || extract, draw, pull || pull, draw, force


v noun •attention, •respect, force, •price, army, general, troop, od•, voice, •support, officer, division, king•, authority, colonel misc •high, special•, military, top, naval ● order, direct, demand, charge || control, dominate, rule, lead


v noun •back, hand, •shoulder, •head, •arm, •pocket, •knee, •hair, face, dough, •neck, chicken•, mixture, fish, finger misc •on, •her, •his, she•, •dry, •my, rinse•, gently ● touch, slap, stroke, caress || shape, smooth, knead, flatten


v noun •balance, stomach, •cart, order, fan, •status, •equilibrium, •stability, •ecosystem misc so, •because, her, really•, little•, •over, extremely•, terribly•, visibly•, bit•, particularly•, •delicate, clearly•, deeply•, easily• ● spill, knock over, overturn || disturb, disrupt, reorder || distress, disturb, sadden


v noun •bed, hand, knee, skin, car, door, wall, ground, baby•, foot, ant•, belly, leg, body, cover misc •into, •out, •through, •over, •under, •back, •inside, •away up •leg, •back, •onto, •beside ● skulk, scuttle, creep || suck up, ingratiate yourself, flatter || creep, edge, inch || apologize, eat humble pie, eat crow


v noun •behavior, lady, •expression, •pun, •rench, •conduct, •mess, •ignorance, •brutality, •ma'am misc •me, •himself, please, •herself, •myself, •interrupt, •themselves ● forgive, pardon, acquit || explain, overlook, justify || exempt, free, relieve


v noun •behavior, process, •clay, technique, form, effect, •relationship, use, value, type, adult, performance misc •after, teach, •appropriate ● demonstrate, show, exhibit, display || sculpt, mold, form, shape


v noun •book, student•, •issue, •history, •topic, •article, information, •subject, •effect, approach•, scientist•, role, organization, technology, outcome• misc •write, thoroughly, carefully•, •indicate, extensively, teach, meticulously•, study ● investigate, study, explore, do research, delve into, examine


v noun •button, site, heel, door, •link, icon, tab, mouse, •tongue, box, camera•, file, phone, folder, lock misc •off, •on, something•, open, •away, •shut, •together, choose, select, online ● make sense, sink in, become clear || snap, tick, clack || get on, hit it off, be on the same wavelength


v noun •center, gene, toothpick•, thermometer, tube, needle, card, key, knife•, catheter, minute•, doctor•, •end, •portion, •finger misc •into, •come, •through, •register, bake•, tiny, remove, thin ● introduce, implant, inject, put in || add, include, enclose, append


v noun •chair, room, •bench, •row, •side, •couch, floor, •stool, •sofa, dinner, •kitchen, •dining, •cushion misc •next, •behind, •around, •across, dozen ● sit, place, sit down, settle || accommodate, hold, take, contain


v noun •charge, •case, •contest, eye, •misdemeanor, •help, voice, defendant•, •manslaughter, •ignorance, •mercy, official, officer•, executive•, •cause misc •guilty, •innocent, beg, later•, agree•, •lesser, •fifth, cry, •sentence, silently ● beg, beseech, implore || declare, assert, claim || defend, argue, support


v noun •corner, •bend, •curve, •base, edge, •suspect, •turn, police•, thousand, horse misc •out, •off, •third, •nearest, quickly, soon•, •sharp ● turn, circumnavigate, negotiate, skirt, pass


v noun •course, wheel, •car, •boat, •conversation, •ship, •direction, driver, control, truck, •customer, •ski, bike, •contract, captain• misc •clear, •toward, •away, •into, •through ● cox, direct, pilot || coxswain, direct, pilot || drive, handle, guide || guide, drive, pilot


v noun •crime, •sin, •murder, police, killer, priest, •love, wife, suspect•, faith, husband, guilt, •affair, •killing, •fear misc must•, •kill, finally•, force• ● admit, own up, come clean, acknowledge || declare, profess, affirm, assert


v noun •death, resolution•, •attack, •action, government, •violence, •srael, •act, right, •bombing, council•, statement•, •terrorism, leader, •raq misc strongly•, human, •die, roundly•, publicly•, widely• ● censure, denounce, criticize || rebuke, reprove, reprimand || convict, sentence, find guilty


v noun •decision, •error, •loss, •word, mistake, •choice, •vote, •lack, •limitation, •inconvenience misc that, never•, later, deeply, immediately• ● be sorry, be apologetic, apologize for, be repentant || be disappointed, be unhappy, lament, be remorseful


v noun •development, •sense, •growth, environment, •relationship, program•, •understanding, policy, attitude, teacher, skill, learning, education, •cooperation, effort• misc help•, •among, social, economic, design•, •positive, •home ● look after, care for, bring up, take in || promote, further, advance, cultivate


v noun •disease, •cancer, •problem, patient, illness, •ill, drug, doctor•, medicine•, treatment, •ailment, •diabetes, infection, •heart, •meat misc prevent, treat•, sick, completely, •ail ● heal, treat, make well, restore to health || preserve, smoke, dry, salt


v noun •ear, •camera, smile, •pride, •delight, •relief, •triumph, •anticipation, •excitement misc •at, him, back, •broadly, nod, suddenly, •sheepishly ● smile, beam, smirk, laugh, chortle, chuckle


v noun •economy, •growth, interest, •production, •development, •student, brain, cell, activity, •discussion, •research, •investment, •thinking, nerve, •demand misc •by, help•, •economic, •immune, design• ● rouse, encourage, arouse, kindle || quicken, accelerate, increase, invigorate


v noun •end, •change, •beginning, •shift, presence, •start, •willingness, •arrival, cell, light•, •return, •interest, administration, bell•, event• misc clearly•, usually•, intend, •potential, •fundamental ● communicate, indicate, suggest || gesture, gesticulate, motion || indicate, mark, herald


v noun •enemy, bill, force, army, team, effort, •purpose, vote, candidate, proposal, week, election, •insurgency, enate, party misc help•, easily•, soundly•, narrowly•, order•, decisively ● beat, overcome, overpower, overwhelm || baffle, confound, foil, frustrate


v noun •expectation, •percent, •limit, cost, •standard, level, rate, number, value, income, benefit, demand, •supply, sales•, •goal misc far•, •million, •billion, meet•, often•, expect, already•, greatly• ● go beyond, surpass, go above, go over, top, beat


v noun •feeling, mail, problem, •pile, claim, data, paper, process, box, •clothes, emotion, material, •laundry, •confusion, •fiction misc •through, able•, •itself, difficult•, •according, •various, quickly, carefully, classify, impossible• out try•, help•, problem, difficult•, •feeling, •difference, mess, able•, hard•, attempt• ● arrange, organize, classify, rank, place, sort out


v noun •fire, •operation, activity, •publication, production, hostility, rain•, movement, conversation•, attack, union•, noise•, •participation misc •exist, never•, •desist, •amaze ● stop, finish, end, come to an end, come to a close, die away


v noun •game, license, school, year, •air, •ceiling, •pay, •water, •operation, •week, player, •disbelief, season, law, decision• misc •from, •above, •between, temporarily•, •without, •indefinitely ● hang, hang up, dangle || interrupt, check, break off || postpone, put on hold, defer


v noun •glance, •look, word, information, •idea, gift, prisoner, money, •greeting, letter, •smile, •pleasantry, •data, •message, •e-mail misc •few, •vow, •quick, •brief, freely, willing• ● swap, switch, replace, trade, barter, substitute


v noun •gum, •tobacco, •lip, •food, •piece, •cud, •nail, cigar, •fat, •bit, leg misc •swallow, slowly, •spit, •off, stop•, •thoughtfully up •spit, get•, •more, dog, •shoe, sort, bullet•, enzyme, •sadness, tire ● masticate, chew up, gnaw, grind, crush, chomp


v noun •head, •fun, •hole, finger, •nose, stick, fire, face, •back, arm, door, •chest, shoulder, •ground, foot misc •at, •out, •through, •around, •into, •inside ● stab, push, prod || protrude, stick out, project || search through, nose around, look through || meddle, pry, snoop


v noun •importance, •difference, issue, study, •need, problem, map•, •role, •fact, area, article•, case•, research, •aspect, report• misc •between, important, •significant, yellow, order•, above, below, previous ● emphasize, draw attention to, underline, stress, show up, underscore


v noun •information, nternet, service, site, student•, data, •web, computer, user•, •file, resource, record, material, ability•, database misc can•, give•, •through, able•, allow•, •via, easily•, deny•, easy•, •online, difficult•, directly, enable• ● get into, gain access to, retrieve, call up, log on, read


v noun •law, state, •regulation, •requirement, •rule, order, •standard, •request, •resolution, failure•, •demand, obligation, effort•, •provision, •title misc •with, must•, fail•, fully, refuse•, require•, force• ● obey, fulfill, observe, conform, abide by, submit


v noun •life, •action, eye, tear•, •leak, trap, •surprise, door, industry•, hope•, hair•, movement•, tree, •seat, •chair misc •from, •into, •out, •mind, •open, •around, •forward, •across, ready• up •around, •all, •over, •across, •overnight, industry•, •throughout back •lightly, •life, until•, cake•, •shape ● jump, leap, bounce, pounce, launch yourself, bound


v noun •life, •country, city, house, home, •infrastructure, community, effort, •economy, system misc help•, •after, try•, plan•, repair, •shattered, completely•, quickly ● reconstruct, restructure, build, reerect || remodel, reform, overhaul, restore


v noun •life, •hope, body, arm, •side, mother, •skin, tree, •belief, •back, •power, •religion, •idea, neck, leaf misc •to, her, •tightly, desperately, •tenaciously ● clutch, grasp, hug || adhere, grip, stick || retain, maintain, hold to || latch onto, be dependent on, depend on


v noun •life, •quality, •altar, willingness•, od, animal, •health, •principle, •comfort, •safety, •freedom, •goal, benefit, individual, •performance misc willing•, •themselves, •everything, ready•, prepare• ● give up, forgo, forfeit, let go, surrender, lose


v noun •list, mixture, year, •chart, slice, sales•, salad•, plate•, bowl, •wire, glass, ice, •mark, record, tree misc •each, •million, expect•, •evenly, easily• off •by, •tank, •glass, meal, •coffee out •about, •over, •around, price•, temperature•, salary• ● outdo, surpass, beat, better, improve on, crown


v noun •moment, door, •second, •instant, •doorway, •answering, •fraction, blade misc •before, ask, answer, •nod, •briefly ● be uncertain, be indecisive, vacillate, waver || be unwilling, hang back, think twice, scruple


v noun •money, •blood, •charity, year, organ, company•, land, food, dollar, family, fund, •egg, •kidney, proceed, church misc to, •by, willing•, agree•, sell, pledge• ● give, contribute, bestow, bequeath, provide, offer


v noun •money, •phrase, •car, bank, •friend, book, government•, idea, term, dollar, fund, loan, cost, interest, rate misc •from, •against, •heavily, beg•, •steal, •directly, freely ● have a loan of, use, make use of, have access to || copy, plagiarize, derive, pirate


v noun •mother, gene, family, money, •parent, land, •property, house, •earth, problem, team, •estate, •wealth, fortune, •business misc •from, meek•, genetic, clearly•, genetically• ● receive, come into, accede to, succeed to, take over, get


v noun •murder, •crime, jury•, man, year, court, person•, defendant, •rape, •fraud, evidence, officer, •drug, •conspiracy, •manslaughter misc •sentence, later•, wrongly•, arrest•, wrongfully•, someone ● find guilty, send down, sentence, imprison, condemn, put away


v noun •need, •purpose, style, •taste, •task, •interest, environment, type, action, product•, personality, size, •situation, variety, approach misc well•, better•, perfectly, ideally•, •yourself, •against up •for, get•, player•, before, •again, night, astronaut, •head, already•, ready ● go with, match, fit, be fitting || flatter, become, show up, enhance


v noun •need, •student, change, •demand, schedule, •growth, room•, space•, •difference, •interest, •guest, •range, •request, •passenger, desire misc can•, enough•, large, design•, must•, easily•, order• ● hold, have room for, contain || house, lodge, put up || get used to, adapt, adjust || assist, help, oblige


v noun •nerve, •fear, voice, •mind, breath•, situation, traffic, effort•, sea, •anxiety, attempt•, crowd, breathing, horse, wind• misc try•, him, her, help, •himself, •herself, •myself, •yourself, relatively• down she, just, try•, now, need•, after, •little, let, until•, •bit ● pacify, calm down, quiet down, soothe, settle down, appease


v noun •od, oath, president, •secrecy, •allegiance, •truth, •testimony, office, •breath, witness, officer, •loyalty, affidavit, governor, •constitution misc , •off, solemnly•, •under, •uphold, •softly, touch ● vow, pledge, promise || curse, blaspheme, cuss || insist, maintain, claim


v noun •od, president, •ord, work, critic, •effort, teacher, leader, official•, •performance, tester•, •ability, •beauty, •skill, author misc widely•, highly•, lavishly, quick, publicly• ● admire, commend, extol, honor || glorify, honor, laud, worship


v noun •oil, water, skillet, oven, •home, pan, house, gas, saucepan, energy, •butter, stove, milk, grill, fire misc until, •through, thoroughly•, •remaining, cool, medium-high, slowly, •remove, bake•, burn up thing•, start•, begin•, •again, water, competition•, war•, debate, battle, race• ● warm, heat up, warm up, reheat, roast, boil


v noun •ongress, •other, effort•, leader, court, •judge, official, •voter, •jury, •public, campaign•, attempt•, argument, •colleague, ability• misc try•, help•, able•, hope•, finally• ● encourage, coax, influence, convince || convince, win over, sway, convert


v noun •operation, •program, committee•, agency, department, state, •project, board•, company, •development, government, service, •construction, •work, security misc who•, which•, federal, charge•, national, responsible•, •billion, financial, appoint•, •day-to-day ● supervise, superintend, manage, run, direct, watch over


v noun •opinion, right, •benefit, law, •protection, defense, painting•, share, jury, •compensation, individual•, defendant, •hearing, •privilege, •immunity misc feel•, legally•, certainly•, •legal, •vote ● enable, allow, permit, authorize || title, designate, call, dub


v noun •opportunity, •power, •control, •moment, government, property, hand, asset, police•, force, chance, troop•, •initiative, agent•, authority misc •by, •upon, suddenly•, immediately, quickly up heart, market, muscle•, leg•, after, •again, start, stomach•, body•, •fall ● take hold of, grab, grab hold of || appropriate, confiscate, take away || take control of, capture, take || arrest, capture, take into custody || take advantage of, grab, jump at


v noun •pain, tension, •burden, •transition, pressure, •restriction, •fear, door, •concern, •mind, •strain, car, •sanction, •anxiety, •traffic misc •into, •out, help•, •back, •down, try•, •onto up •little, •bit, might, •enough, regulator•, •slightly, traffic, wind• ● relieve, alleviate, reduce || slide, slip, edge || make easier, facilitate, help


v noun •pardon, •question, •forgiveness, •mercy, mother, •money, •food, •help, od, street, father, husband, sister, dad, •indulgence misc •for, •your, •differ, please, •let, •off, plead, cry•, practically• ● ask for, request, plead, solicit, supplicate, beseech


v noun •peace, •sleep, balance, sound, •neighbor, soil, •equilibrium, bird, •sediment misc emotionally•, deeply•, sorry•, nothing, mentally•, seriously• ● interrupt, distract, bother || upset, worry, bother || move, transfer, shift || spoil, mess up, unsettle


v noun •peek, •look, •glance, window, boy, •town, •cigarette, •bed, •attack, movie, bathroom, •apartment, •thief, •smoke, •peak misc •into, •out, try•, •through, •away, •back, •across ● slip, steal, creep, slink || tell tales, grass, inform, snitch


v noun •people, •death, kid, •me, •daylight, •investor, •bird, •bit, •voter, gun•, •fish, noise•, daddy, anger•, temper misc •out, •him, •away, try•, really•, little, enough off investor, •potential, enough•, •foreign, •bird, •predator, •buyer, •candidate, possibly•, •attacker ● frighten, terrify, petrify, startle, alarm, panic


v noun •point, game, •percent, •yard, •minute, rate•, •rating, week, team•, •mile, player•, growth, price•, figure, temperature• misc •about, •million, •over, •less, •across, •nearly, •carry, annual, •least ● be around, be in the region of, be more or less, be close to


v noun •presence, •change, •danger, •tension, •opportunity, moment, •movement, •mood, •fear, •trouble, ability•, animal•, thought, crowd, •excitement misc can•, •something, seem•, begin•, somehow, •behind, immediately ● detect, identify, distinguish || perceive, feel, have a feeling || intuit, guess, suspect


v noun •problem, change, •need, market, event, consequence, effect, •outcome, •growth, •arrival, •reaction, failure, •attack, challenge, •impact misc eagerly•, fail•, •future, difficult•, originally•, fully• ● do in advance, beat somebody to it, get ahead, forestall || expect, foresee, look forward to, await


v noun •problem, •issue, •question, •subject, team•, •challenge, •project, game, •task, •interception, •topic, •fumble, player•, •ground, effort• misc •tough, ready•, •difficult, serious, willing• ● undertake, begin, embark upon || confront, challenge, face || attack, block, stop


v noun •reaction, •response, event, •memory, attack, change, war, alarm, action, •release, crisis, stress, explosion, process, death misc likely•, nuclear, immune, certain, automatically• ● activate, set off, cause, generate, start, prompt


v noun •relief, shoulder, •pleasure, forehead, •resignation, •exasperation, •frustration, •satisfaction, •contentment misc •deeply, •heavily, •loudly, •herself, •wish, smile, •happily, •contentedly, •suppose ● exhale, heave a sigh, moan, groan || yearn, long, hanker, pine


v noun •rest, community, •gene, cell, virus, patient, population, society, scientist•, researcher•, effort•, bacteria, attempt•, culture, regime misc •from, feel•, socially•, increasingly•, completely• ● cut off, separate, segregate, detach, divorce, set apart


v noun •risk, •impact, •effect, •cost, •damage, way•, •problem, •loss, •chance, effort, •casualty, •amount, •exposure, strategy•, •error misc try•, help•, design•, maximize, order•, •potential, prevent, seek• ● minimalize, diminish, curtail, lessen || play down, make light of, reduce, dismiss


v noun •sales, •economy, price, •production, rate, •profit, company, •morale, •energy, •confidence, •performance, •earnings, •revenue, •productivity, •self-esteem misc •your, help•, •immune, significantly•, dramatically, substantially, greatly• ● increase, improve, enhance, boost up || encourage, support, lift, uplift


v noun •salt, •cheese, •sugar, pepper, top, mixture, •parsley, water, oil•, dish•, pan•, chicken, •sesame misc •remaining, •evenly, each, •chopped over •top, cheese, •salad, cinnamon•, mixture, •vegetable, •apple, •pasta, •batter, crumbly• ● shake over, scatter, dust, drizzle || intersperse, pepper, strew, scatter


v noun •school, •beat, •meal, heart•, •class, •step, •breakfast, •rope, •lunch, •town, •generation, •stone, •dinner, morning, •dessert misc •over, •across, •ahead, •altogether, decide• out •early, •bill, •debt, •fear, •legal, •lunch ● hop, bounce, prance || avoid, miss, cut || omit, leave out, miss out


v noun •search, interest•, •behavior, •rule, system, design, •policy, law, •environment, structure, •use, model, curriculum, •litigation, contract• misc •your, genetically•, slightly, •existing, allow, easily•, significantly ● adapt, adjust, alter, change || moderate, lessen, curb, reduce


v noun •shoulder, head, •coat, •jacket, •apology, •resignation, reply, •indifference, compliment, acknowledgement, •acquiescence misc ask•, again, •guess, merely•, simply•, •helplessly off •question, •any, •jacket, easily, •threat, •comment, •suggestion, •responsibility, •talk, •critic


v noun •strategy, stress, •problem, family, child, ability•, •situation, resource, •demand, •loss, challenge, athlete, individual, •illness, effect misc •with, how•, help•, try•, learn•, able•, better, must•, struggle•, unable•, effectively ● manage, handle, deal with, survive, hack it, get by


v noun •success, parent, bank, account, official•, •helping, •wife, •invention, coach, historian•, analyst•, observer•, column•, •mentor, eagan misc give, widely•, often•, generally• ● believe, accept, trust, have faith in || acknowledge, recognize, acclaim, pay tribute


v noun •support, •money, •hand, bank•, •credence, •name, •credibility, institution, •voice, •legitimacy, finding•, •sense, •ear, fund, •strength misc •itself, •themselves, •million, willing•, agree•, certain, easily, readily ● loan, advance, give, offer || provide, offer, give, impart


v noun •teacher, government, •investigation, •authority, •police, weather•, •prosecutor, agency, willingness•, •investigator, nation, •inspector, department, refusal•, •enforcement misc •with, fully, refuse•, agree•, willing• ● collaborate, work together, liaise, unite || oblige, accommodate, help, aid


v noun •threat, •effect, effort, •argument, attempt, charge, •attack, defense, •terrorism, •trend, •influence, epublican, •tendency, •criticism, move misc design•, •negative, seek•, effectively•, order•, necessary•, successfully• ● contradict, dispute, refute, oppose || counteract, offset, respond, frustrate


v noun •tradition, culture, •history, •experience, terrorism, •spot, •corruption, ground, tree, fan•, identity, sense, •nature, •past, value misc deeply•, firmly•, •around, deep, remain• out •corruption, •terrorist, try•, •insurgent, effort•, terrorism, •fraud, evil, aliban, •cause ● dig, grub, rootle || search, nose, rummage || cheer, shout, applaud


v noun •trail, mile, mountain, •boot, day, camping, fishing, park, hour, •rate, skirt, skiing, activity, forest, •wood misc through, bike, up, along, spend, ride, climb, hike, along, swim, outdoor, ppalachian, best, steep, backpack ● trek, ramble, walk, climb, scramble, trudge


v noun •trial, •arrival, •return, fate, •approval, •word, •result, death, •court, •sentencing, •charge, •discovery, •outcome, •execution, •instruction misc while•, eagerly•, still•, anxiously•, long• ● lie in wait for, wait on, expect, look forward to || lie ahead, be in store, be to come, loom


v noun •wagon, •globe, head, •room, •earth, planet, sun, car, •block, •table, tree, foot, hour, •base, park misc •around, other, •each, •overhead, •above, begin•, slowly ● go around, orbit, fly around, fly in a circle || encircle, surround, ring, enclose


v noun •war, government, student•, group•, •policy, •decision, •action, strike•, •innocence, demonstrator•, letter, police, activist•, worker, resident• misc •against, outside, loudly, strongly, publicly ● complain, object, gripe, remonstrate || declare, affirm, assert, insist


v noun •weapon, •rifle, •gun, •information, •knowledge, missile, •knife, •pistol, bomb, •bow, •handgun, •stick, pilot misc •with, heavily•, •only, •dangerous, better• ● equip, furnish, provide, supply, prepare, ready


v noun •window, eye, face, room, head•, wall, •corner, •hole, •screen, top, •windshield, mirror, tree, telescope, astronomer• misc •at, •into, •through, •out, •over, •around, •inside ● look, scrutinize, gaze, stare, examine, look closely


v noun •world, •nation, heart, •silence, merican, •conscience, public, audience, crime•, murder, •reader, fan, revelation, •sensibility, tone misc •by, really•, •learn, •hear, totally• ● alarm, stun, surprise || scandalize, outrage, appall || traumatize, upset, devastate

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