30.2 The Weakening of the Catholic Church

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An exemption from sin The church attempted to make money by selling Indulgences, or exemptions from punishments The indulgences were interpreted as a way of saying you could buy your way out of sinning. Many people became extremely disturbed with this practice and decided to leave the church or call for reform.

All of the burning of the stake would lead to:

Justice reform


Paying for a position of the church; it led to distrust with the church.


Someone who breaks away from the Catholic Church.

the Great Schism

The splitting of the church


a form of government in which a deity is the source from which all authority derives.

Catherine of Siena

a) 1347-1380 b) Mystic (like John of Ark who told Spain to go to war.) born in Siena, Italy c) She had a strong spiritual connection to God and had many religious experiences. d)**Pleaded for Pope Gregory XI to move the papacy back to Rome from Avignon (thus ending the Great Schism) e)She became a Saint in 1461** f) She was a bit different from John Wycliffe and Jan Hus in the way she respected the church, just wanting to change it.

Jan Hus

a) 1370-1415 b)Bohemian Priest (Modern Czech Republic) c) Studied the writings of Wycliffe. d) ***Said that Jesus was the true leader of the church, not the pope or any other human being.*** e) ***Thought bible should be offered in common language***

Desiderius Erasmus

a) 1466-1536 b) A priest from Holland c) Criticized church leaders and their hypocrisy in "Praise of Folly" d) Example: Monks living by a strict code of conduct but forgetting the gospel e) Promoted "Free Will" or a person's right to decide their eternal fate. f) Example: Someone commits a crime, they can decide to wake up the next day and become a better person. g) Later, he had to apologize and backtrack; claiming to still be catholic.

Martin Luther

a) 1483-1546 b) Born in Germany as a Catholic c) ***"Salvation through FAITH, not Good Works"*** d) Example: The people who were giving to charities were also the only people who could buy the indulgences e)Criticized the selling of "indulgences" and the funding of St. Peter's Basilica f) He thought that the church should not be spending the money on buildings g) ***Created a list of 95 THESES about complaints of the Catholic Church, while already being part of the organization*** h) He was excommunicated by Pope Leo X because of his 95 Theses i) Taught that the Bible, not the church was the true religious authority like John Wycliffe j) His ideas led to the split in the church: Protestantism

Huldrych Zwingli

a) 1484-1530 b) Catholic Priest in Switzerland c) Influenced by Luther and Erasmus d) Convinced leaders in Zurich to break from the Catholic Church. e) He is different from others because he convinced other leaders of the church to band together to break free from the church f)**"Everything must be based on the Bible"** g) Disliked worshiping Saints, images, and music in church. He thought that people were worshiping the music and the pictures, not the bible. He thought that the only things in the church should directly come from the bible.

King Henry VIII

a) 1491- 1547 b) The Pope once called him, "The Defender of the Faith" Just like Charlemagne c) In 1534 he created the Anglican Church. d) He did NOT disagree with the catholic Churches teachings. e) He broke away because the Pope wouldn't grant him a divorce from his wife. He wanted a divorce with his wife because his wives would not

William Tyndale

a) 1491-1536 b) Met with Martin Luther in Germany c) Burned at the stake just like Jan Hus d) Translates the Bible into English like Wycliff e) HIs translation becomes the King James Version (KJV) f) Most Protestants still use this version.

John Calvin

a) 1509-1564 b) French Humanist c) Moves to Switzerland, where most of the protestants were excepted. d) **He believed in "Predestination", or the belief that fate decided whether you would go to heaven or not.** e) No Good Works and No free will get you to heaven. f) Success in business and life was all because of **God's Grace** g) HIs followers were called Calvinists.

Diet of Worms

a) A meeting of government and church officials in WORMS, Germany b) Martin Luther was forced to defend his teachings at the assembly. They kind of give him a second chance letting him take back everything he says. After thinking about it, he decides he will stick to his teaching, knowing the likely consequences. c) Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V(Titian painted him a lot), declares Luther a heretic, or someone who does not believe in the churches teachings d) Luther goes into hiding to prevent being killed after the hearing. e) IT WAS TOO LATE. Even if they killed Luther the reformation would have taken place anyway. f) Martin Luther King Junior was named because while his parents were in Germany, they became inspired, and changed their names to Martin Luther King.

John Wycliffe

a) English Scholar b) Disliked the Catholic Churches taxation on England. c) ***He taught the BIBLE was the supreme religious authority, not the church*** d) ***Wycliffe bible was translated from Latin into English.*** e) 1330-1384

What factors caused the catholic church to weaken?

a) Popes became entangled in political disputes that prompted many to question the popes' authority b)The Great Schism lessened people's respect for the papacy. c) The Catholic Church sold offices in a practice called simony

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